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Tulsa County GOP State Committee Members

July 2013

Arming Terrorists, Terrorizing Americans, and Other Government Peculiarities by TC Ryan

President Obama has unilaterally decided to arm the rebels in Syria. The same rebels who have members that have declared their allegiance to al-Qaeda. The same rebels who were recorded removing and eating the heart of a fallen enemy. The same rebels who were recently filmed beheading a Catholic priest. The situation in Syria is a delicate one -- one in which the American people deserve real deliberation by their elected officials in a full Congress to ensure that we are not sending weapons and money to forces who oppose us and who seek to use those resources against us. I am personally opposed to any intervention with Syria as I believe we have much more pressing needs to focus on here at home, our national debt being the blatantly obvious one. But, if there must be intervention, then the President should present his case to Congress and allow for there to be authorization for any type of action. The American people deserve open deliberation and strict scrutiny for any type of intervention taken by our government to involve us in yet another conflict overseas. Some on the Right have praised the President for rushing to
continued on page 2

Libertys Ally In OK

by Joanna Francisco

What comes to mind when you think of professional lobbyists? I think of those slick folks employed by a corporation or a group of corporations in a particular industry who regularly visit with our states legislators in order to attempt to influence them to take legislative action that would benefit their particular corporation/industry. They receive nice salaries and expense accounts that they can use at their discretion. In some cases, over time, over lunches, dinners, and drinks, they develop cozy friendships with the legislators. Whether or not that leads to favorable legislation passing the legislature is anyones guess, but most people look upon the relationship between representative and paid lobbyist with suspicion. Too often the individual loses a little something at the expense of the special interest groups and corporations. And then we individuals wring our hands and ask WHY?!? Ah, the individual.If only the individual had a lobbying group a group of people who would study proposed and existing legislation, conduct countless hours of independent research from original sources, publicize their findings so that others could freely access their data, and then lobby relentlessly until a favorable outcome is reached. And beyond the individual, what if there were lobbyists for ideals such as liberty, sovereignty, transparency, accountability, etc.? Wishful thinking? Thankfully not. OK-SAFE (Oklahomans for Sovereignty and Free Enterprise) is a non-profit, non-partisan educational and activism organization dedicated to restoring the principles of the American free enterprise system and constitutional government. Its research primarily focuses on legislation that affects individual liberty and state sovereignty. For many years OK-SAFE has inspired, educated, and equipped countless citizens to become actively engaged in all levels of government. Its research and educational efforts have played a vital role in the ongoing struggle to return to a constitutionally restrained government, in the individual citizens ability to hold their elected officials accountable, and in steps toward restoring individual liberty and state sovereignty. Holding the line on the retention of our freedoms is an ongoing battle and OK-SAFE is the citizens strongest ally. OK-SAFEs research is to the grassroots activist what high tech weaponry and intensive training is to the warrior an essential tool necessary to fight for their causewhich is most often defensive. Even some of our legislators rely on the work of OK-SAFE.
continued on page 3




Liberty On Tap

Syria: Not Our War (Rally at Capitol Plaza) events/670809606278843/?fref=ts

13 10

GOP Ice Cream Social Fundraiser


(August) Understanding Common Core - Details coming soon!

Tulsa County GOP State Committee Members 1

continued from page 1, TC Ryan

Guest Contributor Ryan Underwood

This address was delivered at the Oklahoma Tenth Amendment Resolution Rally on March 21, 2009 in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Mr. Underwoods points are every bit as relevant today.
We have a great opportunity here, but it is only an opportunity. We are moving in the direction of real change, but we have only so far gotten those in power to demonstrate that they are hearing us. They have not yet demonstrated that they are willing to sacrifice the system of plunder and despotism they have accustomed themselves to. We have much work to do if we expect those in power to halt the tyrannical plans that have been laid out for us and our children, and to begin to use their power instead to defend our property and our liberties.

arm the rebels which makes me wonder if anyone in Washington actually reads their own speeches. One day they urge us to engage in undeclared war with al-Qaeda in a number of locations worldwide, the next they are arming those same forces. Recently, Edward Snowden revealed that the massive spying program known as PRISM, being conducted by the NSA, had been spying on American citizens. Obama, along with certain Republican Senators, has defended the act as necessary to protect us from the terrorizers. These terrorists, who are members of al-Qaeda, are the same that President Obama had armed in Libya and is now arming in Syria. No, yeah. That makes sense. The government must strip and violate the Constitutional rights of American citizens to protect them from those it has armed. How can this type of foreign and domestic policy be considered anything but schizophrenic at best? There has been a strong push within the last few weeks by members of both sides of the aisle to declare what the NSA was allowed to do as necessary and even righteous. I tend to agree with our Oklahoma National Committeemen Steve Fair when he says: Some misguided elected officials believe the NSA did nothing wrong, but fellow citizens when we allow the government to monitor our private phone calls, email communication, and who knows what else, we have allowed them to violate the fundamental attribute of America- LIBERTY! The fine line and fight between safety and liberty is nothing new. In 1956 Republican Senator Howard Buffet explained the actions needed in order to attain such government supplied safety. If the government is to guarantee you what the consequences of your actions will be in this case, security, then the government must take control of your activities. For with responsibilityeven selfarrogated responsibilitymust go authority. This means that if politicians are to supply your security, they must control your work, your spending, and your saving. Witness crop controls. In that event you have traded the reality of liberty for the promise of security. This land of freedom is relatively young and its promise of liberty should be protected as we are the standard bearer for such. Let us not become complacent or allow for government abuses such as this Big Brother type spying, IRS targeting of political opponents, EPA and FEMA regulatory overreaches, and other clear and direct violations of the Constitution to become common place.

