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Hereby we present the lotest cotologue of Borry Emons Adopted Ploylng Moterlols.
/nsrde you will find lots

of Snoezelen products, Soft Ploy moteriols, musicol instruments, odopted ploy moteriols ond much more,

Slnce 1984 we ore committed to the development, production ond so/e o/ o wide voriely of products for mentql ondlor physicol hondicopped peop/e [children ond odults), the core of the elderly, rehobilitotion cenfres, hospffo/c regulor children's doy-core centres, with o genuine ond dedlccrfed oim to enrich ond improve the quolily of life for everyone, We oprote with o wortd-wide excluslve deoler nelwork in more thon twenly countries,

tk p(



lf you ore consldering the insfollotion of o smoll corner or o complete snoezelroom, it is hord to imogine a beller supplier thon Borry Emons. We offer on ertensive ronge of quotitotive, originol, sofe ond sturdilY built snoezelproducfs, We ore o/so ob/e fo creote o room for you /hot hos on individuol ond unique look' Ihe rooms ore designed fo encourage sfimulofion of the senses [sight, sound, fouch ond sme/i] ond con be os inferoctive ond equipped os needs or budgefs dictote'

For more thon twenty-three yeors we hove been considered os fhe ideolbuslness portner in fhe field of speclo/ odoptofions, from the Nefherionds fo Jopon ond from Belgium fo Hong Kong,,, The instoltotion of on individuol or unique snoezel room, snoezel bothroom [Aquo-Sens room) or corridor wlfh sensory moferiols offen requires mode-fo-meosure Our so/es personne/ ore fietd-bosed ond supporfed by'o very copobte feom of furnifure mokers, melol workers ond o supercreofive poinfer who reolises the wolldecorolions, This exfremely motivoted teom enioys nothing belter thon ochieving fhe reotisofion of ollyour snoezelwshes,



,u: lr)i











A snoeze/room shou/d be more lhon jusf o hondfu/ of slondord moferio/s p/oced in o room wrlhouf imoginot'ion. We wou/d be p/eosed t'o help you fo creole lhe moximum effecl wrlhn lhe ovoi/ob/e budgef.

Pleose conlocf us for o free ossessmenl ond quofoflon.

-B.r H l.l"





A professionol quolily woterbed should be o port of ony snoezel r00m. The genlle movements ond lhe pleosonl wormth of the bed will provide o generol feeling of wellbeing, sofely ond reloxolion.

Our w0terbeds con be delivered in mony sizes. Becouse the use of o wolerbed in he0lth core situotions is for more intensive thon in o normol bedroom, it requires o different, foirly higher stondord of quolity, Our woterbeds ore nol slobilised, providing o moximum oction-reoclion effect with every move. Slondord provided wilh:

* 0 very solid mottress, not stobilised ond with o sofety cover * on opproved heoter with lhermostol thot mointoins the desired
* o bisonyl
temperoture cover (in vorious colours) for optimol sofely ond finish

A plinth for use with hoist or lift, provides proper working conditions for lhe coretoker. Together with the woter bed opproximotely 50 cm high. The plinth con be monufoctured in MDF or beech-wood (ol extro costs). Pleose indicote with your order whether the plinth needs to hove spoce for o hoist, or needs to be monufoclured with oll sides closed.

Pleose choose the desired colour(s) from our bisonyl colour somples on poge 76.

The ovoiloble spoce is on importont

storting point in lhe choice for your

type of woterbed. lf there is enough spoce, o stondord woterbed with foom edges of 25 cm is odvised. These brood foom edges provide o

for he coretoker.


stronger bed, with eosy occess for the ond o comfortoble seoting possibility

Stondord wolerbed, with foom edges 25 cm, heoting element ond sofety cover, not stobilised (without plinth)



x 250 x 25 cm Stondord woterbed: mottress 90 x 200, bed size .l30 .l80 x 200, bed size x 250 x 25 cm Slondord wolerbed: mottress Stondord woterbed: mottress I 50 x 200, bed size 200 x 250 x 25 cm .l80 x 200, bed size 230 x 250 x 25 cm Stondord woterbed: mottress Plinth for woterbed wilh foom edges Other sizes on demond,


t(o$t r

Especiolly in smoller rooms 0 woterbed model Zeelond is recommended, becouse the foom edges ore only l0 cm brood ond therefore mony precious centimetres ore soved. Woterbed Zeelond, with loom edges l0 cm, heoting element ond sofety cover, nol stobilised (without plinth). b. WZI IO Woterbed Zeelond: mottress 90 x 200, bed size 110 x 220 x ZScm w2120 Woterbed Zeelond: mottress 100 x 200, bed size 120 x 220 x @ cm WZl40 Woterbed Zeelond: mottress 120 x 200, bed size 1 40 x 220 x 25 cm WZISO Wolerbed Zeelond: mottress 160 x 200, bed size 180 x 220 x 25 cm .l80 w2200 Wolerbed Zeelond: mottress x 200, bed size 200 x 220 x 25 cm 1lher sizes on demond.



Plinlh for woterbed Zeelond, up to 150 cm Plinlh for w0lerbed Zeelond, up to 220 cm All our plinths ore slondord supplied wilh on opening for hoists on one longer side

For oll our woterbeds speciol cloth covers ore ovoiloble, BSI

40 Teny cloth cover up to I 50 cm

Terry clolh cover up to


230 cm



cubo sonoro

ldeolfor o smoll room: the cd-ployer Cubo Sonoro with integroted loudspeoker, With its very modern design ond good sound quolity, this cd-ployer will fit in ony cupboord.



Cubo Sonoro

Music cupboord

For mony yeors now we hove produced o speciol music cupboord to sofely store your complete hiJi set. This cupboord con olso be used os o bench becouse the top is covered with soft moteriol in on optionol colour. .l00 Size x 50 x 50 cm height.


Music cupboord

DMX Control system for snoezel rooms

A DMX conirol syslem would be especiolly usefulfor o lorge ond multipurpose snoezel room, used by vorious groups of useis; with different needs ond gools. Pleose conlocl us for more informotion ond on individuol mode-to-meosure offer.

ffi *:r,

usic/vibrotion Woterbeds

ln lhe losl few yeors we hove experienced on increosing demond for music/vibrolion woferbeds; these wolerbeds ore provided wilh on odvonced music/vibrolion syslem inlegroled in the plinlh. The music ploys with corresponding vibrolions for lhe person on lhe bed. These vibrolions offer a very pleosonl ond reloxing sensolion 0lso of high lheropeutic vllue,
especiolly with the more severe hondicopped. Any stereo sel con be connecled lo lhe speciol designed omplifier.

w]004 wr008

Music/vibrotion plinth

Choose ony wolerbed from poge 9 ond combine it wilh lhe following



For wolerbeds up lo I20 cm For woterbeds from 120 cm

You 0lso need the speciol omplifier/controller:

/ Controller for music/vibrotion

Music/vibrotion occessories
lf you don't hove o Hifi-set, we con olso deliver:


CD-ployer Cossette ployer Amplifier Loudspeoker set BOSE

ffi *'w,,
P0250 0700H
Plofform with mogic boll
The moglc boll ls bulll lnslde lhe plotiom ond oflerc o fosclnollng spostocle. (Soe poge 33 for morc lnlormollon oboul lhe moglc boll. Plofform with mogic boll, 100 x x 40 cm .l00 .l00 Supplementory minor-corner (two minors x cm eoch)


Usuolly we moke o snoezel room completely on demond, with plofforms thot ore speciolly mode for 0 certoin ploce in the r00m. .l00 But sometimes 0 stondord plotform of x 100 cm ond 0 of 40 cm con olso be sufficient. These plofforms con be supplied with o bubble-unil, o mogic boll, on ultro strong FiberGlow without fibregloss (so sofe to put into the mouih), 0 blocklight oquorium, on infinity tunnel or with o super soft top loyer with foom flocks inside.

0f course ony plofform con be provided

with o supplementory
corner of two indestructible mirrors, which will intensify the visu0l ospeci of the built-in snoezel product. 0n these two poges you find severol modulor plotforms.
The stondord colour of the bisonyl is

,l -!

creom, but of course you con choose ony colour from our somple sheet (on poge 76) without extro costs.

lnfinity tunnel plotform

An infinity tunnel of consideroble size (50 cm diometer) is built inside this squore pl0tform. lnnumeroble coloured lights creote o fontostic depth-effect; it is like seeing the stors beneoth you insteod of obove you in the sky.. An extremely foscinoting viewing object for everyone!

P0230 0700H

lnfinity tunnel plotform x 100 x 40 cm Supplementory minor-corner (two mirrors 100



cm eoch)

Phfform with foom flocf mofiress


The top of this plofform consists of o super soft loyer 0f f00m flocks. .l00 x 40 cm or in o quorter of o circle. Avoiloble in o squore shope of 100 x

Plofform with foom flock mottress, squore 100 x 100 x 40 cm P022OK Plofform with foom flock mottress, quorler of o circle (with rodius I00 cm) .l00 .l00 x cm eoch) 0700H Supplementory mirror-corner (two mirrors

Blocklight oquorium plofform

A reolly incredibly foscinoting speclocle for everyone lying 0r silling on the plofform! The top of the blocklight oquorium is mode of 2 cm thick ocrylic. The diometer of the oquorium is 60 cm

. I rr-




Blocklight oquorium plotform, .l00 100 x x 40 cm Supplementory mirror-corner (iwo mirrors I 00 x I 00 cm eoch)

r,, Mirror-corner
1., We con supply every plofform, regordless of size, with o mirror-corner mode of indestructible mirrors, These mirrors con be squore, rectongulor but con olso be mode wilh o nice wovy top The mirror-corner thot is supplied with the stondord plotforms consists of two indestruclible mirrors thol ore fixed to o wooden boord with o firm frome, Size 2x I 00 x I 00 cm Other sizes on demond.



Mirror-corner (two mirrors 100

x 100 cm eoch)


Bubble{ube plofform


li l:r ,r i'1



This plofform comes slondord with o bubble-tube @ 20 x 170 cm, but oll olher sizes of bubbleJubes con be integroted in this plotform. Ihe mirror corner is the ideol oddition to ony plofform, but especiolly to this bubble-iube plotform


Bubble-tube plofform 100 x 100 x 40 cm, with bubblejube A 20 x 170 cm Supplementory mirror-corner

(two mirrors 100 x 100 cm eoch)

FiberGlow plofform
The integroted FiberGlow provides o fontostic






toctile ond visuol stimulus for this plolform. The FiberGlow is obsoluiely sofe to be loken into hond or mouth, but of course the FiberGlow is not meont to be eoten

The plofform comes stondord with o Supersofe FiberGlow with 200 stronds of 2 metres lengih

P0280 0700H

FiberGlow plotform, 100 x 100 x 40 cm Supplementory mirror-corner (two mirrors I 00 x I 00 cm eoch)

ffi*'*, o bubbleunit, we con olso build o snoezeL lube inside o plofform..

The originol Borry Emons Snoezeltube! Mony times copied but

still unequolled in quolity, price ond performonce,

See anc) 4owpare!!


- Triptych mirror unit

The snoezeltube is

o lightweight ond versotile olternotive to o bubble-unit.

Lightweight coloured pieces ore ploced inside the tube ond on inlermittent upword 0irflow blows the items to the top. When the drought ceoses, they flo0t bock to the bottom until the next pulse of oir blows them upwords ogoin. The tube hos o height of I89 cm ond o diometer of 20 cm, with o stoble bose of 55 x 55 cm, Furthermore, being lightweight it con be moved to different ploces.



06.03 06.07 06.08


Snoezeltube, noturol locquer Triptych mirror unit Moveoble ploteou for snoezeltube Moveoble ploteou for triptych mirror unil

It is olso possible to put other light moleriols in the snoezellube, insteod of the normol filling.
The triplych mirror unit is o beoutiful occessory in ony snoezel room ond

con even improve the impoct of the snoezeltube. This mirror con olso be ploced on o moveoble ploteou with double broked costors (ort. 06.07\D.



Bubble-units ore the focol point of ony (snoezel) room, providing 0 steody streom of bubbles ond thus o very strong visuol, toctile ond ouditory stimulotion The colour wheel in the bose provides 0 gentle colour chonge, which con olso be locked onlo one colour. The ocrylic tubes ore 5 mm lhick ond extremely slrong. Lomps con be chonged very eosily, The necessory omounl of (deminerolised) woler is mentioned with eoch

type; between brockels

4012/120 4012/110 4015/120 4015/110






Bubble-unit tube g l2 cm height 120 Bubble-unit tube g l2 cm. height 170 Bubble-unit tube 0 l5 cm height 120 Bubble-unit tube o I 5 cm height 170 Bubble-unit tube 0 l5 cm height 220 Bubble-unit tulse A 20 cm. height 120 Bubble-unit lube A 20 cm heighl 170 Bubble-unit lube A 20 cm height 220 Bubble-unit Iube A 25 cm height 170 Bubble-unit lube a 25 cm height 220 Spore Lomp for bubble-unils Deminerolised woler, per l0 litre con Wolljixotion broce for tubes g l0 cm Wolljixotion broce for tubes g l2 cm Wolljixotion broce for tubes g l5 cm Woll{ixoiion broce for tubes 0 20 cm Wolljixotion broce for tubes g 25 cm Moveoble ploteou for bubble-units

cm cm cm cm cm cm cm

(101) (151)
(1 5L)

(231) (301)


cn (54L)
cm (601) cm (B4L)

Bubble-units con be well combined with plonts ond hydro culture to enhonce the oppeol, olso ochieved by plocing severol tubes together in one bose. ln spite of extreme robust L



i j I



construction, we odvise o sofety fostening broce onto the ceiling or woll, so it is




ogoinst pushing or pullingl



ffi'**, t
Hooting bolls bubble-unit

A steody streom of bubbles pushes coloured bolls lo lhe top of the inner tube. the bolls gently sink down the outer tube to the bottom. Together with the bubj provides o foscinoting view Height 170 cm, A 20 cm,5 mm ryoll-llrhlrc|

8U200 Flooting bolls bubble-unit BU900 Wolljixotion broce for tubes

0 20 cm.

lnteroctive bubble-unit

By meons of the switch boord, the light effects ondl intensity of the bubbles con be controlled. The bubble tube hos the some quolily os oll oUr ofl bubble units, so: extremely solid, o woll-tftlc*lta6't fube ot 5 mm ond oll electricol ond technicol porls owoy sofely in the unbreokoble pedeslol. Of course vorious heights ond diometers ore


far the best and


BUll BUll

20 70


lnteroctive bubble-unit A 20 x 120 em lnteroctive bubble-unit g 20 x 170 crir lnteroctive bubble-unil a 20 x22O cn

N.B.: c)mes wilh o squore


Bubble-unit toble stond

A mini bubble tube, especiolly for use upon o toble ond very suitoble to lend. The toble-siond is the most robust ond userfriendly bubble-unit ovoiloble li's on exoct copy of the lorger versions, with the very strong s-mm tube, but on o smoller bose, See the specificotions on poge 15, Size o 12 x 84 cm heighl


Bubble-unit loble stond




I t ,l


Blocklight bubble-unit



il l'r




Whot o sensotion! An ultroviolet lomp with o length of I40 cm is built inside o bubbleJube; ihe combinotion of blocklight, fluorescenl strings ond o constont streom of bubbles creotes o mogicol effecl Of course this product is of top level quolity lhe woll thickness of the tube is 5 mm, os usuol wiih oll lubes in our ossortmentl The tube diomeler is 20 cm ond the totol length is 180 cm.
560251 8EH Blocklight bubble-unil

Bubble-unit model Nice



We ore pleosed to introduce these new bubble-uniIs, 01 0 very low budget price, but of course still with the high quolity thot you 0re used to These bubble-units operote os o normol type; with slowly chonging colours, but os on extro they olso come with o smoll remote control ponel. With this ponel it is possible to moke the bubble-unit interoctive: with colour choice, colour stop, slow or fost colour chonge, etcetero lt hos to be soid thot the remote control is very smoll; so probobly not eosy to be operoted by someone with o ho ndicop Note: if these bubble-units 0re built inside o plofform, they will not be interoctive onymorel

-,j.ri. .

5601215 5601220



Bubble-unit Bubble-unit Bubble-unit Bubble-unit

Nice Nice Nice Nice

12 x 145 cm, with 0 I 2 x 200 cm, with 0 l5 x 145 cm, with 0 l5 x 200 cm, with

remote remote remote remote


control control

Effector D

The Effector D is o very suitoble projector for somewhot smoller rooms, or if it is desired to regulorly use the projector in other oreos. All effect wheels ond olher occessories con be used.

N.B.: lo complefe your pro/ecfot ll needs o wheel rolotor ond ol leosf one effect whee/: see poge 19 for lhe cholce of
wheels. irThe most useful occessories ore:



deflector mirror: io project on other wolls, ceiling, without removing lhe projeclor wide-ongle lens: especiolly for very smoll clip-on prismr providing o lriple projeclion originol imoge ponoromic rototor: projects smoll ports of imoge on severol spots in the room
Effector D with broce Effector D wifh broce ond stond

floor 0r
rooms of the the

13.006 l3 007

09 Wheel rototor, I round per 2 minutes .l3,84

Wide-ongle lens,60 mm


13.14 .l3.88A

Deflector mirror Clip-on prism Distortion wheel Ponoromic rototor Spore lomp for Etfector D



ffi lx:r,


Efrect wheets

A selection of our vorious designs in effect wheels ond liquid

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N 0 P 0 R S T U V

Deep Butterflies Florol Prehisioric

Crystol Plonet Shope lond

Universe Church

Weother Country
Cloud Effect wheels, per wheel

Liquid Liquid Liquid Liquid Liquid


Effect wheel J (Country)

8E 8F 8ZA

Liquid wheels L io B per wheel





Borry Emons Pro;ector

This new projector is in most situotions simply the best choice: very versotile, olmost soundless, friendly priced ond even more powerful thon the Effector D prolector, so olso very suitoble for lorger rooms. Besides thot, this projector is cheoper thon comporoble projectors (like Solor ond Effector). The focus ond the turning speed of ihe wheel rototor con be odjusted ond the wheel rototor c0n move either in clockwise or onti-clockwise direction All wheels from poge l9 con be fitted in this projector (olthough not very eosy) Besides chonging the wheel, it is olso possible to odd o templote in fronl of the wheel, which will chonge ond reshope the projections. With the projector 10 templotes ore delivered (triongles, hexogons, squores, round shopes, etcetero) The Borry Emons proleclor con be used for longer periods without the necessity of cooling down. It comes with 0 strong 24U 250W hologen lomp, with o long lifespon. This projector con be ottoched 1o the ceiling, to o melol support or under o shelf (ond con be secured with o smoll steel coble if necessory),

The Borry Emons projector comes complete with remote control, wheel rototor, liquid wheel, 10 iemplotes ond o speciolly designed wooden shelf for ottochment to the woll. On top of this hondy shelf other moteriols con be ploced,


Borry Emons projector, complete with moior, liquid wheel ond other occessories

Projection hoop

Two circles fixed logether, mode of o tronsporent white Iobric, will provide o beoutiful prolection surfoce, especi0lly while rototing slowly; with lhe oddilionol mirror boll-motor. lt gives o very nice three-dimensionol effect when o pro1ector is pointed ot the hoop. Due to the slow rototion of lhe tronsporenl circles, lhe non-stop chonging imoges will remoin being foscinoting. Diometer 95 cm.


