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The Turnabout of Adidam

A Practical Primer on the Transformation of Adidam by Theo Cedar Jones

Introduction In this document I have included all of my principle writings about Adidam, at the heart of which is a strategy for the turnabout of Adidam, or the fundamental re-orientation of the collective asana of Adidam from collapse, dysfunction, and decline, to radiance, excellence and expansion. As you will see, the redemption of Adidam will require the development of a new cultural axis, in fact the horizontal axis represented by the Adidam Cooperative Forum, and the Global Cooperative Forum, which will be the necessary compliment to the vertical axis of the hierarchy of spiritual and cultural authority in Adidam. The vertical axis and the horizontal axis, together, and each strong in their own right, will generate the checks and balances, accountability, and the outward-looking and inclusive qualities, that Adidam must develop in order to survive. There is necessarily a kind of culture shock in discovering how apparently different the cultures of the horizontal and the vertical axes are. The vertical axis is about people at the top who have certain kinds of absolute governing authority (over Adi Das Intellectual Property, over who can and cannot be a formal devotee, over who can have access to the Sanctuaries, over who can join the ranks of the highest governing authority, the Ruchira Sannyasin Order, etc.), whereas in the Cooperative Forums there are no mucky mucks and no senior or subordinate factions. In the vertical axis, devotees typically wait to be told what to do by someone over them. In the horizontal axis, movements of the people can be generated spontaneously, at the grass roots level, but they must always be aligned to Bhagavan via His Word. It is extremely important for all devotees to enact and affirm that they have a perpetual right to meet in an open forum, and discuss matters relevant to their collective responsibilities in an open manner. Devotees must always safeguard their right and obligation to co-create and participate in an open forum. Devotees, like all other human beings, possess universal human rights, including the rights to assemble and speak openly. The Adidam Cooperative Forum is the way to collectively enact these universal rights of expression and assembly, as they pertain to devotees collective obligations to Adidam.

The Adidam Cooperative Forum and the Global Cooperative Forum are also the zones in which the principles of prior unity, non-difference and cooperation are fully acknowledged, enabled and allowed, and therefore people acting in this light are opposed to no one and divisive with no one. This document is offered as an open source document, which can be freely shared, cited and reproduced without permission. (All of the citations of Adi Das Word within this document belong to the copyright holder.) This document is also not confined to my authorship. I would like to build onto this document with contributions from the best and the brightest writers about Adidam, to enlarge a body of commentary and strategy for the improvement and betterment of Adidam.

What next for Adidam? The greatest Avatar Who has ever lived in the cosmic domain has left His Body. What will become of the Way that He has established for the sake of all? What will become of Adidam, the world religion that He has founded? Soon after I heard about Bhagavan Adi Da's Mahasamadhi (November 27, 2008), I felt intuitively that His Presence had somehow burst more intensely into all the worlds, and that He was somehow less constrained to do His Work of Blessing and Liberating all beings. But how will Adi Da's Presence be effective in the world? How can the Way of Adidam be strong enough, and large enough in numbers, to truly serve His World Work? You are the way to Me. Adi Da Samraj On the shoulders of Adi Da's devotees rests the protection of His Sanctuaries, the success of His Mission, and the co-creation of the Global Cooperative Forum with everybody-all-at-once. In this essay I offer solutions and ideas on how devotees and supporters of Adi Da can accomplish these things, in accordance with selected Notes and Instructions from Bhagavan. Devotees of Adi Da inherit the responsibility to make Adi Da's Way available, authentic and effective for all future generations. The Way of the Heart depends on His devotees for its continuing existence, and this has the hugest conceivable consequences for the human race. I write this letter to open a process of consideration with devotees and all people who love Adi Da, about the future of Adidam, and what Adidam's role is in the fate of humanity. If it is true that Adi Da is the only means for the ultimate liberation of human beings, and if it is true that the Global Cooperative Forum that He has given is the only means for the survival of humanity (29), then it follows that the actions of His devotees in the coming years has direct bearing of ultimate consequence on all humanity. To restate the liberation of humanity and the survival of humanity are directly contingent on the effectiveness of Adi Da's devotees in the coming years. Given the seriousness of our collective responsibility for the Way of the Heart and the fate of the human race, I offer these proposals in the spirit of prior unity and cooperation.

