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Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Fluids Section, Laboratory of Thermal Turbomachines, National Technical University of Athens, P.O. Box 64069, 15710 Athens, Greece

Analysis of the Effects of Water Injection on the Performance of a Gas Turbine

The effect of water injection in the combustion chamber of an industrial gas turbine is studied by means of analytic relations. Equations for the estimation of changes in the main performance parameters are provided. The relations are derived on the basis of an order of magnitude analysis and taking into account variation of gas properties due to water injection as well as changes in the interrelation of component performance parameters. It is shown that water/fuel ratio is the main parameter on which performance deviations depend. Data from the performance testing of an industrial gas turbine are used to check the validity of the proposed relations. The comparison of the predictions to the test data shows that the mechanisms of performance deviations are well modeled by the analysis presented. DOI: 10.1115/1.1451755

Water injection has been used for many years in gas turbines in order to reduce NOx emissions. It has been established that the amount of reduction of NOx emission depends on the ratio of injected water to fuel ow rate. Dependence of emission levels on water/fuel ratio has been presented by many authors, as for example Shaw 1, Koch and Felix 2, and Schetter 3. Lefebvre 4 reports analytical relations for estimating emissions reduction as a function of water/fuel ratio. Recent studies Liever et al. 5 have predicted such interrelation by using CFD techniques. Apart from the effect on NOx emissions, injection of water also affects the performance of a gas turbine. The effects of the injection on performance are qualitatively known, see, for example, Walsh and Fletcher 6, while dependence curves of performance parameters on the amount of injected water have been presented by various authors Kreitmeier et al. 7 and Cloyd and Harris 8. Such curves have been produced by running computational performance models of specic gas turbines. Numerical calculations of performance for gas turbines, when water content of the air or ue gases is high, have also been presented by other authors in different contexts some recent examples being Camporeale et al. 9 and Jordal et al. 10 A disadvantage of methods based on computational models is that although they provide information for a specic gas turbine, they do not give an idea about the generality of their predictions or about the factors governing the phenomena studied. Analytical studies, when they can be performed of course, are best suited for deriving this type of information. In the present paper the effect of water injection on the performance of a gas turbine is studied by a means of analytical relations. The analysis demonstrates which are the main parameters governing changes in performance variables and provides simple relations to estimate these changes. The use of analytic relations allows thus an understanding of the effect of water injection and provides a means for a quick estimation of such effects. The results of the analysis are substantiated by comparison to data obtained from the performance testing of an industrial gas turbine.
Contributed by the Combustion and Fuels Division of THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS for publication in the ASME JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING FOR GAS TURBINES AND POWER. Manuscript received by the C&F Division, November 2000; nal revision received by the ASME Headquarters May 2001. Associate Editor: S. Gollahalli.

Relations for Performance Parameter Deviations

The gas turbine layout considered in the present analysis is shown in Fig. 1. It is a single-shaft industrial gas turbine, with external cooling of the compressor exit bleed ow, prior to feeding it for turbine blade cooling. The possibility of water injection in the combustion chamber for NOx control is foreseen. The station numbering shown in this gure will be used to characterize the various quantities mentioned in the analysis hereafter. This particular layout has been chosen since test data from a gas turbine of this type are available to substantiate the present analysis. On the other hand, it is general enough to cover simpler congurations for example, engines with no external bleed cooling. Injection of water results in the change of several operational parameters, affecting thus the power output and efciency of a gas turbine. The analysis that follows has as a main purpose the evaluation of how much these two parameters change, when water is injected at the compressor exit and the control system acts to keep turbine inlet temperature unchanged. Before proceeding to detailed analysis, it is useful to enumerate the factors on which power output depends and why it is expected to change when water is injected. For this purpose, it is useful to look at the equation relating power to component performance and individual cycle variables. Power output results from the difference between the power produced by the turbine and that absorbed by the compressor: Pm 2 c pa T 2 1

m 4 C pg T 4 1 m 2 C pa T 2 Tis
1 a 1


g1 g


For this expression it has been assumed that the pressure loss in the combustion chamber and turbine exhaust is negligible, so that compressor and turbine pressure ratios are equal. Water injection has the following effects: Mass ow through the turbine changes, and compressorturbine ow matching results in a different compressor operating point, namely different pressure ratio and possibly mass ow rate. The gases though the turbine have now a different composition, therefore different specic heat. Consequently, for the same turbine inlet temperature and pressure ratio, a different amount of power is produced. JULY 2002, Vol. 124 489

