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February 3, I983

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Dear Co-Workers In Christ,

his wonderful name.

Another year has come and find us walking with the Lord. We praise

As we extend war^ Christian greetings to you, i^ay

The expe

your experience be similar to ours; walking with the Lord.

rience walking with the Xord can be a great one.

when we wall^ x^ith the Lord

in the light of His word, What a glory He sheds on our wayI While we do His good will. He abides with us still; And with all who will trust and obey.

to you, but our love and appreciation for ay,d to you has not failed from remaining with us. In this letter I should like to give you a brief

We failed to send special Greetings at Christmas time a^ New Year and a'^'bird* eyes "view of other little things.

report of our work

First, I must report to you that physically, we are doing well.

There is much sickness in the societjrj^ but not too many in the congrega# tions I serve. Wo do have a few anyway* For example^ there is a lady
of the Glover Hill church who became ill about three weeks now and is con fined to bed. (she is afp aged person).

The Claremont churct^building has reachecb a state of partial completion and was Dedicated on the 26th September last. Brother Carlton Mullings minister to the Ocho Rios Church of Christ-working with me and the other

Next, report of the churches:

money to do those work now.

have the ceiling of the roof done^, furniture bought for the building,as well as additional buildings for ciass rooms etc. However, there is no
We presently owe a debt of approximately

brethren of the church worke d hard to have this done.

There is need to

#3sOOO^ af^d-do not yet know how we are going to secure but will be making the best efforts. There is plan to have a Harvest Thanksgiving
service and Rally on The 27th February,(this month). This will be followed by one week of Evangelistic services.
The Pedro River Church.

LOcal men of the congregation continue to do their best. They need much
help, aflyway.
The Beecher Town Church

four months.Greater concentration was on the work at Claremont.

Or account of pressure of work I was unable to visit that church for

some funds to help the local church and other sister churches eve^ in a
small way. Some of the brethren are very much interested in the Bible
Study I conduct bhere.
The Clover Hill Church

This church had its yeaoijry Rally and Harvest Thanksgiving Service on Sunday the 30th January. This is one of the efforts made to raise

This church continues in an ordinary functioning manner. There is muvh hardship in the area and thai: affects some our brethren.jvery mucho One of our elders, brother Campbell experiences much hardship. He is

still courageous.

Special service is planned for the 2nd Sunday in March.

Finally, we do have financial needs at all times but generally at the Spring season there are more standing demands. The vehicle is costing me?

quite a good sun of money these last few months. We do appreciate a^^d
need your continued financial support and may God help you to continue. Thanks very much for caring and sharing.

(If a^y of our brethren there have any used clothing and can sharathis can be of help to some of our less fortunate brethren^. May God richly bless you continually as you remain faithful to Him.
Yo^^rs in His love

Lushington, Rose & Children


Jiine 1983

Dear Christian Friends,

Summer is alnst here and some of ^ou may be on your Va* oation when this letter comes, but we greet you in the sweet name
of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Our world at this time is torn with yiolence, hatred and

all manner of evil operations, but may you be enjoying "Sweet Peace,
the Gift of God's Love." The devil, we know, is as a roaring lion mo

ving about, seeking whom he may devour, but Christians can still have
a deep'^settled peace n their heart.

you that all of us in the Bogles* family are keeping welltthere are

It is always a pleasure writing you so that information and communication between us can always be shared. Z am glad to report to


.some ailments at times, especially among the children, but not serious. The Lord is gracious to us. I like to use this opportunity to say a big^Thanks** to you for the continued support given us. We do appreciate this very much. Without such help our ministry would be greatly curtailed. By this I mean that as for^me, nore time would have to be spenA doing temporal work. However, this does not mean that I am presently able to do all

that I desire, but thank God for what is being done.

In addition we

are grateful for the clothes sent for the chtirches. Presently they ^re trying to give me a little problem at the Customs in Kingston. They request that I produce Certificate to show that they belong to

church. This is unnecessary to me but they see it necessary to dQ se. I hope to get over that, but if any problems develop you will be in formed. In addition, they do make a little charge for tax but again they see it fit to do so. The mens* pants, especially, are a little
over-sized but the best will be made of them.

to be engaged in Bible Studies,of which I am very glad to see.Some are

still reluctant about this but there is great need for this practiceoo Ohe of the unfortunate things with some church members is that they are not doctrilkally balanced as would be desired. As result they be
come very much unstabled. The challenge therefore exists that those

There is more motivation among some of our church brethren


and other h^es at times.

of us who know what is needed have tib keep on working. Recently I started to have a special Bible -study that at times may be at my hraie

This will not specially'^onformed to New

Testament believing Christians.

wide...but labourers are few.

I greatly request your prayers that

The field is still

with the blessing of God this will be a success.

It is really a busy time for us 9f the home God to give us both spiritual and physical strength.

but we tlhist

May God richly bless anA keep you always in His love.
Yours Christ, service

/Lushington, Bose i children

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