Two principal goals for Adidam I believe there are two goals that must be achieved in order for Adi Da's Way and the Global Cooperative Forum to be able to save humanity from mass self-destruction. 1. Devotees must achieve sustained growth in the Mission of Adidam, such that 10,000 new people become Beloved's devotees under vow in the next 5 years. 2. The self-rightening process must be allowed to take place within Adidam, according to the principles of Not-Two Is Peace, via the Adidam Cooperative Forum, and with the help of the Global Cooperative Forum. Why is sustained growth in Adidam a critical necessity? Because a global religion of only a thousand or so people is not sufficient to financially sustain the five global sanctuaries of Adidam, or mount a sufficienty robust global campaign to make Adi Da available to millions or billions of people. Adi Da's sanctuaries must continue to exist and be rightly served in order for Adi Da's restoration of human civilization to occur, and in order for His Blessings of Earth to be conducted through His Sanctuaries. And the critical mass of 10,000 devotees (or more) is the only way that the institution and means of Adidam will be strong enough to cut through the aggressive and competitive messages of the human media onslought, and make His Media Presence effective. (9,10,11) Why is the self-rightening process of Adidam absolutely critical? First, a brief "criticism" of Adidam, up til now. As Adi Da has vociferously pointed out throughout His decades of Teaching and Instruction, devotees have tended to suppress His Way. One of the principal symptoms of this suppression is the weakness and virtual non-existence of His Mission in the world. To undo what is broken in the Mission and Culture of Adidam will require a process of self-rightening among devotees. Only if devotees in sufficient numbers consent to a process of self-rightening, will the Mission be allowed to expand and be really effective. What will this self-rightening look like? The Adidam Cooperative Forum (35) is the natural place where issues that devotees have with each other, or institutional representatives of Adidam, can be addressed in a formal manner, according to the principles of the Global Cooperative Forum (30, 31) and Adi Das Notes. The Adidam Cooperative Forum is the most effective means for unresolved issues to receive a sufficient hearing, within a context of Prior Unity.

My personal experience of Adidam is of a culture where honest and open talk about how the institution is run, and how devotee conflicts are addressed, is suppressed, discouraged and unsupported. This is one of the "staves in the wheels" of the natural self-rightening process within Adidam; but the stave will be removed through the full functioning of the Adidam Cooperative Forum, the Convocation, and true cooperative culture altogether. This will allow the self-rightening to occur in Adidam, and will also function as a model for the Global Cooperative Forum that can be adopted by the rest of humanity. Another principle facet of self-rightening in Adidam is accountability. How is accountability to be allowed and generated? Firstly, there needs to be a communication sent out to every participating devotee that gives them the tools of accountability, which include the following: 1. An organizational chart of Adidam which includes the name, picture, job title, job description, and contact information for every person with a job in Adidam, including all the required positions for which there are no current employees. 2. Quarterly reports of all of the vital statistics of Adidam, including all financial information of every aspect of Adidam, how much money is coming in, how much is being spent, and how much needs to be spent on specific projects. 3. A Quarterly accounting of all of the gifts going to Heart Master Adi Da, all of the new devotees who have come under vow, the total number of devotees participating, and the number of devotees falling out of participation, altogether, worldwide. The Adidam Cooperative Forum will be a place for all devotees in Adidam to directly address and handle all of the issues we have in common as devotees, including accountability, self-rightening and sustained growth in Adidam. This will put the responsibility for the success of Adidam directly into the hands of all devotees, enable us to phase out the failed-case methods, and bring in new ideas, methods and strategies that are based on prior unity, measurable results, and the presumption of success. (33) This process, of course, will "stir up the shit", and necessarily be messy. It may cause the losing of face. But this process must be engaged, in continuing surrender to and faith in Bhagavan Adi Da, for the sake of all beings, so that Adidam can be allowed to outgrow its weak and suppressed pattern. Assuming an ongoing self-rightening process within Adidam, it will then be possible for the collective of devotees to conduct sustained expansion in numbers, which will satisfy the first goal. Self-rightening will tend to counter the collapsed and weak pattern that

