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Scientific truth is exact, but it is incomplete and penultimate ; it is of necessity imbedded in another truth, complete and ultimate, although

inexact, which I see no problem in calling 'myth'. Scientific truth floats, then, in mythology, and science itself, as a whole, is a myth ; it is the admiral myth of modern Europe. Jose Ortega y Gasset

I'm just so sick of these men not getting these women to where it is that these women want to take their men. A good mother cannot die, and to prove it, I built this guilt contraption. Piss off Already

Anarchy in Soliloquy Major

: as though you, too, were not the tree, too

the bi-polar express

apples and cold lace

or you could walk

Belly 'n' the Cicco Inc.

wing of wings, jonesin', whore of lords, the best way to defeat anxiety is to arm self twice and kill dead, traffic moves endless in every direction rising above into the britches like it's always been all the way to the mandible then, you ain't invited to the balls, cretin, stumble in overfull gold-diggers trying hard to figure how best not to do their own thinking, bop, you buy sign and wonder or you don't, and either way, you don't skin a bullfrog for kicks, sicko, bop, sinner pit sock facing up Sisyphus, bop, five corners, the cot, and a compass, you can have the tent gratis, but I cannot close an imaginary flap for you, bop, half price Cheshire grin for no kid, best have every last motherfucker perched on the head of every last motherfucker before you even think about stepping to this motherfucker trying to spend time with his five favorite motherfucker, nobody said chase pcp down the alley in efforts to codify neurologically the unnecessary half of identity, jesters hiccuping, despite all popular opinion to the contrary, I hate telling people what to be thinking, and it does not get easier to get home the more times you're told you ain't there already, bop, censorship being the height of the Satanist tradition, insidious is sheered boredom twisting an unknown stream of consciousness away from each the end unto it's own body, bop, no bigger than a bon bon, welcome to the cinema, amoral crackpot empathy junkie, one and every, great god and good himmel's ghost, something for fool in fool's clothing, ain't no such thing as river, tributary, there are only tributaries, time is not an unstoppable force, stuck stock still attempting to ape a nihilist vigilante, ping pong and the transcendent collapse between phenomenologically distinct spacetimes, bop, underestimate her again, and I'll start over, move it or loose it sister, whereas base vengeance is always extinction, bop, send ecotourism home from veteran of homeless contra sacrosanct identity, consent, faith contra resurrection, sin being sin being gas for godot being you and I taking the time to find exactly the right hatrack to hang on, bop, you and I are the sacred space is two sacred spaces and the consecrated time between memory as a manifest distance, madly in love with it, but the fourth dimension ain't a collectivist endeavor, bop, testing, erah, despair, wikit, testing, I've been everywhere, bo, and there ain't no such thing as human decency, cognitive gravity, forgiveness, number four, gone, or anything at all like what they try and call public transportation, deconstructing evaluations of untoward directionality ain't manly, it's retarded to think one has to pay to be spied on in this country, I like the forest, bop, a whole with all of it's parts in idyl motion, there is nothing more deadly than susceptibilities to serendipity, how dare you let someone take the fall for your curiosity, revolving door at no theater, not everyone is listening, fungus is a lack of imagination, bop, naked junk everyone as a matter of principle, for the last time, there is no such thing as demented, child, bop, so long as ten's gonna be pretending, car is me, you, ours, they drive one another essentially, and do not drive one another home for that is an impossibility, bop, I cannot think my way out of this for you, my heart is another person 'cause my head ain't other people, bop, daddy says that the construction of a fourth wall is more important than the imposition of trite opinion, moving toward a stencil on the wallet, crack again, you fuggin' unicorns, and I'll keel shadow is as shadow does, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, you do know that Pluto ain't a planet no more and that consciousness does not increase in volume simply because it was expropriated, bop, growing louder as stagnant whispers indentured to the coldest heart of a captain incorporated, I ain't you're average junkie, kid, and a doofy father willing to film 80 pages of script a day don't make this no call in show neither, you are timidity and aggression postured at the behest of history conjuring nudity to undermine identity and sacrifice constituency to the higher ideal and a cool cupidity, bop, empty bubbles are not an empirically viable depiction of the artist's depression, bop, totalitarianism is the insect's modis operandi saying itself backward 'cause you're wrong about being, I love party, all together now, hell is other pretentious people and that ain't ever not one's call to be making, give it to ya good, 'cause no one has a right to heaven from the outside in, period, unlike god, I do believe in coincidence, it's hot 'cause a lot of folk is coldblooded, bop, the Jesus lizard being about as quick as it would need to be given a particular saline concentration dictating tensile quality, don't be Christ laced convenience store cracker clings with reckless vigor to hard left transubstantiation tailed tactfully by the savior of all souls lightly peppered and stripped naked 'cause yeah, bop, who the fuck isn't, I loathe party, there ain't nothing out here but hypocrisy, one man

