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Generalities on pronouns Personal: - Case forms: the subjective (I/we, you, she/he/it/they) and the objective (me/us, you,

him/her/it/them) - the objective case is used after prepositions: They are all here except him/ Nobody else knew about it but me./ People like us. - Self-pronouns: No one could do this better than herself./ All were there but myself./ He asked him and myself a few questions. - used for the sake of emphasis: You yourself told me the story. / I saw him do it myself. - ALL+BY+self-pronoun when intensifying without help: Dont you feel lonely living here all by yourself?/ She travelled by herself./ You cant do all the work yourself. - Prepositional dative follows after write, sing and play when there is no direct object expressed: Read to us/ Write to her. (but: Read us the news./Write her a letter. - There are verbs always followed by the prepositional dative: LISTEN, ANNOUNCE, SUGGEST, PROVE, INTRODUCE, PROPOSE, MENTION, DESCRIBE, PRESCRIBE. Will you listen to me for a moment? - the pronoun we is used with a patronizing tone: Cant we open our mouth a little wider?/ How are we this morning? - You may be used for emphasis: You keep silent!/ You there, get up! - It may be used to refer to baby/child when the sex is not known: What a cute little baby it is! How old is it? - Possessive in expressions: the likes of him, not for the life of me, the death of him. Ive got the trick of it. - Instead of the possessive adjective, a definite article is used in certain idioms: I have a cold in the head. - Demonstratives used with an emotive value implying familiarity: You know this guy John/ It gives you this feeling/ - in idioms: thats the/my boy (good for you!) And thats that!

This many a day (long ago) That is to say Ann this, Ann that Thats another pair of shoes Thats a horse of another colour I know this much Lets put this and that together But for that (if it hadnt been for that) Thats all there is to it Thats the limit With that she shut the door That will do Thats it Thats right - THAT is used as an adverb: The water was that deep. - The former/the latter when TWO are implied, the first/the last more than two. - SAME is used in idioms: same here (me too), its all the same to me/its all one to me (it doesnt matter/it makes no difference), all the same (despite) - SO is used to stand for an affirmative/negative statement: Im afraid so (believe, hope, think, suppose, expect, image) - to refer to a preceding verb: He did so. - in idioms: Miss so and so (whatever) -ONE: by one and all (everybody) - INTERROGATIVES used in idiomatic expressions: Mr. Whats-his-name, a what-do-youcall-it, I couldnt tell who was who/ They are so alike I cant tell which is which/ Tell me whos who/ Hes a clever fellow, he knows whats what (what makes the difference)/ He bought apples, tea, coffee, cakes and what not/ Who on earth/ What is the English for -WHICH for a limited choice: tea or coffee? -What for more: Im taking English, French and Italian classes. Which girls do you like best? (a limited number of known girls)/ What girls do you like best? (what kind of)

-RELATIVES: Clauses in which the relative pronoun is omitted are called contact clauses: The man you spoke to(the rest would still make perfect sense) - INDEFINITES - Every is used when the total number exceeds two. It gathers the separate items into a whole. Expressions: every bit as good as, every now and then, every other day, every two days, every inch (He is every inch a gentleman)/ You have every right to be angry/ There is every reason to think he is speaking the truth. - Each-strongly distributive, it dispenses the unity: There were two boys and I gave an apple to each. Neither/either- one or the other of two/not this and not the other, a rejection of both of two: Which one of the two pens do you want? Either will do. / Neither of my friends has come yet. - On either side of the street (either and the other of two) - Correlative forms: eitheror/ neithernor- They will either have to mail it or to fax it. -None takes the singular when referring to uncountables: We hoped the money would arrive soon, but none was forthcoming. -He is somewhat of a wizard -Any, no particular one, practically every: any cook-book -Anything of- Have you seen anything of John lately?

EXERCISES ON PRONOUNS (Mihai Zdrenghea, Anca Greere, A Practical English Grammar (with exercises), Cluj, Clusium, 1997)

EXERCISE P.166 / THE PRONOUN Choose the suitable form of the pronoun in brackets.: 1. I blame you as much as (he, him). I blame you both. 2. I blame you as much as (he, him). Both of us blame you. 3. He could only get tickets for you and (I, me). 4. There is a friendly agreement between Mr. Brown and (I, me). 5. We found out that (he, him) and his wife, without saying a word, had left for London. 6. They are all lazy except (he, him). 7. Everybody, except (I. me), went to meet Tom. 8. Such men as (he, him) are intolerable. 9. I cannot tolerate such men as (he, him). 10. It was as if there was no one in the world but (he, him).

11. I like you more than (she, her). 12. He thought that her drawings were rather like (she, her). 13. What would you like to do if you were (he, him)? 14. Itll take you longer to get straight dressed than (I, me). TRANSLATION P.167 / THE PRONOUN 1. - Ce s-ti cnt? Cnt-mi acel cntec care-i place Mariei. 2. Tradu-le articolul pe care l-ai citit. 3. Vorbeste-le acum, nu amna. 4. Nu vrei s ne descrii cltoria pe care ai fcut-o? 5. Cine ti-a sugerat aceast metod? 6. Vrei s-i faci cunostint cu fata cu care vorbeai ieri cnd ne-am ntlnit? 7. Nu stiu dac l-am convins cnd i-am sugerat un nou stil n pictura sa. 8. Doctorul mi-a prescris mult somn si plimbare. 9. Nu-mi explica ce trebuie s-i spun, stiu si eu. 10. Vrei s ne descrii peisajul marin pictat de tine? 11. I-am spus n treact care este situatia. 12. Am vrut s-i dovedesc cine e mai bun. EXERCISE P.168 / THE PRONOUN Fill in the blank spaces with the pronouns I or myself: 1. The only guests were Alice and ...... . 2. He looks down at me for ...... havent got good marks. 3. Its not you who has to answer that letter but ...... . 4. There is a mutual understanding between John and ...... . 5. Whos there? Jesse and ...... . 6. They saw neither Peter nor ...... . 7. Both Doris and ...... went down with flu last week. 8. For a poor man like ...... this money means very much. 9. He is taller than ...... . 10. No one knew the situation better than ...... .

