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Multiple Choice { S:points) circle ArL correct answers, there may be more than one. You may'noMrT" one ANSIdER of your choice. You MUST write "oMrT,,by the letter of the answei-y-o[-chooie to omit or it wonot be omitted. 1" .Ataturk (Mustafa Kemal), Turkish warrlor-statesman and father of Turkey, saved the region from "Briti-an's red pencil'J'; He often referred to the "dead hand of rslam" as the gieatest deterrant to a dlusl-im state's economic suceess" with tt in mind he found.ed "i Turkey as a secul-ar state loosly modelled after 6uropean forms of government. when the Constitution for the new state lras written (in l-924) he saw that his ideas and principles were adopted and sa.fegruarded against future change. Provisions of the lbZq Consti_tuti Ataturk's principles and ai-ms, and chang'es and advances accomplished s'ince then, include: a) they are a member of The United Nations, NATO, and have applied for membership in the European union" Turkey is openly-ind agressively pursuj-ng.,Europeanization and has amended its constitution and chang'ed laws to comply with EU rules and reguests. b) the Nati-onal assembly was designated as the center of authority and provided for a democratic form of goverrunent which guaranteed freedom of speechr press and travel. c) the government has forbidden the Kurds the right to run for Parliament, the right for Kurdish to be used for radlo broadcasts, and the right to use Kurdish to teach any of the classes in their schools d) both the office of the Caliph and the religious law courts -kclished and codes of law were based on european ones vvur E qur that replaced procedures influenced by the lslamic Shari'ae) in 2008 Turkey's Constitutional Court upnei-a a ban on women wearinq head scarves tn universities as it conflicted with the principle of secularism. Cne woman elected to the Assembly rdore a scarf , refused to leave, and was stripped of her (she now lives in the U.S"). citizenship f) their military has taken over the .government several trmes when they thought their leaders were trying to establish Koranic Law in place of their secular c6nsiit.rtio.r.


Turkey is a nation of contrasts, internalJ-y and externally, but has progressed industrially far more than her Mi-ddJ-e East neigrhborsLacking large oil deposits to fund the goverrunent or the many projects it would like to undertake, her a.dvances have been modeled on european economj-c, poli-tica1, and social pattrn.. Her accomplishments, problems, and unigue characterj-stics include: a) the fault belt in northern Turkey resulted in large earthquakes causing rnassive property damaqe and destruction. The death to11s were qui-te high and Turkey found herself unprepared to meet the demands of these naturiil disasters. As a result new earthquake codes have been wri-tten, ttaining i-n search and rescue technS-ques have been instigated., etc. b) large non-petroleum mineral deposits, hundreds of archaeological sites and beautiful scenery which attract tourism, and gooa relations with its neighbors (except Greece at times) , all aid in the development of the economy their biggest drawback being their lack of infrastructure, particularly a transportation system of roads and rai ,roads which are desperately needed and sorely lacking c) GAP-the Southeast Anatolian Project started in 1965 was for the purpose of providingr pos/er and water storage for irrigation. Of all european countries only Norway and Sweeden surpass Turkey in potentj-al for hydroelectric power, and the plans for dams on the Euphratds; River are hoped to furnish enougtt irrigation water to bri-ng 1.8 rnillion acres cultivation. No dams are planned for the Tigris River as j-ts volume of water is too low. d) she has held joint military maneuvers with Israel and the U.S.A. two different times since Israel became a state. Turkey also allows rsrael to fly in Turkish air space and allowed the U.S.A. to use her airports to fJ_y bombir-iyraids on lrag in the GuIf War e) links between Turkey and fsrael have evolved very quietly since the 1990s. Although Turkey reeognized rsrael in Lg49 her ties to the increasingly more powerful rsrael have become much stronger. In the 1990s the two countries signed a tourism agreement, a military training arrangement, and Turkey ordered fsraeli miss]-es and signed a contract for $632 million for fsrael to upgrade its 54 T-4 fighter jets. f) while Turkey has managed to avoid any terroiist attacks by the PKK (a Kurdish terrorist group) they have never managed to capture the--Kurdish leader, Ocalan.


