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Proiect Phare Acces la educaie pentru grupuri dezavantajate Programul A doua ans


Modulul 1 Receptarea mesajelor orale i scrise Ghidul elevului

Aceast prim ediie (pilot) este finanat de Uniunea European.

Aceste materiale publicate n cadrul Proiectului Phare Acces la educaie pentru grupuri dezavantajate 2003 au fost realizate de o echip de experi ai Ministerului Educaiei i Cercetrii, pentru a fi folosite n primul an de aplicare experimental a programului educaional revizuit A doua ans nvmnt secundar inferior. Membrii echipei care a elaborat materialele sunt: Lucia Copoeru, coordonatoarea componentei A doua ans nvmnt secundar inferior Dorina Kudor, autoare Limba i literatura romn Carmen Costina, autoare Limba englez Ariana-Stanca Vcreu, autoare Matematic Nicolae Pellegrini, autor Matematic Luminia Chicina, autoare tiine Ioana Mihacea, autoare tiine Mihai Stamatescu, autor Istorie dr. Horaiu Popa-Bota, autor Geografie dr. Doina-Olga tefnescu, autoare Cultur civic Paul Vermeulen, expert U.E., componenta Elaborare curriculum i materiale educaionale Ghidul este realizat n conformitate cu programa colar pentru disciplina Limba englez din cadrul programului A doua ans nvmnt secundar inferior, aprobat de Ministerul Educaiei i Cercetrii prin Ordinul nr. 5375/29.12.2005 i este distribuit gratuit cursanilor nscrii n acest program educaional. Toate materialele din cadrul programului educaional A doua ans vor fi modificate, conform sugestiilor de mbuntire formulate n urma utilizrii lor n coal. n acest sens, trimitei comentariile i sugestiile dumneavoastr pe adresa Coordonator editorial: Laura Codreanu Design copert, layout: Elemr Knczey Design i dtp: Andrs Tnczos Ilustraii: Levente Szekeres Acest material este publicat n scopuri educaionale, non-profit, pentru a fi folosit n primul an de aplicare experimental a programului educaional A doua ans nvmnt secundar inferior. Autorii s-au strduit s intre n legtur cu proprietarii imaginilor pentru a obine permisiunea de a le folosi n aceast ediie. i rugm pe aceia pe care nu i-am putut contacta s ia legtura cu noi la

Aceast publicaie face parte din Programul Phare 2003 Acces la educaie pentru grupuri dezavantajate, componenta A doua ans. Editorul materialului: Ministerul Educaiei i Cercetrii Data publicrii: februarie 2006 Coninutul acestui material nu reprezint n mod necesar poziia oficial a Uniunii Europene.

Ministerul Educaiei i Cercetrii

Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 Passport to English . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 Unit I. Identities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 1. Hello . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 2. Can I call you? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 3. Family matters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 4. Describing people . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14 Check your progress . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16 Unit II. Homes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17 1. Welcome to our home . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18 2. This is my room . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20 3. Who does what? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22 4. What time do you? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24 Check your progress . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26 Unit III. Travelling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27 1. Journey planner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28 2. Means of transport . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30 3. Out and about . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32 4. Shopping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34 Check your progress . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36 Vocabulary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .37 Get ready! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .42



Introduction Introducere
Dragi tineri, Felicitri c ai ales s urmai cursurile de limba englez din cadrul programului A doua ans nvmnt secundar inferior. Nevoia de a nelege o limb strin se face simit n orice domeniu am lucra; de asemenea, atunci cnd cltorim sau primim oaspei dintr-o ar strin, ne descurcm mult mai uor dac putem comunica ntr-o limb de larg rspndire, cum este limba englez. n plus, cunoaterea unei limbi strine ne ajut s nelegem mai bine modul de gndire al persoanelor de alt naionalitate i chiar s ne redescoperim pe noi nine n raport cu cellalt. Experiena nvrii unei limbi strine v va ajuta s nvai mai uor i alte limbi strine, n funcie de provocrile crora va trebui s le facei fa. Acest curs v va sprijini n invarea limbii engleze prin exerciii i activiti comunicative care se bazeaz pe cunotine anterioare minime. Dac nu ai nvat pn acum niciodat limba englez, nu trebuie s v ngrijorai, pentru c profesorul vostru va adapta leciile n funcie de cunotinele i nevoile voastre. Dac, dimpotriv, avei deja cunotine de baz, v va face plcere s exersai s v sprijinii colegii, descoperind lucruri noi mpreun cu ei. Fiecare dintre noi avem stiluri de nvare diferite. V sugerm s analizai n permanen modul n care nvai: observai care sunt activitile pe care le considerai uoare i care sunt cele care presupun mai mult efort. Poate c nvai mai uor atunci cnd cineva v prezint i explic clar nite reguli, sau poate c nvai mai uor imitnd un model. Unii vor prefera activitile scrise, alii pe cele orale, unii activitile individuale, alii pe cele n pereche sau echip. V recomandm s facei nsemnri periodice ntr-un jurnal de nvare, n care s notai activitile care v-au plcut, cele pe care le-ai considerat uoare sau grele, etc. Acest lucru v va oferi ocazia de v nregistra succesele, dar i de a trece mai uor peste ceea ce vi se pare dificil. De asemenea, putei nota n jurnal cuvintele sau expresiile care credei c v vor fi utile ntr-o anumit situaie. Mai presus de toate, nu v lsai descurajai atunci cnd simii c nu v descurcai de la bun nceput aa cum v-ai dori. Pentru a nva o limb strin este nevoie de timp, dar i de foarte mult perseveren. Folosii orice ocazie avei (n clas sau n situaii reale) de a exersa cuvintele sau expresiile nvate. Pentru a v ajuta n acest sens, fiecare lecie se ncheie cu sugestii de utilizare a celor nvate. Realiznd ideile de la seciunea Use it! putei s v mbogii portofoliul, care va fi evaluat la sfritul cursului.
English is the language of the future, the language of the computer. You have the right to English. Make it your right! Engleza este limba viitorului, limba calculatorului. Ai dreptul la limba englez. Accept-l! Benjamin Zephaniah, (poet, scriitor, actor britanic)


Fiele de auto-evaluare de la sfritul fiecrui capitol v pot sprijini n obinerea de rezultate ct mai bune la evaluri. Rezolvnd aceste fie, vei putea identifica ce ai reuit s nvai si ce anume trebuie s mai exersai. La finalul acestui curs, vei reui s: nelegei un mesaj oral simplu; Extragei informaii simple dintr-un text scris; Realizai o descriere oral simpl, utiliznd o serie de expresii cunoscute; Completai diverse formulare cu date personale; Participai n conversaii simple, pe teme personale. Bucurai-v de succes, i nu uitai: Avei dreptul la limba englez. Prin programul A doua ans putei face ca acest drept s devin cu adevrat al dumneavoastr.