EXERCISE P.171 / THE PRONOUN Choose the suitable form of the pronouns in brackets: 1. The customer is merely a body to be served as quickly as possible, so that (he, she, he or she) can be replaced by another body. 2. If a man or a woman doesnt look where (he, she, he or she, they) (is going, are going), then what happens to (him or her, them) is (his or her, their) fault. 3. The most important thing about homework is that it is something which the child must do by (himself, herself, itself). 4. Everybody seems to be in such a hurry going after (his or her, their) job(s). 5. When bathing a baby always hold (him, her, it) securely. 6. Everyone had (his, his or her, their) eyes fixed on the magnificent pageant. 7. He suggested that each should pay (his, his or her, their) own cost(s).

8. Your story is too ridiculously feeble for words. Nobody in (his, his or her, their) right mind(s) would believe it for an instant. 9. No one really liked him, did (he, he or she, they)? No, (he, he or she, they) didnt. 10. We dont prosecute anyone for (his, his or her, their) beliefs. 11. In this research paper (I, we) are going to analyze a medical problem. 12. So (I, we, you) can conclude from the facts mentioned in this paragraph that this problem is unsolvable. TRANSLATION P.172-1 / THE PRONOUN 1. n acest magazin se vorbeste engleze. 2. Se-ntmpl c-l cunosc. 3. Se pare c nu vom mai putea gsi bilete la acel spectacol. 4. Se pare c astzi vom avea o vreme bun. 5. n articol se vorbeste despre despre descoperirea unor fosile. 6. Nu poti stii ce-ti aduce ziua de mine. 7. Crezi c e bun piesa? Asa se spune. TRANSLATION P.172-2 / THE PRONOUN 1. Mi-a luat dou ore s rezolv problema aceea. 2. E usor pentru unii studenti s nvete regulile de pronuntare n limba englez, pentru altii ns este destul de greu. 3. S-a ntmplat ca cei doi prieteni s fie nscuti n aceeasi zi. 4.Este o traditie ca studentii din anul patru s organizeze o petrecere de absolvire. 5. n literatura englez Chaucer este acela care a introdus culegerile de povestiri. 6. Este normal ca sportivii buni s fie deosebit de apreciati. 7. Am considerat necesar s-i spun ce s-a ntmplat. 8. De aici pna n centru orasului este un drum lung. 9. - Cine-i? - Eu 10. Plou de mai bine de dou ore si se pare c va mai ploua mult.

EXERCISE P.173-1 / THE PRONOUN Fill in the blank spaces with it or there: 1. ....... is a long way to the university 2. ...... is a book on the table. 3. ...... is a garden round the house. 4. ...... is you I meant 5. ...... is too late to begin now. 6. ...... is said so. 7. ...... is a lot of work to be done. 8. ...... is a long way to go. 9. ...... is time Peter improved his behaviour 10. ...... is two oclock

11. ...... is easy to understand why he is late. 12. ...... is a post office in the village. 13. ...... is a long time since we met. 14. ...... is a big hole in your stocking. 15. ..... is a game Id like to speak about but I cant remember the name. 16. .... is more important for you now than later. EXERCISE P.173-2 / THE PRONOUN Fill in the blank spaces with it is or there is. In some sentences contracted, plural, negative and interrogative forms of the past or future are required: 1. Whats the time? ... 3.30. Whats the date? ... the 24th. 2. How far ...... to York? ...... fifty miles. 3. ...... very stormy last night. 4. ...... freezing very hard. ...... ice on the lake tomorrow. 5. As ...... sunny she decided to take the children to the sea. 6. Why dont you go for a walk? ...... a pity to stay in when ...... so nice outside. 7. ...... (not) any shadows because ...... (not) any sun. 8. ...... going to be a bus strike tomorrow. 9. ...... all right as ...... a fine day; but if ....... wet ...... long queues at the underground. 10 ....(no) any glass in the windows; that is why .... cold in the room. 11. ...... wet yesterday; ...... impossible to go out. 12. ...... a lot of rain last week. ...... floods everywhere. 13. As .....a thick fog last night ...... several accidents on the motorway. 14. ...... foolish to drive fast when ...... foggy. 15. ...... difficult to find your way round this town. ...... so many streets, all looking exactly alike. 16. Come on, John! ...... time to get up! ...... nearly breakfast time. 17. ...... lunch time when we get to Cambridge, so lets have lunch there. No, ...... (not) time for lunch because our train to Glasgow leaves Cambridge at 1.15. 18. ...... funny smell here. ...... turpentine? 19. ...... all sorts of stories about Robin Hood, but ...... (not) known exactly who he was or what he did. 20. Can I have the Times, please, said the customer. Im afraid .... (not) any left, said the newsagent. But ...... a Guardian on the rack beside you. Why not take that? ...... just as good.

EXERCISE P.174 / THE PRONOUN Put the pronouns in brackets in the correct form: 1. That was ...... who spoke. (she) 2. He speaks English as well as ...... . (I) 3. See if thats ...... . (he) 4. I know ...... better than ...... . (she, he) 5. I thought ...... were the manager; who are .... if .... are not ... (you, you, you, he) 6. When I asked Dorothy who were her friends she declared her fellow students to be ...... (they) 7. ...... said nothing either about ...... or ...... . (they, he, she) 8. ...... do not like that friend of ...... . (I, you) 9. Oh, dear ...... . (I) 10. Helen as well as ...... has to leave now. (I)

