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Team 1 - Family Questions 07/24/03

Team 1 Al Oaeda and the Organization of the 9-11 Attack

1. Is Atif Ahmed a British double agent?

2. Prior to September 11, 2001, were warnings regarding the impending attacks received from agencies
of foreign governments? When and from where were they sent?

3. Why did Donald Rumsfeld, immediately after the September 11th attack, say that Saddam Hussein
was involved?

4. Was the White House a target on 9/11 ?

5. What agency obtained the photo of Atta at the ATM machine in rural Maine less than 48 hours after
September 11th? Was Atta under surveillance? Where are the logs and records from the Boston FBI
field office for the months June through September?

Team 1. What is the name of the CIA operative who delivered Bin Laden to an American hospital in Dubai in
1A July of 2001?

2. Investigate reports that some of the named hijackers have been found alive elsewhere.

3. Why are the FBI and CIA seeking to exclue evidence about Saudi involvement with terrorist? (See
Exclusive: CIA and FBI press Congress to exclude intelligence on the Saudi role with 9/11 terrorists
by Linda Robinson and Edward T. Pound:

4. Why were bin Laden's Saudi relatives whisked out of America so quickly when other planes were
grounded after the attacks?
a. Who gave permission for them to leave?
b. What is the name of the individual who decided to fly the Bui Laden family back to Saudi
Arabia a few days after September 11th when all air traffic was expressly prohibited over the
skies of the United States?

5. Investigate the "9 warnings in July" and the "8 warnings in August" about terrorist plots. Is this
related to FAA????
Team 2 - Family Questions - 7/24/03

Team 2 Intelligence Collection. Analysis, and Management (including oversight and resource allocation')

1. Intelligence was told in March of 2001 to back off investigating terrorists.

a. Who gave the order?
b. Why?

Regarding sharing of intelligence pre and post 9/11:

2. Did U.S. intelligence agencies share information about Al Qaeda with foreign governments?

3. Did foreign governments share information with our government about Al Qaeda?

4. If so, what information was shared about threats within the U.S. and from which countries did it

5. Who received this information and what did they do with it?

6. What changes have been made in sharing intelligence?

7. "A briefing prepared for senior government officials at the beginning of July 2001 contained the
following language: Based on a review of all source reporting over the last five months, we
believe that UBL (Usama bin Laden) will launch a significant attack against U.S. and/or Israeli
interests in the coming weeks. The attack will be spectacular and designed to inflict mass
casualties against U.S. facilities or interests. Attack preparations have been made. Attack will
occur with little or no warning." How did Bush and his team respond to this dramatic and
accurate warning? What intelligence was this heads-up based upon?

8. Have you determined a list of witnesses to testify from the intelligence agencies? Are you
planning to issue any requests for depositions? If so, have you done so yet? If not, why not?

9. Investigate why the State of Florida was in heightened alert on September 7th, 2001.

10. What satellites were orbiting North American airspace on 9/11? What exactly does the satellite
imaging reveal? What companies own these satellites? Where are the records and logs for these

11. At a point in time when there was a "high level of chatter" why were the NS A warnings not
translated on time? What information was contained in the warnings, specifically?

12. Investigate the "9 warnings in July" and the "8 warnings in August" about terrorist plots. Is this
related to FAA????
Team 3 - Family Questions - 7/24/03

Team 3 International Counterterrorism Policy, including policy toward states like Afghanistan that were harboring
terrorists before 9-11

1. Why did Mahmood Ahmed, Director of Pakistan's secret service, the (ISI) order Saeed Sheikh to
wire $100,000 to hijacker Mohamed Atta?

2. What was Mahmood Ahmed's relationship with Al Qaeda?

3. Where did the money come from?

4. Did officials in Pakistan know in advance about the terrorist attack?

5. On September 11th, Mahmood Ahmed had a breakfast meeting in Washington, D.C., with House and
Senate Intelligence Committee chairmen, Rep. Porter Goss and Senator Bob Graham. What were they

6. What connections did our government have with the terrorists prior to 9/11?
a. State department negotiations with Taliban re: pipeline through Afghanistan
b. Interaction with the Taliban and/or bin Laden
c. CIA training and arming of terrorists
d. Did Atif Ahmad have a connection to Atta as well as to Moussaoui?

7. What sanctions can the U.S. place on individuals of non-terrorist states who aided and abetted
terrorists through funding or other means?

8. If there is no recourse, will the CIA continue to monitor their activities in the future?

9. Will those individuals be banned from doing business with the U.S.?

10. Since September 11th, has our government developed specific policies regarding individual sponsors
of terrorism?

11. On September 9th the president had a war plan on his desk to go into Afghanistan.
a. What was the origin of this plan?
b. Why was this plan drawn up even before the September 11th attacks?

12. What is the state of the Afghan pipeline now?

a. When was the deal to construct it finalized?
b. Who was involved?
c. How is the pipeline being protected?
d. Who profits from the connections as the pipeline passes through each country?
e. Who has rights to the pipeline?

13. Why isn't Saudi Arabia on the list of countries sponsoring terrorism?

14. Why are the FBI and CIA seeking to exclude evidence about Saudi involvement with terrorists? (See
Exclusive: CIA and FBI press Congress to exclude intelligence on the Saudi role with 9/11 terrorists
by Linda Robinson and Edward T. Pound:

15. In what ways might our government's policies toward Saudi Arabia have contributed to September

16. Please explain the United States' position with regard to the UNOCAL pipeline in Afghanistan and
Team 3 - Family Questions - 7/24/03

the position of our troops in Afghanistan prior to 9/11.