Passport to English

1. Did you know? a. English is the official or semi-official language in 60 countries. b. English has a very large vocabulary maybe the largest in the world. c. 3/4 of the worlds mail is written in English. d. 80% of computer information is in English. e. English is the main language used in science and technology, international sports, pop music, airports and control towers, etc. (Source: Way Ahead 6, Macmillan Publishing House) 2. English around you: a. Do you see signs in English? b. Do you listen to music in Eglish? c. Do you see/read newspapers written in English? d. Do you listen to English programmes on TV/radio? e. Do you meet people who speak English? 3. Many international words come from English: internet, radio, exit, enter, mouse, computer Do you know any others? 4. For your learning diary: Start your learning diary now! Write answers to these questions: How many languages can you speak now? Why do you study English? What helps you when learning a new language?



When you finish studying this unit, you will be able to: introduce yourself and your friends; greet people; speak on the telephone; describe peoples appearance; speak about what you/other people like doing.



Can you

family name / surname first name greet Hello! Good morning! Good afternoon! Good evening! Good night! Good bye! / Bye! Whats your name? Can you spell it, please?

greet people in English? introduce yourself? spell your name in English?

Think about it!

When do you need to state your identity? What do you normally mention in each situation?

Useful language!
These are the letters of the English alphabet and their pronunciation. Can you spell your name in English?
A B C D E F G H I J K L M /e/ /bi:/ /si:/ /di:/ /i:/ /ef/ /di://et/ /a/ /de/ /ke/ /el/ /em/ N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z /en/ /|/ /pi:/ /kju://a://es/ /ti:/ /ju:/ /vi://dblju://eks//wa//zed/

Sound wise!
Try reading these acronyms: USA, NATO, NYPD, CIA, WHO, EU, CNN, UEFA, WTO, HIV

Lets learn!
Where are these people?

Hello! Star Hotel. Can I help you? Oh, hello! Id like a room for Friday night, please. Certainly. Whats your family name, please? My family name is Bowen. Can you spell that for me? Sure. Its B-O-W-E-N. Bowen. And your first name? My first name is Sophie. Thats S-O-P-H-I-E. Where are you from, Ms Bowen? Oh, Im from Great Britain. OK, thats all for now, Ms Bowen. See you on Friday. Thank you, good bye.

Do you know?
They use: Good morning! before 12 oclock Good afternoon! after 12 oclock Good evening! after 6 p.m Good night! to say good bye late in the evening, or before going to bed


Good morning. Good morning. Can I help you? Yes, please. Id like to book a flight to London on November 23rd. For how many persons? Just me. Whats your name? My name is Alin Mocan. What is your first name? Oh, my first name is Alin and my family name is Mocan. I see. How do you spell your family name? Its M-O-C-A-N. Mocan. Right. Youve got your reservation for November 23rd. Thank you. Good bye. Good bye, Mr Mocan.

Your turn!
1. Practise reading the dialogues with a colleague. Try to get the pronunciation right! 2. Which words from the two dialogues are used for the following functions? (Copy this table in your copybook and fill it in) Greeting people Introducing yourself Asking somebody to spell their name 3. Do you know other similar expressions? Put them in the table, too. 4. Your teacher will spell some English names for you. Write them in your copybooks, then check with your colleague. Did you get them right? Which are first names and and which are family names? (Underline family names.) 5. Walk about in the classroom. Greet your colleagues in English and find your colleagues first and family names (including how to spell them). Try to talk to as many people as you can! Write their answers in your copybook, in a grid like this: No. First name Family name 1. 6. With your colleague, make up short dialogues in which you greet each other, introduce yourselves, spell your names. Practise reading them in pairs, then acting them. Use your real identity in this exercise.

Check this!
Tick what you can do now: I can understand and respond when people greet me; I can understand when people say and spell their name; I can spell my name. Dont worry if you still have some problems with spelling. You will have more chances to practise this skill in the following lessons.

Use it!
Tip! When you walk in the street, look at the number plates of cars and try to spell the letters to yourself in English!



Can I call you?

Can you

Hello! This is Sophie! Id like to speak to Martin. Can I speak to Martin, please? Is that Martin? Its good to hear you! How are you? Im fine, thank you / thanks! Can you say that again, please?

count from 1-10 in English? read/understand telephone numbers? addresses? say your telephone number/home address in English? answer the telephone in English?

Think about it!

How often do you use a telephone? Who do you call most often? Whats good about using telephones? Whats not so good about it?

Useful language!
These are the numbers from 0-9 in English. They are called digits. Can you read them?
1 one /wn/ 6 six /sks/ 2 two /tu:/ 7 seven /sev|n/ 3 three /ri:/ 8 eight /et/ 4 four /f:/ 9 nine /nan/ 5 five /fav/ 0 zero /zi|r|/

Do you know?
how to say these in English? Addresses Flat 9, 3 Bacovia Street 3400 Cluj-Napoca, Romania Phone numbers say each digit separately; pause after 3 digits: for example, 459 608 is: four-five-nine six-oh-eight

Lets learn!
Listen to this telephone conversation. Who are the two speakers? What is their relationship? Sophie: Let me see, Andra Mocans telephone number.. Here, I found it: 428 039. Phone rings. Sophie: Hello, this is Sophie Bowen. Can I speak to Andra, please? Andra: Hello, Sophie! Its me, Andra! So good to hear you! How are you? Sophie: Im very well, thank you. Im back in Romania. Andra: How wonderful! Its been three years since we last met! Sophie: I know, a long time, isnt it? And how are you, Andra? A: Im fine, too, thanks. A lot of things changed But its a long story. Listen, why dont you pay us a visit sometime? My parents would love to see you again! S: Thank you. Id love that. Do you live in the same place? A: No, we moved last year. S: Really? Thats wonderful! Whats your address now? A: Its flat 43, 5 Saturn street. Its on the third floor. S: Great, let me write it down. Can you say it again please? A: Sure. Its flat 43, 5 Saturn street, third floor. S: Excellent! See you tonight then. A: I cant wait. Bye, Sophie. S: Bye.