Our state legislature can begin showing their commitment to our rights any day now. They can resolve to never again take a thin dime of federal funding, fresh from the Federal Reserve, and loaded with mandates and abdications of our rights. They can resolve to arrest IRS agents on the spot, for requiring us to reveal our activities to them every April in contradiction to the Fifth Amendment, and for looting us to pay the piper on the Potomac who pipes those rats into our homes. They can demand that Washington abort its failed, illegal, and immoral war on herbs, flowers, and non-pharmaceutical drugs, and its system of food subsidies and regulations for the benefit of big agribusiness that make it impossible for the small family farm to make ends meet.

Let us be ever vigilant to never trade or relinquish the reality of More urgently, they can tell the FCC that a radio liberty, the fundamental attribute of America, for a promised safety station like Radio Free Oklahoma, who sought though violations of the rights guaranteed, but not granted broadcasts the ideas of liberty free for all to hear, by, our Constitution. is welcome in Oklahoma. They can tell the FCC that a radio station who interferes with no ones TC Ryan signal, and whose signal cannot even be detected State Committee, Tulsa County across state lines, cannot possibly be any of the FCCs business, and that if the FCCs agents persist in their harassment to collect the rent they continued on page 3 claim is due for the privilege of transmitting over the air that they will be arrested and prosecuted in Oklahoma just like any Tulsa other County GOP State Committee Members 2 criminal who would trespass on Radio Free Oklahomas property and harass the owner without legal or moral cause.

an invaluable opportunity as it afforded me the chance

continued from page 1, Joanna Francisco

continued from page 2, Ryan Underwood

OK-SAFE not only READS THE BILLS, but scrutinizes each word uncovering flaws in legislation. Good legislators appreciate the advice of OK-SAFE and take it to heart. They know that they can trust OKSAFEs research for accuracy and thoroughness. When I became politically active, I found OK-SAFE to be the most reliable, unbiased source for analysis of legislation on the state level. I found myself in good company as I noted that what I considered to be the most active liberty minded grassroots organizations across the state, as well as oath-keeping legislators whom I respected, utilized the resources of OK-SAFE in their endeavors and to help guide them along the legislative process. There is tremendous support for OK-SAFE by the folks on the front lines defending our founding principles and natural rights. On the other hand, if I were a legislator concerned with my own political career, backroom political favors, cronyism, gaining power for myself or deals for my buddies, etc., I would not be pleased at all with the mere existence of OK-SAFE and the persistent Oklahomans who, thanks to OK-SAFE's research, would be calling my office armed with facts trying to hold me accountable to my oath and preventing me from trampling on their liberties. An informed citizenry is a danger to corruption. As long as we live under a system in which we have to call our representatives every week of the legislative session to beg them to not violate their oaths, encroach on our liberties, or do things that threaten our states sovereignty, having OK-SAFE on our side is crucial. Please consider making a donation to OK-SAFE and help them help you keep your representatives on their toes!! The following link will take you to their website where you can read about their projects, accomplishments, and goals. Case_for_Support_Black_Font.pdf Joanna Francisco State Committee Member

claim is due for the privilege of transmitting over the air that they will be arrested and prosecuted in Oklahoma just like any other criminal who would trespass on Radio Free Oklahomas property and harass the owner without legal or moral cause.

Our county sheriffs can be empowered to arrest on the spot federal agents exercising power outside their constitutional authority, just as some county sheriffs in Vermont have been empowered to arrest George Bush on the spot for perpetrating illegal war, illegal surveillance, and illegal detention of American citizens and foreigners alike. As in the Old West, where sheriffs did not enjoy the luxury of tax-funding, individual citizens could be deputized so that they can round up criminal federal agents and haul them off to the county jail. IRS agents, BATF agents, DEA agents, DHS agents, and other alphabet soup agents would all be arrested for operating as part of a criminal conspiracy to plunder and enslave those living in Oklahoma.

