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Aurora A. Quezon Elementary School English VI Language Long Quiz # 1 Name: _________________________________ Date: _______________________ Section: ______________________ A.

Directions: Listen as the teacher says each sentence. Pay attention to the word that is emphasized and identify the meaning. 1. Regines rise as a singer was phenomenal. a. not ordinary but phenomenal b. not a doctor but a singer 2. Lito won in the regional division of the On the Spot Painting Contest. a. not the local but the regional b. not writing but painting 3. My uncle serves as a consultant in a publishing house. a. not an author but a consultant b. not a law firm but a publishing house 4. For years, Mr. Andres studied faces of people. a. not for a day but for years b. not nature but face of the people 5. During his exhibit, his admirers requested for his autographs. a. not his family but his admirers b. not his photographs but his autographs B. Directions: Listen as the teacher says the sentence stressing on the right word. Identify the meaning by writing the correct letter on the blank. 6. The (e) little (a) girl with the (b) red ribbon (c) on her hair (d) is a scholar. a. the girl not the boy b. the red ribbon not the blue one c. on her hair not on her shoes d. is a scholar not a professional e. the little girl not the big girl Directions: Listen as the teacher says each sentence. Pay attention to the word that is emphasized and identify the meaning. Encircle the letter of the correct answer. 7. Veteran actors perform very well even without practice. a. Veteran actors not just new actors b. Very well not just good 8. Both Riza and Rhoda have badminton practice once a week. a. Not every day but once a week b. Badminton not bowling 9. The pupils were given lessons on personal hygiene. a. On personal hygiene not clinical hygiene b. The pupils not the teachers 10. The government is doing commendable work for the poor citizens. a. Commendable Work not Honorable Work b. The government not the private sector

11. Everybody does some chores around the house daily. a. Everybody not all b. Around the house not on the ground Directions: Listen as the teacher says the sentence stressing on the right word. Identify the meaning by writing the correct letter. 12. Few students come to class unprepared for a big test. a. To class not to a party b. Unprepared not well-prepared c. Students not soldiers d. Big test not a small show e. Few students not all students Directions: In the box below are expressions used in club meetings. Which of these is appropriate for each situation presented? Write your answers on the blanks. The meeting will now come to order. The minutes of the meeting. Mr. President or Mr. Chairman I suggest that ... I move that this meeting will be adjourned.

13. The secretary reads the minutes. ____________________________ 14. To close the meeting if there is no other business. _______________________ 15. The meeting is formally opened. ________________________ 16. To put something forward for discussion or decision. ________________________ 17. A way of addressing the president. ____________________________ C. Underline the simple subject and draw a box around the simple predicate. 18. Daniel can come with us to the movie. 19. Li is my best friend. 20. The moon is shining bright. 21. Cassia is writing a letter. 22. Dinner will be ready in fifteen minutes. 23. The firemen are extinguishing the fire. 24. We went to lunch with Amar and his friend today. 25. Juan and Julian worked so hard on their project. 26. A large number of swimmers competed in the race this year. 27. The tired old man came in from the rain. Encircle the complete subject and underline the complete predicate. 28. The farmers are plowing the field. 29. Billy Reynolds is an amazing baseball player. 30. The storm clouds are getting darker. 31. The stern judge ruled that the defendant was not guilty. 32. Only I am able to know what I am thinking. 33. All of the townspeople ran from the burning building. 34. His broken leg will heal in three months. 35. The saber toothed tiger is a good example of an extinct predator.

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