17. What interaction did our government have with the Taliban prior to September 11, 2001 ?

18. What role did American think tanks, which make policy recommendations to the
administration, play in American foreign policy decisions and the proliferation of Al Qaeda?

19. A second matter we'd like investigated is, Who was at the meeting held by Richard Clarke, Director
of National Security, in June 2001 where attendees were briefed on the growing terrorist threats in the
US? Per Richard Clarke,attendees included the FBI, CIA, INS and FAA. We would like Clarke and
all attendees to be interviewed, especially since Minetta testified he was unaware of terrorist threats
of domestic hijackings. Clarke and each attendee should be asked what they did with that critical

20. Why did President Bush specifically request a briefing on Al Qaeda in August 2001?

21. "A briefing prepared for senior government officials at the beginning of July 2001 contained the
following language: Based on a review of all source reporting over the last five months, we believe
that UBL (Usama bin Laden) will launch a significant attack against U.S. and/or Israeli interests in
the coming weeks. The attack will be spectacular and designed to inflict mass casualties against U.S.
facilities or interests. Attack preparations have been made. Attack will occur with little or no
warning." How did Bush and his team respond to this dramatic and accurate warning? What
intelligence was this heads-up based upon?

Regarding the National Security Council:

22. What was the effect of the decision made by President Bush to reorganize the National Security
Council? 4l

23. Did the creation of 11 separate committees inhibit the coordination of information needed to combat

24. Did the abolition of the system of Interagency Working Groups and other existing NSC interagency
groups, ad hoc bodies, and executive committees inhibit the flow of information and coordination
among intelligence agencies?

25. Did Condoleeza Rice have the experience and qualifications needed to be effective given the
expanded responsibilities she assumed under the NSC reorganization?
Team 4 - Family Questions - 7/24/03

Team 4 Terrorist Financing

1. Investigate reports that an extraordinarily high level of "put options" were placed on the airlines
just prior to 9/11/2001. Were such trades and anomalous trading volumes monitored as a metric
for terror alert? Who placed the trades? What happened to the money?

2. Did the airline companies notice the high level of "put options?"

3. Were individuals with ties to terrorists or states which sponsor terrorism involved in shorting
airline and other stocks which were impacted by the terrorist attacks on September 11th?

4. What are the names of the individuals and the financial institutions who placed "put" orders on
American Airlines and United Airlines for the 3 weeks prior to 9/11? Who has possession of
these monies?
5. As a result of the 1993 bombing at the WTC, what additional security precautions were put into
effect with the knowledge that the WTC was now a very real target for future terrorism?

6. What special precautions and protocols, if any, were in place to protect NYC, and, most
especially, the WTC prior to and on 9/11, considering the vast amount of information the JTTF
had collected over the course of its investigations?
Team 5 - Family Questions - 7/24/03

Team 5 Border Security and Foreign Visitors

1. Three hijackers obtained visas under an accelerated approval program, called Visa
Express at travel agencies in Saudi Arabia. Visa Express had only been in place for three
months before September 11, 2001. Saudi Arabia is the only country with known terrorist
risks which had this accelerated approval. Who initiated this process and what was the
reason given for instituting the program?

2. Why were incomplete and erroneously filled out visa applications of the hijackers

3. Why was Saudi Arabia given preferential treatment above all other nations in

4. What was the reason for creating the Visa Express?

5. Prior to Sept. 11, Visa Express permitted approximately 97 percent of Saudi applicants to
obtain visas without face-to-face interviews

6. Who approved the posthumous visa requests of Atta and Al-shehhi?

7. Whose job was it to check on the validity of student visas? Specifically, Hani Hanjour
entered this country on a student visa and never attended class, who was responsible for

8. What countries did the terrorists enter this country from? Specifically, when, where, and
how did they enter this country? What country of origin were the terrorist's passports
from? Under what names were their passports?

9. In 1996 Congress gave $800 million to the INS to upgrade its computer systems. To date,
those systems remain antiquated. Where is this money? Whose responsibility was it to
oversee that this was carried out?

10. Why was the CIPRIS (the Coordinated Interagency Partnership Regulating International
Students - created by Congress in 1996) system not used to track foreign students after it
was recommended by the National Commission on Terrorism in 1998 and was so
effective in trials?

11. What is the truth about the arrest of El Atriss who sold fake IDs to two 9/11 terrorists?
There are discrepancies between the NY Times and Washington Post accounts of his
arrest and release.

12. Atriss is an Egyptian national who committed a crime. Why hasn't he been deported?
13. Will the State Department and other allied countries seek to ban their entry into the U.S.
and their nations?

14. How long does an individual remain a terrorist threat according to our policies?
Team 6 - Family Questions - 7/24/03

Team 6 Law Enforcement and Intelligence Collection inside the United States

1. Does the FBI have proof that it was in fact Al Qaeda that perpetrated 9/11?
a. Do they know if the names the hijackers used were their real names?

2. Who were the terrorist informants working with the FBI?

a. What did the FBI learn from them?
b. What were the 9/11 warnings provided by these informants?
c. What was done with these warnings to protect the American public?

