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Chapter 1 Introduction

Background of the Study As the 20th century entered, Electronic Device was

introduced. After a decade, it grew in the community and houses, became popular to all and was later on been a necessity of every people and an ordinary means of communication. As this industry rises, a certain invention that was

considered a great help to humans was the birth of computers. This was considered as a great success and one of the finest inventions in history because it makes life easier and cheaper. Computers are versatile and used globally by all means. It is truly inevitable to use computers as a tool to make human imaginations turn into reality. Due to human consciousness and desire, Virtual World was created or popularly known as the Virtual Reality. In this is world, humans inside may the enter an imaginary environment that concrete computers

monitor or screen through watching and travelling in it. Not too long, it came to some minds that virtual reality may also be used to play certain games in the computer. This became the start of making games in the computer for leisure and pleasure. Playing computer games didnt start as a money industry or product that became known to the whole world in a blink of an eye. It was first as a form of entertainment for people during their break time and if they are bored because of too many things that pre occupies their mind. Computer games addiction has no physical component or objective diagnosis, but many of the consequences are similar to









relationships and academic careers to languish or collapse in order to spend more time playing their favorite games. Gamers who become entrenched in excessive daily gaming routines can find it difficult in to our make room for we much are else pre in life. by ( Nowadays, generation, occupied different computer games that is being introduced day by day. Until now, there were many games that are coming out in the game industry that are adopted by game enthusiasts. Some are the famous games that are not only being played by men but also women and these are DotA (Defence of the Ancient), WoW (World of Warcraft), Grand Chase and League of Legends. Due to the influencing power of computer games, most of children, teenagers and students became a victim and a prisoner of this virtual world. This became the reason why many students have low grades and sometimes fail or dropped in one or more of their subjects. Because of this very reason, parents, colleges and universities and even the government had a negative connotation to computer games. To solve this kind of problem, parents are trying to make some strict moves in order to prevent their child from playing computer games while the government is busy making laws and ordinances preventing and regulating the number of hours that students spent playing computer games. However,it is becoming clear that there are those who lose control of their gaming habits. For these individuals, computer games (especially online multiplayer games) take center stage in their lives. Work performance may suffer due to extended late

night gaming sessions. School grades may drop as a consequence of giving more attention to computer games than studying.

Relationships may deteriorate as one partner feels neglected and less important that his or her partner's latest game obsession. ( Thus, it is the interest of this study to find out the effects of computer gaming in the academic

performance of third year students of Bachelor of Science in Marine Transportation.

Statement of the Problem The problem of the study focuses on the effects of computer gaming to the academic performance of third year student section one of Bachelor of Science in Marine Transportation (BSMT) of St. Therese MTC Colleges, Magdalo Site for Academic Year 20112012. To understand the problem better, the following questions were raised: Is there significant difference in the level of students engagement in computer gaming when group according to durations of hours in playing? Is there a significant difference in the level of academic performance when grouped according to duration of hours in playing? Is there significant engagement in relationship computer between and the the level of




performance of BSMT 3?

Objectives of the Study In general, the study seeks to ascertain the effects of computer section gaming one of to the academic of performance in Marine of third year Bachelor Science Transportation

(BSMT) of St. Therese MTC Colleges, Magdalo Site for Academic Year 2011-2012. Specifically, the study aims to: To determine the significant difference in the level of students engagement in computer gaming when group according to durations of hours in playing. To determine the significant difference in the level of academic performance when grouped according to duration of hours in playing. To determine the significant relationship between the level of students engagement in computer gaming and the academic performance of BSMT 3.

Hypotheses of the Study The following null hypotheses were formulated to guide the direction of the study and to serve as bases for coming up with relevant conclusions: There is no significant in difference computer in the level of






according to durations of hours in playing.

There is no significant difference in the level of academic performance when grouped according to duration of hours in playing. There is no significant relationship between the level of students engagement in computer gaming and the academic performance of BSMT.

