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Choice Guide

Health & Wellbeing

August 2012 Issue 4


Thai Yoga Massage


YOUR HEALTH,YOUR CHOICE - The better informed you are, the better decisions you will make

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Choice - Contents 3

4 7 10 14 18 22 24 28 29 30 31 32 Candida the unwelcome resident The effects of toxins and chemicals on hormone health Energetic Healing - Ear Candling What Is Health Coaching - and How Can I Use It? Traditional Thai Massage The Bowen Technique - Panic attacks Lose weight with the Ayurveda powder massage Exclusive Readers Competition Need Complementary Therapy Insurance? Helping weak bones Redox Signaling Molecules Happiness a positive choice



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Choice - Health & Wellbeing GUIDE is copyright to Success Publications Ltd 2012 No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means electronically or mechanically, including photocopying without the prior permission from the Publisher. The Publisher has taken all reasonable measures to ensure the accuracy of information contained within this journal. Success Publications Ltd, 1 Granville Walk, Chadderton, Lancs, OL9 6SR Aug 12

4 Choice - Health

the unwelcome resident

Living inside our intestines is the tiny, single-cell yeast Candida albicans. Candida is a fundamental cause of many, often long-term and unexplained, health complaints, ranging from intense sugar cravings, fatigue and headaches, to thrush and chemical and food sensitivities.

andida is a normal albeit unwelcome - gut resident. It serves no purpose to humans, is usually quite harmless and exists in small numbers. In its benign, round form, Candida attaches to our intestinal lining and its growth is regulated by friendly bacteria and the immune system. But, when conditions are right, Candida grows 'mycelia', multicellular root-like strands, which penetrate the intestinal walls looking for food. Mycelia release 'phospholipase' enzymes, which damage the gut lining, creating
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inflammation and excess free radicals. Inflamed intestines create a 'leaky gut', through which undigested food particles and foreign bodies enter the bloodstream and trigger allergies and intolerances. Typical symptoms are bloating, flatulence, constipation and diarrhoea. In addition, Candida releases toxins which enter the blood stream, damaging tissues and organs. Fatigue, irritability, headaches, 'foggy' brain and poor memory may be due to toxin accumulation in the brain

and liver. Recurrent coughs, colds and asthma may also be linked to a build up of Candida toxins. Toxins may also be excreted through the skin, causing rashes and itching and exacerbating skin conditions such as eczema. Candida also multiplies and travels from the intestines to other body parts, such as the vagina, mouth, throat, nose, ears, respiratory tract and anus. Once there, Candida upsets their normal healthy balance and triggers myriad symptoms. For example, when Candida overgrows in the vagina and invades the vaginal wall, inflammation ensues, along with itching, burning and discharge. Once Candida multiplies and spreads, it is extremely difficult to eradicate.

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Why Candida overgrows
Candida overgrowth can be triggered by one factor or a combination of them. Candida thrives on sugar. Sugar is difficult to avoid, especially when 'hidden' in foods like ready-meals, sandwiches and sauces. Refined carbohydrate (white bread, pasta, rice, etc) also feeds Candida, as it rapidly breaks down to sugar during digestion. If immunity is low; due to illness, stress, insufficient sleep, emotional and mental problems; or is challenged by viruses, bacteria, parasites, allergies and excess free radicals; the body's ability to battle Candida is lowered and Candida takes advantage to flourish. Environmental chemicals (pesticides, paint, petrochemical and heavy metals) and steroids, like cortisone, also weaken immunity. Low functioning thyroid and adrenals contribute to poor immunity and are made worse by a high sugar diet. A strong immune system is essential in fighting Candida overgrowth and this requires nutritional support try a comprehensive multivitamin and mineral, with extra zinc, vitamins C and D, selenium, hibiscus and black elderberry. Antibiotics can make the difference between life or death, but over-use can create its own problems. Antibiotics destroy the friendly bacteria living in our intestines and vagina. With good bacteria levels depleted, Candida takes the opportunity to thrive and multiply. As other health conditions can cause these symptoms, it's best to check for Candida overgrowth before starting an eradication programme. A nutritional therapist can organise this. Candida re-grows, re-spreads and re-releases its toxins. Extra support may be needed to reduce numbers. Caprylic acid, grapefruit seed extract and garlic offer powerful support against yeast overgrowth. Some nutritionists also use olive leaf. Garlic also contains the active compound allicin, which supports healthy immunity. Coconut oil naturally contains caprylic acid. Friendly bacteria support intestinal lining renewal, create lactic acid (which balances intestinal pH and helps good bacteria survival), create antibiotic-like substances (which regulate Candida overgrowth), promote nutrient absorption, support normal intestine movement and stimulate immunity. Glutamine is the major nutrient for the intestinal lining and important for its growth and regeneration. Glutamine also helps reduce sugar cravings by giving fuel to the brain. Candida overgrowth can impair digestion. Digestive enzymes support food breakdown and nutrient absorption. Candida's toxins can put extra load on the liver. Artichoke, choline, taurine, methionine, N-acetyl cysteine and glutamine can help. Fibre provides bulk to faeces, which help cleanse the colon and remove dead yeast cells. Try ground flax seeds and colon cleansing herbs.

Reducing Candida overgrowth

So you think you might have Candida overgrowth? A nutritional therapist can devise a diet and supplement programme to help tackle Candida (it is unlikely Candida will totally disappear, as it's a natural gut resident). But if you choose to 'go it alone', then we've some simple tips to help you on your way.

What can be eaten?

Sugary foods are highly 'addictive' and weaning off them is tough - cravings can be intense. Until the body gets used to less sweetness and cravings lessen, there are sugar substitutes, which do not feed Candida. FOS (fructooligosaccharides) is a sweet powder that actually feeds friendly bacteria and can satisfy that sweet craving. Xylitol looks and tastes like sugar, can be used in cooking and is even tooth-friendly. Vegetables and low GI/GL fruit have their own natural sweetness. And eating protein and unrefined carbohydrates at every meal helps to reduce blood sugar swings and thus lessen cravings.

Supplementary support
Candida is stubborn to reduce and, depending on the extent of overgrowth, diet alone is not always enough. When starved, Candida reverts to its round form and can survive in a benign state for years. But, as soon as its favourite food - sugar - is eaten,

Candida 'die-of'
As Candida dies, it temporarily releases more toxins into the bloodstream. These toxins can produce symptoms of 'die-off ' Aug 12

6 Choice - Health
headache, fatigue, nausea, diarrhoea, itching and flu-like symptoms. Chlorella can help to mop up these Candida toxins and reduce these effects. If 'dieoff ' symptoms are too strong and unpleasant, reduce the diet and supplement programme until symptoms lessen. sensitivity [Itchy anus, vagina [Food intolerance, allergy [Headaches [Fatigue [Thrush (oral, vaginal) [Flatulence [Joint pain [Recurrent sore throats [Constipation, diarrhoea [Low sex drive [Itchy ears [Yeast/mould intolerance, allergy [Poor concentration [Congested sinuses squash [Ice cream, sweetened yoghurts, desserts ['Hidden' sugar: sauces, tinned fruit and vegetables, ready-made meals, sandwiches, 'junk' food [White: bread, rice, pasta, flour, crackers [Corn: flour, tortillas, pasta [Dried fruit [Sweetened cereals [Bananas, parsnips, potatoes [Alcohol (except the occasional glass of dry wine or spirits) [ Yeast-raised bread, yeast extract, Brewer's yeast, pizza base, monosodium glutamate (E621) and citric acid if yeast intolerant