majority preaches fuck the age of aquarium, finally, whiteout spandex, don't you go to work, love, none of 'em are sick, just decked out in an opulent history, bop, irrational is the systemic losses of anarchy, please don't make me misery, hating you, I am fleet of canoe, and in spite of me, I will be the leviathan, see, you can color a painted tiger pink and convince the queen she's a nudibranch, but that don't for not a painted tiger to make, now do it, bop, the pre-apocalyptic arrangement, mortal coiling, 'cause she ain't but a self-righteous, vindictive bitch, coiling mortally, I guess there ain't no way to win because of it, bop, I'm'a go out on a limb and say you don't actually think I'm in this season, get your head out of your ass and stop toying with your duodenum or I'll cast this ugly shadow on your Nazi mug, gluttony will be gluttony will be gluttonous misdirections of attention, bop, voyeurism is suicide and every mother on the planet knows it, the thinnest they make, so don't break it, there is only one reasonable solution to zietgeist jazzy venus project bass soling ten man golden I am calf and the dying state, bop, truth is a wooly compounding, and any day now we'll stop accumulating ass-backward validity on behalf of the stranger, yes I do have schizophrenic psychopaths in North Carolina and Texas, waiting, just waiting, bop, defunct meumetic panacea machine printing, build your own savior Saturday seeks where the hell is cancel shut the fuck up Sunday, bop, fairly certain it ain't tin your kin Tuesday, maybe wake up and wake up Wednesday, bop, or vomit you're own memory already Friday, idiot, beautiful random, the protracted chaos of perfecting stone strewn at ransom, bop, so you're a wolverine, what does it mean slow down the uptown pooh stick on all neo sapian, bop, we're in a casino 'cause everybody plays games with the lives of other folk for want of a purpose more pointed, what's the meaning of life if not part-time revelry, spaceship, kid, spaceship, one per body types of lunacy, oim, can we even go thattaway, bop, little John will not abide the seep of uncanny through his osmosis machine, little bits of the world define center essentially, straight up and down, movement, are you kidding me, everything is light and consciousness is everything, you ain't my flipping fish, bop, I ain't no flopping fisherman, evening, rock and roll is you already know which way you'se supposed to be heading, like, totally, eat something, cannibals, eat something, shoot for the comedy wherein technically, all the word means is have a happy ending, bop, I play no sport and will forever demand divorce from all men not thinking cement shoe for Saturn is not good people, bop, automobile and adrenaline, fast food and endorphins, television and serotonin, tryptophan and the commercialization of necessity, caffeine and the oligarchical structure of hierarchical bureaucracy, love, dopamine, war, nicotine, whatever ugly takes securing comfortable access to convenience and consistency, what is your excuse for nine out of ten American's being the same exact terrible Taoist as me, Hiroshima squid donkey lemming colony punchdrunk fuck papa and bop you already, don sumo yakuza belching, ain't nothing more human than the contemplation of suicide, cognitive equivocation is so incorrigible it's uncanny, bop, time to render unto nature what nature rendered unto Cesar, the beast is mass media obliterating one span of attention to cyclically rededicate the impressionable head to what is tantamount to a habituated addiction to entertainment, get over it, the sickness ain't a private reclamation of public spaces, bop, the sickness is a public reclamation of private space, all in the left foot, toots, cakeboarding is not a mystery, fascism, she says surreptitiously, is a momentary acquiescence to spiritual autonomy denying individuality to propagate conformity and give the police state a sure metaphysical footing, make damn certain no one does my barrack any differently, bop, and there you have it, the muse is dead because anarchocommunism was so uninspiring, mustard seed live beneath sternum freely, bop, anyone who says the wind will never die is a fake person, listen to the liar, love, I'm pretty sure I ain't lying to me, dream of dreams, bop, more cheek to turn than make me a chiliagon has faces to spit in it, the wage slave being the bane of it's own existence taken hard to the technophilic lust after obsolescent gadgetry and the masochistic pageantry of international misanthropy, sink in completely, bop, reinventing chivalry 'cause watching one eat babies is homely and warfare is insanity, fruit falls to the heavens because it does not belong to everyone, yes, it does belong to no one, bop, the expropriation of a muscular-skeletal system and affiliated meta-narrative toward ends not determined independently is just about as violent a habit as it's always been or could ever possibly be, Whitman don't build slave ship, my friend, but Josh is

