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Hey moon, my love!

I feel you again in full form and beauty Lying on my open terrace

A feast to see you playing hide and seek With your cloud friends big and small Sneaking out now and then And chasing out the darkness on your march Along with blinking stars here and there... Life here too is a hide and seek!

Hot oven beneath... But the coolness from you above And the shining silver streaks Baffle me - how you breathe cool ever And kindle my love and warmth for you... Cuddling waves of nostalgic thoughts surface again

My mother called you the other day To feed me with milk and rice I too believed that youre coming... But you are yet to reach me Even after ages... Is it really that far or the journey so tough?

The mother and big sisters who fed me And the little sister to whom I fed then All are now scattered here and there But how come you are still there for ever? Whether you grow or decay You have your own world I wonder!

One narrow street lit by you... All my pals boys and girls alike The whole time chatted and giggled You were a party too... Reflecting on our sparkling faces and twinkling eyes... I really ponder - are they still with you?

One open terrace... You were flying with me When I was drifting with dreams After getting a degree in my hand... Many more degrees and steps I climbed now Not only on paper but also in life

Another day...on the frothy line dividing the sand and water... My hands entwined with my sweet hearts... Deep into the night...the waves cradling you up and down And rolling to us like the scattered gems The pairs of feet were kissed softly over and again... Deep in love...calm and serene but for the rhythmic drone

Another day...another open terrace... I found in you My angel... My future better half... Then how many angels... Whether real or dream?

Yet another day...another open terrace... My better half, kids and me... Fortunate and joyful moments with fun and frolic... Dont you remember you hid behind that tall tree? But now? All are tossed away far and far Though spun and chained by minds and thoughts

How many fences? How many walls? How many roofs? All these stupid obstructions have detached us for some time... I was were somewhere else How can you forget me even if I ignored you?

Today... I feel you again in full form and beauty Lying on my open terrace Mesmerised by your coolness and sparkle Attached with you...not by love or affection But because of permanent power cut in this world...

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