Jordan has a popular monazchy, a King who speaks with voice of moderation, and an economy that has never been able to asupport the country. Faced with economic, Palestinian, rsraeli, and water shortage problems, Jordan faces many cha*lenges.terrorist" some of its history, current problems, and future include: a) after 9iiJ. King Abouj-la voiced willingness to cooperate in the fight against terrorism but declined to send troops" He

offset this refusal by offerigg use of his territoiy for coaliti-on operati-ons, granted right of overflights iv miJ-itary aircraft, provided coalition troops *itf, opiortunities for rest and recreat.ion, open Aqabah port -rotr their Ls., and made other efforts to cooperate with tne west. b) no aquifers, a 5" annual rhinfa11, and no oil wearth to pay desalinazation plants, is now reguiri_ng its farmers for to use more efficient irrigation systemJ, p"rLicularly drip irrigation. unfortunately plans wiirr- syria for a dam on the yarmuk River did not woik out so Jdrdln sti]_l depends on its meag,er winter rainfall. c) fhe Bedouin make up a largre part of the Army and have always remained loyal to the xing. when the pLO tried to take over the country in L969 and rgTo it was this loyaliy that made it possible to defeat the pl,o ahd banish from Jordan i-n september L970 (referred to as "Brack them s"pl";ler). Most of the plo fred to syria and set up oflices there. d) the countries attempt to attract tourism, however a rack of archaeological sites and terrori_st attacks have shelved this project. e) after the 1950s Jordan sought diversification of its economv and concentrated on manuiacturing plants and ratJl Ji"""^"t i-ndustrial zones and industry, .ia-have benefitted by the Free Trade Agreement with tha u.s"A" unfortunatery the Free Trade Agreement has expired and the prans io, this sector of the economy have been put on ho1d. f) Jordan has maintained close ties witn Great Britian and the u"s-A-, (from whiirh it gets tremend.ous economic support) , the christians and sunni Muslims have always had good relationships, and even survived sihing *itr, Saddam Hussein in the Gu.]-f War. rn the 2000s Amman buirt a regional reputation as a medical e) center staffed by werl-trained multiiinguat personnel; "medical touri-smn saw an estimated 210r000 foreigners treated i-n private Jorclanian hospi-ta1s.

The Sultanate of Oman has _a long history of trade and foreign contact. It has been important j-n the past and in the present d.ue, to its location on the Gulf overlooking the Straits of Hormu". current Sultan is steering Oman into the modern age and building The a stable nation in an unstable region. He has done much for his country. Some of his unusual projects and accomplishments, as well as the !t" independent approaches to the way he steers itr" p"ii"i"=

include: "t a) there are o1d Portugiuese forts along the coast, remnants of the ]-42 years portugal controlled the .seas gn rne region the cause for Great Britiants obsessi-on for a "safe land route L(J LII'E l1cIsi E b) fnner Oman was cont:ro11ed by an lba.di (or fbadhi) Imam and for centuries operated as an autonomous state. rn LgSg the omanj_ Army, with British helprousted the rmam and put the area under the control of the government. The gfo.i/errlil{ent now control 'territory all withj-n its bormdaries c) due to oman's close connections with Zanzj-bar and (African and Sts Asian connections) immigrants it";-t[i= area have influenced the ethni-c appearances and differences in-omani, popuJ-ation. d) starting out as "the most backward country in the lr{iddle .E'st the new sultan eabu.s activated a series or S-year plans, starting in I976. First was the installation an infrastructure, then improving the agriculture and of fishin! industries as the fish were being depleted, then next came education and other social programs. with iimit"a oil income great strides have been made, particularlir in eCr.lcar-ion. e) women have !h" right to vote and-have been e].ected to or appointed by the Sultan to the lvlajlis. Another cu]-tural introduction has been the omani symphony orchestra the onry one in the Midd1e East (except for Israel). il relations with other states over borders has been a problem. Ttre Saudi- Arabian border and the border with the u.a.e. sti-ll have not been settled. With oil prospects looking good in the Rub al-Khali this must be done so that both countries can access the reserves in that area
!^ !L-