pissed 'cause you think gay is a biological imperative, bop, the trouble with people is they'll tell themselves anything to be convinced that it's a right even when it's not a privilege, bop, fuck the industry, tanned thievery, poetic piracy, justice for the closet introvert and the peck of pale koi where the pond is not rippling, bop, everybody knows you pick up the whole band or you don't touch shit again, don't conflate the two words, please, only the music, love, the music only, originate by the bass, by the bass, by the bass, bass, bass, idol worship demands perverse prostration from a skinhead weeping woefully why can't the computer be anything but me, bop, why not, god asks himself of the bottom feeder, the troubling water being xenophobic reactionaries masquerade as benevolent species charlatans, bop, pompous children are the scum of the earth, sing, don't be another zealoted rock and roll reactionary, hip hop anti-cop thumbsucker holding mirror up to sum the terrible hostility, casting swine before pearl indefinitely, divinity is people pushed aside in order to converse with oneself about what god could be, bop, water comes to senses, crack your bottle and fill up better than biting your thumbs at we, bop, duncecap for strawman cornering herd mentality, oblivious concentrism rounds out ethical equation, cocaine is buyer's remorse and a lack of compassion, left, right, an excess of empathy, hitchhiking is dangerous, it's always been violent death for the selfish one, pop, that's the ticket, you do know you ain't supposed to live in no innermost room, don't you, don't we, bop, what to be done about snapdragon, angry sloth and deontologically valid orchids wrestling not but vertical consciousness, bop, kid, the caterpillar says don't talk at it like I'm listening, down under boiling up and over suddenly, the realization of those little clouds of radiated energy, march, she'd say, don't you dare call me Christian 'cause Mephistopheles is twice half one misunderstanding, bop, close the door, now, for I am the gate keeper, death incarnate is shame and no mercy, bop, right, 'cause I fly the thing for some reason other than they insist on reminding me that I'm the one flying the thing, spit up plum rancid roundabouts to full on cosmological straightjacket, so the yellowed recidivists went and built themselves a dendrite jungle less one canopy did they, bop, no matter how bad you want to be in bed, don't you ever stop to be not thinking, not thinking about the most thought provoking thing, boo, your people are an evil people, pop, so are my people, don't be schizophrenic consumer mermaid following a little bit of litter tangentially, bread and circuses, football and chicken wing, fox news and the expropriation of third world causality, bop, voided man and the women who tell him it's okay to be, it's okay to be, superfluity, no vacancy means no vacancy means cancel orgy means no vacancy, bop, shifting sand is all one way streets in the Mojave like principally paired historicities unearth the paralleled nature of perpendicular velocity, slutty apathy monkey plucking every last grape 'cause wanna know a secret, everything is connected, bop, but not everything, bop, bedtime for the discontented, convolution is not necessarily progressive, of course you should be out figure skating with all of the other kids, thinking about not but sex, warfare and your family, bop, but first, three things to know about the pogo stick, shut up, the balloon animal is more defense mechanism than anything, and three, blame is the nastiest of four habits, see clear through to mononoke is misogynist par excellence and faulty projectionist tailed by toothless wolverine discovers Nazi Zionism half-assed the end of time and absolute nothing, 'cause one of these days, that kid in you're mirror is gonna break me for me, lop, so sorry for face bowling, I guess, now cut the crap and skip the anarchy, knucklehead the bi-polar express : ` hug me 'cause I don't love you anyway