has been imposed by devotees in Adidam's first few decades, and self-rightening is therefore a prerequisite to any sustained expansion of Adidam. The self-rightening of Adidam will also help to usher in the era of professionally mounted large, multi-media rich and Guild-driven Mission events (34). The types of events done at the Bright movie premier in L.A., or at the Cipriani Hotel in Venice, or in San Francisco on October 13th, 2007, will become commonplace and consistent occurrences all over the world, and it is a Bright House function to help create the expectation and inspiration for this to happen. One problem - what if the self-rightening process within Adidam takes longer than our "window of opportunity" for collective survival? (27, 28) In this case, we must develop "parallel strategies", strategies that are parallel to and cooperative with the formal Mission of Adidam, but that do not necessarily originate from within Adidam, and are therefore not subject to the particular cultural limitations of Adidam at any given time. These parallel strategies have the capacity to make Adi Da directly available to sufficient millions of people for His 10,000 new devotees to find Him, as well as to help incarnate the Global Cooperative Forum. What are "parallel strategies"? Parallel strategies are meant to work in cooperation with the Samrajya, the Adi Da Mission, the Dawn Horse Press, Da Plastique and Da Orpheum, and yet function with strategic autonomy, as devotee-owned businesses, and influential individuals and groups. Ex. 1 - "Light in Everybody" - a sacred celebration and traveling festival. "Light in Everybody" is a large event (1,2,3), that travels the world, and brings artists and performers together who share "sacred" artistic expressions and offerings in a "sacred space". Artist and performer devotees of Adi Da, as well as Adi Da's Guilds, would always be present and included, along with many, many other artists and performers from the world's faiths and traditions. "Light in Everybody" is also an outlet for the book Not-Two Is Peace, and the many people who affirm prior unity as the basis of their lives. As such, "Light in Everybody" is an educative and recruiting arm of the Global Cooperative Forum. Ex. 2 A bevy of devotee-driven sacred arts performing projects including the following (proposed): a) Prasad - A dance band along the lines of Jaya, lots of devotional lyrical content about Adi Da.

b) The Da Chorale - A singing ensemble dedicated to sacred performances of vocal music from many styles and traditions, including Indian chanting, Qawalli, Eurpopean classical, jazz, ambient, new age, the Beach Boys, the Mamas and the Papas, the Fifth Dimension, etc.; this would be a truly exalted vocal group singing and chanting Adi Da's Word, and material from the Great Tradition. c) The Da Orchestra - The instrumental analog to the Da Chorale; world class musicians making original compositions for performance to support the Da Chorale and other singers, and to play great instrumental pieces suitable for accompaniment to Adi Da's video Discourses, Darshans and Image Art. Ex. 3 Artists and performers who are devotees and advocates of Adi Da. For example: rock bands who invoke Adi Da's Divine Presence. Godsend (Daniel Joseph and band) have performed their original rock songs for audiences in North America. Swaybone (Theo Cedar Jones and band: has released 3 albums of devotionally inspired rock songs praising Adi Da and Prior Unity. There is a pool of talented devotees who could become famous. What if Naamleela Free Jones became more famous? Or Tamarind Free Jones, or Jacqueline Clemons, or Aura Bakker, or Steve Brown, or Daniel Hebert, or Justin Griffiths? What if Wax (Ed Kowalczyk) re-approached and put his art into direct service to Adi Da? What if famous devotees made key connections to influential people, like Bono, Oprah or Obama, and those powerful individuals had a "conversion" or heart-response to Beloved Adi Da? Ex. 4 The continuing success of Adi Da's Art and Da Plastique. Stanley Hastings and the efforts of Da Plastique are a shining example of one "outward looking" part of Adidam which has been successful, and will always be one of the means of Adi Da's Emergence into the world. Ex. 5 Independent media campaigns. The mechanisms of global media, including everything from massive web marketing campaigns to outdoor billboards, are available for a price. There may arise a consortium of advocates and patrons, who recognize the ethical and public-health necessity of broadcasting Adi Da and the Global Cooperative Forum to millions, and may pursue this strategy in a spirit of "cooperative autonomy" vis-a-vis Adidam, and thereby, sufficiently free of the particular cultural constraints of Adidam to engage large-scale media strategies successfully (until such time as Adidam is prepared to engage worldwide media campaigns of its own.) Ex. 6 The Orpheum Guild will continue to develop new ways to bring Adi Da's Sacred Theatre to the public.

