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Subject: Anti-BHO "blasts" Continue - LIV [Israel]

Illustrative of enhanced worrimentcaptured in prior blastsregarding Israels future are two articles published in the WSJ which again sound the alarum in a fashion that does NOT resemble what might be heard when someone cries Wolf! The first provides an update regarding the Iranian nuke-threat, and the second provides historical perspective regarding why Bibi has become noisy. Yes, we find that Senior Israeli and Palestinian officials will meet in Washington within the next two weeks to establish a time frame and other details before a more formal relaunch of the Middle East peace process, Mr. Kerry said at a news conference late Friday in Jordan. [The three participants are PASpokesman Saeb Erekat, Justice Minister Tzipi Livni, and Isaac Molho; the latter is a pragmatic deal broker, is Netanyahus longtime personal attorney, and is widely-respected as Israels chief negotiator.] Yes, we observe that Iran's car output on the rise despite sanctions. Yes, we read that SUSPECTED MILITANTS KILLED 3 Egyptian POLICEMEN. Yes, we worry that U.S. & ISRAELI FORCES ARE ON-ALERT AS EGYPT BEGINS MAJOR MILITARY ACTION ON ISRAEL'S BORDER. Yes, we observe that Protests Erupted after the RUSSIAN OPPOSITION LEADER Navalny was SENTENCED TO 5 YEARS, yielding his release. Yes, we cringe that BHO characterized Helen Thomas a 'true pioneer' in journalism without mentioning her anti-Semitism.

But few remember quotable-quotes uttered by the Arab leadership at an event that was squeezed-in, between the 1917 Balfour Declaration and the 1922 British Mandate, namely, The Weizmann_Agreement; it which was signed in 1919 between His Royal Highness the Emir Feisal, representing and acting on behalf of the Arab Kingdom of Hedjaz, and Dr. Chaim Weizmann, representing and acting on behalf of the Zionist Organization and, illustrative of its contents, note what was said two weeks prior to signing the agreement by Faisal:
The two main branches of the Semitic family, Arabs and Jews, understand one another, and I hope that as a result of interchange of ideas at the Peace Conference, which will be guided by ideals of self-determination and nationality, each nation will make definite progress towards the realization of its aspirations. Arabs are not jealous of Zionist Jews, and intend to give them fair play and the Zionist Jews have assured the Nationalist Arabs of their intention to see that they too have fair play in their respective areas. Turkish intrigue in Palestine has raised jealousy between the Jewish colonists and the local peasants, but the mutual understanding of the aims of Arabs and Jews will at once clear away the last trace of this former bitterness, which, indeed, had already practically disappeared before the war by the work of the Arab Secret Revolutionary Committee, which in Syria and elsewhere laid the foundation of the Arab military successes of the [12] past two years.

The areas discussed had been detailed in a letter to Felix Frankfurter, President of the Zionist Organization of America, on 3 March 1919, when Faisal had written:
"The Arabs, especially the educated among us, look with the deepest sympathy on the Zionist movement. Our deputation here in Paris is fully acquainted with the proposals submitted yesterday by the Zionist Organization to the Peace Conference, and we regard [13] them as moderate and proper."

To be clear, the proposals submitted by the Zionist Organization to the Peace Conference were quite expansive [as it noted on the map on the hyperlinked page]:
The boundaries of Palestine shall follow the general lines set out below: Starting on the North at a point on the Mediterranean Sea in the vicinity South of Sidon and following the watersheds of the foothills of the Lebanon as far as Jisr el Karaon, thence to El Bire following the dividing line between the two basins of the Wadi El Korn and the Wadi Et Teim thence in a southerly direction following the dividing line between the Eastern and Western slopes of the Hermon, to the vicinity West of Beit Jenn, thence Eastward following the northern watersheds of the Nahr Mughaniye close to and west of the Hedjaz Railway. In the East a line close to and West of the Hedjaz Railway terminating in the Gulf of Akaba. In the South a frontier to be agreed upon with the Egyptian Government. In the West the Mediterranean Sea. The details of the delimitations, or any necessary adjustments of detail, shall be settled by a Special Commission on which there [14][15] shall be Jewish representation."

Therefore, one might again quote the opener of A Tale of Two Cities regarding it being the best/worst of all times; the problem with this reference to Dickens is that Israel remains surrounded by rings of enemies, and BHO has not yet demonstrated the verve to channel the need to ensure the survival of what can reasonably be claimed to be the oldest country on earth.

