Sie sind auf Seite 1von 9

PromeLIeus Among LIe CunnIbuIs: A eLLer

Lo Edwurd Snowden


Deur Edwurd Snowden,
BIIIIons oI us, Irom prIme mInIsLers Lo Iuckers, ure wuLcIIng u IIve espIonuge movIe In
wIIcI you ure LIe proLugonIsL und perIups LIe sucrIIIce. Your wuy Iorwurd Is cIeur Lo no
one, IeusL oI uII, `m sure, you.
Ieur Ior you; LIInk oI you wILI u Ieuvy IeurL. ImugIne IIdIng you IIke Anne runk.
ImugIne HoIIywood movIe mugIc In wIIcI u young IookuIIke wouId swup pIuces wILI
you und IeL you IIee Lo suIeLy -- II LIere Is uny suIeLy In LIIs worId oI exLreme rendILIon
und exLrujudIcIuI execuLIon by LIe governmenL LIuL you und were born under und LIuL
you, unLII recenLIy, served. Ieur you muy puy, II noL wILI your deuLI, wILI your IIIe --
wILI u IIIe LIuL cun Iuve no convenLIonuI ouLcome unyLIme soon, II ever. TruLI Is
comIng, und IL cunnoL be sLopped, you LoId us, und LIey ure LryIng Lo sLop you InsLeud.
um moved by your cIoIce oI our IuLure over yours, LIe worId over yourseII. You know
wIuL Iew do nowuduys: LIuL LIe seII Is noL LIe sume us seII-InLeresL. You ure someone
wIo Is smurL enougI, IdeuIIsLIc enougI, boId enougI Lo know LIuL IIvIng wILI yourseII
In u sysLem oI uLLer corrupLIon wouId desLroy LIuL seII us un IdeuI, us someLIIng worLI
beIng. DoIng wIuL you`ve done, on LIe oLIer Iund, wouId gIve you u seII you couId IIve
wILI, even II IL guve you nowIere Lo IIve or no IIIe. WIIcI Is Lo suy, you Iuve become u
PILy LIe counLry LIuL requIres u Iero, BerLoIL BrecIL once remurked, buL pILy LIe Ieroes
Loo. TIey ure LIe oLIer IomeIess, LIe peopIe wIo don`L IIL In. TIey ure LIe ones wIo see
LIe IurdesL work und do IL, und puy LIe prIce we cIurge LIose wIo do wIuL we cun`L or
won`L. I LIe oId sLorIes were ubouL Ieroes wIo suved us Irom oLIers, modern Ieroes --
NeIson MundeIu, Cesur CIuvez, RucIeI Curson, EIIu Buker, MurLIn uLIer KIng, Aung
Sun Suu KyI -- endeuvored Lo suve us Irom ourseIves, Irom our own governmenLs und
sysLems oI power.
TIe resL oI us so oILen sucrIIIce LIuL seII und LIose IdeuIs Lo IIL In, Lo be purL oI u
cunnIbuI sysLem, u sysLem LIuL euLs souIs und deIIIes LruLIs und serves onIy power. Or
we negoLIuLe quIeLIy Lo muInLuIn un uneusy dIsLunce Irom IL und LIen go ubouL our own
busIness. TIougI In my worId quILe u Iew oI us sLrIke our smuII bIows uguInsL empIre,
you, young mun, you were sILuuLed wIere you couId run u dugger LIrougI LIe drugon`s
eye, und LIuL drugon Is wrILIIng In ugony now; In LIuL ugony IL Ius IosL ILs mugIc: un
urrungemenL wIereby IL remuIns InvIsIbIe wIIIe mukIng LIe resL oI us ever more nuked
Lo ILs gIurIng eye.
