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The Problem With Global Warming On a Cooling Planet

Back when this Climate Change crap started in earnest, about the time when Clinton and Algore were in office, it was called Man Made Global Warming (MMGW) Now, it is called Climate Change. Why the name change? Because shortly after this bullshit was started, the assholes involved, realized that 1) the earth was actually cooling, and 2) Man was not affecting our climate. If this global warming hype was actually about the climate on this planet, wouldn't these MMGW pundits be celebrating and using the now 15 year cooling trend as proof that we need to continue with their bullshit? This MMGW is not about climate, temperature, or environment. This is strictly about control. It is a push for a single government entity controlling all aspects of money and life on this planet. Every time there is a storm or a number of storms, the Chicken Little crowd blame it on MMGW. Well, here's a little trick to try: If a storm is really bad, but they don't use the terms; record breaking, or the worst ever, then guess what? There was a storm or high temperatures that were worse in the past. Quite often, these extremes were several decades in the past. As to global temperatures, there is scientific proof that the planet has had much warmer periods way before the industrial age. Therefore, it ain't us doing it. PERIOD Another problem with this MMGW theory is the way in which scientists from around the globe came to a consensus that we humans were to blame. Consensus? That's not science. Scientists don't hold a meeting and simply decide that something is scientific fact. Science is where someone posits a theory or idea, and then comes up with a way to test that theory. After testing, they study the results to determine if their theory was in fact correct. Then, they publish their theory and the findings, and other scientist review it and possibly even perform their own tests. That is science. When the UN published a big paper on MMGW, hundreds of scientists' names were placed on the document as proof that this stuff had been reviewed and agreed upon by basically the entire scientific community. Does anyone know that dozens and dozens of scientists have sued the UN Commission for putting their names on that document without their agreement? What about all the e-mails leaked out a few years back, that showed where scientists were being forced to change the tests or flat out misreport findings in order to keep the myth going?

Now enter our Socialist in chief.

Trying several desperate diversions to keep the people from concentrating on all the scandals and lawlessness of his administration, King Barry has decided to issue more controversial edicts. Notice how the a$$hole chooses to stand out in the hot sun and let everyone see how hot the planet is? You should've had a couple people in the crowd suddenly burst into flames! The only reason he was standing in the hot sun, and not indoors or under an awning, or ordering a Marine to hold an umbrella over his head, was for theater. Anyways, the man whose mere nomination as a presidential candidate caused the earth's ocean levels to begin decreasing and made a rich angry black golddigger proud of her country for the 1 st time in her racist life, has declared the debate over this phony science to be over and announced an onslaught of economy killing regulations and government actions by-passing congress, to tackle this non-existent problem. A note on the ocean level bullshit: This planet has EXACTLY the same amount of water it has ALWAYS had. Try this experiment at home: Fill a glass with ice. Now put water in that glass, all the way to the brim. Now wait for the ice to melt. Does the glass overflow, thus indicating the loss of shorelines and low lying islands? NO, the water level decreases, because water expands when frozen. Obama announced he was directing his administration to launch the first-ever federal regulations on heattrapping gases emitted by new and existing power plants "to put an end to the limitless dumping of carbon pollution." How many times in the last 2 decades has Congress failed to implement job killing Carbon Tax? The Carbon Tax scheme was wealth redistribution around the globe, pure and simple. So the Socialist in Chief wants wealth redistribution and with his anti-colonial upbringing, wants to hand this nation's power over to the UN (or the Bilderbergs if you will). He would also really love another tax to help him raise more revenue for spending. He has been unable to get it done through the legislative process as laid out in the Constitution ,so he feels the urgent need to by-pass Congress and have his hand picked minions do it by merely typing up some new rules. Other aspects of the plan will boost renewable energy production on federal lands, increase efficiency standards and prepare communities to deal with higher temperatures. Renewable energy and Federal Lands. There's a couple of terms that should piss everybody off. How many Billions of dollars have been lost in the last 4 years to this dog-eater's friends and campaign donors with bullshit green companies? If there were a demand for alternative energy, there would be companies clamoring for a piece of that market. If a company wanted to produce alternate energy, and were doing it on their own, they would do it in a way that made them money. Obama touted America's strengths research, technology and innovation as factors that make the U.S. uniquely poised to take on the challenges of global warming. I agree. IF there were a demand for it, and IF the government stayed the hell out of the way. He mocked those who deny that humans are contributing to the warming of the planet, adding that he "doesn't have much patience" for anybody who refuses to acknowledge the problem. "We don't have time for a meeting of the flat-earth society," Obama said. Doesn't have much patience..... So what a$$hole, we have a process very clearly laid out in the Constitution for making laws and taxes. The Founders devised the Bicameral legislative system specifically to slow down the legislative process. This was done to reduce reactionary or emotional legislation. Very much like the 3 day waiting period to purchase a handgun. Deal with it! As to the Flat-Earth Society he mentions, wouldn't the MMGW cabal of scientists fit into this category