Ex. 7 The 723 Temple: a refuge for everybody-all-at-once, prior unity, and tolerance for all forms of sacred expression. An "internal" strategy for Adidam I believe that it is now essential for a new generation of public spokespeople to arise from within Adidam. These spokespersons would balance older (whiter) faces, with younger faces (6), and multi-hued faces. These would be "pure-warrior" and "heroic" types, who are capable of making their transparent confessions of devotion to Adi Da boldly and directly and artfully to the public, and even to very large numbers of people. There will always be large numbers of people who will respond to charismatic spokespeople, and therefore, strong spokespeople are a critical part of Adi Das Means, including the audio, video, literary and pictorial Forms of Beloved Adi Da. These spokespersons are not necessarily "experts" in Adi Da's Dharma, or even particularly great Realizers of Adi Da, (though they can and should be), but they are sufficiently transparent and submitted to Heart Master Adi Da, that their unique talents will allow Him to ring through to large numbers of people. The "power of the leela" (the stories of devotees' lives with Adi Da) is of unprecedented importance to the human race. But to unleash it, we will have to overcome the selfimposed limitations that grip Adidam, where authority remains in the hands of a small group of insider/old-timers, who have mostly refused to cultivate and mentor oncoming generations of younger leaders within Adidam. Positive mentoring and cultivation of leadership will be a natural function of formally established Guilds and a robust Bright House culture within Adidam. For our spokespersons to be properly "ready for the public", they must be equipped with the right training to respond to three of the principal foils of the Adi Da missionary, which are: 1. Reactive and "culturally superior" Christians. 2. The "scandalous" sexual history of Adi Da with His devotees. 3. The materialist and anti-Guru bias of the West. Using Adi Da's Instruction specific to these three areas, along with roll playing, experimentation and self-rightening, spokespeople, advocates and missionaries will be better prepared for the "heavy lifting" required by their service.

We will also need to develop a clear-eyed strategy to deal with the "culture of resistance and suppression" within Adidam. This is something that has to be dealt with head-on. I believe there is no way to overcome patterns of resistance without utilizing a method of "matching energy". That is to say, a critical-mass of devotees have to be willing to exert the energy required to overcome patterns of resistance in Adidam, without resorting to "unnecessary force". Patterns of resistance and suppression have a collective force; an energy sufficient to match and overcome that force is absolutely required in order to break or bypass these destructive patterns of resistance and suppression. This also means that certain individuals who refuse to change patterns of suppression or resistance may need to be diverted into more benign areas of service, so that self-rightening can be allowed. The culture and pattern of weakness, collapse and suppression within Adidam must be actively replaced with a culture that is based on measurable results of service, gifts and practice. There is a clear formula that Heart Master Adi Da gave us to measure quantifiably the effectiveness and authenticity of our practice, and that is: 1. The numbers of people seeing Adi Da, and 2. The numbers of people becoming devotees, and 3. The numbers of those retained among the ranks of participating devotees (i.e. retention). If there is no sustained growth in all of these numbers, then it probably follows that the depth of our practice and service is not effective. Bringing gifts to Adi Da is never-ending. Although Avatar Adi Da has left His physical body, it is still possible, and as urgent as ever, to bring gifts to His Feet. Some of the principal forms of gifting to Beloved Adi Da include the protection of and right service to His Sanctuaries and the Ruchira Sanyasin Order, as well as bringing new people to Adi Da through the Mission and the "parallel strategies". How do we get started? I offer these ideas and proposals for consideration within the Adidam Cooperative Forum, and with anybody who wishes to accomplish the two goals of sustained growth and self-rightening for Adidam, as well as to support and magnify all of Adi Da's Means and Agency in the world. These ideas and proposals are also offered to further the dissemination of the book Not-Two Is Peace (, and Prior

Unity throughout the world, as well as to help bring the Global Cooperative Forum into reality. I invite you to join with me in this process, for the sake of all beings on planet Earth, and in loving service and devotion to Adi Da Samraj.


"Super Communication" Selections from Adi Das Notes and Instructions on the Mission and the Global Cooperative Forum 1. It has to be an event. It has to really get across, and has to use, in the highest professional terms, the technologies of communication that exist today. It has to get to people all over the world, and not just this little miniature domain of things as they have been in the gathering. 2. It's got to be done in this grand and most professional and profound sense, and get to everybody all over the world. 3. It is a theatrical event. And it is still extending Me into the world, but it is done through art. 4. This is the moment of opportunity. Its about doing it through action. That is what is required of My devotees. 5. When My devotees show the sign of a no-growth Mission, it is proof that they do not recognize Who I Am. 6. The whole world is at ground zero now. This is the time for the new to be animated. Great energy for what needs to be accomplished reside in the generation now coming to adult maturity, whose vitality and mutual connectedness and impulse toward rightness need to be brought to bear in the big picture happening all over the world. There must be an asctivist embrace of Prior Unity at every level of human life. 7. I must not fail, which means humankind must not fail. 8. Do not accept the status quo only a few people coming to your events, only a few people responding. 9. The real missionary work touches vast numbers of people. 10. You have to sell the Way of the Heart by addressing and breaking through peoples resistance. 11. You are to sell the Way of the Heart, and the only way to know if you are doing that is to look at the statistics. This organization must train its missionaries and advocates to sell this Way of life to people in general and to patrons and communicators.