Your turn!
1. Listen to your teacher read the dialogue again. What is Andras telephone number? And her address? Write them in your copybook when you hear them. 2. How did Sophie read Andras phone number in English? Are there similar rules for saying telephone numbers in Romanian (or in your mother tongue)? 3. Read the dialogue again. Are these sentences true in pairs.) a. Sophie is in England now. b. Andra and Sophie last met three years ago. c. Many things changed in Andras life. d. Andras parents dont know Sophie. e. Sophie knows where Andra lives now. f. Sophie says she will visit Andra tonight. or false? (Work T T T T T T F F F F F F

Sound wise!
Listen to your teacher pronounce these words: this, three, that, thanks, they, third, then, things Are the letters th always pronounced the same? Write the words above in two lists, according to the different sound made by the letters th.

About Robi; Whats HIS address? About Nicoleta: Whats HER address? When asking somebody: Whats YOUR address?

4. Sophie and Andra have a lot of common friends. But Sophie has been away for three years and she has lost touch with some of them. She is going to ask Andra for their telephone numbers. Can you help Sophie update her address book? (Copy the table in your copybook and fill it in) Friend Phone number Address *Email address

Tip! Ask questions similar to these: Whats Robis phone number? Whats his address? *And his email address? Whats Nicoletas phone number? Whats her address? *And her email address?

Check this!
Tick what you can do now: I can count from 0-9 in English I can read telephone numbers I can take notes when I hear phone numbers and addresses in English I can say my telephone number / home address in English I can answer the telephone in English

Use it!
Create your own phonebook with your classmates telephone numbers. Practise asking them in English.




Family matters
Can you

mother / father sister / brother daughter / son aunt / uncle wife / husband grandmother/grandfather niece / nephew cousin How old are you? Im 24 years old. How old is she/he? Shes/Hes 26.

describe your family? read numbers from 10-100? listen for specific information (peoples names, ages and jobs)?

Think about it!

What is a stereotype? Read the definition in the Do you know? box. Can you think of any stereotypes?

Useful language!
Reading numbers from 10-100 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 twenty twenty-one twenty-two twenty-three twenty-four twenty-five twenty-six twenty-seven twenty-eight twenty-nine 30 thirty 40 forty 50 fifty 60 sixty 70 seventy 80 eighty 90 ninety 100 one hundred

32 43 56 66 73 89 97

thirty-two forty-three fifty-six sixty-six seventy-three eighty-nine ninety-seven

Lets learn!
How many persons are there in Andras family?

Do you know?
A stereotype is a generalization about a person or group of persons, not always based on reality (e.g. girls can learn languages faster than boys) Stereotypes can sometimes lead to unfair discrimination.

Hello! My name is Andra Mocan. I am 16 years old. This is my mother, Ioana. Shes 42 and she works as a waitress in a small restaurant. My fathers name is Nic. Hes 44 years old and he works as a builder. This is Mikki. Hes my younger brother. Hes 12 and goes to school in the 6th grade. Ive also got an older brother, Alin. He doesnt live with us. He married Maria three



years ago. He was 21 then. His wife is 23 and they both work as social workers. They also have a little daughter, Alina. She is 1 year old and my favourite niece!

Your turn!
1. Read about Andras family and fill in the information grid below. Name Family relationship to Andra Age

Sound wise!
Practise pronouncing the words in the Useful language box that have the same sound as in the. Tip! This sound is pronounced in a similar way to /v/ or /z/, but the tongue tip is placed in between the teeth.

2. Can you read these numbers? Practise reading them with your deskmate. 13 18 15 17 14 16 19 30 80 50 70 40 60 90 What do you notice about their pronunciation? (Tip! Read them in pairs: 13-10, etc. and note the different stress pattern.) 3. Ask and answer questions about Andras family, like this: How old is Ioana? Shes years old. / How old is Mikki? Hes years old. 4. This is Sophies family tree. Look at it and choose the correct words from the box below to fill in each sentence. sister, son, grandfather, mother, wife, father, husband, niece

a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h.

Anne is Sophies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Peter is Annes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Joe is Terry and Marys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tom is Ellens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sue is Sophies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mary is Terrys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ellen is Sophies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Peter is Marks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Use it!
Draw your family tree. Prepare an oral presentation about your family for next class.

5. Ask and answer questions about their ages. Tip! Use the model in exercise 3.

Check this!
Tick what you can do now: I can describe my family I can read numbers from 10-100 I can say my age in English I can ask and answer about somebodys age

For next class!

Bring cuts from old magazines or newspapers with pictures of film stars, politicians, famous people.




Describing people
Can you
describe the way people look? say what you / other people like doing?

tall / short, fat, overweight / slim, young / old eyes: blue / green / brown hair: long / short, straight / curly, blond / brown / black / grey / red beard / moustache

Think about it!

How important is the way people look? Whats your opinion on hair dying? Plastic surgery?

Useful language!
To describe yourself or another person, you need these verbs: I am = Im She is = Shes He is = Hes I have got = Ive got She has got = Shes got He has got = Hes got I like reading. She likes singing. He likes playing football.

Lets learn!
Look at the picture and listen to Sophie describing her family. Try to find each person in the picture:

Do you know?
In English, most adjectives are placed in front of the word they describe: short black hair; big brown eyes; Find 5 other examples in the text and write them in your copybook.

Ive got long brown hair. Im thin and not very tall. I like reading books and travelling. My mother has got short grey hair. Shes got brown eyes and she wears glasses. Shes quite tall and a bit overweight. She likes reading magazines and watching TV.



My father is tall and slim. Hes got short curly grey hair and a short beard. He likes repairing all sorts of things. My sister is thin and very pretty, with long blond hair and blue eyes. She likes listening to music and dancing. She also likes playing with her two children. My brother is very tall. Hes got really short black hair. He likes computers most of all and he likes going skiing.

Your turn!
1. Theres a lot of information in the text above. Organize it in an information grid, to make it easier to follow. Choose suitable column headings. Ask your teacher for any words you may need. 2. Answer the following questions by looking at the information you collected in your grid. a. What colour is Sophies hair? b. What does Anns hair look like? c. Who likes skiing in the family? d. What does Tom like doing? e. Who likes reading books? f. Whos got short black hair? 3. Describe Sophies family by looking at the picture. 4. Andra is showing Sophie pictures of her friends. Look at the pictures and complete the sentences. These are my friends. a. Feri is Hungarian. . . . . . . . . . 23 years old. Hes . . . . . . . . . black hair and black eyes. He . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . repairing things. b. This is Dorina. Shes Romanian. She . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . cooking. Shes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . long curly hair and . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19. c. Emil is 20 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . old. Hes very tall and he . . . . . . . . . . . playing basketball. d. This is Eszter, shes 17. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a very nice person. She . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . helping people. 5. Work in groups. Make some famous people posters. Gather all the pictures that your group has brought and paste them on a big sheet of paper. Put the posters in front of the class, so that everyone can see them. In turns, come to the front and describe one person for your colleagues. Can they guess which person you picked? 6. Describe yourself on a piece of paper (include your favourite things), sign it with a code name, then put all the descriptions in a box and mix them together. Draw one piece of paper at a time. Have fun trying to guess the code names.

