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Readiness For Co-Teaching PD Facilitators Guide To Accompany the Co-Teaching Podcasts Setting the Context: Establish why is this

content needed? Example: An achievement gap exists for diverse learners in your school. Co-teaching was identified as a high leverage strategy for closing the gap. As co-teachers you will be expected to collaboratively plan lessons and teach a subject together to a class of special and regular education students. Your co-teaching will support academic diversity and provide all students access to the curriculum. Are you wondering how you can co-teach effectively to make the experience successful for you, your partner and/or your students? Outcome(s): (Specify what the participants will learn from this or be able to do as a result of their participation.) Example: 1. Participants will develop a general understanding of how to prepare for a successful coteaching experience. 2. Participants will identify the 6 steps to successful co-teaching and discuss how they will address each of these in planning for their roles and responsibilities as co-teaching partners. 3. Participants will engage in a dialogue regarding their readiness or preparations needed to co-teach. Audience(s): Novice or Developing Co-Teaching Team Administrators Seeking Information New Faculty Time: 6 minutes to view podcasts; 15-30 minutes for related activities Materials/Equipment needed: Appropriate handouts, LCD and computer with internet connection Preparation: (What materials Procedures Access to the podcast

This document was developed and produced by the Maryland State Department of Education, Division of Special Education/Early Intervention Services (June 2011) with funds from the [U.S. Department of Education, Grant # H323A07000-10].

or resources need to be gathered/developed?) Opening/warm up:

KWL Chart Rating Scale or Roles and Responsibilities Checklist, Open Ended Questions, or Preliminary questions regarding classroom instructional and procedural preferences Complete a KWL chart before viewing the podcast to identify what it takes to have a successful co-teaching experience and/or Answer Open-Ended questions regarding classroom instruction and procedural preferences including (teaching style, strengths and weaknesses, philosophy of teaching, procedures such as grading, seating, classroom rules, behavioral expectations and rules etc.) 1. Watch the podcast-working through the KWL-discussion-before, during, and after viewing the podcast 2. Discuss your preferences with a potential co-teaching partner 3. Discuss the 6 steps to Successful Co-Teaching and how you and your partner will take time to address each step and incorporate necessary planning and communication into your practice (1. Establish rapport, 2. Identify your teaching styles and use them to create a cohesive classroom, 3. Discuss your strengths and weaknesses, 4. Discuss Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) and the MD State Common Core Curriculum standards and frameworks, 5. Formulate a plan of action and act as a unified team, and 6. Take risks and grow professionally together (available from the National Education Association at 4. Reflect-What are the benefits of co-teaching? 5. Complete a roles and responsibilities checklist to discuss and develop a mutually agreed upon plan for sharing classroom roles and responsibilities. 6. Develop a shared vision and goals for your co-teaching. 7. How will you measure the success of your co-teaching goals? Reflect: What are our next steps? Do we agree upon what co-teaching looks like? Create a plan based upon your next steps and co-teaching goals. Set up a time with an administrator or mentor to reflect and receive feedback on implementation of the established plan.

Process/Activities: [that lead to the outcome(s)]

Closure: Evaluation: Follow-up:

This document was developed and produced by the Maryland State Department of Education, Division of Special Education/Early Intervention Services (June 2011) with funds from the [U.S. Department of Education, Grant # H323A07000-10].

Establish a year-long planning schedule that includes long-range and weekly planning. Be sure to include planned times to reflect together on how you are developing your relationship as well as your instructional practices.

This document was developed and produced by the Maryland State Department of Education, Division of Special Education/Early Intervention Services (June 2011) with funds from the [U.S. Department of Education, Grant # H323A07000-10].

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