Projection hoop



ffi n*,

The Lom0 woter column consists of lhree very solid tubes wilh o constontly chonging colour pottern behind them. All sofely pul in o firm wooden triongle cupboord, A mognificent objecl thot will never be dull! Moving colour foil will provide even more exciting effects. Height 38 cm x width 45 cm


Lomo woter column

spoce projector

A mini projector with o mini price... For smoll rooms it is possible to use the Spoce projector, but this projector hos o limited choice in liquid wheels ond o .l00 projection diometer of moximum cm. Other colour combinotions in liquid wheels con be ordered seporotely.



Spoce projeclor, incl. I liquid wheel Liquid wheel for spoce

pro1eclor Set of three liquid wheels

I I04

for Spoce projeclor

N.B,: there ore only lour different wheels in tolol.

Stor cloud Lomo

':.? An enormous omounl of smoll lights (360 in ore integroted in o cloud-shoped wooden plote ond give chonging light pollerns The sior cloud hos o diomeler of 150 cm To underline the cloud design 0 speciol tronsporent cloth is included, t0 be dr0ped 'cloudy' beneoth the wooden plole ldeol os ceiling decorotion, functionol os extro lighting element, very beoutiful ond professionolly mode, Perfecl for 0ny snoezel- or group room ond


il tI

bedroom lncluding fixing moteriols, Comes stondord wilh o white cloth but olso ovoiloble with blue clolh (ot lhe some price)

13 15 Lorge stor cloud

For smoller rooms we now olso hove o smoll slor cloudl Equolly ollroclive ond provided wrth oll functions of the lorger types Diomeler opp 100 cm



I 5N,1 Smoll slor cloud


..;;1i,rr,. Stor
ln totol 8 different light pollerns con be chosen from the included control ponel, Noturolly the cloth consists of extremely fire retordont quolity ond is woshoble of 30' Celsius.

cloud enlorgement

It is possible lo enlorge the stor cloud; with o speciol enlorgement por1. lt fits seomless to the originol piece, so the stor cloud is mode twice os big Size I 75 x 100 cm '13


Stor cloud enlorgemenl






An orlistic woll object with slondord '145

size 90 x cm, thol will enhonce ony woll enormously. The shings of o FiberGlow ore ottoched to o wooden ponel ond covered with o kind of loom, ochieving o beoutiful relief structure. ln doylight only the relief slructure of lhe FiberGlow is visible, but in the dork lhe full enchonling effect of lhe slowly chonging colours will be visible through lhe loom. It is olso possible lo enh0nce o complete woll wilh this loom sfruclure, for exomple in o snoezel (bolh)room. Prices on demond.



woll, 90 x 145 cm




FiberGlow optic corpet

Block corpets with colour-chonging opticol fibres woven inlo the corpet to creote o stunning shimmering effect. Con be loid on the floor, woll mounted or hung onto the ceiling os o storry heoven! Supplied with o fon-cooled light-source operoting on 240v lronsformed to l2v 30..l 30..l



FiberGlow optic corpet 100 FiberGlow optic corpet 200

x 100 x 100

cm cm

lnteroctive optic corpet

o new interoctive version of the optic corpet, o squore corpet with coloured lights in o stor-shope of coloured light Size I 30 x 130 cm These lights chonge colour when touched, for instonce by wolking over the corpet.
There is now


lnteroctive optic corpet




.i la",.il;lli,;iq-;

stor curtoin

An exciting product thot enhonces our fibre opiic ronge. Dots of shimmering colour lhot constontly chonge ore inserted inlo lhe surfoce of the curtoin. The curtoin comes in the size 200 x 300 cm 0nd is delivered including light-source



lnclwllngl@il-wutw ,.

Other sizes on

demond. N.B. Atso ovoitobte in white

,, fu,,, - . :.,


: 1,..,,. ,4'.,,'.,'i,. 't;;





",lilWi i;i'M::; . & s4 &P'


Shining sun ond Light coud

Two lorge ceiling ond/or woll decorolions who, seporotely or combined, ore o fonloslic osset within ony group- or snoezel room. ln both sun ond clouQ obout 120 smoll lomps ore included. Enormously foscinoting lo look ot. Especiolly designed to use obove (woter) beds, wolled beds ond other lying

Size light cloud: 240x120x2cm Size shining sun: A 120 cm, with mirror 0 55 cm

LW0l SZ12

Light cloud Shining sun

The lighl cloud is now olso ovoiloble os built-in version: for o ceiling system.

P/eose indicote this deslgn with your order.

+@ Wooden shelf with woterfoll effect

o beoutiful woterfoll effect wiih o FiberGlow, we odvise this speciolly designed ond beoutifully finished wooden shelf The light-source is sofely mounted on lop of the bose
To creote


Wooden shelf with woterfoll effect

N B : FiberGlow ond Light-source ore n01 included

Sheff wilh wolefoll effecl



FiberGlow consists of two ports, o strong fon cooled light-source in o melol unit ond o sproy of optic fibres, ovoiloble in different lengths ond diomeiers. ln comporison to normol fibre, where the light only shines ot lhe end, FiberGlow constontly chonges colour olong the full length of the stronds. operotes on 240v tronsformed to l2v. FiberGlow hos o strong oppeol in every snoezel room, The chonging colours encouroge the focusing of oltenlion 0nd hove colming effects. Since FiberGlow only conducts lighl ond no heot or volloge, it is obsolutely sofe to touch the stronds N.B.: Pleose do not forget lo order the Light-source iogether with your choice of FiberGlow stronds!

SG202 SG203 SG302 SG303 SGLOl SG305 SGL02 SGL03

FiberGlow, stronds, I metre FiberGlow, 200 stronds, 2 metres FiberGlow, 200 stronds, 3 metres FiberGlow, 300 sironds, 2 metres FiberGlow, 300 stronds, 3 metres Light-source for FiberGlow Spore lomp for light-source FiberGlow lnterociive light-source for FiberGlow Spore lomp for interoctive light-source


N.B.: Gloss fibre should not be token into the mouthl Therefore it's best presented under supervision, or oui of reoch from those persons thol could toke the stronds into their mouth.

N B.: No/ every optic fibre is o genuine FiberGlow, cslthough plc/ures rnol suggest ofherwise. The quolily of our FiberGlow is unsurpossed lhe slrong s/ronds eoch conslsf of mony g/oss flbres, See ond compore!




Light-source for FiberGlow

The stondord light-source is mostly used FiberGlow.


Light-source for



ntemctlve llghl-source

0f course we con olso deliver on interoctive

LED lightsource for eoch type of FiberGlow, You con choose from 7 different colours or on outomotic colour-chonge, ond ln combinotion with fhe interoctive pillowswitch, everyone con operote this light-source.

LO-028 lnteroctive

LED light-sour& tcir.







FiberGlow supersofe

Now olso ovoiloble is o super sofe FiberGlow thot con be token in the moulh without ony problem. This model does not contoin ony gtoss fibres, so there is obsolutely no donger when the stronds ore bitten. The effecls ore os beoutiful os with the stondord models. ldeol for use on the floor or on o plotform; see poge 13. When the FiberGlow is only used os decorotion purpose (on ceiling or woll) it is of course not necessory to use ihis slightly more expensive type There ore two choices of light-sources: ihe siondord type or the interoctive light-source.

Supersofe FiberGlow, 100 stronds, I metre Supersofe FiberGlow, 200 stronds, 2 metres Supersofe FiberGlow, 200 stronds, 3 metres

The use of mlnorc ond clollrs wlll mosl cerhlnly enh0nce lhe

olmosphore ol your rcom. We dellver lndeslrustlble ocryllc mlnorc ond exlremely flrc rutordont clolhs ln oll ldnds ol slzm.

L0-DA300 LO-DAs00


These white curtoins ore eosily hung from ceiling or woll with smoll hooks. The cloth is woshoble ot 30' Celsius ond permonently fire

relordont occording to DlN4l02Bl

Whitecurtoin03metres Whitecurtoin0Smetres

lf you wont to dorken your snoezelroom, we con olso deliver speciol dorkening curtoins in vorious colours. Pleose contoct us for more informotion.


& ond/or

ore very robust ond very useful 0s 0 room divider

film, liquid prolections, elcetero, fire retordonl occording to D\N4102B1


Bubbte mirror

A funny design; when you look into this

mirrol every imoge of yourself is reflected differenlly by the nine convex mirrors. This will provoke molion ond further explorolion of the possibilities. Size 87 x 87 cm; every convex
mirror hos o diometer of 23 cm.

781202 Bubble mirror

lndestructible mirrors

Sofe ocrylic mirrors, ovoiloble in ony size. When used on o woll, best provided wilh wooden boord ond frome to ensure the minor doesn't crock. lndestructible mirrors wilh wooden boord ond frome: .l00 .l00 x cm) Mirror corner (2 mirrors Mirror, size 40 x 100 cm Mirror, size 60 x 125 cm .l25 x 125 cm Mirror, size 07. I 0L Mirror, size 125 x 245 cm

0700H 07.061 07 .071 07.081



on demond! See o/so poge


ffi n:'*
Blrd tree
A beoutiful new product in our collection is lhe bird tree, o decorolive ond life-like silk lree, thot will olso be very useful in lhe core of the elderly. Mony elderly grew up in o time where people spent o lot of lime outside ond were closer

The Bird tree consists of o high quolity silk fichus, with o set of cotoured birds. ln lhe foot of lhe tree there is o builtin music instollolion with sensol which will send out different kinds of bird sounds when someone comes into o determined ronge of lhe tree. The Bird lree con be used ot ony desired ploce, is eosy to remove ond will stimulote feelings, os well os visuol ond heoring senses. .l70 The totol height is cm. The Bird tree con olso be ploced on o moveoble triptych mirror unit, This little corner gives o feeling of security os well os of spoce ond con be locoted for exomple next to o choir, bed or couch, It is olso possible to reploce o port of this triptych mirrol for exomple with on originol hondmode pointing with chorocteristic elements of the surroundings. An Aromostreom diffuser with essentiol oils con be ploced; for exomple to re-live the post with specific smells. Decorotion moteriols con be used to creote different surroundings which, for exomple, correspond with the seosons. Like this you will be oble to creote o foscinoting otmospheric corner. It is olso possible lo order different kind of trees, this moy give o slight increose

to noture. The bird tree offers o good opportunily to go bock to these experiences of the post ond use them os o storting point
for communicolion ond

in prices. 1078 LOI32

Bird tree. with sensor, music instollotion en coloured birds Moveoble triptych mirror unit for the Brro


t: .t)t



.S,Lx ;tII




Ihe living woll provides with very

surprising effects, especiolly in o snoezel room. Touching or movements ocross lhe woll will immediote couse lights to burn up for o few seconds, The movements ore followed by the

The length of time thot the lights stoy

on con be voried, The surfoce is mode of tronslucent, unbreokoble, eosy to cleon plostic




A stondord operoting system offers severol possibilities, for exomple: o mode thot will drow its own lighi potterns, when not operoted monuolly o mode thot will show lights following your movements the light woll operoles within o music/light syslem

N.8.. delivered in whfie, withoul mirr)r

@io ta
lE t

C,.O r

Other sizes on demond Size 100 x 90 x





Living woll




Living wott orgon


The box of the living woll orgon is comporoble to the living woll, except thot coloured lights ore used. These lights come on in response to sounds effecis, e.g, music or the humon voice. Their colours ond brightness depend on the sound frequency (low, medium, or high tones) ond lhe intensity of the sound. Developed on speciol demond for Child Centre 'De Tuinftuiter, Leerdom'; ideo by Dominiek Bolond. .l00 Stondord size x 90 x l2 cm (but con be mode io other sizes)



Living woll orgon

tV.B rn white colour. wilhoul lhe lillle mirror

Combined living wollAffoll orgon

As the nome suggests, this box combines oll the

effects of both the living woll ond the living woll orgon into one device. A mosterpiece of electronics, with on enormous oppeoll For oll its possibilities, see the definitions of the tiving woll on poge 26 ond of the living woll orgon on this




Combined living woll/Woll orgon


''*. @lightbox
The blocklight box is porloble ond conslrucled similorff to the blocklighl oquorium. This box hos o front lhot con be pulled oul so thot, if desired, chonges c0n be mode inside the box. At the top of the box there is 0 smoll rototing motor to which one con ottoch honging objects. Size 60 x 40 x 40 cm.


Blocklight box

This is o resfful locus in o multi sensory r00m, providing 0 gripping speclocle, which conlinues to foscinote becouse of the beouliful colours ond the roloting object. These boxes con olso be supplied in different sizes ond .l00 x 40 x 64 cm. wilh other themes. Stondord size



The origino/ Bor4t Emons b/ocklighl cupboords,' mony limes copied bul sti// unequo//ed in quoW price ond performonce/

9ee and cornpare


We con de/uer o b/ock/rghl oquorium h ony desired sDe wrlh ony chosen theme,

corner cupboord
Al mony people's requesl, the blocklight oquorium is now olso ovoiloble os o lorge corner cupboord. A greol eye-cotcher! Comes stondord with o rototing motor, to which honging moteriols ore ottoched. Height 125 cm, width 85 cm ond
depth 42 cm.


Blocklight corner cupboord

Super mogic boll

Something reolly mognificent ... This mogic boll is o fobulous viewing object lhol con be compored with some kind of concentroted liquid within o boll Stronge shopes ond colours vory ond give o very foscinoting effect in this 50 cm diomeler boll. Especiolly when the room is dorkene{r mogic boll will come to its right best ond forms the of ottention, cefioinly for people with limiled

The Super mogic boll stonds on o wooden bosg.,,',*,

ond is very robust

Built inside o plofform lhe Super nogicboll is sofe lo touch ond will provide o lot .l;r , ,,,:iiif" joy. ldeol for snoezel rooms eye-cotcher but olso fonlostic in ony ",.,:,j:) (bed)room.


of ;fi

The Super mogic boll hos o

diometer of 50 cm ond operoles on 220V. Works olmost soundless ond the turning speed is odjustoble from fost to

13.994 Super mogic


ri',,' h Borrv

{a_ p{ e,ohs
Sporkling cloud
This wooden cloud looks

o lot like our Light cloud LWOl from poge 25, but comes with the 120 lights honging from tiny cords below the cloud itself, providing beouliful sporkling lighl effecls Size,240 x 120 cm


Sporkling cloud

Stors in the night cloth

The stors in the night cloth provides greot visuol

stimulolion, It con be used ot the woll or ol the ceiling ond comes in lhree differenl sizes: 200x 300 cm, 300 x 400 cm or 300 x 600 cm The slor lighls ore odiustoble in speed, brighlness ond vorious light potierns ll is even possible to combine two slors in the nighl cloths; by oltoching them togelher wilh the cords

NJ274B NJ274G

Stors in the night cloth, size 200 x 300 cm Stors in the night clolh, size 300 x 400 cm Slors in the night cloth, size 300 x 600 cm

snoezel cort
Vecto, o mobile, versotile. sensory experience for ony spoce. The Vecto distroction stotion is ideol where spoce is of o premium, such os hospitols ond nursing homes. It converts woiting rooms, treotment rooms ond bedrooms into reloxing, distrocting ond empowering multi-sensory environments. The Vecio con be moved eosily from room to room on its sturdy lockoble wheels ond requires only one plug to tronsform the room with the following multi-sensory items: o bubble-unit, o liquid prolector ond oromo diffuser.


Vecto snoezel cort


snoezel cort

Suppose... il's desiroble thot your snoezel oclivities con be exercised in different l0c0tions? ... lhere's nol enough room to slore the moteriols, when not in use? ... the finonciol siluolion doesn't ollow the purchose of multiple sels of snoezel moteriols? .., there's nol enough time lo corry the moteriols from one room lo onother? ln oll these situolions, the snoezel cort moy be the ideol solution!! The snoezel cort is o beoulifully finished cupboord on wheels, provided with two doors thol con be locked, two shelves, ond severol openings in lhe bock ond on top to pull eleciricily cords. Sizes: 127 cm width,6l cm depth ond 106 cm height.

* * *
lnside ond on top you will find o corefully selected bosic sei of snoezel moteriols: * Toble stond bubble-unil height 85 cm, diometer l2 cm * FiberGlow optic libre; 200 stronds of 200 cm length, plus light

Musicol cushion, 2 rechorgeoble light bolls, hond puppet Bertus (or Mino) Blocklight 60 cm, with sofety ormoture, mounted on o bose
boord Pin spot with colour wheel, motor ond toble stond


* * *

Aromo streom diffuser for oromotheropy, plus 3 bottles wilh essentiol oils Aromotheropy guidebook in English longuoge Effector D projector; wilh toble stond, wheel rototor ond liquid wheel Set of smoll toctile moteriols, consisling of: two Koosh-bolls, sel of l2 silk showls, smoll tociile gome, glitter tube, 4 UV tubes 30 cm, 6xl meter UV cofi A 4 mm, 6xl meter UV cord A 2 mm, o Wiggly Giggly stick ond o mossoge beelle

* Set of smoll musicol instrumenls; shoker, spring drum, chime with hommer, izi with bells * bor Revolving mirror boll A 20 cm, with molor ond toble siond * Toctile cushion * Roinmol<er 25 cm length * Glow-block
N.B. 0f course the contents ol the snoezel cort con be odjusled on demond, cousing onother price quolotion.

SKl22 SKl30

Snoezel cort, wilhout bosic set of snoezel moteriols Snoezel cort, with complete set of snoezel moleriols

N,B. The contents of the snoezelcort moy chonge o bit: of course the substitute orticles will be of comporoble quolity ond design.

Sheep ond lombs

Sheep ond lombs in o nursing home? After the success of o

smoll herd of these friendly quodrupeds in o home in Weesp, Hollond, we losl every doubt obout using them os toctile- or cuddling object ond decorotive eye-cotcher, These reol-os-life sheep ond lombs hove o super-soft, worm woollen furl

Little lomb, white or brown, size 60 x 28 x 4l cm Junior sheep, white or brown, size 61 x 29 x 47 cm Mother sheep, white or brown, size 82 x 38 x 62 cm

50.106 Fofher sheep, white or brown, size 90 x 42 x l'7 cm .l50.108 Little lomb, white or brown, rocking-version .l50.010 Junior sheep, white or brown, rocking-version .l50.012

Mother sheep, white or brown, rocking-version 4 Fother sheep, white or brown, rocking-version

At speciol request we now odded lying sheep or lombs lo our flock of sheep Very soft on your lop ond eosy to corry oround.


