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Operators Quick Reference

A00PL66 18OO Howard 6LreeL
Llk Crove, ll. 6OOO7, U.6.A.

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SNK Prodigy GT-27 Quick-Reference
Page 2: Preface and Table of Contents
Ir Ir Ir Irofnco ofnco ofnco ofnco

ThIs documonf rovIdos n quIck roforonco for shofIoor orsonnoI soffIng u nnd oornfIng
fho IrodIgy CT2? Infho nnd Is Infondod fo bo n comnnIon fo, nof n roIncomonf for fho
CT2? Oornfors` MnnunI nnd/or Innuc Oornfors` MnnunI. AII InformnfIon In fhIs
mnnunI cnn bo found wIfhIn fho CT2? Oornfors` MnnunI nnd/or fho Innuc Oornfors`
MnnunI nIong wIfh dofnIIs nof found In fhIs documonf. If Is Imorfnnf fhnf you fnko fho
fImo fo fnmIIInrIzo yoursoIf wIfh fho Oornfors` MnnunIs boforo nffomfIng fo oornfo fho

ThIs mnnunI`s focus Is fo gof your IrodIgy Infho u nnd runnIng quIckIy nnd offIcIonfIy.
Tho mofhods domonsfrnfod horo nro nof fho onIy wnys fo nccomIIsh fhIs gonI.

Snfofy Snfofy Snfofy Snfofy

WA!IC! WA!IC! WA!IC! WA!IC! !sors of fho IrodIgy CT2? Infho musf bo nwnro of fho dnngors nssocInfod
wIfh mnchIno oornfIon. Tho CT2? Is shIod wIfh gunrds nnd door InforIocks rovIdod
fo rofocf fho oornfor from hnrm. AIwnys wonr snfofy gInssos whon soffIng u or
oornfIng fhIs mnchIno nnd novor sncrIfIco snfofy fo snvo fImo by dIsnbIIng or romovIng fho
door InforIocks.

TnbIo of Confonfs TnbIo of Confonfs TnbIo of Confonfs TnbIo of Confonfs

A Sfnrf u nnd shuf down.
I !oforonco !ofurn
C CoordInnfo sysfom whnf If Is nnd how If roInfos fo rogrnmmIng.
I Oornfor confroIs
I SoffIng coordInnfo sysfom Work CoordInnfo
C SoffIng cuffIng fooIs Coomofry, Wonr, nnd !ndIus ComonsnfIon Offsofs
H IrogrnmmIng
I M nnd C codos IIsfs
J M nnd C codo usos nnd Cnnnod CycIos
C02 nnd C03 !ndII nnd Arcs
C94 IncIng, C90 TurnIng, C92 ThrondIng
C83 rIIIIng, C?l !ough !omovnI, C?0 IInIsh TurnIng
C?6 ThrondIng, C84 !IgId TnIng
K MIIIIng IuncfIons
M20, 2AxIs modo nnd M2l, 3AxIs modo
Cl2.l nnd Cl3.l, IoInr CoordInnfo MIIIIng.
C0?.l, CyIIndrIcnI MIIIIng
! Mncro VnrInbIos
M Irogrnm SnmIo

SNK Prodigy GT-27 Quick-Reference
Page 3: Preface and Table of Contents
!oIonso !ocord

!ovIsIon nfo !ovIsod by Commonfs
A 0l/02/2005 MIchnoI !ogosIonskI InIfInI roIonso

SNK Prodigy GT-27 Quick-Reference
Page A4: Startup and Shutdown
Start up

VorIfy fhnf nII snfofy dovIcos nro In Inco nnd In good workIng condIfIon.
VorIfy fhnf sho nIr Is suIIod fo fho mnchIno
VorIfy fhnf fho mnchIno Is IovoI fo wIfhIn 30 mIcrons or mofor.
Turn on fho MnIn owor cIrcuIf bronkor

VorIfy fhnf ISfo Is nof ncfIvo by furnIng ISfo buffon cIockwIso. If ISfo Is ncfIvo, fho
Inrgo, rod buffon wIII ou.

Turn on fho Iowor swIfch fo On

Shuf down Shuf down Shuf down Shuf down

WnIf unfII fho mnchIno fInIshos cycIIng
Whon nII mofIon of fho mnchIno sfos, furn fho Iowor swIfch fo Off
Turn off fho MnIn owor cIrcuIf bronkor

SNK Prodigy GT-27 Quick-Reference

Page B5: Reference Return
Reference Return

Whnf Is If
When C.N.C. machines are built, a physical location in the machine is defined as a Reference
position. The Prodigy lathe needs to be sent to that position after starting up so the machine
knows where it is. The machine can then accurately position itself as required.
IorformIng !oforonco !ofurn IorformIng !oforonco !ofurn IorformIng !oforonco !ofurn IorformIng !oforonco !ofurn

l. Iorform Sfnrf u ns doscrIbod In SocfIon A of fhIs documonf.
2. WnIf for fho food hoId buffon fo sfo bIInkIng. Tho mnchIno Is boofIng u.
3. Sof Modo SoIocfor fo Jog.

!so Jog Iuffons fo movo bofh fho XnxIs nnd ZnxIs off of !oforonco !ofurn osIfIon If
roquIrod. If doos nof mnffor whIch dIrocfIon Is choson. !so cnro nof fo jog cuffIng
fooIs Info fho workIoco.

SNK Prodigy GT-27 Quick-Reference

Page B6: Reference Return
Sof Modo SoIocfor fo !of.!fn.

IsIny fho osIfIon ngo on fho scroon by rossIng fho Ios buffon.

SNK Prodigy GT-27 Quick-Reference

Page B7: Reference Return
Imngo of IosIfIon dIsInyod on fho scroon.

If Is snfor fo rofurn ZnxIs fIrsf. Iross nnd hoId fho ZIus buffon unfII fho osIfIon
dIsIny IndIcnfos mofIon hns sfood.

SNK Prodigy GT-27 Quick-Reference

Page B8: Reference Return
Iross nnd hoId fho XmInus buffon unfII fho osIfIon dIsIny IndIcnfos mofIon hns

Tho !oforonco !ofurn funcfIon Is now comIofod nnd fho mnchIno Is rondy for roducfIon

SNK Prodigy GT-27 Quick-Reference

Page B9: Reference Return
!oforonco !ofurn usIng rogrnm commnnds. !oforonco !ofurn usIng rogrnm commnnds. !oforonco !ofurn usIng rogrnm commnnds. !oforonco !ofurn usIng rogrnm commnnds.

Onco you hnvo osfnbIIshod n mnnunI roforonco rofurn nf sfnrfu, If Is convonIonf fo uso
fhIs IocnfIon fo snfoIy osIfIon fho fooI Info In ronrnfIon for runnIng fho noxf fooI In n
rocoss. Tho IrodIgy CT2? Is oquIod wIfh fho nbIIIfy fo osIfIon fho ZnxIs nf ono of fwo
roforonco osIfIons wIfh Ccodos. Thoso commnnds nro usofuI, nnd snfor, If usod nf fho
sfnrf nnd ond of onch rocoss In n rogrnm.

C28, !ofurn fo roforonco osIfIon. C28, !ofurn fo roforonco osIfIon. C28, !ofurn fo roforonco osIfIon. C28, !ofurn fo roforonco osIfIon.

To osIfIon fho fooI Info nf fho roforonco osIfIon of fho ZnxIs usIng MnnunI nfn Inuf,
uso fho foIIowIng rocoduro

l. Sof fho Modo swIfch fo MI.
2. Iross Irog fo dIsIny fho rogrnm.
3. On fho koynd, onfor fho foIIowIng C28W0 zoro Tho buffon InboIod IOI Is
usod fo onfor n coIon nf fho ond of n bIock. ThIs Is why IOI cronfos fho ond of
bIock symboI.
4. Iross Insorf, fho commnnd wIII nonr nf fho fo of fho dIsIny nnd fho mnchIno Is
now rondy fo oxocufo fho commnnd.
5. Iross Sfnrf fwo fImos fo oxocufo fho commnnd. Tho mnchIno wIII movo fo fho
ZnxIs roforonco osIfIon.

IMIO!TAT! IMIO!TAT! IMIO!TAT! IMIO!TAT! o nof uso C28Z0 zoro Tho ZnxIs wIII movo fownrds fho sIndIo Insfond
of fo fho roforonco osIfIon.

To osIfIon fho fooI Info nf fho roforonco osIfIon of fho XnxIs, uso fho foIIowIng rocoduro

l. Sof fho Modo swIfch fo MI.
2. Iross Irog fo dIsIny fho rogrnm.
3. On fho koynd, onfor fho foIIowIng C28!0 zoro
4. Iross Insorf, fho commnnd wIII nonr nf fho fo of fho dIsIny nnd fho mnchIno Is
now rondy fo oxocufo fho commnnd.
5. Iross Sfnrf fwo fImos fo oxocufo fho commnnd. Tho mnchIno wIII movo fo fho
XnxIs roforonco osIfIon.

SNK Prodigy GT-27 Quick-Reference

Page B10: Reference Return
C30, !ofurn fo socond roforonco osIfIon. C30, !ofurn fo socond roforonco osIfIon. C30, !ofurn fo socond roforonco osIfIon. C30, !ofurn fo socond roforonco osIfIon.

AddIfIonnIIy, you mny wnnf fo osIfIon fho fooI Info furfhor nwny from fho sIndIo fhnn
fho ZnxIs roforonco osIfIon nffnInod wIfh fho C28 commnnd duo fo fho uso of n fooI
oxcoodIng 2 In Iongfh. Tho nvnIInbIo ofIon nIIows osIfIonIng 49mm l.929 furfhor
nwny from fho sIndIo wIfh fho rogrnm commnnd C30W0.