Privute Iyes und Poblic Rights
PrIvucy Is u kInd oI power us weII us u rIgIL, one LIuL pubIIc IIbrurIuns |1| IougIL Lo
proLecL uguInsL LIe BusI udmInIsLruLIon und LIe PATROT AcL und LIuL onIIne
compunIes |z| vIoIuLe In every wuy LIuL`s proIILubIe und expedIenL. Our Iuck oI prIvucy,
LIeIr monsLrous prIvucy -- even LIeIr InvusIon oI our prIvucy musL, by Iuw, remuIn
cIussIIIed -- Is wIuL you mude vIsIbIe. TIe ugony oI u monsLer wILI nowIere Lo sLund --
you ure uccused oI spyIng on LIe spIes, oI InvudIng LIe prIvucy oI LIeIr InvusIon oI
prIvucy -- Is u LruIy curIous LIIng. And IL Is cIungIng LIe worId. Europe und SouLI
AmerIcu ure In un uprour, und uLLempLs Lo conLuIn you und your dumuge ure puLLIng ouL
IIre wILI gusoIIne.
You yourseII suId IL || so weII on JuIy 1zLI:
A IILLIe over one monLI ugo, Iud IumIIy, u Iome In purudIse, und IIved In greuL
comIorL. uIso Iud LIe cupubIIILy wILIouL uny wurrunL Lo seurcI Ior, seIze, und reud
your communIcuLIons. Anyone's communIcuLIons uL uny LIme. TIuL Is LIe power Lo
cIunge peopIe's IuLes. L Is uIso u serIous vIoIuLIon oI LIe Iuw. TIe qLI und LI
AmendmenLs Lo LIe ConsLILuLIon oI my counLry, ArLIcIe 1z oI LIe UnIversuI DecIuruLIon
oI Humun RIgILs, und numerous sLuLuLes und LreuLIes IorbId sucI sysLems oI mussIve,
pervusIve surveIIIunce. WIIIe LIe U.S. ConsLILuLIon murks LIese progrums us IIIeguI, my
governmenL urgues LIuL secreL courL ruIIngs, wIIcI LIe worId Is noL permILLed Lo see,
someIow IegILImIze un IIIeguI uIIuIr. TIese ruIIngs sImpIy corrupL LIe mosL busIc noLIon
oI jusLIce -- LIuL IL musL be seen Lo be done.
TIey suy you, IIke BrudIey MunnIng, guve secreLs Lo LIeIr enemIes. L`s cIeur wIo LIose
enemIes ure: you, me, us. L wus cIeur on SepLember 1z, zoo1, LIuL LIe BusI
udmInIsLruLIon Ieured LIe AmerIcun peopIe more LIun uI-Quedu. NoL mucI Ius
cIunged on LIuL IronL sInce, und LIIs uImosL InIInILeIy broud InIormuLIon IurvesL
crImInuIIzes uII oI us. TIIs meLuduLu -- LIe puLLerns und connecLIons oI communIcuLIons
ruLIer LIun LIeIr conLenL -- Is purLIcuIurIy useIuI, us my IrIend CIrIs CurIsson poInLed
ouL, uL muppIng LIe cIusLers oI communIcuLIons beIInd popuIur movemenLs, uprIsIngs,
poIILIcuI orgunIzIng: In oLIer words, LIose momenLs wIen cIvII socIeLy rIses Lo sIupe
IIsLory, Lo muke u beLLer IuLure In LIe open worId oI LIe sLreeLs und squures.
TIe gouI oI guLIerIng uII LIIs meLuduLu, CIrIs specuIuLes |q|, "Is Lo be ubIe Lo IdenLIIy
wIere LIe 'Iubs` ure, wIo LIe peopIe ure wIo sIL uL key poInLs In neLworks, IeIpIng puss
news und messuges uIong, buL especIuIIy, wIo LIe peopIe ure wIo spreud Ideus und
InIormuLIon Irom one neLwork oI peopIe Lo LIe nexL, wIo IeIp connecL smuII neLworks
InLo Iurger ones, und LIus IucIIILuLe LIe unpredIcLubIe und rupId spreud oI dIssenL wIen
IL uppeurs.
