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Men who fear God do not fear Communism. Men who know God's word are not deceived about Communism. "Professing themselves to be wise they become fools"...Romans 1:22. There is an international conspiracy. It's origin is not political, economic or military. It is spiritual, that is, it is religious. The fact that conspiracy originates in religion is exactly why 99% of the people have never heard of it, let alone understand it. The political, the economic and the military cannot be understood apart from the religious. However a religious conspiracy operates above the intelligence of men. Yet the religious controls absolutely. Therefore the political, the economic, the military and the social are the effect or result of the spiritual. Men and women without Christ are unknowing to the Scripture which says, "As a man thinketh in his heart so is he". A man's thinking or thoughts precede any political action or any economic action or any other action: It follows that if his thoughts are rooted in humanism then shall his politics be in serious error. He cannot choose between right and wrong. He can only choose between two evils. He cannot even recognize the real issues which influence his life. He only deals in the effects of the real issues. Men without Christ are vain and easily deceived. A I

SPIRITUAL COMMUNISM nation of people without Christ cannot have a system of government that will give them political and economic freedom because they do not know that the origin of such freedom comes from the Scripture. In this election year, 1980, millions of well meaning Americans are caught up in yet another American election sham, believing that the issues are economic depression or recession at home, and a military threat from Russia abroad. What nonsense, what crass paganism! And we shall see once again that there is no difference in Mr. Reagan and Mr. Carter. Both are fellow heathens, directed by the same religious power that controls the millions who vote for them. It was so planned. What then is the issue? The issue before America is Spiritual Communism. What is Spiritual Communism? Spiritual Communism is a humanistic religion which has its origin in Freemasonry but is getting its greatest thrust today from Fundamental Christianity. To use doublethink, we are referring to "Christian" Communism. If we identify the language of Spiritual Communism, we find that strangely those who appear to oppose each other are not opposites at all, but are working in harmony, unaware of course, toward that synthesis of humanity that will lead to that final World State. This World State the Communists believe, will be the culmination of their revolution. This would be their Communist Utopia. On the other side, generally termed Fundamental Christianity, the great hope will be the prophetic destruction of Russian Communism and the beginning of the New Age, or 1,000 year reign of Christ upon an earthly throne. Therefore the so-called Communists and the Fundamentalist Christians are working for the same humanistic II

SPIRITUAL COMMUNISM Utopia which will seal their doom in spiritual bondage for a long dark age. Remember we said that conspiracy originates in religion and it therefore operates above the threshold of intelligent of even wise men. It is not surprising then that many well meaning and very intelligent men are victims of this deception. Men and women are confounded when they do not retain God in their knowledge. A classic example of confusion is expressed by Dr. Gary North in his "Remnant Review" of July 4, 1980. His newsletter address is P.O. Box 35547, Phoenix, Arizona, 85069. I quote: "I'm not sure what's going on here. The establishment runs in packs, too, the same way hard-money newsletter editors do. Their packs are a lot larger, however, and the orchestration is less visible. Why would Time devote a huge chunk of its June 23 issue to the USSR, with a full page on the KGB, and several on their military build-up. And would you have expected an article on detente subtitled 'Eyeball to eyeball with the bad news bears'?" "Why? Why now, after half a century of downplaying the bureaucratic nightmare that is the USSR, are the journalists catching on? Solzhenitsyn is one reason: a writer who was suppressed. Also, the constant press-ure of the USSR on Israel. But the threat of a Middle East cutoff of oil has scared our establishment silly. The reality of the military might of the Soviets has begun to register. The eastern liberal establishment seems to have come to an unprecedented conclusion: pathological imperialists cannot be dealt with as gentlemen. The Russian bear is not chained to Western corporations, and he still isn't housebroken. Not after six decades of pampering by Western industrialists who were offering them such terrific deals, financed by below-market, government-subsidized loans. Sell them Pepsi? Sure. But what if they steal the company? Not so good." III

SPIRITUAL COMMUNISM "I think they're scared. I think the liberals are finally scared. They see that they have financed a monster, and that monster is acting just exactly as Fred Schwarz and other 'right-wing fanatics' have predicted for many decades. You can trust the Communists to be Communists. They don't act the way the CFR-financed textbooks on foreign policy say they will, if only we are patient. Even more shocking to them: it now appears as though they never will at least not before they become absolutely dominant." (end of quote from Dr. Gary North). Dr. Gary North sure told the truth when he said "I'm not sure what's going on here". It is easy to understand why Dr. North and a whole host of "wise" men from Harry Shultz to the right wing fanatics fear Russian Communism. They do not understand the religious conspiratorial scheme of world conquest. Russian Communism is only a cat's paw of International Freemasonry operated from "The City" of London. Indeed the men in the Kremlin are "pathological imperialists" to use Dr. North's words, but they are only the goon squad of "The City". You have noted correctly Mr. North, that the scare of Russian Communism is promoted by liberals and "conservatives". That fear must be maintained. The people must not know that the source of Communism is not Russian. Satan does rend himself. The signs and symbols of International Communism are those of Baalism as displayed in modern Freemasonry. It is simple to see that the 5 pointed Red Star of Russia is the Red Star of the Shrine as was the Swastica of National Socialism a Masonic symbol. This is not by accident but it is oblivious to vain men who love not God. And Fundamentalist Christianity is seeking another Communism which they believe will be the kingdom of God on earth, they are a carrier or an organism called British Israel ism (Spiritual Communism) operated from "The City" of London. IV

SPIRITUAL COMMUNISM So we have come full circle into our doublethink age of spiritual deceit. As men oppose each other they cry out for bondage in unison. Some believing in a Communist Utopia, some believing in a kingdom of God on earth, not knowing that things that are equal are equal to the same thing. They are one. The Communist threat is spiritual deception that begins with the American people who have been led into "another gospel". What must Christians do? Expose Spiritual Communism by telling others about the sovereignty of Jesus Christ and His kingdom which is not of this world. We must undeceive those who are promoting Spiritual Communism (Fundamental Christianity), believing it to be a millennial kingdom of Christ on earth. Humanism (premillennialism) teaches the deification of man. Christianity is the glorification of God. Our God is not the great architect of Freemasonry. Our God is The One True God even Jesus Christ Who created us and has saved us out of darkness into truth. As the storm gathers toward World War III and our young men are once again drafted to die in wars of deception, you will see an outflow of propaganda to justify the coming holocaust. From American churches and great evangelistic movements you will hear an outpouring of prophecy mongers justifying the coming carnage. They will be proclaiming that it is the fulfillment of Bible prophecy giving this deception the sanction of Divine Scriptures. There will be much talk about our national sin and our Divine Destiny by all of pseudo Christianity. Almost all churches in America have fallen into this deception. This is clever propaganda. What better way to deceive and control than through the churches? Are we not warned that Satan appears as an angel of light? V

SPIRITUAL COMMUNISM "Even the elect will be deceived if it were possible." (Mark 13:22). There will be much talk of Russia being aligned with "The anti-christ" to destroy Israel so as to bring in the total support of the American people into a war that they would not think of entering except that they be under spiritual deception. Spiritual bondage is the greatest curse that could befall a people. It is modern barbarism which herds whole nations to the slaughter even with their full cooperation. Dictators of history were nitwits compared to this spiritual control. In harmony with this religious organism of professing Christianity, is the mighty avalanche of the press from Time magazine to the total capacity of the nation's newspapers and newsletters proclaiming the threat of Russian Communism and the danger of annhilation of the U.S. by Communism. Thus a seemingly spontaneous world crisis boils the world arena into a polarization once again ready for war. We do not believe that all history has witnessed such deception that has befallen the American people in 1980. The Jews who crucified Our Lord (See I Thess. 2:14-16) because He would not set up their material and earthly kingdom, would surely believe, if they were here today, that their messianic kingdom is a reality. The Judaizers have spawned an organism within the professing church which has changed the heavenly and eternal hope for a temporal and earthly kingdom which is none other than Spiritual Communism. Therefore we publish and dedicate this booklet to God's people all over the world, to alert and awaken them that Spiritual Communism is the threat to America VI

SPIRITUAL COMMUNISM and the world. When Christians unite to expose Spiritual Communism, Russian Communism and its Masonic masters will be stripped naked for all to see. There is no Communism that can exist, let alone dominate the world, except that it be born and nourished from Spiritual Communism. "Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers"... II Corinthians 6:14). There is but one Communism, Spiritual Communism, and all the rest sprang out of it. If you wish to cut away the fabric of deceit that has almost complete control of the American people, a deeper and more comprehensive study of British controlled Spiritual Communism (earthly kingdom religion) can be found in the books listed below. We are sorry these books cannot be bought from your favorite antiCommunist. If you will read them you will understand why. To the glory of Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour, Robert Livingston