To osIfIon fho fooI Info nf fho socond roforonco osIfIon of fho ZnxIs usIng MnnunI nfn
Inuf, uso fho foIIowIng rocoduro

l. Sof fho Modo swIfch fo MI.
2. Iross Irog fo dIsIny fho rogrnm.
3. On fho koynd, onfor fho foIIowIng C30W0
4. Iross Insorf, fho koyod In foxf movos fo fho fo of fho dIsIny.
5. Iross Sfnrf fwo fImos fo oxocufo fho commnnd. Tho mnchIno wIII movo fo fho
ZnxIs roforonco osIfIon.

IMIO!TAT! IMIO!TAT! IMIO!TAT! IMIO!TAT! o nof uso C30Z0 Tho ZnxIs wIII movo fownrds fho sIndIo Insfond of fo
fho roforonco osIfIon.

Tho XnxIs hns no socond roforonco osIfIon.

SNK Prodigy GT-27 Quick-Reference

Page C11: Coordinate System
Cartesian Coordinate System

Whnf Is If
The Cartesian coordinate system was developed by the mathematician Descartes during an
illness. As he lay in bed sick, he saw a fly buzzing around on the ceiling, which was made of
square tiles. As he watched he realized that he could describe the position of the fly by the
ceiling tile he was on. After this experience he developed the coordinate plane to make it
easier to describe the position of objects. A C.N.C. machine tool uses this system to
describe part geometry to be machined. This definition of the Cartesian coordinate system
was provided by the Shodor Education Foundation, Inc. at:
CoordInnfo Inno CoordInnfo Inno CoordInnfo Inno CoordInnfo Inno CnrfosInn

Whnf Is If

A Inno, wIfh n oInf soIocfod ns nn orIgIn, nnd somo Iongfh soIocfod ns n unIf of dIsfnnco.
CoordInnfos of n oInf nro doformInod by fho dIsfnnco of fhIs oInf from fho orIgIn, nnd fho
sIgns of fho coordInnfos nro doformInod by whofhor fho oInf Is In fho osIfIvo or In fho
nognfIvo dIrocfIon from fho orIgIn. In n nrf rogrnm, onch nxIs of movomonf roquIros n
coordInnfo Inno. Tho IrodIgy Infho usos fhroo nxos of mofIon, so fhroo coordInnfo Innos
nro roquIrod.

Tho IrodIgy Infho usos Indusfry sfnndnrds fo doscrIbo mofIon nIong onch nxIs.

A frndIfIonnI Infho Is dosIgnod fo rofnfo n cyIIndor bnrsfock, nrf bInnk, ofc. whIIo n
sfnfIonnry fooI movos nIong nn nxIs fo mnko n cuf. MofIon nrnIIoI fo fho conforIIno
Iongfh of fho nrf Is commnndod usIng oIfhor fho Ioffor Z or W nnd n numorIcnI vnIuo.
MofIon orondIcuInr fo fho conforIIno dInmofor wouId roquIro n commnnd usIng oIfhor
fho Ioffor X or ! nnd n numorIcnI vnIuo.

Tho IrodIgy Infho hns fho cnnbIIIfy fo uso rofnfIng IIvo fooIs fo orform mIIIIng funcfIons.
ThIs fhIrd nxIs of mofIon usod whon orformIng rocossos usIng rofnfIng fooIs wouId
roquIro n commnnd usIng oIfhor fho Ioffor C or H nnd n numorIcnI vnIuo fo osIfIon fho
sIndIo In dogroos of rofnfIon.

If Is ossIbIo fo commnnd In nbsoIufo nnd IncromonfnI modos. dofnIIs of nbsoIufo nnd
IncromonfnI commnnds nro nddrossod Infor In fhIs socfIon. fhoroforo, fhoro nro sIx ossIbIo
unIquo commnnds fhnf govorn nxIs mofIons.

SNK Prodigy GT-27 Quick-Reference

Page C12: Coordinate System
AbsoIufo modo. AbsoIufo modo. AbsoIufo modo. AbsoIufo modo.

An nbsoIufo commnnd movos nn nxIs n doscrIbod dIsfnnco from n Inno`s orIgIn.

IncromonfnI modo. IncromonfnI modo. IncromonfnI modo. IncromonfnI modo.

An IncromonfnI commnnd movos nn nxIs n socIfIc dIsfnnco from whoro If Is rosonfIy
Iocnfod, rognrdIoss of how fnr nwny from fho orIgIn oInf fho sfnrf of fho movo Is.

AxIs OrIgIn AxIs OrIgIn AxIs OrIgIn AxIs OrIgIn

Tho rogrnmmor mny chooso nny IocnfIon for nn nxIs` orIgIn oInf. If Is dosIrnbIo from n
rogrnmmor`s oInf of vIow fo dofIno orIgIn oInfs so fhnf nrfrInf dImonsIons nro usnbIo
fo dofIno osIfIonIng. ThIs Is nccomIIshod on n Infho by dofInIng fho orIgIn of fho XnxIs
fo bo fho conforIIno of n cyIIndor nnd fho orIgIn of fho ZnxIs fo bo In IIno wIfh fho surfnco of
fho nrf osIfIonod furfhosf nwny from fho coIIof. Tho orIgIn oInfs nro offon roforrod fo
ns X0 zoro nnd Z0 zoro. Tho IIIusfrnfIon on fho noxf ngo domonsfrnfos fho
roInfIonshI bofwoon nbsoIufo nnd IncromonfnI osIfIonIng of fho XnxIs. Tho oInf
InboIod l shows fho InforsocfIon oInf of X0 nnd Z0. If you wnnfod fo osIfIon n fooI nf
fhIs IocnfIon, fho rogrnm wouId rond X0Z0.

SNK Prodigy GT-27 Quick-Reference

Page C13: Coordinate System

Diameters: X (absolute) or U (incremental)
If you wIsh fo commnnd your fooI fo osIfIon fo mnchIno n l dInmofor, nnd your fooI Is
osIfIonod nf fho orIgIn oInf of X0 IoInf InboIod l ns shown fhoro nro fwo commnnds
fhnf wouId work Xl.0 nbsoIufo nnd !l.0 IncromonfnI.

Tho oInf InboIod 2 shows fho fooI osIfIonod nf Xl.0. If you fhon wIsh fo movo fo n
dInmofor of 2, fho fwo commnnds wouId bo X2.0 nbsoIufo or !l.0 IncromonfnI. Tho
!l.0 sfnfomonf Is nn IncromonfnI commnnd fhnf movod fho XnxIs n dIsfnnco of l.0 from
whoro If wns rovIousIy l.0 dInmofor. Tho oInf InboIod 3 shows fho fooI osIfIonod nf
fho nbsoIufo osIfIon of X2.0 nffor oxocufIng fho commnnd.

!ongfhs !ongfhs !ongfhs !ongfhs Z nbsoIufo or W IncromonfnI

Tho nbovo fhoory nIIos fo onch nxIs` IncromonfnI commnnd. If you nro osIfIonod nf Z0
nnd wnnf fo movo l In fho nognfIvo dIrocfIon, fho fwo commnnds wouId bo Zl.0 nbsoIufo
or Wl.0 IncromonfnI. Jusf ns nbovo, onco you nro osIfIonod ofhor fhnf nf nxIs orIgIn,
fho Z coordInnfo wouId bo fho dIsfnnco from Z orIgIn oInf nnd fho W commnnd wouId bo
fho dIsfnnco from whorovor fho fooI Is. Whon osIfIonod nf Zl.0, n movo of l In fho
nognfIvo dIrocfIon wouId bo commnndod ns oIfhor Z2.0 nbsoIufo or Wl.0 IncromonfnI.

l X0 zoro Z0 zoro
ThIs dIngrnm Is of n nrf wIfh roforonco
Innos, vIowod from nbovo. IoInf InboIod
l Is fho InforsocfIon of XnxIs orIgIn nnd
ZnxIs orIgIn.
X +
Z +
2 Xl.0

3 X2.0
SNK Prodigy GT-27 Quick-Reference

Page C14: Coordinate System

ogroo of !ofnfIon ogroo of !ofnfIon ogroo of !ofnfIon ogroo of !ofnfIon C nbsoIufo or H IncromonfnI

Tho roInfIonshI of nbsoIufo nnd IncromonfnI commnnds nIso nIIos fo fho nxIs fhnf
confroIs rofnfIon of fho workIoco durIng mIIIIng oornfIons.

l If your IIvo fooI Is osIfIonod nf C0.0 dogroos nxIs orIgIn nnd you wnnf fo osIfIon
90 dogroos In fho osIfIvo dIrocfIon, fho fwo commnnds wouId bo C90.0 nbsoIufo or
H90.0 IncromonfnI.
2 If your fooI Is osIfIonod nf C90.0 dogroos, nnd your noxf osIfIon noods fo bo l80
dogroos In fho osIfIvo dIrocfIon from nxIs orIgIn, fho fwo commnnds wouId bo
Cl80.0 nbsoIufo nnd H90.0 IncromonfnI. Tho IncromonfnI commnnd of H90.0
movos fho CnxIs 90 dogroos In fho osIfIvo dIrocfIon from Ifs rosonf nbsoIufo
osIfIon of 90 dogroos C90.0. Tho foIIowIng IIIusfrnfIon shows fho CnxIs
osIfIons dofInod nbovo.

Tho dIngrnm boIow IIIusfrnfos fho CnxIs rofnfIon rogrnmmod usIng nbsoIufo nnd
IncromonfnI commnnds. Tho cuffIng fooI Is osIfIonod nf coordInnfo C0 nxIs orIgIn nf
Soquonco sfnrf.

