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GCSE Speaking Teacher Standardisation Meetings

GCSE French
Pages Candidate 1 Candidate 2 Candidate 3 Task Sheet Completed Task Planning Form Completed Candidate Record Form Transcript Commentary 18 19-20 21-22 23-24 25 Task Sheet Completed Task Planning Form Completed Candidate Record Form Transcript Commentary 10 11-12 13-14 15-16 17 Task Sheet Completed Task Planning Form Completed Candidate Record Form Transcript Commentary 2 3-4 5-6 7 8-9

Autumn 2010

Candidate 1 Task Sheet

You are being interviewed for the school radio by your exchange partners teacher about healthy lifestyles. Your teacher will ask you the following: What you eat and drink? What you should eat and drink to stay healthy? What sports you did last week? What else you do to stay fit? What you will do in the future to get more exercise? !

! Remember, at this point, you will have to respond to something you have not yet prepared. The dialogue will last between 4 and 6 minutes.

Notes for Teachers The unpredictable task could be: Tu es membre dun club de sport? Tu fumes? Tu bois de lalcool? Quest-ce que tu penses de la drogue?

Candidate 1
Transcript (403) Quest-ce que tu manges et quest-ce que tu bois normalement? Normalement pour le djeuner je mange du pain grill avec beurre et je bois un bol de caf. Pour le djeuner je mange le sandwich au les pats, pt, pats parce que cest plain de.... Je bois du coca, mais cest mauvais pour la sant. Dans la soire je mange le viande et les legumes parce que cest plain de fer pour nourrir muscles (Eng pron). Je bois de leau (pron), cest bon pour la sant. Quest-ce quil faut manger et boire pour tre en forme? Pour rester en sant je bois de leau (pron) et je mange 5 fruites et legumes par jour parce que cest plain de vitamins et je mange 3 au 4 produits laitiers par jour parce que cest plain de calcium pour nourrir le corpse et les os. Le sport est aussi trs important pour la forme. Quel sport as-tu fait la semaine dernire? Lundi dernier jai jou au volley avec mes copine, Sophie. Ctait fantastique. Mercredi dernier jai ne fait de sport. Vendredi dernier jai fait de la danse avec ma mre et mes copine. Ctait fatigante parce que cest.... A part le sport, quest-ce quil faut faire pour tre en forme, ton avis? Dans le future, je vais fait...(whispered.. je vais faire)..... je vais fait pour tre en sport... I dont know. Je vais aller le gym 2 fois par semaine. Je vais foot et netball. Oui, mais part le sport, quest-ce quil faut faire pour tre en forme? Pour tre en forme, je vais fait.. oh no way.. je vais fait de lquitation et je jouer au football et basketball. Et la dernire question. Tu bois de lalcool? Je ne bois pas de alcool.... Parce que? Cest mauvais pour la sant.

Commentary on Candidate 1 Communication The student communicates about 25 items of information which are relevant to the task, although there is a suggestion that where she cannot quite remember what she intended to say, she abandons the sentence without completing it. For example when she tries to give a reason why she eats something. There is some doubt at times about what she intends to say, for example whether she eats pt or pasta or why she finds dancing tiring, although most items attempted are communicated. She says more about what she eats and drinks and the amount said diminishes as the task progresses. On balance, she does not seem to cover bullet point 4, but she does in fact cover bullet point 5 (even though the question was never asked). Anglicisms sometimes prevent immediate communication (eg muscles). However, she does manage to answer the unpredictable question and adds a reason when the teacher adds a follow up prompt. There is evidence of opinions being given (eg cest bon pour la sant, ctait fantastique) and reasons are given for eating fruit and vegetables as well as dairy produce(cest plein de calcium). Some answers are therefore developed. The maximum mark for communication allowed in this case would be 9 with one task not covered as the task has 5 bullet points and the unpredictable question. A mark of 5 (sufficient) was awarded, as the mark is closer to 4 than 7. The student does not develop her responses sufficiently for a mark of 6 and there are problems of communication in the later sections. Range and Accuracy The student uses present, perfect, imperfect and future tenses in the task, although the immediate future is usually incorrectly formed with a past participle rather than an infinitive. The sentences at the start of the performance are sometimes linked (et, mais, parce que, pour + infinitive), but later on become more simple and short as student confidence diminishes. Additions towards the end of the task are not linked to earlier utterances. Sometimes sentences are left unfinished and English comments are added by the student who seems confused at times. There is evidence of repetition of constructions (eg parce que cest plein de) but, even with frequent errors, the language used is more accurate than inaccurate, despite the intrusion of asides and pronunciation issues. The best fit for this category is 5-6 band with 5 being awarded, as in the later stages there are some features which relate to a mark of 4.