Lying lomb,


white or brown, size 60 x 28 x 3l cm Lying junior sheep, white or brown, size 67 x 29 x 37 cm

Borry Emons

fit c*,



tl' . I '-r':, l,\


Beonbog scorf
These support cushions moke ony position be1ler With o blue woshoble cover, Lenglh opp 130 cm, thickness opp 20 to 40 cm


Beonbog scorf, with blue cover

Music cushion
The music cushion is o comfortoble cushion; filled with fibrefill, A cushion with stereo sound, exlremely reloxing To be connected

0nti-ollergic lhe listening to the soft music is in most coses very reloxing ond sleep-inducing 0f course lhis system is much eosier to use thon o heodset

to ony wolkmon, stereo, CD ployer, television, eic, Two mini loudspeokers ore ploced into the cushion, providing o cleor sound to the user, but with no noise for the environment,
Music cushion


.+,*jl:oi,l.^ ,'

', \,rt1+,a

Tumbler colour block

Like o kind of brick, but then in o rechorgeoble, see-through version ond supplied with o beoutiful colour scheme. The Tumbler con show nine differenl shodes of colourl The chonge of colour is reolised by roloting ond lurning lhe Tumbler. You con choose between o slow, normol or quick colour chonge, The Tumbler colour block is delivered wilh chorger. Alwoys io be used under coreful supervision or only os o viewing object (out of reoch). TUM


Tumbler colour block


,t oo,'e cotoured stors

l2 volts odopter with o S-metre coble provides o sofe power supply to these beoutiful shining mobiles. The pendonls ore mode of ocrylic ond glow beoutifully. Perfect obove o bed or simply used os o tosteful decor0tion onywhere. Diomeler mobile: co 24 cm



Mobile coloured stors

Eight stors honging on 0 cord giving beoutiful light effects in different colours. Length of the stor cord: 100 cm. lncluding o l2 volts odopter with o 5 metre coble, so the stor cord con be hung everywhere.

N.B.: only for decorotion purposes

Smoll ice crystol



Stor cord

N.B.: only for decoroiion purposes

Smoll ice crystol A foscinoting ocrylic ice crystol, which will glow for opp. 250 hours on three little 1.5 volls micro botteries. Provided with on/0ff switch. Every ice crystol is seporolely pocked in o tronsporenl box, botteries not included. Size: l0 cm diomeler.



Smoll ice cryslol

Ceiling lights with 6 ovol or round shopes thot will eoch slowly chonge colours. Every lomp hos its own length ond oll lomps ore connected to o chrome disc. Comes with odopter.

MM032 Pendonl beggs, with ovol shopes MM033 Pendont roinbow, with round shopes




Especiolly used os beouliful honging decorotion, but these honging twisters con olso be used os toctile objects. They come in sets of four pieces in different



Honging twisters, 4 pieces, length 50 cm


Very decorotive glow bolls thot con chonge colours, With seven different progroms: one constont colour of your choice, or switching colours either slowly or fost. The bolls ore ov0il0ble by piece or os 0 sei of three ond operole on rechorgeoble botteries. The bottery chorger hos o beoutiful shope which hormonises with the bolls. Of course the bolls con be token sofely in the hond ond they ore provided with on



on/0ff switch. Every set contoins: one or three bolls, chorger ond o l2 volts odopter. lf the bottery is full the boll will gives six hours of light. lf the botlery is emply you simply ploce lhe boll on lhe chorger. Only lhe lorge boll with diometer 30 cm h0s to be connected to the ceiling ond plugged in lhe eleciricol net.

606..l01 606..l03



Glow boll 0 8,5 cm, with chorger 0nd odopter, one piece Glow boll0 8.5 cm, wilh chorger ond odopler, sel of three Glow boll g l5 cm, wiih chorger ond odopter, one piece Glow boll 0 30 cm, with electricol cord ond ottochmenl ch0in




A bright light cord, complele wilh mony coloured lighls in o 7 meler cord. With odjustoble colour swilching velocily (from slotic to slowly to very fosl). Worningl lt is imporiont lo hong lhe light cord oul of reoch. Light cord, 7 melres in colour


\ \

copies of lhis

producl ore now ovoiloble;

check lhe finish ond sofety. l

See and cotttpare!

The originol Borry Emons Fluoline




shower; mony lrmes copied bul still the besl in quolify, price ond peformonce!

lt'r I

/ , ii


ll lri tiillt )t



{r', t'

, ,.!

Fluoline shower
An exciting privote snoezel corner surrounded by o curloin of fluorescent tubing (length 180 cm) Four UV light lubes provide 0 worm glow of UV light in vivid colours. The convex mirror of the top creotes on extro spotiol effect. The four UV lubes ore sofely mounted behind on ocrylic frome. Bosed on on ideo by Ad Verheul, Ede, Hollond. Size 90 x g0 x l2 cm.



All kinds of fluorescent objects, or objects coloured with our UV point (see poge 44) will glow vividly when

Fluoline shower

within the reoch of the UV light


I melre.
Fluoline woterfoll

Fluoline wolerfoll



two metres length ore honging down lhe ceiling like o cheerfutty coloured w0terfoll ond moke o beoutiful curtoin in o porch or door opening
UV tubes of

The blocklighf fube of our Fluoline wolerfoll is provided wifh exfro reflectors ond provides o prolesslonol protection. becouse of fhe fronf

A sofely mounted UV lighl tube is ploced ol the top Very suiloble for o snoezel room, but 0lso for ony other room or corridor,

sofely grill

Btock box
The Borry Emons block box is on exciting block slore box, size 38 x 52 x 42 cm high. lt contoins o lorge omount of fluorescent toys ond discovery moleriols. The box is very relioble ond robust ond ideol for tronsport.


x blocklight mini tube with ormoture blocklight-lomp 60 Wott, in the shope of o little 'person' 5x UV icicle 6x lorge UV flowers in three colours lx set of smoll bogs with UV gronules in vorious colours 3x honk of UV wool, in green, purple ond white



x lorge

UV ice stor

x set of four melres of UV tulle in four colours, 150 cm width 7x bottle with UV point in differenl colours, 60 ml eoch botlle 2x one squore melre UV decorotion foil in two colours I x UV tubing octivity pock, 24 metres of fluorescent tubing in two diometers ond six colours lx set of 8 thick UV tubes, length 20 cm lx sel of 8 thick UV tubes, length 40 cm 2x UV gorlond, length 210 cm, in lwo colours 1x sproy con with UV point

Chonges ln the content mcry occur.


Block box

This hondy tossel hos o hondgrip of I I cm ond o lot of 30 cm long UV cords ihol will provide beoutifut light effects when woven.


UV lossel


UV icicle stor

This stor con be used os ceiling or woll decorotion, ll meosures opp. 30 cm from point to point ond will provide o beoutiful lighl effect when combined with on UV lomp.
UV icicle slor


Gliffer lomp

These beoutiful objecls ore 37 cm high. The gloss is filled with o coloured fluid conloining glitters which will be moving through the lomp when il gets worm. Avoiloble in pink, red, green or blue. Glitter lomp

|t, 4ti

When these wonderfully designed icicles ore lightened with UV lighl (see poge 46) it will give them o mysterious effect, like the glow inside on ice cove. Bul olso olher coloured lomps will give o beoutiful effecl, os lhe icicles will glow in the colours of the lomp. Mode of plostic, ovoiloble in sels of I0 pieces, in vorious lenglhs.

F1020 F1030

of UV icicles, set of UV icicles, sel of

UV icicles, set

l0 l0 l0

pieces, length 12 cm pieces, length 20 cm pieces, length 30 cm

Decorotion ponel with UV icicles

A metoldecorolion ponel size 50 x 90 cm with 32 icicles in vorious lengths offers o beouliJul decorotion unil for ony ceiling. When lhese wonderfully designed icicles ore lightened with UV light it will give them o myslerious icy effect, But olso with other coloured lomps the effect will be wonderful.


Decorotion ponel with UV icicles




Blaaktqht pro.lucts
13.35 13.36 .l3.83
UV cord

UV prickling bolls

ond UV poinl

a 2 mm, I metre cord A 4 mm, I metre UV polnt sproy con (ozone

UV cord UV

They moy look very prickly, but lheir touch is very soft! Yet lhese bolls ore firm ond will provide mony hours of ploying fun. Very nice to be used in combinolion with on UV lomp (see below). A set of four diomelers: 75, 60, 50 ond 38 mm.



prickling bolls


A perfeclly bolonced fluorescenl mobile thol will shows o beoutiful effect under on UV lomp. The visuol effecl is getting stronger wilh every little breeze.


UV mobile

These sets of elghl thick fluorescent tubes

will show mognificent effecls under o blocklight lomp. See below for UV lomps ond ormolures lo be used wilh these lomps.
Set of 8 thick UV tubes, lenglh Set of 8 thick UV tubes, length


UV leof shope mobile

Like the UV mobile o true osset lor ony groupor snoezel room, bul olso very decorolive in o bedroom or living room. UV leof shope mobile



20 cm 40 cm

uv hmps
UV lomp, tube


.l3.70 .l3.7.l

40 cm

lomp, tube 60 cm UV lomp, tube 120 cm 13.12C Armolure with front sofety grill, including UV tomp 4b cm 13.72 Armolure with lront sofety grill, including UV lomp 60 cm 13.73 Armolure wilh front sofely grill, including UV tomp 120 cm



UV decorotion foil

UV tubing octivity pock

This strong fluorescent foil is eosy to cut-out ond con be used in 0ll kinds of products. Avoiloble 0s 0 set in pink ond green, one squore metre eoch.
UV decorotion

foil in green ond pink

ln totol twenty{our metres of flexible fluorescent iubing in 6 differenl colours. With o diomeler oI2 ond 4 mm (12 metres of eoch thickness) to ploy with. For exomple to moke beouliful brocelets, smoll ornoments, or to be used in the conlents of o blocklighl box!


UV point



tubing octivity pock, 24 metres

Avoiloble os o set of seven different colours. Eoch bottle contoins 60 ml. To be used for vorious purposes.

point, set of seven bottles

UV tulle

With o very strong fluorescent reproduction. The tulle comes in lour .l00 .l30 x cm eoch. To be used for mony colours, o lorge piece of
creolive purposes.



tulle, set of 4 metres tulle in 4 colours,

width 130 cm


Wilh lhese honks of fluorescent wool of 50 groms eoch you con moke o nice scorf, but of course it con olso be used inside o blocklight cupboord,



wool, set of 3 honks in three


A beoutiful fluorescent object, for ploying, octivities or just pleosont to touch, The gorlond hos o length of 270 cm, ond comes in o set of two colours; green ond

UV sronutes

Let your imoginolion guide you with this fun fluorescent moleriol; it con be used in olmosl ony woy. The gronules ore nonJoxic. Avoiloble in 5 colours, 100 grom eoch.


UV gronules,

5 colours, 600 grom


gorlond, lwo pieces



"Pin spot
Pin spol, complele with colour wheel, lomp ond molor,


professionol quolity Spore lomp lor pin spot Colour wheel for pin spot


Mrror bott
Revolving mirror boll, A 20 cm, without drive unil Revolving mirror boll, 0 30 cm, without drive unil Revolving mirror boll, A 40 cm, without drive unil Drive unil for mirror boll, up to 0 40 cm

13.24 13.26

3.23 3.25

These very strong telescope stondords with

o length from


to 275 cm ore

very useful for temporory snoezel rooms, rooms withoul ceiling power sockets or for lending purposes. The stondords con be used with o pin spot or o revolving mirror boll.

.l3.67 13,24 .l3,26 13,27

Seporoteslondord Revolving mirror boll, 0 30 cm. without drive unit Drive unit for minor boll, up to 0 40 cm Pin spot complete


stond for pin spot or mirror boll

With o mirror boll or pinspot this toble stond con be used everywhere becouse of ils robust wooden siond, The pin spot comes complete wilh molor ond four-colour wheel.



Toble stond for pin spot Pin spot complete Toble stond for mirror boll


I3.26 Drive unit lor minor boll, up to 0 40 cm

Mirror boll A 20 cm, without drive unlt

20101 20102

minor bou

ldeol for low ceiling mounting. Comes with drive unit ond mounling ossembly. Holf mirror boll, 0 30 cm, including molor Holf mirror boll, A 40 cm. including motor


Bubble mochine


A simple, cheop but efficient bubble mochine thot simply provides whot is osked for: bubbles!




Bubble mochine Con with 5 litre liquid for bubble mochine



diffroction Ponel

Silvered ponels in five differenl designs, which diffroct light in oll directlons. Size 43 x 43 cm. Light diffroction Ponel Light diffroction ponels, pock of


Remote control complete with socket odopter. Three electrtcol connections con be switched on ond off ot o distonce.


Remote control, three connections



The mirror house mokes o fun feoture in ony recreotionol 0r sensory room. Eoch of the wolls, {loor ond ceiling ore lined with sofefy mirrors When the user sits inside, he gets o koleidoscopic view of himself' The house con be supplied on broked costors for eose of movement,

if required.
Size I

l0 x I l0 x 84

cm. Other sizes on demond!


Mirror house



" tT


r .,.,#ry,

.;* ,'.



'' tlt, a-?:,

Set of roct<ing elements tt,


ond very pleosont feeling. With o se$f i'oet<ing elements, you cpn rock o wheelchoirJ choir';' ' .';"!r, bench or bed. V}/hile sitting next to (fof exomple)
bed, tolKing lqhugging, the coretoker or relotive is oble tpfick the bed slowly. Our new ond inlOrwed design ollows only one person to eosily[plqce o wheelchoir on the rocki n_g-system. | (Rocki n g e leme nts new des g n o gro'dlioiion p(FQ W Inkie von Hees).


Sef of rffi<ing elemenls

/,, '(


') (_-

Super do-woll

x I 20 x 20 cm,

A combined toctile- ond octivity woll. Stondord ovoiloble in the size I 20

but it con be monufoctured in different'sizes on demond. Turn the wheels, throw o boll in the hole ot the top of the woll ond wotch where it will oppeor ogoin... The vibroting fish boord ond mirror rottle boord ore beouiifultoys but con olso be exchonged for other octivity boords from our ossortment The turning glitter tubes, the lorge mirror ond lhe smolltombolo cylinders ore very inviting to ploy with. Provided with very solid toctile- ond octivity elements. A beoutiful ond functionol woll filling in group- ond snoezel rooms.
SP333 SP333D

Super do-woll with speciol pointing

Mony do-wolls ore mode on speciol demond; size, design ond colour scheme con be determined by mutuol ogreement.

tffi cc(((
1 .l:; ;,t, l,jili Jllllr


i i i r.i/r

., -'



7 \-'-


ore stondord vornished with cleor vornish but it is o/so posslble to order fhem wifh o nice design os bockground fsee
The do-wolls


lndestructible mirrors




Mirrori size 125 x 245 cm

Other slzes on







Moveoble indestructible mirror ponel with double broked costors Moveoble mirror, size 0O x t AO cm N.B. The moveoble mirror con be fUlly tilted. Seporote indestructible mirrors: i Mirror, size 40 x 100 crfr Minor, size 60 x 120 ctft 07 07.08 Mirror, size 120 x 120 pm







Minor, s2e



Other sizes on demond!


n these snoezel films beoutiful soothing noture recordings ore shown. ldeol for both snoezel ond living rooms. With unique recordings from the West lndies, occomponied by sounds from reol noture ond ocoustic instruments. The right bolonce hos been found between live sounds of rustling polms ond colms seos, combined with imoges of the beoutiful noture. Avoiloble on DVD,

04.345 04.346 04.341 04,348 04.350

The ebb ond flow of o doy Flying flowers Return to the soil Sensitive skies Set of four Snoezel DVD's

tnoezel cD box

Everybody experiences music in ifs own woy. Music con leod to: rest, feor, nervousness, sleep, sodness, hoppiness, energy, cosiness, but olso depression. Music con olso work 0s "0 key lo the post". This shows thot music ond emotions ore closely reloted, The go0l of snoezelmusic is to creote o nice otmosphere, to moke contoct ond to bring someone into o pleosont feeling of rest ond reloxotion, which con be heoling for body ond soul. It is proved thot the use of 'wrong' music in o snoezel session moy offecl o person's stote of mind. The clienfs mood determines the choice of the melody. For exomple o shock reoclion, sposms, disorientotion ond exlreme octive behoviour ore exomples of whot might hoppen due to the 'wrong' type of music. Therefore cleor directives ore necessory when composing snoezelmusic. These directives hove to be recognised ond tronsloted to o choice of music reloted to the clienl's stote of mind. The use of snoezelmusic is o process of consciousness ond oworeness. A potienfs impoirments moy be clossified in o lot of grodotions; from slightly mentolly hondicopped to severely complex impoirments, oulism, dementio suffering, neurologicol conditions, etc. So the guidelines to the use of snoezelmusic hove to be odopted lo the correcl opproisol of the potienl's level. Aworeness of the level ond limits of the potient is very importont

Silences in music ore eosier occepted if rhythm ond dynomics in the previous pieces ore voried frequently. With o constont level in dynomics ond hormony, o sudden silence orouses ogiiotion ond obrupt chonges ore olso not 0pprecioted. Also o music choice in mojor roises the blood pressure ond the muscle tensions, where music in minor will relox the body. The compony ARC Audioheoling hos sludied these effects, together with theropists ond experienced experts, ond composed snoezel music specificolly for impoired persons. Guidelines to snoezelmusic ore: the degree of olmosphere, impulses, rhythm, composition, the use of nolure sounds ond lost but noi leost the quolity of producing, mixing ond mostering. With this music the 'risk foctors' of the use of music in lreotment ond/or snoezel sessions ore minimised.


CD box with 4 snoezel CDs



Reol-os-life seogulls with noturol feothers, spon co, 40 cm. A beoutiful decorotion for group- ond snoezel rooms. DG I



Vibroting snoke
The vibroting snoke

of I I5 cm length is on excellent mossoger. lls plioble noture ollows it to be wropped oround ony oching port of the body, Lightweight ond eosy to use, with intensity coniroller.
Botteries nol included.

14.020 Vibroting snoke


Vibroting spider

Vibroting cushion

Ploce your heod on the cushion ond it will vibrote until the

This hondheld device gently siimulotes millions of nerve endings on the scolp os well os ocupressure points thot creote o pleosont, reloxing sensolion. lt is olso greot for joints in your body where ii stimulotes blood flow to eose poin ond relox muscles. This motorized mossoger is mode with speciol metollic ends ond legs. You con select to turn the motor on for o stronger sensolion or use it without the motor for o more gentle mossoge. Operotes on two M botteries (nol included). Vibroting spider

pressure is releosed, The vibroting cushion helps soothe sore feet ond oching bocks ond leoves you reloxed ond comforloble, Botteries not included. Size 36 x 26 x 9 cm.


Vibroting cushion

Mossoge beetle

The fun woy

lo mossoge oches ond tension. When you push the nose of this beeile he will stort vibroting ond is reody to use for o reloxing mossoge of neck, shoulders, bock, orms or legs. Operotes on two AA botleries (not included).


Mossoge beetle




This very proclicol design invites one to fumble, touch, discover ond -oflen- provides hours of octivity. A big odvontoge of this opron is thot il con'l be lost by its user A disodvontoge could be thot the user won'f give il bock onymore, but considers it o personol orlicle of clothingl Therefore, we keep the price of lhis lobour-intensive weoroble octivity tool os low os possible; so everybody con hove their own toctile opron...


Toctile opron


Both former Berlus os his sturdy wife Mino hove o lot to tell to onyone who wonts lo lisien to their stories. These beouliful finished hond puppets ore not only used by ventriloquists but con be very useful in some situotions in o coring home. The puppets provoke o reoction, moke conioct but ore olso ideol os componion or cuddling object. Both orms con be moved in ony direction, 0ll fingers con be used seporotely ond lhe foce knows countless expressions. Wiih moveoble mouth ond longue.

* J

93942 93945


Hond puppet former Berius Hond puppet former's wife Mino

Toctile column ond Toctile boord

Toctile objects in vorious sizes, mostly with noturol

moteriols like fur, wool, leother, cork, textile, noiurol

sponge, rope, bristle, wood ond metol, composed into beoutiful columns ond (woll) boords.
Mony designs hove olreody been instolled in snoezel ond group rooms ond some exomples ore shown here, but these products ore olwoys designed occording to your own speciol demonds.