Check this!
Tick what you can do now: I can describe the way people look; I can speak about what I / other people like doing.

Use it!
Think about your ideal husband / wife. Maybe its someone you already know! Make a description of him / her and speak about it with your deskmate.




Check your progress

Before you do these exercises, review what you have learned in Unit I (Identities). Tip! Go through the Check this! section of each lesson. I can understand and respond when people greet me; I can understand when people say/spell their name/age/address/phone number; I can understand when people describe their family or the things they like; I can match the description I read/hear with a persons appearance; I can recognize the sounds //, //, // when I hear them in various words. 1. Your teacher will read information about two people. Listen to this phone conversation, then fill in the form below. Hello! Tourist Insurance Services. Can I help you? Yes, please. I need a travel insurance for two weeks. Right, well, I need some information. Whats your family name, please? My family name is Barna. Right, and your first name? My first name is Emil. How old are you, Mr Barna? Im 34. Where do you live? I live at 5, Anina street, Cluj-Napoca. Whats your phone number? Its 453 427. Thank you, sir. And could you tell me where First name Surname Address Phone number 2. Look at the pictures. Fill in these sentences: Hello! My name is Elvira. Im . . . years old. Ive got a brother. His name is . . . . . . . . . and he is married to Flora. Theyve got . . . . . . . children: Eliza, Mara and Ionut. My . . . . . . . . . . . . . is 68 years old. Her . . . . . . . is Elena. My father is . . . . . . . years old. His name is . . . . . . . . . . . . 3. Speak about these persons. Speak about these persons. What do they like doing?





When you finish studying this unit, you will be able to: describe homes and activities you do at home; describe your room; tell the time in English; ask and answer about daily programmes.




Welcome to our home

Can you
name the different rooms in a house? describe your house? speak about activities you do in different rooms of the house?

house / flat; big / small; room, bathroom, bedroom, kitchen, dining room, living room, balcony; sleep, cook, wash hands, have dinner, watch TV, relax; There is a . There are two . Is there a? How many are there?

Think about it!

Which is better? Living in a house or in a flat?

Useful language!

Do you know?
When answering simple Yes/No questions, the English usually say more than just Yes or No: Is there a kitchen? Yes, there is. / No, there isnt.

Lets learn!
Andra and her family live in a new house. Sophie is visiting them. Andra shows her around: Hello, Sophie! Welcome to our home! Its not a very big house. There is a small kitchen , a bathroom, a living room, there are two bedrooms, and a balcony. Sophie: Which is your bedroom? Andra: Its over here, near the bathroom. Sophie: It looks very cosy! Mother: Coffees ready! Andra: Would you like to have some coffee? Sophie: Yes, please.



Your turn!
1. Read the text about Andras house again. Circle the right answer: How many rooms are there? a. There are four rooms and a balcony. b. There are three rooms and a balcony. Is there a bathroom? a. Yes, there is. b. No, there isnt. Is there a dining room? a. Yes, there is. b. No, there isnt. How many bedrooms are there? a. There are three bedrooms. b. There are two bedrooms. Is there a big kitchen? a. Yes, there is. b. No, there isnt. Where is Andras bedroom? a. Its near the kitchen. b. Its near the bathroom.

Sound wise!
The sound in kitchen is similar to the Romanian sound in cineva, ceva, etc. In which of the following words can you hear the same sound? teacher, shower, check, wash, question, watch, attention

2. Practise reading the text with your deskmate. Try to get the intonation right. 3. Choose the right word to finish each sentence: a. You can sleep in the . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . | bathroom b. You can cook in the . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . | living room c. You wash your hands in the . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . | kitchen d. You can watch TV in the . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . | dining room e. People have big family dinners in the . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . | bedroom 4. Draw a plan of your home. Write a short description of it. How big is it? How many rooms are there? Hint! Use There is / There are. 5. Work in pairs! Read the description of your house to your partner. He/she tries to draw the plan of your house without looking at your drawing. Compare it to your original plan. Do they match?

Use it!
Draw and discuss your

Check this!
Tick what you can do now: I can name the different rooms in a house. I can describe my home. I can speak about activities you do in different rooms of the house.

dreamhouse! Use for ideas. Write down questions you could ask others about their dream house. Can you find out how many houses there are in your town/village?




This is my room
Can you
describe and locate objects in a room? describe your room? use the plural of regular nouns?

table, chair, armchair, sofa, TV, bookcase, wardrobe, bed, cooker, cupboard, sink, bath, window the same / different in / on / near / between on the left / on the right

Think about it!

How many rooms are there in your home? Which is the room where you spend most of your time?

Useful language!
Do you know?
Normally, nouns get the ending -s or -es to form the plural! Here are some examples: a chair two chairs a TV set two TV sets a bookcase two bookcases

Sound wise!
Listen to the following plurals: chairs, beds, books, cookers, sinks, bookcases, TV-sets; Does the ending always sound the same?

Lets learn!
Sophie is looking for a room to rent. How long is she staying in Romania? Read to find out: Sophie: Hello! My names Sophie Bowen. Im here to see the room. Landlady: Hello, Miss Bowen. Please come in. This is the room I told you about. Its a small room but its got everything you need: theres a TV-set, a bed, a small table and a wardrobe. There are three chairs and an armchair. Sophie: Is there a bookcase? Landlady: Yes, there is. Its over there, near the window.



Sophie: Hmm, I like this room. Theres a lot of light in here. Can I see the view from the window? Landlady: Certainly. How long will you stay in Romania, Miss Bowen? Sophie: Im here for a year. But I might stay longer.

Your turn!
1. Work in pairs. Look at the pictures in the Useful language section. Ask and asnswer questions with your partner, like this: Whats number 9? Its a cooker. If your partner is right, say: Yes, it is.; If not, say: No, its not. Its a . 2. How many? Work in pairs. Use the same pictures to ask questions about numbers, like this: How many armchairs are there?/ Theres one armchair. How many sinks are there?/ There are two sinks. And so on. 3. Memory game. Have a good look at the pictures in the Useful language section. Then, close the book and try to name as many things as you can remember. eg.: Theres one armchair, there are two sinks, there are three etc. 4. Read the dialogue between Sophie and the landlady with your partner. Then close your book and try to act the dialogue out. 5. Look at the picture of Andras room:

Use these words to fill in the following sentences: between, in, near, on, left This is Andras room. The TV is . . . . . . . . . . . . the small table. . . . . . . . . . . . . the TV is a bookcase. There are some books . . . . . . . . . . . . the bookcase. In the corner there is a small table . . . . . . . . . . . . two armchairs. The sofa is on the . . . . . . . . . . . . 6. Think about your ideal room. Describe it to your partner. Do you like the same things?

