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Heavens Been Robbed!

Gods power to grant ET ERNAL LIFE stolen by stem cell scientists in Calif ornia With the f lip of a switch, doctors can now make the human body heal and regenerate itself quickly, painlessly and naturally. Imagine what your lif e would be like how much money you could earn if you become IMMORTAL! See for yourself the video clip below proves what was once thought to be impossible is now possible! Dear Reader, Youre about to watch a very short video clip. It was f ilmed during our visit to a stem cell laboratory in Northern Calif ornia. Only a f ew people in the scientif ic community know the video exists. Far f ewer have seen it. Wall Street is completely unaware of it. Once it appears on YouTube, probably within the next f ew days day traders will leverage its impact to shoot f or quick double- or triple-digit gains. Let them. If youre patient, you could gain more far more. How much more? If you could go back in time and purchase shares of Google, Apple or Oracle soon af ter they began trading, youd have a reasonable idea. Fair warning, though T his video youre about to watch may ignite a f ireball of controversy possibly worldwide protests that could make the violence in the Islamic world over portrayals of Muhammad seem genteel by comparison. Because it, too, has tremendous religious implications. Some will say its blasphemous and sacrilegious that it discredits the importance and power of God. T heref ore, you will remember today what you were doing and where you were when you f irst viewed it. If youre old enough to recall where you were and what you were doing when you f irst saw the telecast of Neil Armstrong stepping on the moon the ef f ect will be the same.

And the words Armstrong proclaimed when his f oot touched the moon you might say here, today, af ter you view this video clip. One small step f or man, one giant leap f or mankind. Such is the promise and power inherent in this video. No doubt major health care corporations and pharmaceutical giants, here and abroad, will start a bidding war competing f or the right to license the technology it reveals, if not purchase the biotech company itself , including its seven subsidiaries. As soon as the national and international media cover this story, the companys share price could once again rise over 1,000% just as it did more than two years ago, the last time analyst Parick Cox recommended the company to the readers of his investment research letter, Breakthrough Technology Alert . T he video documents a miracle of scientif ic discovery proof that you, your spouse and your children could accomplish what was previously thought impossible what many in the world will believe is a violation of Gods will. A chance to live forever and remain forever young . Yes, Im talking about immortality. Practical, real immortality. I realize this is a nearly unf athomable statement to comprehend, much less believe, without seeing the proof with your own eyes. Hence, the video clip. But bef ore you watch it, let me f irst quote a headline that appeared in the Los Angeles Times in 1998 when early test results were f irst revealed: Scientists Give Cell Apparent Immortality. Another newspaper wrote: Firm Finds Fountain of Youth f or Human Cells; Its Stock Soars And the Oakland Tribune wrote: Researchers Immortalize Human Cells. T hat was then, of course, when the science was still, f or lack of a better word, immature, and not ready to be commercialized. Accordingly, the hoopla and market f renzy that surrounded the company quickly f aded once the scientists returned to their laboratories and locked their doors to perf ect what they had discovered. Dr. Sanjay Gupta, CNNs chief medical correspondent and President Obamas nominee f or surgeon general in 2009 said, I think in the next couple of decades, were going to get to a point of practical immortality. Little did he realize then how the decades could be compressed into a f ew short years. Today, the laboratory doors have swung open again. And now you will see how f ar the science has evolved.

So please, sit back, make yourself comf ortable and prepare to be amazed, excited and quite dumbf ounded. For no longer is eternal lif e life everlasting a religious parable, a quixotic quest, an impossible dream or the stuf f of f antasy, science f iction or Greek mythology. T he fountain of youth may have, indeed, been found . And f ound in the most unlikely of places. Within us. T his biotech company has deciphered not only the genetic code that stops, and then reverses aging It has also patented a technology enabling it to f lip a genetic switch within our DNA, the God Switch Which makes human cells immortal. T hey do not will not die. Indeed, every time the God Switch is f lipped, it returns the aged, tired, worn-out cells of your body to the biologically pristine state they were on day one the day you were born. T he profits that could obviously accrue to this company and to you if you invest in this company once this technology is commercialized are, obviously, astronomical. And if this doesnt excite you my f riend, were made f rom dif f erent stuf f . T his company has already been granted hundreds of patents related to the God Switch. T heref ore, no other company can use it or make money of f it unless they pay this company f irst. FDA approval is still pending, but European approval could happen bef ore the summer. T he Europeans pride themselves on maintaining a more-progressive and less-onerous approval process. Nevertheless, FDA approval is a near certainty, as no drugs are involved. As you will see, to f lip the God Switch, no f oreign or unnatural substance is used or introduced into the body. Indeed, the remarkable thing about stem cell therapeutics is that it doesnt require the invention of new drugs with unknown side ef f ects. Of course, it also helps that one of the directors of this company is the f ormer head of the FDA. If anyone can expect and receive the FDAs red-carpet treatment and secure quick product approval T his is the best man f or the job. He could easily carry the football into the FDAs end zone . It also doesnt hurt that in 2006 he was named to Time magazines list of the 100 Most Inf luential People to Shape the World. Clearly, his influence at the FDA and his recognized power to shape the world f or everyones benef it is this companys ace in the hole.

But in the meantime, and to keep the revenue f lowing, the company has f ast-tracked the development of products and therapies based on related technologies that are already approved and now ready to be marketed. Products and therapies that could f ree us f rom many diseases and af f lictions that plague or kill us. T hese include heart disease, cancer, diabetes and arthritis, to name just a f ew. Clearly, the prof it potential f or these products is astronomical as well. One such product, targeting cancer, which Ill describe in detail below, will actually be released within the year. Which is why Ive rushed to get this inf ormation to you. Because once the news breaks, you may f ind shares of this company well out of reach. As I said bef ore, very f ew people outside the scientif ic community and readers of the Breakthrough Technology Alert newsletter are aware of all Im now reporting to you. T he news media have virtually ignored this company since Patrick Cox last recommended it in his newsletter two years ago. T his, of course, is to your benef it, as its currently trading below $4 a share because of the lack of coverage. But this could change very, very quickly once the video youre about to watch becomes available to the general public. A video you are among the f irst in the world to see. Another reason why, if you decide to take a position in this company now today T he reward f or your speed and f oresight could be wealth you cannot outlive. Indeed, it will be wealth you may actually need if eternal lif e and youth are available f or purchase. Something to think about, isnt it? Living f orever and remaining f orever young. Hard to believe its even possible. Now returning to Patrick Cox f or just a moment If youre f amiliar with him, either through his published articles or by reputation, you know hes not given to exaggeration or hyperbole. If anything, hes an avowed skeptic and card-carrying cynic, as am I, which is why we get along so well and why, as Agora Financials technology and science researcher, I couldnt wait to get my hands on his complete f inal report and recommendation. You see, Patrick is not a very trusting f ellow, and a bit of a recluse. He lives a quiet lif e on the west coast of Florida with his wif e and two kids, of ten researching and reading into the early morning hours. More to the point, he will not write about, much less recommend anything without prior rigorous investigation and analysis.