Common symptoms of yeast overgrowth:

[Sugar/carbohydrate cravings [Abdominal bloating [Irritability [Chemical

Foods to avoid
[Sugar, honey, jam, syrup [Sweets, chocolate, biscuits, cakes [Fizzy drinks, fruit juice,

Foods allowed
[Low GI/GL fruit (2 portions per day maximum) [Lactose-free cow's milk, soya, rice and oat milks [Vegetables, salads [Non-sugar sweeteners (xylitol, FOS) [Fish, poultry, meat [Wholemeal: flour, pastry, pasta [Rye sourdough, soda bread [Beans, peas [Nuts, seeds (unsalted, unroasted) [Wholegrains [Tofu, tempeh, natto [Tomato juice (diluted, unsweetened, unsalted) [Yoghurt (low fat, natural, unsweetened) [Herbs [Herbal teas [Cooking and salad oils [Eggs [Oatcakes [Butter (in moderation) [Muesli (unsweetened), Kashi [Cottage cheese [Seed and nut butters [Bean sprouts [Mushrooms [Water - 1.5-2 litres per day CG Susan Mitchell For further information on Candida call Higher Nature's Nutrition Department on 0870 066 4458.
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The effects
of toxins and chemicals on hormone health

Xenoestrogens ('foreign oestrogens') are oestrogenlike chemicals usually from pesticides or plastics that have been linked to disruptions in hormones for both men and women. These endocrine (hormone) disrupting chemicals (EDCs as they are often called) are chemicals in the environment that mimic our own natural hormones.

hey are found in everything from plastics to pesticides, and the residues of hormonal medications such as the Pill and HRT, that don't break down once they pass into our water supply. Even though the government tells us EDCs are perfectly safe there is a growing body of evidence to suggest that they are not and that they have potentially damaging effects on hormonal health and health in general. In the wild, some of these problems

have been dramatic. For example, the Environment Agency (DEFRA) has found that a third of the male fish in UK rivers has become feminised and produced eggs after developing female sex organs. The increasing levels of xenoestrogens in our environment have coincided with an earlier onset of puberty. At the turn of the twentieth century the average age for puberty to begin was 15. Now some girls as young as eight are growing

breasts and pubic hair. Women with higher concentrations of certain pesticides in their bodies run a greater risk of developing oestrogen-dependent breast cancer than women with lower levels. Xenoestrogens are stored in body fat and can affect men and women differently. Overweight people tend to have higher concentrations because xenoestrogens are lipophilic which means that they love fat! There's no doubt that all of us are affected by xenoestrogens, and they may be at the root of more health problems than we know. It's no coincidence in my opinion that the huge proliferation of xenoestrogens in the last 20 years has coincided with a decrease in sperm counts Aug 12

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of 50 per cent, an increase in testicular cancer; an increased number of boys born with undescended testes and other problems with their reproductive organs, more girls than boys being born and an increase in oestrogen-dependent health problems such as breast cancer, endometriosis and fibroids. Researchers have found a connection between dioxins (a class of xenoestrogens from pesticides) and the development of endometriosis. They found that 79 per cent of female rhesus monkeys spontaneously developed endometriosis after being fed food containing dioxin. Dioxins can be found almost everywhere, not only in the food we eat but also in many products we use on a daily basis, such as the material used for tea bags and sanitary products. Last year two companies had to remove their cod liver oil capsules from the shelves because of the high levels of dioxins found in them. In the sea, fish accumulate toxins, which pass through their livers (the organ responsible for detoxification). Extracting the oil from the liver of the fish is likely to provide high quantities of these toxins. saturated fats. There are two reasons for this. First of all, you will lay down fat stores that will present a welcome home for xenoestrogens, and secondly, the fat you take in is likely to contain xenoestrogens from the animal's environment. [Do not heat food in plastic especially in a microwave oven. [Increase your intake of fibre, which helps to prevent the absorption of oestrogenic chemicals into your bloodstream. [Eat more cruciferous vegetables, such as broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage and cauliflower. These are high in a substance call 'indole-3-carbinol', which helps to prevent toxic oestrogen from being absorbed in your body, while at the same time encouraging its elimination. [It is especially important to make sure you are getting enough antioxidants in your diet, and the best way to do this is to eat lots of antioxidant rich fruit and vegetables. Antioxidants are protective substances that patrol your body, mopping up toxins. Research has shown how powerful they can be in the removal of toxins from the body. For instance, the antioxidants vitamin A, E, and C and zinc and selenium all have powerful detoxifying effects. [Eat a wide variety of fruit and vegetables as specific pesticides are used for specific crops and you'll avoid eating too much of a given pesticide. [Eat phytoestrogens, found in foods such as soya, chickpeas and lentils, which can reduce the toxic forms of oestrogen in your body. [Avoid using pesticides in the garden and flea sprays for pets.

Other examples of xenoestrogens are:

Nonylphenols - used in the manufacture of plastics, skin creams, detergents, toiletries, lubricants and spermicides Bisphenols - leached from polycarbonate plastics when heated Phthalates - found in make-up, nail polish, hair spray, plastic, carpets.

What can you do to help yourself?

[There are 3,900 brands of insecticide, herbicide and fungicide which are approved for use in the UK and some fruit and vegetables are sprayed as many as 10 times before they reach the supermarket shelves. What's the answer? Buy as much organic as you can afford. If not, then wash and peel non-organic fruit and vegetables before using. [Avoid, as far as possible, food and drinks in plastic containers or wrapped in plastic. Don't store any fatty foods (such as cheese or meat) in plastic wrap. Because xenoestrogens are lipophilic (fat-loving) they will tend to migrate into foods with a high fat content. Remove food from plastic packaging as soon as possible. [Reduce your intake of

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Choice - Health 9

Are you looking for optimum health?

Redox Signaling molecules. Your own body makes them, every minute of every day. But as we get older, our bodies get less efficient at the process. In fact, while very young children operate at nearly 100% efficiency in what scientists call the healing response, a 70 year-old is operating at only 10% efficiency. Thats ageing, right there. Reduction in efficiency in the healing response. The answer? The worlds only Redox Signaling supplement: ASEA. Do the maths: *Ageing = The bodys decreasing ability to protect, repair, and replace its cells *Redox Signaling molecules = The key to efficiently protecting, repairing, and replacing cells *ASEA = The worlds first and only Redox Signaling supplement ASEA is having an amazing impact on people's lives, from elite endurance athletes who want to achieve better performance to people who would like to have a better quality of life. The truth is that ASEA can benefit everyone's health.