forgive me, dude, they know not why they would, you two, don't be so lazy as to avoid avoiding raped by rape the rapist, my submarine, 'cause it's always more fun to strike the set than be free, so upon waking you may find the world awash in hoary dew, sick of the tempt, taunt and tempting, aren't you, continental congress 2016, nah, the artifice of impasse, this ain't the end of the line, motherfucker, this is Kentucky, hip-hop don't die before diplomacy and punk rock loves my first better than me, utilitarianism being your philosophy philosophy, they are all Christian to begin with, hairy, that's not what the leit motif you borrowed is hiccuping, perennially preemptive protestant pragmatism preaching vanity as a virtue, so thought I'd step to the stage and parade past pantheists primordially pantomiming the public proliferation of a private's catastrophe, soliloquy minor is cloth sack for no infantry, the room is two empty chairs and in point of fact piety, two on one being a felony, nah, I do not take the friendship and neither does she, cynicism check, one, two, three, do wear well the prima facia egalitarianism singing me, nothing is what it is until it is made what it will be, a wisdom deferred to antee golf ain't for the petty proletariat, born by quartet shall forever be, need I remind you the line of prophet dead-ended long ago in that syndicalist scared stiff by anesthetized morality riding in atop a cybernetic paradigm substituting use value for intrinsic worth as per sub-standard operating procedure, nah, I really don't want to be just another self-conscious Nazi, hiel, I will buy new cell phone whenever there is opportunity, hiel, I will buy new car every two years regardless of old car's functionality, hiel, I will buy new shoes regardless of whether they fit in my closet or not, hiel, did you want to be an ethical animal, or just an animal, empty, the latent territorial imperative being a cloistered pacifism tessellating spherically a la the propahandi, nah, so hung up on Pisces that age became a fascist undertaking essentially, take less credit for one another's insanity, girl, don't you loose yourself to cupidity, this is my word, every substance back from Sunday and still sukerpunch drunk mostly, discovering self not bound up by the Sampson of emotional vagrancy, ain't broke, don't fix me, smoke authoring its own inculcation respectfully, what is it to be whole apple, nah, how dare you kick me out of my garden having scarfed, judged and deemed this bite rather inedible prior to digesting, so sold on the gastrointestinal myth of godhead now that anorexia is no longer the ten second meditative repose afforded by the conceptualization of a favorite genitalia, nah, numerology is for number six, your wife is the enemy, dedication to there being an enemy, act as you would be acted upon, thus sayeth something to something about something, the way back from an engagement with add spit in legion's to your bucket list is to be down with a favorite sweater without downing me, all you carpetbagging facebookers are just facebooking carpetbaggers, nah, draw a line at paranoid schizophrenic with PTSD, questioning quick please, liar and thieves, dear, liars and thief, how can I be masculinity if you don't let me take out my own garbage, nah, radio flier ain't no kind of existence, gonna get me one of them consciences not subject to the folk of other opinion, hell is not being able to read good and heaven is happy people like happy people to be happy, I know everything about women, pole position, you will always lose coming back for the anarchy, I am Jesus Christ in so far as we are beset by an ignoble ignorance daily, nah, but I'm not wrong, love, the emaciated son of an angelic determinism cannot be saved by all the Muslim women whispering love you to me, and the only thing worse than Jihad jo-jo trying not to get run over by a goddamn television on the way back home from work again, is a jingo so contented to burn it's own constitution as to manufacture the wagon twice and then blame me, nah, you must be the one sect of this fantastic humanism with the extra-corporal relationship to reality attempting to curtail devolution with an endless dispensations of third and fourth chances less the contextual noose of static violations of the right to privacy, ha-ha, ho-ho, he-he, the superman is a doppelganger gone out of sync too slowly, I'll be as nice as I can to me, Luke said no more than four, don't play twelve string 'cause people are ugly inherently, and John says something not quite worth repeating, for lying to me, for being so ignorant as to leave me uselessly draped in your timidity, so aggressive as to become stubborn pillars of I will not forgive trespass 'cause I'm hearty, so selfrighteous as to become not but directionless intentionality, so arrogant as to presume it's own benevolence and then goosestep toward absolutely nothing save a scattering of the assumption that