11. They knew all about my friend and ...... . (I) 12. Mr. Smith and ...... were speaking about a play when ...... joined ...... . (he, you, they) 13. Harry gave Peter and ...... the theatre tickets, then ...... had a discussion with ...... . (I, we, he) 14. The landlady asked Anne and ...... what was on T.V. (I) 15. There is some candy for ...... and ...... . (you, I) 16. Whats the name of ...... who came first? (he) 17. There is nothing between ...... and ...... . (he, she) 18. Let my friend and ...... leave now. (I) 19. He does not know ...... yet; lets play ......a trick: ...... will be ...... and ...... will be ...... . (we, he, I, you, you, I) 20. Let ...... all go for a ride, except ...... since ...... has fallen ill. (we, she, she) 21. Everybody was invited except ...... . (she) 22. How can you talk to a man such as ...... . (he) EXERCISE P.176 / THE PRONOUN Fill in the blank spaces with possessive pronouns or adjectives: John and Mary are twins. Yesterday it was .... birthday. ... uncle gave them lots of presents: a doll, a drum, a bicycle, an airplane and a puppy. The doll and the drum belong to Mary. They are all.... . The bicycle and the airplane belong to John. They are all ... . The puppy belongs to both of them. It is ... . Yes, said Mary It is ... , half .... and half ..... . EXERCISE P.177 / THE PRONOUN Fill in the blank spaces with the adjective own: 1. I saw it with my ...... eyes. 2. It is your ...... outlook on life. 3. That flat is his ...... . 4. Turkish coffee has a flavour of its ...... . 5. My money is my ...... . 6. That is his ...... flat. 7. For reasons of our ...... we refused to go to her party. 8. Im all on my ...... today. 9. She always goes her ...... way. 10. He is his ...... master. TRANSLATION P.178 / THE PRONOUN 1. La petercere am cunoscut pe unchiul, mtusa si verisoarele lui. 2. Pentru nimic n lume nu as fi de acord cu asa ceva. 3. De ce-mi faci observatii. Asta nu-i treaba ta. 4. Si-a scuturat capul. 5. Nu-l poate suferi; pn si vederea lui l scoate din srite. 6. Te superi dac fumezi aici. 7. Cine crezi c a venit la serat. Michael cu ai si. 8. Cnd l-a vzut si-a pierdut capul. 9. Isi face rochiile singur. 10. Nu m mprietenesc cu cei de teapa lui. 11. Si-a pierdut cursurile; de aceea le-a mprumutat pe ale tale.

12. I-am cumprat fiului meu crti , iar fiului lor jucrii. 13. Si-a pus crtile, caietele si penarul pe mas. 14. mi gtesc singur. 15. Cnd s-au ntlnit, amndoi si-au scos plria. 16. Durerea ei e si a mea. 17. Una din rudele mele invitate aici s-a mprietenit cu un coleg de-al tu. 18. ntr-adevr ti place plria aceea veche a ei? 19. Ideea a fost numai a lui. 20. Ne vom gndi ntotdeauna cu plcere la tine si la ai ti. 21. Nerecunostinta copiilor si o s-l vre n mormnt. 22. Popestii nu-ti sunt prieteni? 23. N-am stiut cum de nu greseste niciodat la acest joc, dar acum i-am prins smecheria. 24. mi place aceast idee a ta. 25. I-a trebuit mult timp pn cnd s se hotrasc. EXERCISE P.179 / THE PRONOUN Using a double genitive reshape the sentences below so as to express the same idea, according to the model: One of our friends has just been taken to hospital becomes A friend of ours has just been taken to hospital. 1. One of his films has been severely criticised. 2. This is one of my favourite books. 3. It is one of my habits to sit up very late. 4. This is one of your good ideas. 5. The newly appointed manager is one of your friends. 6. I have to call on one of my relatives who lives in York. 7. Have you seen one of my husbands books lying about somewhere. 8. One of Marys neighbours has the annoying habit of playing the piano early in the morning. 9. We met one of your former students at a party last week. 10 That photograph belongs to one of my nephews.

EXERCISE P.180 / THE PRONOUN Read the question. Then complete the answer with the appropriate possessive adjective according to the model: Is George going to pass the exam? Im sorry, but I cant imagine examination. Using the underlined word in the question and a possessive adjective this becomes: Im sorry, but I cant imagine his passing an examination. 1. Can Jack attend tonights concert, Mr. Robinson? No, I cant approve of ...... one tonight. 2. Did she say that she solved that difficult problem without help? Yes, but Im rather doubtful about ...... it all by herself. 3. Did you win a prize for your flower arrangement?

Yes, my family are delighted at ...... a prize. 4 . May I borrow your typewriter, Jane? Of course, I certainly dont mind ...... my typewriter whenever you need it. 5. Did she say that she made this delicious cake just to please us? Yes, but somehow I am doubtful about ...... such a fine cake just to please the two of us. 6. Must you get up at five oclock tomorrow morning? Yes, though Im not convinced of ...... so early. 7. Did your son marry Jane? Yes, though we objected to ...... at such a young age. 8. Doesnt Mr. Willis want to buy a Jaguar? Yes, but his wife wont hear of ...... such an expensive car. 9. Is he qualified for the job? Hes not sure. The management had doubts about ...... for the job. 10. Did your sister have troubles with the mathematics examination? Yes, but nobody was surprised at ...... difficulties with the exam. 11. Did John go to the party, considering how he embarrassed himself the last time? ... was a surprise to everyone especially when he acted as if ....himself should have been forgotten by everybody. 12. Was he the only one that showed up? Yes. ... the only one there made the choice very easy. EXERCISE P.181-1 / THE PRONOUN Replace the possessive forms of the (pro)nouns by the corresponding personal pronouns in the objective case: 1. Mother objected to Anns coming late home. 2. Please forgive my intruding on you this way. 3. Did your father agree to your borrowing money? 4. I can forgive your being rude to me, but I cant forgive your being rude to my parents. 5. Do you remember his returning the bill? 6. The teacher dislikes their singing out of tune. 7. I dont like his asking such a personal question. 8. I just cant understand your wanting to do this exercise again. 9. I recommend their going by train. 10. Do you mind our coming, too. EXERCISE P.181-2 / THE PRONOUN Make one sentence of each of the following pairs by using a gerund with a possessive, according to the model: She said she wasnt going to write it again. I clearly remember that. Combining the two sentences we get: I clearly remember her saying that she wasnt going to write again. 1. She said she didnt like travelling by train. You may remember that. 2. He came home much later than usual. She didnt forgive him. 3. His sons didnt pass the examination. He felt very angry about it. 4. Mr. Brown was late for the concert. Mrs. Brown didnt mind. 5. He is in love with an unusually lovely girl. You can easily understand that. 6. You think I took it without permission. It is no use.