AVl3.00 AVl4.00

Toctile column, per running meter Toctile boord. per squore meter

This soft ond cuddly cushion is exlremely toclile ond invites to oct. Very lightweight, monogeoble size ond full ol chollenges, especiolly suitoble for psycho-geriotric words. Size 46 x 46 x l0 cm.


Toctile cushion



solt lomp Plonel

Eoch Chimoloyo solt lomp is o unique piece of noture, with its own structure, colour ond light ldeol for oir purificotion, on extro lighting point in o living room or office, but olso very suitoble in o children's bedroom (if they ore ofroid of the dork). The Chimoloyo solt lomp will constontly improve the oir quolity by ionrsolion ond purificotion, due to on increosed number of negotive ions. These negotive ions stick to positive ions, cousing dust to foll to the ground. This process will refresh the oir ond moke il oppeor just like the fresh oir of for exomple the seoside, in o forest or neor o wolerfoll.


Solt lomp Plonet

The Chichi is o lovely little voporiser thot is especiolly suitoble for smoll spoces

such os the bofhroom, toilet or study. Ploce o few drops of essentiol oil directly on

to one of the smoll felt coosters provided, before putting it into the holder in the
voporiser. Reploce the lid ond o sensor in the voporiser then reocts to every movement, distributing the oils for roughly 30 seconds before switching itself off ogoin. The oir becomes oromotised ond ionised. The Chichi comes with on electric odoptor bul is olso bottery-operoted, m0king it very hondy if mobility is key or if there ore no plug sockets. A sm0ll bose is supplied, so it con stond or be hung up.


Chichi voporiser

The Lotus is o beoutifully designed



for distribuling essentiol oils ond hydrolotes os well os for purifying the oir. Using on ullrosone technique, o very fine woter vopour is creoted thot is emitted from the flower-shoped oromotic voporiser 0s o sort of mist. ln oddition, the Chi voporiser olso creotes on ionising effect becouse lhe oir quolity is improved due t0 0n increosed number of negotive ions. These negolive ions stict< to positive ions, cousing dust to foll to lhe ground, You con odd Chi essentiol oils to the woter in the reservoir for lheropeulic purposes if you wish. With the timer it is possible to hove this 3-in-l voporiser distribute the oil of your choice for o few seconds every minute, or olternotively, you con let it work conlinuolly for holf on

-\1 ,




Lotus Apricot voporiser



2 Aromoslreom sel with 3 oils

A set with the Aromoslreom diffuser ond contoining moreover:

Essenti0l oils (or oromotic or ethereol oils) ore produced from frogront ond medicinol plonts. We con use essentiol oils lo mointoin

the bolonce of our body ond mind ond to encouroge the body to he0l itself. This is colled oromotheropy. Aromotheropy octivoles the senses with essentiol oils. lt c0n releose vivid memories where other sensoriol stimuli might foil. Also in combinotion with o mossoge or 0 (f00t)b0lh, ifs 0n effective ond pleosuroble theropy which con be enjoyed by everyone. lt con moke o person more reloxed, less onxious, less oggressive or simply blissful. Chi essentiol oils strengthen the life energy of mon, onimol ond plont. They octivote the immune system ond restore the bolonce. ln this monner they ore beneficiol to our heolth, zest for life ond beouty.

*Dovos cure oil: beneficiol for the respirotory system, in cose of o cold ond for refreshmenl in o room *Lovender: colming ond soothing in cose of stress, induces sleep, reloxing *Lemon: beneficiol for heort ond blood vessels ond nervous disorders, refreshing, roises concentrotion ond purifying.


Aromostreom set

3 Chi selection kit

Contoining 24 boitles of 2,5 ml essentiol oils ond pipetles. An ideol set 1o choose your fovourile frogronces. These frogronces moy loler be obtoined in lorger 10 or l5 ml boltles.


Chi selection kit, 24 bottles of 2,5 ml with pipette


4 Unpleosonl smell dissolving sel

Are there unpleosonl smells in your group room.

With this Aromostreom diffuser, the essentiol oil is not heoted, A few drops on the corrier pod ond lhe diffuser streom will genlly voporise the essentiol oil lo creote 0 room full of oromotic Irogronce, There ore two power settings, for normol ond boosl opplicotion. Comes with one filter.

Wilh: *Dovos oir

B75 876

Aromostreom Exlro filter for Aromostreom

sproy: beneficiol for the respirotory system, in cose of o cold ond for refreshment in o room *W-Chi sproy: cleors the surroundings of *Anli smoke diseose germs ond gives o fresh ond pleosont odour perfumed pleosont the scent cleors ond kills ond sproy: this diseose germs in the oir.


Unpleosont smell dissolving sel




<lt txTrtxlYroilll tv


tt-i. ,#';



ffi lx:r,
6 Aromostone
Troditionolly crofted in glozed ceromic, the oromo stone is the cleon, sofe ond effeciive woy of voporising essentiol oils withoui the use of o noked flome. Put drops onto the stone ond simply plug in Will not overheot ond con be eosily cleoned with o domp cloth lfs even possible to odd some woler, to lengthen the

9 Bolh oils
Sei of three both oils wlth: Dovos: benificiol for ihe respirotory system, olso for refreshment ond oir purificotion Lovinchi: o composition bosed on reol lovender, colming ond soothing in cose of stress, induces sleep Citrus mix: o fresh composition of citrus oils

" * *




Both oils, set of three

7 Aromoslone set wiih 3 oils

With on Aromostone, ideolto diffuse essentiol oils in smoll rooms ond moreover: * Chinese Peppermint: strengthens the stomoch, revitolizing, refreshing, heort tonic, ogoinst bod breoth ond cooling Rosemory Sponish: generolly octivoting ond stimuloting,

Tele-Aromo lomp
This oromo lomp gives o cosy light ond ihe wormth of the lomp mokes the essentiol oils evoporote. ldeol for snoezel- ond sphere rooms, living rooms ond olso very suitoble for the bedroom.


Tele-oromo lomp

elevoting, improves concentrotion, relieves cromps Oronge: induces o good nighl's sleep, colming, reduces wrinkles, cell renewing. Aromostone set


8 Noture sel
This set contoins 4 iheme-scenls with o composition of essentiol oils The themes ore: Fringe of the wood: reloxing ond colming, nice perfume Heofh: romontic otmosphere, reloxing, nice perfume Seo breeze: cleoring the heod, stimuloting, nice perfume Weolth of flowers: enhonces the otmosphere, refreshing ond o nice perfume.

* * * *


Noture set



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ond lying cushions Molto ond Kreto

These beonbogs ore unique, thonks to their speciol filling of very tiny beods. This filling will immediotely follow the shope of the user ond will keep this shope; in controst with the tr0ditionol beonbogs. Thonks to the under-pressure thot originotes ofter using the beonbog, 0 cleor stobilizotion will be noticeoble ofter I 5 to 20 seconds.

I . toke the desired sitling- or lying position

2. during posilioning; check if o good volume distribution of

beods tokes ploce


3. when onolher position is desired, you con eliminote

underpressure by shoking the pillow


Becouse of this unique support ond keeping-in-shope these beonbogs con be used for more usuol reloxing sitting- ond lying posilions os well os for theropeutic purposes.

Prtterrhon! These are ho usuful beanbaSs.

ffi n.*,
The cover of the Molto ond Kreto beonbogs is mode

of Physiotex,

usuolly double-coloured, but olso ovoiloble in one single colour. Five colours ore ovoiloble: green, blue, dork blue, red ond yellow. The bog hos o short zipper on the outside 0nd inside there is o solid cotton bog with o zipper ond o Velcro locking. The filling consists of very smoll polystyrene beods. The cover feels solid but olso very nice ond soft ond is eosy to disinfecl, woshoble ond breothing. The beonbogs ore stondord ovoiloble in the colours green/blue ond blue/red.

6594 6595 6593 6598 6599 6599

x 27 cm height Molto smoll, 0 Molto medium , a 130 x 27 cm height Molto lorge, 0 150 x 27 cm height
Kreto slondord,



x 80 x 27 cm

Kreto lorge, 200 x 100 x Kreto lorge. 200 x I00 x


cm cm

Ihe beonbogs
ore stondord woiloble in lhe coiours greenlblue or bluelred.

o round, yellow vibrotion e/emenf [see olher picfure)

N.B.; comes wifh

Music/vibrotion system combined with Molto or Kreto beonbogs

The Borry Emons music/vibrolion sysiem con be used underneoth oll beonbogs ond motlresses, but it is best used combined with the speciol beonbogs Molto or Kreto, the Borry Emons Music Bed with vibroting sysiem ond the Snoezel Mottress. The perfect vibroiion effecls, combined with the independent volume-odjustoble surround sound (trough the built-in speokers of the music cobinet) provide o fontoslic music


A huge goin for ony beonbog, motlress or theropeuticolly sitting- or lying provision. This music/vibrotion system with included moveoble music cobinel with DVD/CD ployer, o speciol omplifier ond o two buill-in speokers, provides o very versotile reloxolion experience thot con only be equolled by the Snoezel Mottress ond / or the music-vibrotion woterbeds.


Music vibrotion system, complete wilh occessories (without ony mottress or beonbog)


ffi nr",
Music bed with vibroting system
A fontostic heoring ond toctuol experience combined with the

highest comfort, which provides ultimote reloxotion ond music


27 cm thick mottress, filled with on exceplionol stuffing which contoins foom flocks os well os extremely smoll gronules (no ordinory polystyrene beods!), which is very soft but olso very solid, will be of excellent use in relirement- ond nursing homes os well os in the home situolion. The mottress gives on oplimol modelling ond support to the body ond therefore hos o greot theropeuiic volue.
The speciol designed

This Music bed with included moveoble music c0binet with DVD/CD ployer, o speciol omplifier ond o two built-in speokers, provides o very versotile reloxotion experience thot con only be equolled by the Snoezel Mottress ond / or the Music-vibrotion woterbeds. The lighlweight bed is relotively eosy tronsported to onolher r00m, which con be on odvonloge in some siluotions.

The Music bed with vibroting system is ovoiloble in two sizes; I 00 x 200 cm ond I 40 cm x 200 cm Both beds hove on odjustoble bock support thot olso offers the possibility of o holf sitting or holf lying position. lf necessory on extro solid bisonyl cover is ovoiloble (like with the Snoezel moltress) in o colour of your choice, bui this cover will decreose the lying comforl.



MUl40 MU3l0 MU3l4

Music bed, I 00 x 200 cm, complele with oll occessories Music bed, 140 x 200 cm, complele with oll occessories Bisonyl cover for Music bed MUl00 (100 cm width) Bisonyl cover for Music bed MU100 (140 cm width)

multi-person swing
Theropists ore convinced lhol o multi-person swing triggers the cooperoliveness of o conlinuous leorning process. Al the end better results in perception con be demonstroled, All of this is ochieved becouse of the potients desire io swing. Even severely disobled people ore more willing to porticipote ond ore more

oclive during exercises, thonks to the 'l wont to swing' effect. The TheropyPlus multi-person swings ore .l09x53, lorgel36x66 ovoiloble in 3 sizes: medium ond extro lorge 165x76 cm. With 4-point suspension ond o high-quolity net in block with yellow striping. Moximum weight 200 kg. The mulli-person swings ore ideol to combine with lhe stond olone swing fromework. lt provides lots of swinging fun, since one push moy offer up to 45 minules of flooting. The oluminium fromework is eosy to move ond detochoble within minutes.


TheropyPlus swing medium

TP002 TheropyPlus swing lorge TP003 TheropyPlus swing x-lorge TP004 Aluminium swing fromework,
sizel50xl60 x

245 cm


i ia
lo be hung from the ceiling or in o speciol free-stonding honging frome. Shoped to crodle the body, the soft podded leof choir is comfortoble ond reloxing. Foom wilh bisonyl cover, vorious colours 0voiloble. See poge 76 for o colour ronge, Required spoce: height opp. 220 cm,
The fomous leof choir wos especiolly designed

widlh opp. 250 cm, length opp. 300 cm.

H0257 Leof choir H0258 Slond for leof choir



ls this o beonbog or o comfortoble 0rmchoir? The Oleonder is both! The fontoslic seot of o beonbog is combined with lhe comfort of o solid bock ond ormrests. This choir, filled with polystyrene beods, will eosily follow your body shope. Delivered with o bisonyl cover of ony chosen colour.
The Oleonder beonbog is now olso 0voiloble os o

two-seoler sofo.
This beonbog is very suitoble for restless (psycho geriotric) persons. The bisonyl cover is 0v0il0ble in 0ll cunent colours; see the colour ronge on poge 76.





Beonbog Oleonder, size x 90 x 65 cm Oleonder two-seoler sofo, size I 40 x 70 x 90 cm

Pleose inlorm us 0b0ul lhe desired colour with your order.



ond lying-islonds
Almost indeslructible cushions ond islonds lilled wilh polystyrene be0ns thot mould lo lhe body ond support it where necessory. 0f course they con be refilled ond ore .l50 eosy lo cleon. From o diometer of cm. ond more, we speok 0f lying-islonds to cleorly indicole lhe sizes of these lying elements. 0f course olher colours, sizes ond shopes ore ovoiloble on demond.

H440 H441 H442 H443 H444

Floppy cushion , size A 80 x height 40 cm Floppy cushion , size A 100 x heighl 50 cm Floppy cushion, size A 120 x heighl 50 cm Lying-islond, size A 150 x heighl 50 cm Lying-islond, size A 200 x heighl 50 cm

Pleose indicole the desired colours with your order; see poge 76


The Cloud mottress benefils, which hove been described by customers, include:

The mottress forms itself oround the user, giving on ideol silting or lying medium. The temperoture is comfortoble - initiolly there is no cold feeling ond very quickly it reoches body temperoture The covering hos on onti slip benefit, so thot even cerebrol polsy children hove few problems orising from sliding or folling off the cushion The glitter in the moteriol gives o fontostic effect whenever the sun or other light folls on if. It is necessory to regulorly shoke the motlress.


.28 .37 .30

I 288

Cloud mottress

Glitter pouf

Lorge divon


Cloud mottress, .l35 x 35 cm size opp. 190 x Cloud motiress with bisonyl cover Moveoble ploteou for cloud mottress
Lorge divon, .l80 x 80 x 80 cm size opp. Lorge divon with bisonyl cover Gliiter pouf, 0 80 cm


0n these beonbogs you will feel os though you were flooting in the cloudsl
Monufoctured from o strong plostic cooied moferiol, with mony coloured sporkles. The beonbogs ore filled with polystyrene beods. The sporkles will show o nice effect when lit by o lomp (for exomple in o snoezel room). These beonbogs ore eosy lo cleon ond will moinloin shope for o long time. The cloud mottress ond the lorge divon ore olso ovoiloble with o bisonyl cover; see poge 76 for the colours Choice of 'four colours glitter covers: purple , red, yellow or white. Choice out of 2l colours of bisonylcovers: see poge 76. Alternotive shopes or sizes con be provided.

I 308 11.29

N.B.: Pleose inform us oboul the desired colour wilh your order.

... glilter


lorge divon ...

Tilt woter choir
The Hydro Tilt woter choir is extremely versotile, suitoble for o wide ronge of client groups, The eosy to odjust seol comfort ond optimol pressure monogement ore combined with o very eosy operolion. The polenled system of pressure monogement is opplied to three woter comportments in both seot ond bock. Unlike gel or fooms, woter hos 'no memory' so instontly odjusls ond conforms to the user's body shope ond weight.
The woler comportments hove o thin foom loyer on top,

so it will never feel 'cold'.

the choir con be tilted from 0 lo 20 degrees, providing o constonlly chongeoble pressure on legs, bottom ond bock. Thus the woter comportments will be even more effectuol. lhe odjustoble leg rest will increose the seol comfort, especiolly in o lilled position. lhe four robusl double broked costors provide eosy lronslerring ond lhe occupont con even remoin in the choir. the entire seot is eosily odjustoble lo lhe lenglh of the polienl's lower legs. Besides thot ii is possible lo order seporole side 'blockers': lo odjusl the seot-widlh individuolly. there is o choice of vorious top quolity fobrics, 0ll eosy lo remove ond cleon

(or reploce). Mosl fobrics ore mochine-woshoble. lf lhe choir is used very frequenlly we odvise o vinyl cover: even more robusl ond eosy to cleon.
The Hydro Till woter ch0ir hos o slond0rd seot width of 50 cm , bul is olso ovoiloble in olher widths. You con olso odd vorious occessories, like severol heodresls, o footresl or o work plole.


Hydro Tilt woier choir lorge, seol width 50 cm


Mony homes hove residents with o low level of development, oflen with o multiple complex hondicop, lfs nol olwoys eosy to provide lhose people with o reloxing otmosphere, where senses ore stimuloted ond communicotion is storted.

With Aquo-Sens you con creote o nice ond stimuloting otmosphere in o wet room, providing reloxotion wilh snoezel-like stimuli. By offering vorious stimulotions of the senses (sight, sound, touch ond smell) in o worm room, with o both or soft sofo. you c0n creote reloxing octivities thol ore quile different from the normol doily rituols.
An Aquo-Sens room con be of greot influence on the wellbeing

of the users, by deoling in o different woy with perceptions, experiences ond functionolity of vorious octivilies. This will oll hoppen in o sofe surrounding of wellbeing ond reloxotion, thot con be used oll yeor round.

Co//or moi/us for more informolion.


- slor cloud

- bubble-unil - hydro tilt woler choir - two heighl odjustoble ond moveoble lobles, which con
be ploced obove the bolh - three lorge woll pointings

The connection of the woll poinfings ln lhe

'Norscho/en" home, where the lorgest ponel hos o length of 4,5 melres.






We con offer very prolessionol ond recognizoble pointings for bothrooms, theme corners, octivity or rooms. The poinlings con be mode direclly on lhe woll indireclly, on wooden or synthelic boords thol con be lo lhe woll. We odvise to use lhese boords, so you eosily remove your poinlings when

\ t woll snoezel I or I ottoched \ con I necessory. \ T The desired lhemes con be delivered os I -il

pholo, skelch or even os o

Prices on demond.



$l til
I .;(

t 'l



beoutifulhomely isceDe shows o combinofion belween furnifure moking croffsmonship ond the ort of potnting. ln fhis fleld Borry Emons will olwoys remoin the best, srnce such combinotions of creotivily and the obove mentioned croffsmonship skills ore one of our sfrongest selling pornts. ln severolhomes ond other institutions we creoted such

otmosfierlc corners,

,Ot* ,i


\ tl,

/SNA, lnternofionol Snoeze/en Assoc iotlon

it! t i di, , ii ,\,


Kilsto Mertens ond Ad Verheul first mef in fhe middle of fhe

eighfles. Regulor meelrngs resulted in o joint projecf fo reseorch ond scien/lficolly veilfy the effects of Snoezelen. The first symposium took ploce in 2002. where over one hundred porticiponfs ogreed on es/ob/lshing the lnternotionol Snoezelen Associo/lon f/S/VAj, Meonwhile /SNA hos 60 members from 16 countries. who ore oll rnleresfed in the furfher development of Snoezelen ond who ore distinguished exper/s in fhe fields of Snoeze/en educotion ond Snoezelen room design ond sefup, The members ore octively pursuing fhe propogofion of occurote informofion ond quolified further educotion. Troining courses educole obouf fhe boslcs of Snoezelen, torget group speci/rc confenfs, support ond theropy

concepfs developed ond lesled over the

yeors, os well diognos/lc procedures.