The key to protecting, repairing, and replacing cells is a specialized set of molecules

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[Buy 'natural' cleaning products for your home, to reduce the number of potentially xenoestrogenic chemicals in your household. [Use natural toiletries, e.g., organic sanitary products, deodorants and skin creams - in particular, anything that is rubbed into your skin especially around your breast. More than 70,000 synthetic chemicals are used commercially and it is estimated that an average women uses 12 toiletries every day and applies more than 175 chemical compounds to her body in the process. We are surrounded with chemicals that we use every day on our skin and hair, in our homes and work places, yet nobody knows the potentially harmful chemical cocktail effect

these chemicals might have when combined together over a period of time. The skin is one of the most absorbent and porous materials in the world, and will absorb into the body anything that is put on it. That is why nicotine and HRT patches work so well through the skin. Also, this becomes even more important when we think of babies and children and the effect these chemicals might have on them. [Other research has raised

questions about the safety of cling film made of a type of plastic called polyvinyl chloride (PVC). Use cling film made of polyethylene or use grease proof paper instead. As inhabitants of an industrialised world we are being constantly bombarded by chemicals and it is not possible to control all of them, but think about those which you can reduce or eliminate your exposure to. CG

Dr Marilyn Glenville PhD is the UK's leading nutritionist specialising in womens health. For more in depth information look on Marilyn's website If you are interested in a consultation you can contact Dr Glenville's clinic on 0870 5329244 or by email: Aug 12

10 Choice - Medical

Energetic Healing Ear Candling

It is a fact that we are energetic beings with a body, not a body with 'some non-material aspects' to it. This energy, the human energy field, contains and reflects each individual's energy. This is as it is and your energy field has been created by all your personal experiences, starting from much farther back than we generally are keen to acknowledge. It is this force that shapes and influences the physical tissue within the body as, at every moment, this energy creates the tissues.

xperiences that carry emotional energy include: past and present relationships, both personal and professional; profound or traumatic experiences and memories; and belief patterns and attitudes, including all spiritual and superstitious beliefs. The emotions from these experiences
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become encoded in the biological systems and contribute to the formation of cell tissue, which then generates a quality of energy that reflects those emotions. Neurobiologist Dr Candace Pert has proven that neuropeptides - the chemicals triggered by emotions - are thoughts converted into matter. Our emotions reside physically in

our bodies and interact with our cells and tissues. In fact, Dr Pert can no longer separate the mind from the body, she says, because the same kind of cells that manufacture and receive emotional chemistry in the brain are present throughout the body. Sometimes the body responds emotionally and manufactures emotional chemicals even before the brain has registered a problem. All our thoughts first appear as energy. The thoughts which all carry emotional, mental, psychological, or spiritual energy produce biological responses that are then shaping the form and function of the tissues. In this way, these energies are being stored in our cellular memory. No information is ever lost, and it is all written down in

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the state of balance the cells, the organs and the whole physical body appears in. For any kind of therapy to succeed, the patient must have an internal concept of power, an ability to generate internal energy, such as a belief in his/her self-sufficiency. Power is at the root of the human experience and it is at the root of all healing. Our attitudes and belief patterns, whether positive or negative, are all extensions of how we define, use, or do not use power. Many people who lose something that represents power to them - money, or a job; or a game - or who lose someone in whom their sense of self or power is vested - a spouse or lover, a parent or child - develop a disease. Our relationship to power is at the core of our health. Healing and curing are not the same thing. Briefly, a 'cure' means that one has successfully controlled the progression of an illness. Curing a physical disease does not necessarily mean that the emotional and psychological (energetic) reasons for the illness have been removed, which means that the illness, in some form or another, will progress and the symptoms of illness will return. The process of curing is entirely passive and external (it happens around you). Healing, on the other hand, is a very active and internal process. It involves an insight into your own attitudes, memories and beliefs and a deep desire to release all the patterns that no longer serve your balance of health. Conventional medicine has a very passive attitude towards power. The treatments do not require a conscious participation on the part of the patient, beyond the co-operation of actually taking the tablets. When a person is passive, he/she cannot fully heal. There may be a recovery, but no healing can take place, as there is no active change in the field that has expressed itself in this particular biological way, the specific disease. In other words, the source of the physical disease, that which created it in the first place - personal energy - has not changed. In the long term, that can only be changed by the person who has the power and the insight, and that is, whether you like it or not, yourself. Making a difference in your energy field will change the bodily tissues. This can be a fleeting change or, if we repeat it and hold on to the change, it can permanently alter the way the body, the organs, the cells, look and function. Therefore, all traditional therapies are aiming to bring about an alteration in the energy field and are inviting the person to make it a permanent one. Unfortunately, because people are well trained in their passive role in the curing of their illnesses in the western world, they tend to sit back and let it happen. As a result, they have been everywhere, tried everything and nothing works. Many therapies are, in fact, being blocked almost before 'they get to us'. Doomed to fail. Some of the natural healing methods seem to have been picked for their immediate impact, such as vomiting, hallucinogenic substances, rhythmic drumming and fire. You cannot help being affected by these kinds of therapies but, indeed, in the long run it remains up to the individual to decide whether or not they will allow change to become permanent.

Now, let's ask ourselves what kind of difference fire makes?

Fire warms things, dries things and makes things lighter. When we make a fire, we can warm ourselves and dry our clothes. But we also know that it evaporates water; it makes it lighter. Equally, it turns the heavy wood or coal into very light dust. Fire produces heat, dryness and lightness. Heat means that things are less cold. Heat is also energy; that means that extra heat makes things more energetic, run smoother and better. Dryness means that things are less wet. Less water. Water evaporates when adding heat to it. Lightness means that things are less heavy. This happens when water evaporates but all else will also become lighter. Ear candling is such a traditional way of delivering extra heat through the use of fire, in this case by burning a hollow candle placed in the ear.

What are some of the health beneficial effects that we have observed from ear candling?
We get less congested, less mucus, even less lymphatic oedema. We have more energy, more immune resistance, a better circulation. We feel better, lighter, less depressed. These changes are brought about in the 'air' within which the candle Aug 12

12 Choice - Medical
Energy field All of these changes happen instantaneously. This can only be explained because every singular structure within the body structure is getting the message at the same time and responding accordingly. That is why there is always perfect coordination. Biologists have found that little antennae on the cell's surface are responsible for picking up 'the vibrations' of the environment. In other words, every cell of your body is listening out for energetic changes in its environment, in the organ's environment, in the body's environment. But there is one last little piece in this particular puzzle, and we are going to need it if we want to even begin to understand the seen effects of ear candling and healing in general, and that is, that it has been established that these antennae are not all sticking out all of the time. The cell can retract the antennae inside the cellular membrane.

burns. These changes occur in the aura, in the energy field of the person, and from there the changed energy field is expressed in the material world. Hence, the body changes too and does so from one moment to the next! All bodily functions are an immediate expression of the interactions within its energy field. No changes in the physical can happen without the changes having occurred in the energy field first. The body can only materially express what is already there energetically. We are an energy field and ear candling changes it by adding heat to that field. We also know that every piece of matter lies at the centre of its own energy field. The body is the centre of our energy field but, at the same time, every piece of our body, every cell, lies at the centre of its energy field. The body's field can be seen as an association of cellular fields. All cellular fields together make up the body's field. So, when the fire changes
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the human energy field, it essentially does that by having an impact on all the cellular fields at once. But how does a cell know what is going on inside its energy field or, more precisely, inside the energy field of the whole body? Candace Pert's research showed that every cell in the body produces the chemicals corresponding with the mood you are in. So, at any given moment in time, every cell in the body knows what you are feeling and it reacts to it. Its function is adjusted to your mood and guided by it. And this is why, when you are happy and contented and the phone rings and a voice says, "Your mother has just died!", you instantly change to feeling extremely sad. Not only that, but your gut stops digesting, your breathing becomes shallow and fast, your blood pressure increases, your pulse rate increases, the tension in your muscles increases, your eyes fill up with water, and so on.