By training and inclination, hes a scientist. He deals in f acts, verif iable proof . He wasnt born in and doesnt live in Missouri, but he has a AShow Me state of mind. By prof ession, of course, hes an economist and investment analyst. He looks f or and f inds great deals, ground-f loor opportunities and technological breakthroughs that promise uncompromising wealth and hes been successf ully providing that to his readers f or over 30 years. And because of his standing within the investment research community and the sheer size of his readership, hes researching new companies constantly, nearly every day, in the hope he will f ind ones worth recommending to his subscribers. One out of maybe 300 prove worthy. His opinion is his reputation, and he guards it zealously His f aith and trust must be earned. I believe that you, as an intelligent and reasonable human being, are no dif f erent. Especially when it comes to investment risk.. So I will present you with the proof that Patrick presented to me. Visual proof that practical immortality may soon be a reality. Proof that human evolution could take a quantum leap f orward. And the impact will be no less prof ound than when human beings f irst stood up and began walking upright on two legs. Proof that this company has the unrivaled potential to be the single most lucrative investment you could ever make. But I caution you Do not make the costly mistake of thinking that because something was thought impossible yesterday it must still be impossible today. History is replete with examples of the impossible made possible and of the f ortunes these miracles provided T he day bef ore Wilbur and Orville Wright took to the sky on December. 17, 1903, no one believed it was possible f or man to f ly. And those who believed a mere 12-second f light a f ew f eet of f the ground near Kitty Hawk, N.C., proved nothing T hey never bought shares in three small, startup companies that one day would become Boeing, Lockheed Martin and General Dynamics. And therefore, they may have missed their single greatest chance to live in luxurious comfort for the remainder of their lives. In your own lif etime, imagine if you had ref used to believe that ENIAC, the f irst computer, weighing in at 27 tons

and covering 1,800 square f eet Could be shrunk to the size of a notebook and contain 1,000 times to the nth degree more computing power You would not have bought shares of Microsof t, IBM and Apple when they were selling f or mere pennies. On the other hand, had you allowed yourself to be persuaded by the f acts Today, you would be among the thousands of Silicon Valley multi-millionaires. Yachts, airplanes and European villas would now be your toys. Similarly had you believed that inf ectious diseases, such as smallpox (the lastreportedcase was in 1977), but which had killed an estimated 300500 million people during the 20th century alone, could not be eradicated T hat vaccines made from the very diseases theyre designed to prevent were dangerous, inef f ective and a waste of money You would not have invested in Eli Lilly, the worlds largest vaccine manuf acturer And you would have missed its stunning 758% rise f rom July 1994July 2000. Tying yourself to outdated belief s about what is possible and what is not can clearly cost you money not to mention an early and wonderf ul retirement. Consider Today, in the United States, its estimated that 73% of the population more than 200 million people will die of heart f ailure, cancer or stroke. In f act, 2,000 Americans die of heart disease every day. But what if , starting tomorrow, the number could be brought down closer to zero. Impossible? T he company Im about to introduce you to owns the technology that could make it possible. What a time to be an investor. What a time to be alive! T his company has the power to change every lif e on this planet. And most human beings can and will take advantage of this power. Because there is no one alive this technology cannot help. T he scientists working at this company, and one scientist in particular, think they have, in essence, discovered how to regenerate the human body to make it heal and renew itself quickly, painlessly and naturally. T hey have harnessed the power that exists within all of us to cure disease, prevent disease and, ultimately, eliminate aging. T hats why this technology could change human existence, change civilization the way the light bulb, the telephone and the automobile changed civilization at the beginning of the last century. And why it could be more prof itable to investors today than the invention of the personal computer, the Internet and all the multi-billion-dollar empires they gave rise to.

Indeed, its f ar more groundbreaking in scope and monumental in ef f ect than America placing a man on the moon. Its the biggest discovery in the history of modern medicine, if not medicine itself . And youll soon see proof of it in the video below. Yet in hindsight, this wasnt unexpected. T he scientists working f or and collaborating with this company are some of the most respected names in the f ield of regenerative medicine. In f act, the owner of the company, who is also its lead scientist, is of ten ref erred to as the f ather of regenerative medicine. His area of f ocus: stem cell therapeutics. Now, theres still a great deal of conf usion and misinf ormation about what stem cells actually are. So let me quickly clear things up and set the record straight. Unlike all the other cells in your body: skin cells, heart cells, brain cells stem cells are, f or the most part, blanks. In scientif ic terms, they are unpotentiated. In other words, their f ate has not yet been determined. T hey are waiting to be programmed by your DNA to become heart cells, skin cells, bone cells and all the other thousands of cell types that exist in your body. And that ability to be programmed can now be directed and manipulated in this companys laboratory. T his is a miraculous breakthrough. Once, it was only theoretically possible. Today, its not only possible its actually being done. So how would you like to have a new pair of lungs, new kidneys, 20/20 vision, baby-smooth skin and the joints of a teenager all without surgery? Welcome, then, to our brave new world. A world that, until today, existed only in science fiction . Imagine stem cells that can be programmed to replace aged, damaged or diseased hearts, brains and lungs, and even limbs, joints and skin. No wonder economists and analysts believe stem cell therapy could yield prof its unmatched in history. Sweet music, no doubt, to every investors ears. Yet ironically, the greatest strides in stem cell research made by this company came only af ter human embryonic stem cell research was banned. Banned, justly or unjustly, during the Bush administration because of the moral and political outrage embryonic stem cells, removed f rom discarded embryos, had created. It was a catastrophic blow to the entire industry. At the time, it was believed only embryonic stem cells could cure the tens of millions of people suf f ering f rom

devastating and deadly diseases, such as heart disease, cancer, Alzheimers and Parkinsons. Dashed, too, were the hopes of those who believed embryonic stem cells could regenerate body parts and tissue destroyed or disf igured by disease or trauma. Indeed, it was thought that soldiers who had lost limbs on the battlef ield might see the day when they could grow back their legs and arms. It was all theory, of course but not nearly as f ar-f etched as it sounded. Today, bone marrow transplants are a real-world, albeit somewhat primitive application of stem cell therapeutics. Within the marrow of your bones exist specialized stem cells programmed to continually produce new blood. So by transf erring healthy bone marrow into a patient dying of a deadly blood disease, leukemia, f or example, that persons lif e can be saved. Maybe. T he reason why its a maybe is the same reason why Embryonic stem cell therapy is actually a false messiah and a dead end . It has two f laws, two existential barriers that cannot be overcome. T he f irst barrier is supply and demand. If embryonic stem cell therapies were actually developed and proven successful, tens of millions hundreds of millions of sick, debilitated and dying men, women and children would require and justif iably demand treatment. Of course, that would also mean that stem cell therapeutics would become a phenomenally lucrative business. But where would all those 100 million human embryos come f rom? Factories with production lines? A dystopian nightmare, to be sure, one thatll never see the light of day. T he second barrier is our immune system. Because embryonic stem cells are, in ef f ect, f oreign bodies, our immune system will, in most cases, reject them. Antibodies would rush in to attack and kill these f oreign invaders. Of course, there are drug regimens designed to tone down or disable your immune system. But with a compromised or disabled immune system, your body is susceptible to inf ections and diseases that could ultimately kill you. T he cure, then, would be worse than the disease . Many scientists believed, theref ore, that stem cell therapies were nothing more than science f iction. T he f lying cars and time machines of medicine. A pipe dream, in other words. As a result, private money and Big Pharma closed their purses and shied away f rom entering into partnerships

