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Zeal without knowledge is fire without light.

The way of knowledge is superior to the way of action.

Creativity is not a substitute for competence.

Those who wish to appear wise among fools, among the wise seem foolish. Error is not a fault of our knowledge but a mistake of our judgment giving assent to that which is not true. Action is power and its highest manifestation is when it is directed by knowledge.

Be more concerned by what God thinks of you than what other people thinks of you.
. A superior man is modest in his speech, but exceeds in his actions

It is easier to fight for one's principles than to live up to them. The best way to succeed in life is to act on the advice we give to others.
Tis virtue, and not birth, that makes us noble; Great actions speak great minds, and such should govern. If you would pass for more than your value, say little. It is easier to look wise than to talk wisely. If you would pass for more than your value, say little. It is easier to look wise than to talk wisely. Talking much is a sign of vanity, for the one who is lavish with words is cheap in deeds. The more ideas a man has, the fewer words he takes to express them. Wise men do not talk to kill time, they talk to save it. In prayer it is better to have a heart without words than words without a heart.

Words are like leaves, and where they most abound, Much fruit of sense beneath is rarely found

It's discouraging to think how many people are shocked by honesty and how few by deceit.
Action is power and its highest manifestation is when it is directed by knowledge

It's good to be a Christian and know it, but it's better to be one and show it.
Man sees your action, but God your motives

God chooses what we go through, we choose how we go through it. We can't direct the wind but we can adjust the sails. People may doubt what you say, but they will always believe what you do. You prove your worth by your actions not your mouth.
The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge. One thing you can't hide - is when you're crippled inside. He who stands for nothing will fall for anything. w

Whatever happens, do not lose hold of the two main ropes of life hope and faith. For I can do ALL things through Christ who gives me strength. Philippians 4:13.

There will never be another now. I will make the most of today. There will never be another me. I will make the most of myself. The only way to reach your long-range goals is through achieving your short-range objectives The happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts: therefore, guard accordingly, and take care that you entertain no notions unsuitable to virtue and reasonable nature. Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless.

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.
If you can be deceived, you can be conquered.
We are continually faced with a series of great opportunities brilliantly disguised as insoluble problems

Speak little and well, if you would be esteemed as a man of merit.

The whole worth of a kind deed lies in the love that inspires it.

Too many people overvalue what they are not and undervalue what they are.
As long as one keeps searching, the answers come.

A man may do an immense deal of good, if he does not care who gets the credit for it.
Your happiness and sadness are products of your choices.

The wise make their own decisions.

The ignorant follow public opinion.

Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind. Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit; Wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad. "Sometimes one creates a dynamic impression by saying something, and sometimes one creates as significant an impression by remaining silent." "By three methods we may learn wisdom: First, by reflection, which is noblest; Second, by imitation, which is easiest; and third by experience, which is the bitterest." " light travels faster than sound , that is why some people may appear bright until we hear them speak " Running away from the problem only increases the distance from the solution. "Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently."

Cowards have dreams; brave men have visions. One who has travelled the road knows where the holes are deep. If the wind blows from one direction, a tree will grow inclined. The thoughtful never need words to show sincerity. One who knows the most will speak the last.

The most rewarding things you do in life are often the ones that look like they cannot be done Kindness is more important than wisdom, and the recognition of this is the beginning of wisdom. Leadership is the capacity to translate vision into reality. When defeat comes, accept it as a signal that your plans are not sound, rebuild those plans, and set sail once more toward your coveted goal.
The only complete mistake is the mistake from which we

learn nothing.

If you encounter difficulty, don't change your decision to go, just change the direction to get there.
Change is difficult but often essential to survival.

Remember not only to say the right thing in the right place, but far more difficult still, to leave unsaid the wrong thing at the tempting moment.
A person who is going to commit an inhuman act invariably excuses himself by saying, I am only human, after all.

The state of your life is nothing more than a reflection of your state of mind.
The greatest mistake we make is living in constant fear that we will make one.

You must be the change you wish to see in the world.

Your talent is Gods gift to you. What you do with it is your gift back to God. Each of us tends to think we see things as they are, that we are objective. But this is not the case. We see the world, not as it is, but as we areor as we are conditioned to see it.

Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.
It is far more impressive when others discover your good qualities without your help.

I find I'm luckier when I work harder.

You can preach a better sermon with your life than with your lips.
Leadership is not something you do to people. Its something you do with people. You shouldn't gloat about anything you've done; you ought to keep going and find something better to do. A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way.