Why would a cell not want to know absolutely everything that goes on in the world around it?
Well, the truth is that there is too much. Also, some of it could be very dangerous and is better ignored and shut away than responded too. We should know that that works pretty similar for us as a whole. Have you never listened to a conversation and afterwards someone talks about it but you seemed not to have heard the same things they have heard? It was there, but your registration of it was totally different. The cell does something similar by choosing

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not to 'record' some things or to record stuff in a particular way. Who makes that decision? Well, it turns out you do. The brain plays a significant part in choosing what to ignore and what to register. The brain is the main tool the ego has. This is where you label things with 'like it', 'hate it', 'must avoid', 'stupid', and so on. These are some of the choices you make. If you believe something to be stupid, you no longer listen to it. You retreat. You determine what the cells of your body will listen out for and what they won't hear. You determine which antennae are out and which ones are not available. Of course, these decisions change from moment to moment under different circumstances but as they are mainly based on previous experiences, some decisions we stick to for an awful long time. What you believe determines what you are going to listen out for in your environment. Life presents itself to you in the form of what you believe it should look like. Whatever you believe is what you are going to experience. I am talking here about whatever belief is anchored in your heart, in the true 'you'. You see the world as you believe it to be, and so you can alter whatever influence a therapy, for instance, is aiming to have on you. However, and this is the real beauty, an ear candle always does the same thing to you. It warms you up; it dries you out; it lightens you up. If you choose to reverse those changes afterwards and, for instance, put the congestion back, then you certainly can do that. That way you can 'prove' the therapy does not work. Ear candling always delivers heat, dryness and lightness to the system, because it changes the energy field of the person receiving it directly. The qualities are direct changes made to that part of the person's energy field and therefore to their tissues. The truth is that you do not have to believe in ear candling before it delivers its beneficial effects to you. You only decide whether or not you want to hold on to those effects or not, but you are always receiving them. All of the effects, not just the ones you 'like', and that is because ear candling acts upon the human energy field itself without the interference of other factors like the person delivering the therapy. For that reason, it is a powerful energetic healing tool. However, I advise you to learn to use it properly and to familiarise yourself with both the way energy creates our reality as well as how ear candles can help us to make the necessary changes for us to regain our health. CG By Patrick Quanten MD

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14 Choice - Medical

What Is Health Coaching - and How Can I Use It?

Health Coaching is a synthesis of the philosophy and practices of life coaching with healthcare, to assist clients to attain greater wellbeing. Therapists from all disciplines can utilise the coaching principles and questions introduced in this article to bring insights and a wellness focus into client relationships.
therapies, it can be supplemented by coaching. 2) Health Education - Providing health information to motivate people to change their habits. While it is certainly valuable, health information can be overwhelming, and doesn't always encourage clients to change - especially when fear is used as motivation! Coaching can help by giving clients a sense of responsibility and support to make lifestyle changes.

ife coaching developed in the USA, in the early 1990s, to help people achieve more from their careers, businesses and personal lives. Despite its growth, coaching has only recently started being used within healthcare. Perhaps this is partly due to the popularly-held beliefs that illness is a mistake of the body, and that doctors, rather then ourselves, are responsible for our health. There has also been, until recently, little awareness of the crucial impact of our thoughts and beliefs on our health. Yet therapy and coaching fit naturally together, especially when we adopt the perspective that the body doesn't make mistakes. META-Medicine, an advanced biopsychosocial system of health understanding, shows how all health issues are
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meaningful reactions to a stressful event - and this means we can take control to change them.

What Health Coaching Isn't - Two Traditional Health Models

Coaching is very different to two well-known health approaches: 1) Prescribe and Treat - The conventional medical model, in which the healthcare provider knows more about the client's problem than the client does. While experienced healthcare providers may know exactly what a client needs, this approach doesn't ensure compliance and can be disempowering for the client. When this approach is necessary, even in complementary and alternative

What Health Coaching Is - An Empowering Approach

Coaching is based on the premise that everyone has the inner potential to overcome their barriers and achieve their goals. A health coach is a partner who guides the client through the maze of healthcare choices, and helps them to overcome hurdles, particularly self-limiting beliefs, that arise on the path to wellness. Because coaching is client-focused and flexible, it can be used with people who simply

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want a healthier lifestyle, as well as those with serious or chronic health conditions. It can also be combined with the treatment and education approaches above. Any therapist, however short or infrequent your appointments are, can make use of the coaching model. Seeing clients regularly over a certain period of time (usually 3-6 months) enables rapport, trust and openness to develop. However, even in one or two sessions, you can utilise the first three of the core coaching principles below.

Four core features of coaching

[ A focus on positive future outcomes: thinking about solutions instead of problems. In the health context, this means focusing on achieving wellness rather than overcoming illness. [ Self-empowerment and selfresponsibility: encouraging the individual to maintain control of their results. [ Actively listening to the client. [ Providing ongoing support.

Why Take a Health Coaching Approach?

Benefits for therapists Have you ever given a treatment and not known how successful it was because the client didn't come back? Or had clients who expect a quick fix for a long-term problem? These situations can be extremely frustrating. Setting a broader framework through coaching may help. Coaching involves commitment to more than a one-off treatment: even within a short timescale, a client Aug 12

16 Choice - Medical
could be encouraged to set future actions and arrange a brief follow-up conversation to ensure continued progress. If you have a course of appointments, this enables rapport to develop, and for you to uncover clients' core blocking beliefs. It's been discovered in cuttingedge fields of bio-informational and epigenetic medicine that our thoughts and beliefs are programming our cells at a DNA level. Therefore, helping someone change their beliefs from self-limiting to positive will have an effect not just on psychology, but also physiology. META-Medicine takes this understanding even further. (even uncomfortable 'comfort zones', like illness, are familiar territory); and [ if the partnership is longerterm, it will see them through relapses of behaviour and old habits. as work, home life, relationships, nutrition, exercise and relaxation, to move towards your goals? [ How can you increase your wellness in everyday actions such as eating,sleeping, breathing, feeling, thinking and communicating?

How to Get Started Coaching Questions to Use with Your Clients

If a more active coaching focus is appropriate in your work, try experimenting with these questions.

Making a Commitment to Action

[ What will you do by our next appointment? How will you measure your achievement? [ What three things can you do to overcome any barriers to taking these actions? [ How can you increase your commitment to taking these actions?

Setting WellnessFocused Goals

[ What does being well really mean to you? What will you feel, hear, and see when you achieve wellness? [ What do you want to achieve within the next 3, 6 or 12 months in your health andwellness? [ What can you do to make sure that your goals are: Specific? Measurable? Realistic? Achievable? Motivating?

Benefits for clients

From a client perspective, having a partnership devoted to their success can be both empowering and supportive. It: [ increases awareness of the importance of self-responsibility for healing; [ enables the client to set goals and take action; [ maintains motivation through accountability - knowing you'll check on their progress! [ provides support for overcoming barriers and getting out of their comfort zone

How We Work - METAMedicine Diagnosis and Therapy within a Coaching Framework

META-Medicine provides an understanding of clients' health issues at every level: mind; emotions; body; spirit; social interaction; and environment. Once we understand the meaning and cause of a health issue, then we are in a position to help a client to overcome it. The goal-based and supportive ethos of coaching provides our framework. Step 1: META-Medicine Diagnosis META-Medicine enables us to pinpoint the specific cause and meaning of a client's symptoms, and the emotional patterns underlying them. For example, as our earlier articles explain, we know that eczema is the healing phase of a separation shock: a

Generating Options
[ What actions could you take to move you closer to your goals? [ What changes could you make in different life areas, such