7. John has married that awfully bad-tempered girl. What do you think of that? 8. He had made a reasonable excuse. I couldnt deny it. 9. You came so far for such a dull play. Nobody could understand that. 10. She always reads my letters. I dont like that. EXERCISE P.182-1 / THE PRONOUN Complete the following using either possessive adjectives or the definite article: 1. Aubery looked astonished but there was no trace of irritation in ...... face. 2. We have sold ...... old car. 3. You must allow this matter to take ...... proper time. 4. You cant trust him, he is constantly breaking ..... promises. 5. They were blue in ...... face with cold. 6. The stone struck me in ...... back. 7. He had to stop because of an acute pain in ...... knee. EXERCISE P.182-2 / THE PRONOUN Supply the correct self-pronoun in the sentences below: 1. Jane has made ...... ill by worrying. 2. Cats keep ...... clean by licking. 3. As she didnt want anyone to see her, she locked ...... in her room. 4. You must stop ...... from eating between meals if you want to make ...... thinner. 5. She bought ...... a new dress. 6. I reminded ...... that there was still plenty of work to do. 7. You ought to be ashamed of ...... . 8. I saw Mary looking at ...... in the mirror. 9. If you lie to your parents, youll hate ...... for it. 10. If we want to keep ...... healthy, we must take plenty of exercise. 11. My son is only four and he cant wash ...... and dress ...... properly. 12. Mrs. Smith is very proud of her figure. She kept ...... thin by not eating too much. 13. My boys burnt ...... while they were lighting the fire. 14. Make ...... at home and help ...... to anything you fancy. 15. I couldnt see ...... as there was no mirror in the room. EXERCISE P.185 / THE PRONOUN Fill in the blank spaces with the appropriate self pronoun: 1. The dramatist ...... delivered the speech for the opening night. 2. Shes very selfish, she thinks of ...... only. 3. Whats the matter with you? You havent been ...... for some time. 4. The little boys quarrelled among ...... about the toys. 5. You must buy ...... a new dress. 6. He settled ...... to listen because the street noises forced ...... on his attention in an odd way. 7. The fault lies in ......, not in our stars. 8. Aunt Ann told me the story ...... , so of course I believe it. 9. Peter sat at the table and helped ...... to the cake. 10. Poor Jim looks like a fish out of water sitting all a corner.

11. She stood admiring ...... in front of the mirror. 12. They think ...... superior to all their fellow students. 13. We gave ... a lot of trouble by joining them on that horrible trip. 14. You ought to be ashamed of ...; what have you to say for ...? 15. Miss Green pinched ...... to find out if she was awake. 16. Sam nearly killed ...... when he fell off the ladder. 17. Youll have to remind ...... to do it. 18. Who invited him to the party? Nobody. He invited ...... to the party. 19. I cooked ...... a nice dinner. 20. I am urging you to tell him. Why dont you tell him ... ? TRANSLATION P.186 / THE PRONOUN 1. Poti vedea singur la ce rezultate s-a ajuns n aceste cercetri. 2. Thomas nu era n apele lui seara trecut. 3. Tony s-a lovit ru la genunchi. 4. Stpneste-te! 5. Geamul s-a spart de la sine. 6. Trebuie s ai grij de tine n excursia pe care o faceti n munti. 7. Nu vorbi ru despre tine; esti prea modest. 8. Toarn-ti nc o ceasc de cafea. 9. Sezi de mult aici de unul singur? 10. Crezi c si-a revenit att de repede? 11. Dect attea interventii, mai bine vorbeste n numele tu. 12. Am fost invitati la o serat unde ne-am distrat foarte bine. 13. A vorbi mult despre tine nsuti dovedeste proast crestere. 14. De cnd s-a ars cu chibriturile, copilul n-a mai pus mna pe ele. 15. Nednd crezare celor auzite, s-au dus acolo chiar ei. 16. Poart-te frumos! EXERCISE P.187 / THE PRONOUN Supply the correct self pronoun to fill the blank spaces in the following sentences: 1. She does the cooking ...... to save money. 2. My daughter tidied her room ...... to help me. 3. Nobody helped him; he repaired the puncture ...... . 4. When I arrived there I was met by the headmaster ...... . 5. He went to the railway station ...... to meet his friend. 6. This is a machine that works by ...... . 7. The world of the sky became magic ...... 8. They dont have to type any letter by ...... . They have got a typist. 9. We ...... take pride in our achievements. 10. The forts were built by ...... as they had to oppose the invaders. 11. If one wants a thing done, one had best do it ...... . 12. The receptionist told us to hurry, but she didnt hurry ...... . 13. She is perfection ...... . 14. You cant do all the work ...... in a house as big as this. 15. She washed the windows........

EXERCISE P.188 / THE PRONOUN Replace the words or phrases underlined by expressions with self pronouns: 1.Even Shaw never wrote a more interesting play than that. 2. He personally opened the door to see who was there. 3. Dont you feel lonely living here all alone. 4. He changed the wheel without anybody elses help. 5. It was a statue that no less an artist than Brancusi might have carved. 6. The little girl was quite alone in the dark room and she startled at the faintest sound. 7. He imagined he was a genius. 8. When the famous scientist visited our faculty he was met by none other than the dean. 9. They may have all these books at their disposal. 10. I personally prefer tea to coffee. 11. I dont think he will be able to manage without any help. 12. We are absolutely certain; we saw it with our own eyes. 13. You look another man today. 14. She recovered consciousness only two hours after the accident. 15. She is the embodiment of kindness. EXERCISE P.189 / THE PRONOUN Insert the correct reciprocal pronouns: 1. The two girls greeted ...... . 2. At the party the people invited had to pass the plates to ...... . 3. I travelled with that lady from Paris to Calais and when we reached the sea we really began to know ...... . 4. If all the students of the group help ...... they will pass the exams getting good marks. 5. It was a nice team, all were very fond of ...... . 6. Hearing the story the two children looked at ...... astonished. 7. The two engineers quarrelled with ...... and then they came to the same conclusion. 8. The two colleagues invited ...... to work hard for the examination. 9. The children were playing hide and seek looking for ....... 10. After failing in the exam, the two students comforted ...... . TRANSLATION P.189 / THE PRONOUN 1. Au hotrt s se astepte unul pe altul dup examen. 2. Cnd i-am vzut pe cei doi scriitori, ei vorbeau unul cu altul. 3. Se cunosteau unul pe altul foarte bine. 4. El si sora lui se iubesc foarte mult. 5. Timpul era att de scurt pna la plecarea trenului nct trebuiau s se despart unul de cellalt nainte ca s fi discutat problemele care i interesau. 6. S-au uitat unul la altul mirati. 7. Ct timp Tom a fost plecat si scriau unul altuia. 8.S-au ajutat una pe cealalt pentru a termina mai repede treaba. 9. S-au nteles s se anunte unul pe cellalt de ndat ce vor avea vesti noi. 10. Auziser una despre cealalt de la prieteni comuni.

