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Train Like An Immortal

Secret to having a build even the gods envy? Working twice as hard for it.
To become a little more super for the movie fi'anchise's latest re incarn ation, he turned to Mark Twight, owner of Gym Jo nes in Salt Lake C ity- t he same fitn ess expert who transformed the cast of 300 in toan army of men with washboard abs. Twight uses a punish ing training routine call ed the "tajlpipe": A lOO-repwo rkout that'll smoke calo ri es, to rch fa t, and leave you, uh, exhausted. The tailpipe has two "sides," exe rci se and recove ry, explains Dan John, Twight's colleague and fell ow strength coach. "The exercise portion is designed to get you gassed," he says. "Butthe recovery is jllstas important." Twight's tailpipe recovelY method: The moment you fini sh an exercise, calmly take e ight cOlTb'olled breaths in and out of you I' nose. "Fightthe urge to gasp, throw yoursel f around, or change songs o n your iPod," says John. Then immediately start the next exercise.



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Use this routine at the end of your regular workout, or as an intense circuit you can do almost anywhere. Perform the exercises in the order shown; a I6-kilogram (35-pound) kettlebeU or dumbbeLL is recommended for the movements that require a weight. (If that's too hard, downsize.) Do 25 reps of each exercise, using the tailpipe recovery technique between each move (and after the last).

Goblet Squat

Grab a kettlebell or dumbbell and sta nd wi th your feet just beyo nd shoulder width. Cup the weight wi th both hands and hold it vertically nextto your chest, your elb ows pointing down. Keeping your back naturally arched, push your hips back, bend your knees , and loweryour body as far as you can . Push yourself back to the starting position and repeat.

Kettlebell Swing

Bend at your hips and hold a kettlebell or dumbbell with both handsat arm's length down in front of you. Rock back slightly and "hike" the kettle bell between your legs. Then sq ueeze your glutes, thrust your hips forward forcefully, and swing the weight to shou lder height. Allow momentum to swing the weight. Reverse the move between your legs, and keep swinging.


Stand with your feet sli ghtly beyond shoulder-width apart. Bending at your hips and knees, squat and lower your body until you can place you r hands on the floor. Kick your legs backward into apushup position, and then immediately reverse themove and qui ckly stand up from the squat. That's one rep. To ad d to the cha llenge, jump up from the squat instead of standing up.

Jumping Jack

Stand wi th you r feet together and your hands at your sides. Simultaneously raise your arm sabove your head and quickly kick your leg s outto th e sides. Without pausing, reverse the movement. That 's one rep.

The tailpipe can also improve your sports performance, John says, because it helps manage "the stress of extreme fatigue." After your final tailpipe recovery, attempt a fundamental sport skiLL. For example, take three free throws, using three basketbaLLs that you've placed nearby ahead oftime. "Become better at dealing with this stress, and you might suddenly find yourself becoming a clutch player."

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