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The Lamplighter

PASTORS PIECE Zion United Church of Christ July 2013 Inside This Issue
"Learning to Dance"
"You did it: you changed wild lament into whirling

dance; You ripped off my black mourning band and decked me with wildflowers. I'm about to burst with song; I can't keep quiet about you. God, my God, I can't thank you enough." Psalm 30, MSG Our years have seasons and so do our lives. Sometimes we can be in the midst of the quiet, waiting, or death of winter, and be living in a time of the newness of spring, the glory of summer, or the fading colors of autumn. The earth's seasons continue, albeit strangely of late, and both our spiritual and physical lives can reflect any one of the them at any time. There are similarities in the challenges we face, as well as circumstances that seem unique to each one of us, although there is nothing new under the sun. We celebrate the holidays and either dread or long for them as they approach along the marking off of days on a calendar. Each is significant for one or another of us for different reasons, and for similar ones as well. The days turn into weeks into months into years so quickly--how often have we heard or said, "How did that happen?!?!??" Either way, and any way we move in and out of the seasons of our lives, what significant things do we remember and how do we remember them? Birthdays, anniversaries, graduations, family pain, illnesses, deaths, day to day ups and downs of life. It all happens in one way or another. Where is God during all of these times? Do we think about our faith and our need for our higher power, the Creator of the Universe, the Lover of our souls before, during or after the events and days of our lives? Do we have a pattern of prayer, of praise, of thanksgiving that we can see in retrospect?

1 Pastors Piece 2 Palm of Prayer 3 This Months Events 4 Worship Ways 5 Community, County &
Conference Clamor

6 8

Butterfly Room & Expression Session

7 Celebration Occasions
Worship Whirl

Zion United Church of ChristEstablished 1880 105 N. Mary, Mayview, Missouri 64071-8224 Phone and FAX: (660) 237 - 4355

Or is relationship with God so important and a part of us that it cannot be separated from the events of the day? Can the dance of joy through the touch of Christ become the rhythm of every breath we take? We are challenged each day, each moment to burst forth to the Lord in song (even if only the song in our heart), to let our lives spin in a whirling dance of love and joy, peace and thanksgiving. This happens through all we do and say, when we celebrate and even when we weep. It can all be done through a blinding light the size of a mustard seed. Love to you in Christ, Pastor Kristin

The Lamplighter

Risking Love To love is to risk not being loved in return. To hope is to risk pain. To try is to risk failure, but risk must be taken because the greatest hazard in life is to risk nothing. Love comes to those who still hope even though they've been disappointed, to those who still believe even though they've been betrayed, to those who still love even though they've been hurt before. --Author unknown

Palm of Prayer
Always be joyful. 17 Never stop praying. 18 Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is Gods will for you who belong to Christ Jesus. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 New Living Translation (NLT)

Prayer Beads
Prayer beads are used in many religions and cultures throughout the world. You may have seen them as Catholic Rosary beads, but other forms of prayer beads or prayer ropes are used in Islam, Buddhism Hinduism, Sikhism and yes - even Protestantism. While the exact origins are unclear, earliest traces of praying with beads can be found in the ancient Hinduism of India dating back to the 3rd century BC. Whatever their origins may be, we know that many faiths have used them to practice devotion and meditation based on pattern and repetition. So go for it. Be creative and craft your own instrument of prayer. Then let your hands guide you into mystery and meditation. An experience with God is literally at your fingertips! Source:
One particular four-year old prayed, "And forgive us our trash baskets as we forgive those who put trash in our baskets."

Please continue to surround in love and prayer, those experiencing health difficulties &/or recovering from surgery & those adjusting to new seasons in their lives: family of Ann Willig; Rev. Stephen King; Jordan OMalley; first responders; military personnel and their families; families around the world that are in the midst of war and natural disasters.

Lola Hawthorne; Laura Rhodes; beautiful & joyful Brian McLaren seminar; Birthdays & Anniversaries; Celebrating Independence Day with family and friends, remembering those who served faithfully to preserve our freedoms.

Hold On

Hold on to what is good, even if it's a handful of earth. Hold on to what you believe, Even if it's a tree that stands by itself. Hold on to what you must do, Even if it's a long way from here. Hold on to your life, Even if it's easier to let go. Hold on to my hand, Even if I've gone away from you.

Pueblo Indian Prayer

This Months Events

S.S.8:45 A.M. Worship10:00 A. M.