3. What degree of probable cause was Moussouai being held under when he was arrested in mid-
August? What is the name of the individual who turned down the request for the search warrant?
What is the name of the supervisor who was overseeing the Moussouai case? Where the
transcripts from the original detainment hearing for Moussouai?

4. What did the FBI tell the NYPD in their Joint Terrorism Task Force regarding the numerous
warnings about NYC being a terrorist target and the possibility of NYC and the WTC being hit
by planes? What is the name of the FBI agent?

5. The Hart-Rudman Report was issued in 2001, many taxpayer dollars were spent. What steps
were taken, if any, to implement some of the changes put forward by that report?

6. According to the press, specifically The New Jersey Record, Thursday, Sept. 19, 2002 article
entitled Signposts Along the Way to 9/11, approximately 20 warning signs have been recorded
(and also testified to at the Joint Intelligence Inquiry). Which, if any, was the JTTF aware of
prior to 9/11?

7. What did the JTTF know prior to 9/11 regarding potential terrorist attacks in NYC and
specifically, the WTC?

8. What was the nature of the warnings? What, if any, security precautions were taken as a result of
the warnings?

9. What information did the JTTF pass up the chain of command, which may or may not have been
acted upon?

10. What information did the JTTF share with Mayor Rudy Giuliani, the City of New York and the
Port Authority of NY/NJ regarding potential dangers to NYC, downtown Manhattan and
specifically the WTC as terrorist targets? The Port Authority of NY/NJ owns and operates
Newark International Airport. They also owned and operated the WTC. The Port Authority
Police Department was also a member of the JTTF. Please explain the failure of the Port
Authority to coordinate and act on the information about the second plane heading for the South
Tower when they had this information available to them by their own Air Traffic Control Center.
They had eleven minutes of notice that the plane was bearing down on Tower 2 and yet, they told
people that the building was safe and secure.

11. What did the FBI tell the NYPD in their Joint Terrorism Task Force regarding the numerous
warnings about NYC being a terrorist target and the possibility of NYC and specifically, the
WTC being hit by planes?

12. When was this information relayed to the Mayor, City of NY and NYPD and what actions, if
any, were taken?

13. We would like the Commission to interview ALL persons involved with the JTTF and the
emergency preparedness of NYC. At the meeting with Director Mueller, one of the FBI agents
Team 6 - Family Questions - 7/24/03

assigned to the JTTF stated that ALL information was shared with other agencies in NYC. We
would like to know what information, which agency(ies) and with whom any information was

14. Investigate reports that Attorney General Ashcroft had stopped flying commercial flights because
of security concerns in the summer, 2001 .

15. How will the intelligence information gathered by the newly established DHS office of
intelligence and analysis be disseminated to State and local authorities? What are its ties to the
FBI and CIA?

16. How do the responsibilities of the Office of State and Local Coordination and the Office of
Domestic Preparedness compare since they both have grant making authorities?

17. Has an evaluation been conducted of the Homeland Security Advisory System (HSAS) or is one

18. Secretary Ridge has said that the HSAS was designed for law enforcement and first responders at
all levels of government, what system is in place to alert the general public?

19. Is DHS working with the Partnership for Public Warning on warning systems?
( Are there plans to replace the Emergency
Broadcast System (BBS)?

20. Has DHS conducted a poll of the general public to determine their information needs and fears
concerning homeland security? If yes, what were the results and how where they used? If no, are
there any plans to do so?

2 1 . Does DHS have a crisis communications plan in writing?

22. Is the Director of Public Affairs a member of the Sectary's senior management and operations
team? Is this individual in the room when critical decisions are made?

23. Who is the principal spokesperson for DHS? Are other senior staff allowed to speak to the
media? If yes, who?
Team 7 - Family Questions - 7/24/03

Team 7 Commercial Aviation and Transportation Security, including an investigation into the circumstances of
the four hijackings

1. In this article (below) there is a 4 minute tape mentioned that was recorded from AA flight 11
(WTC Tower One) where Betty Ong is talking to Minter and Gonzales. Can you subpoena this
tape from the FBI? Can you subpoena Michael Woodwards notes, he was on the phone with
Madeline (Amy) Sweeney.

2. Was there a gun on AA#11? FAA executive summary stated that a gun was fired. This report
was thereafter redacted. What is the truth? Investigate accounts that FAA had information a gun
was present aboard one of the airplanes.

3. If box cutters were restricted items on 9/11, why had not the FAA developed methods for
detecting these items on passengers and in carry-on baggage? Where did the information about
box-cutters come from? How do we know that the terrorists were armed with these?
Furthermore, why was the American public told after 9/11 that box-cutters were allowed on
planes, when we have since come to find out that they were specifically listed as airline
contraband. Who is responsible for this dis-information? Were box cutters prohibited items or

4. Where are the "black boxes" and the transcripts from all four crash sites? Why has the FBI not
invited the NTSB into the investigation? What is the status of the black boxes on the four

5. 9 of the hijackers were selected for special security screenings, 2 for irregularities in
identification documents, 6 for extra-scrutiny by a computer screening program and 1 because he
was traveling with a questionable individual). What exactly were the irregularities in
identification? Which 2 had these irregularities? What is the name of the individual who made
the decision to let these 2 men board the planes? What was done during the course of the
detainment of these 2 individuals? What questions were asked? Was anything confiscated? With
regard to the remaining 7 hijackers, what were the list of questions asked to them? Who
interrogated them? Was anything confiscated? What is the name of the individual who permitted
these men to board the planes? Where are the logs and records and incident reports from these

6. Why was Logan Airport not sanctioned for its repeated failure to meet FAA standards for airline
security? If they were sanctioned, how much were they fined? Did they completely pay the fine?
What is the name of the individual who was responsible for making sure that Logan Airport met
airport/airline security requirements?