hemorrhaging commodity fetishism would be awesome, it is, but not really, light is, the blob ain't an acceptable seasoning, no man has an aura that precedes him, silly little women snort camels like me for breakfast and get to thinking supper involves anyone save gypsy cab unto immediate recovery of oblivion, time, place, manor of restricted, chubby westerner dying to squeeze through the needled nepotism of a grumbling lion, spot on adaptive motoring, so tired of being pimped by whore that I bought mother's sol off auction, existential installations and the buildings roman of a son whittling, slither backward for the moment, turn around and walk like an adult already, don't you ever pretend to be wallpaper factory streetsweeper, rest is for the wicked and wicked is cold war like kept women strung out on opium, I don't actually want the harem, so don't dismantle collective bargaining and rebuild where it matters in the mean time, see if I care, ditch the mad ethicist specks already and stare straight downtown, scream, cancel the monad taxidermy, courtesy world government, inviting oneself to a foreign meta-narrative as though it were not the epitome of impolite is chilly, nah, the problem with your box, it's only got one window, the decadent rationalization of dissonance is the dissonant rationalization of decadence, whereas situational awareness is a truly phenomenal form of intelligence, the neighbor deciding it ain't ever gonna get off the short bus, close the book on every one is an island and simplify, we're melting, timeless witticism for whole families of junkie, cookies are the route of all evil, and the only thing that is real is what you believe, to be perpetually clean is a mite bit dirty isn't it, is it, isn't it, nah, cot, so sue me, endless wisdom is self-importance will get you nowhere, epiphenomenalism is the notion that consciousness exists only as the froth on a wave and you and I, my dear, are no epiphenomenalist, is the epitome of what evil is is nonexistent, that and the tenacious thought that you may actually be a viable judge of it, nah, the image you construct is never the image which is constructed, be your own parasite takes the reigns finally, cultivate confidence, love everyone, Josh you're a sociopath, sure, pop, and impulsivity is our favorite tendency, Zoidberg with a shotgun, king of kings, the subjectification of the male became a huge problem in this country, I am a templed everything, you better believe we're coming back for the means of production, absolute disgusting, look god, we got 'em water skiing, get 'em, get 'em, get 'em, get 'em, do not have sufficient faith to be laid upon table and do nothing, there is more to life than being paranoid and paranoia, one ain't the sharpest tool in the crayon, the anti-christ is murderous gentile is hateful Christians, the oxymoron to end all oxymorons, stop taking every little thing so fuggin' personally and get on with your own life already, anti-pan comes to resurrect the primacy of obligation, I see you've met number two, nah, her name is escapism, should you even be pointing then, if you're going to sit in lotus position, love, you need to sit in lotus position, it was supposed to be funny, pop, but the joke's not a funny one, this is how I arrive at the precipice, this is how I die, one is not thinking, whereas an object in motion will remain radial until it is halted by malice, diverted by intrigue or taken twice over tangentially, one persists having taken an interest in that which is none of it's business, one insists growing reticent to launch a new train of thought, one resists substituting the rational instinct toward self-preservation for a passionate impulse toward self-actualization, in community one fills oneself with the whore's sentimental rhetoric and the bastard's lust after congress, in concentration one mistakenly undermines the value of one's attention in misguided efforts to appreciate the worth of it's intention, in contradiction one dismantles the extant objective dimension of reality in an effort to pull back the curtain, in conversation one empties oneself to manufacture a void beneath points of departure not falling, in consternation one is lead astray unto the presumption of one's engagement as a causal relationship, in contemplation one observes an effect and so rationalizes its role as cause, in conglomeration one discovers strength in number seeking any manifest reflection of autonomy usurped successfully, in convolution one precipitates an illusion of control in efforts to maintain an understanding of oneself as a source of power, in corruption one exposes oneself as essentially mechanical, for only that which exists as the result of a process rigidly defined by blueprint may be corrupted, can retain it's form even while it's function is adulterated, whereas the human entity may be confused, lead astray, contorted, tainted by forces external to itself, it cannot, like the machine, be corrupted by it's own constitution, can be corrupted only by a desire to

