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COMMANDS*To draw lines On the Draw menu, click Line. >Specify the start point. >You can use the pointing device or enter coordinate values on the command line. >Complete the first line segment by specifying the endpoint. To undo the previous line segment during the LINE command, enter u or click Undo on the toolbar. Specify the endpoints of any additional line segments. >Press ENTER to end or c to close a series of line segments. >To start a new line at the endpoint of the last line drawn, start the LINE command again and press ENTER at the Specify Start Point ARC COMMAND draw an arc by specifying three points On the Draw menu, click Arc >> 3 Points.>Specify the start point. >Specify a point on the arc.>Specify the endpoint. To draw an arc using a start point, a center point, and an endpoint >On the Draw menu, click Arc >> Start, Center, End. Specify a start point. >Specify the center point. >Specify the endpoint. >To continue an arc with a tangential line Complete the arc. >On the Draw menu, click Line. >Press ENTER at the first prompt. >Enter the length of the line and press ENTER. To continue an arc with a tangential arc Complete the arc. >On the Draw menu, click Arc >> Continue. >Specify the second endpoint of the tangent arc.>>


REGIONThe regions are two-dimensional areas. Only closed entities can be converted into region entities, such as the closed polyline, line and curve (arc, circle, ellipse circle, ellipse and spline). The system rejects all the intersections or self-intersecting curves.>The system converts closed 2D and exploded planar 3D polylines in the selection set to separate regions and then converts polylines, lines, and curves to form closed planar loops. If more than two curves share an endpoint, the resulting region might be arbitrary. The edge of the region consists of end-connected curves where each point only shares two edges.>If you use the Spline or Fit options from PEDIT to smooth the selected polyline, the resulting region contains the line or arc of the smoothed polyline. The polyline is not converted into a spline entity. If the system variable DELOBJ is set to 1, the original entity will be removed as soon as it converted into a region.>If the original entities is hatched, the hatch associativity will be lost after conversion. To restore associativity, rehatch the region. EXTRUDE COMMAND To extrude a face on a solid object From the Modify menu, choose Solids Editing >> Extrude Faces. >Select the face to extrude (1). >Select additional faces or press ENTER to extrude. Specify the height of extrusion. >Specify a taper angle. >Press ENTER to complete the command. >To extrude a face along a path on a solid object From the Modify menu, choose Solids Editing >> Extrude Faces. >Select the face to extrude (1). >Select additional faces or press ENTER to extrude. Enter p (Path). >Select the object to use as the path (2). >Press ENTER to complete the command.>To move a face on a solid object From the Modify menu, choose Solids Editing >> Move Faces. >Select the face to move (1).>Select additional faces or press ENTER to move the face.Specify the base point for the move (2). >Specify the second point of displacement (3). >Press ENTER to complete the command. To rotate a face on a solid object From the Modify menu, choose Solids Editing >> Rotate Faces. >Select the face to rotate (1).>Select additional faces or press ENTER to rotate. Enter z for the axis point.You can also specify the X or Y axis, two points (defines the axis of rotation), or axis by object (aligns the axis of revolution with an existing object) to define the axis point. The positive axis direction is from the start point to the endpoint, and the rotation follows the right-hand rule, unless it is reversed by the setting of the ANGDIR system variable. Specify the angle of rotation. Press ENTER to complete the command. >>To delete a face on a solid object From the Modify menu, choose Solids Editing >> Delete Faces. Select the face to delete (1).Select additional faces or press ENTER to delete. Press ENTER to complete the command. To copy a face on a solid object From the Modify menu, choose Solids Editing >> Copy Faces. Select the face to copy (1). Select additional faces or press ENTER to copy.Specify the base point for the copy (2).Specify the second point of displacement (3). Press ENTER to complete the command. To offset a face on a solid object From the Modify menu, choose Solids Editing >> Offset Faces. Select the face to offset (1). Select additional faces or press ENTER to offset. Specify the offset distance.Press ENTER to complete the command. From the Modify menu, choose Solids Editing >> Taper Faces. Select the face to taper (1). Select additional faces or press ENTER to taper. Specify the base point for the taper (2). Specify the second point along an axis (3).Specify the angle of the taper. Press ENTER to complete the command. To change the color of a face on a solid object From the Modify menu, choose Solids Editing >> Color Faces. Select the face whose color you want to change. Select additional faces or press ENTER. In the Select Color dialog box, select a color and choose OK. Press ENTER to complete the command. RTROT COMMANDUses this command to control the interactive viewing of objects in 3D. This option help you view objects from any direction. You can view your entire drawing or choose one or more objects before starting the command. When RTROT is active, points of moves around the target, and the target of the view stays stationary. If you drag the cursor horizontally, the points of the view moves parallel to the XY plane of the world coordinate system (WCS). If you drag the cursor vertically, the points of the view moves along the Z axis.You can also use RTROTX, RTROTY, RTROTZ to view objects from the X, Y, Z direction.Note: you cannot edit objects when RTROT is active

PROCEDURECommand: _line.<Ortho on>.Angle/Length/Follow/Undo/Specify next point:L.Length of line: 36.Angle/Length/Follow/Close/Undo/Specify next point:L.Length of line: 49.Angle/Length/Follow/Close/Undo/Specify next point:L.Length of line: 18.Angle/Length/Follow/Close/Undo/Specify next point:L.Length of line: 12.Command: '_PAN.Press Esc or Enter to exit, or right-click to display shortcut menu....Command: '_zoom.Command: _line.Angle/Length/Specify next point: L.Length of line: 12.Command: _arc.Angle/Center/Direction/End/Radius/<Second point>: R.Radius of arc: 18.Command: _region.Entities in set: 6.1 regions have been created.Command: _SHADEMODE.Enter option [2D wireframe/3D wireframe/Hidden/Flat/Gouraud/fLat+edges/gOuraud+edges] <2D wireframe>: _Gouraud.Command: _extrude.Entities in set: 1.Specify height of extrusion or Path: H.Specify height of extrusion or Path: 18.Specify angle of taper for extrusion <0>: .Command: '_RTROT.Press Esc or Enter to exit, or right-click to display shortcut menu...


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