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exit of the combustion chamber. The derivation is given in the Appendix. Relation A3.4 relates the fuel/air ratio prior and after injection and can be written in the following form, to give directly the change caused by water injection: rw f f f f . f f 1 rw f (4)

Power Output. The following relation, as derived in the Appendix, will give the change in gas turbine output power for a given TIT: P m 2 PT f w . 2 P m 2 P (5)

Fig. 1 Schematic of the gas turbine layout studied

Fuel/air ratio also changes, as more fuel is added, in order to compensate for the heat absorbed for evaporation of the injected water, while keeping TIT constant. In the following we will examine how changes in each one of these parameters can be evaluated. At this point it should be commented that the fuel/air ratio f has a value, which is very small, typically around 0.02. The fact that this is a number with such a small value will be used to simplify several relations, by suitable approximation in the following. It should also be noted that according to current practice of water injection water/fuel ratio assumes values that are of the order of 1 or smaller. Compressor Pressure Ratio. Pressure ratio is related to turbine and compressor capacities through the ow matching relations, given in the Appendix. We can apply Eq. A2.3 to the two modes of operation, with and without water injection. It is realistic to assume that the bleed air fraction b and loss factor K b do not change with water injection, namely the term (1 b )(1 K b ) remains constant, while the turbine is chocked which means q 4 constant. Writing Eq. A2.3 once for operation without and once with water injection and dividing the two equations gives

P T stands for the power produced by the turbine. The rst term of the right-hand side represents the change in power caused by the change of the compressor operating point and the resulting change in inlet airow. The second term represents the change in power produced by the turbine, as it swallows extra uid, namely the steam produced by the injected water. This steam produces power twice the one produced by the same amount of combustion gas, when expanding over the same pressure limits. This happens because thermal capacity of steam is approximately double the thermal capacity of combustion gas. For a modern single shaft turbine used in electricity generation, operation with xed compressor geometry implies no change in inlet mass ow rate, as commented above. Therefore, the change in power will be a function of only the water/fuel ratio w, since the rst term of the right-hand side of Eq. 5 will be equal to zero. When variable geometry exists and is used for engine control, mass ow changes will have to be taken into account according to this relation. Efciency. The relation for estimating efciency deviation can be derived from the equation of denition of gas turbine efciency:


P P . m fqf f m 3Q f


Efciency change can be derived from this relation, by taking logarithms and then differentiating: th

1 f 1 w q2 c c q2 1 f

4 T4 T2 R4 . R4 T 4 4 T 2



P f m 3 . P f m 3


This relation can be used to predict the pressure ratio at any operating condition once the pressure ratio at one operating point is known e.g., at base load and can be applied to both dry and wet operation. When applied to operating points with water injection it can be used to estimate the change in pressure ratio, which will result from the injection of water. A simplication can be considered for operation with constant geometry, namely with no variation of stator vane angles. For modern compressors it is usual that the nominal constant speed characteristic is approximately vertical to the ow axis, namely q 2 constant for given speed. For a gas turbine used in electricity generation constant rotational speed, operation at constant turbine inlet temperature ratio T 4 / T 2 , allows further simplication of the previous relation:

Substituting for power output deviations form Eq. 5 and fuel/ air ratio deviations from Eq. 4 we get th


PT fw r . P 1r f w


Experimental Validation
The validity of the relations presented above and their capability to estimate the effects of water injection will be assessed by application to test data from an operating industrial gas turbine. The tests are performed on a single-shaft gas turbine, the model V64.3 manufactured by Siemens, as a part of its commissioning at a power station. The layout of the turbine is the one presented in Fig. 1. The compressor is equipped with variable inlet guide vanes. They remain at a xed position, for base load or loads below about 50 percent, while they are activated and moved for operation between these loads, in order to control exhaust gas temperature. Testing is performed along the guidelines of the ISO 2314 standard 11, as to test procedure, measurement accuracy, etc. The quantities measured are indicated on Fig. 2. From these quantities it was possible to calculate the mass ow rate into the compressor, by applying a heat balance over the entire engine. ISO 2314 gives the guidelines for such calculations. They have also been discussed by Mathioudakis et al. 12. Once the air mass ow rate Transactions of the ASME

