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Penulis : Tri Indah Octawiyani Fakultas : Keperawatan Program Studi : Ilmu Keperawatan IPK : 2.

87 Pembimbing I : Joni Haryanto, S.Kp.,M.Si Pembimbing II : Laily Hidayati, S.Kep.,Ns

Pengaruh Asuhan Relaksasi Musik Klasik Terhadap Proses Penurunan Tekanan Darah Pada Lansia Dengan Hipertensi di Posyandu Lansia "Budhi Luhur" Surabaya
Abstrak : ABSTRACT THE EFFECT OF RELAXATION CARE WITH CLASSICAL MUSIC ON DECREASING BLOOD PRESSURE PROCESS IN ELDERLY WITH HYPERTENSION Quasy Experiment Research in Budhi Luhur Posyandu, Surabaya By: Tri Indah Octawiyani When Indonesia's population life expectancy increasing, it can be estimated that the incidence of degenerative diseases will increase as well. One of the degenerative diseases that have high rates of morbidity and mortality is hypertension. A classical music relaxation care has been practiced to overcome various diseases include hypertension. This study was aimed to analyze the effect of a classical music relaxation care on decreasing blood pressure in elderly with hypertension. Design that used in this study was Quasy Experimental with pre post two group pre test and post test design. The population was elderly with hypertension in Budhi Luhur Posyandu, Surabaya. The sampling technique that used was nonprobability sampling type of purposive sampling. The total number of sample was 14 respondents who were selected based on inclusion and exclusion criteria. The statistic results showed that classical music relaxation care influenced the stress levels. Experiment group showed the result of Wilcoxon signed rank test has p=0,027 and controlled group has p=0,066. Result of Mann withney u test between post test of experiment group and post test of control group showed p=0,902. Result of Paired t test for blood pressure analysis showed that experiment group was p=0,19 in systolic blood pressure and p=0,03 in diastolic blood pressure. The result of control group showed the result was p=0,200 in systolic blood pressure and p=0,604 in diastolic blood pressure. Results of Independent t test between post test of experiment group and post test of control group showed by systolic blood pressure p=0,001 and diastolic blood pressure p=0,277. This research explain that there is significant effect relaxation care with classical music on decreasing blood pressure process in elderly with hypertension. Listening classical music cant reduce level of stress but can be concluded that there are significant influences of listening classical music with the reducing blood pressure in elderly with hypertension. Researcher suggests to the next study to use cortisol for identify stress biology response.

Keyword : classical music, relaxation, stress, blood pressure, elderly, hypertension

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