Check this!
Tick what you can do now: I can describe and locate objects in a room. I can describe my room. I can use the plural of regular nouns correctly.

Use it!
Imagine you decide to let your room. Write an advertisement in a newspaper, describing your room.




Who does what?

Can you

Housechores Cook, set the table, wash the dishes, sweep the floor, wash the clothes, iron the clothes, dust the furniture, clean the windows, take the rubbish out, do the shopping

name usual house chores? describe usual activities that different people do at home? speak about your responsibilities at home?

Think about it!

Do you have special responsibilities at home? What are they?

Useful language!

Lets learn!
Theres a lot to do at home. In Andras family they all do their share. What are Andras responsibilities? Mother does the cooking, she washes and irons the clothes. Father does the shopping, he washes the dishes and cleans the windows. Miki sets the table and he takes the rubbish out. I sweep the floor, I dust the furniture and I sometimes wash the dishes.

Do you know?
When you speak about another person in the present, the verb takes -s or -es: He cleans. She cooks. She goes home. He does the shopping.



Your turn!
1. Work in pairs. Practise asking and answering questions about responsibilities in Andras family. eg. Who does the shopping?/Nic does the shopping. 2. Match each picture from the Useful language with the correct sentence: a. He washes the dishes. b. He takes the rubbish out. c. She cooks. d. He sets the table. e. She sweeps the floor. f. He does the shopping. g. She irons the clothes. h. He cleans the window. i. She washes the clothes. 3. Choose the correct word to complete these sentences: a. They . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (do/does) the shopping. b. She . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (cook/cooks) in the kitchen. c. I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (dust/dusts) the furniture. d. He . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (set/sets) the table. e. She . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (clean/cleans) the window. f. We . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (wash/washes) the dishes. 4. Choose the right answer: a. Does Andra take the rubbish out? Yes, she does. / No she doesnt. b. Does mother wash the clothes? Yes, she does. / No, she doesnt. c. Does Mikki do the shopping? Yes, he does. / No, he doesnt. d. Does father wash the dishes? Yes, he does. / No, he doesnt. 5. Now ask your partner, like this: Do you wash the dishes? Yes, I do. / No, I dont. Take turns asking and answering. 6. Speak about your family. Who does what? What do you do?

Sound wise!
In English there are two /i/ sounds: a long one and a short one. They sound quite similarly, but sometimes they make the difference between two words: Sit/seat; It/eat; Hit/heat

To ask questions in the present, use do or does in front of the subject: Do you cook? Does he clean the house? To make negative sentences in the present, use dont or doesnt (for he/she): I dont iron the clothes. She doesnt cook.

Use it!
Write a list of things you have to do tomorrow / this week. E.g. dust the furniture, wash the dishes, etc.

Check this!
Tick what you can do now: I can name usual house chores. I can describe activities that people usually do at home. I can speak about my responsibilities at home.




What time do you?

Can you
ask and answer about the time? describe your daily activities? ask people about their daily programme? understand when people speak about their daily programme?

Get up Dress Have a shower/bath Eat breakfast/lunch/dinner Go to school/work Study Listen to music Go out Go to bed

Think about it!

What is your usual daily routine? Is it a busy programme?

Useful language
Telling the time

What time is it? What time is it? What time is it? What time is it? What time is it? What time is it? Its ten past Its quarter Its half past Its twenty to Its quarter to Its 3 oclock. three. past three. three. four. four.

Lets learn!
Why does Andra work in the afternoon? Sophie: So, Andra, tell me about your life. What do you do every day? Andra: Well, my programme is busy. I get up at 6 oclock. I have a quick shower, I get dressed and then I eat a small breakfast. I catch a bus to school at 7:30. Classes start at 8 in the morning and finish at 1 or 2 p.m. I usually have lunch at school, at about 12. After school, I go home and study for a few hours. In the afternoon, I work in a small shop near my house. I need to earn some pocket money for a trip to England: were doing a Leonardo project at school and well visit Liverpool next month. Sophie: Wow! Thats great! Andra: Yes, I cant wait. It will be my first time abroad. Sophie: And what do you do in the evenings? Andra: Oh, I sometimes read a book or listen to music; I rarely go out with my friends, but I often have dinner and go straight to bed.

Do you know?
a.m. stands for ante-meridian, meaning before noon. p.m. stands for post meridian, and it means after noon. What time is 1 a.m.? And 2 p.m.?

Sound wise!
The sound /e/ in the English words then, tell, dress is similar to the one in Romanian (mers, tren, chem). But the /e/ sound in the words day, have, and, at is pronounced with your mouth more widely open than for the Romanian sound.



Your turn!
1. Look at these pictures. Arrange them in the correct order and then speak about Andras programme:

2. Work in pairs. Write about Andras programme. Tip! Use these verbs, with the correct ending: go, finish, work, get, eat, go, start, need. Andra . . . . . . . . . . . . up at 6 oclock. She . . . . . . . . . . . . a small breakfast, then she . . . . . . . . . . . . to school. School . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . at 8 a.m. and . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .at 1 or 2 p.m. In the afternoon she . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . home to study, then she . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . in a small shop near her house. She . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .to earn some money for a trip to Great Britain. 3. Write about your daily programme. These questions will guide you. What time do you get up? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . What time do you have breakfast? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Do you go to school or work in the morning? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . What time do you have lunch? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . What time do you get back home? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . What do you do in the evening to relax? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . What time do you go to bed? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

4. Use the answers to the questions above to write a paragraph about your daily programme. Tip! Use Andras description of her daily programme as a model. 5. Exchange copybooks with your partner. Check each others work for mistakes. 6. Remember as much as you can about your partners daily programme. Then change partners. Ask your new partner questions about his/her deskmates daily programmes. Answer their questions about your deskmate. Did you remember everything?

Check this!
Tick what you can do now: I can ask and answer about the time. I can describe my daily activities. I can ask people about their daily programme. I can understand when people speak about their daily programme.

Use it!
Imagine you are somebody else: e.g. a young man in Indonesia, a famous actress, etc. What is your daily programme? Write about it.