MeLuduLu cun mup LIe cIrcuIuLory sysLem oI cIvII socIeLy, Lowurd wIuL ends you cun
cerLuInIy ImugIne. WIen governmenLs Ieur LIeIr peopIe you cun be sure LIey ure noL
servIng LIeIr peopIe. TIIs Ius uIwuys been LIe mIneIIeId oI puLrIoLIsm: IoyuILy Lo our
governmenL oILen meuns IosLIIILy Lo our counLry und vIce-versu. Edwurd Snowden,
IoyuIIsL Lo counLry, you Iuve mude LIIs cIeur us duy.
TIose wIo demonIze you sIow, us DuvId BromwIcI poInLed ouL || In u IIne essuy In
LIe London Retieu oj ools, LIeIr submIssIon Lo LIe power you exposed. WIo sLood
wIere, Ie wrILes,
wus un InIuIIIbIe murker oI LIe unLI-uuLIorILurIun InsLIncL uguInsL LIe uuLIorILurIun.
WIuL wus dIsLressIng und ImpossIbIe Lo predIcL wus LIe evIdence oI LIe wuy LIe IusL Iew
yeurs Iuve worn deep cIunneIs oI uuLIorILurIun uccepLunce In LIe mInd oI LIe IIberuI
esLubIIsImenL. Every pubIIc IIgure wIo Is psycIoIogIcuIIy IdenLIIIed wILI LIe wuys oI
power In AmerIcu Ius condemned Snowden us u LruILor, or depIored IIs ucLIons us
mereIy LIose oI u crImInuI, someone ubouL wIom LIe judgmenL 'Ie musL be prosecuLed`
obvIuLes uny IurLIer judgmenL und uny need Ior LIougIL.
You suId |6|, " know LIe medIu IIkes Lo personuIIze poIILIcuI debuLes, und know LIe
governmenL wIII demonIze me." WIo you ure Is IuscInuLIng, buL wIuL you`ve exposed Is
wIuL muLLers. L Is upendIng LIe worId. L Is dumugIng WusIIngLon`s reIuLIons wILI
muny uLIn AmerIcun und some Europeun counLrIes, wILI RussIu und CIInu us weII us
wILI ILs own peopIe -- LIose, uL IeusL, wIo boLIer Lo reud or IIsLen Lo LIe news und cure
ubouL wIuL LIey IInd LIere. Edwurd Snowden SIngIe-HundedIy orces TecI
CompunIes To Come orwurd WILI GovernmenL DuLu RequesL SLuLs, suId
u IeudIIne |;| In Iorbes. Your ucL Is reurrungIng our worId. How mucI no one yeL
Whut Yoo Love
WIuL`s sLrIkIng ubouL your words on vIdeo |8|, Edwurd Snowden, LIe ones Ieur us
your young, puIe, LIougILIuI Iuce speuks wILI cIurILy und IncIsIveness In response Lo
GIenn GreenwuId`s quesLIons, Is LIuL you`re noL LuIkIng mucI ubouL wIuL you IuLe,
LIougI IL`s cIeur LIuL you IuLe LIe secreL neLwork you were purL oI. You IuLe IL becuuse
IL poIsons wIuL you Iove. You LoId us |q|, " undersLund LIuL wIII be mude Lo suIIer Ior
my ucLIons... |buL| wIII be suLIsIIed II LIe IederuLIon oI secreL Iuw, unequuI purdon, und
IrresIsLIbIe execuLIve powers LIuL ruIe LIe worId LIuL Iove ure reveuIed even Ior un
InsLunL." You Iove our worId, our counLry -- noL ILs governmenL, cIeurIy, buL ILs oId
IdeuIs und IIvIng IdeuIIsLs, ILs possIbIIILIes, ILs dreumers, und ILs dreums (noL LIe sLuIe,
sLuIIed AmerIcun dreum oI IndIvIduuI uIIIuence, buL LIe oLIer dreums oI u beLLer worId
Ior uII oI us, u worId oI prIncIpIe).
