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Fenders Report

The Fenders

African Evangelism

Feb. tiar, 195^

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ:

Greetings to you in the name of Christ. We thank God for your continued prayers
and financial support.

It is hot and humid here except when it is raining. Until about 2 wks. ago it

seemed this yr. was going to be dryer than last, which was bad. A good part of the country will havo no crops to harvest this yr.. For some it is the third yr< in
succession. However, around here we have had much more than most places. If tho rar. stopped now there would bo some crops. If they continue another 2-3 wks. most in

tho area will raise enough maize to eat until next harvest. Recently rain has been
pretty wide spread, but i t is too late to help in many areas.

Our work continues to go well, but going out from the mission takos carofu], plan-ingr Last week-end I and two of our preachers went out for a meeting from Frj..

afternoon to Sunday after services. I had not been to this place before, but wo hao a good meeting nad on Sunday 10 people made their confession. One of tho prca-;hors is going back to baptize them and hopefully others. This congregation has no shel ter in which to meetc They have no leadership, qualified or otherwise. I vnll De going back as often as I can. In our area there are still two congregations iriooting, where I have not been. I have met with one of these at a place fairl;/ near the road. I hope to get to both places as soon as the rains stop or at least becomQ
loss frequent. Many of the streams are at flood stage and cannot bo crossed in a truck, and of course there are no bridges.

About throe wks^ ago the Riss family gave one of the workers a ride to his home about 12 miles away. It was evening, and a stream only 2-3 miles fr-om the rdssion was running over the road. Before they got back, not more than half an hr^^ it had raised too high to cross and they had to spend the night in their van on the; road. Bo.-7ore I run out of space I want to appeal for used clothing. With so many faced with poor crops or none at all and some for the third yr., many are doing their best just to get enough food to keep alive. They have no money for anything else, including clothing- This is not true of everyone, especially around the mission., but it is of some here and many, many further away who I have contact with.- In tho past 46 months tho amount of used clothing I have recoived has been much less than
before. I know it csts to mail clothing, so let me tell you briefly the kri.nd and

size needed. Women's drosses, any size, (no women's slacks or shorts, African womer

do not wear them) children's clothing for any age; men's shirts, sizes 14-. 14^ &.
15 15i* Also trousers, waist size up to and including 32 inches I havo larger
shirts and trousers which I mil be giving out and people will wear them even if they are much too largo. They can also use shoes.

Betty's Pre-School is going strong. She has 21 students and adding all tho time. Primary teachers have said they can tell a big difference in those in Pre-School. Pray for God's work and His Servants here in Zimbabwe,
In Christ,

Hugh and Betty


Between writing this and mailing it we have received boxes of clothing

from two churches. Thanks and God Bless#

Forwarding Agents:
Mr. & Mrs. John Gilliland R.R. 1 Box 596

Publicity Directors: Mr. & Mrs. Archie Gustafson

R.R. 1

Georgetown, Illinois 61846

Georgetown, Illinois 61846

Fenders Report

The Fenders

African Evangelism

April, Kay 1984

Dear Friends:

How quickly time passesT The last day of March was the 12th anniversary of our arrival in this country. It doesn't seem that long ago until we get to thinking of all that has happen^.

At first we knew only a very few people and they were fellow missionaries. Now when we go to the States on furlough many things there seem strange and we now know as many people over
here as we do there, Zimbabwe has become our home.

The church continues to grow. As in the U.S. not all congregations grow, either numerically or spiritually, at the same rate. In the past two months , two congregations among those I work with have suddenly started growing, at least in number. Since our return to Chidamoyo in 1981, these congregations have stayed about as we found them. But recently at one place

they have had 26 baptisms, at the other 19, The main reason for this at both places is better
and more constant preaching. One of my goals is an adaquately trained preacher for every congregation. Where' it is feasible one man may preach for more than one congregation. But those who preach will have had enough training to preach sermons that are true to the Bible and will catch and hold the interest of the people. Whether this goal will ever be reached
by me remains to be seen.

To help along this line I have been tiying to locate a trained preacher in one of the areas

furtherest from the mission, I found a man who is a graduate of our Bible College (some yrs,

ago) who has for some years been farming to make his living. But he has also been preaching
for one or two churches near his home. He agreed to move to this area if things could be

I then talked to the people of one of three congregations asking them if they wanted a preacher in their area. They did, very muchf I told them they would have to find a place where they could build him a home and where he would have a few acres for maize. That they should clear the land and plow it for him. They replied that land was scarce in the right area but but they would try to find some and that they would gladly do the other things I had mention ed, Without any pronpting on ncr part they said they wanted to pay his salary, but couldn't now. I agreed that because of two yrs, of drought they couldn't pay his salary now, so they asked how long I would be willing to pay him before they took over and I said two years. All
this was agreeable to them and me.