As a result, private money and Big Pharma closed their purses and shied away f rom entering into partnerships with stem cell research companies. But then, a raf t of new companies arose, seeking to use non-embryonic adult stem cells f or their research. T he sort f ound in bone marrow and skin. It made sense. If you cut your skin, stem cells immediately kick in and f ix the damage. Similarly, if you donate a pint of blood, you have stem cells in your marrow that crank up the production of new blood cells. T his is actual proof of the regenerative capability of our bodies. But there was a downside to this approach. Adult stem cells are not completely blank, so they have limited use. Bone marrow stem cells are, again, a perf ect example. Healthy bone marrow stem cells can be used to replace diseased ones, of course, but they cannot be used to replace damaged heart, lung or brain cells. And only a limited number of adult stem cell types exist. Your heart, eyes, brain, knee cartilage and kidneys, f or example, dont possess stem cells. So if embryonic stem cells and adult stem cells were non-starters, what was lef t? Nothing T hat is, nothing but the f aith and determination of one man. T he last man standing . T he f ounder, CEO and lead scientist of the biotech company Im talking to you about today the company that could provide you with the means to live f orever and enough money to do so. Because I cant disclose his real name just yet, Ill simply ref er to him as Dr. Blanc. A quiet, pensive man and small of stature, he is, nevertheless, a giant within the stem cell community. I believe, in time, he will be viewed in the same light we view other great medical minds that have changed the world. Pasteur, Mendel, Curie and Fleming immediately come to mind. T hough I have no doubt his contribution to the improvement of the human condition will be considered f ar, f ar greater. Patrick has actually had the distinct pleasure and honor of knowing Dr. Blanc f or over 20 years. When they met, they were both living in Menlo Park, Calif ., and Patrick had just written a scathing editorial f or The Wall Street Journal in which he decried the unwarranted anti-biotech alarmism Michael Crichtons book Jurassic Park had provoked. At the same time, Dr. Blanc was embroiled in a f ight with the tiny minds on both sides of the political aisle who saw stem cell science as sacrilege and an af f ront to both God and the laws of nature. And ever since, Patrick has f ollowed Dr. Blancs work, read his papers and attended his lectures on stem cell research, gerontology and cellular aging. He has also admired and taken advantage of , f or the benef it of his subscribers, Dr. Blancs uncanny ability to

create a succession of companies that capture the imagination of investors. At one point, his subscribers saw gains exceeding 1,000%. Of course, pullbacks always occur. T his companys most recent gain now stands at 450%, and, theref ore, Patrick thinks its once again a f antastic buying opportunity. Patricks relationship with Dr. Blanc should in no way, though, be viewed as a conf lict of interest. Patrick is strictly f orbidden f rom holding shares in any company he recommends accordingly, he owns no shares of Dr. Blancs company. But if he could, he swears he wouldve long ago purchased every share he could enough to make him at least a 10% benef icial owner and, theref ore, technically speaking, a company insider. Dr. Blanc, in contrast, has never been in it f or the money. When he was a graduate student earning a masters degree in biology, his f ather died of a massive heart attack. Devastated and ref using to believe that disability and death must always be our lot, he began his lif elong quest to f ind a way to stop aging, to stop dying, disease and human suf f ering. With every f iber of his being, he believed that disease and dying were not inevitable, not preordained that somewhere deep within us was the secret to our immortality. Just as the passing of our DNA f rom one generation to the next was proof to him that a part of us can continue on f orever He saw in our seed, in sperm and egg, the proof that immortality was possible . Yet he is a deeply religious man who believed f ervently in creationism, until the paleontological evidence convinced him that creationism was a f lawed theory. He, theref ore, takes exception with those who say his lif es work is immoral and blasphemous. Where is it written, he asks, that we are f orbidden to apply our hand to the problem of our mortality to eliminate suf f ering? Scientists in the f ield of regenerative medicine are not trying to usurp the priesthood, he says. We are, however, trying to wipe human disease f rom the f ace of the Earth. And our eyes are, indeed, set on the enormous markets of age-related degenerative diseases. He never expected though, when he f irst embarked on his quest to end disease and conquer death that A president of the United States and a pope would condemn the technologies he helped develop . Yet despite the f uror he helped create, Senator John McCain once expressed to Dr. Blanc a willingness to sponsor a major f unding bill f or stem cell research. Of course, nothing ever came of it. T he political heat McCain wouldve had to weather wouldve been too hot to endure, even f or the so-called maverick of the Republican Party. Still, it was the thought that counted.

So despite the condemnation of nearly the entire political and religious world, and the inherent def iciencies of embryonic and adult stem cells, Dr. Blancs dream of saving lives that would otherwise be lost would not be denied. He would f ind a way to enable the human body to heal itself . But if embryonic and adult stem cells were non-starters, Dr. Blanc wondered, in a moment of pure genius, what if What if there were a mechanism within our DNA, a genetic code that could reverse-engineer any adult cell in our body into an embryonic-like stem cell? And in a f ew short years, af ter countless twists and turns, trials and errors, he actually f ound that very mechanism! He identif ied f our genes within our DNA that can be manipulated to turn any adult cells skin cells, f or example into embryoniclike stem cells. But he was scooped on writing the necessary scientif ic paper that demonstrated the process a process he had, in f act, patented. And Dr. Blanc lost the Nobel Prize in medicine to another researcher . In 2007, Japanese researcher Dr. Shinya Yamanaka, and a researcher f rom the University of Wisconsin, James T homson, published papers showing that these f our genes could actually transf orm adult human cells into an embryonic-like state. And because the cells used did not come f rom discarded embryos, the reprogrammed cells were not called embryonic stem cells but were, instead, named induced pluripotent stem cells, or iPS cells f or short. iPS cells immediately lit a f ire under the scientif ic community. Like embryonic stem cells, they have the potential to make all the cells of the human body. But unlike embryonic stem cells, they wont be rejected. Because theyre the patients own cells. Moreover, because theyre the patients own cells neither embryo nor egg cells iPS cells are also noncontroversial. Nevertheless, there was a problem with this approach as well, and it was a big one To turn adult cells into iPS cells, the f our genes had to be inserted into the adult cells. But they couldnt merely be dropped in. T hey had to be carried in. And the carrier vehicle Dr. Yamanaka used to introduce these genes into the adult cells was a virus. T hough the type of virus used was dormant, it was obvious the FDA would never allow an unstable and unpredictable biological agent, a virus associated with cancer, no less, to be used in human therapies. It was determined, too, that the process by which the virus and the f our genes were inserted is destructive to the cell on a submicroscopic level. And over time, it usually resulted in the cells death. It was another dead end.