Acceptance of what has happened is the first step to overcoming the consequences of any misfortune.
Nobody stands taller than those willing to stand corrected.

We're still not where we're going, but we're not where we were
Whatever we refuse to recognize about ourselves has a way of rearing its head and making itself known when we least expect it.

An ant on the move does more than a dozing ox.

Fear God and work hard.

It's a job that's never started that takes the longest to finish. Our work is the presentation of our capabilities.
Pleasure in the job put perfection in the work

The secret of joy in work is contained in one word - excellence. To know how to do something well is to enjoy it. You give but little when you give of your possessions. It is when you give of yourself that you truly give.

You dont have to be great to start but you have to start to be great.
Nobody cares how much you know until they know how much you care.

Forget about all the reasons why something may not work. You only need to find one good reason why it will. We must all suffer one of two things: the pain of discipline or the pain of regret The tragedy is that so many people look for self confidence and self respect everywhere except within themselves, and so they fail in their search. You dont have to see the whole staircase, just take first step. Knowledge speaks, but wisdom listens.
Let us resolve to be masters, not the victims, of our history, controlling our own destiny without giving way to blind suspicions and emotions.
Seek always for the answer within. Be not influenced by those around you, by their thoughts or their words

Suspicions that the mind, of itself, gathers, are but buzzes; but suspicions that are artificially nourished and put into men's heads by the tales and whisperings of others, have stings.

Neither is repentance a one-time act. It is a lifestyle, an ongoing commitment to keep putting aside our rebellion and receive Gods forgive-ness.
Do what you can with what yow have where you are.
Be careful the environment you choose for it will shape you; be careful the friends you choose for you will become like them.

There is no one giant step that does it. It's a lot of little steps." A person is either the effect of his environment or is able to have an effect upon his environment.
You will live your life secure in that you are no longer manipulated by what other people want you to do and be, but are directed by your own inner desires. Do not judge by appearances; a rich heart may be under a poor coat.

If God had wanted us to talk more than listen, He would have given us two mouths rather than two ears.
If the freedom of speech is taken away then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter.

The gem cannot be polished without friction, nor man perfected without trials."
Don't speak evil of someone if you don't know for certain, and if you do know ask yourself, why am I telling it?

He who walks in another's tracks leaves no footprints.

The humblest individual exerts some influence, either for good or evil, upon others.

If we resist change, well fail. If we accept change, well survive and if we create change, well succeed.

Discipline is the foundation upon which all success is built. Lack of discipline inevitably leads to failure.

You can preach a better sermon with your life than with your lips.
There is a condition worse than blindness, and that is thinking you see something that isnt there. If you wish to know the mind of a man, listen to his words. Practice makes perfect. Do not wait; the time will never be just right. Start where you stand, and work with whatever tools you may have at your command, and better tools will be found as you go along.
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life
It is not the quantity but the quality of knowledge which determines the mind's dignity. People have been known to achieve more as a result of working with others than against them. There can only be one state of mind as you approach any profound test; total concentration, a spirit of togetherness, and strength. Take the attitude of a student, Never be to big to ask questions, Never know to much to learn something new. To offer a man unsolicited advice is to presume that he doesn't know what to do or that he can't do it on his own.

A positive mental attitude is an irresistible force that knows no such thing as an immovable body.
If you stand straight, do not fear a crooked shadow.

Be more concerned with your character than with your reputation. Your character is what you really are while your reputation is merely what others think you are Every human being is intended to have a character of his own; to be what no others are, and to do what no other can do.

The only people who never fail are those who never try.
Real obstacles dont take you in circles. They can be overcome. Invented ones are like a maze.
To judge a man's character by only one of its manifestations is like judging the sea by a jugful of its water.

To be a winner, all you have to give is all you have. Accept the past for what it was. Acknowledge the present for what it is. Anticipate the future for what it can become.

When we cannot find contentment in ourselves, it is useless to seek it elsewhere. We like to judge others, but we do not like to be judged ourselves.

It is easier to be wise for others than for ourselves Those who spend too much time on trifling things generally become incapable of great ones. True eloquence consists in saying all that is necessary, and nothing but what is necessary

The successful men of action are not sufficiently self-observant to know exactly on what their success depends.

Instill the love of you into all the world, for a good character is what is remembered.

Nothing is interesting if you're not interested

"It is in the small decisions you and I make every day that create our destiny."

