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Planning for Success in The Experience Economy


My a sp ira tion is tha t a ll a rts & c ultura l org a nisa tions a re sup p orted to deliver va lue to a ud ienc es throug h the c rea tion & m a na g em ent of a stra tegic a udience experience pla n tha t p la c es a ud ienc es a t the hea rt of their b usiness.

Experience is the new BLACK

The Experience Economy

We are not just in the business of presenting the arts to audiences.

We are also in the business of shaping, creating and managing experiences for people.

a udience experience = bra nd experience

(a udience/ bra nd) experience =

va lue

Satisfaction with the artistic experience alone is not enough to drive repeat attendance. If excellent artistic work is not enough to retain a satisfied patron, what is?
Alan Brown

The audience experience is the end-toend interaction between an arts organisation and a customer. It is a blend of the organisations physical, artistic and human performance, the senses stimulated, the emotions evoked, the meanings and impacts created each intuitively measured against customer expectations across all moments of contact.

A company with a price advantage can be undercut.

A company with a performance advantage can be outflanked.

A company with an emotional advantage can potentially command loyalty.

Strategic Value Creation

An organisational process that ensures you deliver specific, intentional benefit and value to audiences for the success of your business.

We need to embed crea tive thinking a nd innova tion within our orga nisa tions to brea k with tra dition a nd crea te new pla tforms for va lue delivery

Practical Applications
develop a nd refine informa tion & communica tions building/ interior design & la yout
customer orienta tion

inform new product & service design

rela tionship building

a udience enrichment
inform the a rtistic offer

Balancing mission & money

old paradigm
market business needs audience value to us persuade knowledge measure tangibles quality of art

new paradigm
+ m ission + a ud ienc e need s + our va lue to a ud ienc e + a ttra c t + em p a thy + a p p rec ia te inta ng ib les + q ua lity o f

My a sp ira tion is tha t a ll a rts & c ultura l org a nisa tions a re sup p orted to deliver va lue to a ud ienc es throug h the c rea tion & m a na g em ent of a stra tegic a udience experience pla n tha t p la c es a ud ienc es a t the hea rt of their b usiness.




01422 346 359 / 07941 05 3322 @_lisabaxter



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