The Lamplighter

July 4, 2013 Independence Day July 7, 2013 Adult Book Study Vacation Bible School July 11, 2013 BCE, 7 pm
Copyright 2011 The Zondervan Corporation

July 13, 2013 Mayview Picnic July 14, 2013 Community Service, 10 am Pie Auction/Luncheon July 21, 2013 Adult Book Study Vacation Bible School Contemporary Service July 28, 2013 New Life Home for Sunday School and Worship SAILvisit shut ins after worship Parish LifeIce Cream Social, 4:30 pm Bring a dish if you wish, hot dogs and hamburgers provided

Zion UCC Worship Ways

Summer Worship Schedule


Summer Worship hours are in effect--Fellowship Gathering (light breakfast) at 8:45AM followed by Sunday School, with Worship beginning at 10 AM.


Anyone who would like a pastoral visit or are in need of prayers, please call the church office, (660) 237-4355. Blessings! Pastor Kristin


"Sharing Our Faith" is a new adult group forming. The first gathering will be at the church in the meeting room in July. Not certain of date or time yet. Please call the church 660-237-4355, with your preference and interest, or sign up on the sheet in the hall. Let's get together, sharing our experiences and learning from one another! Blessings, Pastor Kristin Its nice when someone remembers small details about you, not because you always remind them, but just because they care. Pooh Bear

SAIL will be meeting on July 23, 2013 at 7:00 pm. We will be visiting shut-ins on July 28 after worship service. In the extended future, Aug11, 2013, SAIL will be hosting special music by the Gospel Loving Four. Come for an evening of singing and praising the Lord God Almighty.

The Lamplighter

Board of Christian Education Cmte

Promotion Sunday is Aug. 25. The Board of Christian Education committee will provide a light breakfast and treat bags for teachers and substitutes which Amy Hoefer will put together. On August 11, 2013, there will be a full breakfast served before Sunday School. On August 4, 2013, Betty Thaller will be recognized at Salem United Church of Christ for her retirement as a Lay Minister. The next Board of Christian Education meeting will be July 11, 2013, Thursday at 7:00 p.m. Sunday School Agenda: June 23, 2013 Vacation Bible School (VBS) for kids and Adult Book Study (ABS) begins June 30, 2013 VBS and ABS July 7, 2013 VBS and ABS July 14, 2013 Service in the Park July 21, 2013 VBS and ABS July 28, 2013 New Life Home for Sunday School and Worship August 4, 2013 Hymn Sing August 11, 2013 Emmaus Bells for Sunday School and Worship. Full breakfast served. August 18, 2013 Olympics August 25, 2013 Promotional Sunday and regular services resume. Vacation Bible School Schedule June 23, 2013 - Teachers Carolyn Bayless and Tresina Alvested. Music by Teresa Begemann June 30, 2013 Teachers Joyce Hoefer and Juanita Wright. Music by Amy Hoefer July 7, 2013 Teachers Elaine Hudson and Martha Hawthorne. Music by ? July 21, 2013 Teachers Tresina Alvested and Amy Hoefer. Music by Teresa Begemann The preacher was wired for sound with a lapel mike, and as he preached, he moved briskly about the platform, jerking the mike cord as he went. Then he moved to one side, getting wound up in the cord and nearly tripping before jerking it again. After several circles and jerks, a little girl in the third pew leaned toward her mother and whispered, "If he gets loose, will he hurt us?"

Mission Committee
Mission committee will be meeting on July 8, 2013 at 11;00am. For the month of July we will be presenting the Mo. Personal Hygiene Pack. It includes: Pack Value $20.00 1 fluoride toothpaste, 6 oz. or more 1 toothbrush in original, pkg. 1 bath-size bar of soap 1 bottle skin lotion (11-14 oz.) 1 bottle shampoo (11-14 oz.) 1 washcloth 1 deodorant 1 hand towel 1 comb or brush 2 razors, disposable The committee would like to say thank you for the generous participation with the Festival of Sharing giving. Remember, no gift is to small or large. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Doris, Jeanette, Norma and Ruth.

Parish Life Committee

Church Ice Cream Social July 28th at 4:30 p.m. hosted by the Parish Life Committee. We are serving hamburgers and hot dogs and of course ICE CREAM. Any cake, pies or cookie donations you would like to bring would be greatly appreciated. Come on join the fun!

TIME FOR CONFIRMATION SIGN UP! Please let Pastor Kristin know of your interest in beginning Confirmation class. A meeting for parents will be August 4 following the church service for agenda and info, and to confirm class dates/ times. If your child is going into 7th grade in the fall, please consider this fabulous chance to learn and grow to become a member of Zion United Church of Christ, Mayview!