INTRODUCTION Americans must understand that British Israel, whose seat is in England, set up both political Communism (using Russia as a decoy), and anti-Communism, and they lead both sides of the conflict to produce division, chaos and confusion, wars, famines, etc., creating the "Great Tribulation" from which we are to be "rescued" by Christ when He comes back to set up His kingdom of peace on earth and reign a thousand years. They say this coming of Christ to set up the kingdom of God on earth is according to Bible prophecy. The left and right wings, both are set up by British Israel and work to further divide and confuse the people, with the right wing preachers (Mclntire, Hargis, Schwartz, et al) brainwashing the people to believe that Jesus actually will come back in the midst of our troubles to rescue us and establish an earthly kingdom of peace. British Israel maneuvers world events into certain ways, so that the right wing preachers can explain it all by using Bible prophecy, which already has been fulfilled, thereby deceiving the people into thinking it is all according to God's Word. This is Spiritual Communism because it controls the beliefs of the people, and the plan is not to take us over through political Communism, but rather through Spiritual Communism (Jew's religion)their fifth column. So that when the war is over, or has been suddenly stopped, we are to be told that Christ has returned to set up His kingdom on earth-ONE WORLD under God's law. A war-torn, confused and deceived people who have been taught to look for this to happen in the midst of our tribulations, would gladly accept this earthly kingdom with peace at last, under the rulership of Christ (they think). This is the danger we face. Unless the people can be alerted to this slickest of all tricks, we could very well find that after the political war is over, we could be trapped into a one world government by way of a so-called kingdom of God on earth. The awakening, of course, would show that we had been, instead, tricked into slavery under the rule of the Jew British Empire in the name of Christ. As we are propagandized into believing that Britain has lost her power and could not carry on without the help of the United

INTRODUCTION States, she in fact, has complete invisible control of the whole world already. This universal power cannot be seen or understood as a political and geographical reality. It can only be understood in terms of its spiritual or religious power which teaches the lie of a future material kingdom of God on earth - the millennial reign of Christ. Destruction of America and the bringing in of world government is being done through religion, but it is not the Christian religion. America is to be brought to a state of collapse. At this time we are to be rescued by a Communism which claims itself to be Christianity. This "saving" Communism or Spiritual Communism is a world government. The name of this invisible Communism, which shall deliver us to world government, is called the kingdom of God on earth. This world kingdom evangelism is veiled propaganda to prepare humanity through Christianity for world government. The great surge of "evangelism" in America and the world has a purpose. That purpose is not Ch rist's kingdom of grace. World evangelism is working spiritual deception by teaching that Jesus Christ shall return to establish on this earth a world political government.

SPIRITUAL COMMUNISM If, through a futurist interpretation of Bible prophecy, we are lead into a world government, why oppose Communism? We shall be concerned in this booklet about a completely different Communism to that which Americans have heard so much about. The Communism we discuss here is much older than Russian Communism and it will survive Russian Communism in not too many years. We shall show you the language of this hidden Communism so that you may recognize the most powerful force in the world. This world power is not a super military machine. It is not the propaganda of Karl Marx and it is not the Soviet Union. This Communism is not atheism, as the "anti-Communists" would have us believe, but it IS materialism. This world power is Spiritual Communism. Spiritual Communism is simply a world government religion. Spiritual Communism is the religion or belief that Jesus Christ shall establish a material kingdom of God upon this earth. Therefore Spiritual Communism is a material kingdom of God on earth. This is what is called the Kingdom Message and it is far more serious than the Communism which Americans think is the root of all our troubles. Spiritual Communism has many fronts and devices for concealing its true nature. A l l of these fronts are presented as Christianity, more particularly fundamental Christianity. Furthermore, Spiritual Communism represents itself to be opposed to Russian Communism and all anti-Christian or anti-Christ forces. This Christian Front Communism actually promotes Christianity to hide its subversive kingdom of God on earth propaganda. Spiritual Communism operates mostly from the right wing and its propaganda seems to promote Americanism and patriotism. However it deceives its own followers by sidetracking them against a boogie Russian Communism, and leads them into real or Spiritual Communism with much talk about Bible prophecy. One does not necessarily have to believe their false interpretation of the Bible to be trapped in their scheme. Their fake antiCommunism is sufficient to seal our doom because it has been built up in America in order to hide Spiritual Communism and to create the social conditions and mental attitude that will serve to bring in world government in the name of Christ. 1

SPIRITUAL COMMUNISM The British Empire is the framework of this plot, claiming Divine and Christian heritage and that the throne of England, removed to Jerusalem, is to be the throne of Christ upon earth. Herbert W. Armstrong of Pasadena, California, is one of the visible propagandists of this so-called Fundamental Christianity. Herbert W. Armstrong, like all the other self-styled Christian anti-Communists, claims he is opposed to Communism. What about his Spiritual Communism? What about his prophecies of a material world government? With this heresy he denies every tenet of Christianity. This materialistic and social Christian Communism is not a monopoly of Herbert W. Armstrong. It is the religion of the whole of World Evangelism. All who interpret the Scriptures to support a future earthly kingdom of God are party to this anti-Christian Spiritual Communism. As most Americans concern themselves with the dangers of Russian Communism they do not see the dangers of an invisible Communism. Those who planned Russian Communism planned Spiritual or Christian Communism. This term Christian Communism is not as self contradictory as it appears. Christian Communism defined simply means that through a futurist, materialistic interpretation of Bible prophecy, which says Christ will return to set up a Divine Government on earth; world government is taught in the churches as Christianity. This is spiritual collectivism or Spiritual Communism. When the people of the world can be educated through religion (fake Christianity) for world unity,Communism cannot fail. But this deception is not called Communism. It is called Christianity. Until quite recently, few people in this country had ever heard of Spiritual Communism, or by its other names-British Israelism or Anglo Israelism. The subject was introduced in a few lectures in the West, particularly in California, and much controversy arose from this which caused many to ask, "What is British Israelism?" "What is Spiritual Communism?" Since this is a most controversial subject, extremely misunderstood, and at the same time of great importance, it seemed essential to issue this booklet, as a small beginning in the attempt to correct some very bad misconceptions concerning it. However, this merely scratches 2

SPIRITUAL COMMUNISM the surface, as a great deal more research and understanding would be required to give even a small part of the information covering what this includes today. As mighty oaks from little acorns grow - so a vast movement which exists today, had a small beginning in what has been called a Cult, or Sect. The use of the word Israel in the name prompts the first question. The answer is the original Cult, believes that the Anglo Saxons are God's chosen race and is composed of the ten lost tribes of Israel, of Bible times. This, they explain, at great length. Ephraim represents England and Manasseh represents the United States. The Celtic-Anglo-Saxons are Israel, the chosen people of God. Or, they say, "The Anglo-Saxons are Christianized Israel." And that the throne of David has come down to Great Britain through a clear line of descent, and the fulfillment of God's promise that David's throne would endure forever. This is the claim of British Israel Communism. Actually, this has grown into a movement of vast proportions known as the British-Israel World Federation, with headquarters in London, and includes far more than "meets the eye." The movement has been known in the United States and Canada as the Anglo-Saxon World Federation, and few realized it was anything more than an attempt to create friendly relations between English-speaking people, the same as they believed true of the English Speaking Union. However, the term "Anglo-Israel" means unification of Israel, which includes a form of Anglo-Saxon World Federation. This has become a vast world movement, to bring about the Union of Great Britain and the United States. As Rev. John F. Noll points out -the meaning of the article in the official organ, National Message, 1935, "Great Britain and her self-government Dominions, with the American Republic and the Jews, constitute the whole race of Israel." This makes Spiritual Communism, or as it is sometimes called, the AngloIsrael movement, the most important movement today yet it is the least known. One will ask why, if it is so important, has it not been made known? Good question!! Reason it was not supposed to be known, and much secrecy is devised to keep it 3

SPIRITUAL COMMUNISM that way. One cannot oppose an unknown. So the whole structure has become one of many fronts, complications and devices for misleading the people. Conspiracy works in devious ways and the followers of this movement are very clever in concealing the real goals. So much so that most who have become interested in some small segment of it do not, themselves, realize the ultimate goals of the whole movement. Andrew Carnegie said, "As sure as the sun sinks in the West, the day will come when the U.S.A. w i l l again be a member of the British Commonwealth." This commonwealth of the world is to be accomplished through religion; through false Christianity. Never in the history of the world has a nation such as America been so instrumental in its own destruction. While the British Empire remains invisible behind its Christian propaganda (Christian propaganda here used means misuse of Chris tianity to deceive the nations) it uses the United States to police the world, all the time bringing us to a state of collapse and ruin. The American people are actually exhausting themselves to bring destruction to their own country. Any people must be deceived and confused before they can be beguiled into self destruction. This has been accomplished through religion which most Americans believe is Christianity. This new materialistic Christianity, which teaches that world order will come from world government through Christ, is the silent unseen Communism. This is Spiritual Communism. This is Communism of the heart and Communism of the mind and all the tyranny and deceit of the ages pales into insignificance by comparison. How shall Americans defeat Communism if they believe it is Christianity? In one British Israel publication called THE GREAT TRIBULATION, we get this quote, "with the inauguration of this New Order, poverty, oppression and distress will vanish from the earth. Divine Law and the perfect economic system of the kingdom will take the place of the old and ensure the equitable distribution of the blessings of life to all men." Now one does not have to be Dr. I. Q. to see that this trickery is World Communism. But it is not so easy to see to those who have been educated to believe that it is Christianity. 4