1 f 1 w c c 1 f

4 R4 1 f w R4 4

4 R4 . R4 4


This relation shows that pressure ratio changes as a result of two effects: change of mass ow though the turbine and change of gas properties as a result of increased water content. Fuelair Ratio. The change in fuel/air ratio is derived by considering the heat balance of the combustion chamber for operation with and without water injection, for constant temperature at the 490 Vol. 124, JULY 2002

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Fig. 2 Measured quantities on the single shaft gas turbine

has been calculated, it is possible to calculate turbine inlet temperature. Having thus a full set of data, all information needed for applying the previously derived relations is available. Testing is accomplished for dry operation, at loads covering the full operating envelope of the engine, and operation with water injection. Different amounts of injected water were used to achieve different levels of emissions. For each load setting data were taken at several operating points, with small variations around the set point. The data give thus the possibility to derive all the information needed for isolating the deviations of performance parameters caused by water injection. Compressor Pressure Ratio. Comparison of measured pressure ratio to values predicted by Eq. 2 is shown in Fig. 3. Measured and predicted values are in excellent agreement, for all operating points, from either dry or wet operation. Also, the operating points shown here come from conditions with either constant or variable geometry. It is interesting to note here that taking into account the alteration of gas properties because of the changing amount of water content gives improved accuracy in the estimated pressure ratio. The magnitude of inaccuracy introduced if variable properties are not taken into account is demonstrated in Fig. 4. It is shown that when gas properties are considered constant, estimated pressure ratio is more than one percent lower than the actually measured value.

Fig. 4 Pressure ratio estimated using dry gas properties and properties altered by water injection . Base load w 1.2.

Fuel Air Ratio. Fuel ow rate is directly measured, while air mass ow rate is calculated from engine heat balance, giving thus the value of f for each test point. In order to check the validity of Eq. 4, values of f have to be compared for dry and wet operation, at the same TIT. Since TIT could not be kept strictly constant during the tests, data from several operating points were used for each condition and dependence of f versus TIT is established. f is then calculated by interpolating between the data, as shown in Fig. 5. Comparison of fuel-air ratio deviations estimated from test data and values predicted by Eq. 4, using the amount of water ow rate as an input, is shown in Fig. 6. The very good agreement between measured and predicted values veries that Eq. 4 gives a good estimation of water injection effect onto the fuel-air ratio of the gas turbine. Power Output. Changes in power output when water is injected are evaluated from the measured power values. In order to evaluate changes at constant TIT, power is plotted versus TIT and deviations are calculated in the same way as for fuel air ratio, described above. This dependence for operating points around the base load condition is shown in Fig. 7.

Fig. 3 Measured pressure ratio versus pressure ratio predicted by Eq. 2

Fig. 5 Fuelair ratio for different TIT and w values. Base load.

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Fig. 6 Comparison of measured fuel air ratio changes to values predicted by Eq. 4

Fig. 8 Change in output power as a function of waterfuel ratio. Points from test data, line form Eq. 5 with m m 0. Base load.

Comparison of measured power output variations to the predictions, namely the line expressing the dependence on w, Eq. 5, is shown in Fig. 8. For operation at base load conditions the inlet guide vanes are kept at a constant setting angle. Compressor inlet air mass ow rate remains constant and the line shown in Fig. 8 represents the second term of the right-hand side of Eq. 5. It is interesting here to see how the dependence changes when operation at part load is considered. For such operation, when water is injected, IGVs are also moved to adjust the turbine exit temperature. This means that air mass ow rate is also changed and power output deviation has to be estimated by using both terms of Eq. 5. Comparison of measured and predicted values for this load is shown in Fig. 9. The points representing only the term 2( P T / P ) f w are also shown in the gure, which show no correlation with w. This demonstrates that the prediction has to take into account not only the water-fuel ratio, but also the changes in air mass ow resulting from the movement of IGVs. Efciency. The variation of efciency as a function of the water to air ratio at base load operating conditions, is shown in Fig. 10. It is observed that the points derived from the test data are in very good correlation with the predictions of Eq. 8.
Fig. 9 Operation in the region where IGVs are activated. 75 percent load.