Furthermore on infernofionol nelwork between Snoezelen i nsf itutions wor ldwide is being es/ob/rshed. Experfs hol di ng /S/VA'S i nfernotionol ly recognised' odditionol quol if icotion' wor k i n differenf i nstifutions.

exchonge experiences, vlsl/ eoch other, leorn from one onother ond odopt their froining concepfs fo new reseorch units. For furfher informotion see /he websife wru.isno,de


of publlcqflon of the lst lnterndlonolSnoezelen Symposlum ln Berlln 2002

Snoezelen - rnanu corntr[es

200 poges, fee: 19.95 euro the book ond

- a lot of ideas

Prof. Dr. Kristo Mertens Ad Verheul (publisher)


CD (on CD there is the book os pdf-doto file.) You con order this book:

. .
. .


Heeren Loo Midden

Nederlond, Zuid Veluwe

Ad Verheul, sectie Dogbesteding


75, NL - 6710 BB Ede Tel.: 003] 3]8 593580 Fox: 0031 318 593599
Postbus e-moil : od.verheul@sheerenloo, nl

. . .

Mertens, K. / Verheul, A.: Vorwort Meriens, K : Eroffnung des Snoezelen-Symposiums Verheul, A.: Eroffnung des Snoezelen-Symposiums Verheul, A.: 25 Johre Snoezelen - Entwicklung und oktueller Stond Gschwend, G.: Die neurophysiologische Grundloge des Snoezelens Yomonoko, Y: The lntroduclion of the Joponese Snoezelen Associotion ond Snoezelen in Jopon Cohono, C.: Snoezelen - Snoezel or controlled multi-sensory stimulotion - Treotment ospecis from lsroel Shopiro, M.: Beit lssie Shopiro - ldeos ond Reseorch DesRosiers, F. / Theroux, M.: Snoezelen coming to us from different directions, how it
gets efficient

. . . . . . . .

Andersson, G /Johonsson, G.:An evoluotion oboutthe individuolneeds in Snoezelen Mertens, K.: Forschungsprolekt: Snoezelen mit Kindern mit Aufmerksomkeitsstorungen,
begleitet von Hyperoktivitot

Schifton, Y / Siodnicki, A,: Untersuchungen der okustisch-vibrotorischen Musico Medico - Methode in der Medizin, Pridogogik und Sonderpodogogik Shopiro, M / Roth, D. / Morcus, A.: The effect of lighting on the behovior of children who ore develop- mentolly disobled Wilzki, P: Bedurfnisgerechtes Plonen von Snoezelenroumen Brehmer, C.: Snoezelen: der non-direld.ive theropeutische Ansotz Thomos, L. : Snoezelen for people with sensory difficulties ond restricted verbol obilities Schofield, P: Rondomised controlled lriols in polliotive core ond chronic poin Jcinsch, E.: Snoezelen mit psychisch kronken Menschen (Proxisbeispiel) Achterberg, l.: Die Versorgung im Teom von Bewohnern in einer psycho-geriotrischen
Abteilung Verheul, A./Mertens, K.: Reportof the lnternotionolSnoezelen Symposium in Berlin 2002

of publlcotlon of the 2nd lnternotlonolSnoezelen Symposlum ln Ede 2003


- Application fields in practice

About this book : I 67 poges Feei 22.95 euro lhe book ond o DVD, excl. postoge- ond tronsfer costs Contents of priorities of the 2nd lnternotionol Symposium of the "lnternotionol Snoezelen Associotion" (ISNA) 2003
From the 9th to the I lth of Oclober 2003 over 100 p0rticiponts from Jopon. lsroel, Conodo, Sweden, Norwoy, Finlond, Denmork, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Germony ond the host notion Hollond met in Ede to get to know more obout the procticol work ond to exchonge their technicol knowledge.

Prof. Dr. Kristo Merlens, Ad Verheul (ed.)

ln the 20 workshops they could experience different models ond philosophies with regords to the procticol use of Snoezelen. Music, ort-, ergo- ond reloxolion theropists demonstroted their ideos ol how to bring Snoezelen to people with speciol needs. Psychologists, computer speciolists ond teochers discussed possible diognostic ond meosuring procedures, suggestions were mode on how to creole ond equip rooms to meet speciol needs requirements ond corers reported obout the effecls ond functions Snoezelen hos on the well being of the users ond their surroundings,
You con order this book through Ad Verheul (os obove)


- another world
min. ond


from Ad Verheul
Published byAd Verheulthe Hortenberg Centre. 2 DVD 2x

I CD-Rom with PowerPoints

Generol informotion obout the origin, philosophy, theory, bockgrounds ond proctice of Snoezelen. An impression by o fother ond mother oboul Snoezelen ond the experience of lheir profoundly mentolly retorded son. A video tour of the Snoezelcentre of the Horlenberg with speciol Snoezelen music, detoils, views of speciol Snoezelen equipments, different impressions of the behoviour of mentolly hondicopped people in the Hortenberg Snoezelen Cenlre. Alternolive Snoezelen octivilies in lhe swimming pool of the Hortenberg Centre. Snoezelen in o horse ridingschool os o speciol theropy. Snoezelen integroted in the doily progrom of people with demeniio. Snoezelen os o doy progrom in Nursery homes. Price: 49,50, excl. postoge- ond tronsfer costs

Originol sound: Dulch, English, Germon

CD-Rom: You con order these 2 DVD 's Heeren Loo Midden - Nederl0nd regio Zuid Veluwe Ad Verheul, sectie Dogbesteding Postbus 75, NL - 6710 BB Ede


Tet.:0031 318 593580, Fox:0031

e-m0il : od.verheul@sheerenloo. nl

3]8 593599

TEACIJ - D\tD: gnoezelen

You con order the TEACH Prof. Dr. Kristo Mertens

by Prof. Dr, Kristo Mertens

- introduction and basics

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Price: 14,95;20 Minutes;systemrequirement:Windows2000/XP; Pentium-CPUmind.




definition 6:00 Min.

Humboldt - Universittit zu Berlin lnstitut f U r Rehobil itotionswissenschoflen Abt. Korperbehi ndertenpodogogik Georgenslr. 36, D - l0l l7 Berlin

2. oims 3:00 Min. 3. rooms 5:00 Min. 4. encourogement ond Theropie 6:00 Min.

030-2093 4406, Fox:030-2093 4229

e-moil : kristo. mertens@rz.

Do it got-rrself ideas to h-fld Snoezelen equiPment.

29,50 excl postoge- ond tronsfercosts,22l poges including CD-ROM with PowerPoint presentotions:

. A virtuol tour oround the Snoezelen Centre of De Hortenberg, including numerous photogrophs ond floor plons . A virtuol tour oround the compound of the Hortenberg Cenlre, . Snoezelen moteriols homemode, construction monuols, lips ond proctice reloted informotion. . Snoezelen with people with dementio, o virtuol tour oround o nursery home . Snoezelen in noture, informolion on how to creote o sensory gorden . Snoezelen olternotives: Snoezelen in o speciol Riding School,
Snoezelen in the swimmingpool
You con order this book ond CD-Rom: 's Heeren Loo Midden - Nederlond, regio Zuid Veluwe Ad Verheul, sectie Dogbesteding Poslbus 75, NL - 6710 BB Ede Tel.:

Full colour prints of oll lhe Snoezelen equipmenl.

003] 318 593580, Fox:003] 318 593599


al' t




'& flsl



Soft Ptoy hos

become verY populor in the core for mentolly ondlor physicotly hondicopped, whether ff ls used os ploy element, theropeuficotty or in o seporotion room, With its sofely, durobiliU ond colourful oppeoronce, Sof/ Ploy hos proven t/se/f os fhe bosA of o sofe environmenf. Becouse of oll the posslb/e producf ond colour combinotions berng offered, o brood orroy of fontostic ployrooms confoining stoirs, mots, rolls, bol/s. s/ldes. igloos, etc, con be creoted. Everything in the room ls so/e ond soft, guoronfeeing plenU of ploying fun,

We rorely decorofe o room with iust stondqrd

moteriols, coming right ouf of our cotologue. Every room needs o speclo/ mode-to-meosure deslgn ond therefore presenls o chollenge to creofe o very beoufiful. functionol ond ployful deslgn of the sorne fime. Everythingwifhinthe limits of fhe ovoiloble budget.,, Our so/esmen know every possibilily onci, difficutty thot wilt occur rn o specio/ proiecl, ond eoch time they monoge fo creofd somefhing exf r oord i norf,


We ore pleosed to design your Soft Ploy room, especiolly odjusted to your needs, the ovoiloble room, specific desires ond budget. Of course our Soft Ploy products con be perfectly combined with woterbeds ond other 'oction-reoction' moteriols from our ronge.

.., from cellor to Sofl Ploy porodise,..

A nice exomple of the chonging of o dull cellor into o Soft Ploy porodise! This room, 8x5 metres, is fully provided with wove-shoped woll mols on the long woll ond o woll moi costle on the shorter woll. Wilh mony ploying, climbing, sliding, crowling ond discovery possibililies!
By the woy, the odjoining, second cellor is olso fully chonged, this time into o beoutiful snoezel room.

... o cheerful solution to chonge o dull sfone woll rnlo o so/e ond oltroctive olternotive; woll mots in fhe shope o/ o cosf/e..,

from cellor to snoezel room...

Hondico exclusively produces 0 complele ronge of soft furniture, woll ond floor mots. ploy ond theropy shopes for Borry Emons. Soft Ploy oreos ore suitoble for oll obilities ond o multilude of opplicotions, encouroging expression ond inleroction, fun, ploy ond leorning within o sole environment.

Dolo cloth: Appeoronce top/bottom


Shiny Polyester

9x9 I 100


Cooting Totol weight

Tensile strength


670 gr/m2 3000 N/5 cm

Breoking elosticity
Temperoture resistont UV-resistont




Very good Fire retording fobric

















I (






An exomple of o speciol deslgned Sofl Ploy product soft


Another exomple of speciol deslgned Soff Ploy product: soft ploy-house wilh ploslic see-fhrough windows, lockoble door. roof ond soff floor mof,


...Corner seot double ond
triple, with or without ormres/s,

soft Ptoy furniture

H70 Sofo-bed single without ormrests H72 Sofo-bed single with two ormrests H73 Sofo-bed double without ormrests H75 Sofo-bed double with two ormresls H76 Sofo-bed triple wilhout ormrests H78 Sofo-bed triple with two ormrests H79 Sofo-bed corner unit H80 Complete set lor I -2-3 Persons H60 Choir low bock, size 80 x 70 x 85 cm H6l Choir medium bock, size 80 x 70 x 105 cm H62 Choir high bock. size 80 x 84 x 125 cm H64 Two-seofer sofo with ormrests, size ]36 x 70 x 85 cm H65 Three-seoled with ormrests, size 186 x 70 x 85 cm Hl6A Fixotion girdle Trousers" Hl6 Fixotion girdle "H-shoPe" H66 Corner seol double ond triple, long left side
Corner seot double ond triple, long righl side (The long side to be seen stonding in front ond looking ot the sofo)


...Cho/rs ond sofo seols ln fhe slondord deslgn.

Also ovoiloble with f ixotions...

ffi **r."
ffigh-bock choir with work desk
This Soft Ploy choir with high bock ond work-desk is especiolly suitobte for restless persons. The sofl bul very strong desk will keep o person in ploce when necessory ond connot be removed by lhe person in the choir. Also very useful to present vorious octivilies. ll's possible lo provide our olher Sofl Ploy choirs wilh o work-desk. Coll us for more informolion.


High-bock choir with

work desk

Is ond sofos new design

As functionol ond robust os our stondord models, yet

o lol more elegont ond modern. A reol eye-coicher...... The slondord seot height is 42 cm. Choir low bock, size 80 x 70 x 8b cm Choir medium bock, size 80 x 70 x l0b cm Choir high bock, size 80 x 70 x t 25 cm Two-seoler sofo wilh ormresls Three-seoler sofo with ormresls

H90 Hgl H92 H93 H94

All cholrc ond benches from our ronge con be completed wllh o professlonol muslc/vlbroflon elemenl ond speclol ompllflef connec.loble wllh ony CD-, DVL ployer, or cossslle ployer, ot exlru cosls.





This well-known ploying bed is especiolly designed for

o reloxed

belly-lying position. Stondord ovoiloble in two sizes,

H367K H367G

x 70 cm Ploying bed smoll, size Ploying bed lorge, size 215 x 76 cm


A very robusl ond sofe rocking boot Avoiloble in two sizes.

lor big ond smoll persons.

H365 H366

Rocking boot, size 220x140 x 40 cm Rocking boot, size 220 x 100 x 40 cm

ls this o beonbog or o comfortoble ormchoir? The Oleonder is boihl o beonbog is combined wilh the comfort of o solid bock ond ormrests. This choir, filled with polystyrene beods, will eosily follow your body shope. Delivered with o bisonyl cover ot
The fontostic seot of

ony chosen colour.

This beonbog is very suitoble for restless (psycho geriotric) persons. Oleonder with bisonyl covers ore ovoiloble in oll current colours; see lhe colour ronge on poge 76

New in our progromme is the wobbling choir. For mony residents / clients wobbling ond rocking is o fundomentol meons of reloxotion ond o woy to reduce lensions. Most 'normol'furniture is unfortunotely not designed to withstond such constonl rocking movements. The wobbling choir is o foom choir with o bisonyl cqvqr,



x 90 x 65 cm Beonbog Oleonder, size Oleonder two-seoler soJo, .l40 x 70 x 90 cm height size




Floppy cushion octogonol

Fbppy cushions ond lying-islonds

Colourful floppy cushions with eight ongles. Filled with polystyrene beons ond with 0 very robust bisonyl cover. All our beon cushion con be refilled. Colours on demond! lf lhere ore no colours indicoled on your order, we will deliver the colours 0s in lhe pictures on these



H432 H433 H434 H435

Floppy Floppy Floppy Floppy Floppy Floppy

cushion cushion cushion cushion cushion

ociogonol, size 0

octogonol, size 0 octogonol, size A octogonol, size A oclogonol, size g cushion oclogonol, size g

.l00 x .l00 x 140 x 140 x 180 x 180 x

height height heighl heighl heighl height

30 50 30 50 40 50

cm cm cm cm cm cm

Almost indestructible cushions ond islonds filled with polystyrene beons lhot mould to the body ond support il where necessory. 0f course they con be refilled ond ore eosy lo cleon. From o diometer of 150 cm. ond more, we speok 0f lying-islonds to cleorly indicote the sizes of these lying elements. Of course other colours, sizes ond shopes ore ovoiloble on demond,


Fbppy cushion sousoge

H440 H441 H442 H443 H444

Floppy cushion , size A 80 x height 40 cm Floppy cushion , size A 100 x height 50 cm Floppy cushion , size a 120 x height 50 cm Lying-islond, size 0 150 x height 50 cm Lying-islond, size A 200 x height 50 cm

to lie on or ogoinst or just to ploy with. This non-edible sousoge comes slondord in four cheerlul colours. Size A 42 cm x length I00 cm,
Very enjoyoble

Floppy cushion sousoge, size A 42 cm x length l0O cm

?!{;L!*yffix ,.;;;!,l,ih;r{r

Music/vibrotion plofform
A music/vibrolion plofform with o set of slrong music/ vibrotion elemenis con be delivered in mony shopes ond sizes. To be used with ony stereo set. A voluoble exlro dimension for your group or snoezel room. OJ course prices depend on shope ond sizes. Coll us for more informotion.


Music/vibroiion plotform,

x 50 cm, x stondord size with two wove-shoped woll mottresses ond o speciol omplifier



Rotts ond wedges

These shopes ore modeio-meosure lrom strong polyether foom (with firmness vorying from soft to hord). All shopes ore covered with o bisonyl cloth (o very strong PVC cloth, ovoiloble in mony colours). The cover is eosy to cleon, very strong ond robusl ond colourfosl.

08.00 Rollg l0 x 6l cm 08.02 Roll 0 20 x 6l cm 08.04 Roll O 25 x 9l cm 08,06 Roll g 30 x 9l cm 08.08 Roll g 35 x 100 cm 08.10 Roll0 41 x122cm 08.20 Wedge cushion, 5l x 55 x 10/2 cm 08,22 Wedge cushion, 5l x 56 x 2513 cm 08.24 Wedge cushion, 6l x 7l x 15/2,5 cm 08.26 Wedge cushion, 6l x 7l x25/3 cm



Construction set

This foom construction set consists of six

colourful ports (roof, tunnel ond four poles) .l00 x 90 x I 50 cm height. Size


Construction set

Soft Ploy'londscopes':
foscinoting scenery of colourful mountoins ond volleys, st0ircoses ond mots, honging trees, slides, woves, igloos, huts, etc. etc. Everything you encounter is soft so you connot hurt yourselfl Not only for pure pleosure but olso very uselul for movemeniond physiotheropy. All kinds of sizes ond shopes ore possible; prices on demond.

I 2 3 4 5

Woll mols
Floor mols
Stoircose with lunnel


See through roll Boll



Slide with tunnel

Two-seoter sofo with ormrests Conskuction set

H334 H335 H337 H340 H344 H345 H346 H002 H003 H005 H006

Stoircose, size 150 x 75 x 104 cm Stoircose with tunnel, size 150 x 75 x 104 cm .l50 x 75 x 104 cm Slide, size .l50 x 75 x ]04 cm Slide wilh tunnel, size .l04 cm Wove, size I50 x 75 x Hut with lunnel, size ]50 x 75 x 104 cm Tunnel, size I50 x 75 x 104 cm Honging cylinder, size 150 x 0 30 cm Honging cylinder, size 200 x 0 30 cm Floor Floor Floor Floor

mol, mol, mot, mot,

size size size size

200 200 200 200

x I00 x 6 cm
x 200 x 6 cm

x ]00 x l0 x 200 x I0

cm cm



x 6 cm HOl0 Woll mot with plywood, size 100 x 80 HOl2 Woll mot with plyrlood, size 100 x .l00 x 6 cm HOl3 Woll mot with plywood, size 200 x 100 x 6 cm H014 Woll moi with plywood, size 200 x I00 x l0 cm

-1)\YA& [J
,-_ L-) /-z 1-1 t-7\,



Chunkie wedge size 40 x 30 Chunkie wedge size 60 x 40

x I00 .l00 x

cm cm


slzes for woll mols, lloor mols, wodgs, elc.: prlcs on demond!

l0 II Hl4 I5


Wiggle cushion wilh moi, size I 50 x I 50 x 60 cm Edge for wiggle cushion, size 250 x 250 x l0 cm Floppy cushion islond, 0 I50 x height 50 cm Floppy cushion islond, A 200 x height 60 cm Sott plotlorms lor bubblalubes: pilces depend on slze ond shope!


