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Modern technique of dynamic communication The quick & easy way to effective speaking Dale Carnegie The book

represents a quick & easy way to effective speaking in five parts that explains fourteen chapters expressing main points that you must develop to be an effective public speaker. principles of this book are useful in everday speech as well as in public speaking situation Introduction Effective speaking is more than saying words to an audience; it is the revealing expression of a human personality. Each activity of our lives is communication of a sort but it is through speech that man asserts his distinctiveness. Business, social & personal satisfaction depend upon a persons ability to communicate clearly to his fellow men what he is, what he desires, & what he believes in. PART ONE /FUNDAMENTALS OF EFFECTIVE SPEAKING: In this part he was dealing with the interrelationships of the speaker to the speech & to the speaking situation.

Chapter one: Acquiring The Basic Skills

Self-Confidence, Thoughts in logical order, Talk convincingly & Clearly before your audience through: Take heart from experience of others: Examples from real situation. Keep your goal before you: Put direction & faithfully follow the assignment. Predetermine your mind to success: Enthusiasm, Self Assurance To Succeed.(i.e. Right Attitude toward success) Seize every opportunity to practice: No One Can Swim Without Getting in The Water.

Chapter two : Developing Confidence helps to eliminate fear & fearing of inferiority
Get the facts about fear of speaking in public. 1. You are not unique of your fear in speaking in public. 2. A certain amount of stage fright is useful. 3. Professional speakers never completely lose all stage fright. 4. Cause of fear of public speaking is that you are unaccustomed to it Prepare in the proper way: Only prepared speaker deserve to be confident. 1. Never memorize a talk word for word. 2. Assemble & arrange your ideas beforehand. 3. Rehearse your talk with your friends. Predetermine your mind to success. 1-Lose yourself in your subject: Belief in your cause. 2-Keep your attentions off negative stimuli that may upset you, dont think of yourself making errors. 3-Give yourself a pep talk: Motivate yourself by positive talk, you are more qualified than other speakers. Act Confident: Feel confident, use all of our will to that end& a courage- fit will replace the fit of fear.

Chapter three: Speaking Effectively The Quick & Easy Way

Speak about something you have earned the right to talk about through experience or study. 1- Tell us what life has taught you to keep attention of your listeners. 2- Look for topics in your background: choose right topic that expresses you & dig it from your background. Be sure you are excited about your subject: your heart & thought should be in it.(i.e. be sincere &earnest) Be eager to share your talk with your listeners: Audience centered not self-centered. PART TWO/ SPEECH, SPEAKER, AUDIENCE In this part we discuss the speech the speech triangle-the three aspects of every speaking situation. First, there is the speech itself. We learn about the content of the talk, how it must be recreated from the wrap & woof of our experience. Second, there is the speaker. Here we discuss those attributes of mind& voice that must energize the delivery of the speech. Third, there is the audience, the target toward which the speech is aimed & the final arbiter of the success or failure of the speakers message. Chapter four-Earning The Right To Talk Limit your subject: Stake Out The Area You To Cover & Stay Strictly Within Those Levels, dont cover over range. Develop reserve power: Get ten times of information to deliver one piece to be prepared for discussion questions after the speech. Fill your talk with illustrations & examples: finest method to make an idea clear, interesting & persuasive through most important technique of using illustrative material as follows 1- Humanize your talk: Tell stories related to humans dont list facts only so people will enjoy your speech. 2- Personalize your talk by using names: To add more realism to a story & grasp more attention for the audience. 3- Be specific-fill your talk with details: USE the 5W FORMULA Answer questions when? Where? Who? What? &why? Your speech will be full of life & color.