Fig. 10 Efciency decrease due to water injection. Points from test data and line from Eq. 8.

Fig. 7 Dependence of power output on turbine inlet temperature, for dry and wet operation

A feature of the equations derived for estimating the deviations of the different performance parameters is that the deviations at a given operating condition are functions of only the water to fuel Transactions of the ASME

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ratio. As mentioned in the Introduction, water-to-fuel ratio is the parameter which determines the amount of reduction in NOx emissions as well. It is thus concluded that the same parameter is driving both emissions reduction and performance deviations. Although this has been tacitly assumed in the various publications reporting the effect of water injection on performance, it is here that analysis shows that this is the primary parameter determining the magnitude of the deviations. The analysis presented above could be applied for the injection of steam. The difference is that injected water will absorb heat to evaporate and thus extra fuel is needed to keep TIT constant. Steam on the other hand does not need such extra heat but it can even offer some preheating thus reducing the necessary fuel. It is thus expected that in the case of steam injection thermal efciency will increase. This is the trend observed in curves showing the effect of steam injection, as presented by various authors Kreitmeier et al. 7 and Cloyd and Harris 8. This fact is reected in the present analysis through the value of the parameter r. In the case of steam r will be much smaller that in the case of water, since enthalpy difference for changing the steam temperature will be much smaller as it does not include the heat of evaporation. This has as a result that the coefcient of w in Eq. 8 becomes positive and therefore the predicted deviations of thermal efciency will also be positive. In the analysis presented above the relations for fuel/air ratio, power output and efciency have been derived for constant TIT. This is the usual way performance parameter deviations are evaluated see Cloyd and Harris 8. The approach presented here can nevertheless serve as basis in examining other types of operation, such as constant EGT, for example. The relation derived for c is of general validity. The present analysis can also be useful in practical situations, when correction curves are provided by the engine manufacturer, accounting for the amount of water injected. Such curves may be used to refer data from performance testing to a certain amount of water injected. The formulas given above can be used for a check of the consistency of curves provided with gas turbine design data. They could even be used as basis for correction, if needed.

by the evaporation of the injected water. The new specic heat can be calculated if the gas is considered to be a mixture of water vapor and gas produced from dry combustion: C pg
1 f C pg f wC ps . 1 f 1 w


An approximate expression can be derived from this relation, if certain features of practical experience are taken into account. Taking this into account and the fact that f , f w 1 we can write C pg C pg 1 f w

C ps 1 C pg


The specic heat of the dry combustion products can be considered to be the same as for the gas with no water injected, because fuel-air ratio does not change signicantly. On the other hand, the specic heat of steam is roughly double the specic heat of the combustion gases, example: for T 1100C, f 0.02, C pg 1186, C ps 2532 J/KgK. The previous relation can thus be further approximated by the following one: C pg C pg C pg C pg f w . C pg (A1.3)

Compressor-Turbine Flow Matching. The referred mass ow at the inlet of the turbine can be related to the referred mass ow at compressor inlet as follows: m 4 P4

R 4T 4 m 2 4 P2

q 4 q 2

R 2T 2 2 m 4 m 2

R4 2 m 4 p2 p3 R2 4 m 4 p3 p4

R4 2 1 1kb R2 4 c

T4 T2 T4 . T2 (A2.1)

A method for estimating the deviation of performance parameters as a result of injection of water into the exit of the compressor for reduction of NOx emissions, has been presented. Analytical formulas for estimating the deviations of compressor pressure ratio, fuel/air ratio, power output, and efciency have been provided. It has been shown that the main parameter determining the magnitude of deviation is the water to fuel ratio, which also happens to be the quantity determining the amount of reduction of nitric oxide emissions. The formulas provided highlight the performance quantities that determine the dependence of different parameter deviations, while they provide an insight in understanding the physics of the alterations resulting from the injection of water. Data from testing of a single-shaft gas turbine, employed for electricity generation, have been used to verify that the proposed relations can give a very good tool for estimating performance parameter deviations.