Definition of Terms In order to have and achieve coherence, to make the study easy, that efficient the used was to and to give gave and effective definitions share the information to knowledge to the terms this readers, researchers discuss technical from

research paper. The terms used were the following:

Computer it refers to a programmable machine. This means it can execute a programmed list of instructions and respond to new instructions that it is given. ( In this study, it refers to the device used in gaming. Computer Game any of various games, recorded on cassette or disc for use in a home computer, that are played by manipulating a mouse, joystick, or the keys on the keyboard of a computer in response to the graphics on the screen. ( In this study, it refers to games being played by the use of a computer.



an electronic a user

game that

involves generate

human visual



interface to

feedback on a video device. ( In this study, it refers to games being played through a video device. Virtual Reality a hypothetical three-dimensional visual

world created by a computer; user wears special goggles and fiber optic gloves etc., and can enter and move about in this world and interact with objects as if inside it. ( In this study, it refers to the graphics of a certain

computer game. Gamer referred to someone who played role-playing gamesand wargames. ( In this study, it refers to an individual engage in

computer gaming. Internet It millions of is a network of networks that academic, consists of and




government networks, of local to global scope, that are linked by a broad array of electronic, wireless and optical networking technologies. ( In this study, it refers to the connection used in playing online game. Online network. Games game played over some form of computer

( In this study, it refers to the game played by the use of internet. LAN (Local Area Network)-computer network that

interconnects computers in a limited area such as a home, school, computer laboratory, or office building. ( In this study, it refers to the connection being used in computer gaming. LAN Game a game which is played by several players. ( In this study, it refers to games played by the use of LAN connection.

Significance of the Study The researchers believe in the importance of this study. This study may give way for students, parents, and the community to understand and clarify things about computer games. In our country, it became a negative effect to the society. On the other side of the coin, we cannot see the positive effects that these computer games bring or may bring especially to students. Important informations are provided to guide and give right knowledge to the people according to the classification, type, specialty and what the game really consists based on the needs of the user. Through this study, the researchers are hoping that the readers will give consideration to the reasons why some people enter and continue to love and play computer games.

This may also serve as a reference or guide why students gain low grades and sometimes affect their academic performance. On the other side of the coin, this study may help the parents, teachers, without government beyond and/or their anyone in the as a community student to understand of how students can balance studies and entertainment going limitations while completing the academic demands. For the students, may this research study that the

researchers conducted will serve as a guide and warning for the recent generation and for the future teenagers on how to control and differentiate playing video and computer games and the knowledge one may acquire from studying and the importance of achievement and honour a diploma may give. For the parents, this study will served as a warning about the effects of computer gaming on the academic performance of their children. The faculty and teachers of this institution for them to develop new styles of teaching and proper way of dealing with students engage in such activity. The administration of St. Therese MTC Colleges-Magdalo Site will be warned regarding the effects of such activity on the academic performance of the students and impose laws that will enable students to avoid this kind of activity. The researchers aim to make the people aware about the negative and positive effects of computer games; that every situation should be taken seriously and not for granted.

Scope and Delimitation

The information is based on previous studies that were made in and outside the country.

The researchers believe that this study may give a concrete view about the effects that computer games produce to students. The scope of this study is the 50 identified students of St. Therese MTC Colleges Magdalo Site who play computer games.

Chapter II Review of Related Literature

Understanding the Key Concepts History of Computer Computers have been around for quite a few years. your parents were probably around in 1951 when Some of first


computer was bought by a business firm.

Computers have changed

so rapidly many people cannot keep up with changes. Thanks to Hollerith's machine, instead of taking seven and a half years to count the census information it only took three years, census. Machine even with in 13 million The more people since was the sold last in Happy with his success, Hollerith formed the Tabulating Company 1896. company later


And in 1912 his company became the International Business

Machines Corporation, better known today as IBM. What in 1944 by having parts. is considered Harvard's to be the first computer Aiken. some was made

Professor Howard parts, but

The Mark electronic

I computer was very much like the design of Charles Babbage's mainly mechanical with His machine was designed to be programmed to do many This all-purpose machine is what we now know as The Mark I was the first computer It to open 500 and close of wire its and electric 750,000

computer jobs.

the PC or personal computer. used parts. mechanical It switches

financed by IBM and was about 50 feet long and 8 feet tall. circuits. contained over miles

The first all electronic computer was the ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer). digital Mauchly. computer The built ENIAC contained ENIAC was a general purpose Presper Eckert and John tubes (used in 1946 by J.

over 18,000 vacuum

instead of the mechanical switches of the Mark I) and was 1000 times faster than the Mark I. finish. first In twenty seconds, ENIAC could do a math problem that would have taken 40 hours for one person to The ENIAC was built the time of World War II had as its to calculate the feasibility of a design for the The ENIAC was 100 feet long and 10 feet tall. modern who type began as computer the began with John von It and job

hydrogen bomb. A more was von

Neumann's development of software written in binary code. Neumann as practice of storing data A computer was

instructions in binary code and initiated the use of memory to store data, well programs. Variable called built the EDVAC (Electronic Discrete Computer)

using binary code in 1950.