Pronunciation and Intonation There is some inconsistency. As well as the more common mispronunciations (final s sounds on numerous occasions), there are problems with vowel sounds(eg plein de, eau) and anglicised words (muscles, corps). However, comprehension is not often delayed and a mark of 3 is appropriate. Interaction and Fluency The task begins with ready responses as the student responds promptly and tries to develop answers, although some sentences are not completed. There is little initiative other than giving reasons for eating/drinking along similar lines. However, there is an ability to sustain the conversation at times and hesitations usually do not break up the information exchange too much, although the student does fail to understand the requirement to answer the bullet point about ways of becoming more fit apart from using sport. A mark of 3 was awarded. Summary of marks Communication Range and Accuracy 5 5

Pronunciation and Intonation 3

Interaction and Fluency 3

Total 16

Candidate 2 Task Sheet

You are going to have a conversation with your teacher about your school. Your teacher will ask you the following: Can you talk a bit about your school? Do you wear a uniform? Can you describe a typical school day? Tell me about your subjects. Do you have a favourite teacher? What are your plans after your exams? !

! Remember, at this point, you will have to respond to something you have not yet prepared. The dialogue will last between 4 and 6 minutes. Notes for Teachers The unpredictable task could be: What did you do yesterday at break time? What will you do today after school? Have you ever been on a school trip? What do you want to do for work experience?






Candidate 2
Transcript (635) Parle-moi un peu de ton collge Je mappelle TT. Jai 15 ans et je suis en troisime. Mon collge est C. Le btiment est trs grand et nouveux, parce que cet cest construit il y a 6 ans. Dans mon collge il y a une salle dinformatique, le gymnase et la bibliothque, une cantine et cour de rcration et hall du collge. Pour aller lcole, je prends le bus avec mes amis. Cest toujours amusant. Est-ce que tu portes un uniforme dans ton collge? Dans mon collge nous portons luniforme. Dcris luniforme alors Nous avons une cravate bleue, une chemise blanche, un pantalon noir et choisures noires et veste noire, aussi pouvons porter une pullover. Que penses-tu de luniforme? A mon avis je pense que nous ne devons pas porter, parce que cest ennyeux et uncomfortable. On devrait plutt porter nos propres vtements. Dcris ta journe typique Normalement je me lever 7 heures et je me lve 7 heures 15. Je me douche 7 heures et demie et je me brosse les dents. Aprs, je mhabille, je mange mon petit djeuner, ensuite, je vais au collge. quelle heure commence le collge? Lcole commence (Eng pron) 8 heures 45 et le finit 14 heures 55. Quest-ce que tu fais normalement pendant la rcration? Normalement la pause-djeuner, je mange et aprs, je joue au football dans le parc. Est-ce quil ya des matires obligatoires et facultatives dans ton collge? Au collge, mes matires obligatoires sont langlais, le maths, linstruction civique, linstruction religieuse et mes matires facultatives sont le sport, la biologie, la chimie, la physique et le franais. Quelle est ta matire prfre, alors? Mon matire prfr est le sport parce que cest actif et agrable, aussi le franais parce que mon professeur, cest trs drle. Est-ce quil ya des matires que tu naimes pas? Je dteste linstruction civique et linstruction religieuse parce que cest ennyeux et je ne mentends bien avec mon professeur. Quel est ton professeur prfr, alors? Mon professeur prefer est Mme D. Elle ensign le franais et elle est trs bonne dans ce domaine. Elle est petite, elle a les yeux bruns et les cheveux noirs. Je mentends bien avec Mme D parce que elle est gentile et marrante.


Quels sont tes projets pour lavenir? Aprs mes tudes, je vais aller au lyce et luniversit pour tudie multimedia parce que je veux tre un concepteur multimedia (Eng pron). Je voudrais me marier et avoir deux enfants et vivre Paris. 6 minutes up. Parle-moi dune visite scolaire que tu as faite? Oui, je suis all Paris et jai visit lArc de Triomphe, la tour lEiffel et la cit de sciences. Ctait trs amusant et agrable.