The Lamplighter

Community, County & Conference Clamor

2013 Persons In Ministry Retreat
Please mark your calendars for the 2013 Persons In Ministry Retreat, September 16-18 at The Resort at Port Arrowhead, 3080 Bagnell Dam Blvd, Lake Ozark, MO 65049. The theme of the retreat will be "Honest to God Prayer: Being Still while in Motion" and will be led by Kent Ira Groff. Kent Ira Groff is a spiritual companion for journeyers and leaders, a retreat director and a writer poet living in Denver, Colorado. Honest to God Prayer is his tenth and newest book. Others include Facing East, Praying West, prayer poems from his time in India, What Would I Believe If I Didn't Believe Anything?: A Handbook for Spiritual Orphans, and Writing Tides, which he uses with classes in Denver prisons. Dr. Groff is founding mentor of Oasis Ministries for Spiritual Development, Camp Hill, Pa. With experience as a pastor of congregations, a chaplain, and a seminary teacher, he describes his work as one beggar showing other beggars where to find bread.

God and tornadoes

I handed my drivers license to the Transportation Security Administration agent in the Manchester, N.H., airport, and she said, Oh, my God! Oklahoma? My condolences to your state. Those messages are coming from everywhere. After speaking in Vermont at the annual meeting of United Church of Christ churches in my denomination, this small and cash-strapped body of small New England parishes handed me a check for $5,000 to help with tornado relief. So many people have prayed for us and supported us through this extraordinary sadness. Thank goodness no one suggested that God had anything to do with it. Unfortunately, some preachers around here have suggested exactly that, claiming the Tornado God is particularly mad these days and is either punishing some societal wickedness (which the preacher thinks God hates as much as he does) or is proving that those who pray are rewarded in a crisis while those who dont pray get whats coming to them. Havent we all had enough of this nonsense,

what my associate minister at Mayflower, Chris Moore, called theological malpractice? Organized religion is in bad enough shape without preachers thinking that God is as mean and partisan as they are. Tornadoes are spinning clouds, part of the utterly capricious and amoral world of molecules in motion. They are a particularly deadly but completely natural force, the dark side of that Oklahoma wind that comes sweeping down the plains. They are neither a punishment for those who die nor proof of some kind of special divine protection for those who survive. We dont mean to imply when we claim that God has saved someone in a tragedy that God has therefore chosen not to save someone else, but God also gave us critical thinking skills. When we claim God as the agent in saving someone, we have established that God is in the selective intervention business. If God does, in fact, act in this way, then God is responsible for not acting in this way on behalf of others. We cant have it both ways. On the Sunday following the Moore tornado, I preached from 1 Kings 19, where Elijah has gone to a cave to find God, disappointed in the behavior of his people and in search of a message from Yahweh. While there, a great wind passes by, but God was not in the wind. Then an earthquake, but God is not in the earthquake. Then a fire, but God is not in the fire. Then God speaks, but he is not in the natural disasters of life. He is in the still, small voice of love. We have heard that voice and seen it in action in Oklahoma. A million acts of kindness and generosity are the best argument one can make for God; giving blood, giving hugs, clearing debris, sending money for relief and just being deeply thankful that someone you know and love survived. In other words, lets serve God, not play God. For starters, how about a storm shelter in every school? Robin Meyers Meyers is senior minister of Mayflower Congregational United Church of Christ. Article courtesy of KYePJune 12, 2013
"The Celtic tradition invites us to look with the inner eye. In all people, in all places, in every created thing the light of God is shining." J. Philip Newell, 21st century


CAG is always very interesting. There are chances to fellowship with friends we don't often see, eat good dinners (not sure what that is that tries to be breakfast!), discover what's new in the Missouri MidSouth Conference, and make some important decisions. The music and Worship are always inspiring, and of course our guest speakers. What pleased me most this year was seeing the Conference come together to reject the formation of a new Visioning Committee that lacked diversity. It is so very important within the United Church of Christ that we honor our beautiful diversity in whatever we do, and in a Visioning Committee that will look to the future of our Conference, that is most significant. The nominated members present lacked youth, color, handicapped and LGBT representation. There was much discussion of diversity's importance from the floor, and much head nodding. Finally a nominated member suggested that the Vision Committee not yet be installed, and we wait until there is representation from all identities. That was unanimous from the floor as well. We're struggling in many places, but it is very good to see loving steps forward toward unity in Christ! Pastor Kristin

The Lamplighter share much in Worship, I will be happy to share with anyone who wants to know more details of the seminar and the amazing accommodations on this island where no commercial businesses are allowed! Thank you, Zion UCC, for making it possible for me to go, and I look forward to us living into what is emerging in this interesting time in which we live! Joy in Christ, Pastor Kristin

Butterfly Room
3 And

if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also. John 14:3 (KJV)