possess power absolutely and, having been exposed as a mechanical byproduct of curiosity carried by emotionalism beyond the bounds of corruption toward no horizon, one gets to thinking, and thinking, one finds oneself already on the way to living again, if you're ever too lost for comfort, picture you folding the box right 'round yourself and filling it straight to the brim with sunlight, sunlight, try hard to remember that the one folding is the conscious one, pop, we are the singular all encompassing intrasubstantiating proliferation of everything qua everything acting as a multi-tonal impetus behind all scripture wilting as the wane of convergent evolution borderless nerve waxing da-da mustaches on globalization, ain't really a benevolent species I just left in their trousers, but shoot, to the soldier, do not be appropriate the building, right, like she ain't gonna be Titania anyway, note pen stonish to contemplation, public opinion is weak-minded excuses made for skirting existential responsibility, substitute world as will for world as whim, get quick in the bag and murder me, no, no, mi madre, I'm supposed to keep an eye on you, and papa don't waste time keeping his eye on idiotic fecundity and fecund idiocies, there is no illusion more cumbersome than being shadowed by superstitious dedications to the madness of communism, the lame are a folk fooling themselves right out of the China mind morality by commandeering the Disney conglomerate to sink into the equally valid reality of unity as free-form dissolutions of participatory, nah, you being the rabbit hole, and also not, dumbass fucking pachyderm and elephantine fucking jackasses, pretend you don't know the new right, weathered men, a mere five from center and giving up on good fight, young man cling desperate to sanity for every reason, have a seat, featherweighted libation, I said sit, amateur cynics are an end that don't know what I mean by debonaire and epiphenomenal douche, Jesus was a hemp smoker and Mohammad a stone sober once, once, Confucius is spoiled Taoists and Buddha is no, wind, no, dismount, I may be the slowest man in the world, but by god I'm the quickest, superfluity is cupidity is bad faith is cupidity is superfluity, don't punch the eye out, give yourself the break already, everyone understands this is a side effect of angel dust in excessive quantities, deconstruct brother fucker, our father, who's art is heaven, hallowed is my name, thy kingdom come, my will is done, ain't earth as it is in heaven, give me the day and a sailor's bread, as I forgive my trespass of the one and only one trespassing, lead we rot and out temptation to deliver we of greed, for ours is thy kingdom, some power, and no glory is forever, ahem, I want my bud back, you get your body out of my bowl, stat, this ain't kentucy, fatherfuckers, this is the end of the line, over and

apples and cold lace : who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of man, the shadow'd know

vertigo, adapting foul to circumstance is stay straight to hell, Neptune, this ends tonight, raison de etre, I do not believe in the internet and if you're going to have a son, pop, you need to have a son, for the last fuggin' time, hey ron, I am a revolutionary force and cannot afford to be so reactionary, lyrical heroin, none of this actually means anything, hallowed syntax accumulating memory to give heft to the empty trajectory, pop, cancerous is psycho-semantic rumination loop, and I could just kill him, pop, it's high time we overcome the salted presupposing of cogitation being in need of any place to be going, little web, the perpetuation of your existence as the presencing of a paranoia never did help a goddamn thing, did it, did it, did it, did, burn bridge professionally, drop in eye to eye like jungles swinging through jungles on jungles hanging from jungles when suddenly the room is over-crowded, pop, in point of fact, walk home past pigs on a motherfucking plane and redundancy, bears on a motherfucking train and redundancy, strange empirical love on a motherfucking outpatient planet and redundancy, thou shalt not feast on what has yet to be printed, printing, jitterbugging wetbacks on holiday laugh 'cause ain't much about the human condition that don't reek of the stuff, that is to say, desperation, pop, tyranny of a heartless majority is a hateful culture defined essentially by man contra the future of the humanities, pollack made all up out of exit taking note of the battered wife of an abusive husbandry, home is no babysitter and the inflexibility of lecherous cavalry, world peace is a loose equivocation of popular connotations for word radio, ham on ham is a miraculous tertiary, pop, the proclivity toward metaphorical perversions of technological jargon defined as broadly as need be in a cynical effort to avoid shame by propagating manifestations of the ontotheological underbelly of the metaphysics of anarcho-communism prior to a thoughtful and heartfelt consideration of the ethics of an elastic epistemology, the unintended consequence of excess allusion to mass affect intentionality, well, a, it's a hollow redundancy, toothless is your wolverines and traffic is the dead's mythology, anyone who says differently is playing god without actually wanting to be, name grace already, b, it's an arrogant affront to individuality, the unnecessary half of identity begs me to have more faith in them than they seem to have in me, c, a passive proliferation of the laborious superfluity, nationalism is juvenile addictions to my ultra-violent self televised, take the toe out of my water and stick it straight into a daughter, and d, it's a novel invitation to nihilism, subculture vanishing in the antiquated effort to level everything in one direction successfully, madmen and the end of days as a globalized decadence, youth subduing the ideal of the elder in an effort to detach the grave technocracy and build their own castle, pop, welcome to Nazi Russia, stay sanguine, baby, my couch niggas need to emigrate, get those weighted feat off of my atman please, your parents are guilty of a perpetual motion not subject to their own conscience, Iraq is for lovers and a hard place, pop, me here, you there, three whole galaxies in the between, pop, the part does not require chemical enhancement and you don't find yourself in other people 'cause you smoke, you find yourself in other people 'cause other people smoke me, pop, so you got the nose, don't wanna put the effort in, and can't control yourself 'cause you enjoy scapegoating the infantry, pop, retard the army, dire formulations of liquid cogitation are overindulgences in the miraculous in overabundance, they say they don't have to believe what you believe, chew your own foot real good, sky is passe and a joke for wage slaves, I see they're all prophets today, let me tell you something, pop, I'm about tickled useless by the desert portent, pal pragmatist, prop post, pedophilia is an antiprovincial ghost, gossip, gossip annihilation and a shaft's manifesto, burnt soles too long tailored over raging wake precipitating near the end of no road, propagandi, lighthouse at the forefront of history turns tide's telos toward a coup to end all gentrification absolutely, house cracker, I ain't your fuggin' dictionary, took, albeit accidentally, nine sterile steps to vanity beget vanity overcome by twelve stoop the narrowed will to will and a momentary transcendence of la difference, kalick, the only bridge which endures the churn of calm and orderly through supposedly civilized spans I to I o'er the lapse of whole totalities, pop, if politic were worth the time, we'd be there already, god bless this suicidal libertine, don't you ever give two shits what they think they're thinkening in my directioning, liberate ginger ale or suffer consequentialism, pop, musical spacestation adapting retention to devolve less conflations of sight and awareness, hear versus listen, hear versus listen, pop, god bless we, the one who comes before