Yemen, the newest state in the area, emerged in Lggo fiom the fusj-on of two separate states, An ancient'a9r:.crltturat-;;;";-;;p;;irnt in the past on the caravan routes, now creeping into the modern era due to new oil discoveries. and yemen. is ir, *.rry ways, has made many mistakes, has achieved much in the ""iqrr6 p""t, and has many distinctive attributes which include: a) in the past the dam at Marib provided water for irrigati-on the population- Forei-gn invaders entered the region, the and dam fai'led' and the irrigaiion system deteriorated- The dam tras now been rebui-l-d and is furnishing irrigation water to a large agricultural area. b) Sunhi rmams ruled from the mountains for hundreds of years, but the last one fled t!" country in the A civir_ war broke out with saudi arabia and Jordai ""riv--igoo". supporting the Royalists and Egypt.:gpEorting the revolutionaries. More than 200,a00 were killed and igypt was accused or using chemical weapons. Egypt withdiew in Lg67 c) the beautiful terracea-iiea of western yemen the area of coffee production in the caravan days. rnewas coffee are being pulled up and gat, a druE that is chewed plants like coca leaves and is disrupting the economy. The government is pulling up the plants and burning thei in order to stop thej-r growth. d) when north and south yemen trying to stabilize their newly formed government in th; l-990s there were many outbreaks of fighting, assassinations, and. rlfusal;-;"-";;*p1ete the merger- rt now appears that the union yemen can start the long walk to modernity will hold and and it will be long. e) A sizeable minority of Jews li_ved in the cities for over 2500 years. rn 1949-1950, about 50,000 yemani Jews were airlifted to fsrael on speciar flights, or,iy . few hundred remain in yemen today. f) scattered depositlb of oir have been found, but only about four-billion barrels---it won't rebuild yemen! with gat (a dornestically consumed crop) repracingr coffee (an export crop), and with the young *en in Lne teiraced areas leaving the fields there is no one to maintai_n them. The,:yemani government faces a difficult future . oil exports are failing and are expected to run out by 2015 (oil over i;Z of all government revenue), Water wi_11 proiria.= run out as aquifers are over-pumped- Doners have cut "6on foreign aid because c'orruption is so bad- Perhaps Yemen will become a failed state -

7_ Iran has been a monarchy, a theocratic republico part of the Persian Empi-re u ZorLastrian, Moslem, etc" Many changes' revolutions, and unrest have been parL of her history and her present" fran has/is: a) has several active fauly zones resulting in d.evast.ating earthquakes like the one in l-990 causing 50r000 deaths,100,000 inuuries ind rendering 500r000 homeless" the government is now adopti-ng building codes (even in the many vi-l-liges) to reduce the death : tolls by requi,ring al1 construction to be of wood or steel b) a revolutionary government that ended a secular monarchy and established a theocratic ad.ministration" and the new politics required extensive domestic and international adjustments. There are now active demonstratj-ons and opposition to these changes which have resulted in 100s of arrests and imprisj-onments c) is a Sunni Muslim country wj-th a powerful fmamate' many natural resources, and a diverse agri-cuItural base whose water resources were nationalized in 1967 due to their importance to the country group that d) houses, funds, and backs the Hezbollah a terrorist has committed many atrocities, assassinations j-n countries al1 over the world (kid.nappings, bombing, etc.), and has supported hezboll-ah activitj-es in Syria for years e) an active opposition, the Mujahedin, who oppose the government, the constitution, and. are seeking political change" Since the government has now stopped. controlling the candi-dates who are allowed to run for office, it may happen soon f) never regai-ned its former "respectability" internationally since the taking of American hostages in L979 The Aswan Dam was built to accomplish several gioals including control of flooding, development of a generation of electricity, irrtqation, etc" trmpounding and Nasser, Lake in fi-shing ind,ustry has: Nasser Lake in Nile control of the
a) resulted in a thriving fishingr industry near the Delta rather than in the lake b) caused a decrease in the size of the Nile delta of the soil in the irrigated aleas c) resulted in salinization but the d) increased the amount of areabl-e land due to irrigation necessity of tiling the fiel-ds has made their use for subsistance crops unaffordable e) caused an increase l-n schistosomiosrs in boih Egypt and Kuwait f) increased erosion of the river channel north of the dam