They began to hunt for land and had great difficulty finding a place but finally found 3 acres well located as far as the three churches are concerned. However, the man had to come
and talk to the authorities before the land could be allocated to him. He came and talked to

them. The land seemed good to him but the local authorities said he must transfer from where

his home is and has been for many years,, This would mean giving up the land he now has which is about 10 acres located near his parents, and accepting only three acres in this area new to him. This he would not agree to do. Neither I nor any of our preachers was with him at that
time, but since then I and the Hospital Chaplain have talked to authorities in this district

(Chidamoyo is in a different district than where he would be going) and they say since he is
going there primarily to preach it wouldn't be necessary for him to transfer. Please pray ab
out this. Often things move very slowly here, so it may not be settled before this letter
reaches you, Betty has 26 children in Pre-School and has decided that is all the facilities and teachers
can handle.

Pray for the people of Zimbabwe, Because of the drought most will be hungi^ and many will

starve. Pray that their souls may hunger after the Gospel and be fed by the Christians here,
on Gods word.

Because of Christ, Hugh and Betty

Field Address:

Forwarding Agents:
Mr. & Mrs. John Gilliland R.K 1 Box 596

Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Fender

Box 330, Karoi

Publicity Directors: Mr. & Mrs. Archie Gustafson

R.R. 1

Zimbabwe, Africa

Georgetown, Illinois 61846

Georgetown, Illinois 61846



Fenders Report

*f =

. >^

The Panders

African Evangelism

June-July 198^1Dear Ones In Christ:

Greetings to you in the name of JesusJ We think of you more often than we write,
as we hope you do of us.

The Lord's work in Zimbabn-ie continues to grow. An African minister and his family here at the mission are going to the western part of the area. Mr, Mapupedza grad.uated from our Bible College some yrsi ago, even though he has been almost blind .from birth. As soon as their children receive some shots to prevent various dis
eases, X will take them across the Sanyati River, where he will minister to se^/ei-el congregations. It will be a big help to me.

firearm of some kind does something to disrupt the peace, perhaps working tov.i.rd tl.-e
robbed. Several busses that stay overnight there were also robbed. Whether these mu',';

There has been an increase in "dissident activities". A "dissident" is anyorie who breaks the law, for he is acting against the Govt., and usually with the usa -).f a

The middle of May, at night, 2 storekeepei:*s, in a little shopping center called a township, which is only about 2-^ blocks (if we had blocks) from the mission, wji-e

overthrow of the present Govt,, or it's defeat in the election to be held nor"

were robbing strictly for their own benefit, or to got money to promote political ui'i rest is not known, for thoy haven't been caught. For a few days after this happen ed the army campcd near the mission, and arc still here. Almost overywhoro I go it
is reported that dissidents have been seen.

fact I haven't seen ai^ and don't want to. All I can do is carry on with the work

It is impossible to guoss where these follows may be. They haven't bothered me, in

that needs to be done. If Christians in any area have reason to think we plan to

is iddcly thought that most of the robbing is being done by men who were in one array

come ohere and there are armed men around, thoy try to got word to us and wc don't go there. Bub there may be some where we do go so we just don't worry about i"":. It

three yrs. of drought thoy have gone to robbing since thoy have no food or money.
But some of it is political and may got worse before elections.

or another and hid their weapons when the war ended. Now after two or in some places

what only I have done, when in fact it is the result of the Word of God being pro claimed by several men, of whom many have never seen a Bible Collego, nor had any formal training. They would be better preachers had they been taught more thoroughly
that area will have the benefit of what he has been taught, which will mean a lot to

It is impossible for mo to get to all our churches between letters to you. But at one there were 10 baptisms, at another 8, another 3. I do not try to keep an account of all the baptisms, for it might seem to some of you they are all the result of

always possible. With the coming of Mr. Mapupedza the churches in

will provide a bit of excitement. Betty is up to 30 in Pro-School & it looks like we

^Since I last wrote I helped kill a Cobra in Dr. Cobb's house. That kind of thing

build another room, I am having 30,000 bricks made (not just for that) at $11 per thousand. They use soil out of termite mounds to mould the bricks, vrhich
after drying in the sun, are stacked into a kiln then burned.
people here and for rain.

is cold for here. Sometimes we need a fire at night. Keep praying for us and for tht

^ We are both fine, but cold. It was 4? degrees here at 7 in the morning, and that

In His Service,

Hugh and Betty

Forwarding Agents:
Mr. & Mrs. John GillUand
R.R. 1 Box 596

Georgetown, Illinois 61846

Fenders Report

The Fenders

African Evangelism

Dear Friends:



Much has happened and too much time has passed since we last wrote. Betty was in the States for 6 wks. having several medical check-ups, seeing her father, who isn't
well, and visiting children 8c grand-children, who are well. Most of the tests came

out ok. She was told she needs an operation on her left ear. They wanted to do it
immediately, but she would have had to stay in the States another 2 mos. with me over here. Neither of us wanted thatl So, we must decide when she can have it done,

ks I write, we are waiting anxiously for the rains to begin. Oct. is normally the

around the first of Nov. the rains begin, cooling off things & bringing the lard to life with emerging pasture & crops. The past 2 (3 in some areas) have be^-n yrs. o;

shower the land is dry. The heat increases, as does the humidity, until hope;"ully

hottest mo. of the yr., & since it has been 6 mos. since we last had more th-.n a