Subject: Anti-BHO "blasts" Continue - LV [Martin/Zimmerman & Correspondence]

First, know that I prioritize hyperlinks that are themselves replete with additional references, illustrating the credibility thereof. Furthermore, I was challenged to provide documentation of Helen Thomas antiSemitism: In 2010, Helen Thomas told an amateur videographer outside the White House that Israel should "get the hell out of Palestine and added, Remember, these people are occupied and it's their land. It's not Germany, it's not Poland; she later apologized for the remarks but did not back down from her opinion [as documented here and here]. Finally, I was also sent an e-mail regarding the Martin/Zimmerman issue, to wit:
I asked two different attorneys about the Martin/Zimmerman case and t hey both said they agreed with the verdict but that Zimmerman shouldnt have followed Trayvon to begin with; I responded that I disagreed. I agree with you 100%. I switched from being a D which now I know means Dumb and Dumber to R for Right and Reason .

Three days away from blast e-mails and facebookand quality information abounds. I was advised to watch Veep on HBO because the humor, deception, and mistrust reflect my opinions of politics in general. This was my assessment [c/o FioS, via puter] of the most recent episode, Running: To Recap: She walks through glass-door, gets loopy on analgesic that interact with her anti-depressant, skips a $-raiser, recovers-a-bit that day, and runs (the next day) in a 5K; meanwhile, the POTUS is subject to an impeachment effort mediated via the House Judiciary Committee. The effort to encourage her to state simply she supports the POTUS is rebuffedfor whatever (sub)conscious reason(s)when she tells the press she is going to run [subject to ambiguity, for it was not clarified that she was presumably referring to the race]. Meanwhile, it appears she simply wishes to support the POTUS so that she can easily succeed him, six years hence [so there would be no reason for her to challenge her, currentlyas a Chinese politician apparently is positioning himself to do]. Comments: Dialogue is smart [with aides bandying-about, suggesting prior interactions] and cinematography is brisk [with name-dropping of, for example, the Secretary of Defense], but there are no discussions of issues of any sorteven inbetween-the-lines. She is probably a D, inasmuch as the cover-story for her appearance before a bunch of $-raisers was to have appeared before a Teachers union. She is cute, as the stereotypic chief-of-staff for the POTUS sports a Bob-Beckel beerbellywith everyone else posturing when not hastening. Logical lapses occur [such as when it is suggested the Judiciary Committee would vote to support impeachment when, actually, the House would appoint an ad hoc committee to assemble the articles that would then be voted upon by the entire Houseand such as when an aide makes a unilateral decision to tell an obviously-obnoxious reporter the real reason for her not being @ the $-raiser]. Opinion: Note news of Cong. Cohens DNA-testing proving he hadnt fathered a bikinimodel [with a scandal tethered to his having texted her during the SOTU Address]; this is wacky, also, but real [although ultimately irrelevant regarding policy]. Thats why I find the TRUE events occurring in D.C. [and elsewhere] to be far more gripping and fascinating [as one watches the reactions of the players] that TV-Cable. Ive been compiling news-hyperlinks during the past month that illustrate what Ive termed a

meta-analysis of current-events and, risking the provision of too much information, will provide a sampling of my political viewswhich are right-wing. {This prompted a clarifying-exchange; I concurred it was funny, but but not as funny as watching REAL politicians squirmlike yesterday, when Elijah Cummings attacked the IRS Inspector General for DOING HIS JOB!} Also, an individual who is not accustomed to discussing political issues, wrote this: I am sure that you heard what Obama said today about the Zimmerman case-----if the tables were turned, things would have been different----meaning that if a black man killed a white person, the black man would be going to prison. Is he forgetting that OJ SIMPSON surely killed his wife, who was white, and was NOT convicted???? He has just put more fuel on the fire and he is a disgrace----the President of the United States should NEVER have gotten involved in this and should NEVER have made those comments!!!!!!! Finally, an effort to mesh my two favorite superheroes is in-the-works: Batman and Superman Will Unite in a Man of Steel Sequel.

Martin/Zimmerman Feedback. A friend conveyed two thoughts which are of-interest, as this individual ponders composing an essay that captures the sociological damage being wreaked by the black/progressive racists [from BHO/AG-Holder/Sharpton, on down]; drawn upon would be experiences of discriminatory behavior ascribable to bisexuality, amplified by knowledgeas an attorneyof applicable statutes. First, again recalling that the stand your ground law wasnt even invoked at-trial and that all parties disclaimed any racism throughout, it was observed that its difficult to stand your ground when your back is on the ground; second, John Walsh was quoted in a different context from his norm, when he observed that long-term sentences for child molesters would predictably decrease recidivism. Prosecutors profiled Zimmerman as a homicidal racist and lost; meanwhile, a Black NBA Star said A Lot Of Black People Are Racist Too. In recent polling, Zimmerman-wasMore-Popular-Than-Sharpton and, although it did well when scoring big-interviews sporadically, CNN Collapsed, as its Primetime Lost to MSNBC. {Parenthetically, it should be noted that Nate Silver Quit the NY Times for ESPN.} Overview. This issue has again been politicized to block discussion of BHOs Scandal-Sheet and to enrage the 2014-base, notwithstanding facts; this observation was corroborated [for the umpteenth time] when Cong. Bobby Rush [who had sported the hoodie on the House Floor, it may be recalled]