SPIRITUAL COMMUNISM In the United States, the visible headquarters are at Merrimac, Massachusetts, and the number one official organ, "Destiny" magazine is located there. There are many small publications which, in themselves, seem to a reader as inconsequential, by way of comparison to the large periodicals in the country, not realizing they are like little "agents" of a large movement. There are many radio chains, to which people listen, not realizing what they are really listening to. Remember, the visible ones such as Destiny are almost insignificant by comparison to the total invisible movement. What do the "Christian patriots" say is the only solution to world Communism? They say, only Divine intervention and national salvation can save America. Think about this, you who follow these pseudo-Christian antiCommunists. What could be more materialistic and anti-Christian than national salvation? The ideology or religion of national salvation is Jew Phariseeism. It is the same old ancient Zionism that blinded the Jews to their Messiah and caused them to reject and crucify Him. I Thessolonians 2:14. National salvation was the religion of National Socialism or Nazi-ism, and it was the religion of Facism. National salvation is materialism and will not save America from the Communist threat. National salvation is itself Communism. It is Spiritual Communism and the very opposite to Christianity. How many times have we 'read in the Christian-Communist literature and heard their Americanism speakers quote II Chronicles 7:14 to support their political Zionism with its Divine intervention and national salvation? New Testament Christianity is not national or international salvation in a political and material sense. Christianity deals with a universal and spiritual nation a holy nation. Christianity is a union of believers saved into the kingdom of grace. Christianity is not limited to the Anglo-Saxons; it is not limited to any race or particular nation. The pseudo conservatives and their British Israel Communism (Divine national origin and national salvation) are as deceitful as they were when they destroyed Germany under the pretext of National Socialism. Now they are destroying America under the pretense of Christianity. It is the same old heresy but "this time the world" with a 5

SPIRITUAL COMMUNISM materialistic Christianity - Spiritual Communism. There are many small periodicals and in some instances they state they are British Israel publications but most do not. They are launched in an avalanche of propaganda across the country. The editorials are slanted towards the political and patriotic things to watch. The slogan from headqucrters, for all identification of magazines, bulletins, books or speech is "it carries the identity message." Or "The Israel Message." That is confusing, for unless one has a very correct idea of what the "Israel" or "Identity" message is that one will not be able to detect it!! Herein lies the dangers, because very few, aside from their own followers, do understand and therefore are apt to be "taken in," innocently enough. The Israel or Identity message (Spiritual Communism) can be recognized easily. Anytime one hears a Bible interpretation which says Jesus Christ is going to return to establish His earthly kingdom (world government) and that this world government will be administered through the Jews and/or Anglo Saxons, he is hearing Communism. This is Spiritual Communism because Christianity is being used to promote world government. Any sort of idea that Christ is to have a political or material government on earth in the future is Communism disguised as Christianity. Upon study and research, this movement becomes like a huge octopus, with its tentacles reaching out in all directions, but "unseen" or unrecognized due to lack of knowledge concerning this and because it is hidden in Christianity. The power and infiltration of the advocates into every part of our national life today, is something to consider seriously. The word has been Communism only, for years. All concentration has been devoted to a study of Communism and therefore the vast majority of minds have been diverted, very likely deliberately, from a study of a menace which is still greater, yet not known and therefore acting as a trap, to ensnare our people, under the guise of the very things which they so ardently believe in. For example the British Israel movement stresses the point of being the greatest anti-Communist and the most patriotic. Because of these claims, many groups and organizations cooperate. 6

SPIRITUAL COMMUNISM They cooperate in putting out the kingdom message (millennial reign of Christ). Many of these proclaim Christianity and ultra patriotism so loudly, that we fall like dum-dums being deceived with a false religion just because it is called Christianity. Terms used, to watch for, are: reign of Christ on earth, Destiny, kingdom, Western Civilization, Christian Heritage, Israel Message, Christian Civilization, Throne of David, prophecies of the Great Pyramid, Lost Tribes of Israel, Identity, Americanism, White Adamic Race, national salvation, Divine intervention, and many others, with Destiny heading the list. Perhaps the greatest visible concentration is on being religious, and constantly quoting the Scriptures to explain everything past, present and future, through Biblical prophecies. However, as religious as they claim, they do not depend upon the Scriptures for all their beliefs. They resort to the prophecies obtained from the Great Pyramid, its "Divine Message" and "Proof of God," as much, if not more so, than those from the Bible. They call this ' 'God's Bible in Stone." This includes the "seeing eye" (reverse on Great Seal of the U.S.A.) with diagrams, etc., explaining the "re-birth of civilization," proving the line of the "Throne of David," to rule from Britain. They even try to show the prophecy which explains the "Boston Tea-Party," our "Continental Congress," date for birth and crucifixion of Christ. It claims to show the temporary "displacement" of the United States from the British Commonwealth. Here the ultimate goal of this British Israel World Federation is of course that the United States will again become a part of the British Empire, and member of the Commonwealth, as it formerly was. If all who now believe that British Israel is merely attending Dr. Swift's church, Kenneth Goff's Camp and classes, or others like them who teach the kingdom message, knew the final goals of the Federated Movement, they would very likely reconsider. This matter of the detailed analysis of the Pyramid, incidentally, does connect in thought with monolithic groups, Masonic Orders, and those of the occult all of which have some connection with this great octopus. None of the agents of the kingdom message identify with any particular church affiliation. They appear to be Christian 7

SPIRITUAL COMMUNISM through their false appeals to Christianity and they hide their treason with their seemingly patriotic anti-Communism. However they cleverly teach and promote Communism with their peculiar Bible prophecy. Bible prophecy they say, is a blueprint for the coming in of Divine world government of Christ. As they pretend to fight Communism they promote Communism under the cloak of Christianity. Their kingdom of God on earth, which they say is coming, is not Christianity. It is a disguise for Zionism. It is a trick. Many have been led to believe that this British Israel movement is against the Jewish race and therefore are enticed to become a part of it through what is called "Jew-bait." However, that is not true, as they include one tribe of Jews with the ten lost tribes of Israel, and this is where Masonry enters into this. It is quite evident that a relationship between British Israel and many of the occult groups and beliefs can also be established, although this does not attempt to include that factor, at this time. Of course the earthly kingdom of British Israel is Judaism but the Jew-baiters hide this by saying that this world kingdom is Christianity. A trick to condemn the Jew and promote his religion as Christianity for this is exactly what British Israel does. This is Spiritual Communism at work and it is all being accomplished in the name of Conservatism. Now comes the difficult part, in any attempt to make an expose of this British Israel World Federation. They have no membership as such. There is the "visible" and "invisible" part. That is the various magazines and preachers, etc., who are openly named British Israel. Some visible effects such as conferences and churches are listed. The invisible, or unseen, is the part which makes this movement so dangerous to our national independence. They state there is no connection between the different churches, preachers, groups, etc. Each remains an individual and separate entity, and therefore no concern is felt, and no realization that each one is directly connected to the top power, like the spokes of a wheel, connected to the hub. They state, "we are not a religion. In no way are we starting any 'new religion.' Our people are free to attend any church." In that way they are infiltrators, but give no opportunity to check on 8

SPIRITUAL COMMUNISM a concentration of membership, or influence. The headquarters in Vancouver stated, "We are not so much interested in 'organization' as in 'organism.'" This means, they chose not to be organized, outwardly. So to be identified, but they are interested in infiltrating the "organism" part of other groups, churches, etc., taking part in its activities, and influencing. They are very clever in what they say, with reference to questions, and avoid stating a person is a member, or a publication or book or group is a British Israel one. They will always state "they know and practice the Israel (or Identity) Message." Which means the same, without any direct acknowledgement. Hence, this British Israel movement is the most deceptive, clever and difficult in the world. As has been stated, "They contain everything, from rabble-rousers to the elite," although no one appears to have any visible connection with another. The only way, therefore, to identify them, additional to those actually listed in their own publications, is through their common goals. The common goal of all British Israel efforts, regardless of whether it appears as Left Wing radicalism or Right Wing Conservatism, is spiritual or religious deception. Under the pretext of fighting Communism, it is promoting Communism. It does not promote the Communism of Karl Marx, but a far more dangerous Communism. As stated, the real and hidden Communism is an entirely different Communism from that which is under fire from so-called Patriotic Groups. British Israel Communism can never be understood as a political plot based in Russia. It is a religious conspiracy and it hides itself within Christianity in order to promote a world government state which it calls the kingdom of God on earth. No one could doubt the power of British Israel who understands it. Only those who are promoting fake anti-Communism for a profit refuse to deal face to face with the most Satanic power that has ever controlled the human spirit under the pretense of Christianity. There is absolutely no need to prove that British Israel Communism exists or when it originated, or that it controls the world today including the political ideology of Marxism. All that is nec-cessary is that we identify its essential nature and the honest reader can quickly see it in all the greater Christian Evangelistic 9

SPIRITUAL COMMUNISM movements, both foreign and domestic, and all of the so-called Christian antiCommunism fronts. No, it is not necessary to prove the Communism of British Anglo-lsraelism. It is only necessary to identify it and bring it to the attention of the American people. If you will question the anti-Communists and the jew-baiters about British Israel or Spiritual Communism, they will be horrified. Sure they will deny it and condemn anyone who finds out how they have fleeced and robbed the American people. All anyone has to do to fool the American people is to say they are Christians or anti-Communists and that they believe in God. Remember this, Satan believes in God also but works deceit constantly. "Christian anti-Communism" in America is not Christian and certainly not anti-Communist. The anti-Communist crusaders and societies are Benedict Arnolds whose purpose is to make us look the other way long enough for the hidden hand of Spiritual Communism to capture the American people through their churches. Under the pretext of holding freedom of religion inviolate the anti-Communists do not attack Spiritual Communism, which is working mental servitude for world government. The anti-Communists do not expose the sedition of 'Fundamental Christianity' which they themselves promote. Any anti-Communism based upon so-called Fundamental Christianity is completely false and unAmerican. Fundamental Christianity means millennialism which means materialism which means world government. British Israel or Spiritual Communism controls the mind by teaching the people, through their own churches, a world government religion. This world government religion which, many people today believe is Christianity, teaches that we are now facing a Great Tribulation" after which Jesus Christ will return to set up a world-wide political, material kingdom which is to be a paradise earth as in the days of Adam. This restoration of a world Israel, to a new and perfect earth, has, for hundreds of years, been the religion of Jew Phariseeism but only in the last seventy to one hundred years has this deception been taught as Chris tianity and it is taught in almost every church in America. THE SEPARATION OF CHRISTIANITY AGAINST AND APART FROM ALL OTHER HEATHENISM RESTS UPON ONE 10

