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We all know that opposites attract, but for how long?

1. Are we compatible? 2. Where will we have conflict? 3. Are we on the same page? 4. Will we stimulate each other intellectually? 5. How will the past affect our relationship? 6. Do we share the same values? 7. How will we relate to each others friends and family? 8. Will we be honest with each other? 9. Will we be sexually compatible? 10.Are you a forgiver or a "sulker"? Do you bear long grudges or do you make up quickly and forgive and forget? With handwriting analysis we can find these areas of agreement and disagreement. It shows up potential areas of conflict and it helps us to anticipate where friction is likely to occur. "Compatibility", or the comparison of one handwriting with another to determine how well two (or more) individuals will live or work together, is one of the most popular features of graphology. A graphological compatibility report can be used to identify the basic traits and the personality of partners and quickly pin-point areas of difference or potential conflict, which can be worked on, if necessary through Graphotherapy. Marital compatibility The basic theory is that after knowing and understanding how each other is different, any commitment that is made will be more enduring. In cultures where arranged marriages are common, graphology can be used as an additional checkpoint on the compatibility of the couple prior to the elders giving their consent for the marriage to take place. Emotional Wavelengths A big difference in emotional temperatures would mean that you are on completely different emotional wavelengths. This clearly seen in handwriting. Physical energy Are you physically compatible? Are your energy levels the same? Big differences here can be very significant and contribute to stress later. Intensity of feeling A relationship can take strain if one partner is moody and intense while the other is emotionally easy-going. While identical degrees of emotional intensity is not essential it's much healthier to have a reasonable balance between the two. Self-esteem Similar levels of self-esteem and self-confidence are necessary as if there is a significant contrast we could end up with one partner being too dominant. Social attitude An extrovert who likes a lot of partying and going out would find it hard to adjust to a socially inactive lifestyle of a stay at home partner. And vice versa.

Manner of handling conflict It is not healthy to bear long grudges. One should make up quickly and forgive and forget, or you will develop life long grudges, leading to an assortment of problems. The way you behave in an argument is a major test for compatibility. If you regularly remain silent and introverted while your partner rants and raves - it could spell trouble for the long-term health of your relationship. All this can be answered just by your writing! Graphologists believe that nearly any two people can be compatible. People can have many differences and still be compatible partners. The key is that the individuals must be aware of their differences, understand them, and be willing to accommodate them. A thorough graphological analysis can indicate if a person is emotionally stable or volatile, honest or insincere, enthusiastic or depressed, in good health or unwell, intellectually sharp or slowwitted, artistic or analytical, sedentary or physically active, closed or open-minded, extroverted or introverted, tense or relaxed, immature or mature, and much more. Graphology assesses conscious and subconscious character, so the graphologist is able to outline the real, prevailing personality; the one that shows up while under stress, not only the one displayed when on ones best behavior. Graphologists also examines : emotional maturity, integrity, honesty, sincerity, need for variety, level of interest in sex, communication skills (including listening skills), level of self-esteem, critical analysis/sense of discernment (effectiveness in identifying and understanding personality relationship issues), acquisitiveness (desire for money and material things), and financial extravagance / irresponsibility.

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