7. Where are all transcripts from Air Traffic Control? Where are all logs and records from the

8. Why did three foreign owned airline security screening companies have their liability levels
capped in the Homeland Security Bill? Who is responsible for this? What was the reasoning?

9. Investigate the processing of those hijackers who were held-up by airport security on 9/11.

10. What happened to the individuals in charge of the screening areas that processed the hijackers?
Team 7 - Family Questions - 7/24/03

11. Why weren't passengers on the other flights in the air on 9/11 screened for other terrorists?

12. The commission should make an accounting of all the security personnel (screeners,
administrators etc.) who had a roll in processing the passengers on the hijacked flights; provide a
status report on their employment in security; make recommendations about their status in future
aviation security jobs.

13. Investigate the "9 warnings in July" and the "8 warnings in August" about terrorist plots. IS this
related to FAA????

14. What were the standards of security at the FAA as of 9/11/2001?

15. Why did screening contractors pay 10 cents on the dollar for fines imposed on them for
violations? Please get Jane Garvey's response about why the fines were lowered.

16. Why were timelines scrapped from the Gore Commission Report's recommendations?

17. Study the relevant FAA security protocols in effect on 9/11 and report upon those that were not

18. Why wasn't the alarm bell rung by Air Traffic Control when the flights deviated from their flight

19. Why don't we have cameras recording what's going on in the cockpit? Was cost a factor in not
putting this technology in place?

20. Why don't we have hidden cameras in the airports, like casinos?

21. Investigate cell phone records to determine who called from the planes.

22. How do the requirements on paper in all aspects of the hijackings and aftermath, match-up with
what happened? What protocols and procedures weren't followed?

23. What tactics did pilots learn to respond to hijackers? (Two AA pilots were told that the policy
was if a hijacker is present: get him on the plane).

24. Did the hijackers purchase extra seats on the airplanes?

25. Were the flights less crowded than normal? Did this raise any red flags that something was

26. A flight attendant on AA#11 notified her supervisor within the first few minutes of the plane
being overtaken. What was the name of this supervisor? What exactly did he do with this
information? Why was NORAD not immediately notified? What are the names of the individuals
whose responsibility centers upon notifying NORAD in situations like this—on the local,
regional, and national levels? Why was the protocol not followed?

27. Why were these four planes able to evade all radar-even when the transponders are
disconnected, a plane is still able to be located by its "skin" on radar screens.

28. Look at the NRO exercise scheduled for 9/11 that had to do with a plane crashing into NRO HQ.
While the predicate for that exercise is related to NRO position under Dulles flight path, families
see it as compelling that on 9/11 at least one government agency was dealing with a plane
crashing into a building.

29. Look at NORAD's timeline in its entirety, and General Arnold's timing of flight 77 sequence of
Team 7 - Family Questions - 7/24/03

events. NORAD was careful to caveat its presentation that the times were as recorded in logs
and that the time associated with impact had to do with the last radar return, (cc team 8)

30. SCANTA issues

3 1 . There is clear evidence that pepper spray was used by terrorists on at least two of the hijacked
flights, and pepper spray was a prohibited item on September 1 1 , 200 1 . The indictment of
Zacarias Moussaoui states that Mohammed Atta had pepper spray in his possession on
September 11, and an FBI agent testified at the trial of Munir El Mottassadeq that the terrorists
used pepper spray on Flight 1 1. In a telephone call from Flight 175, a passenger told a family
member that passengers were sick because the terrorists sprayed them with "Mace." FBI agents
confirmed this report to families of other Flight 175 victims. ( cc team 6)

• What methods exist to keep pepper spray canisters and other incapacitating agents off

• What has been done to improve these methods since September 11, 2001?

• Should manufacturers of pepper spray and other incapacitating agents be required to

make their canisters more easily detectable with x-ray scanners or other methods?

32. An "Executive Summary," written by an FAA employee and delivered to senior FAA
management on September 11, 2001, states that a Flight 11 flight attendant (apparently referring
to Madeline Amy Sweeney) reported to the American Airlines Operations Center that "a
passenger in seat 10B [Satam Al Suqami] shot and killed a passenger located in seat 9B [Daniel
Lewin] at 9:20 a.m. . . . One bullet was reported to have been fired." The FAA and American
Airlines now claim that Sweeney actually reported that Suqami stabbed Lewin with a knife. The
FAA and American Airlines blame each other for the mistake.

• What has been done to investigate this report and either (i) determine that American
Airlines actually did initially report a gun or (ii) determine where any
miscommunication occurred?

• How did a misunderstanding about a knife lead to the sentence, "One bullet was
reported to have been fired"?

• Blake Morrison of USA Today spoke with an American Airlines ground crew member
who told of a rumor on 9/1 1 that there was a gun on Flight 1 1 . If, as American Airlines
asserts, the company never reported a gun on Flight 1 1 , how did American Airlines
employees on 9/1 1 know about an erroneous report circulating internally at the FAA?

33. Have all radio transmissions, cockpit voice recordings, and telephone transmissions from United
Flight 93 been examined to determine whether there is any evidence to support rumors that there
was a firearm or bomb on that flight?