SPIRITUAL COMMUNISM IMPORTANT UNDERSTANDING. ON ONE SIDE ARE ALL CHRISTIANS WHOSE HOPE AFTER DEATH IS THE HEAVENLY ETERNITY. ON THE OTHER SIDE ARE ALL OTHERS WHOSE FAITH IS IN THE PARADISE EARTH RESTORED AFTER THIS PHYSICAL LIFE. In this last or Judaic belief some limit the new world to a thousand years and others say the new earth will last forever. But regardless of how it shall be or for how long, the carnal mind cannot understand anything other than a physical existence which requires for its being the earth. This worldly paradise or kingdom of God on earth is British Israel Jew Communism. Understandingthis Communism is necessary to identify the fraud and fakery in American patriotism today, and it is the key to understanding fake Christianity. It will spot the jew baiters and so-called Christian Conservatives who would lead us right into Communism while pretending they fight it. Who is your favorite anti-Communist or Christian minister? Ask him about this kingdom of God on earth. Understanding this earthly kingdom idea is the key that can do away with confusion and help Christian Americans to a conscious understanding of the most deadly subversion to the United States which operates within the law and under freedom of religion. It is simply the idea of promoting a world state through Christianity. What could be more deceptive and more anti-Christian than to promote a materialistic Judaism and apply it to Christianity? And what's more deceptive is that most who promote it believe it. If you wish to test the fake Christian Patriots and Jew-baiters in America, ask them about the Communism which seeks a world government of God - a political theocracy. Search the anti-Communists' literature and the hundreds of antiCommunist books and see how many of them you can find which reveal British Israel Communism, which is hidden within Christianity. All of the false Americanism which we hear so much about pretends to oppose and expose liberalism and Communism. They tell us of the danger of a world Communist slave state. Some of them tell us that Jew Communism is a hell inspired evil which is about to overcome us. Yes, they beat us down with the propaganda of anti-Communism, telling us of the social and political evils of a world Jewish State. While 11

SPIRITUAL COMMUNISM they excite us about political Communism, they c l e v e r l y and s k ill full y teach us Spiritual Communism. Spiritual Communism (or the religion of Judaism) is simply the belief and faith that Christ will intervene into history to abolish war and chaos and establish a world government of His own. As we are warned and scared with the fear of a world Communist takeover or as some say a Jew Zionist slavery, we are, by these same people, told that we can be saved if only we will believe the Jew's religion. Oh no, they do not admit that their belief in the coming world kingdom of God is the Jew's religion. They just say it is Christianity and that it is prophecy being fulfilled. This is their fundamentalist" beliefs which they say is Christianity and opposed to Communism. What double talk and what deceivers and liers they are to pretend anti-Communism and promote it at the same time with a false Christianity. The paid patriots and anti-Communists want to divert us on the social, political and atheistic Russian Communism while they s k ill full y help bring us under the complete control of Spiritual Communism and its prophecies of the coming world kingdom. The anti-Communist racketeers cannot forever hide their deceit and double dealing. British Israel Communism is no little thing and the billions of dollars that are being spent to instill it in the minds and hearts of humanity means that it is the hidden power which is to emerge into a world faked Christian state. Is it not reasonable to believe that this Judeo-Christianity will overpower Russian Communism? If one understands that this Judeo-Christianity or as it is termed, Fundamental Christianity, is all Jew and not Christian, then the fog clears and all this worldwide crusade for Christ is just Spiritual Communism under a Christian cloak. Now honest Americans, who have no profit in this anti-Communist sham, will you believe that anyone is telling you the truth about Communist subversion who tells you on one hand that Marxian Communism is anti-American and antiChristian, and on the other hand attempts to teach you the Jew s religion that world government is to come at the return of Christ? If a man be divided against himself, how can he understand? How can he be opposed to political and social Communism and at the same time believe in a 12

SPIRITUAL COMMUNISM future world government of Christ on this earth? The truth is that he cannot and as long as we let the anti-Communists and the Jew-baiters deceive us, we certainly deserve the misery we have. If any so-called anti-Communist or anti-Communist publication does not reveal the plot of British Israel to establish a universal slave state through religion, which their propaganda says is Christianity, then it is sedition and subversive to the United States Constitution. If these "Christian patriots" are honest, why would they fear to tell their supporters about Spiritual Communism? It is this kingdom religion which is to bring America into a world government controlled by the British Empire, and this is the Communism that has America in its grips. Not one publicly acknowledged anti-Communist in America wi l l dare expose this British Israel Spiritual Communism. It is indeed strange that so much money is spent by Americans to fight the Communist conspiracy and not one fraction of it is spent to tell the American people about world Communism which is called the kingdom of God on earth. Our preachers and Americanism speakers tell us about the sovereign grace of Christ and then refute Christianity completely by teaching that Christ will come back to establish His kingdom upon earth. Never has there been such a trick to control the spirit of mankind. If one believes in the kingdom message and an earthly world state under the ruiership of Christ, his faith is Judaism and he is a Communist in truth. He may not be aware of it and the world may not recognize him as a Communist under the general meaning of the term. He is nevertheless a pure Communist and his world government religion or faith makes him a citizen of the world. One cannot defeat Communism if he believes it in his heart. This is the deceit concealed within American Conservatism and Christianity. One large secular group in this country which is well known is Clarence Streit's (Rhodes Scholar) UNION NOW. Add to that the whole Carnegie outfit, Rhodes Scholars, Pilgrims, C.F.R., Rulers and Planners, many large Foundations (Rockefeller, Ford, etc.), Bilderbergers, NATO Alliance and E.S.U. - we have the largest aggregation of power in the country - interlocked. The small units, headed by Dr. Wesley Swift, Gerald L.K. 13

SPIRITUAL COMMUNISM Smith, Kenneth Goff, etc., and many called anti-semitic are jew baiters in that they say they are an ti-j e w but promote the Jew's religion of a world materialistic kingdom. They are only "window dressing" as a cover for the real and ways and means and devices for roping in people, into the one big octopus of Federated Power. This is all a part of the World Revolutionary Forces at work today. However small or seemingly insignificant a link in the chain is detected, it is important. The headquarters in Canada is at Vancouver, B. C, the name is British Israel Association of Canada. Here in the United States; Spokane, Washington, California, Texas, Florida, Michigan, Massa-chussetts and many middlewest radio chains across the country -one out of Chicago by a man named Record - they seem harmless, confine themselves to the Scriptures and world events. But these are very important points and their interpretation of the Scriptures is as twisted as can be made, and the very ones who talk anti-Christ, are often the very ones guilty of it! Deception, pretense, confusion are the terms which make detection almost impossible. Their activities are within the realm of religion, education, patriotism, and politics. And be sure of one thing, anyone who is actually a member of British Israel Communism will be the last one to acknowledge it and will go all out to avoid any such label. Therefore it is impossible to give any lists, as of the C.F.R. Their kingdom message always reveals their identity. Their talk about divine intervention, national salvation, and world government under Christ reveals their false patriotism and false Christianity. Please realize we are living in a World Revolution. The World Revolutionary Forces, whomever or whatever they are, have a certain amount of control over everything of importance happening anywhere in the world. Our people do not readily understand 'Conspiracy" and have been led to believe that applies only to Russian Communists. The official organ of the entire London Federation is THE NATIONAL MESSAGE. This acts as a directive for all parts of the world, or Commonwealth countries!! To dramatize to you the reality of this invisible power which hides behind Christianity, we name some of the religious groups 14

SPIRITUAL COMMUNISM which cooperate to establish a British Israel Anglo-Saxon world state. All the religious groups including Billy Graham Crusade, Oral Roberts, Carl Mclntire, Fred Swartz, Richard Dehaan, John R. Rice, Herbert W. Armstrong and L. R. Shelton, to name a few, teach that world government will come under Christ. Think of it. The materialistic government of Christ is to destroy materialistic Marxism. The materialism of the kingdom of God on earth religion is not truly opposed to the materialism of Russian Communism. They are one and the same. It is only deceived Americans who oppose Russian Communism with the hope that a materialistic kingdom of Christ will replace it. Not all who are in sympathy with the final outcome, here pro-phecied, are perhaps believers in all the detailed analysis, or believers in the Scriptural interpretations accompanying these prophecies. But, if they are advocates of the final goals, here depicted, and are working in cooperation, to have them consummated, they are to that extent a part of this movement. This includes Rhodes Scholars, Pilgrims, Carnegie Endowment, Union Now, much of the NATO plans, Bilderbergers, and many other movements, all headed for the same ultimate goal. This makes the whole the most powerful movement in the world today, and the one which needs to be understood promptly - or too late! Many will say "this is ridiculous," and have a tendency to disregard it. It is ridiculous, from our standpoint, and difficult to understand how intelligent people can believe it and follow it. But, the fact remains they do, and that these various epic-making prophecies have come to pass through maneuvering world events to fit the prophecies, and they will continue to come to pass. Unless people awake and stop this, our Republic will also "come to pass! For many people are now awake to the fact that our Constitution is being undermined rapidly, our Republican form of government is being destroyed, Socialism is in vogue, the State Department is dealing directly through various channels of appeasement to bring about this very thing: the destructive forces, regardless of whatever the name, are aiding this ultimate goal of the British Israel movement and therefore to that extent are a part of it. It can 15

