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Me, myself, I.

The matter of becoming, threatened identities

The question
The study examines the intersection of race, ethnicity, gender and class as they shape the representation and construction of identities and behaviour for young Bangladeshi women studying on a Foundation Degree in Early Childhood Studies.

Sub Questions
What factors shape young Bangladeshi womens choice of study How do students perceive themselves ( women, daughter, friend, student Are there shifts in motivations and outcomes at critical transition points? What are students perceptions of futurehood
How are these factors and interactions described
Is there interplay between identity and study choice? Is there an interplay between ethnicity, class, and gender and study choice Is student identity reconfigured within a changing internal/ external environment?

Is there an acceptable adulthood for young Bangladeshi women?

The question?
FdA identity young


women Asian Early Childhood Studies

Why this question?


own personal narrative

Geographical Historical Educational Based

within a context of story telling Equality



Research Design
Step 1 Identify an existing issue Conversation with Asian students

Step 2 The problem results in


Research questions

Step 3 Identify a paradigm

Literature review

Social Constructivist

Step 4 Research strategy Step 5 Identify the type of data to be collected Step 6 Data collection method


Qualitative data

Ethics approval

Interviews, Tape recordings

Phase 1 Pilot study

In depth analysis IPA

Phase 2 Main study

Life stories IPA

Step 7 Analyse data findings Step 8 Analyse conclusion findings

Fem Critical Race theory

Return to the literature

Source: Mackenzie N & Knipe, S (2006, p. 203)Research dilemmas: Paradigms, methods and methodology. Issues in Educational Research. 16 (2)


the study of human experience and the way in which things are perceived to human consciousness Landridge (2011 p.10)


Phenomenological Analyses

a method which offers a multi dimensional approach

Hermeneutic circle

Heidegger & Gadamer

Double hermeneutics
What it is is ..


what is experienced


the way it is experienced


structured interview Development of an interview schedule Sideways approach Bracketing of personal beliefs, assumptions

Subjects (Students 18-25)

Classifica Sample tion size

Capture point

Year One End of FDA transition to BA

New entrants

Three Two Sept 2014

Post qualification BA

Transition 3 ( 2 to FDA, one repeat &/ or leaver) Alumni 3


Four Stage Approach Stage One Stage Two intimacy - in-depth reading of the text

key themes are identified and clustered for example( descriptive, linguistic & conceptual comments) scrutinising theme clusters against the original transcripts, (patterns ,the relationships between exploratory notes, whilst reducing the volume of data) interrelationships between themes is identified and their relationship to the master-list of emergent themes complete with an index of relevant extracts from each of the discussants, which is used to guide the results

Stage Three

Stage Four

More questions

/outsider Intercultural interloper Subjective/objective Bracketing Ethics

Any questions?

References (1)
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References (2)
Brah, A. (1996) Cartographies of Diaspora: Contesting Identities, London: Routledge. Brah, A & Phoenix, A (2004) Aint I A Woman: Revisiting Intersectionality, Journal of International Womens Studies, 5(3): 75-86. Brinkmann, S, & Kvale, S. (2005) Confronting the Ethics of Qualitative Research, Journal Of Constructivist Psychology, 18:2, 157-181 Clegg, S (2005) Evidence-based practice in educational research: a critical realist critique of systematic review British Journal of Sociology of Education (26,)3, pp. 415428 Closson, R. B. (2010) Critical Race Theory and Adult Education. Adult Education Quarterly 2010 60: 261 Creswell, J. (2013) Qualitative Inquiry & Research Design. Choosing Among Five Approaches. California: Sage

References ( 3)
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Mills, C. (2009) Critical Race Theory: A reply to Mike Cole. Ethnicities 9(2) Mookherjee, M. (2005) Equality in multiplicity: Reassessing Irigaray's multicultural feminism. Feminist Theory. 6(3): 297323.

References (4)
Landridge, D. (2007) Phenomenological Psychology. Theory research and Method. Harlow, Prentice Hall

Nrreklit (2006) The double hermeneutics of life world a perspective on the social, dialogue and interpretation Philosophy and Science Studies No. 5

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