repeatedly side-stepped a request that he cite any evidence revealed at-trial of racism. Any doubt regarding this conclusion was corroborated during last nights hour-long discussion on Hannity [which included hard-leftists along with the amalgam of FNC-stalwarts, but which has yet to be uploaded on the Internet]; it had been preceded by Hannitys having found an NAACP Leader to be unable to Name One Person who hadnt Died in Chicago During Zimmerman Trial?! Even Iran condemned the verdict, and the absurdity of the reaction thereto was reflected in the fact that a DEPUTY WAS SUSPENDED FOR BRINGING SKITTLES & ICED TEA TO WORK. One of the more cogent liberal arguments was that of Kirsten Powers [on FNCs Fox News Watchaired @ 2:30 p.m. E.D.T.], who said: If conservatives are so concerned about black-on-black crime, its a little concerning that the only time I hear them talking about it is when they want to stick it to the black community. [] Black-on-black crime is a year-round problem, but now everyones obsessing about it because they can make black people feel bad about it. Pro-Martin Reactions. As Trayvon Martin's Parents' First Post-Verdict Interviews [on the Morning Show Circuit] yielded the fathers expressed-opinion that 'If Trayvon had been white,' this wouldn't have happened, the MSNBC Morning Joe rectangle-table pontificators [plus guests, such as Times Richard Stengel, as referenced previously] are continuing to call for further dialogue and conversations regarding soured race-relations in America [as if they have nothing to do with fanning these flames]. Others [including the-daily-show and the racist Nancy Grace] have reflected-on-prejudice as Chris Matthews Apologized for All White People; while larry-elder-and-piers-morgan-sparred-over-racheljeantels-black-america-video, SHARPTON ABSOLVED JEANTEL ON N-WORD because its 'JUST THE WAY SOME OF Y'ALL TALK'. No observations have been more widely broadcast than those of BHO, which Krauthammer characterized as a "Political Speech" that "Re-Racialized" The Issue and which MOVED CNN ANCHOR LEMON TO TEARS; BHOs prior race-themed speeches were whitewashed by the AP and by NBC. In this fashion, even Juan Williams thinks BHO may be stoking "racial tension" and BHO Continued a Racial Zimmerman Narrative While Hispanics were Targeted; even the Leftie-Hispanics have now disowned Zimmerman: The post-post-racial environment has been aptly characterized, concluding that, for not asking BHO [during an interview a few days ago] anything about this verdict: [T]he Hispanic media seems determined to do nothing to alter the prevailing narrative in which Zimmerman is stripped of his own identity as a minority in order to make the point about racist America in a way that allows the left to wave the bloody banner of Jim Crow unimpeded by concern for the sensitivities of Hispanics. Protests. Although the new-black-panthers-put-a-bounty-on-zimmerman, Presser-Carney characterized as ridiculous and interns inquiry into whether or not the president would take any action to ensure the safety of Zimmerman and his family in the wake of the contentious verdict; also, the Justice Department placed a 'hold' on Trayvon Martin trial evidence, including George Zimmerman's gunwhich Florida law says must be returned to him. Churches-denouncing-zimmerman-were-exposed and leaders of trayvonmartin-protests-were-revealed as leftist-radicals; protesters Denounced FOX NEWS and 'Stand Your Ground' Laws, as the compilation of post-verdict violence reached Twenty-One-and-counting. And, predictably, Jesse-Jackson-Called-Florida-an-Apartheid-State and advocated its being boycotted; also, predictably, although the D-controlled Senate has ignored the need to explore potential Scandal-Sheet concerns, its Judiciary Committee will hold-hearings-on-stand-your-ground.