12. If you are not getting results, you must either provide further training or have someone else do it. (from "Tell Everyone That I Am Here") 13. Humanity must accept its responsibility to manage itself as a globally interconnected total community and (in the disposition of cooperation and tolerance) that total (or truly global) community must deal with the immense practical problems confronting the living world today (including overpopulation, disease, ecological and environmental problems, economic problems, and so forth). 14. The leaders who serve the cooperative global community must (without fail) preserve and protect the well-being of humankind (and of even all of Earthkind) as a whole, by really and consistently abandoning the self-centered, non-cooperative, and intolerant (or loveless) manner of life and the policies and activities that flow from it. 15. Let every one act on his or her heart-desire to preserve this world of Earth and its kinds of life. 16. Let every one act on his or her heart-yearning to serve the rightening of the worldcivilization of human beings. 17. Do not allow this precious gift of human existence to be reduced, degraded, and annihilated. 18. Do not allow this precious world of Earth and Earthkind to be destroyed. 19. Preserve these gifts by doing, and demanding, what is Right Life and Peace. 20. I offer you these Words as a Thorn of Warning and a Breath of New Life. 21. I Say all of this in Certain Love for you, and for every one. (from Eleutherios - 2001 Edition) 22. You must, yourself, become involved in intimate, cooperative community, with other human beings. 23. You can and must create your own politics in intimate, cooperative association with your fellow human beings. 24. Without a community of responsible relationships and advanced cultural agreements, there can be no right politics.


25. True cooperative politics is a great human adventure, in which human beings are inherently obliged to realize their humanity as an ego-transcending discipline. 26. That is what Sacred Domain activity is about. It is a time of playing with one another responsively. 27. This is the moment when it will be decided what the future is going to be. 28. This next handful of years is the period in which this choice has to be animated, one way or the other. 29. The only power that can deal with these powers that are on the verge of destroying the world is everybody-all-at-once... a new cooperative system for dealing with issues. 30. On the basis of the "working-presumption" of prior unity, such a Global Cooperative Forum would deal with all the urgent issues that humankind hsa in common. (From The Principles of the Global Cooperative Forum) 31. Each one who agrees with this Call of Mine to humankind must from now, and forever hereafter simply, actually, and consistently do what is necessary to communicate and serve this Call and to directly, practically, and positively address all the grave issues that humanity now faces. 32. You are the way to Me. 33. If the collective is failing, it is your business. Whatever is lacking in the institution, the culture, the community, and the mission, is your business, the business of every one of you. It is your obligation to make it work, because these are among the gifts you must bring to Me. 34. Stop being small. (From "Tell everyone that I Am Here") 35. The Adidam Cooperative Forum is an everybody-all-at-once responsibility that covers all aspects of the "Bright"-Housethe Global Ashram of all devotees, as individuals and collectively, and all the responsibilities they have been given to maintain. Key Functions of the Adidam Cooperative Forum 1. Bringing tangible gifts to His Divine Presence, Avatar Adi Da Samraj


2. Mutual accountability between leadership and the gathering within Adidam (that is, between the leadership of the AdiDaSala, the Holy Domains, and The "Bright"-House Adidam and the gatheringthe Adidam Samrajya is a separate entity that is under accountability via the Ruchira Sannyasin Order). (From LMI #225) What is there that must survive? It is the Pleasure Dome context of life that must survive. The core of life must be preserved as a Pleasure Dome of everything sacred everything most profound everything most intimate. The entire environment of the heart is the Pleasure Dome. That which Woman is that which she incarnates that which her pattern is about requires mankind to be integrated with it as the core of life. This fundamental transformation is something I am Calling for the restoration of the Pleasure Dome as the context of human life the complete restoration of it the liberation of the human disposition from the opposition to Woman to Shakti to feeling to the art of all the senses glorifying and turned toward the Divine condition of existence. Done in temple done in bed done at meals done in human community. The Pleasure Dome must be restored. You must have the Pleasure Dome, temple and all. And then you will know what to do when you go to do business, when you go to the Parliament. You will go there to make sure the Pleasure Dome is preserved, because you all want to go back there tonite!