After writing that last sentence I went out to lock our gates. V/g do it fv tr.e sake of privacy not fear. It was about 9:50 and lights go off at 10:00. I ale cucck

the fire in our hot water heater. After checking this I started to go arouna '.i-?

ready go take that last step tho light from my flashlight shono on a snake j-yi'ig along the end of that x^alk. A Cobra about 3 ft. long, Botty brought mc a pellet gun t I hit it onco, maybe tt-.'ice. It kept moving &I thought it would get away. I had Betty bring mo a piece of firewood about 30 in. long, but bettor than nothing,. I
clobborod it on tho head & for good moasuro threw it in the fire, A fLJW da;As la tor I

house & to do so started to step up about 6in. onto a short comont walk. As I vjV.j

walking stick. V/e think it was a "Blind Snake" which is harmless. These thiiigs don't
happen often, but tend to koop us on our toes.

killed one in the bedroom near whore Betty was fixing her hair. I killed it with a

in To'yse fly country, which means they can't have oxen to plow withany cati.; .! for that matter-.since Tetso fly transmits sleeping sickness, which kills cattle. hoK-ses &sonutimes people. There are many elephant &also buffalo. At the village where I stayed^they had elephant moat. At first I plr.nned to try some, then I learned it had been^killed 5 or 6 days before we arrived. With no refrigeration I decidcd not to
try it. They offered chicken and I accepted.

I to a placo called Jonia, one of the last places where we have a church It is

for a big meeting at Ekster, probably hero. The churches still nec'd better leader

^Ue had a good meeting, baptized 8. The work all over is going well. At Mashami, 7 miles from Jema there were 153 in attendance and 30 baptized. Plans are being made Here^at tho mission one of our alternators liasn't worked for two wks.. Betty and I

are ping to Harare right away and have a qualified repairman to come out . This
ccrtainly hope Mr. cc Mrs, Eass return soonl

morning the men who take care of our water Pumps said one well seems to be dry or nearly so and the other is not working right. I have some men working on it now. 1
Wo also need your prayers for rain soon, sinco that is the only cure for a well which no longer has-water-in-it-.- -If wo^^had to I guess we could go- vra^hout eloctr-icit'

for awhile. It would be difficult but we could do it. But without water we couldn't

last long, so we must get one of the pumps pumping! Also the people need rain for

Pray for the people, that thy may continue to bo saved, and pray for us , that our
work for tho Lord vrill go well.

Because of Christ, Hugh and Botty

Forwarding Agents:
Mr. & Mrs. John Gilliland
R.R. 1 Box 596

Georgetown, Jllinois 61846

Christmas 198U

Dear Ones in Christ:

This time of year as the whole world pauses to remember the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ, let us stop and think of what
this means to us as His Children. The

world sees a sweet little baby in a manger.

We see not only the sweet little baby but also the broken body and shed blood of a man upon the cross. Thanks be to Cod,
He did not remain on that cross but rose

on the third day.

We never cease to be amazed that

He loved us so much that He gave His life for us. What joy and triumph as He overcame
the sting of death.

In Luke 2:29-32 Simeon praises Cod saying, "Sovereign Lord, as you have pro mised, now dismiss your servant in peace. For my eyes have seen your salvation, which you have prepared in the sight of
all people, a light for revelation to the

Gentiles and for glory to your people Israel."

We are here in Zimbabwe about Jesus and the salvation too might know through Him. blessed the work here and we telling others that they God has are grateful

He has allowed us to be a part of His work. During this past year hundreds have come
to know Jesus as Saviour. Not because

of us but because of Him. We pray that we might always be His tools wherever we are that they too might have abundant life.
We do miss our family and loved ones especially this time of the year, as Christmas has always been a family time for us. I was in the United States this past year for about six weeks. While I was there I had several medical tests done and have found that I am needing surgery on my ear. Please pray with us that Cod will guide us on our decisions regarding

I thoroughly enjoyed being with family and loved ones during that time. I am sure having just seen them will make this Christmas easier for me to handle. Hugh did very well on his own but we were both very happy to be back together serving Him here in Zimbabwe.

Some asked while i was in the States why I had the Pre-School. They were under the impression It was to help out working mothers. We don't have many mothers
that are employed here in the bush. My purpose is to introduce these small ones to Jesus Christ. If they come to know about Jesus at this early age, much of it will stick with them as they grow older. Also it gives us an opportunity to witness to their parents, many of whom have never been to church in their lives but are drawn now by their children's interest.

There is no kindergarten out here. The children go straight into grade 1 so our pre-school is helping them to adjust to the school life they will find and give
them a head start in the rudiments of education.

Please pray and work with us during the coming year that many more may come
to know Him as their Lord and Saviour.

Servants for Him,

Hugh and Betty PeSder

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