TRANSLATION P.191 / THE PRONOUN 1. Acesti ultimi trei kilometri au fost foarte greu de parcurs. 2. Vi-i prezint pe studentii din grupa mea. 3. Aceste fete si acesti bieti s-au pregtit mpreun pentru examenul de admitere. 4. Aceste dou sptmni ploioase au fost bine venite pentru recolta de cereale. 5. N-am putut face altceva dect s astept n aceste dou zeci de minute. 6. Ai primit cei trei sute de dolari? 7. Vi-l prezint pe George Bradley. 8. Care-i cartea ta? Iat-o. 9. Iat cum si-a petrecut vacanta. 10. Iat-i lucrurile acolo.

TRANSLATION P.192 / THE PRONOUN 1. Bravo biete! Ai fost ntr-adevr la nltimea asteptrilor. 2. Fii drgut si vino cu mine la teatru. 3. Am ntrziat pentru c mi s-a ntmplat un mic necaz. 4. Nu si-a fcut tema; de altfel el ntotdeauna are de obiectat cnd una cnd alta. 5. John e student slab si pe deasupra mai si lipseste de la seminarii. 6. ti mai spun ultima dat s nu mai lipsesti de la seminarii, s-ti faci temele si s fii activ si cu asta am terminat. 7. si alint fetita: mereu Maria n sus, Maria n jos. 8. Nu-si face temele inventnd ba una ba alta. 9. Ajunge, mulumesc. 10. Ce s-a ntmplat? Ne-am certat, asta-i tot. 11. sta-i adevrul. EXERCISE P.193 / THE PRONOUN Fill in the blanks with the former, the latter, the first, and the last: 1. I like both Bach and Beethoven; I know you prefer the the.... 2. He read more books during the holidays. The ...... ones seemed to him more interesting than the ...... ones. 3. Its for the ...... time I tell you this. 4. In the ...... century, the Indians were often chased by the American army; the ...... wanted liberty, the ...... said they wanted order. 5. At their practical work, the students used both the Oxford English Dictionary and Longmans Dictionary of Contemporary English. They found more phrasal verbs in the ...and many idioms in the... 6. The Romanian people won its independence in the ...... half of the nineteenth century. 7. The ...... Dean of their Faculty is now Rector of the University. 8. I was given both Junes composition and Anns. I read only the ... 9. The Danube and the Volga are two large rivers in Europe; the .... is longer than the ...... . EXERCISE P.196-1 / THE PRONOUN

Insert suitable demonstratives: 1. She speaks Italian so and ...... . 2. All the ...... ; I dont like him. 3. ...... fine weather! 4. ...... results as hers ought to be admired by her colleagues. 5. I dont like ...... dress, give me ...... blue ...... . 6. Dont read any further. ...... will do. 7. In the ...... hundreds of schools opened in our country. 8. Both poems are nice, but I prefer the ...... . 9. ..... is what he answered. 10. your cake and ...... is mine. 11. Ive tasted four of your cakes; the ...... is the best. 12. You dont agree with me now, but ...... day youll realize Im right. 13. ...... hardly knows what to answer under such circumstances. 14. I considered it was her mistake and I told her ...... . 15. I wish you happy holidays. Thank you, the ...... to you. EXERCISE P.196-2 / THE PRONOUN Replace the words underlined by demonstrative adjectives and pronouns according to the model: All possibilities of the same kind must be considered becomes All such possibilities must be considered. 1. Poets of the same kind as Keats and Shelley are rare. 2. The old cups over there arent good enough. 3. Your stupidity is of a degree that might fill me with despair. 4. A silly child is not the same as a silly man; the silly child is presumably acting silly, the silly man is silly by character. 5. The people over there are our neighbours. 6. The man you see here is the man who rushed into a burning house to save a child. 7. The plays written by Shaw and the plays written by Shakespeare have very little in common. 8. He is a brilliant physicist and is everywhere recognized as a brilliant physicist. 9. John and William are both hard-working students. John excels in mathematics, William in history. 10. I like these blouses much better than the blouses over there. TRANSLATION P.196 / THE PRONOUN 1. Vreau o plrie. O voi cumpra pe cea gri. 2. Du tu pachetele grele iar eu voi duce pe acestea usoare. 3. Nu vreau poseta aceasta; o vreau pe aceea mare. 4. Costumele tale sunt deosebit de frumoase; n special acesta gri. 5. Ai adus niste crti, dar ele nu sunt acelea pe care ti le-am mprumutat. 6. Nu stii niciodat ce aduce ziua de mine, nu-i asa? 7. Am petrecut acolo o lun. 8. Scrie unsprezece cu doi de unu. 9. ntr-o zi va pleca pentru totdeauna.

10. Unul a spus la altul si asa stirea s-a rspndit repede n sat. EXERCISE P.200 / THE PRONOUN Fill in the blanks with who or which: 1. ...... could he be? 2. I dont know ...... of the two brothers is younger? 3. She didnt remember ...... you had married. 4. I dont know to ...... of the three students I lent the dictionary. 5. ...... meeting lasted three hours? 6. ...... of you heard Peter play at yesterdays concert? 7. ...... of the two T.V. sets did you finally buy? 8. ...... is the cleverest student in your group? 9. I cant tell you ..... I would like to read: D. Thomas or V. Wolf. 10. ...... advised you to act like that? EXERCISE P.201 / THE PRONOUN Insert which or what in the blank spaces: 1. I can lend you both the typed course or that ...... I myself have written. .... one do you prefer? 2. ...... are you laughing at? 3. ...... books have you read lately? 4. ...... of you is willing to help us? 5. ...... woke you up? 6. ...... writer was awarded the first prize? 7. ...... is the matter? 8. ...... language was the easiest for you to learn? 9. ...... is the way to the college? 10. ...... river flows through London? 11. ...... is wrong with my handwriting? 12. ...... would you like me to put on? 13. ...... film star is your favourite one? 14. ...... is the largest country in Europe? 15. I dont know ...... is better: to wait for them or to enter, as the film has already begun? TRANSLATION P.201 / THE PRONOUN 1. Cu ce ai deschis-o? 2. Cu cine ai reusit s vorbesti ieri? 3. Despre ce vorbesti? 4. Ce carte ai cerut? 5. De ce ai scris scrisoarea? 6. Cu cine te-ai dus? 7. Pe lng ce ai trecut n drum spre scoal? 8. Ce ru a traversat el not? 9. La ce se foloseste asta?