Subject: Anti-BHO "blasts" Continue - LVI [Scandal Sheet & Domestic Policy]

Scandal-Sheet IRS. Characterized painstakingly as a Bombshell in Saturdays WSJ [which, curiously, blacked-out the story on Friday], Thursdays IRS-Hearing-revealed-the-Trail-Leads-to-Washington; it featured two key witnesses: Elizabeth Hofacre [a Cincinnati-based IRS employee] and Carter Hull [a Washington-based IRS lawyer, who recently retired after 48 years of service]. Referenced was Issas op-ed in todays USAToday [this ENTIRE article is worth readingnot only for content, but also for style]. During the hearing, Rep. Issa blasted Justice inaction and Rep. jason-chaffetz-slammed-elijah-cummings and anyone else who might suggest Were At The End of This. Separately, the watchdog-decried-unprecedentedtreatment-by-dems-at-irs-hearing. {Also reported preliminarily is the fact that Delaware officials admit tax snooping, although they wont identify Christine ODonnell was the target.} What must be appreciated is that, although a handful of progressive groups were IDed, none received extra scrutiny [such as D.C.-referral]. Whats next? Best Guess-#1 is that the next hearing will feature the high-level individuals with whom Hofacre communicated [Hofacre testified that she had not been asked to scrutinize "progressive" or liberal groups, and that she had been solely focused on groups with "Tea Party," "Patriot," or "9/12" in their names. She subsequently asked to be transferred to a different assignment.] Best Guess-#2 is that the next hearing will feature the D.C.-based individuals with whom Hull communicated [Hull noted that even after he had recommended that certain Tea Party applications be approved, the approval was held up for further review by the office of the Chief Counsel of the IRS (headed by Obama appointee William J. Wilkins) and other high-level officials (including Lois Lerner, the embattled head of the IRS exempt organizations office). In his experience, he testified, that had never happened in nearly a half-century of work at the IRS.]. Benghazi. benghazi-survivors-were-allegedly-forced-to-sign-non-disclosure-forms regarding the Benghazi attack; it was noted by Rep. Wolf that some [including Pentagon and CIA employees] have signed the agreements as recently as this summer.

Privacy vs. Security. The NSA Rolled-Out 2-Person Rule to Prevent Future Leaks, as the FISA court let the NSA extend its trawl of VERIZON customers' phone records; meanwhile a COURT ruled that a NYT reporter must testify against a source and the police-officer-who-released-boston-bomber-photos-wasrelieved-of-duty.

Domestic Agenda Immigration Reform. As it was revealed that the HOUSE BORDER SECURITY BILL ADOPTED THE SENATE AMNESTY LANGUAGE, it was also revealed that the Senate Bill both Includes Nearly $300 Million in Slush Funds for Immigrants Rights Groups and Contains $20 Billion Medicaid Mandate; not surprisingly, Rubio Didn't Even Know Whats In His Own Immigration Bill and, overall, this IMMIGRATION issue was characterized as THE MEDIA'S 'WHITE DISTRICT' LIE. Prematurely demonstrating flexibility, perhaps, a top-immigration-reform-foe-admitted-he-could-support-limited-amnesty. This illustrates why the immigration debate threatens to tear the Republican Party apart. Jobs. The Wages of a Phony Recovery are so poor that it is imperative that we focus on innovative and creative economic policies. ObamaCare. As the AP admitted BHO is Exaggerating its Benefits, it was noted that it will Fund Bourbon Festivals; some of its tenets have been simplified and another of its tenets has been blocked [Hobby Lobby Wins Stay Against Birth Control Mandate]. It has even been suggested that The Left Wants ObamaCare To Fail. Recalling that this totally-unrelated statute was appended to ObamaCare, it should be noted that a student-loan-compromise may have been reached; nevertheless, the House voted 221207 to limit federal control over education. Mandates. BHO issued an executive-order-mandating-americans-must-be-tested-forhiv-aids. Politics. liz-cheneys-challenge-against-enzi may hinge on her condemnation on his bill to tax-theinternet; in my viewnotwithstanding issues of Fairness and leveling the playing-fieldhistory suggests that the creation of a tax yields its subsequent enhancement and, thus, shouldnt be supported. Meanwhile, regarding 2016, Rand Paul is viewed as having a Paleo Problem, while PeterKing-claims-Hillary-Clinton-Would-Destroy-Rand-Paul-and-Ted-Cruz; functioning from the gutter, Bill Maher claims Dr. Ben Carson is 'Half Brilliant Brain Surgeon, Half Tea Party Dumb A**'. And, in the world of voter-ID [hot in PA], an Ex-Ohio-poll-worker-got-5-years-for-illegal-votes; it has been alleged that BHO voted twice in 12. Jewish leaders rapped Weiner for taking money from Al Jazeera lobbyist. Culture. The worlds-oldest-calendar-discovered-in-scotland. Corbett. The bad news is that settlements-reached-by-penn-state-in-Sandusky-claims-reach-$60m-sofar; the worse news is that no one speaks for The Forgotten Taxpayer who is saddled with excess property taxation [as per the last line of this article]. The good news is that a model exists in North Carolina regarding how to cut-spending; the better news is that, on Friday, the Energy Department reported that preliminary results of a landmark study of hydraulic fracturing, or tracking, found that the chemicals used in the process didn't pollute the higher-up ground water. The study was conducted in