SPIRITUAL COMMUNISM no longer be ignored, if our nation remains independent. Our people know of the destruction going on, but they do not put their finger on the real culprits. Nor do they know why it is being done. Whether or not the dates and prophecies of the Pyramid or the prophecies of the Fundamentalists as they are compiled by the British Israel World Federation, are really phony or accurate, is not of prime importance. The all important fact is the World Forces have brought about these epic making policies, according to the dates given. And if so, they wi l l bring about the remainder, which will end the American Republic as an independent nation. Watch out for anyone who tries to make the Bible a history book for both past and future. The gospel of Christ is a simple plan of salvation. The gospel is Christ s kingdom of grace and it mixes NOT with the political systems of the world in the past, present or future. The government which Christ established is a moral and righteous government and deals only in spiritual and heavenly things. To talk about Fabian Socialism here is only to tell about one of the "isms" used for this ultimate goal. But does not tell "why!' It must be tied in with all the other "isms" - Communism, Socialism, and any other "ism" including Americanism, which are being used to bring about this destruction, directly, by these world forces, through their agents. Few Americans have any knowledge ofwhat this British Israel World Federation is designed to bring about. Therefore many good Americans are helping it by supporting such means as NATO Political Alliance with Britain, of which the American Security Council says is a necessary means of "security!" And which will aid this plan greatly. Also Americans help to cover up the real Communism by supporting fake anti-Communism. Anti-Communism is kept up as a cover and antagonist of "Fundamental ChristianNotice the "Seeing-eye" and the Pyramid used on our dollar bills are actually British Israel designs or symbols, used in connection with their prophecies and interpretation of the Scriptures. Formerly, references to this has usually stated the seeing-eye was derived from "Weishaupt" and the llluminists. If it is, then 16

SPIRITUAL COMMUNISM this ties in the British Israel movement with Communism. It has also been referred to as Masonic in origin. If so, then that ties in Masonry with the British Israel movement. Many organizations and even small political parties act as "fronts" for this movement. They entice the people by proclaiming the Constitution, and other patriotic-sounding terms. Regardless of the preponderance of petitions, letters, and other communications urging legislation, such as the Bricker Amendment, etc., such protective measures never passed. The people do not win!! This has been true of other such efforts to protect our sovereignty. Always overruled - and is this not the reason? Every plan, according to these prophecies, has been brought to pass, regardless of the United States citizens, including Pearl Harbor, which launched us into World War II, also planned and carried out, aspart of this "no win" policy. All these "epics" are referred to as "the symbolic unrolling of the Detailed-Time-Plan. If space allowed, all that has taken place in our American Society could be connected with this British Israel "continuation of prospective development." The complete changing of the Educational process brought about largely by plans of the Carnegie and Rockefeller interlocked powers, through their Foundations. The change in religion through the churches, with the help of Rockefeller and Carnegie influence, plans and funds, the breaking down of a sense of loyalty and patriotism, all meticulously planned for the purpose of bringing about this OneWorld scheme herein devised. Thus in the whole evolution of things we are passing through in this country has been called "Planned Economy." "Economy" is a term constantly referred to in all British Israel literature. One of the "Epics" of "fulfillment" described in this outline of Pyramid prophecies is the Economic. To quote - under the Chapter "Divine Sanction and Restraint" the Great Pyramid's prophecy repeatedly associates the mystic number 153 with the particular aspect of British and American destiny. "The British Race is therefore indicated as having Divine Sanction to perform its 'building' operations under the world s Economic system, until 'Divine Restraint' upon the latter system 17

SPIRITUAL COMMUNISM is withdrawn." The "Restraining Power"was withdrawn, May 29-30, 1927. This explains the disastrous decline in commodity prices that began May 1928 to May 1929, until the British Gold Standard Act was suspended." All things are tied together into one invisible force. It is not necessary to understand all phases, only the tie that connects them. This vital tie is Spiritual Communism or the kingdom of God on earth. If you have this key, you can unlock any door which is marked with Christianity, Americanism or patriotism. Russian Communism and American or Western Anti-Communism is the catspaw and coverup for the real Communism. This kingdom of God on earth cult is of Masonic origin. It professes to derive its tenets from prophecies inscribed on the Great Pyramid and also Bible prophecy. Briefly, these revelations are supposed to indicate that the Anglo-Saxons comprise two of the lost tribes of Israel, one in England, the other in the United States; that these, and not the ostensible Jews, were the Chosen People of God; that they have been appointed by Destiny to rule the whole world; that this will be accomplished by the union of Britain and America in one common citizenship, and that a world ruler will take command not only of these favored nations, but of all the lesser breeds without the law. This world ruler will be the true Christ, they say, come to establish His kingdom on earth. He will be a descendant of King David, says their propaganda. All this, published in dozens of magazines and papers, but seldom mentioned in the secular press, is fortified by the quotation and distortion or perversion of various texts of Scripture. The sect claims to be the one true, pure, original Christianity. It is going to replace and destroy "Babylon," which apparently, in the opinion of students of the subject, refers to the Holy Roman Catholic Church. And very little examination suffices to show that under all the fine Scriptural phrases about Christ and Christianity and Christian ideals and Christian civilization, lies a program just as crude, tyrannical and materialistic in essence as the one of Marx, Lenin and Stalin. The Kingdom of Christ to result from Union Now is a Kingdom of this world, with a world theocratic government at 18

SPIRITUAL COMMUNISM Jerusalem, and one world religion. The Messiah to come is strictly a worldly Messiah, who is going to establish a monetary system much like the one we have had offered us in the Bretton Woods gibberish. The Christ expected by this sect is in effect the opposite of our Divine Lord, Who said that His kingdom was not of this world. Theirs will be a naturalistic Messiah, the same, if I mistake not, of whom our Lord said, "The Prince of this world cometh, and and in Me hath not anything. If there is anything worse than the denial of God, it must be the sly, hypocritical and blasphemous attempt to set up a false God, a false Christ, in His place. It is the intent of British Israel Communism to set up a false Christ to fulfill their prophetic perversions. They have skillfully gathered the whole of organized Christianity behind their Judaic kingdom world government. Not even the so-called Christian churches are aware of how close this Spiritual Communism identifies with Christianity. A materialistic political world government is Communism even when foisted upon a deceived world as God's kingdom on earth. No, it is not merely a little group of irresponsible crackpots. From its headquarters at 6 Buckingham Gate, London S.W.I, it sends forth to a vast number of organizations "literature" which claims among the membership names of Queen Victoria, King Edward VII and many other royal or aristocratic personages; several Anglical "bishops," and a large number of Protestant ministers on both sides of the Atlantic. It is supplied with vast sums of money. All the millions of Cecil Rhodes were left to found a secret society bent upon the same mission of bringing the United States back into the Empire; and the Rhodes scholarships were established so that promising young Americans could be educated in England and sent back here as British Empire propagandists. Incidentally, the same purpose was advanced by Andrew Carnegie in the 1893 edition of his book, TRIUMPHANT DEMOCRACY (though later omitted because of criticism). Incidentally too, the enormously rich Carnegie Foundation, which is allied with the Rockefeller Foundation, was very active in distributing copies of Clarence St r e i t ' s book, UNION NOW, to thousands of libraries and reviewers some few years ago; and both these foundations, through their countless 19

SPIRITUAL COMMUNISM "benefactions" (which now embrace not a few Catholic colleges and libraries), exert an incalculable influence upon ideas. One of the American subsidiaries, the AngloSaxon Federation of America, boasted of 2,000,000 members a few years ago, and had as its president W.J. Cameron, then manager of the Ford plant at Detroit, Michigan. I do not say that all the persons in this network believe in the absurd ideology, but in one way or another they are helping to attain its goal. We do not wish to occupy your attention with these secular groups. It is very important to understand what Spiritual Communism is because it is never identified under its true name. It can always be recognized when we hecr an interpretation of Bible prophecy which teaches that God's perfect kingdom is a material world government on earth. Some of the spiritual Zionists such as the Jehovah's Witnesses, say God will rule this earth from Heaven. This is the real Communism which Americans believe and yet know nothing about. Through Christianity Americans have been brought to believe in just the opposite to Christianity. Any teaching of a future age on this earth for man or God or both, is opposed to Christianity. Therefore if through religion, call it Christianity if you will, Americans come to believe and expect a world government under Christ, they are Spiritual Communists because their faith is in a materialistic religion and Communism is materialism. A worldly, earthly, kingdom of British Israel Communism is just the opposite to the supernatural, spiritual kingdom of grace of Jesus Christ. An earthly millennium of man may come but not of Jesus Christ Who said in John 18:36 "My kingdom is not of this world." So as we concern ourselves with Russian Communism we are shackled with greater deceit - "Christian" Communism. Do the anti-Communists tell us about this spiritual deceit? No! They do not, they teach Communism through Christianity, calling Communism the kingdom of God on earth. What greater deceit could there be than to maneuver the world into Communism disguised as Christianity? It is being done today throughout the world. British Israel Communism has several recognizable publications in this country and one of them is called DESTINY, and a prolific publishing concern, Destiny Publishers of Haverhill, 20