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Aug 12

Choice - Medical 17
traumatic feeling of disconnection from a loved one. The meaning of the skin reaction is during the preceding stress phase, when the skin desensitises to enable the individual to overcome the shock. The eczema is a symptom of regeneration. cause of an issue, we co-create a plan for healing. This covers all aspects of a client's experience: physical body, mind and emotions, spirit, social interaction and environmental changes. The last two areas particularly lend themselves to coaching: changes must be realistic and achievable, yet powerful enough for the client to overcome their triggers. For example, with a cystitis issue, the client may benefit from support in setting boundaries with others. Step 3: Integrating Therapy and Coaching Because META-Medicine explains the importance of beliefs to health, our work focuses primarily on changing mental and emotional patterns. We use approaches such as EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques), NLP (NeuroLinguistic Programming), Time Line Therapy and brainwave entrainment, and refer clients to other professionals for therapies such as acupuncture, homoeopathy and nutritional therapy. limiting beliefs; [ set goals and actions; [ understand the barriers to healing, and create strategies for overcoming them. We've had experience using this integrative approach to help clients to not only overcome problems, such as chronic musculoskeletal issues, anxiety and depression, but also to increase their wellbeing at all levels. We believe that through integrating the key principles of a positive focus, client empowerment and ongoing support, clients are inspired to achieve wellness, rather than simply alleviating symptoms. CG Authors Robert Waghmare and Joanne Ross are METAMedicine Health Coaches and Master Trainers. They run regular two-day Introductory Workshops in META-Medicine, which cover the meanings of common health issues, how to create a META-Health plan and how to do root-cause diagnosis. They've trained therapists from a wide range of disciplines including homeopathy, acupuncture, holistic therapies, counselling and modern medicine.

A META-Medicine diagnosis aims to uncover:

[ the specific emotional pattern behind a health issue; [ the shock or traumatic event that led to it; [ where the client is within the healing process; [ the triggers within the client's life that cause the issue to recur. During a diagnostic session, our approach is coaching and question-based. It's the client who has the answers - only they know the stressful situations in their life and how they thought and felt. While the METAMedicine models guide us in the right direction, META-Medicine diagnosis is essentially an enquiry process, as each client's specific experience is different. For example, cystitis is defined in META-Medicine as a territory-marking conflict: an inability to establish and maintain boundaries. With two clients with cystitis, one was caused by an argument with a housemate, while the other's started when she left her husband, moved out of their house and didn't feel at home in rented accommodation. Step 2: META-Health Planning Once we've identified the root

Alongside therapeutic work, coaching helps clients to:

[ change their focus from illness to wellness; [ overcome disempowering and

The META-Medicine Health Coach Training integrates META-Medicine diagnostics with health coaching and gives you qualified Health Coach status. To find out more, including further articles and a free newsletter, visit or call Robert or Joanne on 0845 838 6787. Aug 12

18 Choice - Therapies

Traditional Thai Massage

Traditional Thai Massage is often referred to as Thai Massage, Thai Bodywork, Thai Yoga Massage or applied yoga for lazy people.
thai Massage session has more ingredients than a yoga workout blending exquisite Asian techniques including thumb pressure similar to Chinese acupressure which works along energy lines similar to meridians or nadis. By thumb pressing along these sen lines, as they are known in Thailand, blockages are released creating a free flow of energy and prana throughout the body. Another important part of Thai Massage is the Buddhist and spiritual influence. Students are encouraged to recite a short prayer silently in pali (the
Aug 12

Buddhist language) before commencing the massage to focus and quieten their mind. Thai massage reflects the four divine states of mind of Buddhist teaching: loving kindness, compassion, vicarious joy and equanimity. A Thai Massage given with 'metta' (loving kindness) is essential.

Many yoga postures may be included in a Thai Massage. The dynamics of Thai Massage are very similar to Ashtanga yoga the Vinyasa linking and flow from one asana to another. The use of bodyweight, correct body

mechanics and rhythm is essential for performing a good Thai Massage. It is like a yoga dance and a meditative experience for both the client and practitioner. More yoga teachers are enjoying learning the art of Thai Massage and experiencing the benefits for themselves. Clients are able to go deeper into a posture when assisted by a Thai Massage practitioner enhancing their flexibility and encouraging deep relaxation in each pose. Ashtanga yoga can greatly improve the flow and rhythm of a Thai Massage Practitioner. Iyengar yoga can also help a practitioner feel how far to take a

Choice - Therapies 19

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client into a posture. This is indeed an art, working slowly with mindfulness and watching facial reactions will help the practitioner to feel the point of resistance and maximum stretch for the limbs.

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Thai Massage has many benefits and is suitable for people of all ages irrespective of their level of flexibility. Sports people, Yoga, Pilates and Tai Chi teachers, physiotherapists, health practitioners and those with no previous experience all love the benefits of giving and receiving Thai Massage. It works very deeply on an emotional level and also has a profound effect on a physical level. It is very good for back pain, sciatica, shoulder and neck pain. The numerous slow stretching movements free the tension held within the body. They increase flexibility, relax and elongate tense muscles, mobilise and open joints, thus energising and nourishing the client by allowing the prana to flow more freely around the whole body. Thai massage relieves aches, pain and stiffness, stimulates and improves the range and freedom of movement and coordination.

The stretching movements affect the entire body by releasing both deep and superficial tension and re-educating the client into a better alignment and improved posture. Thai massage also soothes the nervous system, and has a positive and calming effect on the mind inducing deep relaxation. The circulation of blood and lymph is improved. Internal organs and the immune system are stimulated. This transformative therapy produces a powerful feeling of wellbeing, restoring inner balance and equilibrium.

Thai massage session

A session can last for 1 or 2 hours depending on each client's varying needs and abilities. It is a very intuitive massage which is carried out clothed on a futon mattress. The client lies on their back (supine) position and, before commencing, the practitioner recites a short prayer. Relaxation techniques of palm walking are then applied to the feet and legs, allowing both practitioner and client to become acquainted with each other's energies and to establish a rhythm which creates

a key foundation to the massage. This rhythm is very important for soothing the client's nervous system. Various thumb presses similar to reflexology are used on the feet to ground and balance the client's energy before commencing to work on the energy lines of the legs. Palming techniques are then followed by slow moving thumb pressure to release blocked energy along the sen lines. A series of slow powerful stretching movements are performed on the legs to stretch the hamstrings, to create mobility in the hips, elongate the muscles and improve circulation throughout the body. Palm pressure, gentle rhythmic rocking and soothing massage techniques are used for relaxation in between the dynamic yogic postures. A relaxing massage is then carried out on the stomach and internal organs. The practitioner then works the energy lines of the arms, moving on to the chest, with maybe some shoulder stretches in this position. A soothing face massage may also be performed. The practitioner may then further open the shoulder and pelvic area with some more stretching Aug 12

20 Choice - Therapies
movements while the client is side-lying. Then with the client lying on their stomach (prone), various leg stretches and palming and thumbing the energy lines of the back are performed. The client is then placed into the sitting position which focuses mainly on the spine, shoulders and posture. Each movement is carried out in a continuous flow.

Also known as Kidney Stretch in Thai Massage as the knees are stimulating the kidneys reflexes on the feet whilst creating flexibility in the spine and back muscles.

Shoulder Stand to Plough

Stretches hamstrings, lower back and improves flexibility of spine improving energy flow in sen lines. Balances the thyroid gland and good for varicose veins. Plough is beneficial for neck, shoulders and thoracic area.

Classic yoga pose - backward bend. Muscles of the back and abdomen are toned, stretched and strengthened. Increases flexibility in the spine, improving energy flow in the sen lines and opening the vertebrae, especially the thoracic area. Opens the chest area and improves shoulder mobility.

