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"T/^A ?
^ 77

Doug and Gerl Ufcbanhowar

Box 59

Ghiengmal, Thailand

Spreading the Gospel through Bible and Agricultural Education.


As repoiH^ed in the last newsletter, four of us were planni: ~ a trip to Rangoon, Burma, as part of a three team

teaching mission in November. Although Paul Fuller could not "go as originally planned, David Burnette, Tim Viner
and Twent as the fir-st team to teach and encourage church
leaders from Northern Burma. These church elders repre sent- thousands of dedicated Christians ,of the brother

hood who cannot be reached by foreign missionaries today.

The churches in the North chose fourteen men to come to

V.i^-igoon f-orM^hethree conseeutive-weeks of intensive Bible t-'di'-ning. Then they returned home to teach ^d train
GftOUNO /W S.E. ^5\^

They v;ill use the material further ex-*

tend the Lord^s church and win souls to Jesus Christ. Each

team spc;::it oeven d^s in Rangoon (the maximum time allowed by the government) not only sharing with others but also
learning ourselves.' It truly was a spiritual blessing
for nie to take part in such a program as this. I know God will cause growth from the material shared.

Eugene and Lydio Johnson

RFD 1 Box 145

Ciotks Hili, tndiona 47930

Not only did we have time scheduled to teach those from the North, but we also had

oppoH-unity to teach college students for the nearby Rangoon University. David Burnette led a very popular course on "Science and the Bible." Several indicated their interest
in becoming Christians. Please pr^ for these young men and women who will be future leaders of that countiyj that they might find the true Lord and Saviour arid turn aw^
from Buddhism.

I also had the invitation to teach tvjo evening sessions in an independent Baptist

c^wrch. I was thrilled to go and be welcomed by over 250 people on a Wednesday night Bible stui3y. Then Thursday night I led a special meeting to approximately thirty young people. What a wonderful opportunity to teach Nevr Testament Christianity to people
who are so hungry for the Word!

The seven days passed by all too quickly and it was soon time to return to

Bangkok. But I thank the Lord for letting ir.e take part in the concentrated teaching effort by the three teams that went. Please be praying for the Church in Burma, both
in the North and in Rangoon, the capital city of that country.

Translated into English from Thai, "Baan f^e" means before my teaching trip to Burma, we were fortunate to find a house with a telephone and much more space.
Because the rent is the same as we were paying

a new house.


for the previous house, we thought it best if we

moved. To celebrate we invited all the missionary


families in Chiangmai for a traditional Thanksgiving meal. Even with forty-eight people we still had plenty of room. We thank God for a much nicer home.




Although it seems we just left the States, it will sonn have be^n three years that we will have lived in Chiangmai. We are planning to be home on furlough the last of June, After attending the North American Christian Convention in Cincinnati we will be available for speaking dates through July 197^. We hope to visit all our
supporting churches within the first three months after returning home. Churches wishing to set dates should contact Mrs, Eugene Johnson, our forwarding agent, AS SOON AFTER FEBRUARY 15 as possible. Her address: R. 1, Box 145> Clarks Hill, In. 47930. Telephone: 317-523-2246.

Cn December 12, after two long years of Thai language study, I took and passed the Thai government language test.:...Although it is only fourth grade level, it gives those who passft permission to teach in Thai public schools. This will be very useful in the-future as our Bible Institute grows by the government. Beverly
Kalnin and Paul Fuller also passed the same test at the same time, and Cris Fuller was
successful six months ago.

Of course, *this doesn't mean the study is over, but it does represent a .major
hurdle in learning a language and being able to communicate the Gospel in another


Now all the *stu(fy time can be devoted to Bible vocabulary, preaching, and
Please continue to pray for^ us as we now use the language in a continued stucfy*

learning to pray. We thiik God for guiding us thus far through many hours of difficult
of,God's VIorvi.

Geri and I wish each of you a very Happy New Year. We are looking forward to visiting with each of you in this new year, sharing with you our three years in Chiangmai arid also learning how the Lord has blessed you and your fami]^. As always we thank God for
yoiir concern for. the work in S. E, Asia.

In Christian love,
Your missionaries to Thailand,

ss/ Doug, Geri, Charlie," Eric and Bradly


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: Permit #1 . Clarks Hill, In.




CLARKS HILL, IN. John F. Buckley, Minister Douglas Umbanhowar,- Missionary


^0 '




bnsIxsflT od- TjnsnpxsaxM ^isworinedmU guoQ

Doug and Geri Ufcbanhowar Box 59 Chiengnai, Thailand


Spreading *he Gospel through ftulfc and Agricultural Education


in just few more short weeks we will end our ^iist term in Thailand. We will leave Bangkok
juno iS'bh and arrive in Chicago on June 25. With

planned stopovers in Manila and Honolulu, it will

give us a chance to catch up on the time change (twelve hoars difference between Michigan .and Thailand). Moreover it v/ill provide us with the opportunity to visit and get acquainted with our
follow brothers in Christ in their respective

mi&sion fields.