EXERCISE P.202-1 / THE PRONOUN Give interrogative responses using either the prepositions underlined or the prepositions in brackets: 1. She was seen riding on a tiger. 2. Answer, please. (to) 3. Im waiting for George s grandmother. 4. Tell me something. (about) 5. Take another piece of cake. (with) 6. Apologise to my friend. (for) 7. I have seen that exhibition. (with) 8. Give it to one of the girls. 9. I am going to pay a visit to the Rector of the University. 10. Sharpen that pencil. (with) EXERCISE P.202-2 / THE PRONOUN Fill in the blanks with who, what, and which: 1. ...... was written on the copybook? 2. ...... did you meet? 3. ...... happened yesterday? 4. ...... writer do you like best? 5. ...... student were you speaking to when I met you? 6. ...... of the students were you speaking to when I saw you yesterday? 7. ...... of your colleagues did you make friends with? 8. ...... cat is the child playing with? 9. ...... is she like? 10. ...... is the subject of the short story? 11. ...... university does he come from? 12. Tell me, ...... languages can you speak? 13. ...... is he? He is a teacher. 14. ...... was it you wanted to see me for? 15. ...... did you sing that song for? TRANSLATION P.203 / THE PRONOUN 1. Nu-ti fie mil de el; stie el s se descurce. 2. Caietul Mariei era plin de nsemnri fcute la diferite ocazii cu proverbe, cu citate celebre si cte altele. 3. Ca orice secretar n primele zile de lucru, n-am stiut ce contin acele multe dosare primite. 4. Cele dou gemene seamn att de mult nct nu le pot deosebi. 5. Ce-ai zice s mergem la teatru? 6. El si-a fcut deja temele, dar tu? 7. La ce or ai venit acas? 8. Vd multe fete cunoscute, dar poti s-mi spui cine sunt? 9. Oare ce-i trece prin cap? 10. Oare cine ti-a spus minciuna asta? 11. Uite dou editii ale crtii. Pe care s-o aleg? 12. Te-am ntrebat cum o cheam. 13. Am auzit un strigt puternic, dar n-am stiut a cui voce era.

14 Pe cine ai invitat la petrecere? 15. Cine vine la serat? 16. Spune-mi ce ti-a adus. 17. Cum se spune carte pe frantuzeste? 18. Oare cine ar putea cunoaste motivul? 19. Ce este ea? 20. Care este capitala Scotiei? 21. Care este cel mai mare mamifer marin? 22. Ce adres are? 23. Nu stiu ce este mai bine: s pornim acum sau mai trziu? 24. E ora dousprezece noaptea si sun telefonul. Cine naiba ar putea fi? 25. Ce nteles are al doilea cuvnt? 26. Care pies shakespearean ai vzut-o ieri ? 27. Care dintre aceste crti este a doamnei care a fost aici? 28. Ce limb strin nveti la scoal ? 29.Care dintre aceste crti ti-a plcut mai mult ? 30.Care dintre fratii ti vrea s vin cu mine la banchet ? 31. Care este studenta pe care nu ai mai vzut-o de mult ? 32. Ce tren nu ntrzie niciodat ? EXERCISE P.206 / THE PRONOUN Reshape the sentences using an infinitive according to the model: The only man who helped her was her brother becomes The only man to help her was her brother. 1. I bought the child a toy which helps him to differentiate things. 2. This is the only piece of advice which you should take. 3. That was the nearest inn at which we could put up. 4. Here is a new method which we can apply in our work. 5. This is the only aspect which has been taken into consideration.

EXERCISE P.208 / THE PRONOUN Insert the relative pronouns required by the meaning of the sentences below: 1. The girl ...... told me this was one of your students. 2. No one ...... heard him play Chopin will ever forget that evening. 3. I will never agree with somebody ....... can approve such a behaviour. 4. The sergeant ...... was inspecting the two constables came from London. 5. A composition ...... is long is not necessarily good, too. 6. The recruit ...... suffered the accident is very thoughtful and silent. 7. Anybody ...... speaks three languages can stand in for this exam. 8. According to the critics this writer is the best ..... was ever been awarded a prize. 9. The path ...... leads to their house is very narrow. 10. This is the volume ...... treats the life of the American Indians. EXERCISE P.209-1 / THE PRONOUN

Insert relative pronouns in the blank spaces: 1. This is the statue ...... I told you about. 2. The young woman ...... you have just met is a good physician. 3. Dont ask me that; theres little ...... I can tell you about it. 4. He is not the man ...... his father wants him to be. 5. The book is a practical one; theres much in it ...... is not explained. 6. We give our dogs everything ...... is left after meals. 7. The girls ...... he praised were delighted. 8. I can let in nobody ...... is late. 9. All the people ...... I have ever met have disliked him. 10. Any man ...... listens to you is a fool. EXERCISE P.209-2 / THE PRONOUN Add the necessary relative pronoun to the following sentences: 1. Go to that restaurant; ...... we ate there was delicious. 2. The woman ...... spoke next was a newspaper reporter. 3. ...... will not work shall not eat. 4. These are the books ...... came from England. 5. The baby ...... you saw in the hospital is Georges son. 6. Can anyone ...... saw that film ever forget it? 7. Refrigerators ...... are bought by hire-purchase are very common in England. 8. Those ...... have never been at the seaside cant appreciate its beauties. 9. This is the best hotel ...... I know. 10. I agree to everything ...... she said. 11. ...... is done must be well done. 12. Nothing ...... he wrote is to be taken into account. 13. ...... belongs to Mary shall be hers. 14. I will give him all ...... he asked me to. 15. This is the very book ...... I need. 16. ......I cant understand is how he succeeded to finish the work so quickly. 17. This is the only composition ...... I could look over. 18. Speak to me about the novel ...... was so highly appreciated. 19. The lady... we talked about is my teacher. 20. The boy ... book it was angry at me for not returning it. EXERCISE P.210-1 / THE PRONOUN Combine the following pairs of sentences using relative pronouns 1. I met Amelia. She was crying because you deceived her. 2. They poked fun at him. It made him angry. 3. Eve gave me this for you. She had been running to meet me. 4. He helped the old lady cross the street. 5. You sent me a present. Thank you very much for it. 6. The bed had no mattress. I sleep on this bed. 7. Romeo and Juliet were lovers. Their parents hated each other. 8. There wasnt any directory in the telephone box. I was phoning from this box. 9. This is Mrs. Jones. Her son won the championship last year.