Good for hip mobility, sciatica. Stretches quadriceps and abdominal muscles. Strengthens muscles of the back

Ten Thai Massage Asanas Butterfly

Also known as the Frog Jump in Thai Massage. Good stretch for hips, back, hamstrings, gluteus maximus and abductor muscles.

Head to Knees
A classic forward bend counterpose to backward bends. Stretches back and hamstrings and improves flexibility of spine and energy flow in sen lines.

Cross Leg to Sitting

An excellent way to bring the client into sitting posture and counterpose to the cobra and backward bends. Relaxes the back and spine.

Forward Bend
Another classic yoga asana, again counterpose to backward bends. For variation, legs can be outstretched. Releases blockages along sen lines and eases back. Good for the nervous system.

Spinal Twist
Excellent for improving flexibility of the spine. Eases lower back tension. CG

Ride Horse
Stretches the hamstrings and gluteus maximus muscles. Eases the lower back and sciatica.
Aug 12

For further information and syllabus please contact Christine: email: tel: 07903 373963 or visit the website

Choice - Therapies 21
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22 Choice - Therapies

The Bowen Technique

Panic attacks
Most of us are well aware of the intricate and deeply linked connections between the mind, body and spirit in the human being. Each of our 'systems' supports and expresses issues and events that are happening in the other - for good and for ill.

ut when we feel waves of delight or excitement in relation to something wonderful happening in our lives, we don't feel we need to seek therapeutic intervention for it! This, of course, is not the case when we are struggling with the upsetting, alarming and seemingly inexplicable symptoms of panic that are the body/mind's response to a trauma of some sort. The Bowen Technique is thought of mainly as a therapy that deals with the aches, pains and injuries of the body, but it also has a remarkable ability to deal with the emotional level in its gentle non-intrusive way. Just recently, 16-year-old Annie was brought for Bowen treatment because of a history of panic attacks that were now

impacting on her life very significantly. The first signs of any panic responses from her began 10 years previously when, as a little girl of six, she had broken her arm at the elbow and was in hospital for six days immediately after the break and then later for two further days to remove a plate. For about a year after those experiences, she 'woke' screaming with night terrors and began sleepwalking. (Night terrors can occur in children usually between the ages of three and eight and they seem to be caused by unresolved psychological conflicts, traumatic events or fatigue. They are characterised by episodes of abrupt awakening, usually with a panicky scream, and accompanied by intense anxiety, confusion, agitation,

disorientation, unresponsiveness, marked motor movements, and total amnesia concerning the event.) Annie's recent history (last few years) was of frequent panic attacks, characterised by heart rate increase and a feeling of terror rising up from stomach to head. She was also suffering from a number of phobias, such as the dark, crowded places and claustrophobia. She was having trouble staying at school for more than a few hours at a time without at least a small panic attack and when she had major ones (at least once a week) she would have to be picked up and taken home. In addition, her sleep was constantly disturbed and she had trouble dropping off to sleep. She had, of course, been

Aug 12

Choice - Therapies 23
taken to her doctor a few years earlier and her mother told me that the doctor had said that the NHS couldn't do anything for Annie until she turned 18, so "go away"! Hard to believe, but that is what was reported. In the meantime, Annie had connected with a counsellor and had been seeing him once a fortnight for some months before her first Bowen treatment. Other interesting things to note: Annie reported that she virtually never drank any water if she could avoid it, as she disliked it. She was also eating up to four packets of crisps per day and used artificial sweetener for anything she wanted to sweeten. After her first treatment (in late September), the most noticeable response to Bowen was that Annie's aversion to water changed dramatically: she was immediately very thirsty and drinking tons of water completely off her own bat. Her sleeping patterns also changed quickly and she was going to bed earlier and sleeping well. She had some small panic attacks in the week after her first Bowen and a longer lasting one was not as intense. After treatment number two, she was definitely seeing a big change with many more panic free days and being able to do more with friends and family outside the house and was remaining in school more. This pattern of good improvement carried on week by week with only a few regressive wobbles that were not too serious. Annie had seven treatments between late September and the very end of November and will now only return if she has any relapses or feels the need to ward any shaky feelings off. And Annie is a changed girl: she is staying at school all day with no problem, is a regular at band practice, is able to go out to shops and to lunch with friends, and is still voluntarily drinking plenty of water, sleeping well and hasn't touched crisps in weeks! Annie's experience provides a good example of how Bowen can work at energetic and emotional levels. A great many of the moves in Bowen do go over acupuncture points on meridian lines and seems to be able to break some of the distressing mind/body links that result in such things as panic attacks and other emotional disturbances such as phobias. Also, we know that Bowen often makes people thirsty when they are not drinking enough, and this was a big feature of Annie's response. Some dehydration was likely involved with her lack of wellbeing, in addition to the chemicals and salt that came with her diet of crisps. When she first came for Bowen, Annie asked me not to shut the treatment room door during her Bowen sessions (even though her mother was always in the room throughout the treatments). At the final Bowen appointment, she didn't even notice that, out of habit, I had closed the door. CG

Janie Godfrey is a Bowen Technique practitioner in Frome and has been in practice since 1999. She also works part time at the European College of Bowen Studies office. For further information or a full course prospectus: European College of Bowen Studies, Head Office, 38 Portway, FROME, BA11 1QU Tel: 01373 461 873 Email: info@thebowentechnique Web:
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Further information: Turning Point Training, 79c South Street, South Molton, Devon EX36 4AG. Tel: 01769 579079 Web: email: Aug 12

24 Choice - Therapies

Lose weight with the Ayurveda powder massage

The word 'Udvartana' is largely used for the most famous body treatment in Ayurveda to lose weight. However, if we refer to the classics of Ayurveda we find different types of Udvartana mentioned, which are classified according to their action on the body and the result the Ayurveda physician would like to achieve.

lso there is a big misconception that Udvartana is only used as a treatment to lose weight, whereas Sushruta (Father of Ayurvedic Surgery), divides the Ayurvedic powder massages into three parts:'Utsadana', 'Udgharshana' and 'Udvartana'.
Aug 12

Utsadana - Here different oils and powders are mixed together to form a paste and are rubbed all over the body. These herbal powders and oils exfoliate and enhance the complexion and glow of the skin, and are highly rejuvenating. Udgharshana - This is a

treatment where only powders which are dry and rough in nature are rubbed all over the body to induce the same qualities and remove the excess water and earth element (KAPHA). It is mostly used in obesity and diabetic cases. Udvartana - According to Sushrata, this is a body-toning programme, with application of a combination of prescribed herbal powder and oil on the entire body. It is used in the treatment to reduce fat and strengthen the body, at the same time taking care that the body does not become too rough and dry in the

Choice - Therapies 25
whole process. So as you see, according to Sushruta, 'Udvartana' and 'Utsadana' are the same treatments where herbal pastes made of different oils and powders are applied to achieve a specific result. If done as a one off treatment to de-stress and re-energize it can be performed in THREE (sitting, face up and face down) positions on the cushion bed, so that it is enjoyable for your client. the hands gently in a clockwise direction making small circles. Gradually make the circles bigger covering the entire abdomen and then reduce the circle size coming to the centre of the abdomen. Buttocks- If the client lies on their stomach then you can do a mix and match of the above strokes of the extremities and the horizontal stroke from right to left and vice versa of the abdomen. These horizontal strokes should be used on the waist and the buttocks if the client is lying in the lateral position.

