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property at ^

1,1B l i ^ ^ aZJLStSi. SIBI^ COLli


Joplin, Ho.


Dear "Homelanders",
Greetings to you all in the name that is above every namei Time has marched into the month of March already making this letter like

the back of "Big Ben" (behind time).


February somehow slipped away*

Cayman is slowly but s\;irely catching up with the more modern For the first time in history cars are required to wear license


They are black with silver letters for passenger cars and the re
The numbers are all prefixed by the letters (01) stand

verse for taxis.

ing for Cayman Islands,

"DASY" and she arrived here in January,

mechanical cow.

Bro. Tommy Adam and others purchased a cow from PittsbiJirg-named

She is a pretty girl; she does not

moo, chevi her cud, nor does she switch her tail for she is a sleek steel

late) and several flavors of ice cream. The milk and ice cream come in powIce cream sells for a shilling a cone and the milk for $1.26 per
processed five gallons at a time by adding water and

She 'gives * delicious homogenized milk (r'egular and choco

gallon but since we Smiths are VIP we get it for one dollar. They feature two clever loe cream specials. One is calleci a "Cat-boat special" which Is l3oat-shaped dish in which it is is a served plus fact that this is L the land of cat-boats. The latest dip of ice the cream ^ cone-shaped paper cup topped with a blob of nutty-goo. The Sh^na P ^olaimed, "Man this Is out of this 2 Orbit-special" coined by Sister Olga (Remember T I said Cayman was catching upwas with the modern world )J Adam. chicken b u s i n e ^ ^ ^ ^2?^^ thing happened; one family went into the

the fat.

was a pleasant retreat from both friPnri could not relax over there they lust couldn

LT!i? If



nounced scarcity was peopled Onlv l6 of tL pi

only vehicle there Is i tpfp

time; the employees of tL "SOUT^RN CrL^ less than 8 Ld we were t^^e only suLtf

of cayman Brae fnd aformer c^ron L^rS'shLrf'


food was "ORBIT-SPECIAL" and'abundant "Php lina was extravagant with southern hnqn-i-t-nH^

an Indescribable view of the sea throu0h^?h?^^i^ umbrellas open to in the balmy breeze. The splendor of f fin? so gracefulljr turesque tropical paradise on our illuminating this picstate of exaltationi Tiny hurrlLn^ ? n. w transported us into a light) for our evening meals- the la^os^f1 assist the moon-

The dining area and kitchen T'p<?pmmo n

among the beautiful coconut palms wMch^relef.n^are dotted around;

gantly grace Little Cayman#

ty apart from the world and constructed fbi'q spotted refuge from civilization. Our American nel^hw ? consent for us to stay there Hp ^ Z place plane; a sizeSle gi?t bfthe waf ^ llke a story book place. The pre-fab s?4

it from the "^nd!he:n" Sr^trlp ' TL'roaL'^^.r Is ideal. Several millionaires from

S ?i! i!'

where we stayed numbered

s everyone). The
sand so the JEEP

this place of serenimembership Club as a ^ member, secured Club looks

glowed. The vfT*' ^ native of North Caro

natives ^V%^^^^ly^anhapp^
girls had baked The "finger-inscribed"
homecoming. On Saturday the ^rd

We' ?e%L'L 'd\ndrefre' fhe'^ aft:; a delicious chocolate cak^ iced It ^ur rtth bn^
all took it; she being
of the five who passed the Senior Cambridlp

the words, "HAPPY ANNIVERSARY" acrLs tL ton

only Lerlean ^

house that day. We are P proud atalso. our uuQ of oi her ner accomnl^t^^ accomplishment and ofrejoicing the others
With Christian love.



. \rviA/ (
' Mr. & Mrs, Paul Smith


THE CHURCH ON GRMD CA"B5A1T " Box 276, George Tovm, Grand Cayman, W.Io

JtTNE I962

We come to you with greetings in the name of our returning Lord

"Praise God, from whom all blessings flo/o."

