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Women Empowerment Clutter Clearing workshop eq Day 1 Time Topic 09.00am - 9.30 am Introduction 9.30 am 2.

00 pm Inner space

2.00pm - 4.00

Understanding the inner drama. What Dramas do I Take and what Dramas do people give me. ( Emotional Issues)

4.00am 6.00 pm

Obstacles are lessons (Solutions to manage emotions) Self appreciation

9.30- 12.30

Contents Ice breaker and involvement from all participants Discovering ones true self & connecting with the inner you, Questioning ones old belief system & understanding the difference between the thoughts of our mothers and the new age women. Why current programming wont work & get you anywhere. Reprogramming the new way of thinking. Psychometric tests Dealing with emotions test. Motivational level test & work life balance scale. Emotional Intelligence chart. Eliminating my fears & insecurities through an NLP technique. Using association & disassociation , Running a backward movie in the mind. The fast fear cures technique. Taking a new perspective. Becoming a new observer. Lessons discovered to be discussed EFT with affirmations Balloon activity Creating self appreciation & self esteem. Autobiography, swish pattern. Responding comfortably to criticism.

Objective To create a space of approval and involvement Self analysis, with a paper and pencil test, getting to know your life or are you on a mission. Self inquiry. Post discussion on each of the inventory there will be an analysis and discussion about the test.

What is my drama? What are my limitations? What are my repeat patterns? How do I get rid of them? Why have I created the baggage? How do I manage myself? My fears at the core? Lessons of life all charted out. Inner work.

Women spiritually inclined Living a Joyful life SQ Day 1 Time Topic 09.00am - 9.30 am Introduction 9.30 am 12.30 pm Food for thought

Contents Ice breaker and involvement from all participants (a) Wheel of life activity. (b) Who am i? (c) Do I nurture myself. (d) My identity. (e) Understanding recurring patterns.

Objective To create a space of approval and involvement Self analysis, with a paper and pencil test, getting to know your life or are you on a mission. Clutter cleansing.

12.30am 1.30 pm


1.30pm - 3.00

Psycho synergy

Dealing with the inner shadows. Using GAP techniques Grounding + Alignment protection.

Exercises to maintain emotional and spiritual balance.

3.00am 5.00 pm

Creative mind

5.00 6.30

Positive thoughts

Art of letting go (inner bonding exercise) Giving up on control issues & anger issues. Using Bach flower remedies. Metal Combat Visualization

Getting to the core of issues and destroying them from the system.

Empowerment for women Everything to Everyone Superwomen Day 1 Time Topic Contents 09.00am - 9.30 am Introduction Ice breaker and involvement from all participants 9.30 am 12.30 pm Discover ME Super women Syndrome questionnaire.

Objective To create a space of approval and involvement

12.30am 1.30 pm 1.30pm - 2.30

Lunch Uncovering barriers

Problem Solving activity. Breaking down the day to be able to manage life

2.30am 4.30 pm

4.30 6.30

Handling resistance to change. Problem solving & decision making. Re-examining

Time line therapy. Decision destroyer. How to make quick decisions. Deepest value and principles, developing a grand vision.

Getting to the core of issues and destroying them from the system. Mission & vision alignment

12.30 1.30 1.30 2.30 pm 2.30pm 4.30 pm

Lunch Mental Attitude Goals

Securing a positive mental attitude, using visualization technique. Achieving your goals creating a compelling future. Developing an emotionally enriching plan, placing it on a time line. (NLP)

Changing mental frames from negative to positive. To get the brains wired to the future of ones goals.

4.30 6.00

Peak performance

Achieving peak performance & creating an imprint. Liberating your perspective for unlimited achievement. Visualization script.

Programming the mind to look for opportunities.

6.00 pm 6.30 pm

Closure & feed back.

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