Procedure for Udvartana

This unique body treatment begins with the Indian head and face massage with a therapeutic head and face oil. This takes place in the sitting position which is followed by the face-up position. Strokes - All the strokes on the extremities and back are rubbing strokes done by keeping both hands near to each other, in a downward direction with increased pressure. Abdomen - is always done in the face-up position. Starting from the left side, do horizontal movements lifting the fat/muscle tissue from left to right to left at least 4-6 times. Then placing your left hand over the right on the umbilicus, start to glide both

Whereas Charaka (Father of Ayurvedic Medicine) gives only the term 'Udvartana' for all the above.
Thus as we can see from above, Udvartana can be used to lose weight, improve skin complexion, de-stress and relax as well as act as a natural full body exfoliation treatment.

Points to remember during the treatment

[ As compared to Abhyangam (Ayurvedic full body massage), this treatment will require more pressure and speed. [ Apply oil during the treatment if the paste gets dry, as it may lead to a mild itching sensation during the rubbing movements. [ Remember to move your

Positions used for Udvartana

If Udvartana is done on a wooden bed (Droni) then the face down position should be avoided as it very uncomfortable for the client. On the wooden bed there would be seven positions, .i.e., sitting, face up, left lateral, face up, right lateral, again face up and then sitting. Here the back, waist and buttocks would be done in the lateral positions as mentioned above. However, if the preference of your client is a cushion bed then the positions could be threefold (sitting, faceup and face down) or as required. You need to remember that the change in positions is only intended to enable maximum exposure of a body part for the strokes to be effective and comfortable for you to perform, to achieve the desired result.

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26 Choice - Wellbeing
body with your strokes. Appropriate body position and movement will also ensure that you do not build up pain in your body while giving this treatment. [ During the long strokes, keep your legs wide apart as this enables better and more uniform movement and pressure, which will also enable you to use your body weight and not arm pressure. herbs which create lightness, dryness, roughness, remove the blockages and stiffness, and also have a 'cutting or liquefying action' on the fat tissue. This oil also takes care that the skin does not become dry superficially and remains soft and supple after the treatment. This herbal paste (powders and oils) when rubbed on the body in a specific manner creates friction, which open the pores, remove blockages in vessels, increase the heat in the tissues and percolates inside to stimulate fat metabolism. Once the paste is rubbed on the body and the massage is over, the client is asked to sit in an herbal steam chamber where the head of the guest remains outside the steam chamber, so that they can stay in for a longer time during which a lot of excess water is lost from the body. Also, as the pores open, the herbal oil mixed with the paste percolates deeper into the skin inducing its fat liquefying properties and doing its work as mentioned above. If used as a beautification treatment a different set of herbs is used as oils and powders which are extremely rejuvenating for the skin.

How does the treatment work?

In the treatment of Udvartana, we use herbal powders (in the form of oils or dry powders) that are dry and rough in nature and hot in potency. The oil taken for Udvartana is sesame based which is hot in potency and is infused with

[ Reduced cellulite/ subcutaneous fat tissue. [ When taken as a part of a treatment programme including a strict Ayurvedic diet plan, regular exercise or Yoga and appropriate internal Ayurvedic herbal

Aug 12

Choice - Wellbeing 27 loss: [Triphala [Kolkullathadi [Kottumchukkadi etc. Herbs used in the Udvartana for glowing skin:
[Yashtimadhu [Rose [Neem [Sariva [Sandalwood [Usheer [Khadir etc.

Oils used in the Udvartana for weight loss :

[Kottumchukadi [Triphala [Dhanwantaram [Karpasasthyadi

medication as prescribed by the Ayurveda physician, it helps to reduce weight and gives a welltoned body. [ Beautiful skin complexion. [ Cleanses and revitalises the skin and removes body odour. [ Better skin tone - even if you are losing weight with exercises, other forms of diet etc [ The best benefit of Udvartana, even when taken as a one-off treatment, is that it is one of the very few treatments that de-stresses you, but at the same time also has an invigorating effect (reduces VATA and KAPHA). [ The blockages in the blood vessels are removed and pores open, removing body stiffness, facilitating better absorption of oils etc. through the skin. Though the treatment is widely used to get a well-toned body, the actual outcome is highly individualised based on the specific need; hence the

consultation with the Ayurveda physician becomes extremely important. Based on the consultation, the Ayurveda physician chooses the appropriate combination of herbs and oils. This combination, especially chosen for the individual (depending on his/her body constitution, climate and ailment etc.) yields the specific result that one is looking for.

Oils used in the Udvartana for glowing skin:

[Mahanarayana [Chandanadi [Balashwagandhadi [Dhanwantar Kuzumbu

Contraindications: Udvartana should not be offered:

[For dry skin conditions [In pregnancy [To the emaciated [Children [After the body detoxification and purification procedure of Panchakarma. CG

Herbs used in the Udvartana for weight

Vaidya Kohli Vishal (BAMS, PGPP and PGDKP) is a Bachelor in Ayurveda Medicine and Surgery, Postgraduate in Ayurvedic Panchakarma and a qualified Yoga teacher. For more information about Udvartana, various other secrets of Ayurveda, and our specialist Ayurveda courses for qualified therapists and beginners, please visit our website:, email: or call: 01189 588190 Aug 12

28 Choice - Wellbeing

Exclusive Readers Competition

myself by dismantling the patriarchal and matriarchal structures which no longer served me in my life. I began to re-connect to the love, passion and power I had for music and singing in my earlier years and am now beginning to fulfil the expression of my full potential, both as a woman and as a creative, performing artist. It is a collection of prayers and invocations from different traditions, sung in ancient languages. The title suggests the One which cannot be dissolved, The One which is permanent, The Beloved. The message of the project is healing with sound through love and forgiveness. This is the beginning of my now. CG Mohini offers private Sound Healing and Yoga therapy as well as classes, retreats and workshops: 0790 339 7070

Healing the past with sound through love and forgiveness

I began singing at four years old. Having navigated both the exciting and challenging years of my life with singing and sound as my constant, I then stepped into the boat of Yoga with sound as my mast and healing my compass.

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felt my boat sinking as the tide pulled me towards a new time in my life. With the power of loving kindness (metta), meditation, Yoga and sound, I remained aware, witnessing the changes occurring, sometimes
Aug 12

reacting, sometimes despairing, other times neutral, yet always optimistic. With ruthless vigilance I stripped away the layers of my mind which blocked my life force and re-invented myself through ALAYA-NAM. I re-empowered


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30 Choice - Wellbeing

Helping weak bones

through the use of Organic Silicium
I am a 63-year-old woman and was first introduced to Dexsil/Vitasil Bio-Activated Organic Silicium produced by Dexsil Laboratories, some 18 months ago and have been taking it orally ever since.
45ml per day. Incredibly, after only ten days my orthopaedic surgeon was so pleased with my progress that he was able to remove the plaster and fit a removable air-boot support instead. This allowed me to also apply the Vitasil Articulasil and Light Legs gels externally to the affected area. After four weeks wearing the boot, X-ray examination showed rapid healing had taken place and the boot was then dispensed with completely, as my ankle was now strong enough on its own and I was fit enough to travel back to France. My consultant and physiotherapist were astounded that my progress had been so rapid, particularly in a woman of my age. I put it down to the beneficial effects of the DexsilVitasil Silicium oral liquids and topical gels. CG

steoporosis is a condition that affects the bones, causing them to become weak and fragile and more likely to break (fracture).