Before the EDVAC, computers like the

ENIAC could do only one task then they had to be rewired to


different different






concept of

of storing

programs on punched

cards instead

rewiring computers led to the computers that we know today. While the modern computer is far better and faster than the EDVAC of its time, computers of today would not have been possible with the knowledge and work of many great inventors and pioneers.

Computer Gaming Computer gaming is a type of video game playing that is played on a personal computer, rather than a dedicated video game console. Computer gaming has shifted in popularity over the years, as prices and performance In the fluctuated modern day, between it has consoles largely and personal computers.

settled into its own, with a number of games lending themselves exclusively to computer gaming, while other types of games are better suited for consoles. Early computer gaming largely revolved around text adventures, as this was one area where they could differentiate themselves immediately from arcade games. Although there were early graphical computer games, such as Spacewar, which was perhaps the first computer game ever, many of the most popular were simple text inputs. The original, and perhaps most famous, of these was the Adventure game, and later games built off of its success. Eventually graphics were added to the idea of

text computer gaming, with text remaining as a command input, even while simple graphics helped to build the scene. In the early 1980s computer gaming saw a boom in popularity, as the bottom fell out of the console video game market. A glut of bad games for consoles, combined with lower prices for home computers, made computer gaming an obvious choice for many people. When the Nintendo Entertainment System was released, this boom slowed somewhat, although it continued for many more years in Europe. With computers, Quest the addition of the mouse as an to input make a device much to graphical computer gaming made use of the began to more to

sense. Graphical adventure games, such as the popular Kings series, mouse allow player interact with a static image environment. At the same time, a new genre, the first-person shooter, began to emerge. One of the first of these, Wolfenstein 3D, was released by id Software in 1992, and helped to popularize making use the of id idea the of first person shooters. The next year, of steadily increasing Doom, a processing power computers, Software released

revolutionary first person shooter that was one of the most popular games of the era. The industry would remain relatively stable Tomb until Raider of 1996, being the when an further innovations person of turn been, even becoming further in video to the card take era. the of as the game technology allowed for even more ornate and stunning games, with early third power the shooter of of one and advantage Beginning market than as it processing computers

around had

millennium, computer gaming exploded into being an even larger traditionally advanced mainstream uses of computers in most homes. Games got even more complex, technology developers began to experiment with new methods of interaction



the computer platform




Games like Warcraft and Starcraft, Command and Conquer, Black & White, and The Sims are all examples of this type of game. The origination of graphical massive online role-playing games was the next huge leap in computer gaming. Similar in concept to text-based MUDs which had existed since the early days of the internet, these massive games took full advantage of the ubiquity of high-speed to internet of and powerful of computers. players to Allowing thousands hundreds thousands

interact in a virtual world, they have become an enormous market share of the video game market, and a social phenomenon unto themselves. Local Studies The computer Local shop Government to operate who are Unit and Non-Government during of the Unit of

Batangas join hands together to control the internet caf and online games class hour especially those neighbours educational

institution to prevent the students from cutting classes, and other negative effect of online games. Foreign Studies Lepper, M. R. & Gurtner, J (2000), states that prolonged and excessive use of these games can cause, mainly upon children, a number of physical and psychological problems which may include obsessive, addictive behaviour, dehumanization of the player, desensitizing learning of feelings, personality changes, of hyperactivity disorders, premature maturing

children, psychomotor disorders, health problems (due to lack of exercise & tendonitis), Development of anti-social behaviour and


of Anderson and

free Bushman

thinking (2001), found

and that

will. across 54

independent tests of the relation between video game violence and aggression, involving 4262 participants, there appear to be five consistent results of playing games with violent contents. Playing violent games increase aggressive behaviours, increases aggressive cognitions, increases aggressive emotions, increases physiological arousal, and decreases pro-social behaviours. Since most electronic games are violent, children below legal ages are emotionally disturbed and caused several changes on their behaviour.