more than those of us who had to run furnaces into the month of June? It was a widely held concensus by scientists and scholars of the day, that the earth was flat. Only after other scientists/adventurers found proof otherwise, did the world realize it was indeed a globe. The White House has insisted the State Department is making the decision independently, but Obama said Tuesday he's instructing the department to approve it only if the project won't increase overall, net emissions of greenhouse gases. Please note the wording very carefully: ....instructing the Dept (State Dept. handling an oil pipeline? We should get a Dept. of Energy to handle this kind of stuff. Oh, wait...) to approve it only if the project won't increase overall, net emissions of greenhouse gases. Hundreds and maybe thousands of trucks and equipment burning gas and diesel fuel to build the pipeline will be pumping out supposed greenhouse gases. And, the big one that will kill it under these guidelines: Bringing more oil into the country to be burned will most definitely increase emissions. This pipeline is dead under these guidelines. PERIOD This Communist a$$hole's plan the whole time, has been to raise the cost of energy to stifle the economy (see Cloward-Piven) and force us into other forms of energy. Check out the energy costs in Germany and Denmark. These 2 countries went full bore on solar and wind power and they are dying under the costs. Also, look at ALL plans for wind & solar farms. They all include a natural gas back-up. By expanding permitting on public lands, Obama hopes to generate enough electricity from renewable energy projects such as wind and solar to power the equivalent of 6 million homes by 2020, effectively doubling the electric capacity federal lands now produce, senior administration officials said. He'll also set a goal to install 100 megawatts of energy-producing capacity at federal housing projects by the end of the decade. There's that federal lands term again. For one, the federal government has no business buying up land, and 2, doesn't this look like the government is trying to do with the energy industry what they are doing with the healthcare field? By increasing regulations/taxes/fees, they are making it less and less profitable to be in the energy business. All the while, they are spending billions on building federal energy production on federal land. Obamacare is designed to put insurance companies out of business and force the citizenry into a giant government run healthcare program. Ole Flop-Ears' energy plans are designed to put private energy producers out of business, so that the government will be the only player left. Did your state vote for the Republican? Damn, we have problems with the grid in your state. We'll look into it. How long before we have mandatory lights out during certain hours, or rationing of gas and fuel to certain districts largely based on it's voting trends? Now, here's the real kicker: Tuesday's announcement came just weeks after Obama's nominee to head the Environmental Protection Agency, Gina McCarthy, assured senators during her confirmation process that the EPA was "not currently" developing any regulations on existing sources of greenhouse gases. McCarthy said if EPA were to look at such regulations, it would allow states, the public and others to "offer meaningful input on potential approaches." BULLSHIT!! This is federal land, not state land, so shut up. We know how best to handle energy, and we were elected by a majority of the people, so we don't need public input. So, in a nutshell, this is all about power and government control of every aspect of our lives, and nothing whatsoever about the climate or the environment.

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