True Christians never''

cease to praise the God of all righteousness for His wonderful works to the

children of men. We feel that we have special reason to rejoice in His good ness, After many prayers and much hard work our new building is now useable and we have had the joy of its use the past two weeks. It has already proved a blessing and we feel that we can now serve our Lord and King a little more

As usual when building, it has taken more time, work, and money than we anticipated to get it so we could use it, but we cannot help but be grateful ..for how Y/onderfully the Lord has answered, our ..prayers There remains niuch_to be done, some of it should be done soon, but we must wait upon the Lord for the supply of our needs. Most of our bills are paid to date, but due to not

getting out of our old meeting place as soon as we had hoped, thus saving rent, finances are a pressing problem at the moment. Will you all please pray with us that our needs may be supplied "according to His riches in glory by Christ

Attendance had Ragged for sone time and the averages were down somewhat from last year until a few weeks before we began to worship in the new build ing. A spirit of indifference had begun to creep in and was a matter of con

cern to us and to some of the rest* One Lord*s day morning I suggested that all those who attend, both members and non-members , write suggestions on a
slip of paper as to how we could improve the services of the church. This

V'^e classified the suggestions

suggestions on how to improve the outward impression of the services, thinking in terms of conduct, methods of carrying on the services and so on, but the suggestions revealed a deep insight into the real cause of our difficulty. The original idea evolved (and this is one place that evolution is proper) in to a^very helpful study^ The tenor of the suggestions shox'/ed that all those submitting them sensed the indifference that was beginning to plague us. The suggested re-^edies got at the real root of the causes for spiritual sickness. and internals, and spent two Lord'_s day msrnings discuss^ng--^hem-hasThe two weeks we have in the new building have seen near record atten

turned out to be a very gratifying experience.

My original intention v/as for

--hfinfllngfi ? externals,,, incentivea^-. --

been a marked improvement in spirit and interest ever since.

dance in all services c V/e just pray that this will continue. A good number
home. Hay these opportunities bear fruit.

Pray with us that we may reach them with the truth. Several good prosnects now await teaching and one family has agreed to let me study with them'in their
^Another blessing has come our way. Two girls, Linda Jarrett and Celeste Hopkins, from Ozark Bible College, have come to work with us during their su^er vacation^ They are already busy helping in the office and plan to call, teach, and help in V,B.S. the last of July, They promise to be a real

Of new^faces have been seen and nearly all have returned for a second service.

physical ^d spiritual benefit to us and to the church. Their purpose is to become better acquainted with evangelism outside the U.S. and to further their preparation for service on a foreign field by actual work with us. May the
combined efforts to His honor and glory,
evangelist in any field is the matter of di-

hours of laoor, more frustrations, more anxieties, more trying situations as

Ders be^roertiSiv

five and one half years in Ca^^an. There has been iJttle t^m^^o rela^ morf
sometimes it seems less visibly accomplished in'a Our Lord to knows we have our best and Humv/e difficult evaluate in done the Lord's work.

^ne building Duixaingo Se

The past tv/elve Ttonths have been the acute most during strenuous our on nns-h especially our of work

haDrvoS Will foLff,r r r personal letters. Perwe shr?nir '? seldO'i mentioned money, we refuse to beg, and cern Vie simtSlv^pnT^t" that might appear as though "loney was our first conT J-our attention our situation, which is which nearlywriack desper ate that jou might pray with us that to our Lord will supply that

occasion o? fe^-er^T:"^

phys icallLrharoeaftS

Sfsincere Ltterso?'^' thaLs trour m. ts ssLfs: s encouragenient, s-Ls



On June 1st our deficit v^as over #500.00. We

and your financial support we give


fait^ui n^ayels, '

In His service.


"/j-:c-'. ' '


' : ' 'v-J


. I (,^ , -W . ."-w -

, I.

="r-<:- V '
' ,

i' i'


For twelve month period

Ending April 1, I962

Receipts (April 1, I96I through March 19^2)




Rent- house and office,

Office supplies


School bus Pictures


Freight and duty Building fund-JfPostage Salary p..

69.50 s 36.79

Deficit, April 1, I96I

Deficit, April 1, I962
^'Funds so desimated'.

