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Installing and Restoring DB2 samples :

1. Install samples DB2 , mulai dari instalasi sampai dengan finish 2. Ekstrak file GS_DB.tar.gz yang berada di lokasi : C:\Program Files\IBM\Cognos Developer\webcontent\samples\datasources\db2 3. Pindahkan Hasil Ekstrak GS_DB ke C:\Program Files\IBM\SQLLIB\BIN 4. Buka DB2COPY1, Command Line, Command Window Administrator 5. Masuk ke direktori C:\Program Files\IBM\SQLLIB\BIN\GS_DB\GS_DB\WIN\ Dan jalankan SetupGSDB.bat

Proses berjalan sekitar 15 menit C:\Program Files\IBM\SQLLIB\BIN>cd GS_DB C:\Program Files\IBM\SQLLIB\BIN\GS_DB>cd GS_DB C:\Program Files\IBM\SQLLIB\BIN\GS_DB\GS_DB>cd win C:\Program Files\IBM\SQLLIB\BIN\GS_DB\GS_DB\win>setupGSDB.bat ------------------------------------------------------------------DB2 version 9 or later detected - using DB2 Version 9 syntax ------------------------------------------------------------------Press Enter at the prompts to accept the default value shown Default values can be specifed in the file ------------------------------------------------------------------Please enter the name of the database ( or the alias ) to be used for the GOSales sample data (default=GS_DB) :GS_DB ------------------------------------------------------------------This script can create the GS_DB database. Creating the database will cause any existing databases with the same name to be dropped. If you choose not to recreate the database, existing objects within the database will be dropped. Would you like to create the database GS_DB (Y/N) Default=Y :Y ------------------------------------------------------------------The database GS_DB already exists and will be dropped.


Are you sure you want to drop the existing database? (Y/N) Default=Y :Y ------------------------------------------------------------------Enter the DB2 administration username for creating the database and importing the data. If no value is provided the local user will attempt to connect without a password. Please enter the DB2 admin user name :db2admin ------------------------------------------------------------------Please confirm the following settings : Database Name : GS_DB Drop and Recreate database : Y DPF environment : N Create a 16k Bufferpool named : GOSALES_BP Create a 16k Tablespace named : GOSALES_TS GOSALES Grant users/groups : GOSALES,DB2ADMIN GOSALESDW Grant users/groups : GOSALESDW,DB2ADMIN Administration User name : db2admin Import the sample data into the following schemas : GOSALES GOSALESHR GOSALESMR GOSALESRT GOSALESDW WARNING: If the database GS_DB already exists it will be dropped Continue creating the sample data with these settings? (Y/N) Default=Y :Y Please wait ... Starting GOSALES_RUN_SCRIPTS Dropping existing database GS_DB if found Creating database GS_DB Connecting to GS_DB Enter current password for db2admin: Database Connection Information Database server = DB2/NT 9.7.5 SQL authorization ID = DB2ADMIN Local database alias = GS_DB Creating bufferpool and tablespace. Creating tables. Loading data. Creating primary keys Creating indexes Creating constraints. Creating stored procedures Creating views Granting permissions Updating statistics Verifying row counts Table row count validation successful Adding table comments C:\Program Files\IBM\SQLLIB\BIN\GS_DB\GS_DB\win>


Creating Datasource Connection

1. Buka BI portal 2. Login dengan username / password: admin /educator1! 3. Buka welcome page

4. Pilih administer ibm cognos content 5. Pilih tab Configuration 6. Isian : GOSALES, NEXT

7. Pilih TYPE : IBM DB2

8. Klik NEXT,


9. Pada Signons Ketik user yang digunakan, misal user : db2admin, pass: db2admin

10. Lakukan test dengan memilih : Test connections, test

11. Tampilan jika sukses

12. Pilih CLOSE 2X , Klik NEXT dan FINISH. 13. Ulangi membuat datasource dengan nama GOSALESDW


Create Data Source Connections to OLAP Data Sources

1. Buka IBM Cognos Portal dan Login dengan username dan password 2. Pilih Administer IBM Cognos Content Pada Welcome page. 3. Klik tab Configuration. 4. 5. 6. 7. Klik tombol new data source . Ketikkan sales_and_marketing Pada kotak Name , dan klik Next. Tentukan Type Klik IBM Cognos PowerCube, dan klik Next. Optional: In the Read cache size (MB) box, ketik cache size dari cube dalam megabytes. Jika dikosongkan atau diisi 0 maka IBM Cognos Connection menggunakan nilai default. 8. Pada Windows location box, Ketik lokasi dan nama file untuk sales_and_marketing.mdc Misalnya : C:\ProgramFiles\IBM\CognosDeveloper\webcontent\samples\datasour ces\cubes\PowerCubes\EN\sang.mdcles_and_market

9. Test untuk mengetahui apakah parameter yang diisikan benar, dengan cara berikut: o Klik Test the connection. o Klik Test. o Setelah finish, klik Close 2 kali. 10. Klik Finish. 11. Lakukan step yang sama untuk : employee_expenses.mdc, go_accessories.mdc, go_america.mdc, go_asia_pacific.mdc, great_outdoors_sales_en.mdc


Import the Samples

Steps 1. Copy file zip dari C:\Program Files\IBM\Cognos Developer\webcontent\samples\content ke direktori deployment. Defaultnya C:\Program Files\IBM\Cognos Developer\deployment

2. Buka IBM Cognos Administration melalui IBM Cognos BI portal dan klik Administer IBM Cognos Content pada Welcome page. 3. Pada tab Configuration, klik Content Administration. 4. Pada toolbar, klik tombol New Import 5. Pada kotak Deployment Archive pilih : IBM_Cognos_Samples, IBM_Cognos_PowerCube, IBM_Cognos_Metrics, IBM_Cognos_DrillThroughSamples, IBM_Cognos_Audit, IBM_Cognos_Mobile , IBM_Cognos_csgodw atau IBM_Cognos_Office. 6. Dan selesaikan wizard sampai selesai 7. Klik Finish.


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