Ironically, Dr. Yamanaka was just awarded the 2012 Nobel Prize in medicine f or his work work that, in f act, doesnt work. And what does that prove ? T hree things 1. T he Nobel committee needs to bone up on current stem cell research theyre woef ully uninf ormed. 2. Stem cell research has now earned the respect it richly deserves. Its no longer controversial or morally reprehensible. T heref ore, interest in stem cell research will be renewed, which, in turn, will lead to No. 3 3. Investors, big and small, institutional and private, will now pounce on the stem cell bandwagon like bees to honey. Regenerative medicine, and stem cell companies, in particular, will again become the darlings of Wall Street. And I suspect Hollywood will want to cash in on the action, too no doubt in a macabre and Frankenstein f ashion. Bottom line: Investors smelling opportunity will start lavishing money on every stem cell company they can f ind. And theyll do this whether the company is deserving or not and whether their research is barking up the wrong tree or not. And a lot of investors will, theref ore, lose a ton of money. Because most people writing about stem cell companies today are completely ignorant of the science behind them which is actually f ine by Patrick. Yes, of course, its sad to see people sinking money into stem cell companies that will never make them a cent. But as Patrick says, that is not his problem. His job, as he correctly states, is to steer you to the right companies companies like Dr. Blancs. Consider these right biotech companies that made multi-millionaires out of average, everyday investors: Celgene Corp. saw its shares increase over 6244% since April 1992. T hey make drugs that treat a blood cancer called multiple myeloma. Had you invested $10,000 in this company years ago, youd be sitting on over $800,000 today almost a million dollars. Biogen Idec Corp. has seen its shares increase over 6,334% since 1992. T hey make drugs that treat multiple sclerosis. T hen, in 2009, Vanda Corp., which makes a drug that treats schizophrenia, saw its shares increase over 1,268% in less than one month I could go on and on, but the point is Invest in Dr. Blancs company today, and you could see the most gains of all. But Im getting way ahead of myself . So lets backtrack f or just a minute and then Ill show you the video that will overcome any lingering doubts you might have about the miracle Dr. Blanc has wrought.

Because Dr. Yamanakas process of inserting the f our genes into an adult cell to create iPS cells appeared to be another dead end T he riches investors believed they could earn by backing the winning horse in the race to cure and prevent disease and prolong lif e were as f araway as ever. But Patrick knew the race had only just begun, and he told his readers so. Dont f all prey to the skeptics who doubt the near-alchemical power of stem cells, he told them. He was conf ident, given more time, technical hurdles would be overcome and lives would be saved suffering would end and yes, money would be made. Investors would f ind their pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, he said and what a pot of gold it would be. And he wasnt alone in this belief Dr. Blanc knew, too, that if there was one way to create an iPS cell, there had to be another. And soon enough, he f ound it and f ar quicker than anyone couldve imagined. You see, he realized if other animals (certain mammals, f ish and reptiles, f or example) could self -regenerate grow new limbs or tails and repair damaged internal organs it wasnt impossible. And we should, theref ore, given the right conditions, be able to do the same. Enter the one gene that rules them all the God Switch ! Now, Ill try to make this as non-technical as possible Our DNA is, in a very real sense, a sof tware program. It is also locked and encrypted. Otherwise, the genes that make up our DNA could be manipulated and even corrupted by unintended outside f orces or inf luences viruses, f or example. Yet we know the encryption code protecting our DNA can be turned of f . And we know this because when cells multiply when we grow taller or build muscle, f or example our cells are dividing and making exact replicas of themselves. T his means the DNA is also dividing and replicating itself so it can be passed into the new cell, as this diagram illustrates:

But f or the DNA to replicate and pass into a new cell, encryption must be turned of f . Dr. Blanc reasoned, theref ore, that if he could f ind the encryption key in other words, the gene or genes responsible f or encryption he could unlock the cell and instruct it to return to its embryonic state just as Yamanaka did using a virus. Easier said than done, of course . T he human genome contains approximately 20,000 genes. not all of which are understood, much less their millions of possible combinations. So Dr. Blanc basically needed to f ind a needle in a haystack a haystack the size of Mount Everest. Fortunately, in one of his subsidiary companies, a scientist devoted to f inding a cure f or cancer f ound that needle without even knowing it. Af ter analyzing gene expressions f rom numerous cancerous and healthy cells, this scientist noticed that one particular gene, named SP100, was not activated in cancer cells. A quick side note: Dr. Blancs company is now on the threshold of using gene SP100 to screen patients f or cancer before they actually develop cancer, and even cure cancer if they already have it. Ill return to this shortly and discuss it in depth in the meantime, though, think of the potential income the money that could be earned f rom investing in this company a company whose products could grant immortality and cure cancer at the same time. T he wealth you could amass absolutely boggles the imagination . So Dr. Blanc began researching gene SP100 in earnest. And he soon f ound evidence in various studies that the researchers had clearly f ailed to understand that SP100 is indeed the encryption key f or the human cell. In other words, when the SP100 gene is deactivated, the human cell is unencrypted. DNA is then available f or genetic modif ication, good or ill.

Meaning if SP100 is deactivated, cells could mutate and become cancerous. But it also means Cancerous cells might be cured when SP100 is reactivated! And of course, by deactivating SP100, Dr. Blanc could now take any adult cell in your body and return it to its embryonic-like state make it a pure and healthy stem cell, an iPS cell. But that was only half the battle, of course. What still had to be accomplished was successf ully directing an iPS cell to become any one of the 200-plus types of cells within the human body. And now that too has been done. Its being hailed as a medical miracle . Claudia C., a 30-year-old Spanish woman, has become the f irst patient to receive a transplant of a whole organ made f rom her own cells. As reported in the news: Experts said the development opened a new era in surgery in which the repair of worn-out body parts would be carried out with personally customized replacements. Heres what occurred Due to tuberculosis, Claudias trachea (the lower windpipe) was destroyed. She was unable to breathe without mechanical assistance. So scientists used a donors trachea and exposed it to Claudias own stem cells. As programmed, those stem cells then replaced all of the original donors tracheas cells. T he trachea was then transplanted into Claudia and, as reported in the prestigious British medical journal The Lancet, shes had absolutely no immune reaction. Today, she is literally dancing and singing. But T his was still not good enough f or Dr. Blanc, the gerontologist who wanted to stop human aging. You see, while iPS cells could now be turned into embryonic-like stem cells and then into various cell types they were not rejuvenated. In other words, biologically, their age was the same as that of the patient. And thats a problem a big problem. Because if we were to take skin cells f rom a 65-year-old patient who had suf f ered a heart attack in which heart muscle had been damaged or destroyed and turned those skin cells into iPS heart cells T hose iPS heart cells would be 65 years old. What, then, would be the point of transplanting old cells into a heart suf f ering f rom age-related heart disease?