4- Dramatize your talk by using dialogue to make incidents come alive. 5- Visualize by demonstrating what you are talking about: one picture is worth ten thousand words. Use concrete, familiar words that create pictures: picture building phrases are more influential& entertaining. Chapter five :Vitalizing the Talk Talk with life & spirit & use favorable body language Choose subjects you are earnest about: emotionally involved & strong belief in your subject made your speech more energetic. Relieve the feelings you have about your topic: to your audience by describing your felt emotion to get attention Act in earnest: feel you are earnest & give the audience the feeling that you have something worth talking about. Chapter six : sharing the talk with the audience: insight into human nature to build rapport Talk in terms of your listeners interests, problems to ensure attention & guarantee communication. There is nothing so interesting to ourselves as ourselves Give honest, sincere appreciation to your audience, win passport to their heart. Indentify yourself with the audience: indicate direct relationship with the group you are addressing to open line of communication. Make your audience a partner in your talk: use of audience participation will break the wall down Play yourself down : dont show mental superiority for your audience so as not to get antagonized, modesty inspires confidence & goodwill. PART THREE / THE PURPOSE OF PREPARED & IMPROMPTU TALKS In this part he developed in detail two acceptable methods of delivering a talk the extemporaneous & the impromptu method These chapters are devoted to talk to persuade, inform & convince as prepared extemporaneously. 7-Making The Short Talk To Get Action: Every talk has four major goals 1-To Persuade to get action 2-To Inform 3-To Impress & Convince 4-To Entertain Knew your goal, know how to achieve it, choose one of the purposes &fit the purpose of your talk to the audience & the location Logical method for influencing the listener to act;gain attention &focus upon your message by using magical formula that make make audience act from the opening word Give your example, an incident from your life that graphically illustrates the main idea you wish to get across. 1- Build your example upon a single personal experience that touch your audience & result in actionsimilsr to yours or avoid one. 2- Start your talk with a detail of your example that catch attention directly (i.e.)captivate the mind of your listeners with your first words. 3- Fill your example with relevant concrete details & paint a word picture that will emphasize the point & reason the talk & stimulate visual imagination to your audience 4- Relieve your experience as you relate it: describe it in a dramatic sense. State your point in clear cut terms & what you want the audience to do. 1-Make the point brief, specific & precise in telling audience what exactly you want them to do. 2- Make the point easy for listeners to do, give detailed action plan to motivate audience to take this action. 3-State the point with force & conviction: point is the theme of your talk emphasize it by vocal animation & directness. Give the reason or benefits the audience may expect when he does what you want him to do. 1-be sure the reason is relevant to the example: focus upon the benefit that was brought out in the example step. 2-be sure to stress one reason & only one: choose one outstanding reason to persuade to get action. Chapter eight-Making The Talk To Inform Use langusge clearly whe n you set out to inform audience to understand you well when giving direction or instruction,making explanation&reports Restrict your subject to fit the time at your disposal: focus on your main theme to better deliver it on disposal time whether minutes or hours. Arrange your ideas in sequence: logical sequence based on time, space, or special topics Enumerate your points as you make them: mention plainly as you go along that you are taking up first one point & then another. Compare the strange with the familiar:compare the strange with the familiar that your audience know& understand 1- Turn a fact into a picture: turn figures into pictures 2- Avoid technical terms: use simple words that will be understood easily by your audience. Use visual aids: if you wish to be clear, picture your points & visualize your ideas use visual supplement as pictures, diagrams ,dont rely on speech only