Check your progress

1. Choose the correct picture: a. In my house theres a kitchen, a bathroom, a balcony and two bedrooms.


Before you do these exercises, review what you have learned in Unit II (Homes)

b. In my room theres a bed, a small table, a TV set and two chairs.

c. The table is between the chairs.

d. The TV set is on the small table.

2. This is Anas to-do list. Can you number the pictures in the same order?

a. b. c. e.

do the shopping cook lunch set the table wash the dishes

e. sweep the floor f. take the rubbish out g. iron the clothes

3. Speak about Anas daily programme. What does she do every day?





When you finish studying this unit, you will be able to:

Read and speak about timetables; Describe and compare different means of transport; Ask for directions / follow directions; Ask for things in a shop.




Journey planner
Can you

Journey, Round trip, Fare By train / plane / coach Fast (-er) Cheap (-er) Long (-er) Departure Arrival Road/railway/airway How much is it? How long does it take? What time is the departure?

find and compare information about travel times and fares? plan a journey?

Think about it!

Have you ever travelled abroad? Which is the best way to travel long distances? Why?

Useful language!

Do you know?
To speak about future activities use WILL. E.g. I will fly to London. He will go with me. The short form of will is ll: Ill fly to London. Hell come with me.

Sound wise!
The sound in journey is similar to the sound in gimnastica, genetica, mergem. Which of the following words contain the same sound? Project, much, coach, departure, gym, cheaper, John, magic

Lets learn!
Andras school is involved in a Leonardo project. As part of the project, some students are going to visit a school in Liverpool. The coordinating teacher has asked Andra and her classmate, Mihai, to find information about travelling times and fares from Bucharest to London and back. This is what they found: By plane: Tarom Airlines Round trip Date Departing Time Arriving Otopeni, Heathrow, September 20 Bucharest, 10:00 London, Romania UK Heathrow, Otopeni, September 30 London, 12:30 Bucharest, UK Romania fare: 1,257 RON Time Duration 11:30 17:45 03:30 03:15



By coach: Eurolines Date Departing

Round trip fare: 930 RON Time Arriving Time Duration London, September Bucharest, 05:30 United 12:40 33:10 20-21 Romania Kingdom London, September 30Bucharest, United 14:30 22:30 30:00 October 1 Romania Kingdom

Your turn!
1. Work in pairs. Fill in the empty spaces: If we fly, well leave Bucharest at . . . . . and arrive in London at . . . . . . The journey takes . . . . . . hours and it costs . . . . . . RON. The coach departs from Bucharest at . . . . . . . and it arrives in London the next day at . . . . . . . . . . The complete journey takes . . . . . hours, but it costs only . . . . . RON. So, it is faster to travel by . . . . . . . , but cheaper to travel by . . . . . . . . It also takes longer to travel by . . . . . . . . 2. The teacher is asking Andra and Mihai about their findings: How much is it to fly from Bucharest to London and back? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . And how much is it to go by coach? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . How long does it take to fly from Bucharest to London? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . How long does it take to travel by coach? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . What time is the departure from London by plane? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . What time is the departure from London by coach? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3. The project meeting is actually in Liverpool. Andra and Mihai are looking for information about the trip from London to Liverpool by coach: National Express Departing times: (London) Arriving times: (Liverpool) Duration LL 01 13:58 16:48 02:50 LL 02 14:25 17:28 03:03 LL 03 14:58 17:48 02:50 LL 04 15:58 18:48 02:50 LL 05 16:25 19:23 02:58

In pairs, practise asking and answering questions about the information in the timetable. Tip! Use the questions in ex. 3 as a model. 4. Write a few sentences about the teams trip from London to Liverpool. Use WILL for the future. e.g. They will take the coach. They will leave at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Check this!
Tick what you can do now: I can find and compare information about travel times and fares. I can plan a journey.

Use it!
What are the best ways to travel from the closest city to your town/village? Why? What would you improve if you were a mayor? Draw a map and put your ideas on it. Speak about it in front of your class. (Tip! Use WILL!) Do they agree with your plans?




Means of transport
Can you?
speak about the means of transport you can use in a city? compare different means of transport?

Means of transport: bus, tram, tube / underground, trolleybus, bicycle, motorbike, taxi, car; rush hour, bus stop, underground station, faster / slower, cheaper / more expensive, longer / shorter than

Think about it!

How can you travel from one place to another in your hometown?

Useful language!

Do you know?
London has the oldest underground in the world. It started to operate in 1863. How old is it?

Lets learn!
The students in the project group have arrived in London. Its their first time in London, so they would like to see the sights before moving on to Liverpool. London is a huge city; there are lots of interesting things to see and do. But, how should they travel around the city? Andra: I would like to travel by tube. The London Underground is the oldest in the world. It must be interesting to see. Mihai: I would like to travel by bus. Its out in the open and you can see more things, especially on top of a double-decker. Sergiu: Why not go on foot? We can enjoy the sounds and smells of the city and take our time. Adriana: Im afraid we dont have so much time. Lets find a tourist information centre and ask about the best way to travel in London.

Sound wise!
The sound in transport is similar to the sound e in the Romanian word tren, but the mouth opens wider. Which of these words have the same sound as in transport? travel, special, than, smell, understand, best, can, have, then, project



Your turn!
1 Work in pairs. Read the text again, then fill in the information grid below. What suggestions did each of the students make? For what reasons? Tip! Fit this text in the appropriate cell: Suggestions: Reasons: To find a tourist information centre; To get advice on the best way to travel To travel by bus; around London; To go on foot; To see the oldest underground; To travel by tube; To see more things; To enjoy sounds and smells; Adriana Suggestion Reason 2 Work in pairs. Use the information in the table above to make sentences about each of the students. Example: Adriana would like to find a tourist information centre. 3 Work in pairs, then check your answers with those of another pair. Read these leaflets from the tourist information centre, then answer the following questions: a. How many means of transport are recommended by the info centre? ............................................................................. b. Which is the most expensive means of transport? ............................................................................. c. Where can you use a Travelcard? ............................................................................. d. Why is the taxi cab a good way to travel in London? ............................................................................. e. What are the advantages of using a Travelcard? ............................................................................. Underground. The Underground is very easy to use and its map is simple to understand. You can easily find Underground stations in the centre of London. There are frequent trains, just minutes apart, but they can be crowded at rush hours. You can buy a saver Travelcard, valid for one day or longer periods. Sergiu Andra Mihai

Buses. The famous double decker buses are a good way to see the capital. A Travelcard means you can jump on and off them (at bus stops) as you please. They cover all of Central London and you can take buses to the edge of the city too.

