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AC 10/02/12 Item No. 4.



Syllabus for the F.Y.B.Com. Program: B.Com SYLLABUSFORTHES.Y.B.COM/B.A. Course: Business Economics

(Credit Based Semester and Grading System with effect from the academic year 20122013)
SemesterBasedCreditandGradingSystem w.e.f.theAcademicyear20122013



PreambleTheobjectiveofthecourseis Tofamiliarizethestudentswiththebasicconceptsofmicroeconomicsanditsapplication tobusinesssituations. ii. To guide the students in understanding the real world market situations and business applications. ModuleIDemandAnalysis Demand Function and determinants of demand Concept and Importance of Elasticity of Demand: Income, Cross and Promotional Consumers Surplus Demand Forecasting: meaning,significanceandmethodsCaseStudies.(15Lectures) ModuleIITheoryofProductionandCost Production function; Short Run and Long Run Law of Variable Proportions Isoquants ProducersEquilibriumReturnstoScaleEconomiesofScaleCaseStudies.

Cost Concepts: Social and Private costs, Economic and Accounting Costs, Fixed and Variable Costs,OpportunityCostBehaviorofCostCurves:ShortRunandLongRunProducersSurplus CaseStudies.(15Lectures) ModuleIIIRevenueAnalysis Revenue Concepts: Total Revenue Average revenue and Marginal Revenue under Perfect Competition and Monopoly Objectives of a Firm: Profit, Sales and Growth Maximization TypesofProfitBreakEvenAnalysisCaseStudies.(15Lectures)


ModuleIMARKETSTRUCTURE Shortrun and longrun equilibrium of a firm and Industry under perfect competition Sources of monopoly Shortrun and longrun equilibrium of a firm under monopoly Features: MonopolisticCompetitionandOligopolyCasestudies(15Lectures) ModuleIIPRICINGPRACTICESANDMARKETFAILURE Pricing Practices: Price Discrimination, Dumping, Marginalcost pricing, Costplus pricing, Multipleproductpricing. MarketFailure:Conceptofmarketfailureandinefficiency(Productiveandallocativeinefficiency using PPC) Causes of market failure (Public goods, Market power, Externalities , Information asymmetryandEquity)GovernmentinterventionandmarketefficiencyCasestudies. (15Lectures)

ModuleIIICapitalBudgeting Capital Budgeting: Meaning and Importance Investment Criteria: Pay Back Period Method, Net PresentValueMethod,andInternalRateofReturnMethodCaseStudies.(15Lectures) REFERENCES
1. BradleyR.Schiller,TheMacroEconomicsToday,TataMcGrawHill,2011. 2. B.DouglasBernheimandMichaelD.Whinston,Microeconomics,TataMcGrawHill,2011. 3. Lipsey,R.G.andA.K.Chrystal,Economics,OxfordUniv.Press,2007. 4. Mankiw,N.G.,Economics:PrinciplesandApplications,CengageLearning,2009. 5. Pindyck,R.S.andD.L.Rubinfeld,Microeconomics,PearsonEducation,2008. 6. Stiglitz,J.E.andC.E.Walsh,PrinciplesofEconomics,W.W.Norton,2002. 7. Salvatore,D.L.,Microeconomics:TheoryandApplications,OxfordUniv.Press,2008. 8. SumaDamodaran,ManagerialEconomics,OxfordUniversityPress,2006 9. Varian,H.R.,IntermediateMicroeconomics:AModernApproach,W.W.Norton,2002. 10. Sen,Anindya,MicroeconomicTheory,OxfordUniv.Press,1999. 11. Koutsoyiannis,A.,ModernMicroeconomics,MacMillanPress,1979. 12. H.L.Ahuja,BusinessEconomics,1999. 13. H.L.Ahuja,PrinciplesofMicroeconomics

F.Y.B.COM. - CORE SUBJECT: BUSINESS ECONOMICS - PAPER I Internal and External Examination for Semesters I and II

TheInternalExaminationwillbefor40marksandissplitinto i) 2 tests of 10 mark each. In this 6 marks will be of objective type questions and 4 marks for case studies. ii) 10 marks for project or assignment and iii) 10 marks for attendance and class participation External Examination Question Paper Pattern for Semester End Examination.

There will be four questions in all. All the questions are COMPULSORY and will have internal choice. (Total 60 marks). Q1. Module I (Total marks 14) Three questions: A OR B OR C. Attempt any two (7 marks each)

Q2. Module II (Total marks 14) Three questions: A OR B OR C. Attempt any two (7 marks each)

Q3. Module III (Total marks 14) Three questions: A OR B OR C. Attempt any two (7 marks each)

Q4. Write explanatory notes: (Total 18 Marks)

Six explanatory notes: Two from each module. Attempt Any Three (6 marks each)


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