10. The car crashed into a queue of people. Four of them died. 11. Tom had been driving all day. He was tired and wanted to stop. 12. He gave orders to his lieutenants. The lieutenants passed them on to the soldiers. 13. She said that the men were thieves. This turned out to be true. 14. We lit a fire. It soon dried out our clothes. 15. He rowed across the Atlantic. This never had been done before. 16. The bus had to be towed away. The bus broke down. 17. The apples should be washed. The apples have been spayed. 18. The trucks werent allowed to cross the bridge. The trucks weighed more than ten tons. 19. The dog belongs to Mr. Malone. The dog barked at you. 20. The bus goes downtown. The bus stops at this corner. EXERCISE P.210-2 / THE PRONOUN Insert the required relative pronouns in the following non-defining relative clauses: 1. Miss Jameson, ...... desk is next to mine, can write short-hand. 2. His bicycle, ... is a beautiful piece of work, was bought by his dad. 3. Her brother, ...... is an engineer, helps her in mathematics. 4. My cat, ...... age I dont know, is no more able to catch rats. 5. Your evening suit, ...... colour I like so much, must have cost a lot. 6. Your neighbour next door, ...... I saw yesterday, gave me some information about the job you and me spoke about. 7. Georges horse, ...... had never won a race, came in first in the race yesterday. 8. Miss Jones, ...... Tom is going to marry, has wonderful fair hair. 9. Mr. Munro, ...... is over sixty, still plays golf. 10. This volume, the content ...... I discussed with Tony, is old. EXERCISE P.211 / THE PRONOUN Fill in the blank spaces with the correct form of the relative pronoun or adjective: 1. Come ...... may! 2. ...... nonsense. 3. The train...due at two oclock will come at three minutes past two. 4. He bought the book at that book shop ...... book shop is the first to sell new editions. 5. I cant forget the day on ..... I was married. 6. I remember the man ...... name Ive forgotten. 7. People ...... say such things are fools. 8. I know no one ...... could help you ...... is a great pity. 9. He gave me a cigar-box ... was very handsome and ... I still have. 10. It was not what I wanted ...... was most annoying. TRANSLATION P.211 / THE PRONOUN 1. Oricine ar fi ei, trebuie s cunoasc regulamentul. 2. Pe orice strad umbli prin Roma, peste tot vezi vestigii romane. 3. ntreab de ei pe oricine vezi aici. 4. Orice argumentatie e de prisos acum. 5. Poti s mprumuti aspiratorul oricrui vecin.

6. Nu m intereseaz, al oricui este, cinele trebuie vaccinat. 7. Orice ar spune el, gndeste-te nainte de a-i rspunde. 8. Orice spui, e pe placul lui. 9. Iat trei crti care trateaz problema despre care m-ai ntrebat. Ia-o pe care vrei. 10. - Cu care s ncepem? Cu oricare vrei. 11. Invit-i pe John si Jane, si pe oricine mai vrei. 12. Pe oricine ntlneste i spune ce s-a ntmplat. EXERCISE P.212 / THE PRONOUN Insert correlative pronouns in the blank spaces of the following sentences: 1. ...... does not work, shall not eat. 2. ...... to whom you spoke have sent you flowers. 3. ...... laughs last laughs best. 4. I asked ...... who had always been our best friend. 5. Yes, I have ...... dont pay their debts. 6. Is your book ...... is on the shelf? 7. ...... fight for peace must win. EXERCISE P.214 / THE PRONOUN Supply each or every or their compounds: 1. Two girls entered; ...... was wearing an evening dress. 2. ...... branch of science contributes knowledge of great importance to other fields of knowledge. 3. ...... student has bought the new grammar book. 4. ...... type of protein is made up of twenty basic aminoacids. 5. ...... driver had to show his licence. 6. Iron ore is found on ...... continent and in almost ...... country. 7. ...... of her three friends helped Mary in preparing for the exam in contemporary English. 8. ..... man can understand this.

EXERCISE P.216-1 / THE PRONOUN Change the either-clauses to neither-clauses according to the model. Tom doesnt read the newspaper during the English class, and I dont either becomes Tom doesnt read the newspaper during the English class; neither do I. 1. Jack doesnt sit up late, and Bill doesnt either. 2. Mary cant cook, and Jane cant either. 3. You havent seen my new hat, and Martha hasnt either. 4. I cant sing, and my son cant either. 5. Tom wont tell you anything, and I wont either. 6. Jane doesnt wear a sweater, and Dolly doesnt either. 7. The teacher isnt sleeping, and the students arent either. 8. Philip didnt know you were here, and I didnt either. 9. I havent eaten lunch yet, and you havent either.

EXERCISE P.216-2 / THE PRONOUN Give a reply to the sentences below first with an either-clause, then with a neither-clause. Use the noun or pronoun in brackets as the subject according to the model: Harry doesnt snore. (I) The replies may be: I dont, either, or Neither do I. 1. The play wasnt very interesting. (film) 2. Donkeys arent allowed on the bus. (cows) 3. Philip cant swim. (I) 4. Jane couldnt remember the poems. (Mary) 5. The meat shouldnt be cooked too long. (vegetables) 6. Cats cant swim and breathe under water. (hens) 7. Peter doesnt have to get up early. (I) 8. The boys wouldnt abandon their work. (the girls) 9. Mrs. Brown cant read without glasses. (Mr. Brown) 10. The writer wouldnt abandon the position he had taken. (the critic) EXERCISE P.217 / THE PRONOUN Fill in the blanks with either, neither or both: 1. Take ...... half; they are exactly the same. 2. ...... of you can do it. its as simple as ABC. 3. They are ...... lying; ...... answer is true. 4. These two boys are awfully badly-behaved. I like ...... of them. 5. You must not favour ...... side in the dispute. 6. This dress is ...... cheap and up-to-date. 7. When Mary and Ann came from the market ...... of them were carrying a basket in ...... hand. 8. I have two brothers; ...... of them are studying mathematics, so ...... of them can help you with your problems. 9. ...... books are useful and amusing. You may take ...... of the two, but not ...... . I will take ...... or ...... . 10. ...... of the two proposals was accepted. EXERCISE P.221 / THE PRONOUN Fill in the blanks with some, any, no or their compounds: 1. Would you like ... more coffee? No, thanks, I want .... more. 2. I must tell you ...... about that girl. You neednt tell me ...... . I know her very well. 3. ...... can translate that into English. 4. I cant buy it. I have hardly ...... money. 5. Have you ...... money to lend me? 6. I heard a knock; is there ...... at the door? 7. If I find ...... of these volumes in the library Ill borrow them. 8. She hasnt ...... friends here, yet. 9. ....can make him give up the experiments he began ...... years ago. 10. ...... told me what to do under the circumstances. 11. ...... way or other, well overcome these difficulties. 12. In ...... case, you mustnt forget to do that. 13. Are there ...... letters for me.