9-Making The Talk To Convince Win confidence by deserving it :character is the best way to obtain credit ,set fourth ideas with the inner glow that comes from sincere conviction ,must be convinced to convince. Get a yes-response: set the psychological processes of your listeners in the affarmitive direction, by presenting facts & let them led to conclusion with you,they will have much faith in truth they discover it yourself, find a common ground of agreement & then lead them off step by step untiyl you got them into your fold. Speak with contagious enthusiasm to lessen contradicting & negative ideas in your audience as your felling will transfer to them,stir emotions than to arouse thoughts when you try to convience Show respect & affection for your audience or you will lose them Begin in a friendly way so you can influence your audience & wont repel from you. 10- Making Impromptu Talks: speaking without prepration,ability to mobilize your thoughts quickly &verbalize fluentlytalking off the cuff Practice impromptu speaking: will teach you to assemble your knowledge & thoughts on any topic at a moment notice, learn how to think in our feet. Be mentally ready to speak impromptu: keep ask yourself what will you say if they asked you to talk in a meeting, condition yourself mentally to speak impromptu on all occasions.decide aspect of topic to fit situation on a short time. Get into an example immediately for three reasons 1-free yourself to think hard about your next sentence 2-you will get into a dwing of speaking 3-you will enlist the attention of audience at once Speak with animation and force: will have beneficial effect upon your mental processes as relation of physical activity to mind is a close one. Use the principle of the here and now: talk about your listeners attending your meeting & circumstances that bring this occasion Dont talk impromptu-give an impromptu talk:keep your ideas logically grouped arounda central point which might be well be the point you want to get across. PART FOUR / THE ART OF COMMUNICATING:the chapter which makes up this part is devoted entirely to the subject of delivery Here again, stress is laid on the fundamentals of effective speaking as projected in the first part of this book Expressiveness is the result of earning the right & having an eager desire to share the message with the audience.only in this way will delivery be spontaneous & natural. 11-Delivering The Talk how we say it Crash through your shell of self-consciousness: dont be stiff &mechanical get out from your shell &act normal with freedom. Dont try to imitate others be yourself: get out your own flavor in delivering your tak,depend upon the manner not the matter, look for the single part of the individuality that makes you different fron the other folks.cling to it, cherish it ,develop it Converse with your audience: sense of communication, audience should feel that there is a message being delivered straight from the mind & the heart of the speaker to their minds & hearts.your speaking should be conversational, natural & direct. Put your heart into your speaking: sincerity ,enthusiasm &high earnestness will help to be natural, Practice making your voice strong & flexible: tone variety is influenced by your emotional & mental state.dont slip to definite mold of physical &vocal communication s(volume , pitch variation& pace. PART FIVE / THE CHALLENGE OF EFFECTIVE SPEAKING In this part we relate the principles & tequniques of this book to everday speaking , from social conversation s to formal public address We assume now that you are about to make atalk outside of a training situation it will be one of two types,either an introduction of another speaker or a longer talk. For that reason we include a chapter on making the speech of introduction & one on organizing a longer talk, from introduction to conclusion The final chapter emphasizes again that the principles of this book are useful in everday speech as well as in public speaking situation 12- Introducing Speakers, Presenting & Accepting Awards: introduction speeches ought to lead us to the inside of the topic suffecientlyto make us want to hear it discussed ought to sell the topic to the audience & ought to sell the speakerin the briefest amount of time possible. Thoroughly prepare what you are going to say : getting facts about the subject of the speaker, speaker qualifications& why subject chosen by the speaker of a special interest to the audience but be specific. Follow the T-I-S FORMULA : served as a guide in organizing the facts you have collected in your research T- Topic: Start Your Introduction By Giving The Exact Title of the speakers talk I- importance: bridge over the area between the topic& the particular interests of the group

S- speaker: list the speaker outstanding qualifications,particularly those that relate to his topic finally you give his name distinctly& clearly. Be enthusiastic: manner is quiet important as matter, be friendly, pause, part & punch when introducing the name of the speaker Be warmly sincere; because you are in a social situation that demands the highest degree of finest & tact. Thoroughly prepare the talk of presentation Express your sincere feelings in the talk of acceptance 13- Organizing The Longer Talk Get attention immediately 1-begin your talk with an incident example 2-arouse suspense 3-state an arresting fact 4-Ask for a show of hands 5-promiseto tell the audience how they can get something they want. 6-use an exhibit. Avoid getting unfavorable attention 1- do not open with an apology. 2-avoid the funny story opening Support your main ideas 1- use statistics 2-use the testenomy of experts 3-use analogies 4-Use a demonstration with or without an exhibit Appeal for action 1-summarize 2-ask for action 14-Applying What You Have Learned Use specific detail in everyday conversation Use effective speaking techniques in your job Seek opportunities to speak in public You must persist Keep the certainty of reward before you

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