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If we are afraid to reveal our lack of knowledge we will not be able to learn. In order to make progress we must admit where we are now. Does the current system of education encourage us to admit our lack of knowledge,or is there too much pressure to demonstrate the acquisition of knowledge?Share your discussions.

Education is to provide water, sunlight and nutrients to the growing minds of the young generation. However the reality of the present educational system is that it is merely concentrating on the essential bit and only stuffing the students brain with facts and figures. It just seems like the system is producing mundane people who pays their tax and participate in appropriate activities within the society. In our society, being smart is defin ed by our grades and how much knowledge we possess, even though being smart does not really mean that one is actually knowledgeable.

The current system of education are provides an important element which is an examination process. It simply requires a students brain to be well armed with knowledge and facts. If a student gets a good mark, he or she is praised. Praised by the students peers, teachers and parents. However, if the student gets a bad mark, or either fail, he or she will not receive any praise, but is likely to receive criticisms from everyone. This happens because the education system pressures us to demonstrate our abilities, skills and aptitude. If it allowed us to admit our lack of knowledge, the failed student should not fear reprimands from his or her parents. In fact, the failed student will learn more valuable lessons from his or her mistake which cannot be taught any teacher. Because as people say, failure is our greatest teacher. However because the society establishes superiority upon the academic performance of the student, the student will just end up grounded for a few days or so.

Thomas Edison, a revered inventor, is famous for receiving only small amount of education. He was kicked out of school from on early age, as the result of his incompatibility in learning. The education system then and now is the same in this respect, where it shuns the

unable ones and only highlights the able ones. As the result of the education system highlighting only the knowledgeable ones, a creative person like Edison was alienated from the social norm. Nobody around him encouraged Edison to admit his ignorance and improve except for his mother. As the result, his creativity proliferated, providing light to the development of scientific technologies and to our living rooms.

In addition,Even though many people in history demonstrate the fact that not only the knowledgeable are capable of reaching their zenith of life, education system still carries on concentrating on the academic performance of students. Many students are pressured to absorb incessant pouring of information and facts while rarely encouraged to make valuable improvements by admitting their mistakes. The many students receiving this education do not have time to admit anything because they are just so busy learning logarithms, biology, and quantum physics. As a conclusion,A coin has two sides clearly distinguishable. But the figures on it are carved and embossed. So, on looking closer, a coin proves to posses many surfaces. Similarly, being able to reveal our lack of knowledge is not simply confined to the education system allowing us to do so and not. The present education system is not perfect and neither were those of the past. Transcending all such imperfections, however, people have made progress. Education system has a major role to play, but, not the ability to admit or not our lack of knowledge depends on factors.




Many societies believe that the pursuit of happiness is a fundamental human right. But it is also true that attainment of happiness remains elusive.In your opinion,what gives us more pleasure and satisfaction: the pursuit of our desires or the attainment of them?

Pursuit of our desires can take us to places hitherto unexplored. It can make us do things that we never imagined for ourselves in a lifetime. But the fulfillment or nearfulfillment of one dream most often leads to the germination of another. The concept of 'happiness', however, is not as simple as getting something and then wanting another and so on. Human psychology also has a role to play in this complexity. Myriad theories of the psychology of happiness have been put up by psychologists who differ vastly in their opinions. Unentwining the mystery of happiness is yet a pursuit -- quite a perplexing one. In fact, happiness has been labeled as "the most un-understood phenomenon in the world!" because everybody hopes to achieve it, but no one knows anything about it. A contrast to this, renowned psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud believes that humanity is doomed to chronic unhappiness.

The least one can do, though, is think of happiness on the basis of experiences from the more concrete world of affairs. For instance, to some people happiness is intoxicating. A

man I met at the airport, by way of conversation, said, "Why go for all the trouble with meditation and self control to attain nirvana when a few pegs of whiskey does the deal?" Interestingly, even some insects are intoxicated by their desires. The mosquito, for example, sucks and sucks and keeps sucking blood until it grows too fat and heavy to stay on the skin anymore and then falls prey to eager claps. Similar is the case with a leech or with those tiny insects which blindly love light, especially flames.