..-)'' 1t\Y 'i






Bubbte{ube istonds

Bubbte{ube istond

BubbleJube islonds ore ovoiloble in ony shope or size, provided with one, two or three bubble-tubes. An ocrvlic mirror corner provides on extro visuol stimulotion, Pleose conioct us for more informotion or o free offer. Prices on demond, depending on

We con deliver floppy cushions with bubble-tubes of vortous diometers, bul this construction is never os robust os o bubbletube islond, becouse the tube con be moved bock- ond forword more eosily, Therefore we strongly odvise the fixed shope of o foom bubbleJube islond insleod of the floppy cushions, H H

768 769

Bubblejube islond 0 100 cm with o bubble-tube 12 x 84 cm height Bubblejube islond I 20 x 180 cm with o bubblejube A 12 x 84 cm height


Foom rocking choir

A combinotion of super reloxing, sofe ond comfofioble sitting or to rock this lying Becouse of its unique design il's olso possible .l50 x 85 x 100 cm. choir. Fullysupporting with roised sides Size

Foom rocking choir

*l L


Leof choir

The fomous leof choir wos especiolly designed

to be hung from the ceiling or in o speciol free-stonding honging frome. Shoped to crodle the body, the soft podded leof choir is comfortoble ond reloxing. Foom wilh bisonyl cover, vorious colours ovoil0ble. See poge 76 lor o colour ronge,

H0251 H0258

Leof choir

Honging frome

Required spoce: height opp.220 cm, width opp. 250 cm. length opp. 300 cm.

Beon wedges (Chunl<ies)

Wedge shoped cushions filled with exponded polystyrene beons Designed to mould to the body to provide o lirm comfortoble support when sitting or lying,




N ;\,

Avoil0ble with strong bisonyl covers, in two sizes: 60 x 50 x 30 cm (smoll) ond 60 x g0 x 55 cm (lorge).

H0261 H0262

Universol wedge smoll Universol wedge lorge



Boll boths squore, rectongle or round in mony sizes, seporoble or in one piece, in mony bright colours, with plinths for use with hoists ond lifts or without: olmost onything is possible. A boll both hos o stondord floor of l0 cm thickness, Between the brockets it shows how mony bolls ore odvised for eoch boll boih size H30 Boll both size 200 x 200 x 50, Boll both size 300 x 200 x 50, Seporoble boll bolh, size 300 x Seporoble boll both, size 300 x Seporoble boll both, size 400 x other sizes: prices on demond edge 30 cm (3.000 bolls) edge 30 cm (4.000 bolls) 200 x 50 cm (4.000 bolls) 300 x 50 cm (7.000 bolls) 300 x 50 cm (10.000 bolls)

H3l H32
H33 H34

Bott cteoner

Bolls for boll both 0 6 cm in vorious colours, per 1000

Bolls in o boll both need regulor cleoning. To ossure o good hygiene the use of o boll cleoning mochine is the quickest ond simplest woy. The slondord boll cleoner will be sufficient for boll boths up to opp. 30.000 bolls, The boll cleoner consists of the following components: - flexible suction hose tronsporent, length 3,5 meter - wosh unit with integroted suction unit - brush for bolls diomeier 6-8 cm. - boll netiing system with 25 nets - plunging pomp integroted - I0 meter woier suction hose with couplings - tronsport hose tronsporent, length 1,5 meter This boll cleoning mochine is delivered with oll the necessory components included, but spore componenls like extro boll neJs or o longer tronsporent suction hose ore ovoiloble on demond. Coll us for odvice!
BBW2OOO ,1, e,ctge roe4 ia ,e C, a),,ia


z, ), )qtt ,iti 'si4 ,),

,0,,e ?q, ?qa,

74, 7ce

Boll cleoner stondord

h toe Ort toel ,). Itt te, see L ,,;

CC, co,

olt lot )ot4 tt,J

z 6





Time-out rooms

Time-oul or seporotion rooms ore still necessory in some situotions when 0 person needs to be colmed down. The floor, wolls ond furniture need to be obsolutely soft yet extremely robust They hove to withstond teoring, pulling, beoting, etc. ln the lost few yeors o lot of these rooms were reolised by Hondico Borry Emons. Time-out rooms ore olwoys o speciol design on demond, We hove gothered o lot of experience to find on odequote 'sofl-strong' solution for ony situotion Pleose contoct us when you ore inleresled in more informotion, We will provide o free odvice together with o price offer ond drowings of your

lf there is enough spoce, we odvise to creote o reloxotion oreo besides ihe time-out room, where the senses ore stimuloted in o pleosont woy through elemenls like o blocklighl oquorium o liquid projector ond snoezel music, Stressed persons moy olreody be distrocted ond even

colm down becouse of the sensory siimulolion ond ofter 0 stoy in the time-out room, the reloxotion oreo moy offer the possibility to relox.
Brond new elements in o time-out room ore oclion-reoction spots inside the woll moltresses, lf such on oreo is hit, o sound will be creoted, or the light in the room will chonge, During oggressive moments, hitiing, boxing or stomping these spots will couse o specific reoction to the environment. This moy offer the person the possibility to releose lensions more eosily in order to return to normol doily life os soon 0s possible




Beds and walled beds and Bicgcles

For 15 yeors Borry Emons rs fhe obso/ufe frendselter in developmenf ond producfion of heighf-odjusfoble beds ond wolled beds for peopte wifh o hondicop. There ore many focfors for choosing fhe ilght bed for the righf person, The delivery of o proper bed hos everything to do with o professionol odvice! We'll be p/eosed to moke you on offer free of obligotions,

Besides /he beds, we offer o lorge

voilef of speciol bicycles, fricycles,

wheelchoir bikes ond ofhers, Feel free to contoct us for more informofion.

*il II

ll Itt

l! i! l' ii l'r'

il li

Ir h

/',.-\. ao,rv




A Sofespoce provides 0n ottroctive ond economicol olternotive to woll podding. lt con be described 0s 0'room within o room'ond con fill the whole of 0 smoll room or fit in port of o lorger room Becouse of the Sofespoce's unique design, no odditionol building work is required ond it 0llows for the continued use of existing focilities, so windows, rodiotors, plug sockets ond lights con oll be used normolly to creote o pleosont ond cosy environment
Sofespoces ore mode with industriol strenglh PVC wolls, which ore positioned ot leost 10"/25cm 0w0y from your room wolls. This PVC, pulled tout on o steel frome, flexes outwords 1o obsorb impocts The flexible wolls ond 1cm/3" thick soft podded floor reduce the risk of the person inside being oble to horm themselves on wolls, {loors ond olher hord surfoces. The Sofespoce is custom-mode to fi1 your existing room, the zip out doors 0nd windows ore custom designed to 0lign with those olreody present Ihe cleor PVC windows ond o net roof give eoch Sofespoce 0 sense of openness ond freedom Unlike lroditionol podded ponels, o Sofespoce con be deconstrucled ond re-instolled when moving house (by Sofespoces fitlers)
The Sofespoce helps

to reduce tronsmiited noise os the person inside is unoble to bong ogoinst the room wolls, whilst for sofety the net roof ollows them to still be heord This con vostly reduce the disiurbonce 1o other household members ond neighbours Other reported benefits hove included o colming influence on those with outism ond beller sleep polterns (for porents 0nd corers tool) Sofespoces ore being used in homes, respite cenlres ond schools for people who need high levels of supervision They ore often used to creote o low sensory environmenl for sleep or "chilling-ouf' ond they ore used to creote stimuloting sensory rooms. Any Sofespoce con be multi-purpose with the oddition of viewing ponels ond blinds lndividuolly designed ond custom-mode for eoch locolion, Sofespoces con meosure up
to 300 x 300 cm x 210 cm high







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ffi mr,

Phy toble stond

An ideol oid for children ond odults olike. The ploy toble stond is very versotile ond eosy to use from o wheelchoir, stonding position, seoted on lhe ground or belly- or bock-lying posilion. Providing on optimol ploy ond work toble olso for severely hondicopped. The ploy toble stond is suitoble: - for use by one person, or two people focing eoch olhe1 - for use in different rooms since it is eosily token oport ond conied; - lo ploce onyone in 0 work or ploy situolion into 0n optimol position; - to offer 40 different, interchongeoble, occessible work or ploy oreos; giving o wide choice of normolly otherwise unottoinoble experiences

02.01 02,02

Ploy toble stond

Extro bowl for ploy loble stond

All the boords from the ploy leorning system (poge 92) ond oll the octivity boords of poges 95-96 con be used in the fromework of the ploy toble stond.

...lhe ploy toble stond



often used in nursing

...the originol Borry Emons Ploy

toble sfond; fomous for over 23


olso very suitoble when lying on fhe bock.

ffi m*,
Ploy leorning system
The toble frome eosel con be used for:

- sitting posrtion: toble frome eosel on o loble, toble frome eosel

on o wheelchoir troy, toble frome eosel on theropy roll

The ploy leorning syslem comes complete wilh: 0 solid beech-wood toble frome eosel, multi-positionol from horizonl0l to vertic0l (orticle 01.02) o set of ten interchongeoble ploy ond leorning boords to ploce in the loble frome eosel o wooden slond lo slore lhe ploy ond leorning boords (orticle 0l .1 2) o wooden box with occessories (orticle 0l .13)

- stonding position: toble frome eoselon troy of stonding frome - lying position: toble frome eosel on/in froni of o moitress

The complete set of ploy ond leorning boords consists of:

- writing/drowing boord (orlicle 01.03) - sel of two tronsporent Perspex boords (orticle 0l .04) - 4-hole boord (orticle 0.l,05) - pin-boord (orticle 01.06) - 24-hole boord (orticle 0l .07) - Velcro boord (orticle 01.08) - mirror boord (orticle 01.09) - lhin wooden boord (orticle 0l .10) - cork boord (orticle 01.1 l)

lGt \\ | lrr#,


01.02 01.92
0l 0l

.01 .12 I3

Ploy leorning system, complete

Toble frome eosel

N.B. oll ihe orticles from the ploy leorning system ore olso ovoiloble

Complete set of ten interchongeoble ploy boords Storoge cose for set of ten ploy boords Box of ploy shopes




06 07 08 09 0l .l0
0l 0l 0l 0l

Wriling/drowing boord Set of two tronsporent Perspex boords 4-hole boord


24-hole boord
Cloth-covered boord Mirror boord
Thin wooden boord

0l .l I 0l .20 0l .26

(odvised wilh the mirror boord) Cork boord Monuol Set of wooden sticks All octivity boords of poges 95 - 96 con be used in the fromework of the loble frome eosel




Activity tobte

An ideol oid to ploy from o fixed position; lying 0n the bock, side, belly or sitting in o wheelchoir, ln the frome of this new type of octivity toble oll kinds of ploy- 0nd 0ctivity boords con be offered to people thol ore lying in o bed, on o ploiform or sitting in o wheelchoir,



to 135 cm


The height of the toble is eosy lo odjust from 85 The frome con be fully tilted ond ploced olong ihe full side of the horizontol bor Provided with double-broked costors ol lhe botlom. An ideol oid for o snoezel room; to offer some extro octivities in o reslful surrounding.




Activity toble


#* u

ltat5r i.,:'1lii
, '*t-







Double-sided frome

two boords on either side of its robust construction. All octivity boords on poges 95 to 96 thot con be used in the ploy toble stond, toble frome eosel, octivity toble stond ond the multifunctionol bed- ond wheelchoir toble stond, con olso be used in this double-sided frome. The greot odvontoge if this orticle is, thot it ollows the use on both sides ot the some time. Size 63 x 44 cm.
The double-sided frome securely holds


wott mounted system



woll mounted boord system is ovoiloble in five colours; red, yellow, blue, green ond noturol. An ideol woy lo offer 0ll your ploy ond octivity boords 0s woll mounted ploying moteriols, Very decorotive ond procticol!



Woll mounted syslem



r. :-l


For the newly buili children's deportment of the Rodboud hospitol we delivered not only 0 beoutiful snoezel room, but olso o woll decorotion for eoch of their (opp. 60) exominotion rooms, consisiing of o woll mounted system with o ploy boord. These woll decorotions ore both decorotive ond functionol ond will distroct the children, so they will hopefully be less

scored for their exominotions.


shope boord

Four different shopes in bright colours con be used os o simple puzzle. The shopes hove o slrong grosping knob ond fit eosily into the corresponding holes thot hove been stoined with the oppropriote colours,


Shope boord

Multi sense boord ond Act ond discover boord


Noisy boord

Two brond new ploy boords, which will eoch provide o voriety of funny oction-reoction effects. When pulling, rototing or touching the pofis you willeosily discover o reword. Next to the sense of touch the visuol ospect is olso stimuloted, Besides, these boords ore olso fitted for eye-hond coordinotion proctice. ln these ploy boords the senses of touch, colour, sound ond movement toke in o centrol ploce! The boords fit in our woll mounted system ond ore therefore eosy chongeoble. These woll mounted fromes con be fixed to o woll, but olso ottoched to our mobile octivity toble. Therefore they con be used neorly everywhere (like oll our olher ploy boords).

Shoke the green discs to moke noise. The mirrors on eoch cloverleof will give on extro visuol stimulotion. A very solid ond omusing octivity boord.


Noisy boord


3 4


.57 0].56

Act ond discover boord Mulli sense boord








ql $, O




Toctile boord hord/soft

This new toctile boord provides on interesting combinotion of soft ond horder toctile sensotions oltogether. The noturol moteriols will invite to touch ond discover lhem.
Toctile boord hord/soft


Rhythm-combi boord

A fun new ploy boord, with vorious rhythm instruments. The instruments ore robust ond eosy to ploy. A ploy stick is provided.



Listen-ond-discover boord

0n this new boord you will find three musicol instruments which will eosily
provide nice sounds when being touched. This music boord is ployed by

0t .78

Listen-ond-discover boord

0l .16

Vibroting fish boord

A lorge conory yellow fish swimming on o bockground of Mediterroneon blue seolWhen knocked, the bells on the bock of lhe fish ring. This oclivity boord is greotly enjoyed by children with severe motor or mentol hondicop. Vibroting fish boord

Mognet boord

To be used os o smoll block-boord; you con write wifh soft cholk 0n the

boord And you con use the mognetic shopes of orticle 0l.l5K or mognetise oll kinds of objects with our self-odhesive mognetic tope (orticle 16.04)


Mognel Boord

Activity boords forr - ploy toble stond - toble frome eosel - double-sided frome - octivity toble - woll mounled syslem

Mognetic shopes

Thirty-two mognetic shopes in beoutiful colours, in o linen bog. The lorgest shope hos o size of 8 x 8 cm. These shopes ore olso very well used by persons with o motor-hondicop. ldeol with the mognet boord (orticle 0l .l 5)

0l l5K

Mognetic shopes

ffi mu,
With the Vippi floor choir you choose for o comfortoble ond ergonomicolly correct woy of sitting on lhe floor.
ln ony ploy-, theropy- or snoezel situotion it lrequently occurs thot octivities toke ploce on o mot, floor or woterbed. Especiolly with more severely hondicopped persons, there will often be o lot of physicol contoct between coretoker ond potienl like leoning ogoinsl eoch olher. From o sofety ond trusfful point of view this is of course fine. But, if such 0 position is kept for o longer period, it moy become very strenuous lor the coretoker ond moy even couse bock problems.
The Vippi is o very stoble floor choir with o very good bock-

support. lt is possible to sit on the floor comfortobly for o longer period, without experiencing ony poin from bock, knees or legs. Becouse the choir will couse outomotic boloncing you will keep moving. The Vippi floor choir olso provides the possibility to keep both honds free

I !

*li eti
,rl! I
Of course this choir con olso be used os ploying moteriol; becouse the design will invite to ploy ond building creotive construclions. This will stimulole the noturol creotivity ond improve the bolonce ond coordinotion of the children. The robust but soft finish of the Vippi will prevent from ony wounds or domoges.

lhe use of high quolity ecologicol cotton ond o very robust ond woter-resistont foom will guorontee o long lilespon the cover is removoble ond mochine-woshoble sizes 76 x 45 x 45 cm
weight 4,9 kg


Vippifloor choir

Tubutor circuit

",ffi.,t" rii."#,.!'

Glitter tube
32 cm length offer o foscinoting

An exciting tubulor circuit ot children's heighl (80 cm) thot moy sort the boll on two sides. At the bottom the boll is cought in the wooden stond. The brightly coloured bolls 0re eosy to follow in lhe tronsporenl iubes. When the boll rolls down the tube, you heor funny ond exciting sounds.

These glitter tubes of

visuol effect, when the glitter ore moving inside the tube. Stoble ond eosy to hondle.


Tubulor circuit

Glitler tube

-,\ j' a:q'





/'\ ,tt)
, ,.\'
,\. r. \









#,,, "&

the light oritl

texts thot ore drown into in the coloured light.


.' #:ilr.


ffi *.r,This wiggle-boord, designed by John Schuurmons, provides o true chollenge combining potience with dexterily. Four coloured bolls need to be 'wiggled' into the holes, which looks eosier thon it is. The boord hos o spring in the middle ond

con be moved up ond down to 0ll sldes. To mol<e lhe gome even more difficult, il is possible lo moke il o rule lhot the bolls need to be put inside lhe correspondently coloured holes, or lo odd numbers to the holes. Diometer 68 cm, height I0 cm.


Wiggle boord

Any number of ployers con ploy this leisure gome. The solid, brightly coloured bolls hove to be rolled up lhe slope ond locoted in the seven numbered holes. The score is higher when 0 hole is more difficult to locote. When o boll is rolled too fost. it disoppeors in o groove of the end of the slope. ln 0 very robust loyout, size 50 x 150 x l5 cm.



lnside lhis lorge cylinder mode of cleor ocrylole is o ronge of differently sized brightly coloured beods. When the cylinder is rototed, this mokes o solisfying rottling noise - ond this is eosily ochieved by hondicopped people 0r lhose with very weok molor function. An especiolly beoutiful view is provided ofter 0 certoin period, when the beods become slightly electricolly lo0ded. Also ovoiloble with o filling of tobleiennis bolls ond coloured feolhers. This version is not os noisy os lhe version with be0ds.


Lorge lombolo boord Lorge tombolo boord

wilh beods, size 25 x 50 cm, a 20 cm wilh feothers, size 25 x 50 cm, A 20 cm



wish toys


These toys ore especiolly designed for children ond give them on extro stimulotion in lheir development. The toys chollenge children os well os odults to stimulole the eye-hond coordinotion ond concentrotion Trough colours, movement, sometimes sound ond the exceptionol choice of moteriols children will be stimuloted to ploy with these Wish toys.
The Wish toys ore tested by different torget groups ond ore built to lost People with o mentol disobility hove poriicipoted in the moking

of these toys All the toys hove been mode with greot core ond consist of beech wood ond or birch wood multiplex with mossive beech wood sticks ond bolls. Eoch product of this series is stoined with o woter bosed locquer, especiolly developed for children's toys. Of course they meet the generol stondords for such products,


Smoll sprlng plote

lf the version 'os o ploy boord' is ordered, the ploy is mounfed on o wooden boord: to fix inside our ploy toble stond, fctble frcsme eosel, woll mounted boord system, octivily foble or doub/e-sided frome.

Four low springs with coloured bolls ore stonding on this plote, inviting users lo touch ond ploy li with them The bells inside the bolls will when they ore moved up ond down, The plote is ovoiloble with low stonding springs, high stonding springs or on exlro lorge plote with low- ond high stonding springs The high springs will reoct even more when touched ond the bells within will olso tinkle belter You just con't slop ploying!