Ever Vigilant
Even with the approach of Hurricane Sandys fierce downpours and howling winds, The Old Guard stands ever-vigilant at the Tomb of the Unknowns in Washingtons Arlington National Cemetery. The soldiers of the 3rd Infantry Regiment faithfully guard the tomb through the heat of summer and the cold of winter. In spite of the cemetery being closed and no tourists to view the changing of the guard, the soldiers of the 3rd Infantry keep up their faithful watch. Captain Owen Koch told USA Today, Miserable is what we sign up to do as infantrymen. They do it every day, in the heat of the summer and the dead of the winter. I expect well be able to keep soldiers out there the whole time. The vigilance of the Old Guard at the Tomb of the Unknowns reminds all Americans of the protective faithfulness of our men and women in uniform who honorably place their lives in harms way every day. Take a moment today to say thank you to someone you know who currently serves or who has served to protect our freedoms.

words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones. Proverbs 16:24 (NIV)
24 Gracious

Thank Yous
I thank everyone so much for all the cards of well-wishes since my hospitalization and for my birthday. I feel so loved. Dorothy Begemann

The Weaver
My life is but a weaving between my Lord and me, I cannot choose the colors He worketh steadily. Off times He weaveth sorrow, and I in foolish pride Forget he sees the upper and I, the underside Not till the loom is silent and the shuttles cease to fly Shall God unroll the canvas and explain the reason why. The dark threads are as needful I n the weavers skillful hands As the threads of gold and silver in the pattern He has planned. Author Unknown

SPECIAL THANKS! I spent the last week of June 2013 in Washington Island, WI, with my mouth hanging open in joy, enlightenment, and song. The Wisconsin Council of Churches along with Christian Century magazine sponsored Brian D. McLaren to speak at the 4 1/2-day seminar at the Trueblood Performing Arts Center, about Emerging Church. Rev. Susan Phillips led Worship every morning, and we were all so uplifted by the connection between Worship and the plenary (lecture) sessions, after Brian and Susan had only chatted briefly. There was so much to experience and learn, and though I hope to

The Lamplighter

Celebration Occasions
July Birthdays

Office Hours
5 6 9 10 11 15 18 20 25 26 27 28

Tyler Sanders Chris Wildschuetz Leo Barresi Dalton Koch Karen Neher Connie Sanders Scott Alvested Garrett Fiegenbaum Virgil Koch Angie Wildschuetz Kenneth Jungerman Ashton Wildschuetz William Wildschuetz Caitlin Ehlert El Dean Dickmeyer Martha Hawthorne Kevin Dierking Wayne Hoefer July 7 14 21 28

Tuesday 8:00 AMNoon Wednesday 6:008:00 PM Thursday 8:00 AMNoon


Wednesday 5:009:00 PM

Serving Souls
ACOLYTES Seth Bayless Tanner Burns Adam Hoefer Kristen Johnson GREETERS Scott & Tresina Alvested Bill & Denise Bainbridge Leo & Maggie Barresi Jim & Carolyn Bayless

29 30

July Anniversaries
5 6 14 23 31 Leo & Maggie Barresi Brad & Rachel Begemann Jason & Jessica Wade Josh & Tiffany Amos Roger & Tricia Russell Todd & Michelle Smith

Administrative Affairs
Pastor Kristin Aardema Faigh Home(660) 237- 4902 Church (660) 237-4355 Cell (660) 641-1038 (660) 237- 4386

Wayne Hoefer Council President Angie Lawson Church Secretary Jenny Holt Newsletter Teresa Begemann Organist Connie Sanders Custodian

(660) 237- 4355 (660) 237 - 4923 (816) 633 - 4133 (660) 237 - 4246

The deadline for submissions for the August newsletter is Wednesday, July 17, 2013. Send your submissions to: or or Call (660) 237-4923

Zion United Church of Christ 105 North Mary St. Mayview, Missouri 64071-8224 Generous - Loving - Dedicated Christians Sunday School 9:00 am Worship at 10:30 am


The Lamplighter July 2013

Zion UCC Mission Statement

The avowed purpose of our church shall be: To worship God, to proclaim and teach the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and to celebrate the Sacraments; to experience Christian fellowship, to build unity, and to practice charity within this congregation and the wider church; and to share this witness of Jesus Christ throughout the world.

Worship Whirl
Traditional Worship Contemporary Worship Sunday School Communion Church Council Board of Christian Education SAIL (Serving All in Love) 10:00 AM 10:00 AM 8:45AM 10:00AM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM Sundays Monthly - 3rd Sunday Sundays Monthly 1st Sunday & Special Holidays Monthly Monthly Monthly - 4th Tuesday

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