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Compare Primitive to Reference Data Types

Primitive data types can perform simple arithmetic. Reference data types require methods to be manipulated. Initial conditions => Problem => Result input => Plan of Action => Outcome
A group of individual instructions in a program that takes control of the program. The control structure should have only one entry and one exit point.

Components (Specifications) of a Problem

Control Structure

Define Algorithm as it Relates to Computer Programs

An algorithm is a programming recipe.

Define Algorithm as it Relates to Problem Theory

Algorithms can be defined as a refinement of a plan of action.

Define Real and Artificial Formal Problems

Real - The making of a product Artificial - Simulated problem (playing games/AI).

String msg = new String Demonstrate two ways to ("foo"); //with instantiation declare the string msg = "foo" String msg = "foo"; //without instantiation
In a left-decision tree nested control structure the "IF"s are nested in the "IF" structures not in the else block structure. They are not commonly used. The syntax is as follows: IF (cond1) IF (cond2) Statement 1 ELSE Statement 2 ELSE Statement 3

Describe a left-decision tree nested control structure

Describe a nested control structure. What are the two form of nestes control structure

Multiple number of "IF" statements are nested during a process. There are two forms of nested control structure, left-decision tree and right-decision tree

Describe a one way selection control structure

The conditional path is selected if the condition is true. If false, the corresponding statement(s) will be passed and the lines of code following the block are executed.

Describe a right-decision tree nested control structure

In a right-decision tree nested control structure, the statements are tested until a true statement is found. This is the most common nested control structure. The syntax follows: IF (cond1) Statement 1 ELSE IF (cond2) Statement 2 ELSE IF (cond3) Statement 3 ELSE Statement 4

Describe a Switch Control Structure

The switch statement allows you to choose from a fixed set of alternatives. It is used in a narrow collection of situations. Switches should not be used with real numbers. only Integers and integer compatibles (characters) Switches must use "breaks" to avoid code "fall through"

Describe a two-way selection control structure

Regardless of conditions, one of two paths will always be taken

The mechanism that binds together codes and data and prevents unauthorized acces to the heart of the class which is private. A class is designed such that the implementation is protected from the action of external code except through form interface.

Describe Encapsulation

Describe Inheritance

Each object is related to one or more objects. One class of objects inherits data behavior from another object. In other words, sub classes share characteristics of the class they are derived from.

Describe Multi-way Selection Control

Selection control that involves more than two structures.

Describe Polymorphism

The capability of an object to assume different forms. Messages can lead to different operations depending on the object receiving it. Example: Context based right clicking Formal definition: The mechanism by which one general interface can be used to access different specific implementations.

Describe the AND operator. Give an example of how it can be used with bit sequences

True when all conditions are true. The java syntax is &&. Used for filtering/masking a bit pattern. Allow only the 1st and 2nd bits through: 10101101 00000011 00000001

Describe the Bottom Up design structure and give advantages and disadvantages

Modules are designed first, then put together to form the main program. Advantages: Less expensive and faster to build Disadvantages: The pieces don't always work well together.

Describe the NOT operator.

The NOT operator is used to reverse a condition. Java Syntax is !.

Describe the OR operator. Give an example of how it can be used with bit sequences

True when any input is true. The java syntax is || Used for bit setting (sets any or all bits to 1) in a sequence. Set the 2nd bit: 10101101 00000010 10101111

Describe the XOR operator. Give an example of how it can be used with bit sequencing

Also called the equivalence operator. Returns FALSE when both statements are the same. The Java syntax is a compound statement (!ab + a!b). Used for testing bit sequence errors (unexpected state change) and also for flipping: 10101101 11111111 01010010

Describe Top Down design structure and give advantages and disadvantages

The overall structure of the program is already known and modules are integrated as design progresses. Disadvantage: Expensive and time consuming Advantage: Highly customized.

Fields of Computer Science

Switching Theory Software Engineering Automation and Control Robotics Biotechnology Hardware Design

Give a General Definition of Algorithm

Algorithm is a set of defined instructions which result into a solution

How are Problems of Analysis and Synthesis Linked

Generally speaking software engineers convert problems of analysis to problems of synthesis which can then be solved by computers.

How does Java handle dangling pointers caused by string literals declared without instantiation?

Java periodically runs a GarbageCollection method to eliminate objects with zero reference.

Identifier vs Method Syntax

Identifier - xyz Method - xyz()

List the Logical Operators


An operator which determines the relationship of a one value to another and returns a true or false result. They are binary operators != >= <= > < ==

Relational Operators

Selection Control Structure

Allows the program to execute one of the alternative paths. The selection is governed by the outcome of a conditional test that evaluates if a statement is true or false.
1. Avoid algorithms which cause informal problems. 2. Avoid algorithms with undetermined solutions 3. Avoid algorithms which require excessive amounts of time. 4. Select algorithms that closely fit the specifications 5. Select algorithms which allow for assumptions 6. Select algorithms which don't generate multiple problems 6.1 Examine the algorithm's efficiency

Six Recommendations on the Selection of Algorithms

String Tokenization

Using ReadLine(), it is possible to convert a string of multiple items into individual values (tokens). String Tokenization generally requires wrapper classes to convert between different integer types
1. Format the program in a way that enhances its readability 2. Use spaces between segments 3. All composite sequences must be separated 4. Use appropriate (and well named) identifiers

Suggestions for Program Appearance

The Four Stages of Programming Development

1. Program Planning 2. Program Coding 3. Testing and Debugging 4. Maintenance/Refactoring

Three Common Principles of Programming Style

1. Program structure and design 2. Program Documentation 3. Program Overall Appearance and Style
1. When a comparison (equality) is performed 2. When the same expression is being compared in each condition 3. When the type of value to which the expression being compared is integer compatible

What are conditions for a Switch Control Structure?