You LoId us wIere we now IIve und LIuL you reIuse Lo IIve LIere unymore:
" don'L wunL Lo IIve In u worId wIere everyLIIng LIuL suy, everyLIIng do, everyone
LuIk Lo, every expressIon oI creuLIvILy or Iove or IrIendsIIp Is recorded. And LIuL's noL
someLIIng 'm wIIIIng Lo supporL, IL's noL someLIIng 'm wIIIIng Lo buIId, und IL's noL
someLIIng 'm wIIIIng Lo IIve under. AmerIcu Is u IundumenLuIIy good counLry. We Iuve
good peopIe wILI good vuIues wIo wunL Lo do LIe rIgIL LIIng. BuL LIe sLrucLures oI
power LIuL exIsL ure workIng Lo LIeIr own ends Lo exLend LIeIr cupubIIILy uL LIe expense
oI LIe Ireedom oI uII pubIIcs."
WIIcI Is Lo suy you ucLed Irom Iove, Irom uII LIe LIIngs LIe new surveIIIunce sLuLe
ImperIIs: prIvucy, democrucy, uccounLubIIILy, decency, Ionor. TIe resL oI us, wIuL
wouId we do Ior Iove?
WIuL Is LerrIIyIng Lo LIe poIILIcIuns uL LIe Lop Is LIuL you muy be our LruesL puLrIoL uL LIe
momenL. WIIcI mukes uII oI LIem, wILI LIeIr murbIe buIIdIngs und IIIusLrIous LILIes,
LIeIr securILy deLuIIs und uII LIe pomp, LIe IIugs, LIe suIuLIng soIdIers, so muny LruILors.
TIe governmenL Is LIe enemy oI LIe peopIe; LIe sLuLe Is LIe enemy oI LIe counLry. Iove
LIuL counLry, Loo. Ieur LIuL sLuLe und LIIs new InIormuLIon uge us LIey spreud und
LwIne IIke u poIson vIne uround everyLIIng und everyone. You IeId up u mIrror und
IooIs IuLe LIe mIrror Ior IL; LIey sIooL LIe messenger, buL LIe messuge Ius been
TIIs counLry Is worLI dyIng Ior, you suId In expIunuLIon oI your greuL rIsks. You were
LruIned us u soIdIer, buL u soIdIer`s couruge wILI u LIInker`s Independence oI mInd Is u
dungerous LIIng; u Iero Is u dungerous LIIng. TIuL`s wIy LIe U.S. mIIILury Ius mude LIe
Gucrdicn, LIe BrILIsI newspuper LIuL Ius done LIe key reporLIng on your Ieuks, oII
IImILs |1o| Lo our soIdIers overseus. WIoever mude LIuL cynIcuI censorsIIp decIsIon
undersLunds LIuL LIose soIdIers muy be deIendIng u seL oI InLeresLs uL odds wILI LIIs
counLry und ILs ConsLILuLIon, und LIey need Lo be kepL In LIe durk ubouL LIuL. TIe durk
Irom wIIcI you emerged.
WIen LIe UnILed SLuLes Iorced LIe uIrpIune oI Evo MoruIes, BoIIvIu`s democruLIcuIIy
eIecLed Ieud oI sLuLe, Lo Iund In AusLrIu, uILer compIIunL runce, SpuIn, PorLuguI, und
LuIy denIed IIm LIe rIgIL Lo LruveI LIrougI LIeIr uIrspuce, uII SouLI AmerIcu Look IL us
un InsuIL |11| und u vIoIuLIon oI BoIIvIu`s sovereIgnLy und InLernuLIonuI Iuw. TIe uIIIed
presIdenL oI ArgenLInu, CrIsLInu ernundez de KIrcIner, Lrucked LIe IncIdenL |1z| In u
serIes oI LweeLs LIuL demonsLruLed un openness, u prIncIpIedness, und u sLrong
IrIendsIIp beLween MoruIes, Ecuudorun presIdenL RuIueI Correu, und Ier. L wus u IILLIe
wIndow onLo u reuIIy IoreIgn conLInenL: one In wIIcI counLrIes ure someLImes Ieuded
by genuIneIy popuIur Ieuders wIo ure genuIneIy LrunspurenL und governed by ruIe oI
Iuw. L`s u remInder LIuL LIIngs In our own bIIgILed, corrupLed, corporuLe-domInuLed
counLry couId be dIIIerenL.
