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1. The De La Garza sisters, Gertrudis, Rosaura and Tita all differ from each other.

Gertrudis is the most free-spirited of all the three. She completes her duties while having fun. Rosaura is just like her mother, always worried about society and its rules. That is why she easily made the decision to marry her little sisters sweetheart without conviction. Tita is the most passionate so she needs an outlook, which is why she cooks so well. She is expressive and headstrong and she also wishes for freedom. 7. The title of the book, Like Water For Chocolate, refers to the way hot chocolate can be made in Latin America. Hot chocolate is made with water instead of milk because hot water receives the chocolate and melts it down. Ultimately, arousal and sensual feelings are being received by the characters in the novel. Tita, Pedro, Gertrudis and many others give into their lust and passions in the novel. 8. Heat and fire have been used throughout the novel. The heat affects differently to each character. In Tita, the heat is a source of strength to do what she wants and to set her free. Pedro is the same in a way, but also acts as destruction especially when he starts to put his hands on Tita. In Gertrudis case, her heat was destruction when a fire burned down the shower as well as her reputation when Mama Elena denounced her first child. 9. Many characters have illnesses in the novel. Nacha died of a broken heart when she first witnessed Titas situation with Pedro, which also reminded Nacha of her own when she was young. Roberto died when Tita was pushed out of his life, signifying the bond between a baby and the one who takes care of it (nurture over nature).

Mama Elenas death was the result of her own mind playing tricks on her. The thought of her daughter poisoning food, the area Mama Elena knew Tita would never make a mistake in, was enough to push her into taking drastic measures and extra dosages of medicine. Rosaura died of congestion problems. She was concerned that her body and flatulence would drive Pedro further away, so she was determined to fix herself up, but died in the end.
10. the role the spritis play is that they cause the characters to stand up for themself and overcome their fears. 11. When tita finally stands to her mothers ghost the ghost leaves her alone becasue her anger was finally out. 12. Pedro was more of Tita's lover from the beginning but he had married Rosaura hurting Tita. John was loving to Tita and would be a great husband. Tita ends up being with Pedro becasue she is the one who she always loved. 13. Their deaths show that their love was everlasting and strong. 14. The significane is that this is Esperanza's daughter Esperanza who tells the story. This shows the first Esperanza was able to marry without the tradition and Tita's love was carried on to her generation.

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