Bells on elostic

BEO58 BEO59 BE05 I 0 BE05 I 5

Shorl choin with beods ond bells Long choin with beods ond bells Extro lorge smoll spring plote,



low/high BE05l BE05l

I lS

Smoll spring plote, low Smollspring plote, low,

BE05 I 2

os o ploy boord Smoll spring plote, high Smoll spring plote, high, os o ploy boord
Mossoge boll stonding Mossoge boll stonding, 0s 0 ploy b00rd Mossoge forest Mossoge forest, os o ploy boord Gliller boll hedgehog Glitter boll hedgehog, os 0 ploy boord Mossoge wheel lying Mossoge wheel lying, os o ploy boord Gliiter boll wheel lying Gliller boll wheel lying, os o ploy boord Glitter boll honging spider Glitter boll slonding spider Click-clock bolls







33 -G



4. Mossoge forest
2. Rottle
Ihe wooden beods on this big rottle will endlessly remoin
foscinoling. The Rotile con eosily be hung with the enclosed little rope ond offered on thus the desired height. This little forest of stonding toctile 'trees'feels lovely ond looks goy. Touch them with your honds ond feel them bouncing bock. It olso feels nice to squeeze them.

5. Bells on elostic
When you touch these bells they will give o hoppy tinkling sound os o reword, The sixteen bells hove o cool grip ond move on side to side on the elostic os in o counting frome. This Bells on Elostic will keep inviting to ploy.

3. Choin with bells ond beods

This choin with big coloured beods ond hoppy finkling bells keeps inviting to grob it. lt con be offered honging or right into the hond. Avoiloble in o short ond long version.


*r.t:t \


f ,


10, Click-clock bolls
With these three wooden bolls you will keep ploying. Pull one of lhe bolls ond then lel go ogoin: the b0lls will provide o nice ploy when click-clocking ogoinst


l. Glitter bo!! stonding spider

will siort lo move when touched.

Like the honging spider, these glitter bolls


., -9

6. Glitter boll honging spider

A beouliful mobile io hong from the ceiling; for exomple obove o bed. When you pull the rope in the middle, the coloured glitter bolls will oll stort to move ond produce their chorocteristic twinkling sounds.

7. Mossoge wheel
Turning this hoppy coloured wheel you will feel

how lovely the hord rubber stors touch your hond. They ore greot to squeeze.


8. Mossoge boll slonding

This stonding ond rototing disc hos eight coloured hord rubber grip knobs thot ore nice to squeeze ond thot feel lovely in your hond.

9. Glitter boll hedgehog ond Glitter boll wheel

This hedgehog will cerloinly not hurt you if you dore to touch it. 0n the controry: the hoppy coloured bolls will tinkle ond therefore keep inviting to ploy ond touch them.


t li





Cotch-theJime orticles: These orticles hove been developed for people who hove difficulties with understonding time ond who con't understond o normol clock. Eoch orlicle hos 4 lime units with their own colour: 5 minutes of blue colour l0 minules of green colour l5 minules of red colour 30 minutes of white colour When someone wonts to do o certoin limited octivity; for instonce during 5 minutes, the person himself (or o helper) con odjust the Cotch-the-time clock for 5 minutes. The octivity hos to end when the specific time is up. s iji Some user tipsr You con storl the wotch (or or Sffiflby pulling out the winder ond plocingfithe hond ot the beginning of o coloured segment. lt is odvised to stort wiffflhqBlue segment of 5 minutes. Use lhis time unit in vorious circumstonces; for exomple 5 minutes ploytime, 5 the room ond 5 min$tes woiting. Like this the user will stort to understond this period of time ond will notice ffie some omount o[minutes con feel different for eoch tosk. After procticing with the blue segmenl, you con oVHbndp the green $egment of l0 minutes ond follow the some procedure. Afler this, proclice wilh lhe red unit of l5 minulBs ond the white segment of 30 minutes, When you feel confident lhot lhe user fully understonds lhe Co using it independently. Give the person o certoin tosk ond osk him or her lo set lhe you d0 not exceed the ollotted timel For exomple; if you you ore reody to go in l0 minuies.

wotch, it is time for him or her to stori

on the chosen time unit. lt is very importont thol l0 minutes', you hove to be sure thot

will le0ve in

ot this stoge.

When you 0re confident thol the user is working with the wotch (or clock) correctly, it is lime to stort using it ot school (or work). Exploin the'Colch-theJime method'to the supervisor ond exploin thot this is o very helpful method to get o grip on the beginning ond ending time of o certoin tosk, Of course the supervisor should olso stick to the given time segment ond should not exceed this. People will notice thot the user con work independenlly with eose, becouse of the understonding of the dur0tion of o given period ol time.



Cotch{hejime wotch
Cotch{he-time smoll desk clock Cotch{he-time stonding clock


An eosy to ploy orgon wilh o very solid construclion (wiih no moving ports) ond generous curves thot bring the notes within reoch. You con ploy on octove ond o holf ol one of eight beoutilul
MDI sounds. With rechorgeoble swiftchorge,

long-life botlery ond chorger. Size I

l1 x 41 x l3



Tonky honk





ffi **r,
Different forms ore creoted while moving ond pushing ogoinst the moleriol, Becouse the Lycro is tronsporent, whoever being inside this 'ghosf will feel very secure. An excellent product for sensory motor experience, perception ond oworeness. Mode of l00o/o Lycro ond ovoiloble in red or green in vorious sizes,

0001-P-v 0001-M-R

000r -G-B

Ghosl smoll, 100 x 67,5 cm, green Ghost medium, 117 x 67,5 cm, red Ghost lorge, 140 x 70 cm, blue

This bog is ideol for the itineront theropist. Very lighi, but very strong, it con contoin up to 1000 bolls, but we recommend to put between 500 ond 700 bolls in the pit. An odult con eosily sit inside with 700 bolls surrounding him. The perforoted m0teriol ollows the person to see whot is going on outside; while being inside the boll pit. A hondlebor provides o very good grip when shoking the bog. The bog con be entirely closed with on odult inside of it. Bolls nol included.


Portoble boll pit

Going through our tunnel ol 360 cm is o chollenging tosk, for children os well os odults. Our tunnels hove openings through which on orm or heod moy go, receiving even more toctile input. While going through the tunnel, the client will experience resistonce, perception ond oworeness, os well os toctile ond deep touch input. lmogine the work-oul if, ot the sorne time, the client is pushing o boll or ony weighted object. Mode of spondex Lycro.


Resislonce tunnel with openings



These onimols

will be perfect componions for kids,

teens or odults seorching lor deep pressure touch ond perceplion. These 'friends' ore eosy lo monipulote ond lovely to touch. The bright ond metollic colours moke them ottroctive lor oll oges.
The weight they provide is very colming.

Mode of Lycro ond polyester sotin, hond woshoble.



Weighted frog, weight 2,5 Rg, in green Weighted lizord, weight 2 kg,

in red
Weighted snoke, weight 1,5 kg,

in blue

This woter repellenl cover will prolect your lizord or frog from stoins, solivo or dirt of ony kind. Perlect when your weighted onimol is used in o centre by mulliple users, where frequent cleoning is necessory. Wosh by hond.

00216-L 00276-G

Cover for lizord Cover for frog



The smoll weighted blonket hos 24

seporote pockets, the lorge blonket hos 48 pockets: so it is eosily odjusted to the exoct weight thot

you need.
The blonket comes with 24 or 48 weights. Mochine woshoble. Avoiloble in o print design. 001



Weighted blonket, up to 9 lb, print design Weighted blonket, up to 18 lb, print design

c-vibrotion element
With this hondy vibrotion elemenl you con feel the vibrotions of the music with your honds, feet, upper body 0r even wilh your entire body; when the music-vibrotion element is ploced under o (Molto) beonbog. Leightweight ond woshoble, connectoble to 0ny hifi


Lomo music-vibrolion element


Kottidrom gome

Especiolly elderly persons ore very enthusiostic obout these relotively simple, yet very exciting ond versotile ploying options this gome hos to offer. The Kollidrom gome consists of o wooden ploy boord 160 cm long x 50 cm wide with o felt ploying field. The ploying occessories ore delivered inside o wooden storoge box ond ore sufficient for nine differenl gomes. A lot of ploying fun for o very lorge group of users! The gome hos o very good finish ond is moinly produced monuolly, wiih environment-f riendly moteriols


Kollidrom gome


ffi *u,

ffi m:r,

Boccia balls

ln fhe post yeors ihe Boccio gome hos become very populor. Boccio is on octivity thol con be enjoyed by persons of oll oges ond persons with o wide voriety of disobilities. lt con be ployed for recreotion, os o competitive sport, or for physicol educotion in school progroms. The gome requires plonning ond strotegy in trying to ploce ploying bolls for moximum scoring. lt olso con develop or increose hond-eye coordinotion. Finolly, Boccio is on oclivity in which individuols with severe disobilities con porticipote ond develop o high level of skill. The gome con be eosily odopted to 0llow ployers with functionol limitolions to use chutes ond romps in order lo ploce their gome bolls into ploy. The Boccio bolls of the Donish compony Hondi Life Sport ore of the highest quolity ond opproved for use in internotionol gomes. The sel of I3 bolls (6 blue, 6 red ond o smoll white boll) ore mode of the best quolity ortificiol leother ond ore delivered in o hondy

corrying bog You con choose between three types of bolls They oll hove the some weight (275 groms) ond diometer (8,2 cm)

Especiolly for lhe use ouldoors, o set of Boccio bolls with o hord ortificiol cooting is ovoil0ble, delivered in o corrying bog. 0f course lhese bolls olso meet the internotionol stondords of weight ond diometer.

02 I 14 04 l6 l7 l8 l9

Set of Boccio bolls

wilh bog, stondord medium

Also ovoiloble: HLS I Sel of Boccio bolls with bog, sofl HLS Set of Boccio bolls with bog, hord HLS Sel of Boccio bolls for outdoor use, with bog
Accessories: HLS Meosuring colliper HLS Boccio meosuring bond HLS Boccio floor lope HLS Electronic iorgel boll

Peionque is o trendy, enlertoining ond sociol gome - ond with this indoor petonque set you con ploy oll yeor roundl These pelonque bolls ore mode of fine hond sewn synlhetic leother ond lilled wilh o stoble ploslic gronulote.
The gome of petonque is similor

lo Boccio, but the bolls ore o little he0vier ond softer - lhe lotter quolity enobles them to stop "deod" ofter throw-in. A petonque boll weighs opproximotely 300 groms ond hos o di0meter of 270 mm. ln oddition, the torget boll - olso coiled the "pig", is smoller thon in Boccio, ond the petonque boils ore supplied in red, blue, yellow ond block. The set comes in o bog with l2 bolls plus pig.

Now it is possible to ploy petonque oll yeor in ony kind of weother. Hondi Life Sporl's petonque set is olso wellsuited for indoor use. An ordinory floor of ony kind con serve os the court- the flexible leother bolls will not horm lhe surfoce,The bolls con olso be used outdoors, on tiles or ospholt. The chorming thing obout petonque is thot onyone con ploy:children, youngsters, seniors-disobled or oble-bodied. Petonque is for everyone.
One petonque set consisls of: Three yellow bolls, three blue bolls, lhree red bolls, three block bolls ond one smoll rubber torget boll (colled the pig).
The technique ond rules HLS

will be exploined in lhe monuol.


Pentoque for indoor use,


leother bolls ond o pig,

with bog


,o,,, ffi p1



Yin - Yong tobtes

in on S-shope, so o moximum omount of children moy sit ot the tobles (see picture 2) oll three lobles ploced in o seporote position (pictures 3 ond 4)

This set of three height-odjustoble groupJobles wos especiolly designed for ihe Emiliusschool in Son, the Netherlonds

two lorge holf-round l0bles ond the smoll round toble con be ploced in severol combinotions: in o circle, with the smoll round toble ploced in the middle It is odvised io odjust the smoll toble just o litlle bit higher, providing on edge which will (for exomple) prevenl moteriols from rolling too for owoy in o circle, but without the round toble in the middle Insteod, the groupleoder moy sit in the middle; in o centrol position towords the children (see picture

- Yong tobles ore provided with very robust ond hordweoring HPL tobletop ond o powder-cooted metol frome with .l00 cm, the broked coslors The smoll toble hos o diometer of totol diometer of the toble-set is 240 cm, 0f course colours ond oiher specific chonges moy be odjusted, fitting your situotion Designed by Jon Weustenenk ond Len von der Zolm.
The Yin


Yin - Yong tobles, set of three pieces






oosis sond ond woter troy

This model is suiloble for both 0dults ond children. The troy is moulded with two romps ond there is o top lor droining the

woter out. Size 97

x74 cm,


Oosis sond ond woter troy

STSWTC Wooden cover for Oosis


sond ond woter troY

Woter lroys will give the feel of sond between your fingers, the coolness of woter ogoinst your skin. Designed to ollow wheelchoir occess, the Hourgloss sond ond woter troy hos two seporote wells thot encouroge rummoging obout in oll sorts of moteriols, offering o greot inspirotion for gross motor work, sorting. body oworeness ond, obove oll, toctile stimulotion. The Hourgloss sond ond woter troy feotures: height odjustoble legs, o poir of costers for mobility ond 0 droining lop.

97 x74 cm,
Hourgl0ss sond ond woter troy



SHGSWC Wooden cover for Hourgloss


Folding octivity orch
This tubulor steel frome with Velcro strops

will give occess to oll kinds of l0vourite items (not included). Size 140 x I l2 x 9l cm,


Folding octivily orch

2 Wheelchoir octivlty orch

The hondy orch clips onlo most wheelchoirs. Five Velcro strops ore provided to suspend loys ond other items (toys not included). Size 5l x 69 x 152 cm.


Wheelchoir octivity orch

3 Active leorning cenlre

A four sided quiet spoce ihot folds up neolly into o corry bog. The cleor roof is designed to

hong fovourite objecls (not supplied) wiihin reoch of the occupont. Size 6l x 6l x 4l cm.

SJUGY Active leorning



4 Versolile oclivity orch

This versotile orch is suitoble for use on the floor or on o desk. Comes with three Velcro strops; honging toys not included. Size 71 x 69lo 5l cm.

STTAC Versotile octivity orch

Trcble Svvlng Frome [Frome onM









wrLL FrT $ (\
Swing Fromes A wonderful colleclion of swing fromes ond occessories. Perhops nol the cheopest fromes but they ore very high quolity ond guoronleed for 7 yeors. These Fromes ore mode from 2 I
Slngle FromeoonoEly

Itoblo Sdng (Frome Ht229xWl325 x D: 2tl4Gm 64kg (losl) por suspomlon



O/D golvonised steel with nylon swing beorings. The wide sptoy of the tegs,
relotion lo the frome height, ond the twisted stokes give moximum stobility.


Shgh Fromo



These high quolily swing fromes ond seots conform to the Europeon sofety stondord ENTl (Toys) ond were designed wilh reference to the Public ployground equipment stondord ENI 176,

Con be otloched to the lhree lorger fromes providing shode from lhe sun while swinging. Doublo STCDF Itroblo STCFT


Single Swing Frome (Frome onM

Double Swing Frome (Frome


Lightweight Swing Frome [Frome only)

STSFS Slnglo Mng (Frome The only frome recommended for lhe heoviesl swings: Combi-Rocker, Wheelch0ir Suspension ond Wheelchoir Plolform Swing. . H:229xW: 214xil24/r;m O{kS 0Gil)


tokhryoy Stfllng trumo Gloundsl0y bdonslons


For use when swinging is quile octive. Prevenls reor legs lifting by exlending sploy effed. Atioches lo ground sloy lo extend it by 36" eoch side. Folds b0ck onto ground stoy for storoge

2 lbuble $lng

. .

(Frome H: 229 x W: 254 x Dt 244cm 64kg (IGi) por susponslon



4 Ughlnolghl $rdng




Ughtweight version of the Single Siling Frome ond suitoble for lhe smoller child. Stokes provided lor security. l/8') 0/D pre-golvonised sleel, Mode o{ 29 mm

3 Foldowoy$vlng

(Frome STLFS Golvonised Steel lrome moy be used inside or 0uld00rs. Folds owoy lor storoge. . H: I80 x W: 213 x D: 2tl9cm l40lbs 0 (kl)



H: I &l

r W: 168 x D: I tlScm - l0lbs (6sf)

Foldaway Swing Frame (Frame only)


We ore proud to present the Swung, monkind's most importonl development in swinging since we come down from the lrees. Slung beneoth lhe cross-bor the Swung swoys suffiently so one swing swings the other.

There's No More Pushlng!

Enjoy eye-contoct ond 0 shored experience os siblings swing siblings, p0renls swing children, children swing grown-ups - its 0 truely revolutionory experience ond you sow it here first!

The Swung

(double) swing frome,

will fit olmost 0ll mokes of if in doubt osk us for

Double SSWNG Fits Double ond Treble fromes, leoving 0 spoce for 0 pre-revoluiion0ry swing on lhe treble frome.
Treble interoct




Ali three swinging posilions on

Treble frome now


Double *vung



Single Pull Beom

1 Aulamolic Swung
You hove been osking us for this product for over


yeors, ond finolly here it is, (it wos while we

were developing it thot we siumbled on the Swung)

SSWAS Automotic Adlustoble powered swinger lh01 will lil lorge TFH fromes ond others. includes control box lo odiust for lders' we ght 0nd preference for genlle or excifing swinging. I 2v Bottery. . Mox weighl l3sl, 80kg SswASC Boilery Bottery for Auto SSWASB


Chorger Swung Beom

Moins Aulomolic



STWCS Single Pull lvoy be fitled l0 ony of 0ur l0rge swing fromes 0llowing self propulsion wilh ihe 0rms. Wonderful wiih o Full Support

Seol. .69cm

STWCSD DoUbIe PUII Double version of Single Pull Beom, see 0bove P0rticulorly


suitohle for lhe Combi-Rocker.

I I 2cm

3 Twizzler

SIWZZ Suspend ihe Twizzler so the child con just iouch the floor ond enjoy 360 degree spins, wiih no tongled ropes.



3 Depwndwcqocle

ExtroWde Srr/ng Seol

our ronge of swings is very inclusive, ollowing swinging in ihe Svdng Chofi

lying position or while rem0ining in your choir. We hove lots of letlers from cuslomers suggesling lhot swinging is o lovourite octivity for mony. Pleose rcmember this momenlous octivity should be supervised ot oll times.

I 't
Slondotd Cotocle


.l27x5I x3$m

Col[clo @Ioch


2 Shollow H{vy

STCCSH Duily The user moy be ploced in this corocle while it is on the lloor ond then

rolcheled up inlo the oir, sporing the corer's bock.

ItlS x

5l x IScm





Cozy deep-sided corocle with observolion windows. Long enough lor 0 teenoger or smoll odult.




STSLC !.oEE s:tllng Provides some b0ck support lor lorger children ond odulls. Consider our Full Supporl Seols (poge 54). Adjusloble ropes recline the seot.


. t[3xgilx3lhm

Srno//SMng Cho/r 5 $noll Mng

Gllolr Soot


Smoll swing seot with slurdy bock support. For children with limiled obilily lo sit up. Adjusloble slrops ond ropes for reclining the seoi.


6 Hr! Wlh


STSEW S'fllng the lorger leenoger or odull who con monoge o stondord swing seot.


Shollow HeNy

Sfondord $nlng


Dtly Corocle

7 Sfondord Sli/rng


Deluxe lough moulded


36 x 20cm


- Measure the shoulders B - Measure the hips Use the largest measurcment to define which seat is needed.