Taxi Cabs. The black cab is another of London's world famous features. The advantage of the taxi is that you arrive at your destination usually on time, but they can be very expensive.

Use it!
Make a poster illustrating the different means of transport available in your home place.

Check this!
Tick what you can do now: I can identify and compare means of transport in a city;




Out and about

Can you

Asking for directions: Excuse me? How do I get to...? Can you tell me the way to? Where is? Giving directions: Go straight on Turn back. / Go back. Turn left / right Go along street Take the first/second road on the left/right Its on the left/right. (just) around the corner at the crossroads; go past the until you get to..

ask for directions when trying to find your way in a city? follow directions? give directions?

Think about it!

Have you ever been asked to give directions to a foreigner in your hometown or village? How did you feel? What language did you use?

Useful language!

Lets learn!
Andra and her friends are visiting the centre of London on foot. They are in front of Buckingham Palace. Can you find it on the map? Andra and Sergiu would like to see Westminster Abbey, the Houses of Parliament and Trafalgar Square. Adriana and Mihai are interested in Picadilly Circus and the shops in Regents Street. So, they are going to split now and meet later on, in front of the National Art Gallery. Andra: Excuse me! Can you tell us the way to the Houses of Parliament from here? Londoner: Certainly! Turn right into Buckingham Gate, then left again into Victoria Street. Go straight on until you see Westminster Abbey on your right. The Houses of Parliament are right behind it. Andra: Thank you, sir. Londoner: Not at all. Sergiu: How can we get to Trafalgar Square from there? Londoner: Thats very easy. Just keep along Whitehall Avenue and youll see Trafalgar Square pretty soon. Sergiu: Thank you very much. Londoner: Dont mention it.

Do you know?
In English they use Excuse me! to get somebodys attention. To apologize, you say Im sorry!



Your turn!
1. Look at the map. Try to find all the places that Andra and her friends would like to see. 2. Listen to their dialogue again. Can you follow their route on the map? 3. Practise reading the text. Its important to get the intonation right! 4. Match these directions to the Useful language pictures. turn left, stop at the crossroads, take the first road on the right, go straight on, turn right, go past the crossroads, go back, take the second road on the left 5. This is a similar dialogue between Adriana, Mihai and another Londoner. Can you fill in the missing bits? Choose from these: left; Excuse; straight on; second; can we get; can you tell us. Tip! Use the map to do this exercise. Andra and Sergiu are still in front of Buckingham Palace. Mihai: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . me! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . the way to Regents Street from here, please? L2: Sure. Turn . . . . . . . . . . and follow the footpath in The Green Park until you get to Green Park Station. Then, turn right into Picadilly Street. The . . . . . . . . . . . . . road on the right is Regents Street. Adriana: And how . . . . . . . . . . . . . . to the National Art Gallery from there? L2: Turn left at the end of Regents street and go . . . . . . . . . . . . until you see the National Art Gallery on your left. Adriana: Thank you very much, sir! L2: OK. Enjoy your walk!

Check this!
Tick what you can do now: I can ask for directions when Im in a new place. I can undersatnd and follow directions. I can give directions.

Use it!
Draw a plan of your own home place. Choose a spot in the centre, then write directions from there to the most important places in your town/village.




Can you
ask for things in a shop? read price tags?

Shop, money, change, buy, pay, price, ask for, cash desk, to stand in a queue

Think about it!

What do tourists usually buy when they visit Romania? Did you notice?

Useful language!
Customer Can I see that..? / Can you show me that ? Id like to buy for my I need How much is it? That's all. Where is the cash desk? Could I get a (plastic) bag, please? Shop assistant Can I help you? What can I do for you? Anything else? Here you are. / Here you go. You're welcome. Pay at the cash desk, please. That's 20 euros/euro altogether Here's your change.

Lets learn!
Andra is in a souvenir shop. She would like to buy gifts for her family and friends. T-Shirt Mens Price: 5.99

Do you know?
Many items have been used as money, from shells and scarce precious metals to artificial money such as banknotes.

England Baseball Cap Price: 6.00

Policeman Price: 6.00

Sound wise!
When somebody offers you something, say Yes, please! to accept or No, thanks! to refuse politely.

Union Jack Folding Umbrella Price: 3.99



Can I help you? Yes, please. Id like to buy some gifts for my family. Certainly, weve got T-shirts, mugs, keyrings, all sorts of things. I like that football T-shirt, how much is it? Thats 5.99. OK, Ill buy that for my brother. Anything else? Yes, for my mother Id like...

Your turn!
1. Work in pairs. Continue the conversation between Andra and the shop assistant. What do you think she would like to buy for the rest of her family? 2. Practise these conversations with your partner. Change roles. Act one of them in front of the class. 3. Match the questions with the suitable replies: Can I help you? Its 3.50. How much is it? Thats all, thank you. Where is the cash desk? Yes, please. Id like a T-shirt. Could I get a plastic bag? Its over there. Anything else? Certainly, here you are. 4. Circle the price you hear: a. seven euros b. thirty lei c. two euros fifty d. eight lei fifty e. three dollars seventy-five f. six pounds ten g. ten dollars twenty-five h. four pounds fifty

4.50 8.50 Lei 2.50 Euros 7 Euros

$ 3.75 $ 10.25 6.10 30 Lei

5. Write a suitable reply for these questions: Can I help you? .................................................................................. How much is that policeman bear? .................................................................................. Where is the cash desk? .................................................................................. Anything else? ..................................................................................

Check this!
Tick what you can do now: I can ask for things in a shop. I can read and understand price tags.

Use it!
What are things that tourists in your area are usually buy? What things in your area are you especially proud of? Make a poster with these things. Use price tags for the things people would like to buy.




Check your progress

1. Look at this timetable: By plane: Tarom Airlines Date October 20 Departing Otopeni, Bucharest, Romania Heathrow, London, UK Time 13:00

Time 14:30 Duration 03:30

Before you do this, review what you have learned in Unit III (Travelling):

Round trip fare: 1,257 RON Arriving Heathrow, London, UK Otopeni, Bucharest, Romania

October 30




Answer these questions: a. How much is a plane ticket from Bucharest to London and back? ............................................................................. b. What time does the plane leave from Bucharest? ............................................................................. c. What time does it arrive at Heathrow airport? ............................................................................. d. What time does the plane arrive in Bucharest on October 30th? ............................................................................. e. How long is the journey from Bucharest to London by plane? ............................................................................. 2. Match each instruction with the correct picture:

a. b. c. d.