Af Sfo l fho CnxIs hns rofnfod 90 dogroos In fho osIfIvo dIrocfIon. Tho dIsfnnco from
nxIs orIgIn Is fho snmo nmounf ns fho dIsfnnco from fho fooI`s rovIous IocnfIon. ThIs Is
why fho nbsoIufo C90.0 commnnd confnIns fho snmo numorIcnI vnIuo ns fho IncromonfnI
H90.0 commnnd.

Af Sfo 2 fho CnxIs hns rofnfod nnofhor 90 dogroos In fho osIfIvo dIrocfIon. Tho nbsoIufo
Cl80.0 commnnd rofIocfs fho dIsfnnco fho nxIs hns osIfIonod from nxIs orIgIn. Tho
IncromonfnI H90.0 commnnd rofIocfs fho dIsfnnco fho nxIs hns rofnfod from fho fooI`s
rovIous osIfIon.

Sfo 3 IIIusfrnfos nnofhor 90 dogroos of rofnfIon from fho fooI`s rovIous osIfIon. Tho
IncromonfnI H90.0 commnnd doos nof consIdor whoro nxIs orIgIn Is, buf fho nbsoIufo
C2?0.0 commnnd roforoncos nxIs orIgIn.

Soquonco sfnrf
Sfo l C90.0 or
Sfo 2 Cl80.0 or

Sfo 3 C2?0.0 or
SNK Prodigy GT-27 Quick-Reference

Page C15: Coordinate System

ofo An IncromonfnI commnnd of H0.0 whIIo mIIIIng wIII rosuIf In no mofIon.

!ovIow !ovIow !ovIow !ovIow

Tho IrodIgy Infho usos fhroo nxos of mofIon. Thoso fhroo nxos of mofIon cnn bo
commnndod In nbsoIufo or IncromonfnI modos. Whon commnndIng n dInmofor, uso oIfhor
X or !. Whon commnndIng n Iongfh, uso oIfhor Z or W. Whon commnndIng dogroos of
rofnfIon, uso oIfhor C or H. An nbsoIufo commnnd movos n dIsfnnco monsurod from fho nn
nxIs` zoro oInf, nn IncromonfnI commnnd movos n dIsfnnco monsurod from whoro n fooI Is
rosonfIy Iocnfod rognrdIoss of fho rosonf dIsfnnco from zoro oInf.

SNK Prodigy GT-27 Quick-Reference

Page D16: Offsets

Whnf Is If
Offsets are electronic adjustments that allow the user to inform the machine where a cutting
tool is located.
Practical Use of Offsets
Each cutting tool requires a unique set of offset data. This adjustment tells the machine how
far the cutting point of the tool is from the reference position of a reference plane.
The Prodigy lathe has several types of offsets designed to accomplish different tasks. They
are: Work coordinate, geometry, wear, and radius compensation. We shall discuss them in
the order in which they are typically used during setting up the lathe.
Work Coordinate
This offset is used to tell the machine how far the tool-plate must move from home position
to where it is determined that Z0 (zero) of the part is located. Home position is where the
tool-plate positions when you start-up the machine and perform a Reference Return as
instructed in Section B of this document. As different length parts are run, this offset is
adjusted to compensate. Because the distance from the X-axis reference position to the
centerline of the spindle never changes and the location of C0 (zero) never changes, a Work
Coordinate is only required for the Z axis.
Each tool is placed on the tool-plate with a unique distance from its cutting point to the
reference position of both the X and Z-axes. Because the distance from the reference
positions to a tools cutting point in both X axis and Z axis is unique, each tool must have
both an X and Z geometry offset. Typically, the geometry offset chosen will be the same as
the tool number assigned to a tool in the program.
A wear offset is used to make small adjustments without disturbing the geometry offset. This
feature allows the operator to recover quickly from mistakes made when making small
(typically less than .005) offset changes and can be useful in tracking tool wear. The
geometry and wear offsets are added to the work coordinate to identify the tools cutting
points distance from the X axis and Z axis reference positions.
Radius Compensation
This offset tells the machine what radius the cutting tool has and in which direction the tool is
facing. More detail concerning use of offsets can be found in Sections F and G.
SNK Prodigy GT-27 Quick-Reference

Page E17: Opertors Controls
Operators Controls

!ocnfod on ConfroI !ocnfod on ConfroI !ocnfod on ConfroI !ocnfod on ConfroI
Operator controls located on the control pendant are illustrated below. Refer to the Prodigy
Operators Manual for further details.

Imorgoncy Sfo
Chuck Oon/CIoso IIf
whon coIIof Is cIosod
orIc koynd
Cursor Keys
Ingo !/own Koys
Iood !nfo
And Sfo
Jog Iood
MnnunI IuIso
AIfor, Insorf, oIofo
SoIocfor SwIfch
SNK Prodigy GT-27 Quick-Reference

Page E18: Opertors Controls

Additional controls are accessed via soft keys. The following steps will display additional
Press Offset Setting to access work, geometry and wear offsets.
Press the far-right soft key repeatedly until (seting) becomes available above one of
the soft keys. (seting) means setting and is abbreviated due to space constraints.
Press the soft key below (seting). Use Page up or Page down as needed until
Setting (Handy) screen is displayed. Communication Parameters are located here.
Press Page Down twice until Setting (Timer) screen is displayed. You can now
access the Parts Counter.
Press the far-right soft key until (opr) becomes available above one of the soft keys.
Press the soft key below (opr) to access the Rapid Override function.
Press Page Down once to access the following options: Block Skip, Single Block,
Machine Lock, Dry Run, and Protect Key. (Protect Key disables the operator
panels program editing buttons.)
Press Page Down once to access the following options: Optional Stop, Coolant
On/Off and DNC & Tape.
Use the Cursor Left/Right to enable/disable any option desired.

SNK Prodigy GT-27 Quick-Reference

Page F19: Setting Coordinate System (Work Coordinate)
Setting Reference Plane (Work Coordinate of Z Axis)

IMIO!TAT! IMIO!TAT! IMIO!TAT! IMIO!TAT! Ioforo nffomfIng fo sof fho work coordInnfo, vorIfy fhnf you hnvo
orformod n !oforonco !ofurn nffor sfnrfIng u fho mnchIno.

ocIdo whoro you wnnf Z0 zoro fo bo. If soffIng u for fho fIrsf fImo or If nII fooIs hnvo
boon romovod, uso Mofhod l. If chnngIng fo n nrf of n dIfforonf Iongfh nnd fooIs fhnf you
wnnf fo rouso nro mounfod, uso Mofhod 2.

Mofhod l Mofhod l Mofhod l Mofhod l

Sof vnIuo In Work CoordInnfos fo bo 0 zoro usIng fho rocoduro boIow

1) Press Offset Setting
2 Iross fho fnrrIghf soff koy ns mnny fImos ns If fnkos for work fo nonr on fho
scroon nbovo ono of fho soff koys, fhon ross fho soff koy boIow work fo gof fo fho Work
CoordInnfos scroon dIsInyod boIow.

3 !so cursordown koy fo hIghIIghf IXT Z ns shown nbovo.
4 oxf, ross 0zoro, fhon Inuf fo sof fho work offsof fo zoro.

InrrIghf soff koy
Soff koy
dIrocfIy boIow
work dIsInyod
on fho scroon
SNK Prodigy GT-27 Quick-Reference

Page F20: Setting Coordinate System (Work Coordinate)
IosIfIon ZnxIs so fho fronf fnco of fho fooI Info Is whoro you hnvo docIdod fo Iocnfo Z0

If you hnvo chnngod fho dIsIny, roonf sfos nbovo fo rosforo fho Work CoordInnfos ngo.
Iross Z, fhon 0 zoro, fhon ross fho Monsur soff koy.
Iorform n mnnunI !oforonco !ofurn of fho ZnxIs ns shown In SocfIon I of fhIs mnnunI.

Method 2

l. CnIcuInfo fho dIsfnnco you wnnf fo movo !oforonco Zoro of fho ZnxIs.
2. IxnmIo If fho nrf fo bo sof u noxf Is ono Inch Iongor Iongor Iongor Iongor fhnf fho rovIous ono, you
wouId wnnf fo movo !oforonco Zoro ono Inch In fho osIfIvo osIfIvo osIfIvo osIfIvo dIrocfIon.
3. VorIfy fhnf IXT Z Is hIghIIghfod, If nof, uso cursor koys fo mnko If so.
4. Koy In l.0 fhon ross fho + II!T soff koy fo shIff Z0 l In fho osIfIvo osIfIvo osIfIvo osIfIvo

SNK Prodigy GT-27 Quick-Reference

Page G21: Geometry, Wear, Radius Comp. Offsets
Setting Cutting Tools

Geometry Offsets

IMIO!TAT! IMIO!TAT! IMIO!TAT! IMIO!TAT! Ioforo nffomfIng fo sof fho goomofry offsofs, vorIfy fhnf you hnvo
orformod n !oforonco !ofurn nffor sfnrfIng u fho mnchIno ns doscrIbod In SocfIon I of
fhIs mnnunI nnd hnvo sof n work coordInnfo offsof ns doscrIbod In SocfIon I In fhIs mnnunI.

Inch fooI usod noods n goomofryoffsof In bofh fho X nnd Znxos. AII offsof funcfIons cnn
bo nccossod by rossIng fho Offsof SoffIng koy. !ofor fo SocfIon I, Oornfors` ConfroIs.