14. Have you ...... objection to my going there. 15. Dont waste ...... time, for it will take you ...... time to get through all that work. 16. If ...... calls, say Im out. 17. I see you want ...... more groceries. Are you expecting ...... for the week-end. 18. He hopes to be a writer ...... day. 19. Cant ...... be done to help him? I think it can or should be. 20. Call ...... day you like. Theres always ...... in to receive. EXERCISE P.222-1 / THE PRONOUN Insert much, many, little and few in the blank spaces in the sentences below: 1. You have a lot of grammar books but I have ...... . 2. ...... money is needed in America by somebody who wants to become a president. 3. Tom gets plenty of money from his dad but Ann doesnt get ...... . 4. As I was very busy I have written....letters to my mom this month. 5. In her first written paper Mary made ...... mistakes but in her second one she made ...... 6. This week we have had ...... time for amusement. 7. ...... great writers ended their lives in misery. 8. I want ...... soda water in the wine (= hardly any). 9. ...... people like sincerity but ...... are sincere. 10. I cant write the letter in German; I know ...... of that language. EXERCISE P.222-2 / THE PRONOUN: Supply few, a few, little, a little: 1. I know ...... of Peter (hardly anything). 2. ...... countries have such splendid scenery. 3. I have ...... books treating that problem; I can lend you some. 4. I have .....books treating that problem; I must look for some more. 5. Ill have ...... spare time in the afternoon so Ill pay him a visit. 6. I have ...... spare time today, I dont think I can come to visit. 7. Can you give me some ink? Yes, I think I have ...... . 8. Have you read all those books? No, only ...... of them. 9. We all read Homer but ...... is known about his life. 10. Put ...... salt on my beef steak, please. EXERCISE P.223 / THE PRONOUN Insert other(s), the other(s), or another: 1. Some people like travelling, ...... do not. 2. This is one of the letters, where is ...... ? 3. I should like ...... cup of tea, please. 4. Some of the guests were listening to him, all ...were playing cards. 5. I dont like these two dresses; lets look for two ...... . 6. Your not being able to spell this word is ...... proof that you havent learned for today. 7. There waiting for me than the one I expected. EXERCISE P.225-1 / THE PRONOUN

Choose the correct form in brackets: 1. Everybody (is/are) coming, (isnt he/arent they)? 2. Everything he said (was/were) true. 3. Everyone was right, (wasnt anyone/werent they)? 4. Everyone (likes/like) him. 5. Anyone can solve this exercise, (cant one/cant he/cant they)? 6. One must see that, (mustnt he, mustnt one)? 7. Nothing went wrong, (did anything/did it)? 8. Everyone (was/were applauding her. 9. No one (has/have) agreed to what he suggested, (has one/has he)? 10. Somebody (has/have) come in, (hasnt he/havent they)? EXERCISE P.225-2 / THE PRONOUN Supply the correct personal, possessive or reflexive pronouns: 1. One must behave ....own house, as well as in other peoples. 2. Anything has ...... importance ...... function on the Earth. 3. No country can afford to neglect the education of ...... children. 4. Every young man enjoys ...... during the holidays. 5. Nothing was in ...... place when I began cleaning the house, 6. Everything has ...... beginning and end. 7. Everybody worked ...... along on ...... elbows during the attack. 8. Each student was helped by that professor. He helped ...... a lot. REVISION P.226-1 / THE PRONOUN Fill in the blanks with suitable indefinite pronouns or adjectives: 1. I didnt feel like talking to ...... at all right then. 2. I suppose a man can get used to ...... . 3. You seem to have thought of ......, havent you? 4. He wanted some more coffee but there was ...... left. 5. ...... of us is perfect; we all make mistakes. 6. Is there ...... ink in the pot? No, ...... . 7. Will you have ...... more tea? There is plenty in the pot. 8. Are you doing ...... tonight? No, ...... . 9. Tell me ...... you know and ...... will be well. 10. We ...... know how hard you have worked. ...... shares your joy at your success. 11. Who is in the corridor? ...... . 12. How ...... does that cost? Very ......, only ...... shillings. 13. Look at my hands; ...... is on the table and ...... on my knee. Now they are ...... under the table. 14. I have only two eyes; ...... are good, but if I had six, I should need them ...... to supervise those children properly. 15. Which arm have I raised? The left ...... . 16. Which of my hands is in the pocket? ......; they are ...... on the table. 17. Which ...... do you want? ...... will do. 18. There will be a prize for ...... of you. 19. ...... sat for the examination, but ...... passed it.

20. One mans meat is ...... s poison. REVISION P.226-2 / THE PRONOUN 1. Nu-i un biat ru dar ca student e asa si asa. 2. Poti s nu-mi mai scrii, mi-e egal. 3. Trebuie s completezi fisa mai clar: te-ai nscut n cutare zi, n cutare oras si asa mai departe. 4. E bine s se procedeze n asa fel nct s fie multumiti si ceilalti. 5. Fiecare cunostea gndurile celuilalt dar amndoi refuzar s vorbeasc. 6. S-ar putea crede c nici unul dinte ei nu a vzut vreodat asa o masinrie. 7. John a avut destule comentarii pertinente despre acest text. 8. Nu-i asa c oricine poate s rezolve aceast problem.

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