As a result of its geography and history, the culture and social attitudes of modern Saudi Arabia hdve evolved from their relatj_onshi_ps to the land and its requirements for survj_val " Some of the customs and social att.itudes incluCe: a) there j-s a great difference between the ways of the urban dwellers and the ways of the desert -d.wel1ersn but throughour the culture all things are based on patrilineal descent"and the absence of the concept of individuality b) the government carefully controls who enters the country, the reason for their entry, and how long they will stayl the foreigner must be sponsored by a responsj-ble local perion, company, or i.nstitution that the government can hold accountable c) Abd al.-Aziz conquered and annexed the Hllaz in Ig24-25, thus ad.ding Mecca and Medina to Saudi- territory. As "custod.ian of the Two Holy Mosques" Abd al--Az:-z slowly persuaded the ultraconservative religious leaders to accept new technologies and he slowly began to modernize Saudi Arabia d) Saudi law allows complete freedom of speech and. press o includlng open critici-sm of Islam, the ruling family, and the government e) an all consuming dedication to the family and t.0. upholdrnq its honor, and giving women equal rights j-n all sectors of =o"ietl, f) the contribution of the Bedouin to the Arabian peninsul_a and fslam was the value they placed on products of the mrnd.: Religion, language, lineage, and relationships Saudi Arabj-a occupies most of the Arabian Peninsulan home of the world's largest oil reserves, largest area of sand dunes, and location of rsram's two holiest shrines. fn addition saudi Arabra: a) is the homeland of Osama bin Lad.en who is a loyal backer of the Royal Family and their policies, and keeps up the close fam1ly ties with his father (a contractor in saudi arabi_a) b) has been the victim of many terrorist attacks, lncluding the L979 take over of the Kaaba by a group whose leader claimed to be the Mahdi c) forced hundreds of thousands of Yemani workers to leave when Yeman refused to condemn rrag's i-nvasion of Kuwait d) broke off diplomatic rerati-ons with rran in lgg8 but reestablished. relations i_n the 1990s e) has had a series of five-year plans to d.evelop Saudi Arabia" under these development plans they have built damsr ports, new homes, and 15,000 miles of roads, the Jiddah and Riyadh airports built up threir d.efenses, and diversifieo. their econ;myo all to provide economic diversi-fi-cation and increase the private |
cen-l-r-rr _s r:r:l e_ in_..-t.he _ econclmv