Setting Z-axis Geometry offsets

l. IosIfIon fho fooI fo bo nIIgnod wIfh fho ond of fho workIoco. If Is n good rncfIco
fo uso n Ioco of nor or n fhIn shIm Incod bofwoon fho fooI fI nnd fho workIoco
fo Iosson fho chnnco of dnmngIng fho cuffIng fooI.
2. !so fho nxIs dIrocfIon koys fo gof fho fooI cIoso fo fho workIoco.
3. !so fho uIso gonornfor hnndwhooI sof fho rosoIufIon fo Xl0.
4. SoIocf fho ZnxIs.
5. HoId fho shIm/nor bofwoon fho fooI nnd fho workIoco. WhIIo sIowIy furnIng
fho hnndwhooI In fho mInus dIrocfIon counforcIockwIso, wIggIo fho shIm/nor
unfII fho fooI Inchos fho shIm/nor ngnInsf fho workIoco. WIggIIng fho
shIm/nor wIII hoI you fooI whon fho fooI Is cIoso fo, buf nof fouchIng fho
6. Cursor u or down fo fho dosIrod goomofry offsof fo sof.
?. Koy In Z, wIdfh of nor or shIm usod, Monsur soff koy.

Imngo of n fooI osIfIonod rIor fo soffIng n ZnxIs goomofry offsof.

SNK Prodigy GT-27 Quick-Reference

Page G22: Geometry, Wear, Radius Comp. Offsets
Setting the X-axis geometry offsets

l. !ofnfo fho sIndIo In MI modo ns foIIows
2. IInco modo soIocfor fo MI
3. Iross Irog
4. !so fho koynd fo onfor C9?Sl000 fhon onfor M3 or M4 fo soIocf forwnrd or
rovorso ns noodod.
5. Infor IOI
6. Iross Insorf, fho commnnd soon nf fho boffom of fho scroon wIII movo fo fho fo of
fho scroon.
?. Iross Sfnrf Tho sIndIo rofnfos ns commnndod. Onco fhIs sfo Is comIofod, you
cnn rosfnrf nnd sfo rofnfIon ns noodod by usIng fho sIndIo rofnfIon buffons on fho
confroI In nny MnnunI modo.
8. Tnko n IIghf skIm cuf on fho dInmofor of fho workIoco usIng fho hnndwhooI
movIng In fho Z mInus dIrocfIon, fhon movo fho fooI off of fho workIoco In fho Z
Ius dIrocfIon. o nof movo fho XnxIs durIng fhIs soquonco.
9. Sfo fho sIndIo nnd monsuro fho dInmofor you jusf cuf.
l0. Cursor fo fho dosIrod goomofry offsof fo sof.
ll. Koy In X, dInmofor, Monsur soff koy.

CnufIon! CnufIon! CnufIon! CnufIon! Tho IrodIgy CT2?, IIko nII gnngfooI Infhos, nIIows fho oornfor fo cuf on oIfhor
sIdo of fho conforIIno of fho ZnxIs by rogrnmmIng In oIfhor XIus or XmInus. If fho fooI
Is osIfIonod cIosor fo you fhnn fho workIoco, fho fooI Is osIfIonod on fho XmInus sIdo of
ZnxIs conforIIno. Whon fhIs Is fho cnso, you musf IncIudo n mInus sIgn whon koyIng In
fho dInmofor. lIxnmIo If fho dInmofor Is .500, koy In X, .500, Monsur nnd
fho rogrnm`s XnxIs coordInnfos musf nIso bo mInus vnIuos.

If you nro soffIng n nonrovoIvIng fooI such ns n drIII, fn or ronmor fo cuf nIong fho
conforIIno, fho koyod In dInmofor wIII bo 0 zoro.

Imngo of n fooI osIfIonod fo sof nn XnxIs goomofry offsof on fho X mInus sIdo of nrf
X-axis, plus direction


XnxIs, mInus dIrocfIon
SNK Prodigy GT-27 Quick-Reference

Page G23: Geometry, Wear, Radius Comp. Offsets

Wear Offsets

Wonr offsofs nro usod fo mnko smnII ndjusfmonfs noodod duo fo fooI wonr or dofIocfIon.

Setting the X-axis geometry offset

l. Iross fho Offsof SoffIng buffon fo dIsIny Offsofs
2. Chnngo fho dIsIny fo fho Wonr offsof ngo by usIng fho soff koys.
3. Cursor u or down fo fho dosIrod offsof fo chnngo.
4. Cursor Ioff or rIghf fo soIocf fho dosIrod nxIs fo offsof.
5. Koy In fho dosIrod ndjusfmonf nnd ross fho + Inuf soff koy.

CnufIon! CnufIon! CnufIon! CnufIon! Tho + Inuf soff koy wIII ndd or subfrncf from fho curronf vnIuo for you. Tho
Inuf soff koy wIII ovorwrIfo fho curronf vnIuo.

Radius Compensation Offset

Whon fho rogrnm Is wrIffon usIng nrfrInf dImonsIons, fho mnchIno nssumos fhnf nII
fooIs usod hnvo n zoro rndIus nf fho cuffIng oInf. In fncf, mosf cuffIng fooIs usod fo furn n
nrf, nnd nII ondmIIIs usod fo mIII n nrf hnvo n rndIus on fho fI. Whon rogrnmmIng nn
nngIo or rndIus nrc wIfh n furnIng fooI, or usIng fho oInr mIIIIng fonfuro fo mnchIno n
hoxngon or ofhor shno, fho rogrnm musf bo nIforod fo nIIow for fho fncf fhnf n fooI hns n
rndIus. Tho rogrnmmor wouId nood fo rocnIcuInfo nII coordInnfos for goomofry dofInIng
nngIos nnd rndII fo roduco n nrf fo rInf.

Tho rndIus comonsnfIon fonfuro cnn snvo much fImo by IoffIng fho mnchIno`s confroIIor do
fhoso cnIcuInfIons. Tho !ndIus ComonsnfIon Offsof Is usod fo foII fho mnchIno whnf fho
rndIus of fho cuffIng fooI Is nnd whIch dIrocfIon fho cuffIng oInf Is fncIng.

SoffIng fho rndIus comonsnfIon offsof SoffIng fho rndIus comonsnfIon offsof SoffIng fho rndIus comonsnfIon offsof SoffIng fho rndIus comonsnfIon offsof

SoIocf fho Coomofry Offsofs ngo. Af fho fnrrIghf of fho dIsIny nro coIumns InboIod !
nnd T. Tho ! coIumn Is usod fo dofIno fho rndIus of fho fooI nnd fho T coIumn Is usod
fo dofIno fho dIrocfIon of fho cuffIng oInf. ThIs dnfn Is onIy usod whon fooI rndIus
comonsnfIon Is ncfIvo C4l or C42

l. Cursor u or down fo soIocf fho dosIrod fooI numbor.
2. Cursor rIghf or Ioff fo fho ! coIumn.
3. Koy In fho !AI!S of fho fooI fI or ond mIII nnd ross fho Inuf soff koy.
4. Cursor rIghf fo fho T coIumn.
5. Koy In fho dIrocfIon nnd ross fho Inuf soff koy. !ofor fo fho Innuc Oornfors`
MnnunI for dofnIIs on soffIng fho cuffIng dIrocfIon.
SNK Prodigy GT-27 Quick-Reference

Page H24: Programming

Whnf Is If

A rogrnm dIrocfs fho mnchIno fooI fo orform funcfIons nnd mofIons roquIrod fo mnchIno n
nrf. A C..C. rogrnm Is n Inngungo, nnd IIko nny Inngungo If hns words fhnf nro
grouod fogofhor fo communIcnfo.

In rogrnmmIng, n word Is n combInnfIon of n Ioffor nnd numbors. A bIock Is n word or
grou of words sonrnfod from ofhor bIocks by whnf Is known ns nn ond of bIock. Tho
ond of bIock Is n somIcoIon nnd Is nIwnys fho Insf symboI soon In n bIock. If n bIock
confnIns moro fhnn ono word, nII commnnds In fhnf bIock nro comIofod boforo fho rogrnm
movos on fo fho noxf bIock. IIocks of words sond commnnds fo fho vnrIous mofors, sorvos
nnd dovIcos of fho mnchIno fooI. In mosf cnsos, bIocks of commnnds nro oxocufod In fho
ordor fhnf fhoy nonr on fho scroon. Tho mnchIno`s confroIIor Is nof nbIo fo fhInk for
IfsoIf, If onIy doos whnf If Is foId fo do. Tho IrodIgy Infho Is oquIod wIfh n Innuc
confroIIor usIng Indusfrysfnndnrd commnnds.

Somo commnnds uso onIy ono word whIIo ofhors uso nddIfIonnI words fo modIfy commnnds.
Tho numbor nssocInfod wIfh fho word`s Ioffor cnusos fho mnchIno fo orform n unIquo
funcfIon from wIfhIn n grou. Somo commnnds nro modnI, monnIng fhnf fhoy romnIn ncfIvo
unfII roIncod by nnofhor commnnd from wIfhIn fho snmo grou. In fho cnso of nxIs mofIon
commnnds, fho numbors wIII bo dImonsIons. IoIow Is n fnbIo IIIusfrnfIng oxnmIos of fhIs
roInfIonshI. Ior n comIofo IIsf nnd furfhor dofnII, rofor fo fho IrodIgy Oornfors`
mnnunI nnd fho Innuc Oornfors` MnnunI.

!offor of Word Crou
C ConornI
M MIscoIInnoous
S Sood
I Iood
X,Z,C,!,W,H AxIs of mofIon
IInco HoIdor nof usod fo commnnd
mofIons or funcfIons.

SNK Prodigy GT-27 Quick-Reference

Page I25: M and G-code Lists

M and G code list

Tho fnbIos boIow documonf n IIsf of Mcodos nnd Ccodos fyIcnIIy usod by fho IrodIgy
CT2? Infho. Tho IrodIgy CT2? usos Ccodo Tyo A. If Is nccofnbIo fo uso n word
wIfhouf IondIng zoros. IxnmIo C00 nnd C0 nro bofh nccofnbIo. Ior unIformIfy, nII
words IIsfod boIow confnIn IondIng zoros.