It should be noted that the generalized expression for the referred mass ow rates is used, in order to take into account working uid properties change, caused by water addition Hensley 13, Gu and Palmer 14, Bird and Grabe 15, and AGARD 16. If the fraction of the total air ow bled from the compressor is b then m 4 m 3 4 m 1 f 1 w 1 b . m 2 m 3 m 2 (A2.2)

At combustion chamber outlet mass ow has resulted from the air mass ow to which fuel and water have been added. The previous relation can thus be written as follows:

q2 1 f 1 w 1 b 1 K b q4

R4 2 R2 4

T4 . T2 (A2.3)

Air-Fuel Ratio. We can evaluate the change in fuel/air ratio by applying the heat balance equation of the combustion chamber for dry and wet operation: Dry operation:
1 f h g 4 h g 0 h a 3 h ao f Q f .


The author would like to thank Public Power Corporation Greece for allowing the inclusion of the test data in the present paper.

Wet operation:
1 f h g 4 h g 0 h a3 h a0 f Q f w f h s4 h w . (A3.2)

Eliminating the quantity Q f from the two relations gives f rw f a f where JULY 2002, Vol. 124 493 (A3.3)

Specic Heat. The specic heat of the hot gases into the turbine changes, because of the increased steam content, produced Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power

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enthalpy ow specic power. For given ambient temperature and turbine inlet temperature, taking logarithms and differentiating, we obtain 2 m 2 C pa T 2 P m Ph . P m 2 P The second term can be further evaluated as follows: P h (A4.3)

m 4 C pg T 4 m 4 C pg T 4 Y T Y c Y T . m 2 C pa T 2 m 2 C pa T 2 (A4.4)

Fig. 11 Gas turbine specic power versus pressure ratio for constant TIT. The at region is indicated.

r a

h s4 h w
h g4 h g0 h a3 h a0 h g4 h g0 h a3 h a0 h g4 h g0 h a3 h a0

The term in brackets expresses the rate of change of specic power with pressure ratio, if isentropic efciencies of compressor and turbine do not change signicantly. This term is very small and can be neglected for the following reason: gas turbine designers usually choose the design point of an engine in the at region of the specic power versus pressure ratio curve, as shown in Fig. 11. The form of the curve shown in this gure is typical and the design point usually falls in the area indicated. In this area, the derivative is small and can be taken equal to zero in Eq. A4.4. The second term of the right-hand side can be evaluated, when ambient and turbine inlet temperature are constant, by using relations derived previously.

m 4 C pg m 4 C pg m 2 C pa m 2 C pa

r expresses the ratio of the injected water specic enthalpy rise to the enthalpy rise of air in the combustion chamber. For the test case presented in the paper, base load operation, r has a value of about 5.30. a assumes a value close to unity, since the change in compressor exit temperature resulting from water injection is very small, compared to the temperature rise in the combustion chamber. We therefore have f f rw f 1 f . f 1rw f (A3.4)

m 4 m 2 C pg m 4 C pg m 2

The change of mass ow ratio between combustor inlet and outlet is easily evaluated by just taking into account the mass balance without and with water injection, using Eq. A2.2, we get

m 4 m 2

m 4 f w . m 2 1 f

Substituting into the previous equation and using Eq. A1.3 we nally get

This equation has a physical interpretation: In order to have a certain temperature at the exit of the combustion chamber, the fuel/air ratio has to be increased by an amount such that it provides the heat needed to bring the water to the condition of steam at the turbine inlet temperature. Gas Turbine Output Power. The effect of water injection can be analyzed by studying the gas turbine power balance Eq. 1. The basic mechanics can be revealed by using a simplied form of this equation, given as Eq. 1 in the main text. It expresses the fact that turbine power output is the difference between the energy produced by the turbine and the power absorbed by the compressor. To facilitate further derivations we will put Y C 1

m 4 C pg f w m 4 C pg m 4 C pg f w . f w 2 m 2 C pa m 2 C pa 1 f m 2 C pa

Substituting into Eqs. A4.4 and A4.3, Eq. 5 of the main text is derived. It must be pointed out here that the ratio P T / P is a design feature of the gas turbine and does not exhibit a signicant varia-


a1 a 1

Y T tis 1

g1 c g


Equation 1 can thus be written:

(A4.2) Considering that power output is a product of two terms, inlet enthalpy ow m 2 C pa T 2 and P h , which is power per unit inlet air 494 Vol. 124, JULY 2002
Fig. 12 Variation of the ratio of turbine power to output power, over a range of operating loads