Turn left at the end of the street Keep along the same street Take the first road on the right Take the second road on the right

3. Can you read these prices? $ 3.50 450 Lei 5.99 $ 236 1,000 Lei 27 $ 15 38 Lei 49 4. Speak about the means of transport people use in your town.



about = despre abroad = n strintate add v. = a aduga address = adres after = dup afternoon = dup-mas again = din nou

age = vrst answer (v.) = a rspunde, rspuns appearance = nfiare armchair = fotoliu ask v. = a ntreba aunt = mtu

back = napoi balcony = balcon bath = van, baie bathroom = baie bed = pat bedroom = dormitor before = nainte (de) behind = n spatele between = ntre big = mare black = negru, brunet blond = blond blue = albastru book (v.) = a rezerva; carte bookcase = bibliotec bread = pine breakfast = mic dejun brother = frate brown = maro, aten, cprui buy v. = a cumpra

cash desk = casierie certainly = desigur chair = scaun change (v.) = a schimba; rest chat v. = a povesti check v. = a verifica child = copil children = copii choose = a alege city = ora mare classmate = coleg de clas clothes = haine

cook v. = a gti cooker = aragaz copybook = caiet corner = col cosy = confortabil count v. = a numra country = ar cousin = vr crossroads = intersecie cupboard = dulap de buctrie curly = cre customer = client

daily = zilnic daughter = fiic describe v. = a descrie deskmate = coleg de banc diary = jurnal digit = cifr dining room = sufragerie, sal de mese dinner = cin direction = direcie, indicaie dish = farfurie do v. = a face draw v. = a desena dress v. = a (se) mbrca drive v. = a conduce maina dust (v.) = praf; a terge de praf



earn v. = a ctiga evening = sear everybody = toat lumea expression = expresie

false = fals famous = celebru far = departe fat = gras father = tat favourite = preferat fill (in) v. = a umple, a completa find v. = a gsi first name = prenume flat = apartament flight = zbor floor = podea footpath = alee, crare foreign = strin friend = prieten from = din, de la front (in * of) = n faa furniture = mobil

gift = cadou, dar glasses = ochelari go v. = a merge grandfather = bunic grandmother = bunic green = verde greet v. = a saluta grey = gri guess v. = a ghici

help (v.) = a ajuta; ajutor here = aici house = cas house chores = activiti casnice how = cum how many = ci, cte how much = ct, ct husband = so

introduce v. = a (se) prezenta

junction = intersecie just = doar

kitchen = buctrie know v. = a ti



label = etichet last = trecut, ultimul late = trziu later = mai trziu left = stnga letter = liter; scrisoare like v. = a plcea listen v. = a asculta little = mic live v. = a locui, a tri living room = camera de zi locate v. = a localiza long = lung lunch = prnz

magazine = revist map = hart match v. = a potrivi maybe = poate, posibil means = mijloc meet v. = a ntlni, a face cunotin money = bani morning = diminea mother = mam move v. = a (se) muta

name = nume nationality = naionalitate near = aproape need v. = a avea nevoie nephew = nepot new = nou next (the) = urmtorul nice = drgu niece = nepoat night = noapte notice v. = a observa now = acum

often = des old = n vrst; vechi

passport = paaport pay a visit v. = a vizita pay v. = a plti people = oameni photo = fotografie picture = imagine pocket = buzunar practise v. = a exersa prepare v. = a pregti pretty = drgu price = pre

queue = coad (la magazin)



read v. = a citi recognize v. = a recunoate red = rou, rocat relationship = relaie relax v. = a se odihni, relaxa remember v. = a ine minte rent (v.) = chirie, a nchiria repair v. = a repara reply v. = a replica, a rspunde right = corect, drept room = camer rubbish = gunoi run v. = a alerga

same (the) = la fel, acelai say v. = a spune see v. = a vedea sentence = propoziie set the table v. = a pune masa shop = magazin shop assisstant = vnztor shopping = cumprturi short = scurt, scund show v. = a arta shower = du similar = similar, asemntor sink = chuivet sister = sor sleep v. = a dormi small = mic sofa = canapea sometimes = uneori son = fiu speak v. = a vorbi spell v. = a spune pe litere state v. = a afirma, exprima straight = drept street = strad suitable = potrivit sure = sigur surname = nume de familie

table = mas take out v. = a scoate, a duce afar take v. = a lua tall = nalt telephone = telefon than = dect thank v. = a mulumi then = apoi, atunci there = acolo thin = slab thing = lucru tick v. = a bifa timetable = orar tip = sfat practic tonight = desear town = ora travel v. = a cltori true = adevrat try v. = a ncerca turn = rnd turn left = ia-o la stnga turn right = ia-o la dreapta twice = de dou ori

uncle = unchi understand v. = a nelege until = pn (cnd) update v. = a aduce la zi useful = util, folositor usually = de obicei



village = sat

wait v. = a atepta walk v. = a merge pe jos want v. = a vrea, a dori wardrobe = ifonier, dulap wash v. = a spla watch v. = a privi way = cale, direcie; mod week = sptmn what = ce when = unde where = unde which = care why = de ce wife = soie window = fereastr with = cu wonderful = minunat word = cuvnt work v. = a munci,a lucra write v. = a scrie

year = an young = tnr



Get ready!
Well done! You managed to finish the first module of the English course in the Second Chance Programme. Now its time to use your learning diary again. In order to be able to communicate well in a foreign language, you need four basic skills: listening, reading, speaking and writing. During this module you have made a lot of progress in listening and reading and some progress in speaking and writing. Which of the two main skills in this module did you find easier? Which of the four skills do you think will be the most useful to you in your real life (for your job, travelling, etc.)? What kind of exercises could help you improve those skills that you need the most? Before final assessment, go over each lesson again and review especially the introductory sections: Can you, Remember!, Useful language and the final one (Check this!). This will help you identify the areas where you still need some practice, so that you will know what to work on. Then, go through the self-assessment exercises at the end of each unit in the Students Guide. You probably have already taken some oral and written tests: go over them again and note especially your teachers corrections. Make sure you understood what you did wrong and know what the right answers are. Ask your teacher about anything which is not quite clear yet. Next, look at the words and expressions used in each lesson. You might want to use your class notes or the Vocabulary section at the end of the Students Guide. Finally, try to design similar exercises to those in the selfassessment worksheets. Work with a classmate and exchange your exercises. Discuss the correct answers together. Whenever you are not sure about the right answer, check it in the book or ask your teacher. Now you are ready for final assessment. More than anything, be positive about it: it is not meant to sanction insuccess, but to support your learning. Good luck!



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