Western Pennsylvania, which shares the Marcellus Shale formation with several other states. It could lead to a new burst of oil and gas production in the region. Philadelphia. Twenty-eight percent of Philadelphians 1,526,000 million people live in poverty, one of the highest percentages of any major city in America. Guzzardi reminds The Forgotten Taxpayer that UPENN and Drexel and University City elites get more than a million taxpayer dollars a week, on average, from the man of the people, Rep. Fattah. Detroits Bankruptcy. Although an Ingham-County-judge-ruled-Detroit-bankruptcy-filing-waswithdrawn, the ultimate battle may be between Pension Promises vs. Bondholders in Spotlight. The Democrats Destroyed Detroit [despite Quantitative Easing] and Detroits Bankruptcy Is an Apt Metaphor for the Obama Presidency [Obama Got Osama vs. Detroit's dead and al-Qaida and other terrorist groups seeking to cause great harm to the United States are still alive]; notwithstanding the assertion of a Delusional MSNBC Host who claimed this Is The Result of Small Government, this event illustrates the danger of Public-Sector Pensions [which, in PA, is recognized as the Pension Bomb]. Detroit is a City in Ruin and a Warning for America, for 'Nothing works here' and one Suburb is Considering the need to Erect a 12-Foot Wall. Although BIDEN suggests the FEDS MIGHT BAIL OUT DETROIT, Rand Paul has declared this would transpire Over My Dead Body. There are 100,000 creditors, although there is no plan to sell-off the assets in the Detroit Institute of Art. [From 7/1974-6/1977, I lived @ the Park Shelton, which abuts the DIA; it has great stuff.] Of course, All Three Networks Skipped the Sky High Taxes, Dem Control for 50 Years. The following was written by Jim Foster [and, presumably, will soon be uploaded on his website, for the Germantown Newspapers] regarding the importance of this event from the perspective of Philadelphia: The Detroit bankruptcy was a surprise to no one who watches how one party politics eventually poisons whatever entity adopts it exclusively. The history of most of the world in the 20th Century certainly proved that over and over again. However, it should send a message to those cities who have had similar political structures in place for some time. Chicago and Philadelphia are the two examples which most closely mirror that model. Make no mistake, the message to the country is that if Democrats run your state and run your biggest city to the point you give them a blank check and turn out all other parties, they will steal every dime they can from the public trust as long as you let them. They will chase economic development out with taxes and shakedowns that no one will eventually pay, and even Democrats in state and federal offices will look the other way while it happens rather than investigate and prosecute early enough to stop the bleeding. Michigan had a Democrat Governor all the while when the mayor and the administration were stealing and scamming. Some are now in jail, along with the wife of the long serving U.S. Congressman John Conyers, but the citizens there, like the citizens here, said keep on skimming and stealing for we like that way. We even imported their PHA administrator in Carl Greene and our former governor gave him a special contract (no doubt drawn up at Ballard Spahr) that gave him a get all you money deal even if he was found guilty of sexual harassment. Now, that is what I call a special contract.