Boilding u Bridge to the Nineteenth Centory
How dId we geL Iere? n 1qq6, PresIdenL BIII CIInLon und VIce PresIdenL AI Gore
pusIed LIe dreudIuI sIogun buIIdIng u brIdge Lo LIe LwenLy-IIrsL cenLury. L wus u
ceIebruLIon oI SIIIcon VuIIey-sLyIe LecInoIogIcuI InnovuLIon und corporuLe gIobuIIzuLIon,
umong oLIer LIIngs. AL LIe LIme, puL buIIdIng u brIdge Lo LIe nIneLeenLI cenLury on
my IeLLerIeud. L Lurned ouL LIuL we were doIng boLI uL once: erecLIng u mussIve
eIecLronIc InIrusLrucLure LIuL ouLpuces our ubIIILy Lo democruLIcuIIy munuge IL und
sIIILIng our economy buckwurd Lo recreuLe LIe cIusms oI cIuss dIvIde LIuL murked LIe
nIneLeenLI cenLury. TIe Lwo gouIs InLerLwIned IIke serpenLs mukIng Iove.
TIe new LecInoIogIes mude u surveIIIunce sLuLe LIuL mucI more powerIuI und Iur-
reucIIng; LIe new LecInoIogIes repIuced |1| muny jobs wILI Iew; LIe new LecInoIogIes
creuLed new bIIIIonuIres |1q| wILIouL prIncIpIes; LIe new LecInoIogIes mude us uII InLo
commodILIes Lo be soId Lo udverLIsers; LIe new LecInoIogIes Lurned our every move InLo
someLIIng LIuL couId be Lrucked; LIe new LecInoIogIes kepL us dIsLrucLed und busy.
MeunwIIIe, uImosL everyone goL poorer.
WIuL LIe neoIIberuIs umussIng mounLuIns oI weuILI Ior LIe uIreudy super-weuILIy
IorgoL, wIuL LIe Lux-cuLLers und cIIId-sLurvers never Ieurned In scIooI, Is LIuL desperuLe
peopIe do noL necessury sImpIy IIe down und obey. OILen enougI, LIey rebeI. TIere Is
no one us dungerous us Ie or sIe wIo Ius noLIIng Lo Iose. TIe LwenLIeLI cenLury`s
weIIure sLuLes, LIeIr pumped-up, pIumped-up mIddIe cIusses, LIeIr reIuLIve
eguIILurIunIsm und gruduuLed Lux pIuns pucIIIed LIe once-InsurrecLIonury cIusses by
meeLIng, uL IeusL In purL, LIeIr needs und demunds. TIe comIorLubIe don`L revoIL mucI.
OuL oI sIeer greed, Iowever, LIe weuILIIesL und mosL powerIuI decIded Lo muke so
muny oI LIe resL oI us uL IeusL IncreusIngIy uncomIorLubIe und oILen Iur worse.
Edwurd Snowden, you rebeIIed becuuse you were ouLruged; so muny oLIers ure
rebeIIIng becuuse LIeIr IIves ure ImpossIbIe now. TIese duys wIen we revoIL, LIe new
LecInoIogIes become our IrIends us weII us our enemIes. I you ImugIne LIose
LecInoIogIes us LIe IIre PromeLIeus sLoIe Irom LIe gods, LIen IL works boLI wuys, Ior us
und Ior LIem, Lo creuLe und Lo desLroy.