The great end of life is not knowledge but action.

"Your imagination is your preview of life's coming attractions."

The people and circumstances around me do not MAKE me what I am, they REVEAL who I am. Do not fear going forward slowly; fear only to stand still. Anytime there is change, there is opportunity. We cannot become what we want to be by remaining what we are. Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.
"The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today."
Do not underestimate the determination of a quiet man. Let no one underestimate the need of pity. We live in a stony universe whose hard, brilliant forces rage fiercely.

The person who sends out positive thoughts activates the world around him positively and draws back to himself positive results.
A good beginning makes a good ending. A goal without a deadline is only a wish. A gem cannot be polished without friction, nor a man perfected without trials. A full bottle makes no sound; a half-bottle sloshes around.

Someone sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago.
A book gives knowledge, but it is life that gives understanding A bitter word comes from a bitter heart. A biting dog does not bark. A bad workman always blames his tools.

Two hands should be twice as busy as one tongue.

You are the only problem you will ever have and you are the only solution. Change is inevitable, personal development is always a personal decision.
One who is tripped by the foot can get up again. One who is tripped by the tongue may not. One becomes double-minded from suspicion and guilt. The one who snores the loudest will fall asleep first
There are two primary choices in life: to accept conditions as they exist, or accept the responsibility for changing them.

Little persons try to be perfect, while great ones do not know they are great. He who speaks without modesty will not keep his promises.

Opportunity multiply as they are seized.

The highest reward for man's toil is not what he gets for it, but what he becomes by it.

Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.
The whole secret of a successful life is to find out what is one's destiny to do, and then do it.

Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go. You will never possess what you are unwilling to pursue. Everything that is happening at this moment is a result of the choices you've made in the past.

What the mind of man can conceive and believe, the mind of man can achieve. To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment. Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail. The man who trims himself to suit everybody will soon whittle himself away.

Man's mind, once stretched by a new idea, never regains its original dimensions. They can because they think they can. It is hard to fail, but it is worse never to have tried to succeed.

We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit. Our greatest glory is not in never failing but in rising up every time we fail

An essential aspect of creativity is not being afraid to fail.

Never mistake motion for action.

To the weak, difficulty is a closed door. To the strong, however, it is a door waiting to be opened

Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do. John Wooden
Arriving at one point is the starting point to another. A little knowledge that acts is worth infinitely more than much knowledge that is idle.

It usually takes a long time to find a shorter way. So many of life's conflicts find their origin and cause in envy. Envy ruins and destroys people's hearts. Those who are always complaining about their circumstances find that success continually eludes them. Life is best lived by being bold and daring. The quality of an organization can never exceed the quality of the minds that make it up. Ultimately, our battle is with ourselves. A pyramid isn't built from the top down. The apex is attained only by laying strong foundation stones, one by one.

The great end of life is not knowledge but action.

Happy are those who dream dreams and are ready to pay the price to make them come true.

Resolve to be thyself; and know, that he who finds himself, loses his misery.
In this world man must either be anvil or hammer.

The key to leadership today is influence, not authority.

If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader. He who has never learned to obey cannot be a good commander. He who has learned how to obey will know how to command.
The true way to render ourselves happy is to love our work and find in it our pleasure.

What we would like to stay the same is changing and what we would like to change insists on staying the same
How we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives.

Never trouble another for what you can do yourself.

A thought which does not result in an action is nothing much, and an action which does not proceed from a thought is nothing at all. Good thoughts are no better than good dreams, unless they be executed.

I think; therefore I am.

"." ~ Sir James Dewar "A house divided against itself cannot stand."

If you want a thing done well, do it yourself.

Control your own destiny or someone else will.
Nothing endures but change. All jobs are easy to the person who doesn't have to do them.
There are those who dream and wish and there are those who dream and work. Consult not your fears but your hopes and your dreams. Think not about your frustrations, but about your unfulfilled potential. Concern yourself not with what you tried and failed in, but with what it is still possible for you to do. You will never possess what you are unwilling to pursue.

You are born an original. Dont die a copy.

Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go.

The highest reward for man's toil is not what he gets for it, but what he becomes by it.
Genius is 1 per cent inspiration and 99 per cent perspiration.

Unless there is opposing wind, a kite cannot rise.

Smooth seas do not make skilful sailors.

We will either find a way, or make one!


What ever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve. Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you'll land among the stars. There are no short cuts to any place worth going.

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