Commentary on Candidate 2 Communication The student communicates about 50 items of information which are relevant to the task. He covers all 6 main bullet points (he does not have to cover all sub bullet points on the task sheet) but time runs out before he has the opportunity to answer the unpredictable question, so his maximum mark possible for communication is 9. He regularly develops answers even though some responses are not developed unless prompted (eg the school uniform). He expresses opinions regularly and sometimes gives a reason for his opinions (eg about his school subjects), although at times, he does not take the opportunity to fully develop his answers. A mark of 8 was awarded as this best fits the criteria. Although the student regularly develops items of information and conveys points of view, these are not presented and explained with confidence. A mark of 9 is not therefore possible. Range and Accuracy The student refers to present and future events using more than 2 tenses accurately, i.e. present, immediate future, future and conditional. (Had he had the chance to answer the last question within time, he would have used a perfect tense). This varied use of tense adds to the complexity of his response. He uses connectives appropriately (parce que, et, ensuite, aprs, que, aussi) to extend his sentence construction and there is a good range of vocabulary used (eg on devrait plutt porter nos propres vtements, dans ce domaine, il y a 6 ans) as well as using adverbs and adjectives to enhance descriptions. This student is also able to use infinitive constructions, after for example, je veux and je voudrais. Errors occur (je me lever, omission of subject with pouvons, cest for elle est etc) but the message is usually clear as the type of error does not normally impede communication. The answers are not over repetitious. However, there is not quite enough complexity or range to allow the score to fit the top band. Equally errors are not confined to the more complex structures. Therefore a mark of 8 was awarded. Pronunciation and Intonation The student pronounces most of the responses well with minor mis-pronunciations (eg chassures, uncomfortable, nouveux, ennyeux, ensign) as well as pronouncing the final s on dans, although this common error is not replicated elsewhere in the task and some more difficult vowel sounds are correctly pronounced (eg instruction). A mark of 4 was awarded. Interaction and Fluency There are generally ready responses to prompts where the student answers quickly, but there is some hesitation at times, notably on the topic of school uniform at first. Some developments occur but sometimes they take the form of lists, although one is left with the impression that the student can sustain a conversation without breaking up the interchange of information and for this reason a mark of 3 was awarded. Summary of marks Communication Range and Accuracy 8 8 Pronunciation and Intonation 4 Interaction and Fluency 3 Total 23


Candidate 3 Task Sheet

You are speaking to your French friend about yourself and your family. Your teacher will ask you the following: A description of you and your family. Details of where you live. Information about your school. Details about what you like doing in your free time and why? Your future plans. !

! Remember, at this point, you will have to respond to something you have not yet prepared. The dialogue will last between 4 and 6 minutes.

Notes for Teachers The unpredictable task: Do you get on well with your parents?






Candidate 3
Transcript (541) Parle-moi de toi-mme Je mappelle L, cependant mes amis mappellent Luce. Je suis ne le 10 fvrier, donc jai 14 ans et jaurai 15 ans la semaine prochaine. Jai les yeux bleus et les cheveux bruns, donc on dit que je ressemble ma mre. Cependant, je ne le pense pas. Pour mon dernier anniversaire, jai fait du shopping L, ce qui tait amusant, mme si ctait fatigant. Nous avons beaucoup march. Quand jtais plus jeune, je portais des lunettes, cependant, maintenant, je naime pas a. Je prfrer porter des lentilles de contact. Je pense que je suis facile vivre, et, en plus, je peux tre maladroite, ce qui fait rire mes amis. Parle-moi de ta famille. Je vis avec mon pre, ma mre, ma petite soeur et mon chien. Ma soeur, qui sappelle E, a 13 ans et elle est trs affronte. Elle a les yeux bleus et les cheveux bruns, donc comme ma mre et moi. Elle est assez grande pour son ge car elle mesure 1m 66 et elle est trs mince puisquelle est sportive. Je fais du shopping quelquefois avec ma soeur, mme si elle est plus rapide que moi. Malheureusement pour moi, elle est extrmement embtante et bruyante. Cependant, la plupart du temps je mentends bien avec elle car elle est marrante. Parle-moi do tu habites. Jhabite dans une assez grande maison individuelle HW. Au rez-de-chausse, il y a une grande cuisine moderne qui donne sur le jardin. Nous avons un jardin ombrag puisquil y a de grands arbres. Malheureusement pour mon chien, le jardin est assez petit, donc il ne peut pas courir partout. Ceci dit, nous sommes contentes ici, mais jaimerais mieux ma maison si les magasins taient plus prs de chez moi. Mon village, qui sappelle HW, est situ dans le sud-et de lAngleterre. Malheureusement, il ny a pas beaucoup faire, car il y a peu de magasins et 2 ou 3 clubs de sport, cependant ils ne sont pas trs bons. Ceci dit, ce nest pas loin de B, o il y a un centre commercial o je peux rencontre mes amis. Jaime habiter la campagne puisque lenvironment est plus propre, cependant, jaimerais mieux mon village sil y avait plus de chosess faire. Parle-moi de ton collge Mon collge, qui sappelle RM, est situ O dans le nord-et de H. Cest un collge mixte qui est assez grand puisquil y a vers 1200 lves. Au collge, jtudie 9 matires, dont 5 sont obligatoires et, comme options, jai choisi le franais, le dessin, lhistoire et les sciences. Ma matire prfree est le dessin parce que jaime tre crative. Cependant, jai beaucoup de travail. Je naime pas les maths, tant donn que je crois que cest nul et ennuyeuse. Ceci dit, cest assez utile. Jaime notre journe car nous finissons les cours tt, donc je peux rencontrer mes amis aprs le collge. Je dois porter un pull vert et une jupe grise, qui ne doit pas tre trop courte. Lanne prochaine je porterai un pull noir car je serai en seconde. Quand jtais lcole primaire, jai port une robe grise que je dtestais parce que la couleur tait ennuyeuse et terne. Jaime mon uniforme parce quil est confortable, cependant, je prfrer porter un jean et un t-shirt. Je mentends bien avec mon prof dhistoire parce quil est amusant. Ceci dit, cest assez dsorganis. Jadore mon collge parce que les profs sont sympa(s), cependant le rglement est assez strict.