But, I have some bad news to report to you. The Republican-controlled legislature and its Democratic cohort does not seem interested in taking the opportunity they have been handed in the last election to cut back the size of government and eliminate taxes. Their idea of promoting family values is enacting new government marriage and family programs. Their idea of addressing the overflowing prisons is to contract the job to private prisons to save seven percent, instead of eliminating imprisonment for non-violent crimes and saving one hundred percent. You still must ask permission to carry your gun openly, because a representative who deceived Gun Owners of America into supporting her stood steadfast against the right of the people to keep and bear arms without getting permission from, and paying rent to, the government. You will still be fingerprinted and put in a government database when you are forced to pay for a license to drive on the roads you have already been taxed two or three times over to pay for. (But, you should be comforted that you may now be given 30 days longer to spend waiting in line for that license.) We might, if we are lucky, receive a two percent reprieve in the amount by which property taxes will be increased every year.

But your income tax burden will remain unchanged! But, you say, the Oklahoma media and politicians told me that they have cut taxes like never before this year? Look again. The vast majority of these so-called continued ontax page 4 cuts are actually tax credits for politically-connected special interests, and the rest are for only those who do Tulsa County GOP State Committee Members 3 what the politicians urge them to do. Their assumption is that the state owns whatever income the federal government doesnt claim, and that you can only get your money back if you comply with the states

continued from page 3, Ryan Underwood

me that they have cut taxes like never before this year? Look again. The vast majority of these so-called tax cuts are actually tax credits for politically-connected special interests and the rest are for only those who do what the politicians urge them to do. Their assumption is that the state owns whatever income the federal government doesnt claim, and that you can only get your money back if you comply with the states demands. In reality, these tax credits are extortion. They do not reduce the amount that the state forcibly loans itself from your paycheck, interest-free, year after year. They do not return ownership of the fruits of your labor to you. You are still a mule, working for the state government a month or more out of the same year from which you already donate several months to Washington. You might get a bigger bite of the carrot, but you do not get to choose your carrot.

As if the deceitful politicians werent enough, the Oklahoma constitution conceived as it was during the so-called Progressive era that gave us the income tax, the Federal Reserve, and universal government schooling is not exactly the most liberty-friendly document. In fact, in contrast to the federal constitution which is a constitution of limited, enumerated powers, the Oklahoma constitution is one of unlimited, plenary power, subject only to certain enumerated exceptions! The state ballot initiative process has still not been fixed; the people are still entirely dependent on the willingness and desire of politicians to shrink the size and scope of the state government the same politicians who obstruct reform of the initiative process due to their fear that we might, you know, legalize hemp, get rid of the income tax, or something terrible like that!

This tendency of politicians does not bode well for liberty. I warn you, we must be very careful to remember that the Tenth Amendment is only about states rights in the sense of the states relationship to each other through the treaty that is the constitution. The Tenth Amendment delegates power to the people as much as it delegates power to the states! We cannot allow ourselves to fall into the trap of becoming slaves to the regime in Oklahoma City in the hopes of someday being freed from the regime in Washington D.C. We will simply continue on the same course we have been on, of spending our lives serving a multitude of masters, if we do not stop passing the buck today and start taking responsibility for our own liberty as sovereign individuals who wish to live in a free society.

Take a look around you. Remember these seven words: I will never make you a slave. Repeat these seven words in your head as you interact with people in your daily business. Make a habit of mentally promising people that you will never endeavor to live at their expense. Promise them that you will never direct armed men to interfere in their peaceful affairs. Promise them that you will never encourage bureaucrats to decide what is best for their family. Promise to evaluate them on the morality of their actions, not the legality. I promise you, I will never make any of you a slave. You know I wish I could set you all free of governmental hobgoblins today, but that is not in my power. It is only in yours. My advice is to not get entangled in politically-correct politics, that is, fighting for slogans and dubious causes that do not increase liberty. But do fight when the time is right, run for office when you can assure yourself that you will never cave to pressure to increase the size and scope of government, and, when appropriate, utilize the political causes and slogans of the day, such as the Tenth Amendment Resolution, to the advantage of the freedom that we all desire.

Ultimately, your future freedom depends on you making an effort every day to undo the chains that are in your mind, and to evict the political slogans that you have allowed to creep in and constrain your intellectual processes and free will. This is an investment in your future. You do not have unlimited time on this earth. I urge you all to use it wisely. Now turn to the person next to you, look them in the eye, and tell them those seven words.

Ryan Underwood

Tulsa County GOP State Committee Members 4

GOP Ice Cream Fundraiser Social Saturday, July 13 from 1:00 4:00 Haikey Creek Park 11327 South Garnett Road Broken Arrow Shelter #5 There will be a do-it-yourself ice cream sundae bar, $15 per person, as well as an opportunity to take a photo with Congressman Jim Bridenstine, $10 per person per photo or $30 for 4 people per photo! You will receive your digital copy of your photos via email within the week! 100% of your donations will do directly to the Republican Party of Tulsa County. This is a family fun event, so bring the kids!!
Tulsa County GOP State Committee Members 5

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