34. A 1992 "Special Analysis" prepared by the FAA and addressed to all FAA aviation security
managers states that, between 1983 and 1992, "Small knives (blade length of four inches or
less)" were "the most frequently employed weapon" in domestic aircraft hijackings. If this was
the case, why were such knives permitted on planes prior to 9/1 1?

35. A Washington Post article from September 12, 2001, says that the passengers and crew of Flight
77 were "Herded to the back of the plane" and "ordered to call relatives to say they were about to
die." The article does not attribute this statement to any source, and no one at the Post can recall
where that information came from. Is there any evidence to either support or contradict the Post
Team 7 - Family Questions - 7/24/03

36. The Port Authority of NY/NJ owns and operates Newark International Airport. They also owned
and operated the WTC. Please explain the failure of the Port Authority to coordinate and act on
the information about the second plane heading for the South Tower when they had this
information available to them by their own Air Traffic Control Center. They had eleven minutes
of notice that the plane was bearing down on Tower 2 and yet, they told people that the building
was safe and secure.

37. A flight attendant on AA#1 1 notified her supervisor within the first few minutes of the plane
being overtaken. What was the name of this supervisor? What exactly did he do with this
information? Why was NORAD not immediately notified? What are the names of the individuals
whose responsibility centers upon notifying NORAD in situations like this~on the local,
regional, and national levels? Why was the protocol not followed?

38. The American Airlines operations room in Dallas has a worldwide map tracking the positions of
all flights. Why didn't NORAD have such technology http://www.91
Team 8 - Family Questions - 7/24/03

Team 8 The Immediate Response to the Attacks by National Leadership, including issues of Continuity of

1. Why was President Bush not immediately evacuated from the Sarasota school, but rather was
permitted to remain in the building after the second building was hit and this nation was under
attack? Why was protocol not followed? Was President Bush deemed to be hi the "zone of
danger"? If so, at exactly, what time was he put in the "zone of danger"?

2. There are inconsistencies in the administration's timeline and press statements that we'd like the
Commission to address and they involve President Bush. He was quoted in new stories as saying
that he was watching TV before he went in to speak to the kindergarten class. He says he saw a
plane hit the WTC and that, because he was a pilot himself, he thought that's a bad pilot to hit
that building on a clear day (not an exact quote). There are videotapes of Bush reading to the
children and Andrew Card comes in and it has been reported that he whispered to Bush that a
second plane has hit the WTC/or that the country is under attack. The problem with this
sequence is that the only early TV coverage of a plane hitting a building was when Flight 175 hit
WTC 2, the second tower. So, our question is, why didn't the President (our Commander-in-
Chief) or those with him know when he/they were watching TV that it was a terrorist attack if
what they were seeing was tower 2 getting hit (and tower 1 would already have been engulfed in
flames from the first plane) since everyone who was aware of prior terrorist threats realized after
the second plane hit that it was a terrorist attack? Are parts of this story fabricated by our
Commander-In-Chief and his administration or are they merely misreported in
the press?

3. We are hoping that the commission is planning to subpoena the papers from Cheney's energy
task force, as we believe that there is much important background information to be found there

4. What is the connection between the Bush family and bin Laden?

5. How did, and do, US energy policies play into Islamic terrorism?
a. the Caspian Sea pipeline?
b. Dick Cheney's energy task force?

6. How do corporate and big business interests play into foreign policy decisions?
a. Enron pre 9/11; Halliburton, Bechtel pre and post 9111 ?
b. What are the names of the companies which are getting contracts in foreign countries
and how do they influence our foreign policy?

7. At what time did the country go on Red Alert given that there were multiple hijackings in
progress and what is the explanation for any delay?

8. At what time did the appropriate parties convene in the War Room, if ever? Were protocols

9. What is the exact sequence and timing of the actions of Donald Rumsfeld, Secretary of Defense,
beginning with the initial plane hijackings? Why was he still in his office when the Pentagon was
attacked? What are the protocols for a person in his position when the country is under attack,
and were they followed 9/11? Are the protocols effective or do they need to be revised?

10. At exactly what time was the shadow government put in place?

11. At exactly what time was the White House evacuated? Who was in charge of this country on the
morning of 9/11 ?

12. Where is the log and record of the Secret Service agents? Where is the incident report?
Team 8 - Family Questions - 7/24/03

13. At precisely what time was NORAD notified of each plane being hijacked? What was their
response? What is the name of the individual who determined from which bases the F-16's
should be scrambled from? What are the names of the pilots of these f-16's?

14. Whose decision was it to not utilize the F-16's weapons?

15. Whose decision was it to not fly the F-16's at maximum speed?

16. Why didn't the F-16's intercept the hijacked airliners?

17. Please draw up a chart of NORAD's response to the Payne Stewart Lear Jet incident vs. the 9/11
incident. Why was protocol not followed on 9/11? What is the name of the individual who did
not follow protocol? Where are the transcripts from the F-16's? Where is the log and record from

18. Resolve discrepancies in the various accounts of the posture and response of NORAD on 9/11.

19. What was the status of military aircraft in the air on 9/11? How many? Where were they? Why
were they there?

20. Which were the seven NORAD bases on alert on 9/11?

21. Was flight 93 actually shot down?

22. The families challenge NORAD's timeline in its entirety, and General Arnold's timing of flight
77 sequence of events. NORAD was careful to caveat its presentation that the times were as
recorded in logs and that the time associated with impact had to do with the last radar return.

