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Freezing Point Depression

Dean Patrick Eugene Garcia Reyes 1-BS Health Sciences, School of Science and Engineering Ateneo de Manila University, Loyola Heights, Quezon City, Philippines

ABSTRACT/EXECUTIVE SUMMARY In this experiment, the unknown element will be deduced by comparing the freezing points of pure naphthalene (the solvent), and the solution of unknown dissolved in naphthalene. The accurate recording the temperature was an extremely important factor for getting reliable results. The level of, or the point when the temperature would remain constant for a period of time, is taken as the freezing point of each of the solutions. After performing the laboratory proced ure, it was found out that the unknown was in fact Hassium(Hs), with the molar mass of 276.01g/mol.

RESULTS The unknown element was Hassium, with a molar mass of 276.01 g/mol. This could be obtained by using the temperatures recorded and the given freezing point constant, which was 6.9 C/molal. The freezing point of the pure naphthalene was 79.5 C, while the freezing point of the unknown dissolved in naphthalene was 77.0 C. Solving for the change in temperature: T = 80 C 77.0 C = 3 C After solving for T, the molality must be obtained:

T = km,

therefore m =

m= m = 0.4347 molal When molality is obtained, we can now compute for the moles of solute (the unknown) using the formula for molality: m= moles solute = molality x kilograms solvent moles solute = (0.4347m)(0.020kg) moles solute = 8.696 x 10-3 moles Since we now know the moles and the mass of the unknown, we can now compute for its molar mass: Molar mass = = 230.00 Here is the graph of the time in seconds with respect to the decreasing temperatures of the two solutions:

86 84
Temperature (Degrees Celsius)

82 80 78 76 74 72 75 375
Time (Seconds)

Freezing Point Depression of Pure Naphthalene Freezing Point Depression of Naphthalene with Unknown

DISCUSSION This experiment shows that many chemical procedures are interrelated, and that there are many indirect ways of obtaining one value. It also involves the practical applications of the chemical equations and principles learned in the classroom. I was able to identify the unknown using the freezing points and the various chemical equations that related freezing point to molar mass, namely the equations for freezing point depression and molality. In the graph, it is clear that the solution with the greater molality (the unknown dissolved in naphthalene) has a lower temperature than the one containing only the pure solvent. This implies that the rate of energy release in the more concentrated solution is faster than that of the pure solvent. Thus, the freezing point, or the temperature at which the liquid solidifies, is also lower. This could also be confirmed from the equation: T = km This equation shows that the change in freezing point temperature is directly proportional to the molality of the solution. The change in temperature is subtracted from the original freezing point of the substance. Therefore, the value of T with the greater magnitude will always have






the lower freezing point because the value to be subtracted from the original freezing point is larger. If some of the unknown doesnt dissolve with the naphthalene solvent, then the resulting molecular weight would be larger, since the molality would be lower than the one obtained if the entire unknown dissolves into the mixture. The molality is directly proportional to the moles of solute, which is inversely proportional to the molecular weight of the unknown. The curve flattens out at some parts of the graph. This is because the level of, or the temperature at which the naphthalene starts to change phase, remains constant for a while. Before a substance freezes, its temperature first lowers while in its liquid state. Upon reaching its freezing point, the substance changes its phase but stays at the same temperature (freezing point) because there is a temporary balance in fusion and freezing and solid, called thermal arrest or equilibrium. After the freezing overwhelms the melting, there is a change in phase, the substance continues decreasing temperature. Even if some insoluble material falls into the mixture, the results wouldnt change. Since the substance itself wouldnt dissolve into the mixture, it would only be floating there. The release of energy wouldnt be affected and if the mixture finally freezes the insoluble material would only get stuck in that solidified mixture.

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