Tu peux me parler de tes passe-temps? Mon passe-temps prfr est faire du ski parce que jadore la vitesse. Cependant, cest trs cher et quelquefois dangereux. Je ne peux pas faire du ski autant que je le voudrais, car les montagnes sont trop loin, cependant il y a une piste de ski artificielle A. Samedi dernier, mon quipe et moi avons un match de foot, ce qui tait amusant, mme si nous avons perdu. Laprs-midi jai fait du shopping G avec mes amis. Cependant, je nai rien achet parce que je nai pas beaucoup dargent. Mon cousin et moi jouions au tennis tous les samedis, mais maintenant il joue au rugby et je joue au foot. Si javais plus temps de libre, je jouerais au tennis avec lui un autre jour. Vendredi prochain, je sortirai pour manger avec ma famille parce que cest lanniversaire de mon pre. Samedi matin prochain jirai de faire du vlo avec ma soeur parce que a me garde en forme. Tu peux me parler de tes projets pour lavenir? Je vais passer mes examens de GCSE et jespre avoir de bons rsultats. Aprs avoir quitt le collge, jirai au lyce et jaimerais aller plus tard luniversit. Au collge je voudrais choisir les maths et les sciences parce que jai lintention dtudier la medicine luniversit afin de pouvoir mdecin. Jespre devenir mdecin parce que jaime la biologie et je voudrais aider les gens. Si cest possible, jaimerais voyager, voir le monde, aprs avoir quitt luniversit. Cependant, je continuerai probablement mes etudes immdiatement. Jai lintention dhabiter une maison prs de la maison de ma parents, parce que je veux tre prs de ma famille et jaime la rgion. Est-ce que tu tentends bien avec tes parents? Je mentends bien avec mes parents parce que il est amusant.


Commentary on Candidate 3 Communication The student communicates about 140 items of information with a very high degree of precision, covering all the bullet points including the unexpected question. The student speaks with confidence throughout the task with only the final response being brief. She adds an enormous number of details, narrating events with certainty and precision and fully developing answers at speed. There are many examples of opinions and points of view, many of which are explained with appropriate reasons and justifications. Any omissions in terms of communication are very slight (eg omission of infinitive after afin de when she is talking of becoming a doctor). A mark of 10 is certain. Range and Accuracy The student uses an enormous variety of tenses (present, perfect, imperfect, near future, future, conditional) with great accuracy though not without error. Future references are further varied by use of esprer and avoir lintention de. Complex structures abound including aprs avoir + past participle, present participle, si clauses with correct sequence of tenses, phrases involving the correct use of the infinitive, correct use of dont, intensifiers, comparisons, adjectives and adverbs on numerous occasions, idiomatic omission of the article, use of de before a preceding plural adjective, pronouns and negatives. Different persons are also used appropriately throughout the task. Connectives are plentiful and varied (et, mais, car, parce que, puisque, cependant, ceci dit, que, qui, o, ce qui, donc, mme si) and there is a wide variety of complex and difficult vocabulary in evidence (eg maladroit, ombrag, partout, donner sur, tant donn, vitesse etc). Sentences are usually complex, although there is some repetition of the excellent idiom and vocabulary at times. There are a few errors but these are rare. A mark of 10 is secure Pronunciation and Intonation The student displays high levels of pronunciation and largely good intonation with very occasional minor blemishes (eg chosess, sud-et). Although intonation is on occasion marred by the speed of delivery, it is still clearly worth 5 marks. Interaction and Fluency The student responded very readily indeed with no real pauses before answering. She displayed great initiative in fully developing her responses and the conversation was sustained at a high pace with language being expressed fluently throughout the task. The final question was not developed but this was acceptable. A mark of 5 was awarded. Summary of marks Communication 10

Range and Accuracy 10

Pronunciation and Intonation 5

Interaction and Fluency 5

Total 30


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