23. At the May 22-23 hearing, U.S. Air Force representatives said that NORAD had no direct access
to FAA radar.
a. In the 1980s, NORAD reported that, when the Soviet Union shot down Korea Air Lines
Flight 007 in 1983, radar links between the military and FAA flight controllers had been
established but were not considered to be "officially" operational. Were these links
operational on September 11,2001, and if not, why?

b. Are there any recordings of radar traces from September 11, 2001, and if so, what do
they indicate?

c. Why didn't NORAD have FAA screens in its operations room on 9/11?

24. Please give a list of positive defensive postures that this country took on the morning of 9/11.

25. Where are the "black boxes" and the transcripts from all four crash sites? Why has the FBI not
invited the NTSB into the investigation? What is the status of the black boxes on the four

26. Where are all transcripts from Air Traffic Control? Where are all logs and records from the

27. Why wasn't the alarm bell rung by Air Traffic Control when the flights deviated from their flight

28. Study the relevant FAA security protocols in effect on 9/11 and report upon those that were not
Team 8 - Family Questions - 7/24/03

29. How do the requirements on paper in all aspects of the hijackings and aftermath, match-up with
what happened? What protocols and procedures weren't followed?

30. A flight attendant on AA#11 notified her supervisor within the first few minutes of the plane
being overtaken. What was the name of this supervisor? What exactly did he do with this
information? Why was NORAD not immediately notified? What are the names of the individuals
whose responsibility centers upon notifying NORAD in situations like this-on the local,
regional, and national levels? Why was the protocol not followed?

31. Why were these four planes able to evade all radar—even when the transponders are
disconnected, a plane is still able to be located by its "skin" on radar screens.

32. Look at the NRO exercise scheduled for 9/11 that had to do with a plane crashing into NRO HQ.
While the predicate for that exercise is related to NRO position under Dulles flight path, families
see it as compelling that on 9/11 at least one government agency was dealing with a plane
crashing into a building.

33. SCANTA issues

34. The Port Authority of NY/NJ owns and operates Newark International Airport. They also owned
and operated the WTC. Please explain the failure of the Port Authority to coordinate and act on
the information about the second plane heading for the South Tower when they had this
information available to them by their own Air Traffic Control Center. They had eleven minutes
of notice that the plane was bearing down on Tower 2 and yet, they told people that the building
was safe and secure.

35. The American Airlines operations room in Dallas has a worldwide map tracking the positions of
all flights. Why didn't NORAD have such technology http://www.91

The Immediate Response to the Attacks in New York City and the Pentagon

36. WTC were not up to "code" with regard to their fireproofing. Whose responsibility was it to
ensure that these buildings were built to "code"? What is the name of the individual who was
responsible to ensure that all buildings were maintained?

37. Why were WTC emergency evacuation protocols not followed?

38. Why were the roof access doors locked? Who is responsible for the failure to warn the WTC
towers occupants, through signs posted and other forms of communication, that the roof doors
were locked?

39. Why were the sprinkler systems locked?

40. Why was there no roof-top evacuation?

41. What is the name of the individual who made the announcement in 2 WTC who told workers to
return to their offices?

42. In light of the 1993 bombings at the WTC, what additional security precautions were put into

43. The Port Authority of NY/NJ owns and operates Newark International Airport. They also owned
and operated the WTC. Please explain the failure of the Port Authority to coordinate and act on
the information about the second plane heading for the South Tower when they had this
information available to them by their own Air Traffic Control Center. They had eleven minutes
of notice that the plane was bearing down on Tower 2 and yet, they told people that the building
Team 8 - Family Questions - 7/24/03

was safe and secure.

44. Why won't the Port Authority in concert with the City of NY release the 9/11 tapes?

45. What was the City of NY and the Port Authority told about these numerous warnings, which
occurred over a period of years, and the dozens of warnings in the months preceding 9/11?

46. If they were told nothing about the warnings, why were they told nothing? If they were told,
why did the City of NY and the Port Authority do nothing?

47. Why was the World Trade Center steel removed so quickly, without being examined, from the
scene of a mass murder? Who ordered the removal of the steel?

48. Why wasn't the WTC site sealed and treated as a crime scene? Who made the determination as
to what was to be saved and what was to be thrown out? How was it determined and who made
the determination as to what might have relevant DNA/remains before being thrown
out/destroyed? Where did the items go that were determined to be not "valuable" enough to
retain for further inspection? Who determined what was to be done with these items?

49. Why was the Port Authority permitted to cluster staircases in such a huge building and who
acquiesced to spacing one of them at a distance of only 50 feet, which is less than code?

50. Why has there been no OSHA investigation into the WTC evacuation and collapse?

51. Why didn't Federal officials take over search and rescue after the buildings were hit?

52. During the WTC attack, it was reported that a small aircraft were involved. Why were these
reports made? Were any small aircraft actually involved?