Mrs H.S. Aged:63 Testimonial: Broken ankle Dexsil Products Used: Articulasil liquid, Articulasil gel, Light Legs, Silicium liquid
I had been advised that the human race is deficient in this important trace element particularly as we age. Last July,
Aug 12

when on holiday in France, I fell off my bicycle and managed to break both my right tibia and fibula near the ankle. I ended up in a lot of pain with my leg in plaster up to the knee and was told that it would be that way for at least six weeks. After three days, I was able to return to the UK and started taking the Vitasil Articulasil liquid with MSM, Glucosamine and Chondroitin at

DexsilVitasil 38 Rosemont Road, London NW3 6NE T: 0207 794 2835 M: 07885 604 915 M: 07802 783 462 E: W: Please visit Dexsil--Vitasil Stand 1637A in Camexpo in Earls Court on 20, 21 Oct 2012

Choice - Wellbeing 31

Redox Signaling Molecules are our body's

MAIN defence against disease
We live and die at the cellular level. Our bodies are programmed for health; programmed to protect, repair, and replace our cells. But our bodies' ability to do that diminishes over time. We have a word for that: Ageing
ALL health problems can be linked to damaged cells. Redox Signaling Molecules enable cellular healing: damaged, dysfunctional cells fading away and healthy, vibrant cells taking over. Redox Signaling Molecules are NEEDED to activate the external antioxidants (vitamins, berries, fruits) you take. No matter how healthy you eat or what supplement you take, without Redox Signaling Molecules they are useless. ASEA is having an amazing impact on people's lives, from elite endurance athletes who want to achieve better performance to people who would like to have a better quality of life. The truth is that ASEA can benefit everyone's health. CG

he key to protecting, repairing, and replacing cells is a specialized set of molecules: Redox Signaling molecules. Our own body makes them, every minute of every day. But as we get older, our bodies get less efficient at the process. In fact, while very young children operate at nearly 100% efficiency

in what scientists call the healing response, a 70-year-old is operating at only 10% efficiency. When it comes to ageing, Redox Signaling Molecules are the key, and ASEA is the answer. These molecules are crucial for activating antioxidants. No matter how many antioxidants you ingest, they cant fight even one free radical until theyre activated. The other set of molecules are essential for cellular communication, cellular protection, and the healing response.

ASEA is now available in the UK and EU. For more information contact Lisa Lashley via or call 0759 260 1673

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32 Choice - Wellbeing

a positive choice

Happiness! What a wonderful word! It conjures up so many lovely images of smiles, fun and blissful contentment. As Ken Dodd so aptly put it in his song, "The greatest gift that I possess" and who would argue with such an icon of laughter and merriment?

o let's analyse a little further this most desirable and aspired-to state of mind and firstly look at a definition. Happiness can be said to be, 'A state of well-being characterised by emotions ranging from contentment to intense joy'. Excellent - what a very worthy goal. So why is the world not full of happy, smiley and contented people? Simply because happiness means different things to different people. A refugee in a makeshift tent in the African desert would be ecstatic to be offered a shed or garage to live in - but a
Aug 12

Hollywood super star would not! (nor would you or I). To some, happiness means caring for others, being wealthy, being healthy, achieving ambitions, or being in a loving relationship and so on. To others it can mean vandalising a kid's swing park, breaking into people's properties, or killing someone who thinks differently. Quite a difference I'm sure you'll agree. In these examples, many of the differences are affected by circumstances. The vandal and the burglar have probably been brought up in such an environment. The assassin has a

set of beliefs that he must follow through. They are all 'happy' with their work since they have achieved the desired results. But in these cases, their activities do not necessarily make them happy people. They might 'think' they're happy, which is a lot different to 'being' happy. So, what governs these vast extremes of the same word? Attitude. Your whole way of thinking determines how you deal with the ups and the downs of life in general. If you acquire a positive attitude you put yourself in the position of being able to deal with events you encounter to best effect. You're ahead of the game, thinking clearly with no undue stress or doubt, leading to the most effective answer or solution to the given situation. You're being proactive, and when the

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task is complete, you will have a genuine feeling of satisfaction and achievement and be happy with the result. If you react in a negative way, then you will be chasing your tail from the start, you will get anxious and stressed - even angry. It is clear that to be happy under such circumstances is highly unlikely! Consider and remember this simple summary: A great attitude will achieve great results - A good attitude will achieve good results - A poor attitude will achieve poor results. Then ask yourself the obvious question -"What results do I want to achieve?" Joined at the hip to the word happiness is the word 'contentment'. It is the starting block for happiness. To be content means that although problems will occur, you deal with them in a calm and sensible way. Or to put it another way it's not the problem that's the problem, it's the way you deal with it. The beauty of contentment is that it has no boundaries. Wherever you are in your journey through life, be it beginning, middle or end, you can be content. But that doesn't mean it should stifle ambition. Whilst being content at any moment in time, you can be planning to obtain higher goals, and if achieved, you can be content at this higher level. And so you plan, live and work through your life, working hard and diligently to progress, and at every stage you allow yourself to be happily content with your lot. This is obviously an ideal state of affairs, and if you educate and train your mind, it can be achieved more easily than you might think. The Past. A happy person will look back over the past and remember the good times - the enjoyable moments that added so much flavour and richness to that part of their life. Bad or unfortunate times should only be brought to mind in order to learn lessons from them and to avoid similar happenings. An unhappy person is more likely to remember and dwell on the missed opportunities and regrets instead of accepting that the past is done with and can't be changed. Just think, if you go through life looking back over your shoulder, then how can you see where you're going? - Quite apart from the fact that without a clear view ahead you will keep bumping into obstacles. The Present. This is where you are and you should be

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34 Choice - Wellbeing
content being here. This is where you enjoy your family and friends. This is where you plan trips into the forest and countryside. This is where you work and play hard, happily trying to improve your lot for the benefit of yourself and your loved ones. Money may play its part. After all, money worries can be wearing and erosive to the mind. There is a saying, 'When poverty comes through the door, love goes out the window'. The meaning is obvious, but even under such circumstances, with the right attitude and bringing positive thoughts into play, these hard times can be eased. No, it's not being suggested it's easy, but to fight adversity is better that succumbing to it. The Future. Prepare and plan your path - the more detailed and meticulous the better. Set achievable goals. Work sensibly to achieve them. Enjoy the process of achieving them. Be optimistic and confident in your own abilities. Work with others if necessary for moral or practical support. Don't try to do everything yourself. Show some humility (a wonderful quality). As the goals come to fruition it's easy to see how satisfaction turns to contentment which opens the door to a happy state of affairs - which is the biggest goal of all! Finally, as stated in the title of this piece, everything you do, say, think and accomplish in your life is down to choice. Whilst, as we have seen, circumstances can affect that choice it is still down to you. You, and only you, are responsible for that final action which nets a particular result. You cannot abdicate your responsibility by blaming someone else. If you're given advice, check it out, since it is just as possible to be bad as good. The bottom line is that you choose to be who you are, what you are, how you are, why you are, what you do and what you don't do. You choose to be either positive or negative. You can't be in between since that would imply you are thinking in both modes, which is paradoxical! So the 'short cut' method to happiness (whatever that means to you personally) is to think of all the 'positives' in life - Great attitude - High self-esteem Confidence - Humility Contentment - Helpfulness to others - Honesty - Fair play and so on. By working towards and living to these standards you will automatically be on the road to happiness in the most pure and accepted sense of the word. It is indeed A Positive Choice! CG

Tony Edwards is co-founder of Marketing Therapy, the Business Building Development Programme for Complementary and Alternative Practices. Go to to get full details on how to get more and to keep more customers.

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