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Assignment 2

EVG 301

Name: Esther Maylene Taukei I.D Number: 2013114659

The incident in this article took place on the 1st of March 2013. It took place in a place called Maldive; and somewhere on the continent of India.

This article is about a 15yr old girl who was raped repeatedly by her stepfather and then admitted to having sex with another male partner, by which she was sentenced to receiving 100 lashes,(sharp blow with a whip; Collins English dictionary) when she would reach 18 and would also be put under house arrest for 8 months. Under the Indian Ocean Nations Law, sex before marriage isnt allowed. Her step-father if sentenced would be jailed for 25yrs, for rape and murder of a baby, (which was born from the rape) and her male partner/lover was not as yet punished. The Government and Rights Groups are trying to reduce her sentence, arguing that the girl is a victim of rape.

I chose this article because it deals with being morally autonomous, ethical reasoning and religious ethics.

Ethical Concern

1. The 15yr old was raped and subjected to punishment. 2. The baby, resulting from the rape was murdered. 3. The male partner or lover wasnt punished right away.


1. The 15yr old being raped and then being subjected to punishment. - Her sentence should be reduced because she is a rape victim; she was inflicted with pain which she didnt ask for it. Article 5 in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights also states that this is against the Law. She shouldnt have to endure punishment because she was also a victim of rape.

2. In Article 3 in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, it states very clearly that, everyone has the right to life. In this instance the baby wasnt given that right, he/she was a living being and was denied that chance to live.

3. It was unclear whether her consensual partner would be punished too for the same crime. - It is private and public dichotomy (division into two opposed groups/parts). Just because hes a man doesnt make him any less guilty, he should have been given the same punishment as the girl. This can be found in Article 2 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.


a) The victim in here is affected by getting the 100 lashes when she turns 18 and being put under house arrest; she could also need psychiatric help. b) The baby who resulted from the rape died. c) If the male lover/ partner is not punished or charged then other males would follow his example, (thinking it was right) and do the same thing knowing that someone else had done it before them and gotten away with it.


a) The right thing to do in this situation was to sentence the step-father. The male lover should be punished in the same way that the girl was and the 15yr old should have been put into psychotherapy or gotten psychiatric help (for her traumatic experiences).

b) The standards of the law should be raised and there should be more of the awareness education workshops for these types of issues made available for women (and also men).This is to make them aware of what the Laws are and their rights too. And also what takes place in a family or socially, etc.

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