53. There were many eyewitnesses who reported explosions at the WTC on 9/11. The buildings
down quite neatly, I am sure you would agree. The seismic activity from that day also raises the
questions of explosives, which need to be looked at. Seismographs at Columbia University s
Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory in Palisades, New York, 21 miles north of the WTC,
recorded very interesting seismic activity on September 11,2001 that has still not been
explained. While the aircraft crashes caused minimal earth shaking, significant earthquakes with
unusual spikes occurred at the beginning of each collapse. The Palisades seismic data recorded a
2.1 magnitude earthquake during the 10-second collapse of the South Tower at 9:59:04 and a 2.3
quake during the 9-second collapse of the North Tower at 10:28:31. The Palisades seismic record
shows that — as the collapses began — a huge seismic "spikes" marked the moment the greatest
energy went into the ground. The strongest jolts were both registered at the beginning of the
collapses, well before the falling debris struck the earth. These unexplained "spikes" in the
seismic data tends to lend credence to the theory that perhaps a massive explosion(s) in the
lowest level of the basements where the supporting steel columns of the WTC met the bedrock
caused the collapses. A "sharp spike of short duration" is how seismologist Thome Lay of
University of California at Santa Cruz told AFP an underground nuclear explosion appears on a
seismograph. The two unexplained spikes are more than twenty times the amplitude of the other
seismic waves associated with the collapses and occurred in the East-West seismic recording as
the buildings began to fall. In the basements of the collapsed towers, where the 47 central
support columns connected with the bedrock, hot spots of "literally molten steel" were
discovered. Such persistent and intense residual heat, 70 feet below the surface, could explain
how these crucial structural supports failed. Peter Tully, president of Tully Construction of
Flushing, New York, told AFP that he saw pools of "literally molten steel" at the World Trade
Center. Tully was contracted on September 11 to remove the debris from the site. Tully called
Mark Loizeaux, president of Controlled Demolition, Inc. (GDI) of Phoenix, Maryland, for
consultation about removing the debris. CDI calls itself "the innovator and global leader in the
Team 8 - Family Questions - 7/24/03

controlled demolition and implosion of structures." Loizeaux, who cleaned up the bombed
Federal Building in Oklahoma City, arrived on the WTC site two days later and wrote the clean-
up plan for the entire operation. AFP asked Loizeaux about the report of molten steel on the site.
"Yes," he said, "hot spots of molten steel in the basements." These incredibly hot areas were
found "at the bottoms of the elevator shafts of the main towers, down seven [basement] levels,"
Loizeaux said. The molten steel was found "three, four, and five weeks later, when the rubble
was being removed, "Loizeaux said. He said molten steel was also found at 7 WTC, which
collapsed mysteriously at 5:20 on September 11th. Construction steel has an extremely high
melting point of about 2800° Fahrenheit (1535° Celsius). Asked what could have caused such
extreme heat, Tully said, "Think of the jet fuel." A way to prove that explosives had blasted the
supporting steel columns of the Twin Towers would be to examine fragments from them among
the debris for evidence of what metallurgists call "twinning". While steel is often tested
for evidence of explosions, despite numerous eyewitness reports of explosions in the towers, the
engineers involved hi the FEMA-sponsored building assessment did no such tests. The WTC
debris was removed as fast as possible and no forensic examination of the debris was permitted
by the FBI or any other government agency. Almost all the 300,000 tons of steel from the Twin
Towers was sold to New York scrap dealers and exported to places like China and Korea as
quickly as it could be loaded onto the ships, thereby removing the evidence. The magazine Fire
Engineering, a respected journal of firefighting for 125 years, which publishes studies of
catastrophic fires, criticized the American Society of Civil Engineers and FEMA investigations
as "a half-baked farce." Fire Engineering editor William A. Manning wrote in the January issue:
"...the structural damage from the planes and the explosive ignition of jet fuel in themselves were
not enough to bring down the towers." Why is such there disparity in opinion within the ranks of
the fire-engineering community? The immense clouds of dust and apparent disintegration of the
425,000 cubic yards of concrete of the World Trade Center cause me to question the MIT
account of events. Describing the ruins, television evangelist Dr. Robert Schuller said that
"...there was not a single block of concrete in that rubble." One observer described the scene "as
if some high-energy disintegration beam or laser had been focused on the towers and pulverized
the concrete into minute particles of ash and dust." The 110-ten-story World Trade Center
reduced to dust by jet fuel? Dr. Michael Baden, New York state's chief forensic pathologist and
an expert in pathology said hi September that most of the victims' bodies should be identifiable,
because the fires had not reached the 3200°F for 30 minutes necessary to incinerate a body. At a
November press conference, Dr. Charles Hirsch, the chief medical examiner, told grieving
relatives that many bodies had been "vaporized." Are we to believe that the people killed on 9/11
were "vaporized" at 1700° F? The World Trade Center smoldering pits of molten steel burned for
exactly 100 days, despite the constant spray of water being applied. The fires were finally
reported extinguished on December 19. Other reports, from firemen, have said that the FBI's
offices hi NYC that were on the 22nd, 23rd and 24th floors of the north tower of the WTC were
totally destroyed, presumably by bombs. Seismic article: 03 02/NEW SEISMIC /new seismic .html
Seismic charts: 20010911 .html
Seismic article: terroristhtml
Seismic article and chart:
Fire still burning:
Fire still burning:

54. What information did the JTTF share with Mayor Rudy Giuliani, the City of New York and the
Port Authority of NY/NJ regarding potential dangers to NYC, downtown Manhattan and
specifically the WTC as terrorist targets? The Port Authority of NY/NJ owns and operates
Newark International Airport. They also owned and operated the WTC. The Port Authority
Police Department was also a member of the JTTF. Please explain the failure of the Port
Authority to coordinate and act on the information about the second plane heading for the South
Tower when they had this information available to them by their own Air Traffic Control Center.
They had eleven minutes of notice that the plane was bearing down on Tower 2 and yet, they told
people that the building was safe and secure.
Team 8 - Family Questions - 7/24/03

55. What did the FBI tell the NYPD in their Joint Terrorism Task Force regarding the numerous
warnings about NYC being a terrorist target and the possibility of NYC and specifically, the
WTC being hit by planes?