What are Formal Problems

Characterized by complete specification of a problem: initial conditions, plan of action, and expected outcome.
Informal problems have no satisfactory solution. The result of the problem cannot be achieved knowing the specifications of the problem (initial conditions and the plan of action). There is no satisfactory solution.

What are Informal Problems

What are Logical Operators Used for in Programming

1. For Supporting multiple or complex conditions 2. For setting or clearing bit sequences

What are Object Oriented Programs

Complex software programs requiring proper abstraction and separating the internal implementation from external behavior of the object.
1. Explanation of components 2. Functioning of each unit 3. Summary of the problem specification 4. Special algorithms (if used) 5. Assumptions made 6. Formulation 7. Name of program 8. Date 9. Date of last modification 10. Project Name 11. Division/Dpt 12. References used for program development

What are the elements of program Documentation?

What are the Four Stage of Program Design?

1. Input Phase 2. Output Phase 3. Formulation of Assumptions 4. Constraints

What are the three primary characteristics of Objects in OOP

Polymorphism Inheritance Encapsulation

What are the three types of selection control structures?

One-way selection control structure, two-way selection control structure, and multiway selection control structure.

What are the Two Categories of Formal Problems

Problems of analysis and problems of synthesis

What are the two forms of multi-way selection control

Nested selection control and switch control structure

What are the two method types found in Java?

Strict (Instance) methods Static methods

What are the two program design structures that are commonly used?

Top Down and Bottom Up

What are the two types of control structures

Selection Control Structure and Loop Control Structure

What are Wrapper Classes

Wrapper classes allow us to convert between different variable types: strings, integers, doubles, booleans, etc
1. A space is reserved for an int data type 2. The variable name gets associated with the first byte of allocated storage
1. A list of all variable objects and their associated data types are generated for compiling. 2. Sufficient memory is allocated for the declared type as referenced by the address. 3. The first byte of the address is assigned to the reference name, only after the object is instantiated. The allocation is not done until the object is instantiated. Therefore string msg; does nothing.

What happens when a Primitive Data Type is declared?

What happens when a Reference Data Type is declared?

What is a class in OOP?

Consists of a Data Structure and methods that can be applied to that structure. A class is a module unit. Class = operations + data structure

What is a Computer Program?

A computer program is the statement of an algorithm in a computer programming language. It is a collection of instructions that a computer can understand, process and accomplish. It is an exacting task.

What is a method in OOP?

A unit of a program module that contains a sequence of operations and statements. In Java, methods can ONLY exist within a class.
A structure consisting of interrelated segments arranged in logical order to form an integrated unit. It is constructed basically from classes.

What is a module in OOP?

What is a Plan of Action

A general outline of the major steps we need to accomplish our goal, starting at predefined initial conditions.
A formal problem where the initial condition (input) and the result (output) are known. The goal is to identify the plan of action. Problems of Analysis are generally solved by a programmer or software engineer A formal problem where the initial condition (input) and the plan of action are known. The goal is to identify the result (output). Problems of Synthesis are generally solved by a computer.

What is a Problem of Analysis

What is a Problem of Synthesis

What is a Problem?

A goal or a task. The difference between actual conditions and those that are required or desired.
Used to shift bit patterns to the right or to the left. Logical shifts multiply or divide the pattern by the pattern's base. (LogicalShiftLeft x) (LogicalShiftRight /) Static methods are called by prefixing them with the class name. No instance variables of any object of the class are defined in the method. Example: Math.pow(2,3) calls the exponent method pow.
The method is associated with an object and use the instance variables of that object. Instance methods are called by prefixing it with an object. Example: System.out.println("") Strict methods are also known as instance methods

What is a Shift operator

What is a Static method in Java?

What is a Strict method in Java?

What is a String?

A string is a REFERENCE data type where the variable references the location in memory where the actual value is stored. The actual stored value is the object.

What is an abstract data type?

Refers to a data type together with a set of operations that can be performed on that data structure.
All objects have: 1. Name 2. Behavior 3. Receives input (receives message) Example: Remote Control name - remote control behavior - changes channels on a television receives input - from user using the number/keypad

What is an Object

What is Automatic Dereferencing?

The process of obtaining the address from a reference variable and going to the address to retrieve the correct number of bytes for the object.

What is Computer Science?

The study of how computers can be applied effectively and efficiently to solve problems.

What is Instantiation

The process of allocation that creates a SPECIFIC instance of an object

What is Parsing

Parsing is the process of tokenization

What is Problem Theory?

The study of characteristics of problems. Most problems have certain characteristics that are independent of the details of any particular problem or may have a relation to other problems in general.

What is the input phase of Program Design?

Identify where input comes from and what they are. User? Storage?

What is the output phase of Program Design?

Identify the outputs of the computer program. Does something get displayed on the screen? On a printer?
To provide software developers with: Reliability Cost effectiveness Adaptability Understandability Reusable

What is the Purpose of Object Oriented Programming

What kind of method is Decimalformat("format string")

DecimalFormat is a static method because it is called simply from it's class name. No object name is used.

What two reference data types don't require instantiation?

Strings and arrays

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