To some others, happiness implies money and material possessions. These very people are the ones that get labelled greedy, stingy, selfish, self-centered, evil and the like. They are jealous of their neighbours' belongings, of anyone with the potential to achieve anything beyond what they are capable of and of anyone trying to assist them in any field in any way. They are afraid of the fundamental characteristic of social existence -- give and take. To them, neither the pursuit nor the fulfillment of their desires is pleasurable. Among those who get wiser, it is unanimously accepted that the simpler, the better. In Charles Dickens' 'A Christmas Carol', Ebenezer Scrooge realises that no amount of money can buy the happiness that an open heart can give, after visiting the Crachits' with the 'Ghost of Christmas Present'.Speaking of an open heart, there are people who hold the belief that the happiness of others is their happiness reflected. They live for others. It is utter misery to them to see those around them unhappy by even the most trivial of causes.

The upshot of all this jabber would be the same old incomprehensibility of the psychology of happiness. Asked what I find more pleasurable, the pursuit or the attainment of happiness, I would definitely say, the pursuit. It awakens a sudden zeal. It gives the footing to skip ahead on. As far as I know, I am happy so long as I think I am happy and only I have the authority to make myself feel otherwise not even that dopamine!

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The mass media,including TV ,radio and newspapers,have great influence in shaping peoples ideas.To what extent do you agree or disagree this statement?Give reasons for your answer.

The mass media have a powerful influence in shaping our lives. We have come to depend on them for information and entertainment, and in doing so we let them affect

important aspects of our lives.Mass Media is a way where we can update our knowledge. A cup of tea with newspaper on hand is common seen in every household. Every person are reading a news according to own choices either its business, sport,and world. So, I agree with author's views.

When the television and the radio were not invented by our scientist then we use Print Media for update our knowledge . In other word the earliest mode of media is the Newspaper. In India the First news was published about Revolution against British rule. That news created awareness among people and inspired for freedom. In world a number of newspaper has started such as- The Guardian, The Newyork times, Times of India, Hindustan times etc. All these Newspaper are representing a news very well and help to know latest News across world.

Now a day Television is one of the important Mass Media . Through television we can see various types of serial ,Movies and the Latest news and many more. All serials and Movies help to understand our societies thinking, latest fashion etc.Lets look at an example: Whenever i saw any serial and movies i always tried to learn new things such as latest fashion in cloths, which type of accessories is used by actor or actress, way of talking and the most important its themes or central ideas etc. All these matters help to make my own decisions. Now a days, through satellites our televisions has connected their we can update our latest event and news programs instantly Lets take an example: Recently i got news about Greece elections that was conducted for making the government. also about Seria mascara and Rio submit and many more .

Radio helps for cities and town where connectivity are present such as electricity, Television and its cables connection , print media etc then above model is good for entertainment and for News. But for remote areas where connectivity has not reached , radio is only source of entertainment and news to make themselves update and create own thoughts about actors and politicians. In cities it is one of way of entertainment.For an example,whenever i travel in the bus or car or walk to another place i always use radio for songs and entertain myself.

All forms of media influence our thoughts, the lives, and ideas .It helps people build own opinion of famous personalities, politicians etc. thus media reflect the true picture of our

society, nation and the world and motivate the public for work for causes. The media is a great way to stay updated on what's happening in the world, but don't always believe what you hear.As a conclusion, I would argue that the mass media's influence is certainly great. Indeed, with technological advancements such as the Internet bringing even more forms of electronic media to our homes and workplaces, it is likely the media's influence will grow even stronger.




The rising levels of congestion and air pollution found in most of the world cities can be attributed directly to the rapidly increasing number of private cars in use. In order to reverse this decline in the quality of life in cities, attempts must be made to encourage people to use their cars less and public transport more. How does public transporation help the environment?Discuss possible ways to encourage the use of public transport.

Nowadays, one of the biggest problems in the world metropolitan cities is traffic congestion during peak office hours and the pollution contribution by the vehicles responsible for that traffic. In my perspective, people should use public transport over private vehicles. But, to do so public awareness is very important.

Increasing number of private vehicles on roads results unhealthy city life and more fuel wastage due to traffic deadlocks. People should see the benefits of using public transport like, it is quite economical compared to use of personal car. For instance, in Brisbane city, if one has to travel from far north to far south a fixed fare is charged. That fare is nominal and affordable as government set fares based on socio-economic structure of region. So, it is always cheaper to travel by public transport. Morever using public transport is time effective as well. If we look at, Brisbane citys public transport system, there are dedicated bus lanes and routes. No matter, what time you are travelling, those routes are accessible by public transport only. Result of which, one can plan days schedule in better way as there is minimum chances of delay due to traffic. So, public transport is effective way for travelling.