56. When was this information relayed to the Mayor, City of NY and NYPD and what actions, if
any, were taken?

57. As a result of the 1993 bombing at the WTC, what additional security precautions were put into
effect with the knowledge that the WTC was now a very real target for future terrorism?

58. What special precautions and protocols, if any, were in place to protect NYC, and, most
especially, the WTC prior to and on 9/1 1, considering the vast amount of information the JTTF
had collected over the course of its investigations?

59. As we were all well aware (those of us that were watching), the Pentagon, flight 77, crash video
was not released right after 9/11/01. When it was
finally released, there were some frames missing, some frame numbers were
duplicated and the date of the video footage was 9/12/01 - it could be that
the clock was just wrong in the camera, or it could be that something in the
video was manipulated - or both. The first of the two links below has the
video and three of the still photos, and the second link has the five
uncropped photos of the Pentagon crash.

60. My understanding is that there was also another video taken by a security
camera at the Sheraton National Hotel in Arlington, VA which overlooks the
Pentagon. From what I understand, this video was confiscated by the FBI. I
am hoping that you will subpoena this video. The address of the hotel is

Sheraton National Hotel Arlington

Columbia Pike & Washington Boulevard
900 South Orme Street
Arlington, Virginia 22204
(703) 521-1900 € (703) 521-2122 - Fax € (800) 468-9090

61. Also, the Virginia Department of transports has video cams on main highways
to monitor trafic. My understanding is that two of these cameras are near
the Pentagon, on Washington boulevard. flightattendant

62. Investigate reports that FBI and FEMA officials were checking out the WTC buildings just prior
to 9/1 1/2001.

63. Investigate why the FBI can't tell us who they've interviewed and talked to in its investigation.
What are the FBI's guidelines about not reporting conversations/interviews?

64. Why change the name of FEMA? Isn't the brand name of value to DHS? Will they change the
name of the Secret Service and the Coast Guard?

65. Request a full briefing on the status and substance of the new National Response Plan (NRP) and
the National Incident Management System (NIMS) planned to replace the Federal Response Plan
Team 8 - Family Questions - 7/24/03

66. Why is the responsibility for developing this plan located hi Border and Transportation Security
instead of in Emergency Preparedness and Response where execution of the Plan will take place?

67. Has the process for declaring a Presidential disaster been revised? If yes, how? If no, are there
any plans to do so? How will this process change when the new National Response Plan is

68. In the new National Response Plan (NRP), which official will be in charge of future Presidential
declared disasters - governor, mayor or representative of the President?

69. Will the location of the next terrorist attack in the United States be first declared a disaster site or
a crime scene?

70. What role will the FBI play in responding to the next terrorist attack?

71. Request information on national response teams at DHS.

72. What is the status of the Disaster Relief Fund? Will it continue to reside in EPR or be moved to
another part of DHS? Does it have any money in it currently?

73. Will the Federal Coordinating Official (FCO) cadre be continued? If not, what kind of training
will be required of the lead Federal official in a Presidentially declared disaster.

74. What is the status and plans for Citizen Corps? What funding will it received in 2004 and

75. Are there plans to expand or reduce the number of courses offered at the Emergency
Management Institute (EMI) and the National Fire Academy?

76. What is the status and plans for the higher education program?

77. Is there an after action report for TOPOFF2? If yes, can you get a copy?

78. What is the status of funding for State and local emergency managers through the Emergency
Management Planning Grant program hi FY2004 and beyond? What is the status of DHS
partnership with the National Emergency Management Association (NEMA) and the
International Associations of Emergency Managers (IAEM)?

79. Does DHS have a partnership with the groups representing the governors, the mayors and other
elected and appointed officials such as the NGA, the National Conference of Mayors, the League
of Cities, ICMA, etc.?

80. What is the nature of DHS partnerships with other Federal agencies beyond the Federal
Response Plan and the National Response Plan?

81. What partnerships has DHS established with State and local governments?

82. Are there any plans or studies on changing Federal disaster relief from grants to loans?

83. What changes if any are planned for existing recovery programs in FEMA, SB A and other
Federal agencies?

84. What is the status and plans for the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP)?

85. What is the status of the pre-disaster mitigation grant program?

Team 8 - Family Questions - 7/24/03

86. What is the status of the earthquake, hurricane, tornado and other natural hazard mitigation
programs at FEMA?

87. What will be the funding level for EPR in FY2004 and beyond?

88. Are any changes planned for the organizational structure of EPR?

89. Are there any personnel moves anticipated for March 2004 in EPR?

90. We would also like the following (more to follow) to be included for interviewing and would
prefer to have them sworn in:

Mayor Rudy Giuliani

Bernard Kerick, Police Commissioner on 9.11
Neil Herman. FBI
Louie Napoli, FBI
Robert Martin, NYPD ret.
Tommy Corrigan, NYPD ret.
Lt. Haughie, Detective in charge of the JTTF representing the NYPD on 9.11 and before

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