Similarly, but f ar worse, a study showed that a bone marrow transplant ages the immune system by about 10 years. In other words, if youre 60 years old and you reboot your immune system with your own bone marrow stem cells, youll have the immune system of a 70-year-old. In f act, one of Patricks subscribers just underwent a bone marrow transf er using his own blood stem cells to cure a rare blood cancer. And we now know his immune system is about 10 years older than it was prior to the lif esaving procedure. Clearly, f or stem cell therapy to live up to the promise Dr. Blanc envisioned, he had to f ind a way to reset an iPS cells biological clock. In essence, he needed to reverse cellular aging to make an iPS cell as young as a newborn baby. Many in the scientific community said he was trying to accomplish the impossible . But as I mentioned earlier, what is impossible today can be possible tomorrow. Dr. Blanc knew, based on previous scientif ic studies, there must also be a gene that controls aging and if he could crack its genetic code, he could stop, and even reverse, aging. And the proof that this was, indeed, possible was cancer. Cancer cells do not age. T hey are, in medical terms, immortal. T hey continue to replicate without end; they do not die. T he only way they will die is if theyre killed or the host body dies. Following the breadcrumbs lef t behind by previous research, it took Dr. Blanc a f ew years to f ind this immortalizing gene and crack its code. But f ind it and crack it he did. He successf ully immortalized an iPS cell it became ageless and continued to replicate without end. Af ter he published his f indings, CNBC immediately asked to interview him so he could explain why his companys stock had more than doubled overnight. T he rest of the worlds press was also quick to pick up on his impossible breakthrough A Bloomberg headline read: Stock Soars as Firm Clones Immortality Gene. Time magazine titled its coverage T he Immortality Enzyme. T he San Jose Mercury News wrote a story titled Endless Youth? But Dr. Blanc wasnt f inished His biggest challenge remained To take an immortal iPS cell and direct it to become any one of the hundreds of cell types in the human body. So that when those cells are ready to be injected back into the donors body, they would be no older than the day the donor was born.

Now, rather than me telling you he has succeeded beyond medical sciences wildest dreams T hat he has made the old young again let me show you Once again, Dr. Blanc attempts the impossible and makes it possible . As I mentioned at the beginning of this presentation, the video you are about to watch has never been viewed by anyone besides the subscribers to Breakthrough Technology Alert and the employees and scientists of Dr. Blancs company. And if a picture is worth a thousand words imagine then the tens of thousands of dollars this video could be worth to investors and to you, if you become an investor in Dr. Blancs company. Once this video is released to the general public, on YouTube and elsewhere, probably within the next f ew days, the noise and excitement it will generate in the f inancial markets will be deaf ening. T he prof its it could instantly generate f or traders, and the income it could generate f or buy-and-hold shareholders, will be overwhelming as well. Because youre about to witness a medical miracle . And the patient, the guinea pig in this video is Patrick himself . Not too long ago, Patrick and his staf f visited Dr. Blanc in his laboratory in Northern Calif ornia. On the way, Patrick stopped at a dermatologists of f ice. T here, a small bit of skin, a square centimeter, was removed f rom under his right arm. T he physician then caref ully placed it into a f lask and packed it into a Styrof oam cooler f or transport to Dr. Blancs lab. T his is Patrick carrying the cooler.

When Patrick arrived at the lab, Dr. Blanc donned a white lab coat and prepared to work his magic on Patricks skin cells.

He began by teasing out cells f rom between the collagen f ibers that f orm part of his skins structure , then bathed them in a growth medium prior to placement inside an incubator.

Once enough new cells had grown in the culture, Dr. Blanc began to transf orm them into iPS cells using his now patented SP100 gene technology. Please note: T he iPS cells that he created were the equivalent of the embryonic cells f rom which Patrick came. T hey were completely rejuvenated and unaging. Only af ter Dr. Blanc had programmed them to become adult cells of a specif ic type did their biological clock start ticking. In this picture, Dr. Blanc and Patrick are reviewing a computer readout of his skin cells transf ormation.

And the cells that Dr. Blanc directed these iPS cells to become are heart cells Patricks heart cells, containing his DNA. T he biological age of these heart cells, which you can now see beating in a petri dish in the amazing 20-second

video below, is exactly the same as the age Patrick was when he was born. Other than their age, they are no dif f erent than the heart cells beating within Patricks chest right now. Had these cells been injected into him, there would be no immune rejection. Indeed, over time, based on Dr. Blancs research, they would completely replace his old heart cells. And this video seemingly innocuous, short and understated will clearly demonstrate to the world the miracle that Dr. Blanc has achieved. It may herald a new dawn in human evolution and could give hope to millions of people suf f ering f rom incurable and deadly diseases. Like the shot heard round the world the f irst musket shot f ired at the British during the Battle of Lexington at the start of the American Revolution it f oreshadows how the world, how our lives and destinies, may be changed f orever. And f or what its worth, Patrick is the f irst person in history to see his own heart cells, derived f rom cells converted to age-zero iPS cells, beating outside of the body. Can you see now how the impossible can become possible? Can you see now why unequaled gains could be yours if you decide to invest in this company? Note too Dr. Blanc could just as easily have turned Patricks skin cells f irst into iPS cells and then into endothelial precursor cells (EPCs). Again, without getting too technical, EPCs in your blood circulate throughout your body, keeping your heart and arteries in peak condition, repairing normal wear and tear bef ore it causes serious problems. But as we age, they age, and hence, they become less ef f icient. But by injecting age-zero EPCs into your body, derived f rom your own iPS cells, they would have the power to completely rejuvenate your entire cardiovascular system thereby extending the warranty on your cardiovascular system EACH T IME IT S DONE! T his, my f riend, could be the key to true IMMORTALIT Y. It could also be the equivalent of a complete vascular transplant without surgery and without the possibility of rejection. Need I say this is HUGE. I would be happy to inject myself with these rejuvenated EPCs today, if it were legal to do so, so that I could have the heart and lungs I had in my youth. But as I mentioned earlier, FDA approval is still pending. Have no doubt, though, Dr. Blanc f ully intends to commercialize endothelial precursor stem cell therapy as soon as possible and you can bet your bottom dollar Patrick and I will be among the f irst in line to buy it.