the one who comes after the one who comes, living in the moment is wildly unhealthy, please blame the one who's actually guilty, syndicalism sing, forget and forget that anything has been forgotten, I mean it, would I wait whole eternities for the superior I was asked to be expecting if not to go big, biggest on the way beyond homelesswardness to serenity aplenty, tenderness, revelry, a good way to discover peace amidst apathy and the horrifying logistics of love and pity is to envision oneself the center of all civilization squared off against base socioeconomic entanglement as man's interdependence on interdependence buffering we against the ecological creep of survivalist inertia actualizing the absolute physical extension of juxtapose subject and subjectivity discovering temporality as the more practical dimension of cogitation is the ability to feel something, there is no octagon, pop, no bathroom, no playpen, pop, a mother buying happy meals in the forbidden city as a couple purchases it's first ethically harvested mahogany bedroom set in New Jersey, a Ukrainian man picking a lily in Holland summons an avalanche to kill seventeen skiers in British Columbia, a butterfly loosing it's wings to a sociopath in Mexico City precipitates a tsunami wiping out just about about half of Maui, there is nothing to be done about the twenty first century drawn all gaunt, fragmented, corpuscular, heady, stiff kraut, pop, on this subcontinent they call me don't call me, pop, so I cry to myself in your sleep, make a federal case of it and I'll turn 'em European, bottled host of hosts is everyone, not a one and nothing, nothing, pop, mind the truck, piglet, bump, die maggot in boogeyman, bump, hermeneutic hand-me-down coming mother of all intention, jazzy assumption, I know, a locomotive pretension, unbridled, pure and the anarchist's playpen aiming cannon at rewrite sin while a homophilic four makes life of the frolic herein, nevermore, normative, pop, non-chalant, the grand nonsequitor, politic is the mass of inert organic matter, slick faggots, strap it to your back and carry on better as I try to rebuild the stupid thing all over again, the bigger man knows they know I know you know it's a compliment, 'cause you're right, pop, we ain't in this all together, but I am, as though brief recapitulations of American musical mythology would all know ain't lead, ain't lead, ain't lead, ain't we all formerly arboreal mecca interpretations whistlin', the great bigot in the sky weeps, right, you're watching reality television and that's more true than it ought to be, pop, London sunrise and anthropological treason, grandiose ethnophilosophical liquidations of sex, drug and parking permit, who'd have known the ghetto and upper middle class white suburbia would amount to the same sort of hellish recognition, I am building seven, pop, what the hell happened to me, you cannot be both a leech and a human being, pop, choose wise my son, I broke through, you broke through, we broke through to godless hungover Epicurean, hey Loose, bet you'd like to suckle the teet of the Roman paradigm and lie to me, you know this is soured for centuries, I'm too old for this shit, boys, there is no belly, there is no belly, no belly, no belly, pop, thou shalt not slaughter the immoralist in an effort to save me from it, ain't one without morals, pop, one who is moralizing, meditations on meditation are not meditation, be more centered than multifarious degrees of stillness in an energetic suspension, point of departure, you know I'm the hairless orang, right, winding up live aid and a peanut gallery conscription, if anyone ever says you have to be thinking, ja magog con sucka, they are absolutely wrong, you're coming down from an awful high, you do love the earth, you do love the earth, you do love the earth, the facticity is, they will not be the peace they'd like to see in the world, bot fly blue and Dan Simmons spit, she's a bit like wicked wheel and mythology, one at a time, then imagine none of them, windy city burger delivery, anarcho-communism is knot for dummies, grrrrrrrr, and that just about levels me, rape, you don't ever, never ever let anyone tell you how to feel about thinking, wop, dim, flush, I am not one intrinsically meaningless resource to be optimized among so many others enframed by dispassionate, and sure as the day is long, I ain't ready for folk to think they live in a man that lives in a castle, abilities to be omniscient do not preclude rights to precipitate omnipresence, napalm brick is a blessing, I don't build, dipshit, you do, kablamapalooza, beds heavy with bed burdened by beds laden with bed, so crafty that you know that's a lot of people for one tent, barney bleeding bi-valance to bluff bashfully balance one bodacious boner to survive the echo dead women cackling, pop, that's it, I quit, the last fuggin' stone I move for the dimwit, truth is, fan boys are the windmill are the windmill is transcendent

