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Balance of Linear and Angular Momentum

Endereos and Torque: and Torque : and Torque

First, we may distinguish the linear and angular momenta. The linear momentum, denoted by material occupying (36) Furthermore, the angular momentum, denoted by (37) , with respect to the origin o is the vector defined by is the vector defined by , of the

Force and Torque:

Second, we distinguish two primary types of ``force and torque'': (i) body forces and torques and (ii) contact forces and torques. The former type (body forces) describes forces (torques) acting on particles in the body and will be denoted by (or for torques). The latter type (contact forces) describes the action of one part of the body on

another across a separating surface and will be denoted by (or for contact torques). The reader should be aware as not to confuse the notation for contact torque and the description of motion (in equation ( )). The distinction is simple based on the context in which these symbols arise. Next, we turn our attention to the famous CAUCHY (EULER) STRESS PRINCIPLE which states that: The action of the material occupying the part of \ exterior to a closed surface S on the material occupying the interior part is , called the stress (traction) vector.

represented by a vector field, denoted by

The stress vector is assumed to depend continuously on the outward unit normal to the contact surface S. Next, we examine the contributions of body and contact forces (torques) to the total force (torque):

Force: Body Contact


Hence, the total force

and the total torque

can be written as follows:

In passing, we note that the traction vector may be viewed as the limit . It should be noted that the foregoing limiting process involves a continuously decreasing elemental area while maintaining the same unit normal . Now, we are in a position to present the laws governing the balance of linear and angular momenta. These laws are also known as the Euler laws of motion. Before we do that, we point out that the class of materials for which body torques can exist are called polar materials in contrast to most commonly used material descriptions in which such torques are not admissible (i.e. the non-polar class). For the entirety of our subsequent discussion, we will be only concerned with non-polar materials and; therefore, we will set the body torque to be the zero vector.

Balance of Linear and Angular Momentum

Euler asserted that there exists a frame, regardless of the choice of origin, in which the following laws of motion hold:

Substitution of equations ( ) through ( ) in ( , balance laws of linear and angular momentum

) while ignoring body torques gives the general form for the

We now follow a route that is similar to our earlier analysis concerning the mass balance in order to develop the differential forms of the balance laws of linear and angular momenta. It is necessary at this point to present a brief review the theory of stress. Application of the balance law ( ) to a region that there exists a stress tensor, denoted by , such that (45) The above formula provides the explicit dependence of the stress (traction) vector on the unit normal . In in the form of a tetrahedron, one finds

passing, we note that the scalar is called the normal stress and is conventionally called tensile when it is positive while it is called compressive when it assumes negative values. Moreover, the


is called the shear stress. In the special case where

vanishes, the stress state

is said to be spherical and we can write , then also be useful to note that - in view of ( ) - one can write

where p is called the pressure. It may

(46) Furthermore, we note that other measures of stress are used in the literature such as the nominal stress tensor, denoted by , and defined in terms of the Cauchy stress , as follows: (47) then (48) In equations ( , ), the vector denotes the traction vector in the reference configuration which, according to

equation ( ), is the contact force in per unit referential area with respect to the orientation in . The transpose of the nominal stress tensor; i.e. , is called the first Piola-Kirchhoff stress tensor. It is then evident that another measure of the stress exists which bears the name second Piola-Kirchhoff stress tensor, denoted by , and defined in terms of the Cauchy stress tensor as follows: (49)

Field Equations of Motion:

Here, we recall the balance law of linear momentum given by equation ( ) and assume that the velocity field is continuously differentiable. This assumption allows us to write (50) where

denotes the accelration field. Furthermore, if we assume that the Cauchy stress tensor is continuously

differentiable jointly both in position and time and that the region is regular, then we can apply the form of the divergence theorem given by equation ( ) to change the area integral in ( ) into a volume integral. This reduces the balance law ( ) to (51) We now argue that if the integrand, enclosed in square brackets, is continuous and the region of integration is arbitrary; it follows that the integrand must vanish identically. This argument as well as the previously cited smoothness conditions give rise to the field equation expressing the local balance of linear momentum given by (52) Next, we turn our attention to equation ( ) which expresses the balance of angular momentum. On forming the vector (cross) product of the balance law (1.62b) with an arbitrary vector (say alternative form for the balance of angular momentum: ), we obtain the following

or (53) where div . The above manipulation benefits from the smoothness requirements imposed on . Taking advantage of the local balance of linear

various field qunatities and the regularity of the region momentum ( ) which implies that (54)

reduces the balance law ( ) into the simpler form

Again, assuming the continuity of the integrand in ( ) and considering the arbitrariness of the region gives the field equation expressing the local balance of angular momentum for non-polar materials (55) Hence, the symmetry of the Cauchy stress tensor is a statement of the local balance of angular momentum. It is interesting that the above derivation does not hold for the case of polar materials. In fact, the reader may verify that if the body torque can be expressed as the vector product of two vectors; i.e. of angular momentum will imply that the tensor ; then the local balance

is symmetric instead of the Cauchy stress tensor itself. For all of our subsequent discussions, we will be concerned with non-polar materials for which ( ) holds. The symmetry of the stress tensor assures us as to the existence of three real eigenvalues (principal stresses) and three associated (and linearly independent) eigenvectors (principal directions).

A Review of Basic Elasticity Formulations

A linear elastic solid exhibits a response that is characterized by the generalized Hooke's law (which is due to Cauchy) and given by (56) where is a fourth-order tensor whose components are called the elastic moduli or elastic constants (a total of 81 components) and denote the components of either the Almansi strain tensor or its small strain counterpart. Note that the linearity of the response is reflected through the dependence of a stress component on a linear combination of strain components. A number of symmetry arguments is used to simplify the constitutive model by reducing the number of independent elastic constants from 81 to only 2 elastic constants! Such arguments are illustrated in Figure ( ).

Figure: Reduction of elastic moduli through symmetry arguments. For isotropic elastic solids, one can identify the two independent elastic constants as being the so-called bulk modulus and the shear modulus (or the modulus of rigidity) G given by (57) where and denote, respectively, the traces of the stress and strain tensors whereas the primed tensors are the deviators of the unprimed tensors . At this point, we may express the stress components in terms of the strain components as follows:

where (59) The two elastic constants G and are called the Lam constants. The constitutive model ( ) describes the response of an isotropic linear elastic solid subject to the symmetries illustrated in Figure( ). Alternatively, one can express the elastic strain components in terms of stress components to obtain

or (60) where the Young's modulus E and the Poisson's ratio can be expressed in terms of the Lam constants as follows: (61) In the limit of an incompressible elastic solid, the Poisson's ratio assumes a value of 0.5 and the bulk modulus becomes infinite.

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