T he profit potential for this therapy is enormous. Heart disease is the No. 1 killer of Americans. According to the American Heart Association (AHA), at least 81 million Americans have some f orm of cardiovascular disease. T his includes 73,600,000 with high blood pressure and 17,600,000 with coronary heart disease. T hese numbers, however, are growing rapidly as the baby boom population continues to age. So how much money can Dr. Blancs company conservatively earn f rom this one treatment alone? To answer that question, all we have to do is look at aging, wealthy baby boomers, who tend to be early adopters of emerging and extremely expensive medical technologies. Now, I dont know how much the initial cost of Dr. Blancs EPC therapy will be, but I cant imagine itll be more than Dendreons prostate cancer treatment Provenge, a therapy that extends lif e by about f our months and costs approximately $93,000 per customer. By the way, analysts are predicting Dendreons sales will eventually reach $1 billion annually. Dr. Blancs therapy, in contrast, could extend life up to 100 years and for a fraction of Provenges cost ! Nevertheless, lets pretend that Dr. Blanc will charge $200,000 f or the procedure and clears $100,000 per procedure. Lets also pretend that only 5% of the worlds population of 2 million people in households with more than $10 million in assets purchase this EPC therapy. T hat equals 100,000 procedures at a prof it of $100,000 each, f or a total prof it of $10 billion a year. Of course, it is highly unlikely that the whole procedure of creating endothelial precursors will cost anything close to $100,000, either to perf orm or purchase. In any event, it will certainly cost f ar less than bypass surgery. Hence, it could easily and quickly become the therapy of choice f or everyone with cardiovascular disease. Currently, the AHA puts the cost of treating cardiovascular disease in the U.S., including stroke, at approximately $400 billion. Once you consider the market outside the United States, though, its clear were looking at a market f or Dr. Blancs therapy that must be measured not in billions, but possibly in trillions of dollars! But even more importantly, we may f inally begin to view the No. 1 cause of death aged hearts and vascular systems as a preventable disease. And as f or the No. 2 killer of Americans, cancer, responsible f or over half a million deaths each year Dr. Blanc has that in his cross hairs as well. First order of business: a breakthrough cancer detection device due to be released by the end of next year. So based on what Ive told you so f ar and what Patrick is about to disclose

You clearly have a ground-f loor opportunity to own a company that, depending on the size of your investment, could yield you millions. T his is your chance of a lif etime To own a company that stands at the precipice of prof oundly af f ecting human evolution by extending lif e and Curing cancer . Im sure youve heard, the primary reason researchers have been unable to cure cancer is because there are so many dif f erent types of cancers and so many dif f erent genes that can be involved. T his is why the multi-billion-dollar cancer diagnostics business is one of the f astest-growing sectors in health care. Now, Ive already told you about the encryption gene SP100, which, in a deactivated state, appears common in all cancers. Dr. Blancs cancer research subsidiary is already investigating the possibility that simply activating SP100 will not only prevent cancer it might cure cancer if its already present. Still another therapy under development by Dr. Blancs cancer subsidiary involves EPCs, endothelial precursor cells. As you know, EPCs in your blood travel throughout your body. And because cancer cells need to f eed on blood in order to grow and spread, Dr. Blancs scientists are using blood as a Trojan horse. T hey will inject into a patients blood EPCs coated with a class of molecules called peptides, engineered specif ically to identif y and attach themselves to cancer cells. Once attached, a prodrug inside the EPCs is unleashed. A prodrug is not an active drug, but a substance that can be converted into one in the presence of certain enzymes enzymes that the EPCs will be genetically engineered to create. T hen, once the cancer-killing prodrug is delivered, another genetically engineered switch will be activated that causes the EPCs to self -destruct. T hey and the dead cancer cells will then be f lushed out of your system. One of the most interesting aspects about this therapy is that its systemic. T hat is, because the genetically engineered EPCs are attracted to cancers wherever they are in the body, even metastasized cancers can be targeted. Compared to the primitive cut/poison/burn therapies currently used to battle cancer, this therapy is neat, clean and extremely ef f ective. It assures that every cancer cell in the body is targeted and eliminated Whereas when tumors are surgically removed (cut), treated with chemotherapeutic agents (poisoned) or targeted with radiation (burned), theres always the possibility that a f ew cancer cells will be missed.

T hese cancer cells can then seed the growth of new tumors. Tumors that can spread wildly out of control throughout the body until they kill you. T hats why many cancer therapeutics used today are not cures; they just delay the inevitable. Dr. Blancs therapeutic approach, on the other hand, would, indeed, be a cure. Yet bef ore you can kill or cure cancer, you f irst have to know with certainty that it, indeed, exists. And Dr. Blancs scientists have that well under control, too A revolutionary cancer diagnostic tool is coming to market . And the amount of money that could f low into the companys cof f ers, and into your pocket if you invest in the company, will make your head spin. Many existing cancer diagnostic tools, as you may know, are extremely inaccurate, revealing as f ew as half of all existing cancers. Moreover, they are extremely expensive. And this is due to the unique nature of the disease itself . Cancer isnt just one disease. T heres lung cancer, brain cancer, prostate cancer and hundreds of other types of cancers. And if everyone were checked f or all these cancers on a regular basis using existing diagnostics, it would cost an absolute f ortune and quickly bankrupt our entire health care system. As a result, most people are tested f or cancer only when theres reason to believe they already have the disease. Unf ortunately, by that time, the cancer has become established and aggressive. In a better world, there would be a simple blood test that would cheaply and quickly reveal all of the mostcommon cancers at their earliest stages, when theyre still easily treatable. So now Im going to tell you how Dr. Blancs company has just made this a better world. His scientists have successf ully identif ied over 200 genes that are activated in most, if not all, cancer cells. T hey then designed a test that identif ies the proteins, or markers, associated with those genes. Its very similar in concept to diagnostic devices that identif y proteins in blood. For example, the home pregnancy test. Of course, Dr. Blancs cancer-detection device will be more complex because it will be able to identif y all of the most common cancers lung, bladder, breast, uterus, stomach, colon and others. Yet it will cost no more than existing diagnostic devices that test f or only one type of cancer. T herefore, the profit margins could be tremendous. So not only will it save thousands of dollars by replacing individual cancer tests it will also dramatically lower the costs associated with treating most late-stage cancers because it identif ies cancers in their

lower the costs associated with treating most late-stage cancers because it identif ies cancers in their earliest stages. T his means insurance companies will want to pay f or the test. And this diagnostic test is scheduled to go on sale by the end of 2014. But this tool is f ar f rom being the only revenue source f or Dr. Blancs company. Suf f ice it to say that Dr. Blanc is not only a brilliant scientist Hes also an uncommonly smart and savvy businessman, as you are about to see Historically, small biotech companies have been a hotbed of medical innovation. But these small f irms generally lack the capital to f und expensive clinical trials necessary f or FDA approval and the launch of new therapies. T heref ore, they depend on developing partnerships with large pharmaceutical companies that can help f und their work. In return, these large partners get to sell the f inal product and capture the lions share of prof its. T he small biotech company typically receives only upf ront monies and a small royalty on f uture product sales. T he problem with this model is that most biotech companies do not have a broad technology platf orm. T hey usually have only one or two products. T heref ore, collaborations with Big Pharma of ten give away the shop. T he small biotech companies are then lef t with precious little on which to continue developing on their own. So that his company does not suf f er that same f ate, Dr. Blanc created seven subsidiaries, with more on the way. And each of these subsidiaries has numerous products in development. For example, I just outlined some of the products his cancer research subsidiary is working on. Bef ore that, I showed you his f ountain of youth product, if we can call it that, which could grant us immortality and is being developed by his cardiovascular subsidiary. Now here are two more reasons why Dr. Blanc could earn you ungodly gains. So that he doesnt give away the shop to Big Pharma, Dr. Blanc recruits private investors to f und the research of his subsidiaries but his parent company always retains majority ownership. And because each subsidiary can share resources with the other six the time it takes to develop products and bring them to market is dramatically shortened. You could, then have ownership in not just one company but seven dif f erent biotech companies, each developing its own suite of potentially blockbuster products at an accelerated pace. In addition, over the years, Dr. Blanc has been granted hundreds of patents on technologies, processes and discoveries that, if he had time to develop into products, could yield tens of millions, if not tens of billions, of dollars.