C - Measure the back (from base of spine to top of ears) lf this measurement exceeds the height of the seat you will need a head suppott Adult Seat does not take a headrest


3 Adult
our high-bocked swing seol hos been providing 0 supported ride 1o generotions. lt hos been ground, much iopied, bul never bettered. Our Full Support Seols offer 0n inch more room 0ll we designed il thol woy ond we ore sure thot you will oppreciote the ditference,
These seols incorporole 0 pommel ond 0 solety horness with snop buckles. The ropes olso hove convenienl hordwore 10 help you 0djust the seot both in terms of height ond roke. The UV resistonl Seots ore moulded lrom high-

density polyelhylene, 0 slrong but soft plostic. The UV slobilised ropes ore long enough for I 0' high fromes, or you con ottoch lhe se01 10 ony two conneclion points using our suspension hooks.

2 3

Full Suppolt Swlng Seols



.56x33x30cm .69x43x34cm


.81 x5l


ffi mr*


Child Seot Leg Support

Child Seot Linet




Lightwelght Spinner

Teenoge I Child


Ro9locomonl Ropo STSPSR Roplocomonl STSHA Nole: oll seols come with ropes ond horness. The some sel fils oll seols. Roienflon

Seil Hom6

8 D@rfmmo $rsponfir

SINDP Two screw-in cups ond o threoded exlendoble rod ensure thot 0t

leosl lsolbs con be sofely gently swung from 0 well-mode doorwoy. Swing Seol not included.



Clips onto lhe seol ond lhe lrome lo h-old lhe seol steody moking il eosier lo help someone in ond oul of lhe seot.

Four Gholn



2 log


0nd Full Supporl seots, The front p0ir of choins hos plostic sleeving. . 204 fonil, 213 bock IWo Choln STCHNX
For Srwing Choirs

The heodresl offers voluoble supporl os o child grows, Teenoge ond Child seol only,

Susponslon Susponslon Hool(s


tl3 x 34cm


The support will odd comforl ond prevenl the legs from crossing, Two slrops ore included. Eosily otloched lo the seot

Don'l lel bod weolher inlerfere wilh the enjoymenl of swinging. Very slrong poir of screw-in hooks to suspend o swing or Leof Choir from o ceiling be0m. ll will be necessory to drill pilof holes. . Plooso dng lor mdmum wrlglrt o(Mco. Eosy Rolooso

wilh ploslic bolls.





Clips which will ollow equipment

be sw0pped oround

Single spinning suspension poinl wilh versolile ottochments 0l


4 Ughlmlghl
5 Chlld Sool

Splnnor Un6r

. mq



speedily. Simply ottoch lhe occessory to lhe clips which in turn ore ritted to the suspension hooks or swing fromes. For Swing Seols, . HdG up b l25lq/28olb

6 7

lnfloloble seol liner fils into lhe child seot lor the smoller child. Nol wolerproof, so should be broughl indoors oller use, T6on S6ot TTTSS




Supplied in poirs, lhe springs fil between lhe swing frome suspension poinls ond lhe hooks on lhe ropes, . HdG up lo l25re/28{rlb

Toonogo/Chlld Roln CoYor


Arluf S6ot @yol

A woterproof, quick to fil cover



Clips onto lhe ropes of lhe swing seol so thot lhe user is shoded from the sun.

Four Choln Suspenslon

ffi *'*,

'l frluil

Splnner Only


3 $rurl

Swurl Spinner



Fits easily toTFH Single, Double andTreble fmmes. However on double and treble fmmes the spinner replaces two swing

Ever since Jeon Ayers identified* lhe importonce of Sensory lnlegrotion (Sl), ond suggested 0


.62 x 23cm
Single, Double or Treble frame for

link with our vestibulor sense, theropists hove been including o regimen of swinging ond spinning in their progroms. lt is possible** thot o stimuloted Vestibulor helps the broin
orgonise ond process other sensory input. We believe in fun, ond ot this price you con experiment for yoursell.

Swurl Feet Only Four feet to convert a

indoor use.

2 Spinning



*Sensory lntegrolion ond the Child, 1979.

Blow molded frcm strong, but soft plastic.The ropes can be lengthened, so the Spinner is just touchinS on the floor, enabling children to climb in and out themselves.4 adiustable
ropes. Set of 60 Balls included.

.61 x 79cm
Set of 50


**An importont oreo for fulure reseorch is lo evoluote Sensory lnlegrotion in studies with strong experimenlol designs. Professionols should presenl Sensory lntegrotion os untested ond encouroge fomilies who ore considering this intervention to evoluote it corefully - The Associotion for Science in Autism Treotment (ASAT).
The SwUrl must be used under supervision lo ensure lhot swinging ond spinning tokes ploce


sofely within the

A frome.



Swurl Spinnet Only.

poge 122

Plolform Swing

Bolster Swing

Dlsc Swng



7, Bolster Swing wifh Sodd/e

Slring Swing lrlsc SD|SC Solid wooden swinging plotform 0nd o comlortoble
cenlrol column to cling

lire Swng fsuspension Only)



4 Sky Chok

simply sil ond bounce onl



. 6l

suspended choir,

lhe vorioble bockrest ollows

x SIcm

2 Slrlng

$rlng $ivlng

comforloble, reclined swinging posilion. Free flooting lootresl ollows the user lo creole movemenl wilhoul touching lhe floor. Exlremely strong 0nd dur0ble.

6 Bolshr

requires the user


Ihe Bolsler

lo hong on, con be ottoched


The soft webbing swing crodles lhe user with o deep pressure squeeze. lncludes Eosy Releose Clips.


lo two or lour connection points. lncludes




Wooden plofform wilh o non-slip surfoce, con be ottoched to lwo or four connection poinls, lncludes four odjusloble ropes, o 9l x 6lcm

TIle Stylng (Suspension 8TUBES This is 0 two port producl. The lyre Swing Suspension moy be ottoched to o swing fr0me or ceiling suspension hook.


Bolslrr $Ylng

9,4 x




IIn $dng (Tube



Bouncy block tube which is greot

lo swing on or lo

: BellJree
Brillionl design ond finishing.
Tuned in oclove DO-C. lncluding two


Smoll bell-stick

i r

five bells ore ottoched to o wooden hondle. Size 20 x ]65 mm.

Smor beu-stick

beoters. Size 180 x

x 380 mm.



, llllllillttt


: .rlorc

Bor chimes

Eighteen coloured chimes of oluminium,

hung on o nice wooden frome of 380 mm. Con olso be ployed without the frome. lncluding one beoter.


ln two sizes; smoll ond lorge. Smoll coboso: 0 90 x 70 mm. .l80 mm Lorge coboso: 0 I 15 x




Bor chimes Frome for chimes


Smoll coboso Lorge coboso

This bell-stick, mode out of o wooden hondle ond leother belts, gives o sound on the slighlesl movement! With 20 bells. Size 260 x 93 mm.


Set of professionol morocos of very

good quolity. Size g 93 x 260 mm


Morocos (set)

72t /B





Eighl bells ore ottoched on the


wooden beom, tuned in DO-C/ DO-C

lncluding two beoters. Bells-beom

Ten bells on o leother belt, fostened

to o wooden hondle. Size I

l5 x 25 x

100 mm.


Double bells-beom


wilh six bells. Con be

Firm stond with sixteen bells in DO-C/DO-C, including two sets Size 530 x


Leother brocelet

x 120 mm.

ottoched to o wrisl, orm or onkle. Size 260 x 40 mm. Bell-brocelet







A beoutiful hond-knocked gong wilh o splendid sound, providing o vibrotion thot you will feel deep inside your body. Avoiloble ot o super price! Gong diometer: 56 cm. Beoter not included.

A627 A355

Gong Beoter for gong


The Africon djemb6 is o trodilionol percussion

instrumenl. By ploying with both honds it will produce vorious lones. Even on unproctised ployer con produce nice sounds!

A042 A043


24 cm Djemb6 smoll, height 45 x diometer 24 cm Djembe medium, height 55 x diometer 28 cm Djemb6 lorge, height 65 x diometer 32 cm
Djemb6 extro smoll, height 35 x diom.

3) Sound bow!
will provide those mysticol, reloxing vibroting sounds. A beoutiful design, complete with drumstick ond cushion.
These sound bowls


Sound bowl Bengoli smoll, weight between 750 ond 850 groms Sound bowl Bengoli lorge, weight belween 1350 ond 1450 groms

4) Spring drum
This unusuol percussion instrument produces the sound of closhing cymbols, gole force winds ond lhunderstorms! You just simply hold the tube ond let the spring dongle

freely, then shoke it.



Spring drum

5) Wooden frog
This hond crofted wooden from con be used for percussion or run the beoter up ond down his bock to be reworded wiih 0 frog crooking sound. Size l5x9x9cm.


Wooden frog

6) Guiro wilh scroper

A ribbed wooden instrument which produces o clottering sound when stroked with the included scroper. Avoiloble in two sizes,

4424 4425

Guiro with scroper, smoll Guiro with scroper, lorge


I..t"; ,

e* ,3


A troditionol Africon Percussion musicol


inslrument mode from o hollowed gourd ond wropped with hondcrofted synthetic mesh with seed beods. The sound is mode by either shoking the gourd, twisting the beods or rhythmicolly topping ogoinst the leg.

Al52 Al53 Al54 Al55

Chekere Chekere Chekere Chekere

smoll medium

extro smoll

2) Corrousel
Six bright coloured cylinders, eoch provided with o bell, which will sound when the boll strikes it. A nice honging chime toy. Height 60 cm, A 2l cm,



3) Scroper shoker with stick

Two different sound con be creoted;

o rustling

sound by shoking the instrument ond o scroping sound by using the slick. Size 26 x 0 5 cm


Scroper shoker with stick

4) Boby shoker, set of two

Mrni morocos, per


o troditionol percussive

instrument. Size

l6 x o 5 cm.


Boby shoker, set of two

5) Izi instrumenl with bells

!i' ? Po

d d6+

Gives wonderful sounds when you shoke




lzi inslrument with bells

6) lzi scroper



An unusuol scroper wilh o nice sound! Size20xll cm.


lzi scroper

7) lzi tok tok

tnP /


Like o costonet, but then o bit different ond much eosier to hondle for people with o hondicopl


lzi tok tok



8) Shoker boll 5
Very eosy

to hondle shoker; with o minimum of oction you'll be oble to creote beouliful sounds! Size 28 cm.


Shoker boll 5

Shoker boll


Like the shoker boll 5, bul with even more sound effecls to produce! Size 28 cm.


Shoker boll


2) Chime bor 8 wilh hommer

A bit like o xylophone, complete with o wooden hommer. Nice, bright ond cleor sound.



Chime bor 8 with hommer

3) Dolphin shoker
Very nice hond crofted shoker with o length voriotion of 23 to 30 cm.


Dolphin shoker

Lorge egg shoker noturol

Quite on egg, size l3 x 0 8 cmlA shoker with o unusuol shope. Not only on inslrument, but olso o nice piece of decorotion.


Lorge egg shoker, noturol

Lorge egg shoker, poinled

Just like the noturol egg shoker, but pointed!


Lorge egg shoker, pointed

6) Multi culti school pockoge

A diometer of 35 cm ond e depth ot 25 cm; completely filled with 24 vorious rhythm ond percussion instruments for o friendly price; th0l's our Multi culti school pockoge

music bosket!


Mulli culti school pockoge

Act ond discover boord

........ .........,.......95 .......1 I 4 Active leorning cenlre ........,... I I 4 Activity orches ..95 ond 96 Aclivity boords ...........93 Activity t0b1e........ .......,..............66 Aquo-Sens ........,.............57 Aromoslone ............56 Aromostreom Aromotheropy............... 55 - 57 .. ........86 Boll both ........86 Boll cleoner ..............20 Borry Emons pro1ector..... ,........ I 8 Beomer set ............ ,....85 Beon wedges, chunkies. Beonbog choir Oleonder........ .....63 ond 80 ........39 Beonbog scorf .....,... .....,....88 Beds....,..... ...........101 Bells on elostic ............88 Bicycles ..........29 Bird tree...... ......43 Bloclr box ......32 Blocltlight oquorium .............l3 Bloclrlighl oquorium plofform ............,........32 Blocklight box .........., ...............l 7 Blocklight bubble tube ........ ..............32 Blocklight corner cupboord products ...............46 ond 47 Bloclrlight ll0ond lll Bocciobolls.......... ........49 Bubble mochine .,.....28 Bubble mirr0r.......,. .....,..,.84 Bubblejube islonds BubbleJube plofform...... ..................13 .......... I 7 Bubble-unil model Nice ........... .................... 7 Bubble-unil toble stond 15 - 17 Bubble-units ,..............103 Colch{heJime ........,...... CD box, snoezelmusic............,.. .......52 .....l01 Choin with bells ond beeds ......,. .....,,,..,..,....55 Chichi voporiser .,.......... .,,.,.55 Chimoloyo solt lomp Chunkies, beon wedges,............................,..,.,,85 .. . .. .........102 Clicl<-clock bolls...,.,.... ..........64 Cloud m0ttress......,....... ,.....3.| Combined living woll/woll orgon ,.,..,,,.,..,..,.82 Construction sel .,........... ,.,.,.,,........10 Cubo Sonoro Decorolion ponel wilh UV icic|es,,.,.,.,,..,..,,..,.,,....45 ,.,,.,..,,I 0 DMX control system Double-sided fr0me,..,..,,. ...........,,.,..,..,94 .......,.,,,,..... 9 Effecl wheel ,,,.,.....l 8 Effector D prolector ,.,.,,26 FiberGlow
1 .l

FiberGlow optic FiberGlow FiberGlow woll

.........,..........,24 corpet, plofform ........13 ....,.,...........,..23 ...,..,.... Flootingbollsbubble-unit.... ....,..,.........,.16 ..63 ond 8l Floppy cushion ..........,.........42 Fluoline shower .....,...........42 Fluoline woterfoll ........84 rocking choir Foom .....105 Ghost.,...... ,.............102 Glitter boll honging spider ....102 Glitter boll hedgehog ...............l02 Glitter boll slonding spider .........102 Glitter boll whee1......... ....,.............44 Glitter lomp .........64 Glitter pouf ,.......98 Glitter tube .......41 Glow bolls puppet ...........54 ..........,.. Hond .......41 Honging twisters..... .......,..............65 Hydro Till woler choir ...........,..44 ond 45 lcicles, UV ............ ..28 ond 5l lndeslructible mirrors ......,.12 lnfinity tunnel plofform ..........,... ...................... I 6 lnteroclive bubble-unil ....................24 lnleroctive optic corpet .......,.....70 - 73 1sn0........... .....108 Kollidrom gome ........ Kreto ond Molto cushi0ns...............,.,......58 ond 59 ....,.....38 Lombs ond sheep .......64 Lorge divon ..,...99 Lorge tombolo boord .........,62 ond 85 Leof choir .......,............25 Light cloud ..................,,41 Light cord ..........,..........,49 Light diffroclion ponel
Liquid Listen-ond-discover

bo0rd......... ......,96 .,.......,..........30 Living woll .....,............,.3.| Living woll orgon ,..,.... ......98 Lomo light ond sond box.,.......... ......,, I 07 Lomo music-vibrolion element ......21 Lomo woter column Lolus voporiser....,,..,.... .....,.,..,........55 .........,..,..,,...33 Mogic boll, super..,.,,.. ...,.,,96 Mognet b00rd.,,,,..,. ....,....,96 Mognelic shopes Mollo ond Krelo cushi0ns.,.,,,.,........,.,,.,,.58 ond 59 ..,,,..,,.,...,,.,,,102 Mossoge bol slonding ,.,..,....,..,.,,,,,..53 Mossoge beetle .,.,,.,. ,.,..,,,.l01 f0rest.,.,..,,.. Mossoge ,.,..l 02 Mossoge wheel ,.,,.,.. ,,.,,......,,.,,....48 Mirror boll


...,.,,.........,,. I 9

house ..............,..,.49 Mirror-corner ...........,.,.,.... I 3 Mirrors, indestructible ..........28 ond 5l Mobile coloured st0rs.......... ........,.,,..,40 Multi sense boord ., ..,,..95 Music bed with vibroting syslem ......6.| Music cupboord ............. ....... I 0 Music cushi0n........,.. .....................39 Music/vibrotion plofform ..................82 Music/vibrotion system.. ........,...,..,..60 Music/vibrotion w0|erbeds ...................,..,..,...,,. I I Musicol instruments 124 - 127 Music-vibrotionelement, Lomo ........ .....l07 Noisy boord. .......95 Oleonder beonbog choir ........................63 ond 80 Poinlings..... ....... ........68 Pendont ...............,,.....40 Petonque..... ,..,...,...,,.,1 I I Pin spot .............,...,..,.48 Plofform wilh foom flocl< mottress .............,. ...,.,.12 Plotform with moglc b011............ ......12 Ploy leorning syslem .....,................92 Ploy loble st0nd......... ...........9.l Pl0ying bed....... ...............80 Portoble boll pit .......... I 05 Prolection hoop ......... ..........,...........20 Rottle ... ........ I 0l Remote conlrol ..........,.,,.,...,49 Resislonce lunnel ......... ,.,............. 05 Rhythm-combi boord ......96 Rocking b00t....... .........80 Rocking elemenls, set......,....... ........50 Roll-o-boll ........99 Rolls ond wedges ..............82 Sofespoce ,.,,.,..89 Solt lomp Chimoloyo ,,.......,......55 Sond ond woler lroys ..,.,.,....... I I 3 Seogull ........53 Shope boord .. ....,..,...,,95 Sheep ond lombs .,.,..,,.,38 Shining sun ....... ,...,,..,,.......25 Smoll ice crystol ....,............40 Smoll snoezel cort ............37 Smoll spring plole ... ........ I 00 Snoezel cort ......... .......36 Snoezel cort smoll .,.,...,37 Snoezel cortVecto ........35

Snoezel CD

............52 box :.... :..... :.... :.. :. ......s2 .....14 Snoezeltube ..............7 4 - 87 Soft Ploy ................78 ond 79 Soft Ploy furniture prolector .................21 Spoce ...........34 Sporkling cloud ...... ....................22 Stor cloud Lomo ........ ...........40 Stor cord ..............24 Stor curtoin ..........34 Stors in the night cloth ..,....... ..........50 .............., Super do-woll ..............,.33 Super mogic boll ..........., ..........27 Supersofe FiberGlow....
snoezet ritms........,. ..........



..,....,.I I5 - I23

Swingmulti-person,TheropyPlus,...,.......62 ...l 15 - 123 Swings

Toclile opron Toctile boord Toctile boord hord/sofl Toctile Toctile TheropyPlus multi-person

..,..................54 .. ........ .....,. ...........54 .....96 ... column .................,,.54 .......54 cushion swing ........ .........,....,.62 .......87 Time-out room.,... ,.......,..,,........l04 Tonky hont< .....,.,..,.,.........l4 Tryptich mirror unit .....,,....98 Tubulor circuil ,...,.,. ........40 Tumbler colour bloct< .. .........,.,44 ond 45 UV icicles.,.. ,...44 - 47 UV moteriols ........,.44 UV tossel. .........35 Vecto snoezel cort ..............53 Vibroting cushion .........96 Vibroting fish boord ........53 Vibroting snoke .... ,...............53 Vibroling spider ..........97 Vippifloor choir.. ............94 Woll mounled syslem 8 ond 9 Woterbeds ..........106 Weighled onimols .,.,,.....l07 Weigthed blonket ......28 White curt0in......,,..,...., ,........99 Wiggle bo0rd......... .........l00 - 102 Wish toys .....................80 Wobbling choir ......... .............112 Yin - Yong tobles ,.,

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