C00 !nId InforoInfIon frnvorso
C0l !Inonr InforoInfIon food
C02 CIrcuInr InforoInfIon cIockwIso nrc
C03 CIrcuInr InforoInfIon counforcIockwIso nrc
C04 woII nusod mofIon
C0?.lCl0? CyIIndrIcnI InforoInfIon
Cl0 IrogrnmmnbIo dnfn Inuf
Cll IrogrnmmnbIo dnfn Inuf cnncoI
Cl2.lCll2 IoInr coordInnfo InforoInfIon modo
Cl3.lCll3 IoInr coordInnfo InforoInfIon modo cnncoI
Cl? XY Inno soIocfIon
Cl8 ZX Inno soIocfIon
Cl9 YZ Inno soIocfIon
C20 Inch Modo
C2l MofrIc Modo
C22 Sforod sfroko funcfIon on
C23 Sforod sfroko funcfIon off
C25 SIndIo sood fIucfunfIon dofocfIon off
C26 SIndIo sood fIucfunfIon dofocfIon on
C28 !ofurn fo !oforonco osIfIon
C30 2
. !oforonco osIfIon rofurn
C32 Thrond CuffIng
C34 VnrInbIoIond Thrond CuffIng
C40 TooI oso !ndIus ComonsnfIon Off
C4l TooI oso !ndIus ComonsnfIon !off
C42 TooI oso !ndIus ComonsnfIon !Ighf
C50 CoordInnfo Sysfom SoffIng or mnx. sIndIo sood soffIng
C52 !ocnI coordInnfo sysfom soffIng
C53 MnchIno coordInnfo sysfom soffIng
C54 WorkIoco coordInnfo sysfom l soIocfIon
C55 WorkIoco coordInnfo sysfom 2 soIocfIon
C56 WorkIoco coordInnfo sysfom 3 soIocfIon
C5? WorkIoco coordInnfo sysfom 4 soIocfIon
C58 WorkIoco coordInnfo sysfom 5 soIocfIon
C59 WorkIoco coordInnfo sysfom 6 soIocfIon
C65 Mncro cnIIIng
C66 Mncro modnI cnII
C6? Mncro modnI cnII cnncoI
C?0 IInIshIng cycIo
C?l Sfock romovnI, furnIng
SNK Prodigy GT-27 Quick-Reference

Page I26: M and G-code Lists

C?2 Sfock romovnI, fncIng
C?3 Infforn !oonfIng
C?4 Ind Inco Iock rIIIIng
C?6 MuIfInss fhrondIng, cnnnod cycIo
C80 Cnnnod CycIo CnncoI
C83 Inco rIIIIng CycIo usod wIfh IIvo nnd sfnfIonnry fooIIng
C84 Inco TnIng usod wIfh IIvo fooIIng
C8? SIdo rIIIIng CycIo usod wIfh IIvo fooIIng
C90 TurnIng CycIo
C92 ThrondIng cnnnod cycIo
C94 IncIng CycIo
C96 Consfnnf Surfnco Sood Modo
C9? !ovoIufIons or MInufo Modo
C98 Inchos/mIIIImofors or MInufo Modo
C99 Inchos/rovoIufIon Modo

!ofor fo fho Innuc Oornfors` MnnunI for nddIfIonnI Ccodos nnd usos.

SNK Prodigy GT-27 Quick-Reference

Page I27: M and G-code Lists

M00 !ncondIfIonnI Sfo
M0l OfIonnI Sfo
M02 Irogrnm Sfo
M03 SIndIo rofnfIon, forwnrd
M04 SIndIo rofnfIon, rovorso
M05 SIndIo rofnfIon sfo
M08 CooInnf On
M09 CooInnf Off
Ml0 CoIIof / chuck uncInm
Mll CoIIof / chuck cInm
Ml9 OrIonf SIndIo CnxIs
M20 2AxIs Modo usod for furnIng
M2l 3AxIs Modo usod durIng CnxIs work
M29 !IgId TnIng Modo
M30 Irogrnm sfo nnd rowInd
M3l InforIock Iynss
M42 Aufo oor Oon
M43 Aufo oor CIoso
M44 Inrfs Counfor
M50 !Ivo TooI l On
M5l !Ivo TooI l Off
M52 !Ivo TooI 2 On
M53 !Ivo TooI 2 Off
M54 !Ivo TooI 3 On
M55 !Ivo TooI 3 Off
M56 !Ivo TooI 4 On
M5? !Ivo TooI 4 Off
M60 Inr Ioodor COM l
M6l Inr Ioodor COM 2
M62 Inr Ioodor COM 3
M63 SIndIo Iorwnrd nnd CooInnf On
M64 SIndIo !ovorso nnd CooInnf On
M?4 Irror ofocf On
M?5 Irror ofocf Off
M?6 Chnmfor On ThrondIng
M?? Chnmfor Off ThrondIng
M98 CnII Subrogrnm
M99 !ofurn from Subrogrnm
SNK Prodigy GT-27 Quick-Reference

Page J28: M and G-code uses, Canned Cycles

G02, G03; Circular Interpolation

Arcs nnd rndII nro rogrnmmod usIng fhoso fwo Ccodos.

C02 wIII gonornfo n cIockwIso nrc.
C03 wIII gonornfo n counforcIockwIso nrc.

Whon you gonornfo n rndIus, fho confroI musf know

Tho sfnrfIng coordInnfos of fho nrc.
Tho ondIng coordInnfos of fho nrc.
Tho rndIus of fho nrc.
CIockwIso or counforcIockwIso mofIon whIIo gonornfIng fho nrc.

Tho skofch boIow IIIusfrnfos how fo uso fhoso fwo codos. !ofor fo fho Innuc Oornfor`s
MnnunI for moro dofnIIs.

Sfnrf Ind !osuIf
X.65 Z0.0 C03 X.?5 Z.05 !.05 Arc A
X.65 Z0.0 C02 X.?5 Z.05 !.05 Arc I
X.?5 Z.05 C03 X.65 Z0.0 !.05 Arc I
X.?5 Z.05 C02 X.65 Z0.0 !.05 Arc A

X.?5 Z.05
.05 !ndIus

Arc I
X.65 Z0.0
Z Z+

Arc A
SNK Prodigy GT-27 Quick-Reference

Page J29: M and G-code uses, Canned Cycles

G90, G94 and G92 Canned Cycles.

Thoso fhroo cycIos nIIow rogrnmmIng of fncIng, furnIng nnd fhrondIng rocossos wIfhouf
fho nood fo koy In ovory coordInnfo roquIrod fo orform n funcfIon. Wo wIII domonsfrnfo
fhoso fhroo funcfIons by fncIng, furnIng nnd fhrondIng n snmIo nrf. ImonsIons nro In
Inchos. AII cnnnod cycIos fInIsh wIfh fho cuffIng fooI osIfIonod nf fho snmo coordInnfos
osIfIonod nf boforo sfnrfIng fho cycIo.

G94, Canned cycle for Facing

Irogrnm Codo IxInnnfIon
C0 C9? C99 Sl000 M03 !nId modo, Inchos or rovoIufIon food
modo, sIndIo rofnfIon nf l000 r..m.
T0l0l CnII fooI #l nnd nssIgn offsof #l
X.8 M08 IosIfIon nf n dInmofor Inrgor fhnn sfock
sIzo nnd furn on cooInnf.
Z.l IosIfIon fho ZnxIs .l00 nwny from fho fnco
of fho nrf
C94 C94 C94 C94 X.05 Z.05 I.005 Inco nsf conforIIno, IonvIng .050 sfock on
fnco, .005 or rovoIufIon fodornfo
Z.02 Anofhor fnco cuf, fho modnI fonfuro nIIows
us fo omIf C94 nnd X.05, buf fhoso
coordInnfos nro sfIII usod durIng fhIs cuf.
Z0 IInIsh cuf, C94 nnd X.05 words sfIII vnIId
C00Z.2 IxIf modnI commnnd, C94 nnd X.05 no
Iongor vnIId, mnchIno movos fo .200 nwny
from fnco of nrf

oxf, wo wIII furn fho nrf usIng C90 C90 C90 C90 commnnd. Irogrnm confInuos from coordInnfos
sfnfod rovIousIy X.800 Z.200 wIfh fho sIndIo sfIII rofnfIng nf l000 rovoIufIons or

.5 dInmofor wIfh n
20 IxfornnI Thrond
SNK Prodigy GT-27 Quick-Reference

Page J30: M and G-code uses, Canned Cycles

C00 Z.03 !nId osIfIon fo .030 from fho fnco of fho
C90 X.?00 Zl.000 Turn n .?00 dInmofor l.0 Iong
X.65 .?00 dInmofor bocomos .650, sfIII l.0
Iong, modnI commnnd noods no C90 or
Zl.000. AIso, frnIIIng zoros nro nof
X.6 .650 dInmofor bocomos .600 sfIII l.0 Iong
X.5 IInnI nss nf nrfrInf XnxIs coordInnfo.
C00 Z.2 M09 IxIf modnI commnnd, rnId osIfIon
fo .200 from fho fnco of fho nrf, furn off
T0 CnncoI offsof #l ns wo ronro fo chnngo fo
n fhrond fooI
C28 W0 !nId fo ZnxIs roforonco osIfIon. W0
foIIs fho mnchIno fo go oxncfIy fo fhnf
oInf. !nId C00 sfIII vnIId bocnuso If Is
M0l OfIonnI sfo nIIows fho oornfor fo sfo
nnd chock fhoIr nrf, cIonr chIs, ofc.

ow wo wIII fhrond fho nrf usIng fho C92 92 92 92 commnnd.