The Save Adidam Plan Adidam is showing signs of decline in several key areas: The Fear-No-More Zoo, The Orpheum Tent, Seigler Springs road, and the Bright Room Tent, for example. In addition, I heard a report that the numbers of devotees and the amount of dollars coming in have been declining in Adidam each month. Adidam can't save itself from within its existing pattern. Something new must emerge. If it is true that the only thing that can save the world from destruction is the Global Cooperative Forum, then it could also be true that the only thing that can save Adidam is the Global Cooperative Forum. Given the many urgent global matters that the GCF must address, including the systematic reduction and elimination of warfare and nuclear weapons, why would creating a conversation with Adidam also be a top priority for the Global Cooperative Forum? A top reason for the GCF to get involved in the self-rightening and saving of Adidam is that the Way of Adi Da is the only means for humans to transcend their egos and ego culture, and thereby eliminate warfare (and all the other ego-made global threats) at the root, at the ego itself. Adidam has a unique historic role to play in helping humanity convert from the ego culture to the ego transcending Way of life. Therefore, we have to save Adidam if we want to save the world, because saving the world requires that humans get access to ego transcending wisdom, of which Adidam is the sole authenticated source. By engendering the Global Cooperative Forum with our intimate communities and applying the Forum to a specific issue, such as saving Adidam, we help insure the future of Adi Da's world Work, which improves the chances for the human race. But how does this process actually work? When a group of us has read Not Two Is Peace and publicly affirmed Prior Unity, we are in the position to help create a context for a certain kind of conversation to happen. That conversation happens in the context of Prior Unity, non-separateness, and "no enemies". This is a uniquely neutral atmosphere in which all interested parties can bring up any issue and be heard in a non-tribal context. When the people of Adidam have resort to conversations in this context, the problems and issues of Adidam can be dealt with in a self-rightening and self-managing manner, as always, with the guidance of the Sacred Authority of Adidam (the Ruchira Sannyasin Order). This will allow Adidam to righten itself from within a new pattern, the pattern established by the Global Cooperative Forum.


Of course, this does not mean that the Global Cooperative Forum has any special interest in or association with Adidam, any more than it has with any other religion. The Global Cooperative Forum is involved with Adidam primarily for public health reasons. Inevitably, the Global Cooperative Forum will involve itself with issues within and between many other religions as well, whenever there are compelling public health reasons to do so, i.e. whenever the actions of those religions have a major impact on humanity. I propose that all people who share a passionate interest in the future of Adi Da's Way, create and participate in an open online discussion forum, perhaps built along the lines of, in order to facilitate the creation of a cohesive global constituency committed to the betterment of Adidam.


Why should devotees of Adi Da make and do the Global Cooperative Forum?

5.17 Prior unity, and the need to implement prior unity via a Global Cooperative Forum, must be presented as tacitly, self-evidently heart-true, and everyones participation is to be invited on that basis. In the last two years of His life, Heart Master Adi Da gave the world His book Not-Two Is Peace. This book is unique in Adi Das Teaching in that it proposes a new political entity, the Global Cooperative Forum, as the indispensable requirement for global human survival. This book also introduces a new level of responsibility to Adi Das devotees. Heretofore, devotees were obligated by their vow of devotion to Adi Da. Now devotees are called, along with everybody-all-at-once, to make an additional social contract, one in which they affirm prior unity as the basis of their lives. It is the unique position of Adi Das devotees that they have two great callings in life: The calling to Divine Self-Realization, and the calling to participate in the Global Cooperative Forum. For devotees who have taken on the profound requirements of their vow to Adi Da, the calling to create and participate in a new global cooperative culture may seem daunting, or a part of Adi Das Teaching they would rather ignore, or at least relegate to secondary status. But if everybody-all-at-once doesnt include Adi Das devotees, then we would have to wait for everybody-else-all-at-once to start the Global Cooperative Forum. But why should devotees make and do the Global Cooperative Forum? I think devotees should make and do the Global Cooperative Forum for two reasons 1. The Global Cooperative Forum is the only way to save the world from destruction, and 2. The Global Cooperative Forum is the only way to ensure a new kind of dialogue within Adidam. If these statements are true, then the Global Cooperative Forum is essential for devotees because it affords us the possibility of a future for Adidam and the human race. The Global Cooperative Forum also provides a context for a new kind of dialogue in the world, a dialogue based on a group of people who affirm prior unity. This new kind of dialogue is essential for Adidams survival, because it provides a neutral zone free from tribal labels, where all devotees can communicate openly about the most serious issues affecting Adidam.