Egypt,the-"GiftoftheNile"'hasexperienceddaysofgLoty'tames dominationo and economic and of ""i"*i"i of uptreava!, period's oY has experienced: political cnals' Egypt i;-;6;iiencing a)reald.ifficultyinfeedingthepopulation,andinproviding The astronomical increase serv'ces expected "f-;-;;i"trr*"i-tt-" the sovernment to provide ll: in popui";;;; annualf" and contra-t:t1:?nced Child Spacing) information has been birth control (called' increase ceprives ro rhe pop,rrrl;;; "- bni= iopulation theimpetustobuildnew,cownstotree-upareableland.fcr agricultural use Arab b) EgYPt is secular' Sunni' and arrest of was stopped-by President Mubarek's 1990s when the until c) terrorist violence ierrorists' thousands of Musli* etoln"?tooa most militant terrorist sroups' rhe civirized wortd ;;-;;;1,:l:. recoiledoveraJamaalallslamiyya_atrogityinLggTkilling and Oapanesl) and four Egyptians 58 tourists (European of HatshePsut in Karnac at the ;;i;"; d)PresidentsadatnationalizedtheSuezCanalinLg52andtheoi]. industrY in the laLe 1970s e)froml882-Lg52GreatBritiancontrolled,ingreaterandlesser ana-lfte direction of Egypt" A coup degrees, the foreigi .?i"it= inLg52overthrewthemonarchyandestablishedagovernment friend.lytoruropeancountries,-andasocialistgovernmentwas Sadat became President, i""ig?o aiei 1''9 Nasser formed.titr' rran ana LibYa arignins ;;;;;rr f)Egypthasfourunusualsourcesofrevenuewhj.chincludethe Bab af]l'ra.ta"f and the PYramids -t=' IraqhasnotbeendiscussedaSacountry,b,!we.havediscussedits founding ' etc " It was it= well ,,Mesopat**ii; ,*i= both agriculture amportance .= in. early d'evelopment of and present' the source area of rnucr,'oi Her history' and social and cultural tvoiutio"' future includ'e: area in which the plow' the was I'raq as historY her a) cride in were invented i-rrigation, writing ' I;a-ln" wheel Shii Shrines ' Mecca and Medj-na great two of caretaker b) being single party secular state wi-th an c) in Lhe Past lraq was
absolute ruler tryr-ng lraq's "9lh Province" and' was Kuwait that claj'med the in d) having oJcupation resulting: by territory Kuwait's reclaim to Gulf War on chemi-cal and biological weaPons e) a former regime that used' its own citizens former in the Lg22 settlement of of f) being "invented" bY France l{ussaYn King to a pt"*i"" to fulfi1l ottoman t"trit"riei'


]ART II Fill-in (poi_nrs _56) lou may OMIT one answer. Write "Ol{fT" in the b]ank left for the answer. . 1. Two Middle East countries provi_d.e family planning services 1n to help population growth. Name them. and

" The Arab state with the longest border with tsraer is
(country) "

(country) is the most rndustri_alized country in the Middle East. 4. Ibadism (Community of the Just) is a devi-ent branch of "Shi_i fslam', and constitutes a majority of the Islamic population of (country) ? (country) is the country furnishing refuge to the greatest of Palestinian refugees. 6. Only two countries in the Mi-ddl-e East have well developed forest industries, name them (countries) " and l" The world's only deposit of Meerschaum is found in (country) ? o" (country) is now the location of CENTCOM (American Army Central Command). o The most economically important mineral exported by Jordan is

lrff. The Kurdlsh population forms a minority Sunni group in four Middle Eastern states, name them: and (countries) ? W'We have discussed Sunni, Shii, Druze, Alawi, and Wahaab forms of Islam. the , is thg form associated with the Baath party in syria, while is the form adhered to in Saudi Arabia"

W- In the tran'Iraq War Syria allied herself with (country) ? , ,t, , \2. There are three Middle Eastern countrles with non-Arab Muslim ma;ori_ties, name them: , and L4. The largest city i-n Africa and the Middle East 1s 15 " (country) is the most indebted country in the worldo

(per capita)

16" Before the French were forced. to wi-thdraw from Lebanon they formalized ah'agreement known as the "National Pact". It was looked tpo., as an unwritten constitution and stipulated that the President would always be a , | (reli-gion) , that the Prime Minlster was always to be , and that the speaker of parliament " would always be a (religion/sect) . 1:1 . There are four major lanquages spoken rn.thp Middle EAst, name Lhem:
, and



Eastern l-& The United Arab Republic (1e58-1e61) was formed by two Middle (count.ry)






9". Christians ? safety of the 20" The aquifer that suPPlies much of the water for Israel is located in an Israeliwhat will- become Part of a Palestinian State (assuming beneath i-s located aquifer The future. Palestinian agreemen!) in the (area)? the . The largest export and their single largest industrY in SYria is


(country) to blow up an Israeli , A plot financed in (tondon) resulted 1n sanctions by Et A1 airliner in Hffit in 1986' U"S"A" the some european states and

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