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altercation (/ lt r ken/ The teacher halted the altercation by separating the two opponents before they could come

to blows.) antagonize (/n'tgnaiz/ The official antagonized the leader of his own party by accusing him of cowardice.) cleavage ( / klivd/ Our party hopes to repair the cleavage in its ranks so that it may present a united front in the coming elections.) discord (/'disk / Billy Budd put an end to the discord aboard the RIGHT-OF-MAN. He was an excellent peacemaker.) discrepancy (/dis'krepnsi/ Eighty students came to the dance but only seventy-four tickets were collected at the door. Can you account for this discrepancy?) embroiled (/ mbr ld/ Motorists who disregard traffic regulations eventually become embroiled with law.)

Noisy, angry dispute; quarrel; wrangle Make an enemy of; arouse the hostility of Split; division

Disagreement; conflict; dissension(dsenn); strife (straf)

Difference; disagreement; variation; inconsistency involved in a difficult situation

Turn (someone) from affection to dislike or enmity; make unfriendly; separate, alienate (/e.linet/) Conflict of ideas between persons or parties of opposing views; disagreement

estrange (/is'treind/ A quarrel over an inheritance estranges the brothers for many years.)
friction (/'frikn/ At the budget hearing, there was considerable friction between the supporters and the opponents of higher taxes.) irreconcilable (/i'rek nsailbl/ It is doubtful whether anyone can make peace between the estranged partners; they have become irreconcilable. ) litigation (/ lt en/ Some business disputes can be settled out of court; others require litigation)

Unable to be brought into friendly accord or understanding; hostile beyond the possibility of reconciliation; not reconcilable

Lawsuit; act or process of carrying on a lawsuit ( v kin)

at odds ( with) (She continued to find herself at odds with the chairman. )
at variation (/t'verins/ Cynthia is an independent thinker. Her opinions are often at variance with those of the rest of the class.) wrangle (/ r.l/ When I left, two neighbors were quarreling noisily. When I returned an hour later, they were still wrangling.)

disagreeing with someone

In disagreement; at odds

Quarrel noisily; dispute angrily; brawl (brl); bicker ( bk.r)

an argument, especially one about something unimportant between people who know each other well

quarrel (/kwrl/ We had the usual family quarrel about who should take the dog out.)

enmity ( /enmti/ the enmity between the two communities)

deep hatred

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