p. 162 Who must make and do the Global Cooperative Forum of humankind? Everyone. p. 143 The working-presumption of prior unity rather than the search for unity is the right and true context for all human exchanges. In this document I have attempted to create a framework through which I can effectively live the two callings, and thereby serve both Adi Da and the Global Cooperative Forum. It is my hope that this framework will clarify and enable every devotees practice of the two callings. This framework is composed of four steps: 1. 2. 3. 4. A Cautionary A Confession A Contract A Means

A Cautionary This is the step where we acknowledge how urgent it is for each of us as devotees of Adi Da to be partners in the making and doing of the Global Cooperative Forum. 1.47 The only power that can deal with these powers that are on the verge of destroying the Earth-world is everybody-all-at-oncemeaning not merely mob power, but a new cooperative system for dealing with issues. 5.30 The urgency of the global situation is such that the foundation work of activating the totality of humankind via the Global Cooperative Forum must happen now. p. 101 A real and true global cooperative human community is not merely a utopian ideal, but a practical and actually realizable necessity for the physical survival and the natural well-being of humankind and even all of Earthkind. p. 97 Either there will be universal war and death or, alternatively, humankind will become established in a global cooperative order, based on the working-presumption of universal prior unity. p. 154 It is absolutely urgent that there be an immediate and total transformation at the root of human culture and society and politics.


Because I love Adidam and the Way of the Heart, and because I love planet Earth and the human race, and because I want to participate in the restoration of human civilization, I accept Adi Das Urgency and cautionary warning about the threat to life on earth, and the fact that only the Global Cooperative Forum can counter the threats and save the world. A Confession This is the step where I confess what I am always doing I am always being Narcissus, the self-contraction, and I am also a mummer, or a falsifier of Truth and Adidam. Therefore, I confess to everyone, I am Narcissus. I am also a mummer in Saint -andEar, insofar as I contribute to the status quo of Adidam. p. 153 The last tyrant is Everyman. In making this confession, I am making it known to everybody that I am willing to take responsibility for my activity, and be an accountable partner in the self-rightening process in Adidam. A Contract This is the step where I take on a new social contract, which enables me to participate in global cooperative culture in a new way. p. 308 A new mode of social contract must emerge a mode of social contract not founded on egoity. There must now be an egoless mode of social contract based on cooperation, tolerance, and universal participation and accountability. One way to make a new form of social contract is to state, I affirm prior unity. All of us are free to make this affirmation. For example: I ________________________ (your name) affirm prior unity. Devotees who have publicly affirmed prior unity are making a new kind of social contract, which creates the context for a new kind of dialogue within Adidam. Devotees who have affirmed prior unity and are participating in the Global Cooperative Forum are uniquely equipped to engender a dialogue free from the limits of ego culture, and all the old patterns in Adidam. And it is this kind of dialogue that is essential for Adidam to righten itself and transform itself out of limiting patterns.


A Means This is the step where devotees embrace the means given by Adi Da to righten, and thereby save, His Sangha. December 4, 2007 There should be a convocation of Adidam to establish the Way as I have Revealed it, the Divine Self-Emergence Way as I've Given it. The entire worldwide culture should be involved in such a convocation, and establish the gathering and its institutional responsibilities. p. 145 There needs to be a fundamental right dialogue functioning in the human world. p. 158 The Internet is an indispensable and, altogether, key and central tool unique and new to global humankind for organizing, and implementing, and surely (in every practical sense) happening the global cooperative order of the totality of humankind. Therefore, the Internet should immediately be made thus to serve. Adi Da has given us the means of a convocation to handle our business and our issues, and the dialogue within the convocation will be enhanced by the presence of devotees who have made the new social contract, and are also serving within the Global Cooperative Forum. A functioning Global Cooperative Forum will inform and inspire the Adidam Cooperative Forum and the Bright House, by modeling the principles from Not-Two Is Peace and applying them in positive ways. The Global Cooperative Forum and the Adidam Cooperative Forum represent areas of critical cultural growth and regeneration for Adidam, in terms of connecting devotees to each other and to a process of effective cooperative self-governance, while helping to achieve the goals of self-rightening and sustained growth in the Sangha. I invite everybody who is interested in the Global Cooperative Forum to participate in a global conversation via webinar about building cooperative culture in our Sangha and in our world. I will work with all who want to make and do the Global Cooperative Forum now, for the sake of preserving Adi Das Brightness Seat at Adi Da Samrajashram, which is the greatest source of blessing for planet Earth, and I will do it for the sake of Adi Das Sangha and Institutions, which are declining in numbers and money, and I will do it for the sake of the cooperative culture of Adidam, which is only beginning to break free of the cocoon of the status quo, and I will do it for the millions whose ears and eyes and hearts ache to hear and see and feel the Living Divine Person Adi Da Samraj, and I will

do it because my Heart Masters Shout and Criticism are ringing in my ears from His Scapegoat Book and Divine Discourses.