C0 C9? C99 S500 M03 SIndIo rofnfIon forwnrd nf 500 r..m.
T0202 CnII TooI #2 nnd nssIgn offsof #2
X.55 Z.2 IosIfIon for fhrondIng In rnId modo
C92 X.48 Z.5 I.05 ThrondIng nss .0l or sIdo cuf, .5 doo
nf .05 or rovoIufIon l.0 / 20 fhronds or
Inch = fhrond Ifch for n 20 fhrond.
X.465 .00?5 or sIdo cuf, modnI commnnd noods
no C92 or Z.5
X.455 .005 or sIdo cuf
X.445 .005 or sIdo cuf
X.44l .002 or sIdo cuf
X.4405 Cuf nf fInnI X coordInnfo
X.4405 SrIng nss

!ofor fo fho Innuc Oornfors` mnnunI for furfhor dofnIIs IncIudIng fnorod fncIng, fnorod
furnIng nnd fnorod fhrondIng.

SNK Prodigy GT-27 Quick-Reference

Page J31: M and G-code uses, Canned Cycles

G83 and G87 Peck-drilling Canned Cycles

C83, Iock C83, Iock C83, Iock C83, Iock drIIIIng usIng fho Z drIIIIng usIng fho Z drIIIIng usIng fho Z drIIIIng usIng fho Z nxIs. nxIs. nxIs. nxIs.

Anofhor hnndy, sImIo fo uso cycIo Is C83. ThIs cycIo Is usod fo ockdrIII. If cnn bo usod
for oIfhor sfnfIonnry or IIvofooI oornfIons. Wo wIII dIscuss usIng If fo uso n sfnfIonnry
fooI fo ockdrIII n hoIo. Iocnuso fho fooI Is sfnfIonnry, our XnxIs coordInnfo musf bo X0
zoro. ConsuIf fho Innuc Oornfors` MnnunI for nddIfIonnI dofnIIs on fhoso fwo drIIIIng
cycIos ns woII ns nnofhor nIfornnfIvo for ZnxIs rocossIng usIng n sfnfIonnry fooI C?4

Irogrnm Codo IxInnnfIon
C0 C9? C99 Sl000 M03 !nId modo, Inchos or rovoIufIon food modo, sIndIo
rofnfIon forwnrd nf l000 r..m.
C80T0l0l Cnnnod cycIo for drIIIIng cycIo cnncoI, cnII fooI #l nnd
nssIgn offsof #l
X0 IosIfIon fho X nxIs nf xnxIs orIgIn oInf
Z.l IosIfIon fho Z nxIs fo bo .l from fho fnco of fho nrf
C83Z.5Ql50I.004 Iock drIII fo .500 doo, usIng n foodrnfo of .004 or
rovoIufIon nnd onch ock fo bo .0l5. Tho confroI wIII
cnIcuInfo how mnny ocks fo fnko fo ronch fInnI dofh.
C80 Cnnnod cycIo drIIIIng cycIo cnncoI
T0 CnncoI fooI offsof
C0C28W0 !nId modo, !ofurn fo roforonco osIfIon
M5 SIndIo rofnfIon sfo
M30 Irogrnm sfo nnd rowInd


Iock nmounfs nro dofInod usIng fho Ioffor Q nnd no docImnI oInf.
IockdrIIIIng wIfh n IIvo fooI roquIros nddIfIonnI sfos
M05 sIndIo rofnfIon off musf bo ncfIvo rIor fo drIIIIng.
Iocnuso fho sIndIo Is sfood, C98, Inchos or mInufo food modo Is roquIrod.
In C98, foodrnfo musf bo cnIcuInfod In Inchos or mInufo.

SNK Prodigy GT-27 Quick-Reference

Page J32: M and G-code uses, Canned Cycles

C8?, Iock C8?, Iock C8?, Iock C8?, Iock drIIIIng n cross drIIIIng n cross drIIIIng n cross drIIIIng n cross hoIo usIng fho X hoIo usIng fho X hoIo usIng fho X hoIo usIng fho X nxIs. nxIs. nxIs. nxIs.

IockdrIIIIng cnn nIso bo usod fo drIII n crosshoIo usIng n rofnfIng fooI. Tho rogrnm
formnf Is sImIInr fo C83. 3AxIs soIocf musf bo ongngod usIng fho M2l commnnd. IoIow
Is nn oxnmIo wIfh fInnIdofh XnxIs coordInnfo InforsocfIng fho conforIIno. X
coordInnfos nro In dInmofors In fhIs cnso sfnfod ns X0 drIII fo conforIIno.

Irogrnm Codo IxInnnfIon
C0 C98 M5 !nId modo, Inchos or mInufo food, sIndIo sfo.
T0l0l CnII fooI #l nnd nssIgn offsof #l
M2l 3AxIs soIocf
M50 !IvofooI #l on
X.8 IosIfIon fho XnxIs fo cIonr nrf dInmofor
Z.l IosIfIon fho ZnxIs fo bo .l00 nwny from fho fnco of fho nrf
C0 OrIonf sIndIo fo zoro dogroos
Z.5 IosIfIon fho ZnxIs fo nrfrInf coordInnfo
C8?X0 X0 X0 X0Ql50I5.0 Iock drIII fo fInnI XnxIs coordInnfo usIng n ock of .0l5 or
ock nnd foodrnfo of 5 Inchos or mInufo
C80 Cnnnod cycIo drIIIIng cycIo cnncoI
C0Z.l !nId modo, osIfIon ZnxIs fo bo .l00 from fho fnco of fho
M5l !Ivo fooI #l off
M20 2AxIs soIocf
T0 CnncoI offsof
C28W0 !ofurn fo !oforonco IosIfIon
M30 Irogrnm ond nnd rowInd

SNK Prodigy GT-27 Quick-Reference

Page J33: M and G-code uses, Canned Cycles

G70, Finishing Cycle, and G71, Stock Removal, Turning

Tho C9x cycIos dIscussod rovIousIy nIIow fho rogrnmmor fo nccomIIsh fnsks moro
offIcIonfIy by roducIng fho nmounf of IInos roquIrod In n rogrnm. Tho C?0, C?l nnd C?2
furfhor snvo fImo wIfh nddIfIonnI cnnbIIIfIos. Tho oxnmIo usod nbovo domonsfrnfIng
C90, C92 nnd C94 wIII bo rocossod boIow usIng fho C?0 nnd C?l commnnds, foIIowod by
fho C?6 fhrondIng ofIon.

Tho C?l nnd C?2 CycIos nIIow fho rogrnmmor fo dofIno comIox goomofrIos. Tho C?0
commnnd roforoncos fho InformnfIon usod In C?l fo oxocufo n fInIsh cuf wIfh fho snmo, or n
dIfforonf fInIshIng fooI wIfhouf rodofInIng fho goomofry. Tho C9x cycIos usod In fho
oxnmIo nbovo onIy hnvo fho cnnbIIIfy fo oxocufo sfrnIghfIIno cufs. If Is nof ossIbIo fo
gonornfo odgo bronks or rndII wIfh C9x cycIos.

In fho oxnmIo boIow, wo wIII ndd n chnmfor nf fho fhrondod ond nnd n .030 odgo bronk fo
fho snmo nrf usod In fho snmIo nbovo. TooI !ndIus ComonsnfIon wIII nIso bo
Incorornfod Info fho foIIowIng oxnmIo nIIowIng for furfhor fIoxIbIIIfy nof found In fho C9x

In fho oxnmIo boIow, fho nfh of fho fInIsh fooI Is IdonfIfIod ImmodInfoIy foIIowIng fho fwo
IInos fhnf cnII fho C?l sfock romovnI cycIo. !nfor In fho rogrnm, fho C?0 fInIshIng cycIo
usos fho goomofry IdonfIfIod In fho C?l sfock romovnI cycIo. ThIs rouso of dnfn Is bofh
fnsfor nnd Ioss rono fo orrors ossIbIo durIng rokoyIng fho goomofry fo fInIsh fho nrf.

Tho C?l cycIo Is wrIffon In fwo bIocks, bofh bogInnIng wIfh C?l fo rovIdo fho confroI wIfh
ndjusfnbIo nrnmofors fo modIfy cuffIng condIfIons wIfhouf rowrIfIng fho goomofry.
Tho rogrnm oxnmIo boIow confnIns nII commnnds noodod fo mnchIno fho nrf. Wo wIII
focus on fho socfIon of fho rogrnm roInfIng fo fho cnnnod cycIo.

Tho fIrsf bIock Is wrIffon C?l!.05!.005.
!.05 !.05 !.05 !.05 foIIs fho cycIo fo fnko n .050 dofh of cuf onch nss. ThIs commnnd Is In dInmofors.
!.005 !.005 !.005 !.005 foIIs fho cycIo fo rofrncf .005 In fho XnxIs onch nss.

Tho socond bIock Is wrIffon C?lIl0lQl02!.0lW.003I005.
Il0l Il0l Il0l Il0l IdonfIfIos fho bIock bogInnIng wIfh l0l l0l l0l l0l ns fho fIrsf bIock confnInIng fho nrf
Ql02 Ql02 Ql02 Ql02 IdonfIfIos fho bIock bogInnIng wIfh l02 l02 l02 l02 ns fho Insf bIock confnInIng fho nrf
! !! ! .0l .0l .0l .0l foIIs fho cycIo fo ndjusf fho goomofry .0l0 In fho nognfIvo dIrocfIon of fho XnxIs.
W.003 W.003 W.003 W.003 foIIs fho cycIo fo ndjusf fho goomofry .003 In fho osIfIvo dIrocfIon of fho ZnxIs.
I.005 I.005 I.005 I.005 foIIs fho cycIo fo uso n foodrnfo of .005 durIng cuffIng.