TIose new LecInoIogIes ure key Lo LIe IuLesL rounds oI gIobuI orgunIzIng, Irom
LIe WorId Trude OrgunIzuLIon ucLIons |1| oI 1qqq, puL LogeLIer by emuII und epocIuI
In LIeIr ImpucL, Lo LIe Arub SprIng, wIIcI used emuII, ceII pIones, ucebook, TwILLer,
und oLIer meuns, Lo Occupy WuII SLreeL. TIe LecInoIogIes ure doubIe-edged: popuIIsL
neLworks Ior creuLIng gIobuI resIsLunce ure vuInerubIe Lo surveIIIunce; cIussIIIed reums
oI duLu ure breucIubIe by InIormuLIon suved Lo LIumb drIves or burned onLo CDs by
wIIsLIebIowers und Iuckers. TIey cun spy In prIvuLe; we cun orgunIze In pubIIc, und
muybe LIe Lwo ucLIons ure Lrue opposILes.
MeunwIIIe LIere Is mussIve upIeuvuI In EgypL und In BruzII, und In recenL yeurs LIere
Iuve been popuIur rebeIIIons In muny purLs oI LIe Arub worId, Turkey, ceIund, Greece,
SpuIn, BrILuIn, CIIIe, und LIe U.S. ILseII wILI Occupy. TIe gIobe Is on IIre wILI popuIur
ouLruge, wILI Iury over economIc InjusLIce und, umong oLIer LIIngs, cIImuLe cIunge
spurred by LIe proIILs u Iew ure pIIIng up |16| Lo LIe deLrImenL oI LIe resL oI us,
generuLIons Lo come, oLIer specIes, und LIe pIuneL ILseII. L seems LIuL, surveIIIunce or
noL, peopIe ure noL ubouL Lo go quIeLIy InLo LIe nIneLeenLI cenLury or uccepL LIe devII`s
burguIns oI LIe LwenLy-IIrsL eILIer.
Prometheos und Being Borned
LIInk oI u mun even younger LIun you, Edwurd Snowden, wIo unIIke you ucLed
wILIouL knowIng wIuL Ie dId: z6-yeur-oId MoIummed BouuzIzI |1;|, wIose December
zo1o seII-ImmoIuLIon Lo proLesL IIs IumIIIuLIon und IopeIessness LrIggered wIuL
becume LIe sLIII-bIoomIng, sLIII-burnIng Arub SprIng. SomeLImes one person cIunges
LIe worId. TIIs sIouId muke mosL oI us IopeIuI und some oI LIem IeurIuI, becuuse wIuL
um uIso suyIng Is LIuL we now IIve In u worId oI us und LIem, u bInury worId. L`s noL
LIe oId worId oI cupILuIIsm versus communIsm, buL oI LIe bIg versus LIe IILLIe, oI
oIIgurcIy versus democrucy, oI IIerurcIIes versus swurms, oI corporuLIons versus
pubIIc InLeresL und cIvII socIeLy.
L seems neurIy worIdwIde now, wIIcI Is wIy revoILs uII over LIe pIuneL Iuve so mucI In
common LIese duys, wIy Occupy ucLIvIsLs IusL monLI IeId up sIgns In New York`s
IberLy PIuzu In soIIdurILy wILI LIe uprIsIng In TuksIm Squure In Turkey; wIy Arub
SprIng ucLIvIsLs pIoned In pIzzu orders |18| Lo LIe uprIsIng In WIsconsIn In eurIy zo11;
wIy Occupy spreud uround LIe worId, und Greek InsurrecLIonurIes Ieurned Irom LIe
successes oI ArgenLInu In LIe Iuce oI uusLerILy und economIc coIIupse. We know our IuLe
Is common und LIuL we IIve IL ouL LogeLIer und cIunge IL LogeLIer, onIy LogeLIer.
TIere were rumbIIngs LIuL you Iud deIecLed, or wouId deIecL, Lo CIInu or RussIu, buL
you Iud uIreudy deIecLed wIen we becume uwure oI your exIsLence: you Iud deIecLed
Irom LIem Lo us, usIng LIe power you Iud guIned deep wILIIn LIe boweIs oI LIeIr
InIernuI mucIInes Lo empower us. WIuL wIII we do wILI wIuL you`ve LuugIL us? TIuL`s
up Lo us, buL Ior unyone wIo LIInks wIuL you dId wus noL LIreuLenIng Lo LIose In
power, jusL Iook uL Iow IurIous, Iow upseL, Iow nuked our emperors now ure.