A proposal for a Global Convocation of Adidam 2013 Statement of purpose: I am committed to the Mens Tent, the Womens Tent and the Global Convocation of Adidam in order to increase cooperative community in Adidam, and enable the re-bonding of Adi Das global Sangha, through real-time participation in a living dialogue, informed by Adi Das Notes and Not-Two Is Peace. How do we come together as over a thousand devotees worldwide, into the same room all-at-once? GoToWebinar enables us to participate in a real conversation with over a thousand people in real-time. How does this happen? A real conversation with a thousand people does not mean anyone can talk at any moment and also be heard by everyone. The people who can be heard by everyone are speakers in the program, controlled by the moderator of the conversation. The moderator uses the GoToWebinar software to mute and un-mute those people who can be heard by everyone. So, even though the conversation is managed, direct participation by everybody-all-atonce is enabled in the following ways: 1. Everybody can listen to the conversation in real time. 2. Everybody can chat, and raise questions or provide information via chat in real time. 3. Everybody can submit a request to place an item on the agenda of a meeting, or to be a presenter. 4. Everybody can participate in polls and surveys, before and during the meeting, that take the pulse of devotees concerns, passions and ideas. 5. Everybody can get access to archives of recordings of previous meetings. 6. Everybody can ask for a speakers slot during the second meeting. This level of conversation and cooperation has never existed before in Adidam. For this new level of cooperation to exist, we must give birth to it collectively, and the means to do this, I believe, is the Mens Tent, the Womens Tent and the Convocation of Adidam, informed and inspired by Not-Two Is Peace. Being with each other in the same room at the same time, and invoking Bhagavan together at the same time, and being informed by Adi Das social Dharma, and knowing that we all have a voice in the Sangha, will enable a unique new phase of cooperation to spontaneously arise in Adi Das global gathering.


I propose that we have a Global Convocation of Adidam on the 4 th and 5th of July, 2013, during the days of the Gurupurnima Retreat and Celebration, with a less formal rehearsal Convocation a month or so before.


A Way Forward Adi Da has repeatedly Called His devotees to step forward and make things right in Adidam, and to make things right in His Circumstance. But how do we do this? I love Adidam, and I love Heart Master Adi Da and His Work, and I love His Sangha, and it would be unethical for me to stand by and wait for permission to do what is necessary to save Adidam, to revitalize cooperative culture in the Gathering, to co-create the Forum for the universal participation of all devotees, and to provide for the full and lawful disclosure of Adi Das Notes. I know that in my service to Adi Da and His Way, I must not let Adidam fail or be degraded or destroyed. And yet, those are the stakes that every devotee and everybody who loves Adi Da must recognize, if they look clearly at Adidams limiting patterns, and how these patterns enforce a continual decline in the financial and demographic state of Adidam. As in historic moments in the past, there must be a spontaneous movement from the grassroots to do what is necessary to save Adidam. I believe that the full incarnation of the Adidam Cooperative Forum (in its true form), and the Global Convocation of Adidam, and the full and lawful disclosure of Adi Das Notes, are three essential, required, and indispensable steps that devotees must do without fail. In that light, I propose the scheduling of two events, one event being a global conversation of all devotees on July 4th and 5th 2013, and the other event being the formal initiation of the Global Cooperative Forum on July 23 rd, 2013. Both events would happen via GoToWebinar, enabling the most inclusive means of participation for the largest group of people that technology has ever afforded us. All devotees and all people interested in the Global Cooperative Forum have an immediate means to inter-communicate, self-organize, self-manage, to be in the same room together, and to bring to life the everybody force Adi Da speaks of in Not-Two Is Peace, by gathering at the global conversation of Adi Das devotees, and by gathering at the Global Cooperative Forum 2013, via GoToWebinar. We have within us the capability to positively answer Adi Das Call and Criticism, to participate in a great and fundamental turnabout of Adidam, where cooperative culture is awakened and allowed to flourish in a way and to a degree never seen on Earth before. I invite all devotees of Adi Da, all the people who love Adi Da and His Wisdom, and all the people who love world peace and desire to incarnate the Global Cooperative Forum,


to attend these global gatherings, and to prepare to take part like never before in The Great Project. Theo Cedar Jones 2013


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