But he is not a greedy man. His goal above all else is to better the human condition to put an end to suf f ering, disease, and even death. In his f irst book, a memoir published by Doubleday in 2003, he laments: Like hostages, we are f orced to watch the years slowly etch wrinkles into the brows of our loved ones, slip into our homes and rob us one by one of mother and f ather, husband and wif e, brother and sister. So rather than just sit on these patents he licenses some of them out at cost. For example To date, Dr. Blancs company has developed proprietary processes to develop over 200 dif f erent cell types f rom iPS cells. Endothelial precursor cells (EPCs) discussed above are just one of these cell types. What Dr. Blanc has done is this He has agreed to provide stem cell researchers with access to a number of his patented cell lines. Cell lines are cultures that are continually multiplying under laboratory conditions, but have not yet f ully branched of f to become distinct cell types. And he has done this f or a price that pretty much covers his cost of producing and supplying the cell lines. T he immediate result is that his research and development costs are near zero. Yet at the same time, hes giving researchers the tools to develop clinical products that could benef it all of humanity. For example, one of his patented cell lines is central nervous system (CNS) progenitor cells. Scientists believe these CNS stem cells will enable cures f or currently incurable muscular and neurological disorders such as Parkinsons disease and muscular dystrophy. And if these researchers do indeed create commercially scalable products based on his cell lines, Dr. Blancs company will receive royalties on all net sales. Now thats pure genius. And its f urther proof that he knows how to make money f or his company and investors and, at the same time, benef it all of humanity. In f act, if youve noticed, what hes done is adopt a model thats being successf ully used in the computer sof tware industry. Sof tware companies routinely provide developers with the tools they need to program products that run on their platf orms. Only when the developers have a product on the market are they required to pay royalties. And this business savvy of Dr. Blancs has not gone unnoticed in the medical community. His company has now entered into an exclusive license agreement with Cornell University f or the worldwide development and commercialization of technology developed at Cornells medical college. To quote Dr. Alan Paau, vice provost f or technology transf er and economic development of Cornell University:

Dr. Blancs companys commitment to the f ield of regenerative medicine and the unique technologies it has marshaled in its commercial ef f orts make it the company of choice f or us to bring our technologies to market. I should also note that, as f ar as we know, Dr. Blancs company was the f irst publicly traded stem cell company to partner with Big Pharma. His neuroscience subsidiary will supply stem cells to Teva Pharmaceutical Industries f or the purpose of developing treatments f or retinal and neural degenerative diseases. Israel-based Teva, as you might know, is one of the biggest pharmaceutical companies in the world, with annual revenues in excess of $16 billion. Together, they will also develop and commercialize Dr. Blancs treatment f or age-related macular degeneration, which is a growing concern f or aging baby boomers. Approximately 7 million men and women are currently at risk f or developing that disease. T his clearly represents another multi-billion-dollar opportunity f or Dr. Blancs company. So now you may wonder if theres no end to the prof it potential of this biological and f inancial juggernaut Dr. Blanc has created. T he truth is, according to what Ive read in Patricks report, Ive barely scratched the surf ace. I could go on and on about Dr. Blanc, his company and all the other reasons you could make an absolute f ortune if you invest early in his company. But Ive already taken so much of your time What Ive been authorized to do, instead, is send you Patricks actual report on Dr. Blancs company and its seven subsidiaries. Hes titled it: The Phoenix Event: One Company That Holds the Keys to Life Everlasting . All I ask of you in return is that you give Patricks newsletter, Breakthrough Technology Alert , a try a riskf ree test-drive. Try it f or 60 days. If it doesnt suit you, doesnt please you, doesnt show you extraordinary gains, which is hard to imagine given all that Ive just told you cancel and pay nothing. But if youre the type of person whos excited by the built-in prof it potential of companies developing disruptive technologies on a historic, lif e-altering scale that arent yet known or even understood on Wall Street Technologies and companies that could make you wealthier than King Midas Your subscription to Breakthrough Technology Alert will be the most valuable investment analysis tool youll ever own and certainly the last subscription youll ever consider canceling. So are you ready to get started? Are you ready f or wealth beyond your wildest dreams to live in comf ort and luxury f or as long as you live which could be f or a long, long time? Subscribe today and immediately download Patricks FREE special report: T he Phoenix Event: One Company

that Holds the Keys to Lif e Everlasting. Inside, youll discover everything there is to know about Dr. Blanc and his company details only insiders and analysts like Patrick and I are aware of Including the breakthrough technologies each of his seven subsidiaries are developing that I havent had time to mention in this presentation. For example Arthritis, caused by the deterioration of joint, cartilage and other skeletal cells, may now have a cure thanks to Dr. Blancs company. His orthopedic subsidiary is developing products that could rejuvenate and replace hard tissue and joints your knees, cartilage and tendons all without surgery. Now, you may not know this, but arthritis is Americas leading cause of disability. More than 46 million people have been diagnosed with the disease. Factor in unreported cases and the actual number may be 70 million. And heres another potential profit bonanza if there ever was one T he global market f or plastic and reconstructive surgery is expected to approach $40 billion this year. Accordingly, his orthopedic subsidiary expects to have a product on the market this year that could have people disf igured due to trauma or surgery not to mention baby boomers with sagging skin lining up in droves. Unlike Botox, with one shot of this, youll look as good as new f or lif e! T his subsidiary is also in the midst of developing another product that will repair spine damage caused by degenerative disc disease. Amazing, right? Yet its all true. In Patricks exclusive report, which youll be able to download moments af ter you subscribe to Breakthrough Technology Alert, youll discover so many opportunities to make obscene amounts of money just by investing in this one company your head will spin. Youll invest in one company and literally own seven! Its a dream come true f or any investor who wants to grow his or her wealth exponentially and continually. Plus, with your subscription, Patrick will immediately start updating you on all the other nearly daily developments that surround this f ascinating company and all the other great companies with breakthrough technologies hes currently holding in his model portf olio. Your subscription will also include: 1. Patricks Confidential Research . T his is not your typical investment research brief ing, of f ering only a cursory and perf unctory overview of the market and comments on recommended positions and how theyre trading. 2. Breakthrough Technology Alerts private, toll-free Hotline phone number . Have a question about your subscription? pick up the phone and call. Call as of ten as you like and its always FREE.