But the real tragedy here for Detroits citizens is that most of them paid for all this. Not just in sub-standard city services, crime on the streets, a city that is half imploded or collapsed in on itself, but they used the union city workers pension money until finally they could not use it any more. According to a report released today, the $18 billion that they are indebted and will be looking to the bankruptcy court to forgive, $9 billion is in pension obligations they neglected to make over the years. The reportedly have 6000 city employees at present, but retired 20,000 city pensioners who will get shafted. No one can see any option here but to default on the pensions, and it has happened elsewhere, but not at this level. Now, some say President Obama will bail out the pensions. Really, the Democrats do that for Detroit after they were the party who raped and pillaged it, and let it get this bad, and they will not only lose the Senate in the next election, the House margin will go off the scale and we may not see another Democrat president for a long, long time as voter registration to Independent and Republican will be huge and swift. The credibility of this administration is in free fall as we learn how they actually did manipulate the IRS, look into candidates tax records, and postpone filings of political groups they wanted to hurt on order from the top. Now, they start picking winners and losers in multi-billion dollar bailout of system so negligent and fraudulent that the history of Detroit will most likely replace that of Tammany Hall in the textbooks as the most corrupt political machine to ever exist in this country. That move could be the end of the Democratic Party as we know it, and it should be. Now, we have been on a similar path for a while ourselves. Now one party, to the extent that 88% of voter registration is Democrat, and of that 12% difference, I think we have a significant number of non-voting seniors. So there is no opposition party. The major newspaper is owned by one of the most powerful and corrupt Democrat union bosses and financiers in George Norcross. His daughter runs Philly.Com and is the minder of the newspaper. Union bosses are also ward leaders and much too tied up in city politics and getting candidates elected by mandate. The City Controller only does selective audits and never finds anything wrong with no-bid contracts and patronage appointments that are clearly redundant and wasteful. Ballard Spahr and other firms get far too much in outside contracted legal services that are just unending blank checks on cases that may run through two mayoral terms and not get settled. Such is the case with all union negotiations that are unending and all are assigned to Ballard who bills at $750 per hour. We are seriously delinquent in our pension contributions and there is no real effort to correct it as long as the members of the PICA Oversight Board are a stacked deck that will vote for whatever the mayor submits. The state has the right to force this city to pay up its pension obligations and they should demand it now. Of course the taxes (already the highest in the nation for residents and businesses) will go through the roof; maybe double - - but that is what will send the alarm bell that 35 years of political chicanery and neglect have created massive unpaid obligations and a patronage system that steals from the public at a rate unequaled in this country.

Final point: It is true that once the Republicans had an equal stranglehold on this city. The big difference is that they kept one thing in mind. Folks stay happy when they have decent full time jobs. They kept their voter registration double and then some over the Democrats for 70 years by doing all they could to keep the economic engine diverse and operating in this city. Even during the Depression, this city lost less employment than most, and the Republican administration made a back door deal with the Roosevelt administration to keep jobs here. At the time their corruption rose to the point of civic outrage, the city was actually in some of its best years economically. The Democrats had 15 or so years as reformers in the sun from 1951 to 1968, but then they got greedy. The destruction of the economic center of this city can be viewed from any commuter train headed in. None of those blocks and blocks of bombed out buildings are paying wages or taxes - - just like Detroit.

Subject: Anti-BHO "blasts" Continue - LVII [Thomas, Scandals, Foreign Policy, Domestic Policy]

This compilation of humor from Late Night Hosts suggests they are Libertarians, also noting that House Republicans' Lawyers Drop DOMA Defense; if these events reflect the bipartisan evolution of American thought, so much the betterfor this will permit the GOP to focus on the fact that BHO Stirs Trayvon Pot to Distract from IRS, NSA, DOJ and Benghazi Scandals. {A fascinating review of Woody Allens approach towards portraying women in his films has been published, in anticipation of his upcoming flick.} As per todays NY-Times, the scorecard compiled by BHO [Math Behind Leak Crackdown: 153 Cases, 4 Years, 0 Indictments] suggests that he is indeed attempting to intimidate rather than to accomplish; this phenomenon promises to worsen [Move over NSA, here comes the ObamaCare database as premiums soar] as BHO continues to expand spying via third-parties [and risk undermining the spirit of the Fourth Amendment and eliminating society's expectation of privacy in all electronic communication], yielding the stark-choice voters must make next year which has been framed by parallel-pieces in The Hill: Obama tries to regain ObamaCare edge after mandate delay vs. Boehner claims GOP will do 'everything we can' to thwart ObamaCare. Presser-Carney claims People Will Learn to Love ObamaCare, noting a full-court press has been exerted to achieve that end. Recalling the theme of BHOs Scandal-Sheet are two revelations: General Carter Ham who ran AFRICOM Now Admits it was Obvious from Beginning Benghazi was Terror, Not YouTube Demonstration; and after having expressly informed the Congress and public that Marine Colonel George Bristol was retired and could not be compelled to testify, the Pentagon admitted that the key Benghazi witness is still on active duty and will be made available for congressional testimony.

Helen Thomas, Lebanese/Palestininan I was told that a few links regarding the death of Reporter Helen Thomas were not functional, the entire situation has been revisited; extensive hyperlinks are available for further information regarding what she said three years ago,. BHO claimed she was a true pioneer, Karen Tumulty extolled her [while noting only that: In her later years, Thomas felt freer to unleash her biases, and that became the sad coda to her
career. But what should endure is what she taught us on the way there, which is the fact that reporters exist to disrupt the peace.], Candy Crawley praised her [while falsely claiming she had attacked Israel, rather than