Gentile & Walsh (2002), wherein 55% of parents said that always or often should parents put limits on the amount of the time their children may play computer and video games, and 40% said they always or often check the video game rating before allowing their children to buy or rent computer or video games. Even through these numbers are not particularly high, they may overestimate the amount of parental monitoring of childrens video game play. Theoretical Framework This study further concerned on cognitive abil ity of the students and their performance in the actual classroom interaction. The following are the three theories of motivation that supports the idea on how to arouse the attention of the students: 1.Instrumental/operant states that the learning: factor (Skinner) is it




forcers are




increase result in

behaviour a decrease

and in




behaviour.(Stimulus => response => reward) 2. The desire of reward is one of the strongest incentives of human conduct; is to the best security for the fidelity with of humankind make their interest coincide their

duty. --Alexander Hamilton (The Federalist Papers) 3.Observational/social learning: (Bandura) it sugg e s t s t h a t m o d e l i n g ( i m i t a t i n g others) learning (watching others have consequences and applied vicarious to their

behaviour) are important motivators of behaviour. Conceptual Framework

Independent variable

Dependent variable

Chapter III Research Methodology

Nature of Research Design This study attempted to ascertain the effects of

computer gaming on the academic performance of BSMT 3 students of ST. THERESE MTC COLLEGES, MAGDALO SITE. Chapter III describes the nature of research design, sampling techniques used, selection and profile of respondents, instrumentation, validity and reliability of the questionnaire, the data gathering procedure, and the statistics employed in the interpretation of the data. The dependent variable in this study is the academic performance of BSMT 3 most specifically the grades of students and the independent variable were the computer Game ( Defense of the Ancients, League of Legends, Heroes of Newerth) being played by the respondents.









This method of research was concerned with the present, although it considers past events and influence as they relate to current condition, specified Best aspects (1991). or David (2002) What discussed may be descriptive are research as the situation or given state of affairs in terms of factors. described characteristics of individuals or groups or conditions.

The study tested the hypothesis: There is no significant in difference computer in the level of






according to durations of hours in playing. There is no significant difference in the level of academic performance when grouped according to duration of hours in playing. There is no significant relationship between the level of students engagement in computer gaming and the academic performance of BSMT 3. Sampling Technique Used The researchers adopted the purposive sampling technique in selecting respondents for the study. The respondents of this study were the 50 identified students who are engaged in computer gaming. Instrumentation







questionnaire containing the effects of computer gaming for the purpose of the investigation. The questionnaire consisted of 15 statements which were

answerable in a five-point scale as follows:

5 4 3 2 1

Always Often Sometimes Seldom Never

For the purpose of interpretation the following range of scores/ weighted mean will be used : Score/WeightedMean Description 4.21-5.00 Very Highly Implemented 3.41-4.20 Highly Implemented 2.61-3.40

Implemented 1.81-2.60 Moderately Implemented 1.00-1.80 Not Implemented

Validity of the Questionnaire Validity refers to the extent to which a measurement does what is supposed to do, which is to measure what it intends to measure industry (Fraenkel will and & Wallen, the 2006:59). Panel of The experts for came of from the the validate questionnaire correction,




Maritime and General Education instructors of St. Therese-MTC Colleges Magdalo especially the researchers adviser Mrs. Mary Jane Garcia. The proposed questionnaire was presented to the panel members to check if the statements are in congruence to the Good and Scates Criteria or Eight (8) Point Criteria. Reliability of the Questionnaire The questionnaire was pretested to vendors who are not respondents of this investigation. In this study, there will

be a pre-tested questionnaire that will be given to those who are not considered as the respondents of the study. The test is said to be reliable if they obtained Cronbach alpha if items are deleted is 0.70 and above. Data Gathering Procedure Permission to conduct study was secured by the researcher from the Dean of the Maritime Department. The identified respondents selected purposively was gathered and oriented on the purpose of the study. The researchers administered the instruments to ensure its 100% retrieval. The accomplished instrument was checked to ensure that all items were answered accordingly. The data were tallied, tabulated, computed, analyzed and interpreted.

Statistical Tools Used The data gathered were subjected to certain computerprocessed statistics, specifically using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) software. The descriptive statistics used were the frequency count, percentage, mean, and standard deviation. The inferential statistical tool was the One-Way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) test for Independent Samples which is used if variables are classified into three or more categories.

Descriptive Statistics Frequency count and percentage were used to determine the number of respondents who belonged to the different categories of independent variable. Mean was utilized to describe the effects of computer gaming on the academic performance of BSMT 3 students. Inferential Statistics In order to determine the significance of the differences on the participants The perceptions researcher about the computer One-Way gaming among of BSMT students. used analysis

variance (ANOVA) test for independent sample. One-Way analysis of variance (ANOVA) is a parametric method for testing equality of population means among groups of 3 or more groups. The significant level of all inferential tests was set at .05.

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