Total expenses e'^H3n3 | 29'5,02

Total debits

185.88 5160.00

i iiM



^ secured from^the TH

Further details with respect to this report may

F^ilmyra Church of Christy it? advxsa"DX~ij"o :

to his riches in golry by Christ Jesus, (Phil,

"Slit my God shall supply all your need according

Paul H. Smith



T' "i

CMM-'Wrs^^ntf'MHs. Paiti W SmW.WRCH OF CHf^lf.f c;-.' c^^A^^o cayman

Georgetown Gran^Caj/manB. w.f.-

^iL. and




Library, Bible College 516 N. Wall Ave,

Joplin, Missouri


Mr, & ATrs, Paul E. Svnith


THE GEURGH ON GRMD CAB!AN Box 276, George Town, Grand Gaytnan, W.I.


"But thanks be to God, v/ho alv/ays leadeth us in triumph in Christ, (II Cor, We make our report with rejoicing hearts because of the
triumphs we have seen in the gospel since our last newsletter. Attendance

continues at a high level.

On July 22, 7^ people broke the Lord's day morn

ing attendance record and on the evening of July 29, III4- came for the VBS demonstration, the highest attendance in the history of the church. In July

our Lord^s day morning services averaged 6I.8, evening services averaged

not typical of other groups on the island.

833 and the mid-vjeek services averaged 60.

These consistent averages are

dance was [j.5*

The VBS, we feel, was a victory for the Lord. The first week v/as hamp ered by part of the schools still being in session, yet the average atten

registered for^the school.

second v/eek the average v;as 75 and a total of 92 were

Several re

One of the things_.that, ..was the.

marked that the play period seemed the longest period in the day. Many times v;hen I rang the bell for the play period the children would linger for sev
eral minutes in their classes. This speaks well for the teachers who did an excellent job of imparting the V-ord, ^;:e are thankful to our Lord for this opportunit3r to reach so manyi

keen' interes't" of ^the children and young people who attended.

them had been thinking about becoming Christians for some time but needed the iiifluence of the revival preaching by Bro, Barry ViiUbanks of Ozark

high as we had hoped but it vjas consistent and interest was good. The grand part is that it was a time of a glorious harvest of I5 souls. Most of the 15 have attended services regularly, all but one attended VBS, and some of

The Lord blessed the revival in a v,fonderful way.

Attendance was not as

A to three who a some fine weeks work in presenting the being gospel. IS s-re and added who did came ago, two of them our These own Rachel Rebecca. Our membership now stands at i^8. On the last night one of the backslidden members ca-ie to reconsecrate her life to the Lord so we ask -^ou

to rejoice with us in this triumph in Christ,

with us that these may yet be reached for the Lord,

our hearts is that there v/ere at least 10 ^ore who should have come. Pray

The only thing that saddens

co^e to work with us during their summer vacation. It seems impossible that an end in a few days. By ^ime most of you get this letter they will be back in the States, Tlie Lord was indeed oTacious to bring them to us this sum'ner, for they have been a blessine in

^st time v/e mentioned the two Q:irl3 from Ozark Bible College who had

definitely contLbut^dTo^its'surcesf

ohurc^as fwSle! spiritually and materially beneficial to the On the same day Linda and Celeste leave for Jonlin flsaonr.l tr, r-nn txnue their training for Christian service our mvn Judy'wlil brLavinS us relatives at home and tSen win be llllfL to Ctolsfen CollerP ? Christian service at Central niss her both at hn p i appreciate your prayers, fie will She is continuing ?rtSe Lord'fwork!
of the Ja-nalca Christian MisJion
Llt;tle bv ITf-hTja v/<a~

Senior^tL^of CtolstlTs^rv^f/r"^^

Kingston conducted by the Harry Hilla

'Attend the

thing^'L'thfbu'ildlnf rooJ ceilerofrnex?week to ell^'"; ^

day when'it will be completel!"^^

li'^inate the confusion that now exists,

Lord's help look forward to the

faith in us xvhen there was m vIsIMa IL ^^^e^=ernally thankful. Your source of strength in times of discourn^P^? n t'ee" a wonderful

are^very grateful. Please send all adfrLrc^^^e^s'=--^?f%v'es^'^SI^^or^s has beerreducerso-^e;7hat fn^we^SLrbfL'^nbirr The deficit For your prajrers, letters, and offerino-.? ? pay all our bills on time,
^'ow may the grace of our Lord Jesus Ci^ist be and abide with vou all.

