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ALUMINIUM Gibbsite or Hydrargillite, Al(OH)3, Al2SO4(OH)47H2O,Alumintie Bauxite, Al2O3.2H2O, Diaspore, Al2O3.H2O, and Cryolite, AlF3.

3HF, Alunite KAl3(SO4)2(OH)6 Felspar, NaAlSi3O8, or KAlSi3O8, or CaAl2Si2O8) COBALT Smaltite, Linnaeite Cobaltite (CoNi)As3 Co3S4 CoAsS

Glaucodot (CoFe)AsS skutterudite (CoAs3) erythrite ("cobalt glance": Co3(AsO4)28H2O) CADMIUM Greenockite (CdS) Gold Sylvanite((Au,Ag)Te2), and petzite(Ag,Au) 2), Nagyagite (Au2,Pbi4,Sb3,Te7,S7). Hessite
(Ag2Te) Calaverite (Au)Te2, Krennerite (Ag2Te,Au2Te3), LEAD
galena (PbS), cerussite (PbCO3) and anglesite (PbSO4).pyromorphite, (Pb5(PO4)3Cl), Polarite (Pd,(Bi,Pb)), is an opaque, yellow-white mineral. (Pd,(Bi,Pb), Phosgenite PbCl)2CO3, Leadhillite Pb4SO4(CO3)2(OH)2, Litharge is one of the natural mineral forms of lead(II) oxide, PbO,
Anglesite (pbcl2)

MANGANESE pyrolusite (MnO2), braunite, (Mn Mn 6)(SiO12), psilomelane (Ba,H2O)2Mn5O10,, rhodochrosite (MnCO3). manganite, MnO(OH) hausmannite, Mn3O4
2+ 3+

(a) Dolomite (b) Karnalite MgCO3 . CaCO3 KCl MgCl2 . 6H2O

Brucite Mg(OH)2., Magnesite is magnesium carbonate, MgCO3 Olivine (Mg, Fe)2SiO4


Argentite: Ag2S ( Silver Glance), Silver occur in lead, zinc, and copper ore deposits, Uses
of Silver

For thousand of years silver has been used for jewelry and all types of decorative items. It is used in silverware. Silver bromide and silver nitrate are used in photography. Silver conducts electricity well, so it is used in electrical products. It is used by dentists in amalgam fillings. It is used in the production of bearings. As untarnished silver is the best reflector of light, it was used in ancient times to make mirrors. Sterling silver, an alloy of other metal (usually copper), was used as currency in the United States.

Silver is found in native form, as an alloy with gold (electrum), chlorargyrite (AgCl) (horn silver), pyrargyrite(Ag3SbS3), Ag3AsS3 Proustite,

Cassiterite (SnO2), Cu2FeSnS4 Stannite, Tin Pyrites Cu2 FeSnS4, Teallite PbSnS2

Rutile TiO2,, Titanite (CaTiSiO5), , ilmenite (FeTiO3), CaTiO3 perovskite,


Zinc Blende


(b) Calamine


(Zn2SiO4) willemite, hemimorphite (Zn4Si2O7(OH)2 H2O), Nickel

Pentlandite is an iron-nickel sulfide, (Fe,Ni)9S8

Garnierite pyrrhotite

Arseno-sulphide Ni2AsS2

re minerals are nickeliferous limonite: (Fe, Ni)O(OH) and garnierite (a hydrous nickel silicate): (Ni, Mg)3Si2O5(OH)4 pentlandite: (Ni, Fe)9S8. 2 nhi mil rhe Arseno-sulphide Ni2AsS2

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