3. Weekly Breaking News. Every week, Patrick discusses developments that af f ect his held positions or possible f uture positions. And yes, sometimes he will recommend you buy a company at the point of imminent breakout or recommend that you sell a held position, either all or some of it, to lock in prof its. T hese are multi-page in-depth analyses that require immediate attention they cant wait to be published in his monthly briefings. In short, these alerts could save you money and make you money if you choose to invest in his recommendations. 4. Exclusive Special Reports. T hese special f irst- look reports pick up where Patricks brief ings and alerts leave of f . T his is where everything is laid on the table; nothing is lef t to the imagination. Everything of wealth-building importance is covered. T hese arent casual reads, and you could receive as many as three per month. 5. Exclusive Private Access . You will receive password-protected access to all previous newsletters, alerts, special reports and model portf olio perf ormance records. So what are you waiting f or? Test-drive Breakthrough Technology Alert f or a f ull 60 days f ollow Patricks recommendations, judge the opportunities he of f ers and if youre not satisf ied f or any reason any reason whatsoever Send me or Patrick an email saying you want your money back. You dont have to give us a reason no explanation is required. Just tell us you are canceling your subscription and you want all your money back. T hats it; you dont have to do or say anything else. Well then immediately send you a f ull ref und of your subscription no holdbacks, no ref und charges and no hidden f ees. Youll receive every single cent back, as long as you request it within the 60-day trial period. Of course, your exclusive report, The Phoenix Event: One Company That Holds the Keys to Life Everlasting , is yours to keep without obligation. Our way of saying thank you f or giving Patricks newsletter a f air 60-day reading. Fast Subscriber BONUS ALERT ! If you subscribe right now within the next 30 minutes well also send you another FREE, no-obligation, comprehensive report on yet another small company Patrick f ound, with an equally amazing disruptive technology. T his Special Report is titled Live Longer, Live Richer: Tobacco Resurrected . In this f ascinating report, youll read about another remarkable individual. He owns a tobacco company that has patented a process f or producing tobacco thats 90% carcinogen-f ree. Today, his production process is used by most major tobacco companies around the world and they all pay hef ty royalties to his company f or its use. Yet ironically, this amazing gentleman is vehemently opposed to smoking (hes seen cigarettes prematurely kill many f riends and f amily). His real goal upon inheriting his tobacco company was to f igure out a way to actually help people quit smoking. And to that end, he hired scientists to discover what it is in tobacco thats so addicting.

Incidentally, he made his f irst f ortune as a major investor or co-f ounder of several successf ul biotech f irms, including VISX lasik surgery. Now, f or brevitys sake, Ill tell you this Not only did he discover the ingredient in tobacco thats so addictive no, its not nicotine he also developed a product that is actually one of the most, if not the most, ef f ective smoking cessation aids on the market today. Yes, its being sold today and pulling in tons of money f or the company. But thats still just background f or the real story. His scientists also discovered an ingredient in tobacco that is an extremely powerf ul anti-inf lammatory. So powerf ul, in f act, it can slow age-inducing inf lammation. In other words, by eliminating chronic inf lammation throughout the body, it actually slows aging. Some scientists believe it could even reverse Alzheimers disease. And that will be huge if current clinical trials prove successf ul. In the meantime, prof essional athletes and everyday people with aches and pains are singing this products praises. T hats right, this product is also being sold in stores right now. Best of all, since its not a drug, but a plant-derived nutrient, it can be bought without a prescription. Full disclosure: Patrick has actually been taking it f or over a year. And in this report, hell tell you how his health, and the health of hundreds, if not thousands, of other people, has dramatically improved because of it. Now heres the real kicker Wall Street, in its inf inite wisdom, has mis-categorized and, theref ore, mispriced this company. T heyre calling it a tobacco company even though its actually a nutraceutical company. And its trading f or less than $4 a share. In other words, this company is severely undervalued solely because of Wall Streets inability to tell the dif f erence between a tobacco f armer and a biotechnology company. But that error is now in the process of being corrected. T he company is waging a high-prof ile campaign to get the truth out both on Wall Street and Main Street. And now that the news is spreading and everyone is waking up to this companys true potential, current investors could be on track to capture windf all prof its. T he company has already reported that sales have increased over 700% since last year! Obviously, timing is everything when it comes to investing in this company. T hats why I want you to read this FREE report ASAP.

Wait! Im still not finished showering you with gifts But f irst, I should tell you what a subscription to Breakthrough Technology Alert will run you $2,000 per year. Expensive? Absolutely. But its worth every penny, as the testimonials youve been reading on the right side of this page clearly conf irm. Nevertheless though the average small player looking for small pleasures and a small life may not see the value in Patricks newsletter Im going to make you an offer you cant refuse And this is completely unprecedented You and I and Patrick and his publisher know f ull well that the U.S. economy is still in terrible shape. And no doubt that has put a serious strain on your f inances and the f inances of many other Americans. Which is why I believe its so vitally important that you take to heart Patricks recommendation to invest in Dr. Blancs company and the nutraceutical company I just outlined above. T hey could add an immeasurable surplus of money to your bank account if you decide to invest in either of them. But you cant own them if you dont know their names and all the f acts about why they could, indeed, make you an absolute f ortune. T heref ore, I want you to receive these two reports so that come what may with the economy at least your wealth, and health, will be assured. And f or a limited time only, Patricks publisher has agreed to reduce the price of Breakthrough Technology Alert to only $900. With that extra $1,100 savings in your pocket, youll be able to invest in Dr. Blancs company and the nutraceutical company if you choose,, and even have money lef t over to purchase the nutraceutical itself ! And thats still not all. With you subscription today, youll also receive A video recording of Dr. Blancs 40-minute presentation at our 2012 Vancouver Conf erence Agora Financials celebrated annual investment symposium. Had you attended this sold-out conf erence, where some of the brightest investment minds and most innovative investment companies shared their thoughts and ideas, you wouldve paid $1,000. And that doesnt include hotel and travel expenses. T his video presentation, on the other hand, is yours absolutely FREE with your subscription to Breakthrough Technology Alert. Plus, youll also receive a video recording of Patricks one-hour presentation at the conf erence, in which he explores the investing and economic landscape as it currently exists, and how it will evolve, or devolve, in the

coming years. Also included are a f ew of Patricks f avorite investment recommendations. All this is yours absolutely FREE with your subscription to Breakthrough Technology Alert . So please subscribe right now so you can learn more about the unbelievable investment opportunities Ive just laid bef ore you. Do if f or your wealth, do it f or your health, do it f or your f amily and everyone else that depends on you and whom you hold dear. Sincerely, Medical and science researcher f or Agora Financial P.S . Remember, if you subscribe right now, youll receive two FREE reports: Report No. 1: The Phoenix Event: One Company That Holds the Keys to Life Everlasting . In this report, youll discover the stem cell company that could grant you everlasting lif e and eternal youth and all the money youll ever need. Report No. 2: Live Longer, Live Richer: Tobacco Resurrected. Heres a company thats selling a product that could dramatically slow aging and cure Alzheimers disease. Right now its severely undervalued solely because of Wall Streets inability to tell the dif f erence between a tobacco f armer and a biotechnology company. But once that error is corrected and the truth is reveled, current investors in this company could capture windf all prof its and undoubtedly have the last laugh. Plus Youll also receive two video presentations, nearly two hours in combined length, f ilmed at Agora Financials $1,000-per-ticket annual Vancouver investment symposium. All this, two reports and two video presentations are yours absolutely FREE when you subscribe right now to Breakthrough Technology Alert . Subscribe Now You Can Review Your Order Bef ore it's Final

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