ATTITIO! ATTITIO! ATTITIO! ATTITIO! Tho sIgn of fho !word musf bo ndjusfod nccordIng fo fwo fncfors l Is
XnxIs rogrnmmod In mInus or Ius And 2 Is fhIs rocoss nn oxfornnI furnIng or
InfornnI borIng nIIcnfIon ThIs rocoss Is rogrnmmod In XmInus nnd fhIs Is nn
oxfornnI nIIcnfIon so fho sIgn of fho !word Is mInus.

Tho words musf bo Incod fIrsf In Ifs bIocks.

SNK Prodigy GT-27 Quick-Reference

Page J34: M and G-code uses, Canned Cycles

A comIofo snmIo rogrnm usIng C?0 fo roughfurn nnd C?l wIfh rndIus comonsnfIon fo
furn n nrf Is boIow.

(RAD. COMP OF TOOL #1: R=.0156, T=2)

N101G0X.05;(First block of Geometry)
N102X-.8;(Last block of Geometry)

X-.9F.01;(Moves that allow radius comp.)
G0Z.3;(without causing over-cutting)
X-.76;(alarms during radius comp.)

G1G41Z.15F.01;(Engage radius comp.)

G70P101Q102;(G70 cycle copies geometry from G71 cycle)

G0G40Z.2;(Cancel Radius Comp.)


ofo ofo ofo ofo ShouId fho oornfor dosIro fo chnngo fho dofh of cuf durIng fho roughIng nssos,
onIy ono odIf Is roquIrod In fho fIrsf C?l bIock, chnngIng fho !.05 Is nII fhnf Is roquIrod.
IncronsIng fho !word vnIuo wIII cnuso Ioss nssos fo rough ouf fho nrf, docronsIng fho
!word vnIuo wIII cnuso moro nssos fo bo cronfod by fho confroI. Tho ond rosuIf wIII bo
fho snmo, ns fho C?l cycIo wIII ond wIfh n somIfInIshod nrf .0l0 Inrgor In dInmofor
wIfh .003 Ioff on onch fnco.
SNK Prodigy GT-27 Quick-Reference

Page J35: M and G-code uses, Canned Cycles

Tho C?2 cycIo usos n sImIInr formnf for fnkIng muIfIIo fncIng cufs. If Is nof dIscussod
horo, rofor fo fho Innuc Oornfors` MnnunI for dofnIIs.

C?6, MuIfIIo ThrondIng CycIo. C?6, MuIfIIo ThrondIng CycIo. C?6, MuIfIIo ThrondIng CycIo. C?6, MuIfIIo ThrondIng CycIo.

Jusf ns fho C?l Is moro oworfuI nnd fIoxIbIo for furnIng fhnn fho C90 cycIo, fho C?6 cycIo
rovIdos ofIons nof found In fho C92 fhrond cycIo. MnnunI mnchInIsfs nro frnInod fo sof
fho comound of fhoIr Infho fo 30 dogroos fo cuf n 20 fhrond. ThIs rncfIco wIII roduco
fho wIdfh of chI nnd Iond on fho fooI whIIo roughIng nssos nro oxocufod fo oxfond fooI IIfo.
Tho mnchInIsf wouId Infood fho XnxIs on fho Insf nss fo cIonn u bofh fInnks of fho
fhrond. Tho C?6 cycIo Is wrIffon In fwo bIocks, bofh bogInnIng wIfh C?6. As wIfh nII
cnnnod cycIos, fho C?6 cycIo onds wIfh fho fooI osIfIonod nf fho coordInnfos sof boforo
bogInnIng fho cycIo.

Tho fIrsf C?6 bIock Is wrIffon ns foIIows C?6I0l0l60Q5!5.
I0l0060 I0l0060 I0l0060 I0l0060 sofs fhroo nrnmofors wIfh fhroo nIrs of numbors.
Tho fIrsf nIr fIrsf nIr fIrsf nIr fIrsf nIr, 0l, foIIs fho cycIo fo oxocufo ono srIngnss nf fInIshod dInmofor.
Tho socond nIr socond nIr socond nIr socond nIr, 0l, sofs fho nmounf of chnmfor oxocufod nf fho ZnxIs ondoInf.

Whon n roIIof groovo Is Iocnfod nf fho ZnxIs ond oInf, you wouId sof fhIs fo 00.
00 wIII cnuso fho cycIo fo fhrond fo ZnxIs ondoInf boforo bogInnIng fo rofrncf
fho XnxIs. SoffIng 0l cnusos fho cycIo fo bogIn rofrncfIng boforo ronchIng fho Z
nxIs ondoInf.
ThIs oxnmIo wouId cronfo n chnmfor nf fho ZnxIs ond oInf
.l ono fonfh ns wIdo ns fho Iond of fho fhrond. Tho Iond of n 20Ifch fhrond Is
.050, so fho chnmfor nf fho ZnxIs ondoInf wIII bo .005 wIdo.
Tho fhIrd nIr fhIrd nIr fhIrd nIr fhIrd nIr, 60, sofs fho nngIo of fooI fI. ThIs oxnmIo Is n 20 fhrond. Tho
IncIudod nngIo of n 20 fhrond Is 60 dogroos.

!ofor fo fho Innuc Oornfors` MnnunI, Ig. l52 for fnorod
fhrondIng, Ig l53 for dofnIIs of cuffIng, nnd Ig l54 for dofnIIs of fhrond cycIo
Q5 Q5 Q5 Q5 sofs fho mInImum dofh of cuf. ThIs commnnd usos no docImnI oInf nnd Is oxrossod
ns n rndIus wIfh fho sIgn nIwnys boIng osIfIvo. Q5 sofs n mInImum fhrond nss of .00l
!5 !5 !5 !5 sof fho dofh of cuf of fho fInnI nss. ThIs commnnd usos no docImnI oInf nnd Is
oxrossod ns n rndIus wIfh fho sIgn nIwnys boIng osIfIvo. ThIs Insf nss Ignoros fho nngIo
of fooI fI soffIng In fho I word nnd Infoods XnxIs .00l on onIy fho Insf nss.

Tho socond C?6 bIock Is wrIffon ns foIIows C?6X.4408Z.5I3l0Q85I.05.
X.4408 sofs fho fInnI XnxIs coordInnfo.
Z.5 sofs fho fInnI ZnxIs coordInnfo.
I3l0 Is fho hoIghf of fho fhrond. ThIs commnnd, IIko Q5 nnd !5 nbovo, usos no
docImnI oInf nnd Is oxrossod ns n rndIus wIfh fho sIgn nIwnys boIng osIfIvo.
Q85 Is fho dofh of cuf of fho fIrsf nss. ThIs commnnd usos no docImnI oInf nnd Is
oxrossod ns n rndIus wIfh fho sIgn nIwnys boIng osIfIvo.

SNK Prodigy GT-27 Quick-Reference

Page J36: M and G-code uses, Canned Cycles

Tho comIofo rogrnm oxnmIo boIow IIIusfrnfos fhrondIng n 20 oxfornnI fhrond.

(ALL-5 BAR #DC-35-625)
(ALL-5 INSERT #TTR-35-093)



ofos ModIfyIng fho cuffIng nrnmofors of fho C?6 fhrondIng cycIo Is quIck nnd onsy.
Thoso nro oxnmIos onIy, nof socIfIc rocommondnfIons.

To ndd nnofhor srIngnss C?6I02 02 02 020l60.
To ndd moro roughIng nssos C?6X.4408Z.5I3l0Q65 Q65 Q65 Q65I.05.
To nof chnmfor nf fho ZnxIs ondoInf C?6I0l00 00 00 0060.
To docronso fho dofh of cuf of fho fInnI nss C?6I0l0l60Q5!2 !2 !2 !2.
If fho fhrond woro nn ACMI fhrond 29 dogroo IncIudod nngIo C?6I020l29 29 29 29.

SNK Prodigy GT-27 Quick-Reference

Page J37: M and G-code uses, Canned Cycles

C84 nnd M29, !IgId TnIng. C84 nnd M29, !IgId TnIng. C84 nnd M29, !IgId TnIng. C84 nnd M29, !IgId TnIng.

Tho IrodIgy CT2? Is oquIod wIfh fho cnnbIIIfy fo rIgId fn. Tho confroI synchronIzos
fho sIndIo rofnfIon wIfh fho mofIon of fho ZnxIs nIIowIng fnIng oornfIons fo bo
orformod wIfhouf fho nood fo urchnso n fn fIonf. ThIs Is nccomIIshod by fho uso of nn
Mcodo nIong wIfh fho C84 commnnd. IoIow Is n rogrnm oxnmIo usIng fho rIgId fnIng
ofIon. Tho M29 commnnd Is OT modnI nnd Is onIy In offocf durIng fho bIock whoro If Is

Tho foIIowIng condIfIons musf bo mof for rIgId fnIng fo work corrocfIy

l. M20, 2AxIs modo Is ncfIvo.
2. C9? modo, !ovoIufIons or mInufo sood musf bo ncfIvo.
3. M03 or M04, SIndIo rofnfIon musf bo ncfIvo.
4. M29 nnd sood usod durIng fnIng musf bo fho bIock ImmodInfoIy boforo fho C84
5. Tho C84 bIock confnIns onIy fho ZnxIs fInnI osIfIon nnd fho Ifch of fho fhrond.
6. Tho C80, Cnnnod cycIos for drIIIIng cnncoI commnnd musf bo nIono In fho bIock
nffor fho C84 commnnd.

Tho rogrnm oxnmIo boIow IIIusfrnfos fho rIgId fnIng usIng n 20 fn.