In addition, we have one more important thing that we can do to encourage people to use transportation and that is: lowering the prices of taking transportation. Supposing that if you drive your own car everyday and it costs you about 40$ per month. If you use transportation and it costs only 20$ per month, what would you pick for your everyday ride? Well, if you are smart, you will probably pick transportation. Unfortunately, paying only 20$ per month for using transportation is quite a hard thing to do in a standpoint of transportation companies. However, if the cost is changed to 20$, for example, many people will use transportation rather than their own cars and this can lead to lower levels of congestion and air pollution.

All in all, there are a lot of encouragements we can give to people to use transportation for their everyday ride, as mentioned. The first one is to make advertisements and the next one is to confer more profits to those who use transportation. The last one is to moderate prices of transportation so that people have no pressures on taking transportation. Im totally sure that these previous three ways can encourage people to use transportation more than their private cars.

There are various ways of decreasing the trend of driving private cars. Firstly, the most important of these is improving public transport such as train or bus. Funds should be allocated in order to make them more reliable and cheaper. Bus or train stations should be located closer to each other so that people do not have to walk for longer distances,this will save time for them. Moreover, using more public transport, instead of private cars, save environment and people's health.On the other hand, more and more people are using personal cars for transport and it is justified. People can drive their car to any destination at any time without having to wait for a bus or train.Today, public transport is very uncomfortable and dirty. Furthermore, it is absolutely unsafe and fare is expensive. As a conclusion,Im believe that public transport is the best means for travel as it is cost effective and fast compared to use of personal vehicle if the city has problem with traffic. However, it is matter of peoples personal choice and awareness. What they prefer and choose? In my opinion, local government should take some measures to bring awareness in public to use public transport to make cities better live and green.




Education is recognized as vital to the future of any society in today's world. Governments throughout the world should make education compulsory for all children between the ages of 5 and 15. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

Education nowadays is put in ever greater priority in terms of the importance to development of any countries. As its key role to any societies, it is generally believed that education must be compelled for elementary and secondary students. In so saying, I am in favor of this policy basing my claims on the benefits of both individual and national aspects. Education is the most importance part of human life, without education people cannot predict what their future will be. Government throughout the world should create education compulsory for all children between the ages of five and 15. I prefer agree with this statement.

To begin with, the first supportive factor for the issue is that compulsory education is beneficial for people especially the poor. Because it can give fair opportunities for everyone regardless of their social background to access to basic academic knowledge, it can help disadvantaged students to be well-trained.

Indonesia is one of a country that creates policy about education. Indonesia trust that education is as vital to the future. Therefore, it creates one of policy, children in Indonesia should follow education compulsory because they thinking all of people should receive education minimum until junior high school. This policy provides benefit for society especially the poor, usually children from the poor cannot follow education because they do not have much money to join in school, and this policy create them able to follow education. Nevertheless, this policy was able to made the poor became lazy due to people think that their children acquire free education from government.

The current system of education consists of an very important element which is the examination process. It simply requires a students brain to be well armed with knowledge and facts. If a student gets a good mark, he or she is praised. So that,parents should sent their children to school early to improve their,that Im agree that education for children start from ages of 5.

In addition,the early education system seems to be

encouraging our lack of

knowledge nor putting too much pressure to demonstrate the acquisition of knowledge. It seems to be promoting the demonstration of the ability to learn by heart and reproduce information. Conquering the obstacles of such a system, some students are able to precisely gauge their performance and to truly learn to acquire knowledge. They are in the same environment as those who are unable, proving that there are other factors which determine the ability in question.Education play an important in our life.

The education system then and now is the same in this respect, where it shuns the unable ones and only highlights the able ones. As the result of the education system highlighting only the knowledgeable ones, a creative person like Edison was alienated from the social norm. Nobody around him encouraged Edison to admit his ignorance and improve except for his mother. As the result, his creativity proliferated, providing light to the development of scientific technologies and to our living rooms. So,Im agree if sent our children to school or nursery early.

As a conclusion, education is the most important to prepare for the future. Government should create compulsory education for society. Despite, the government have to control their policy so that the policy will be working well.


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