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tion over a wide range of operating conditions. This fact can be observed for the gas turbine used in the present tests, from the results shown in Fig. 12. It is observed that his ratio does not signicantly change over a large range of operating conditions, while the change is even smaller when operation around a certain load is considered, as, for example, base load.

f g s T w

fuel quantity related to the combustion gases quantity related to steam turbine quantity related to injected water

1 Shaw, H., 1974, The Effects of Water, Pressure, and Equivalence Ratio on Nitric Oxide Production in Gas Turbines, ASME J. Eng. Power, 96, pp. 240246. 2 Koch, H., and Felix, P., 1977, Exhaust Gas Emissions of Brown Boveri Gas Turbines, Brown Boveri Rev., 64, Jan., pp. 2733. 3 Schetter, B., 1993, Gas Turbine Combustion and Emission Control, Combined Cycles for Power Plants, Von Karman Institute, Lecture Series 199308. 4 Lefebvre, A. H., 1995, The Role of Fuel Preparation in Low Emission Combustion, ASME J. Eng. Gas Turbines Power, 117, pp. 617 654. 5 Liever, P. A., Smith, C. E., Myers, G. D., Hernandez, L., Grifth, T. 1998, CFD Assessment of a Wet, Low-NOx Combustion System for a 3MW-Class Industrial Gas Turbine, ASME Paper 98-GT-292. 6 Walsh, P. P., and Fletcher, P., 1998, Gas Turbine Performance, Blackwell Science Ltd., Oxford, UK. 7 Kreitmeier, F., Frutschi, H. U., and Vogel, M., 1992, Economic Evaluation of Methods for Reducing NOx Emissions of Gas Turbines and Combined Cycle Plants, ABB Rev., 192, pp. 2936. 8 Cloyd, S. T., and Harris, A. J., 1995, Gas Turbine PerformanceNew Application and Test Correction Curves, ASME Paper 95-GT-167. 9 Camporeale, S. M., and Fortunato, B., 2000, Aero-Thermodynamic Simulation of a Double Shaft Industrial Evaporative Gas Turbine, ASME Paper 2000-GT0171. 10 Jordal K., and Torisson T., 2000, Comparison of Gas Turbine Cooling With Dry Air, Humidied Air and Steam, ASME Paper 2000-GT-0169. 11 ISO 2314, 1989, Gas Turbine Acceptance Tests. 12 Mathioudakis, K., Stamatis, A., Tsalavoutas, A., and Aretaks, N., 2000, Performance Analysis of Industrial Gas Turbines for Engine Condition Monitoring, Proceedings of Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part A: Journal of Power and Energy, 215, Mar., pp. 173184. 13 Hensley, R. V., 1952, Theoretical Performance of an Axial-Flow Compressor in a Gas Turbine Engine Operating With Inlet Water Injection, NACA TN 2673. 14 Gu, Y. G., and Palmer, J. R., 1986, A Mathematical Model for Computing the Effects of Air Humidity, Fuel Composition and Gas Dissociation on Gas Turbine Performance and Its Application, ASME Paper 86-GT-114. 15 Bird, J., and Grabe, W., 1991, Humidity Effects on Gas Turbine Performance, ASME Paper 91-GT-329. 16 AGARD-AR-332, 1995, Recommended Practices for the Assessment of the effects of Atmospheric Water Ingestion on the Performance and Operability of Gas Turbines Engines, Sept.

b compressor external air bleed as a fraction of inlet mass ow C p , C v specic heat for constant pressure, volume EGT exhaust gas temperature f fuel/air ratio f m f /m a IGV inlet guide vane K b total pressure loss in burner m mass ow rate P gas turbine output power P T power produced by turbine P h specic power, Eq. A4.2 p pressure total q reduced referred mass ow rate q m ( RT / )/ p Q f Lower heating value of fuel r enthalpy rise of water relative to air, Eq. A3.3 R gas constant T temperature total TIT turbine inlet temperature w water/fuel ratio w m w /m f Y C , Y T compressor, turbine specic power, Eq. A4.1 isentropic exponent C p / C v th gas turbine efciency, Eq. 6 Cis compressor isentropic efciency Tis turbine isentropic efciency c compressor pressure ratio c p 3 / p 2 Subscripts

value changed because of water injection 2,3,4,5 position along the gas turbine, Fig. 1 a quantity related to air C compressor

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