SPIRITUAL COMMUNISM Massachusetts. Several small Protestant sects in the West and South evidently are speaking its language and carrying out its purposes. DESTINY seems to be a sort of key word with all these groups, and they all use what seems to be the official emblem of the sect, the reverse of the Great Seal of the United States, representing a broken pyramid surmounted by a Masonic eye and proclaiming "Novus Ordo Seclorum" "The New Order of the Ages." It is an interesting coincidence that Secretary Morgenthau placed this emblem on our dollar bills in 1936, and that the late President Roosevelt used the phrase "The New Order of the Ages" with emphasis, and often employed other key words of the sect, such as "destiny." "We have a rendevous with destiny," he said. He was believed by the Union Now apostles to favor their designs, and to approve of their plan to set up a temporary world capital in the Azores. This latter was confirmed by "New York Times." Kenneth deCourcy, editor of BRITISH INTELLIGENCE, and a British Israel advocate, also writes for DESTINY magazine, the official organ of U.S. British Israel (Anglo-Saxon Organization of America). In the July-August 1963 issue of DESTINY, his article on "World Affairs" was very revealing. He refers to the world forces as "Organization X." This would be comparable to Carr's reference to the "llluminati," Conspiracy works in strange ways. In this article deCourcy says that CONFUSION is used as a definite method through which the largest gains are made. Is he not using that very method here? By telling others about "Organization X" or "Illuminati," while involved themselves is confusing-and done to mislead. To quote; "This (Organization X) is basicaly criminal, mixed up in politics and has MADE USE OF COMMUNISM. Without its aid, Communism would have collapsed long ago." . . . "It's power far exceeds Communism. Most people realize there is something wrong in the world today, but few have any idea what it is. The attempt to explain everything that occurs as purely a Communist plot does not stand up." "Facts show that no particular ideology has control of the situation. There is a clear pattern through CONFUSION. Those who have sought to explain everything as a COMMUNIST PLOT 21

SPIRITUAL COMMUNISM have fallen into difficulties, because that is not the explanation." He adds that "Organization X operates secretly from the center of LONDON." And they keep people under control through confusion. What could be greater confusion than this? British Israel World Federation is in London. They state over and over they have a definite ideology. It is true that few people realize WHAT is the CAUSE of all they know is wrong, but would they believe that the one who tells them this or the British Israel movement printing it, could be the very ones? No! And so CONFUSION is created!! (Quotes are from DESTINY MAGAZINE.) Quoted fromTHE EMPIRE OF THE CITY, 1946; "Many people realize that this mystifying situation, in which an alleged democratic and self-governing nation is actually controlled against the will of the people in its foreign affairs, is a clear indication that there must be a very powerful and well-financed secret organization which plans and directs American foreign affairs, and for lack of a more specific identification this suspected secret organization is popularly referred to as the International Financiers. In running through these works some amazing nuggets of information come to light here and there, which fitted together gradually unfold the stunning history and the legal structure of a sovereign world state located in the financial district of the loosely tied aggregation of buroughs and cities popularly known as the city of London. The colossal political and financial organization centered in this area, known as "The City," operates as a super-government of the world; and no incident occurs in any part of the world without its participation in some form. Its pretentions are supported in the United States by the secret International Pilgrim Society, sponsor of the Cecil Rhodes "One World" ideology which was launched about 1897. The president of its American branch is Dr. Nicholas Murray Butler, who is also president of the allied Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. The ultimate objective of this camarilla was defined by one of its noted propagandists, the late W illi am Allen White, as: 'It is the destiny of the pure Aryan Anglo-Saxon race to dominate the world and kill off or else reduce to a servile status all other inferior races. 22

SPIRITUAL COMMUNISM Geopolitics, the study of the struggle for space and power, forms a welldeveloped science with an extensive bibliography, which conclusively impeaches the superficial fabrication, with which the American people in particular have been implanted with consummate cunning, that the great World Wars are caused by brutal attacks upon world law and order, instead of being the fully anticipated consequences of the most diabolical double dealing and planning by the secret "One World" order of "The City." News that definitely points to the existence of the secret world supergovernment of "The City" is treated with dense silence. The current activities of what has been identified as the most powerful international society on earth, the "Pilgrims," are so wrapped in silence that few Americans know even of its existence since 1903. As a glaring example let us consider the cross-examination of Henry Morgenthau, Jr., as to the contacts of his father with the peculiar activities of the mysterious and secret British statesman Viscount Reginald Esher by Senator Gerald Nye in a Senate hearing on January 28, 1940. Apparently not one newspaper in the United States gave one inch of space to this immensely sensational exposure, while Senator Nye, like many other statesmen who have ventured too far into forbidden realms, has been effectively submerged." (from THE EMPIRE OF THE CITY, 1946 edition). Boiled down to the final analysis, isn't the spiritual deceit the real goal of the movement? That is, the idea that Christ Jesus will return in the flesh, and rule the world from the throne of David which is in Britain? All the pyramid prophecies they proclaim, are politically slanted. They believe that King David came from Juda, and from David came Jesus the Christ, on one hand, and the British Throne of David on the other. So powerful is British Israel Communism that they are able to force history and events to f i t their predictions and "Bible prophecies." When something is predicted and then comes to pass, deceit is compounded. What about the death of President Kennedy and now what about Ted Kennedy? Do not the American people expect him to be murdered? All this is the calculated forcing of events to fit expectations that have already been firmly fixed. What is the meaning of the Pueblo Affair and sickening insults 23

SPIRITUAL COMMUNISM that keep happening to America? Why is America not permitted to establish her sovereignty? The British Israel Communists say that it is God's way of "breaking the power of the Holy people until such time that they can be forced to recognize that they are God's people and prepare themselves for World Service under the Divine rulership of Christ in His worldly kingdom." This is nothing more than a planned stratagem to destroy the United States without her citizens being aware of how it is being done. Politically, they are told it is Russian Communism. Spiritually or religiously, they are told that God is punishing us for our collective or national sins. Always certain false Biblical prophecies are used to explain why America is in such disastrous circumstances. We are told that the world is divided between Russian Communism and Western Democracy or Western Civilization and that the struggle will end with victory for God's Western Nations and utter destruction for nations of the Roman Catholic faith. The truth is that Russia is a controlled ally of the British U.S. Empire and the division and supposedly friction going on now between the United States and Russia is a cover to hide the fact that these nations are only dividing control of the world so as to enact British Israel Communism into a world despotism completely with and through Christianity. The anti-Communists who are our front line "freedom fighters" say, it is not a question of WILL we win against Communism but WHEN, because it is God's will that those nations with a "Christian Heritage" shall emerge victorious. Can we not see that all the pretention of anti-Communism in America and the world is completely false and that the total effort is promoting British Israel Spiritual Communism? Americans will never understand this until they come to believe the Christian truism that Christ's kingdom is not of this world and that He has no plan of national or racial salvation. The Protestant Reformers would not agree today with the whole of Judaized Protestantism who have turned Christianity from a spiritual people for the hope of a materialistic millennial paradise on earth. World Communism is not to come through Russia but via "Christianity." This is the ruse of Spiritual Communism. We need not fear the anti Christ of atheism or Communism, but the 24

SPIRITUAL COMMUNISM false Christ of a synthetic Christianity. It is the false Christ that follows the antiChrist that shall deceive the whole world. To be truly anti-Communist we must be anti-Spiritual-Communism that is hiding within Christianity. We must expose the judas goats who pretend antiCommunism while they promote Spiritual Communism and its deception that the British Empire must rule by divine right. Any earthly kingdom idea is Communism, regardless of their claims to Christianity. Christianity is concerned with the righteousness of God's grace being extended to individuals through Jesus Christ. It is through the blood of Christ that salvation from sin and death has come. This kingdom is a righteous kingdom which deals not in the affairs of this world. God gave Jesus Christ as man's substitute and means of reclamation and redemption and not the British-U.S. Empire and its propaganda of an earthly kingdom. The materialism of an earthly millennium is in direct opposition to the Supernatural, invisible kingdom of grace. Come to understand this now so that the trickery of the false anti-Communists can be recognized and the real Communism can be exposed. The term "anti-Christ" is a favorite of the British Israelites. It is found repeated over and over in theirvarious publications. But what could be more antiChrist than to claim Christ will return in the form of their king or political ruler - and His kingdom will be a kind of totalitarian government over the world? Would this not place Christ in the future, on a politicalmaterialistic basis, and the very opposite of spiritual Christianity? Yet, with all this, the British Israelites have stated plainly, "We are NOT a religion. We have NOT established a new church our people attend any Protestant church." They carry the "National Message" with them into the churches, political parties, organizations and in all of our society. And what IS the "National Message?" Does it not combine the political and religious in one? The British Israel leaders emphasize their RELIGIOUS beliefs and interpretations of the Scripture, yet they say, "We are not a church nor. do we claim to have a new religion." One asks, then, what are they? From the early days this movement has been political and religious, combining the two. It is the political side which should be examined now. Clergy are today talking "politics" from 25