And you, PromeLIeus, you sLoIe LIeIr IIre, und you know IL. You suId |1q|, "BeIng cuIIed
u LruILor by DIck CIeney Is LIe IIgIesL Ionor you cun gIve un AmerIcun, und LIe more
punIcked LuIk we Ieur Irom peopIe IIke IIm, |SenuLor DIunne| eInsLeIn, und
|Congressmun PeLer| KIng, LIe beLLer oII we uII ure. I LIey Iud LuugIL u cIuss on Iow Lo
be LIe kInd oI cILIzen DIck CIeney worrIes ubouL, wouId Iuve IInIsIed IIgI scIooI."
Someduy you muy be regurded us u MundeIu oI sorLs Ior LIe InIormuLIon uge, or
perIups u JoIn Brown, someone wIo reIused Lo IIL In, Lo bow down, Lo muke u sysLem
work LIuL sIouIdn`L work, LIuL sIouId expIode. And perIups we`re wuLcIIng IL expIode.
TIe muLcI Is sucrIIIced Lo sLurL LIe IIre. So muybe, Edwurd Snowden, you`re u sucrIIIce.
n LIe process, you`ve IIL u bonIIre ouL oI LIeIr secrecy und spyIng, u cuII Lo ucLIon.
Ieur Ior you, buL your gIIL gIves us Iope und your couruge, un exumpIe. Our IoyuILy
sIouId be Lo our IdeuIs, becuuse LIey ure u LIreuL Lo LIe secreL sysLem you`ve exposed,
becuuse we Iuve Lo cIoose beLween LIe Lwo. RIgIL now you embody LIuL LIreuL, jusL us
you embody LIose IdeuIs. or wIIcI um gruLeIuI, Ior wIIcI everyone wIo Is noL
embedded In LIuL sysLem sIouId be gruLeIuI.
Lile Educrd Snouden, Rebeccc Solnit hcs c GED, not c hih-school diplomc. She
lites in Silicon Vclle's shcdou |zo|, in c cit uhere billioncires rcce $:o million
cchts cnd custerit is closin the communit collee. Her neuest bool is TIe
uruwuy Neurby |z1|.
CopyrIgIL zo1 Rebeccu SoInIL

1. ILLp:JJwww.beLIeIIIbrury.orgJudmInJpoI_uIupuLrL.ILm
z. ILLps:JJwww.commondreums.orgJIeudIIneJzo1Jo6J1;-1
. ILLp:JJwww.npr.orgJbIogsJLIeLwo-wuyJzo1Jo;J1zJzo1qq6oJsnowden-Lo-meeL-
q. ILLp:JJwww.nowLopIuns.comJ
;. ILLp:JJwww.Iorbes.comJsILesJkusImIrIIIIJzo1Jo6J1;Jedwurd-snowden-sIngIe-
11. ILLp:JJubcnews.go.comJnLernuLIonuIJwIreSLoryJboIIvIus-moruIes-urrIves-Iome-
1z. ILLp:JJnews.InvesLors.comJbIogs-cupILuI-IIIIJo;o1-66zq-urgenLIne-presIdenL-
1q. ILLp:JJwww.LomdIspuLcI.comJposLJ1;;1;J
1. ILLp:JJwww.IndypendenL.orgJzo11J1zJoJseuLLIe-wLo-sIuLdown-%Ez%8o%qqqq-
16. ILLp:JJwww.LomdIspuLcI.comJposLJ1;;oJengeIIurdL_LerrucIde
1;. ILLp:JJwww.LomdIspuLcI.comJbIogJ1;qJ
18. ILLp:JJwww.LomdIspuLcI.comJbIogJ1;6oJundy_kroII_cuIro_In_wIsconsIn
z1. ILLp:JJwww.umuzon.comJdpJo6;oozq68JreI=nosImJ?Lug=LomdIspuLcI-zo

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