recognizing she had attacked Jews], and others in the media claimed she was a 'TRAILBLAZER' and was 'FEARLESS.' They pointedly avoided recalling her claim that Zionists 'Own' Congress, White House [NOT TO MENTION HOLLYWOOD AND WALL STREET] which prompted her to have been honored by the palestinians. She was unapologetic thereafter, however, even elaborating on her anti-Semitism Helen Thomas doesnt care who she offended when she said Israelis should "get the hell out of Palestine." In an interview with Joy Behar last night, Thomas stood by her remarks, and even reiterated the sentiment. "They didn't have to go anywhere" after World War II, she said. "They weren't being persecuted anymore but they were taking other people's land." When Behar pressed her to at least take back her comment that the Jews should "go home" to Poland and Germany, Thomas replied. "Everything is distorted, but I dont care. Hell no." We have organized lobbyists in favor of Israel. You cant open your mouth, Thomas complained. I can call the president of the United States anything in the book, but you

say one thing about Israel, and youre off limits. I certainly knew that and I should have kept my mouth shut, probably. As a result, two awards named after her were rescinded, one from her alma mater [Wayne State Universitys Spirit of Diversity in the Media Award] and one from her professional society [The Society of Professional Journalists Lifetime Achievement Award]. More recently, predictably, the Media have praised her ['Pioneer,' 'Trailblazer,' 'Fearless], and others suggest she was Complicated.

Foreign Policy Concerns [focused on Middle East] Israeli History. King David's Palace may have been discovered; archaeologists Found Huge Palace and Storeroom At Khirbet Qeiyafa Site. U.N. Although he knows he will forever remain tarnished by his flip-flop on Immigration Reform, Rubio has now added to his reparative effort [having introduced an Abortion-limitation bill] by challenging-united-nations-nominee-samantha-power; she refused to answer a question he posed thrice [WHAT 'CRIMES' HAS THE U.S. COMMITTED?] as she pivoted to issuing a False-Promise-to-Israel [A-Seaton-the-UN-Security-Council]. In related news, U.N. Human Rights Council Candidacies were Called 'Recipe for Disaster.' Iran. An 'Unprecedented' 131 Congressmen Say Obama Should Give Iran's New President a Chance [including Cong. Fitzpatrick/Dent]. Israeli Lefties. I blogged after having read that a leftie-director-[mira-nair]-had joined-culture-boycott, emphasizing the predictability of such behavior that the Film Festival organizers [probably lefties, also] had probably ignored due to self-blindness. Peace Talks. After Kerry announced the possibility they would be restarted, Palestinians countered his statement, claiming Kerry promised talks on basis of pre-67 lines per a letter that others report he sent, the existence of which Israelis denied; as Kerry said to Abbas, You should look happy, Palestinian-factions-see-resumption-of-peace-talks-as-political-suicide. Triggering acrimony on Bibis Right, it was revealed that PALESTINIAN PRISONERS WERE TO BE FREED IN TALKS, an action that Kerry views as a Critical Hurdle in Resuming Peace Talks; Israel has agreed to release some "hardcore" Palestinian prisoners [i.e., those involved in deadly attacks] as part of U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry's efforts to restart Mideast peace talks, but it will not meet other longstanding Palestinian demands before negotiations resume. Arlene Kushner reports that anonymous Israeli sources are saying this isn't caving to a "pre-condition" because they will not be released before negotiations begin, but only in stages after talks start. It is perhaps reassuring that the lefties are calling the New Israeli Ambassador a 'Conservative Ideologue'; nevertheless, some wonder what would occur if the concept of a Two-State Solution were to fail. E.U. Ms. Kushner also emphasized the heinous nature of its recent dealings, citing [1]Legal fallacies of EU positions on settlements, [2]Risk of Arabs taking over land in Judea and Samaria with EU support, and [3]Interactions with NGOs that are hostile to Israel. These behaviors may be linked to the observation that EUROPEAN LIFE DIED IN AUSCHWITZ.

Syria. After a Momentum Shift towards Assad, some fret he may soon Win. Meanwhile, Syrian Rebels Targeted Young Christian Women and a Celebration brought Turkish forces down on Kurds, as Egypt's new government announced it has no intention of waging jihad in Syria. Egypt. Instead of focusing on Syria, Egypt Readied a Large-Scale Sinai Operation as Chaos Deepened, and Egypt's interim president issued a decree to start work on constitution; as MUSLIM BROS claimed willingness 'to die' for their cause, Islamic Extremists Attacked Egypts Christian Community Over Morsi Ouster and a fearful Pope Tawadros suspended public audiences for third week in a row. Iraq/Afghanistan. Illustrative of what will transpire after BHO withdraws [all will have been for naught], a Coordinated wave of car bombs killed at least 46 in Baghdad and Karzai will not overturn decree by Muslim clerics in the north reimposing Taliban-style curbs on women. Jihad/Sharia/Dhimmi/Caliphate. In France, police clashed with hundreds of youths over ban on Islamic face veils, as Muslims riotedinjuring fiveafter Muslim tried to strangle police officer ticketing his wife for wearing face veil. In Norway, a Woman Raped By Islamist Got 16 Months In Jail For Illicit Sex, after which time she was Fired by Janet Jacksons Husband. In Malaysia, Muslims Demanded Vatican Envoy Leave, describing him as an "enemy of the state" after he supported the use of the word "Allah" by non-Muslims. In England, Five prison officers were suspended without hearing after Woolwich jihad murderer claimed they attacked him; meanwhile, Three more Muslims found guilt in yet another sex slavery trial.

