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#eytalking 16/07/2013 thread : Learning Journals

EYTalking @EYTalking14h Good evening & welcome to #EYTalking - tonight all about Learning Journals!

Susan McGhee @SusanMcGhee12313h Hi @EYTalking we are rolling out @learningjournal across all nurseries @BertramNG they are a massive hit with parents, staff & regulators

Sarah Steel @nurserysarah12h @SusanMcGhee123 @EYTalking @learningjournal @BertramNG We're trialling Tapestry eLJs at the mo, with a view to rolling out company wide

Susan McGhee @SusanMcGhee12312h @nurserysarah @eytalking @bertramng the ones we have introduced from @learningjournal are a huge hit, great response from parents & staff

Sarah Steel @nurserysarah12h @SusanMcGhee123 @eytalking @bertramng @learningjournal Yup, definitely the way forward for many reasons, streamlining and parent engagement

Lorna Walter @LornaWalter13h #EYTalking with iPads etc will chn & parents/carers have easy access to input and reflect on the content?

EYTalking @EYTalking13h @LornaWalter Good point, seen children use ipads & parents sent emails and comment via online. #EYTalking

Nicola Fitzpatrick @blamehound13h @EYTalking Some colleagues on US use Facebook really well for LJ's and parental contribution- they post own pics etc #eytalking

EYTalking @EYTalking13h @blamehound I have seen @facebook @Pinterest used for sharing photographs with parents. #EYTalking

Nicola Fitzpatrick @blamehound13h @EYTalking I love this idea am going to explore further- like the variety of ways to allow parental input #eytalking

EYTalking @EYTalking13h @blamehound Yep, all about embracing e-communication. Always different ways of connecting with parents. #EYTalking

EYTalking @EYTalking13h
http:/ /www.

oads/2012/05/progress -matters.pdf


EYTalking @EYTalking13h REMINDER: Assessment should not entail prolonged breaks from children, nor require excessive paperwork EYFS Page 10 #EYTalking

EYTalking @EYTalking13h @Sarah_L_Vickery @GeoffBilling @blamehound e-recording seems the way to go. Parents can access & easier for staff. #EYTalking

Sandra Brouet @earlyyearscpd1h

Learning journals - resources download #eytalking

http ://

Early Learning Ctr @ELC_SVG5h Has anyone tried this letter writing technique? How was it? #EYTalking
http:/ /

Laura Henry @LauraChildcare13h Excellent concept that supports learning journals - One page profiles via @SueAtkins & @HelenHSAUK #EYTalking
http ://www. ow/person-centred-thinki n g/one-page-profiles.aspx

Sandra Brouet @earlyyearscpd13h Will childminders abandon using LJs in light of more affordable childcare #EYTalking

Jacqui Burke @jacquiburkefp14h During Governor visits to our Nursery & Reception classes I always have a queue of children who want to show me their journals #EYTalking

Katheryn Davies @KatherynDavies13h @LauraChildcare @jacquiburkefp #EYtalking Does anyone have any information about online Learning Journals?

EYTalking @EYTalking13h @KatherynDavies @LauraChildcare @jacquiburkefp Yep, Tapestry, via #EYTalking
http:/ / / @DayNurseriesUK17h #EYTalking set to be interesting tonight covering topic of Learning Journals which Government now says practitioners don't have to do!

Lincs Montessori @LincsMont23h #EYtalking "nurseries and childminders do not need to complete paperwork such as learning journeys Really??
https:/ /www. eches/more-affordable-childcare

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