SPIRITUAL COMMUNISM the pulpit. Many clergy, not actually followers of the British Israel movement, are actually supporting the same political policies, either knowingly or unknowingly. If one scans all the British Israel publications, one finds a large portion of space devoted to the political issues in one way or another, as in DESTINY MAGAZINE, (official organ) October 1964 issue. According to DESTINY: "What is presented in John Stormer's book fully confirms the Divine appraisal, while at the same time pinpointing the generation that will see the Divine condemnation carried out when the prophecy concerning the "overflowing shower," with "great hailstones," and the "stormy wind" is fulfilled. "In NONE DARE CALL IT TREASON we have the formula which has served to 'scatter the power of the holy people. (Daniel 12:7) and it is stated further by the prophet that, after this, 'all these things shall be finished.' When the whole sordid story becomes known to all, the result will be an aroused and angry citizenry who will move according to the Lord's instructions through Ezekiel (39:10): 'And they shall spoil those that spoiled them, and rob those that robbed them, saith the Lord God.'" Here they claim the contents follows their prophecies and "confirms divine appraisal." The entire population became familiar with NONE DARE CALL IT TREASON, but not with this connection with the British Israel world movement. It is not the thing itself, but the USE made of it, which is the determining factor. The line of demarkation is very thin, when cleverly used, between facts as facts, and the subtle use of them for propaganda. And this is the method by which people are most frequently misled. There are many books being promoted as anti-Communist which sidetrack us to believe that racial strife, the breakdown of law and order, and the letting down of national defense is all a Communist plot. At the same time these books support the prophetic scheme of British Israelism. Some of them say it is a jew-communist plot. A few of these books include: "World Revolution" by Nesta Webster, "Race and Reason" by Carlton Putnam, "Judah's Sceptre and Joseph's Birthright" by J.H. Allen, 26

SPIRITUAL COMMUNISM "Communism in America" and "Tis Our Ancient Foe" by Kenneth Goff, "May God Forgive Us," by Robert Welch, "The Naked Communist" by Cleon Skousen, "You can Trust the Communists (to be Communists)" by Fred C. Schwarz, "Plot Against Christianity," by Elizabeth Dilling, "Plot Against the Church," by Maurice Pinay, "The New Unhappy Lords" by A.K. Chesterton, "Proofs of a Conspiracy" by John Robinson, etc. These so-called anti-communist books and newspapers do not mention spiritual communism. If they do not tell us about the real Communism (the kingdom of God on earth) they are doing just what they were intended to do hiding the real Communism. Anyone selling these books is stealing from you and deceiving you at your own expense. They will move Heaven and earth to keep you from finding out about British Israel and how its judaized mongrel Christianity is being used to prepare the people for a world state under the British throne. Hundreds of books have saturated this land which assume and pretend Christianity and anti-communism. How could they teach Christianity with their Zionist malarky about national salvation and all the hocum about God will save America from Russian Communism replacing it with a New World Order under Christ? And how could they be truly anti-communist when they do not so much as mention British Communism and its satanic thrust to dominate the world with spiritual control? Many of these "patriotic" books instruct about the banking monopolies and how they control our economic system but they do not tell how vast sums from Anglo-American finance are being spent to deceive the world into willing slavery through a false Christianity. Yes, world evangelism is preparing the whole world for political Zionism under the guise that it is Christianity and that it is Christian anti-communism. This is not something that is obvious to professing Christianity. While their attention is directed toward the danger of atheism and Russian Communism, Spiritual Communism is being put over as Christianity. British Israel Communism came to America long before the Russian takeover by British American finance. British Spiritual Communism began in America with the Plymouth Brethren movement. 27

SPIRITUAL COMMUNISM Then it got a big impetus from Rutherford and Russell and their Jehovah Witnesses. From there the chaos of kingdom cults spread over the land like locusts, stealing and perverting the spiritual Christianity of the Protestant Reformers and the Catholic Church to a Judaic materialism and its earthly kingdom. Always, always they claim they are Christians and they have been deceived into believing that they are. They are all in great expectation of the coming world kingdom under the rulership of Jesus Christ. Almost all of the Protestant churches in America have been infected with Spiritual Communism, teaching that God's wrath and great tribulation is to come because of our sins, after which Christ is to come back to rule the nations in peace for a thousand years. Most preachers will oppose Russian Communism and its atheism, but they will defend Spiritual Communism to the death. Satan has indeed appeared as an angel of light and deceived the whole world already. Why wait for the so-called tribulation of false prophecy? Satan is enthroned upon spiritual deceit today in the name of Christ. Satan has made his earthly kingdom the hope and faith of professing Christianity. Spiritual Communism will not have to await the fulfillment of the Jewish kingdom. It is a present reality in complete control of organized Christianity. Spiritual Communism is a diseased faith built upon the Phariseeic notion that God's kingdom shall be a millennial world order. How sad for Americans to sacrifice their sons and their wealth to defeat Russian Communism when they have Spiritual Communism in their churches and in their hearts. Communism is from the left wing and from the right wing. Communism is hidden in the right wing and not visible to its adherents. Communism from the right wing is always meted out under high sounding patriotism and Christian conservatism. Understanding the earthly kingdom idea is to identify right wing or Spiritual Communism. The pseudo-conservatives always sanction their deception with authority of Holy Writ saying it is only a matter of when Christian Civilization shall prevail over Russian Communism. Always with prayer, Bible and flag they invoke Divine unction upon their national and racial religion. It used to be called Naziism and Socialism. Now it is called Americanism and Christianity. It is still the same old trickery of Jew Phariseeism cropping 28

SPIRITUAL COMMUNISM up under puritanical sounding fronts. There is only one thing Christian Americans must do to challenge headon this Spiritual Communism which has brought us to such a complete state of confusion. They must separate themselves from all churches and cults which place a Jewish interpretation upon the Scriptures, belittling the Cross of Calvary and putting the central work of Christ yet future. Christians must unite in their belief of the spiritual kingdom based upon the grace of Christ, as opposed to the material, earthly kingdom of a future world state. The Heavenly hope of Christianity must be made known to the judaized world which operates almost completely from so-called Christian Churches. This only, will restore sanity to a bewildered and confused America. It must become an active part of our daily living. We must question every concept or pretension of Christianity according to its definition of the kingdom of God. There must be a dedicated and determined effort to redefine and identify all kingdom on earth cults as Judaism. By designating them properly as Jews, they shall be forced to defend their earthly kingdom beliefs in which case they shall witness against themselves. We must revive, restore and activate the kingdom of grace and with the sword of the spirit cut away all heresy of an earthly material kingdom of God. If the jew-baiters and anti-communists insist on promoting Judaism by twisting the Scripture to set up their material world Israelite state, they certainly deserve the stigma of the heresy they promote. It is time to remove their Christian haven and lay open their Zionist plot to establish a political messiah in the name of Christ. Do you believe that any kind of political or materialistic world government is Christian? Do you believe that Christ will intervene into world history to abolish wars and confusion and establish a New World Order? If so you believe in a political messiah. Your religion is Jew Phariseeism and you are a religious or Spiritual Communist. Spiritual Communism has been brought about through a perversion of Christianity. Do you know about it? Does your minister teach that there is to be a paradise earth and and perfect peace (in a social and political sense) to come to earth through Christ? There was a time when such teaching was 29

SPIRITUAL COMMUNISM openly opposed as anti-Christian. Why not now? It makes no difference who is involved whether it is the Jehovah Witnesses or the Baptist Church. If they place the Schofield interpretation upon the Scripture, which teaches that Christ will establish rulership of the civil world order, bringing in a New Age of world peace, they are Jewish cults denying the kingdom of grace and they should be henceforth called Jew-Pharisees. This is simple. It is not complicated at all but it will give new vision and understanding where there has been only confusion and frustration. Ask your preacher and favorite anti-Communist if he believes that Christ will return to establish His kingdom on earth. He should not be allowed to equivocate or compromise. He either believes it or he doesn't. This one important truism will separate humanity into two separate and distinct camps - the Heavenly and spiritual people on one side, and the earthly, fleshly people on the other. There is no overlapping or compromise to arrive at a hybrid faith. We cannot believe in the grace of Christ and a future material kingdom of God at the same time. There are those who will tell you that Pyramid and Bible prophecies have not come true as to dates given, and therefore would discredit the value of giving them consideration. This is due to the fact that several attempts were made to work out these prophecies in the early days, and with the use of different Bibles which effected the mathematical calculations. You will find this warrants a great deal of thought. The dates are near enough to the events in history to show the answers to the "whys" and "wherefores" of many things that have happened and are happening in our nation, from the historical, religious, political, and legislative standpoint. To quote Alexander Schiffner, from his PROPHETIC HERALD, "During the time of Cromwell's revolution in England, the goons employed to destroy English Society, actually, were called "level-ers." In the same issue, he talks about "The Great Deception," referring to the political front. The deciding factor is WHO are the "levelers" today? And how much was deliberate "deception" - or "confusion" to use DeCourcy's term? We are warned against "false prophets," but to date, few have 30