Domestic Concerns Compare/contrast what happened in N.C. [Senate strikes a blow for freedom, passes anti-Sharia bill] with what happened in Michigan ["If the mosques object to the consumption of alcohol in front of their establishments, the festival will be forced to relocate the drinking area"]; also be aware that, although Cigarette Smuggling Soaring in High-Tax States, such taxation decreases overall tobacco-use. In followup of the Immigration Reform issue, it has been noted that Immigrants Gain Jobs as Natives Lose Them and It's Always About the Children to Make Us Cry, as Mexicos Draconian Immigration Laws Have Zero Tolerance [while America ponders amnesty]. Martin/Zimmerman. Although much has been written on this issue, a few confirmatory points are inorder. First, as predicted, the Media-Progressives have termed Obama's Remarks on Trayvon to be 'Instantly Historic'. Second, as per Bill Whittle, the Media-Progressives have not provided characterizations of the two people involved in the altercation that is readily available on the Internet. Third, Rep. Henry Waxman (Calif.), the top Democrat on the Energy and Commerce Committee expressed doubt on possible DOJ charges against Zimmerman. Fourth, exemplifying the harsh rhetoric [Dem. Politician Rips Racial Profiling With Fiery Remarks] of yesterdays protests which were sparsely attended, Trayvon's Mom claimed Tomorrow, It Could Be Your Son; this is of-interest, recalling that O'Reilly Challenged her on Al Sharpton, claiming He 'Should Apologize.' Fifth, a CNN roundtable concluded Sharpton was 'covering himself' in Trayvon Martin news coverage, particularly noting that Sharpton & the NAACP Used a Megachurch to Host a RaciallyCharged Trayvon Martin Rally; Pastor Ken Hutcherson reacted negatively to Rev. Al Sharpton.

Sixth, the Congressional Black Caucus Now Lining Up Behind Jesse Jacksons Boycott Florida for Trayvon Campaign. Seventh, praised were analyses of why Zimmerman got off and potential for three more lawsuits.

POTUS-16. ted_cruz_could_beat_hillary; joe-biden is running. Ego. On his final [cancelled] Sunday-show, Chris-Matthews claimed it had been History-In-TheMaking. Corbett. While_some_fret_over_his_polls__Corbett_digs_in. Philly. In reaction to an Inquirer_Editorial [Mayor_still_holding_back_on_collapse_information], Guzzardi wrote this Good question Where was the Union Rat? It has not been seen at any demolition sites. There is a view that says Mayor Nutter and the Unions made a deal; the Mayor and other black leadership won't profile the Union's intentional racial segregation and the Unions won't object to giving demolition licenses to black, nonunion contractors. There is a clear disconnect between Unions themselves and people who want to work. and Jim Foster wrote this: Our irresponsible Mayor continues to stonewall on this issue as he has done on many others. This man is now so far into corrupt behavior, that when we really know the truth we will learn that there was clear intent to take critical oversight and life safety out of L & I and replace it with developer-friendly activity at the higher levels, but at the same time use its club of authority to merchandise other lesser important services and even strong-arm citizens and small contractors with high fees for routine activity. In essence making it PROFIT CENTER was the intent, and lifesafety took a back seat. What should have been done is that penalties for failure to comply would be substantial on the larger developers and a greater balance on the rest. But we will also learn that the pervasive corruption that ran through every department in City Hall extended to a Government/Developer relationship that was the ruling practice at all levels. Alan Greenberger wearing the hats of both Director of City Planning (with full power over L & I) and at the same time the hat of Commerce Director says it all. He was both the Salesman and the Overseer. What better way to guarantee outcomes? But with no opposition party, no investigative arms of the mainstream press and media that questions anything until after tragedies happen, and a city full of myopic Democrats and journalists that all drank the Nutter Kool-Aid brewed by Carol Campbell with the imprimatur of Fattah and Brady, what could anyone expect?

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