contentment, crack, huzzah, gurgle, launch, make way for the rutting ontological mash, livid, calloused consequentialist stash, seven billion constellations of intelligibility will by god be circumventing inevitably ineffable crash, pop, and right off the bat it's Mr. Peppy chase Bavitz past the boulder rocking Brock like a cunt Christian Slater downing Spektor to rally Jones 'round Young lifting the Simon sector unto Saul white washing The Poet to walk my dog past Technique impeccable 'cause mama knows the Hawk and a Bowerbird says pop listened twice to Oronokos before dinner, so long and thanks, qua qua, for Bad Religion, bop, 'cause it's the Machbeth of mid-modern vintage, split cedar shingle, nine thousand feet of slow sown ranch style prosaic motioning, set square on two and one third lightly wooded acres of jasmine laced chicken-wire covered dogrun and the creek, what, that flows seasonal, pop, now stay tuned for part two of the first rule of fight club is get hell off our porch 'cause mama don't know nihilism so good as Ralphie do, followed by a brand new episode of who knows what happens should the ocean stops beating out teeth out itself, punk rock makes billions of bucks 'cause don't none of this mean all that much to me anyway, other people's wayward lamb is not my responsibility, and sometimes you gotta learn about possessions the hard way, whoa, love, you're never gonna get back home, she'd say, and I'd say, that's right, bitch, and you ain't coming with me, lay you down square in the cubism, the fuggin' cubism, caved ego, ego, ego, ain't a strong one living, pop, and that pain body is gargantuan, Jane, so I'd like you to meet everybody, everybody, meet nobody, cut, never again, light it or you could walk ; 12 08 10*

With her degrees in Philosophy and English Literature from the University of Tennessee, Derivational Leverage lives alone in the wooded hills just south of Pigeon Forge Tennessee. She passes the time playing the acoustic bass guitar, beating the skins, hunting squirrel, scavenging for mushroom, sewing, writing, reading and watching the same movies over and over until she can't tell them apart anymore. She has but one thing to say to the world, if you don't read the The Tao of Pooh at least twice than you're an idiot 'cause you're mama's so ugly she's as ugly as your mama is. She was the Jester, once, but Now she's This, if only 'cause the person I'd want to scramble my brain would be that guy.

a bit of the back bacon, I bet pooh's so cool you could skin him, hem it however and be wearing it before he's got the chance to compliment you on a new poohskin suit not really being all that complimentary really, kasplash

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