SPIRITUAL COMMUNISM been able to determine their identity. These false prophets cannot be seen for what they are as they always appear under the banner of Christianity and Conservatism. Therefore we do not look at the prophets but listen for their prophecies in which they say Jesus Christ will establish peace on earth under His personal reign. What deceit to bring in world government through a false Christianity!! Aside from propaganda, there are other devices, or ways and means through which to entice people to join their ranks. One very successful one has been fostering interest in the OCCULT, ESOTERIC and MASONIC influences of the past. It was the late Guy Carr, who in 1958, through his "Views Behind the News," revealed a great deal regarding such books as Nesta Webster's, and books on the matter of revolution and of Secret Societies of the past, as necessary for the understanding of the present. Since then, many have been reprinted and circulated widely over the country. Those who read, did not realize that Carr himself was working with this British Israel movement. Aside from what other value they have, they act as grand "diverters" of the mind, from the important present day issues. And the very ones who circulate them, and recommend them, also wrote booklets quoting from the books, one being "Dangers of the Occult." This booklet is almost entirely a compilation of quotes from the Webster and "Inquire Within" books, which they recommend on the one hand, and tell the dangers of them on the other hand. This appears to be an example of deception which brings a sense of confusion to the mind. And a method of control by diversion, directing the minds of people towards the OCCULT, of which they then tell the DANGERS!! Mr. Rand of DESTINY MAGAZINE stated that there are several million members of the British Israel movement here, but also there are many millions who do not wish to be identified. That is where the danger comes. Every group, church, political party or organization is now infiltrated with British Israel sympathizers but are in many cases, the ones least expected. They carry the "message" in a subtle way, over the country through their broadcasts, or their publications, sermons, and various other ways. Be31

SPIRITUAL COMMUNISM ware of publications which frequently quote British Israel members - yet are not connected directly with the movement. For example, a clergyman from California recently gave a talk or sermon before a Christian Group in New York City. It was reprinted in many parts of the country, including a publication in Florida, and broadcast over a chain of radio stations in California. The British Israel Association stated that this sermon was a British Israel one, carrying the "message." . . . There are many such illustrations. But Howard Rand is not all of British Israelism in America, as the antiCommunist deceivers would have us to believe. The whole "patriotic" movement with its prophecy preachers and anti-Russian Communism are pied pipers of this deceit. Any truly anti-Communist must oppose the religion of Communism, which is divine intervention and national salvation. They claim they fight Communism, and through this entice others to join with them. One Christian group joined with them on that basis. But according to Guy Carr, they USE Communism - and on page 53 in Carr's book, they say "today Russia is God's Battle Axe or Hammer and is being used to weld all the descendants of the Twelve Tribes of Israel into one great spiritual power which will eventually bless the world." These are some of the GIMMICKS which need to be considered. There are many complications and fronts of British Israel Communism. Should we undertake to begin naming every conscious organization and individual connected with it, it would require a sizeable volume and in fact it would be almost impossible. But it is not necessary when we understand the basic tenant of British Israel religion. Their judaized material kingdom, which they teach is Christianity, is the common disease of the whole cult. This belief in a future earthly, world Christian political order has infected almost all of professing Christianity today. It is a very simple principle to understand but the implications of the kingdom of God on earth propaganda is far more serious than we can imagine. If this erroneous interpretation of the Bible is using Christianity as a vehicle to establish a material, political kingdom opposite to the kingdom of grace of Jesus Christ, it is indeed serious and needs 32

SPIRITUAL COMMUNISM the attention of every American. Americans need to think about this multibillion dollar deception before they continue paying their tithes and offerings to their "fundamentalist" preachers and so-called Christian anti-Communists. It is a shame that Christians must be on the defensive and suffer such anxiety because of the lies of the judaizers who have crept in their midst. If they will expose their carnal kingdom they can regain their spiritual freedom and understand at the same time the hidden Communism that is subtly teaching us that world government on earth is divine. What shall we profit if we defeat Russian Communism and accept the same evil disguised as Christianity? This is the trick, well planned, to get us into a world state after Russian Communism has been destroyed. There was a time, a few years ago, when Americans need not have been concerned with this British Israel spiritual robbery. All Christians from St. Augustine to the Protestant Reformers, including the Catholic Church, had no trouble recognizing that a material paradise to come is an age-old Phariseeism which for the most part was kept at bay and out of the Christian churches. Not a single reformer taught the Jew heresy that Christ would come to set up a world government kingdom. But the Jew Pharisees have never given up and today they have their heresy in the midst of professing Christianity, completely unknown to most people. So successful have they been with such abominations as the Schofield Bible, that Christianity today has changed to Judaism without knowing it, and without changing their Christian identity. This is the invisible paralysis which we have termed British Israel or Spiritual Communism because it is being used by the British Empire to gain domination of the world through spiritual control. How do the hirelings of "American Conservatism" support this spiritual deception or Spiritual Communism? They say Communism shall be destroyed by Divine W ill or Divine intervention. Can we not recognize that such teaching is a materialistic religion of national or collective salvation, and do they not accuse Russian Communism of atheism? What is the difference in atheism and the materialism of national salvation or national restoration? There is 33

SPIRITUAL COMMUNISM none whatever and the National Socialism of Hitler was no less an evil than the national salvation of the right wing in America today. New Testament Christianity does not teach that Divine will intervenes in the affairs of this world. The Divine will of God is that men can be saved from their sins regardless of whether they are Americans or Chinese. God will not destroy Communism nor any other ism on this earth, let alone establish rulership over a world despotism via the throne of Britain. When the anti-Communists talk about the inevitability of the defeat of Communism through Divine intervention, they are fostering Spiritual Communism. Theirs is a political religion same as the "Jews" of old who expected a political Messiah to deliver them from Rome. They talk about the scourge of Communism when they carry it in their hearts. The social and political reality of Communism in America is a present danger but Spiritual Communism (belief in a political Christ and Divine intervention) is an accomplished fact. It is fantastic, to most people, to believe that Christianity is being used, as the vehicle, to destroy the United States and establish a British World Empire. One hundred years ago such a scheme would have been impossible because all Christian Churches would have recognized this kingdom on earth teaching as Judaism, and opposed to Christianity. But today, with the many fundamentalist Bible Colleges thrown in with the great evangelistic movements, Christianity has become, in the minds of Americans, a future one thousand year government of Christ on earth. We have been taught Judaism while keeping the name Christian, and without being aware of it. The only thing that wi l l undo this confusion is to promptly identify all believers in a future worldly kingdom of God as Jew Pharisees. This will dispel the myth of Fundamental Christianity. It will make visible, Spiritual Communism. It will reveal the hoax of anti-Communism and it will bring to our attention the mind control propaganda that is silently moving us into a world slavery. If one has faith in something or believes in it, he is controlled by it whether it be truth or a lie. Revolution and social evolution are not the only means to destroy a nation. A people can be educated against their national interest, and Americans are being taught in their churches that all national governments must give way to a 34

SPIRITUAL COMMUNISM world government of Christ. This is the real United Nations which the antiCommunists never mention because this is what they are promoting as Christianity. Talk about straining at a gnat and swallowing an elephant . . . this is the worst deceit ever devised to use a people to destroy themselves. What is the kingdom of God? Upon the basis of this question should come a reorganization of the Christian Church. On the Christian side would be those people who believe that the kingdom of salvation or the kingdom of grace is the fulfillment of the Messianic prophecies. On the other side are the hodge podge of cults and denominations who are united in their belief that the kingdom of God is a material paradise yet to come upon this earth. This distinction and division should be clear cut and any alternating between the kingdom of grace or spiritual kingdom to a future millennium should be excluded from Christianity. One can be one or the other, but not both, as they are opposites. Moral and spiritual Christianity does not give way to please the carnal desires of a Judaized Christianity. The hope of Israel is to be found in the acceptance of the Gospel of salvation. The Christian's kingdom of God is a moral and spiritual reality and it is as literal to the Christian as the material kingdom is to the Jew Pharisee. A preacher need not deceive himself and his congregation by teaching the grace of Christ and then in contradiction teach that Christ shall come back to rule the nations from the World Israelite State with an earthly throne in Jerusalem. If he sees no inconsistency in this, race and grace have merged in his mind. This is a trick, well planned, to lead men away from Christ in His name. This is Spiritual Communism. Spiritual Communism does not work upon open persecution but upon mind control through deceit, and confusion and imitation of Christianity. Look not at the war machine of the hammer and scycle but at the counterfeit Christianity that has covered the earth. The real Communism is the joining of Christianity to the pagan religion that the reign of Christ is to be a materialistic world government. The finished work of Jesus Christ was the bringing in of 35

SPIRITUAL COMMUNISM salvation to the world. The finished work of world revolution would replace Gospel salvation with a Satanic world state which is arising in the name of Christ and under the cloak of Christianity. In resume we would remind the reader that it is nor here possible to include a discussion of every departure from historic Christianity. The materialism we have been concerned about here is a modern theology which is striving to establish a Communistic worldly kingdom of God under the false notion that it is the fulfillment of Bible prophecy. This earthly kingdom religion is having great success enthroning itself upon humanity, accomplishing its deceit completely within professing Christianity. It is false! It is fake! It is a Judaic system of national salvation and national religion which requires not Jesus Christ and the kingdom of salvation from sin, but a materialistic, worldly kingdom built upon legal obedience to be followed by rewarding humanity with a paradise world. All of course is a smoke screen to hide the real British Communism to build a world empire with a synthetic and materialistic Christianity.


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