will To be -given ?hose who Mv^sunnfl^ sent the thoughtfuTonerwho'^Mve

ested bv writinc to Arthur L r-rln-c srouos, or individuals who are inter-

ohurchls"BiblIschool clasaes^^vouth"^

which is available to all those

Bellville, Ohio. Preference

been in vain. The waiting makes thfhLv^^^ of months and years has not much help from ths Lord af we ^ glorious. We will need the faltL nurture these young Christians to maturity in

giving When we realize that tL p a t i e n t ^

WANZAS 5^Rpkr.h


Dear Friends,

Once again greetings, in the name of Christ who died that we might

We are having considerable rain and as a result will no doubt have

a bumper crop of the "fruit of the rain" which in Cayman is mosquitoes. Any one living here can attest to the truth, "Never underestimate the pov-zer of
LITTTiE things". Some of you may not know that in May v;e learned the distressing news that my mother had suffered a stroke loosing the use of her left side.

Then on Aug. lli-th the day linda and Celeste our summer helpers, and Judy were
leaving for the States to e"nter college I received a letter from my sister stating that "Mom" had become the victim of the second stroke and was much worse. Naturally I waa quite upset; I felt impelled to go be with her and yet reluctant to leave the family behind. Finally, about 5 hours before flight

time I felt Providentially prompted to go home and after this Inner struggle
ceased a strange calm came over me. I was NEVER so unprepared to go anyv;here
in my lifej It meant some fast scamperingi Paul went to see if there was an available reservation on the plane for me and collected all the legal papers

necessary to admit me into the TJ. S. Nearly all my clothes were in the hamper to be washod the next day so it was a matter of sorting them out and putting
them In my suitcase. There v/as not much time to tidy the house but we managed orderly chaos. Judy v/as glad that I would be travelling with her but the rest of the family were very sad to see us leave. Our neighbors and the Christians
assured me they would look after the remaining Smiths.

Judy and I arrived at the bus depot in Columbus next morning at lOj^O
and my sister-in-law met us and took us the rest of the way home. No one knew I would be with Judy. PIovj glad I was that I made the sacrifice to come see my

mother for her first words to me were, "You are another answer to prayer".
was able to be wheeled outside once after I arrived but after


that she seemed

to get progressively v/orse and more helpless. I vjas so thankful I was able to assist in caring for her and relieving others of my family. The Doctor said the only thing v/e could do was to make her as comfortable as possible which v/e tried to do. It v/as a dismal experience for me to face the imminent passing of so dear a loved one but thanks be to my faith I was,, able to resign myself to reality and thus accept and adjust to God's v/ill. I had to leave on the ^Oth

to come back to Cayman so came the inevitable pain of parting. However, be cause of our mutual faith and hope in Christ, my mother*s last words to me,

"'We'll meet up there next time where we v/on't have to say good-bye again," were
my only source of solace in leaving her.

About 10 o'clock next morning I v/as back on the "rock time forgot"
feeling thankful for the few days I was privileged to spend with my parents in

Ohio and also for being reunited v/ith my "Caymanians". As the plane came to a stop I could see from my v/indow Paul and the girls sitting on the hood aiid fen

ders of our car (anticipating my arrival I suspect); then v/hen I entered the
doorv/ay and started down the ramp I waved and they all broke into broad smiles. They all told mo how lonely the house had been since the four of us made our exodus. The girls had the house spic and span and some of furniture rearranged. Judy v/as shov/ercd v/ith blessing from the jLord through faithful Christ ians back home. The college awarded her a partial scholarship; she was given clothes and gifts of money and Bro. Harvey jBacus and his v/ife Nancy who v/ere go ing to the Midv;est to visit their parents before returning to Jamaica, offered
to take Judy to Moberly, Missouri where she is enrolled as a Freshman at

Central Christian College of the Bible. Her letters indicate she is busy and happy. Our other offspring save L,isa started back to school on the 10th. Lisa was a mighty lonesome little lass for a few days but soon adjusted to just

"me-one" (to use Cayman terminology).