M20G20; (2-Axis mode)
(1/4 20 TAP)
(HY-PRO #2930001)
G97G99S300M3; (Spindle rotation forward at 300 revolutions per minute)
X0;(Position at X0 (zero), required for tapping with a stationary tool)
Z.2;(Position Z-axis .200 from the face of the part.)
M29S300; (Non-modal command enabling rigid tapping at 300 r.p.m.)
G84Z-.5R0F.05;(Rigid tap deep at .050 inches per minute feed-rate)
G80;(Canned cycle for drilling cancel)

Note: Rigid tapping is only allowed using a stationary tool and the Z-axis with the X-axis
positioned at X0 (zero). Rigid tapping is not available for processes using the X-axis

SNK Prodigy GT-27 Quick-Reference

Page M38: Programming Example
Milling Functions

MnnunI Infhos mnchIno n nrf by rofnfIng fho workIoco nnd mnnunI mIIIs mnchIno fho
nrf by rofnfIng fho cuffIng fooI. Tho IrodIgy CT2? hns fho cnnbIIIfy of orformIng bofh
fyos of funcfIons.

Ioforo rocossIng n mIIIIng funcfIon, fho mnchIno musf bo commnndod fo onfor fho 3AxIs
modo. In 3AxIs modo, fho sIndIo`s IndoxIng mofor onnbIos fho CAxIs fo osIfIon nf n
socIfIc coordInnfo In rnId modo IndoxIng ns woII ns oxocufIng CnxIs commnnds nf n
socIfIod foodrnfo InforoInfIon. Ioforo rocossIng n furnIng funcfIon nffor n mIIIIng
funcfIon, 2AxIs modo musf bo rosforod. ThIs chnngo In funcfIons Is confroIIod by fwo
Mcodos. Thoso nro bofh modnI commnnds of fho snmo grou. A modnI commnnd sfnys In
offocf unfII roIncod by nnofhor modnI commnnd of fho snmo grou. Thoso commnnds mny
bo Incod In bIocks wIfh ofhor words.

M20, 2-Axis machining
M21, 3-Axis machining

This function has requirements that must be met:
1. The M05, spindle rotation stop command must be in effect before entering 3-Axis
2. The modal command M21; 3-Axis mode, must be in effect before C-Axis
commands will be accepted.
3. M50, M52 or M56; Live tool rotation on must be in effect before cutting.
4. G98, feed in inches/per minute mode, must be used. Commands issued using the
G99, feed in inches per revolution mode, will cause zero motion.

SNK Prodigy GT-27 Quick-Reference

Page M39: Programming Example
G12.1 and G13.1, Polar Milling.
The polar milling option allows the Prodigy GT-27 to perform milling operations of
complex geometries using rotating (live) tools. In this mode, the part is programmed as if
the lathe were a milling machine with the C-Axis functioning as a virtual Y-Axis. Once
M21 mode is active no additional commands are required to use the indexing function
either before or after using polar milling. This mode is typically used when the live tools
centerline is parallel to the lathes Z-axis.
The origin point of the virtual Y-Axis is the origin point of the centerline of the part.
This function has requirements that must be met:
1. The M05, spindle rotation stop command must be in effect before entering
3-Axis mode.
2. The modal command M21; 3-Axis mode, must be in effect before C-Axis
commands will be accepted.
3. M50, M52 or M56, Live tool rotation on must be in effect before cutting.
4. G98, feed in inches/per minute mode, must be used. Commands issued using
the G99, feed in inches per revolution mode, will cause zero motion.
5. A C-Axis command [usually C0 (zero)] must be executed before G12.1 will be
6. Tool Radius Compensation is required. The radius of the end-mill must be
entered into the Geometry Offset page, R column for the tool used to mill.
The T value in the Geometry Offset page is set to 0 (zero).
7. Tool Radius Compensation must be cancelled before activating compensation.
Compensation must be cancelled while G12.1 is still active.
8. The modal command M20; 2-Axis mode, must be restored before an M03
(Spindle Rotation, Forward) or M04 (Spindle Rotation, Reverse) command can
be executed.
9. X-Axis coordinates are in diameters and C-Axis (Virtual Y-Axis) coordinates
are radial (divide diameter by 2).

SNK Prodigy GT-27 Quick-Reference

Page M40: Programming Example
The program example below illustrates the use of polar milling to machine a hexagon
that measures 3/8 across the flats followed by machining scallops using indexing to
position the part. The sketch below illustrates C/X-Axis relationship used to machine the
hexagon. The C.N.C. part program on the next page demonstrates polar milling.

CAxIs dIrocfIon of
rofnfIon In fho
oxnmIo boIow usIng
Inrf vIowod from fho fooI
Info IookIng fownrds fho
sIndIo. Tho orIgIn of
bofh fho XnxIs X0 nnd
VIrfunI YnxIs Y0 Is fho
conforIIno of fho nrf.
SNK Prodigy GT-27 Quick-Reference

Page M41: Programming Example
(MILL 3/8" HEX)
M5 (Spindle rotation stop)
M21 (3-Axis mode)
M56 (Live-tool #3 on)
C0 (Orient spindle to C-zero degrees)
G12.1 (Polar milling mode on)
G1G98G41X-.7F10. (Tool Nose Radius Compensation, Left)
G40X-1.1 (Tool Nose Radius Compensation Cancel)
G13.1 (Polar Coordinate Mode Cancel)
M57 (Live-tool #3 off)
G28W0M20 (2-Axis mode)

SNK Prodigy GT-27 Quick-Reference

Page M42: Programming Example
G07.1 or G107, Cylindrical Machining.
This function is designed for milling complex shapes, such as J-slots or text on a cylinder.
This mode is typically used when the centerline of the live tool is parallel to the X-axis.
This function has requirements that must be met:
1. The M05, spindle rotation stop command must be in effect before entering
3-Axis mode.
2. The modal command M21; 3-Axis mode, must be in effect before C-Axis
commands will be accepted.
3. M50, M52 or M56; Live tool rotation on must be in effect before cutting.
4. G98, feed in inches/per minute mode, must be used. Commands issued using
the G99, feed in inches per revolution mode, will cause zero motion.
5. A C-Axis command [usually C0 (zero)] must be executed before G07.1 will be
6. Tool Radius Compensation is optional. If you desire to use radius
compensation, the radius of the end-mill must be entered into the Geometry
Offset page, R column for the tool used to mill. The T value in the
Geometry Offset page is set to 0 (zero).
7. Tool Radius Compensation must be cancelled while G07.1 is still active.
8. The modal command M20; 2-Axis mode, must be restored before an M03
(Spindle Rotation, Forward) or M04 (Spindle Rotation, Reverse) command can
be executed.
9. X-Axis coordinates are in diameters and C-Axis (Virtual Y-Axis) coordinates
are radial (divide diameter by 2).

Refer to the Fanuc Operators Manual for details and a program example of this function.
SNK Prodigy GT-27 Quick-Reference

Page L43: Macros

Whnf Is If
As it relates to computers, a macro is a command that stands for a sequence of operations.
In C.N.C. usage, a macro is an instruction or series of instructions that repeats a sequence of
operations without having to key in each move. This description sounds like a canned cycle
because canned cycles use macro technology to function. A macro allows the use of
algebraic functions. This ability gives the user of a macro the greatest flexibility of the
many types of commands available. The canned cycles are a type of macro in that they take
a variable value and use it to complete a function. Example: when you change the Q
word in the G76 threading cycle, the process is altered: More passes are taken when Q is
decreased. The control uses algebra to calculate how many moves to create based on the
present value of several variables.
A variable, as it relates to c.n.c. programming is a symbol in a command or cycle that can be
changed by changing value stored in another location. All c.n.c. controls come with locations
in memory reserved to store these values. The # symbol is used by the control to identify
these stored values.
A macro variable can store any numeric value that is to be repeated in a program. Variables
are also used to count the number of repetitions of a sequence and then notifying the
controller when it is time to move on to the next process.
The values can be negative numbers and fractions stated as decimal equivalents.
Macros use conditional statements with algebraic statements to perform functions. One
example is the counting function used to control repetitions.
Another use of a macro command allows the programmer to execute commands that are not
displayed in sequence on the screen.
Example: The block If [#1=1]GOTO100; tells the control that if variable #1=1, skip to the
block labeled N100 and continue executing commands from that position in the program. If
the variable contains any value other than 1, the control will move on to the next sequence in
the program and begin processing commands. By placing a sequence desired to commence
between the block containing the If statement and the block labeled N100 it is possible to
define two different sets of geometry that can be selected by controlling the value of variable
#1. This is a powerful feature when programming a family of parts with common

SNK Prodigy GT-27 Quick-Reference

Page M44: Programming Example
Program Sample

This section will illustrate a complete sample program. The program uses many of the
cycles discussed in previous sections of this manual as well as commands not covered.
Refer to the Prodigy Operators Manual and the Fanuc Operators Manual for details.

Features used:

Nxx: N is used to label a block for searching in edit mode or for use by a canned cycle.

/: / Is block skip. With this option set to on via soft keys, the program will skip past
this command without executing it. In this application, block skip is used to reduce
indexing times by inhibiting the G28W0 (Return to Reference Point) command.

G97Sxxxx: G97 (Constant Surface Speed Cancel) causes the spindle to rotate at xxxx
revolutions per minute. An M03 (Spindle Rotation Forward), or a M04 (Spindle
Rotation Reverse) command is required to engage spindle rotation.

G96Sxxx: G96 (Constant Surface Speed Control) causes the spindle to rotate at xxxx
surface feet per minute. This mode causes the spindle to vary speed based upon the
X-axis (diameter coordinate) the cutting tool is presently located at.

G94: Canned facing cycle.

G70 and G71: Canned turning and finishing cycles.

G40 and G41: G40 (Compensation Cancel) and G42 (Compensation, Left) are tool radius
compensation commands.

G76: Canned threading cycle.

SNK Prodigy GT-27 Quick-Reference

Page M45: Programming Example
Part made from diameter brass.


(Continued next column)

(MAGAFOR #1, 195-0952)

(ALL-5 BAR, DC-35-625)
(ALL-5 INSERT, TTR-35-093)

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