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Occurrence and Prevention of Defects

The following list provides explanations for possible unfavourable phenomena when welding steels and presents measures to prevent these defects. Basically speaking most of the phenomena listed can be reduced by optimising the chemical composition of steel and filler metal. The list is not ranked according to the importance of the defects described. Defects and Causes hydrogen-induced cracks
During welding atomic hydrogen diffuses into the weld metal and into the heat-affected zone. During and after cooling this may lead to crack formation especially in areas of higher internal stresses and high dislocation density (e.g. at grain boundaries in martensite). Use filler metals that lead to a very low hydrogen content in the weld metal. Re-dry the filler metal. Prevent the application of high stress. Preheat the joint. Use low-hydrogen postweld annealing. Reduce hardness increases in the weld metal and the heat-affected zone.


ductility too low

Generally speaking the ductility of specific parts of the heat-affected zone compared with the base metal is adversely affected by coarse grain formation or hardness increase. Select the optimum welding temperature cycle.

solidification cracks
Solidification cracks are mainly linked with trace elements such as sulphur and phosphorous. These may be precipitated in the centre of the bead during solidification. They are the result of the formation of low fusion films around the grain boundaries. These films reduce the deformability of the weld metal and longitudinal cracks may form due to shrinkage stresses on solidification of the weld metal. Modify the welding parameters so that the individual beads become broader and flatter, i.e. reduce the depth to width ratio of a bead. Reduce dilution with the base metal. Reduce the welding speed. Note: solidification cracks rarely occur in steels with low proportions of sulphur and phosphorous.

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Defects and Causes terrace fractures

If no special measures are taken during steel production, it is possible for the ductility of flat products or sections to be distinctly smaller in the direction of thickness than in the longitudinal direction. This is determined by the presence of nonmetallic inclusions that are elongated by rolling. Shrinkage stresses in the weld metal that act in the direction of thickness may be the reason why these inclusions open up and as a result fractures occur parallel to the surface of the sheet metal. Highly stressed tee butt welds and cross butt welds have a tendency towards this.


Use steels with specified properties in the thickness Avoid sensitive arrangements of welds. Optimise the sequence of weld beads Use filler metal with the lowest permissible strength.

cracks due to stress-relieve annealing

Carbide or nitride precipitations may occur during stress-relief annealing if the stress-relief annealing and/or the steel composition are unfavourable. This may reduce the steels deformability to such an extent that the stress reduction leads not only to plastic deformations but also to the formation of cracks. Reduce the stress concentration by grinding the bead transitions. Reduce the proportion of coarse-grain in the heataffected zone by a correct sequence of weld beads. Use an optimum procedure for heat treatment.

corrosion general attack

Differences in the chemical composition, grain size and degree of stress between the weld and the base metal may lead to different rates of corrosion. In most cases the weld and the heat-affected zone are attacked in preference. Choose a suitable filler metal (sometimes with higher alloy than the base metal) Reduce residual welding stresses Proper dressing of welds (e.g. pickling). a

stress corrosion cracks

A critical combination of stress, microstructure and surrounding medium may lead to this form of corrosion as a result of which all three influencing factors must always be present at the same time. Prevent stress concentrations. Reduce stress in all welds.

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