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Master of Business Administration- MBA Semester 4 MB0052 Strategic Management and Business Policy - 4 Credits (Book ID: B1699)

) Assignment- 60 marks Note: Answer all questions. Kindly note that answers for 10 marks questions should be approximately of 400 words. Each question is followed by evaluation scheme.

Fully solved only rs 500/sem or rs 100/question paper , smu solved assignment available for mba ( I,IInd, IIIrd ,IVth sem) summer 2013 call us on 08273413412, or mail us
Q1.A well- formulated strategy is vital for growth and development of any organization. Explain corporate strategy in different types of organizations. (Corporate strategy in small business 2marks ; Corporate strategy in large business 2marks; Corporate strategy in multinational 2 marks; Corporate strategy on public sectors 2marks; Corporate strategy on non-profit organizations 2marks) 10 marks Answer: Corporate strategy in small business: if youre a small business, heres what you need to do to chalk out your strategy for long-term success: Make customer service your USP:. To stand out from the crowd of other small businesses and stand your ground in the face of competition from the larger corporations, you need to woo your customers with something that they dont get too often from other companies excellent customer service. Dont bite off more than you can chew: Most small businesses that fail commit this mistake they aspire for too much in a bid to compete with the larger fish in the pond and are then surprised when they fall far short of their goal.

Practice what you preach: A small business comprises of a limited number of employees and is more like a family working together than a corporation with hierarchical rules and policies.

Corporate strategy in multinational: As the business portfolio expands into new markets which operate in foreign countries, strategies and strategic planning models must continue to adapt with the increasingly. Global Economy / Global Strategies Sometimes it only takes a single acquisition or the influence of a large customer to pull a nationally-focused business into the realm of global competitors.

Global Strategies Sometimes it only takes a single acquisition or the influence of a large customer to pull a nationally-focused business into the realm of global competitors. Localizing Strategies Given these factors, one challenge multinational companies face is recognizing the need to localize strategies. Once that recognition has set in, the next challenge is then determining how best to accomplish localization. Corporate strategy on public sectors: he firms consulting activities in the public sector cover a broad range of

strategy and policy setting topics, including: 1. Articulation of national economic development plans 2. Policy planning and reforms in education, labor, health, and social welfare 3. ector-level planning to improve the competitiveness of economic sectors

4. Development of action plans for World Trade Organization accession or negotiations 5. Development of special economic zones 6. Design of fiscal reforms, such as tax, customs, and subsidies reforms 7. Development of plans to increase efficiency and effectiveness of government funding across all domains Corporate strategy on non-profit organizations: A nonprofit organization has a mission statement that defines its reason for being--whom it intends to serve and what good it seeks to accomplish for society. The scope of the mission changes over time. Current Environment -The organization scans its current environment for new opportunities to serve the community and tries to anticipate threats, such as the potential for declining donations due to an economic recession. Future Vision -Future vision means looking ahead three to five years, and defining what the organization will look like at the end of that time--how it will have grown and what it will have achieved. Financial Forecast-The forecast helps the organization avoid cash shortfalls that could lead to having to cut back on programs or critically needed services. Q2.Businesses need to be planned not only for today, but also for tomorrow, that is, for the future which implies business continuity. Write the importance of business continuity planning. Explain any two strategies for business continuity planning. (Meaning of business continuity planning 2 marks; Importance of business continuity planning 3 marks ; Explanation of any 2 business continuity planning 5 marks) 10 marks Answer: Meaning of business continuity planning business continuity planning (BCP) "identifies an organization's exposure to internal and external threats and synthesizes hard and soft assets to provide effective prevention and

Q3.Governed Corporation is a model of successful corporate governance. Define and explain governed corporation. Distinguish between managed corporation and governed corporation in terms of boards role, major characteristics and policies of a company. (Definition and introduction governed corporation 4 marks; Distinguish between managed corporation and governed corporation.(each point of difference carries 2 marks) 6 marks) 10 marks Answer: Definition and introduction governed corporation: Q4.Price or market competitiveness of a product or business depends on its cost competitiveness. Cost competitiveness implies two things-cost efficiency and cost effectiveness. Explain the concept of cost efficiency of an organization. Analyze the major determinants of cost efficiency. 10 marks (Introduction of cost efficiency 2 marks; explanation of four major factors of cost efficiency 8 marks) Answer: Concept of cost efficiency of an organization: During an economic recovery, improving core business processes is a logical way to make your organization more cost efficient. Business processes like contracts management, accounts payable and order fulfillment can be a good place to start when making your organization cost efficient. In fact, many corporate leaders and managers will tell me they are not satisfied with how their core processes run, despite having the from poor collaboration, may become disheartened and depart for other jobs.

Q5.Stability strategy is most commonly used by an organization. An organization will continue in similar business as it currently pursues similar objectives and resource base. Discuss six situations when it is good/best to pursue stability strategy. Give some Indian examples. (Explanation of six situations 6 marks; examples 4 marks) 10 marks Answer: Q6.Corporate culture governs, to a large extent, business ethics and values in an organization. Describe the state of business ethics in Indian companies. Analyze in terms of KPMG business ethics survey. (Introduction of business ethics in Indian companies 2 marks; Major findings of KPMG 8 marks) Answer: Introduction of business ethics in Indian companies: Ethics are moral guidelines which govern good behaviour So behaving ethically is doing what is morally right Behaving ethically

Fully solved only rs 500/sem or rs 100/question paper , smu solved assignment available for mba ( I,IInd, IIIrd ,IVth sem) summer 2013 call us on 08273413412, or mail us

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