Vi/ith Judy being gone we had a job-hand-

ing-down process; Rachel inherited what Judy did, Becky was assigned Rachel's
former jobs, Debbie took over for Becky and Lisa gets 3;omo "left-overs" besides

her regular tasks.

The girls haven't sucessfully talked Ronnie into doing any |


house v/ork as yet.

last week from one of the "suckers" he set out when we moved to this place. It had 7 hands and one hand had 2i|, fingers I He hung them up on the back porch and they seem to be the "slow-ripening" kind if you know what I mean. There

Paul (my farmer-preacher) had the thrill of cutting a stock of bananas^

are four more stocks coming on. It has been good to talk v/lth you again through this medluia and wo desire that you be faithful in your prayers and financial support of the Lord's work In Cayinan. Pray especially for the new babes in Christ and for us that we might nurture them well. Good-bye for now.

With C^istian ^pve.


Church of Christ on &rand Cayman April 1, 1962 - October 1, 1962

Expenses 2


Gar Rent - house & office

Pos tage

I 562.56 425-00

Plane fare (Judy)

Office equipiaent & supplies , . Freight & duty

115-95 1929

Pictures Building fund"^'


l8eLj.6 90.00

Total expenses., .fi4-055,59

Deficit April 1, I962


Total debits ... .fl|.06Oo61

1 72271+0

Deficit October 1, I962

"^Funds so designated.

Further details "v.'ith respect to this report may be secured from the Elders, ?almy_"'a Church of Christy Route 5, Preaericktownj Ohio If they cleem it advisable

tc^ give thsm, ,

Because of Calvary,,






To our friends in the name/of/the / [
/ 1

'in the 20th century of G-raer3 D{3cember I962

Ai^i ithof

of Grace,

"For ye know the gr^^ce of c ur Lord, Jesus Christ, that, though he vras rich, yet /for /youi .sakes h^ became poor, that ye

through his poverty mlg^t bedome


rich*" (2>Corinthians 8:9)

Bethlehem hillside,

^'ftien the glory of/the lord illuminated \ the shepherds on a

angels - broke the hev/s of
:to earth.

the amazing

deserve that the pe:^ect Son should leave the "^nspeakable riches of heaven to endure the 'Adckedness of \His creatures. Although mankind did not deserve such ai gift, ^he grade of God freely
gave Him that map might be rescued from\the consequences of his vdckedness. Jesi^s temporarily emptied iJ-imself of all the glo ries of heaven, pf His spiritual body, and of man;^, of His divine powers when He/became a babe in a cow \stable ih the City of

grace of God in sending His; Son

Sinful man did


A few/discerning righteous were oVerjoyed ^t this event

of grace.

This was; only the beginning :of God's outpouring of grace. After a few Unnoticed years, Jesus demonstrated His ^ Pov/er to overcome all: types of temptation, proved His deity by performing

with His teaching,

denunciation on Calvary.

all manner/of miracles, and convinced many of His divine mission

"N^ver man spake as this \man.'"

their fury

His piercing

of sin soon incurreid the Tinrrath of the hypocritical

and selfT^righteous who vented

by ,draining Hi^ blood

The cross stands as the supreme , expression of the

matchlass grace of Goid "^'^Jhile we were yet sihners, Christ:, died for us,i" the godly fo'r the ungodly - marvelous .gracei \
Vo sooner had Satan sealed the tomb of the Saviour that) He

by poV^er divine burst open the house of Hades and stood alive\to
guar/intee for


fering of grace wa^ made complete for this age when He poured ou^ His Spirit and/ gave the full revelation of His will. For"
tne Father.

us v/hat vie do not deserve, eternal life.

His of


n^rly 20 centuries' men have revq^led in this unspeakable gift of\

pause once, more to reverently give thanks 'for this grace
We pray that each of yoi: may take full advantage of the


/as manifest through Him and through you in our ministry on Grand

glorious grace of/ our loving Lord

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