After spending one week in

Michigar. with family we wi3.1 travel to Cincinnati

S.E. fc5\K

to attend the North American Christian Convention. We hope to see you there.

Eugene and Lydio Johnson

Clofks Hill, Indlona 47930

RFD 1 Box 145

As with every missionaiy vjho arrived in Thailand -after the mid 60*s,
obt^ning a visa of any length of time to stay and work in the

country has been difficult. We were hoping that we would not have
to leave the countiy before VeW/e'rei to'return to the States. ":Hov7-

to once again visit Burma where I had taught last November. On April 1 I left Baiigkok' by plane to fulfill Thai law, but at the same time use the trip to Clod's gloiy. We were
thankful that Geri and children did not have to leave this time.

ever, on March 25th I received a letter informing me my applica tion for extension of stsgr was rejected and I must leave the countiy. Rather than travel ing by train to Malaysia and then returning ti:e next day? I decided it would be better

Although I could only afford to spend three days in Rangoon before returning to Chiangmai, I found iryself extremely busy. Visiting friends, teaching and preaching on Sunday and encouraging the Christians to remain faithful to the Word was just part of the busy schedule. Also because Burmese Bibles cannot be purchased in the country, I took in
Bibles for the Christians. One young manj thirty-five years old, had wanted a Bible d3J. his life but could not obtain one. I left Burma with a deep sense of gratitude for bei^

able to go and use rriy time for the Lord in this tremendous way.

Even though the Christians

there do not have the conveniences we normally take for granted in our lives, the church

is growing daily and experiencing God's blessings.

God would surely open greater doors to ways of
mipistering to their spiritual needs.

Please continue to pray for those


there, not only that they would retain the re-uigious freedom they now enjoy, but that

Tim Viner, one of our fellow missionaries and a

teacher at the Bible Institute here has been re



cently working on completing a recording studio. South East Asia Evangelizing M:.ssion broadcasts


daily radio programs from Manila, Philippines, to

S. E. Asia. These programs are in three major

tribal languages of Burma, Korbh East India and China. But to improve quality as well as quantity, we are building our own recording studio so we will


not be dependent on another studio in town j^y having our own recording studio within easy access of the students, we intend to expand our radio evangelism.

About five years ago the mission purchased a valuable piece of property about 10 miles from Chiengmai. It is about 13 acres in size and although there are no building or im provements to date we see great potential in its use. Recently I have been looking into the details of developing it for a youth camp and a'small farm. With the profits

from the farm, money could be applied toward college student scholarships.


the. farm would be used as a teaching tool' to show the students better methods of agri culture. With, the development of the fa^m and the youth camp, which would be used

extensively for eaching Thai youth when school is on vacation, the property would be a
tremendous outreach for the work here.
would become available.

Please pray that the funds needed for developing

We continue to praise and thank God for your support. We sincerely appreciate and thank you for your concern for the work going on here in Asia, It is excitxng to see the work progressing dgQr by day and we realize it is through your prayers that we
are strengthened.

We^e looking forward to fellowshipping with you soon,

3h His Service,

Doug and Geri Umbanhowar May 24, 1977

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +



Ju!ly 2 Juily 5-9 July 10

Family Campus - Rock Lake, Mich. North American, Cincinnati, 0. Fellowship Christian Church - Cincinnati, 0.

Ju3y 11-16 July 20-27 Aug. 7-12

Aug. 13-14

Development Workshop - Wheaton, HI. Area churches in Delaware - Dogsboro., Del, MACSF Leadership School - St. Louis, Mo.
Blandsville, HI.

Aug. 16-27 Aug.,28 - . Sept- 4 Sept. 11

Christview Christian Church - Tdsa, Okla. Clay Center Christian Church - Clay Center, Neb. Bangor, Mich. First Church of Christ - Bluffton, In.

Sept.. 25
Oct. 6

University Christian Church - E. Lansing, Mich.

Geri - ilrea Ladies Meeting - MKempton, In.

Oct. S-9
Oct. l6 Oct. 23

Cl.arks Hill Christian Church, Clarks Hill, Iii,

Henderson Church of Christ ~ Henderson, Mich. First Christian Church - Anna, 111.



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Published by Clarks Hill Christian Church Clarks Hill, nhdiana 47930 '


John F. Buckley, Minister

Doug Umbanhowar, Missionary to Thailand

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