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insula--calling, reaching for a satisfying solution to the problems and prejudices that have so long oppressed this land. In this most significant city of Southern Africa, loyal followers of tho Master arc hooding that call--ondoavorlng as best they can to bring God's glori
ous message to these hungering hearts.

CAPE TOm sprawls bolow the awesome mountains of this fascinating pon-

spiritual nogloct and indifference of so many; we waver at the dis*couragements and seeming slowness of our progress in impressing souls for Christj we are staggered by the extent of the opportunities before us; we glory in the achievements so wondrously attained; we struggle under the responsibilities we seem so weak to bear; vje press on to the goals our Lord commands us to attaint In short - this city offers all that any mission field might demand -- But it offers this also: a gate way to a covmtry and a continent that yet knows so little of real res
toration Chrlstianltyl

THE CHALLENGE - In this city and Its surroundings wo are met with the bewildering confusion of rollglous divisions; we aro saddened by the

over a distance of some miles in length and 20 miles In breadth. These Inhabit a variety of dwellings from slums and hovels of the poor to the elegant
mansions of the rich--but ALL are as precious in the eyes of God.Their blind". Their nationalities range through suppressed African and Asian to privileged Europeanbut God knows no national favorites. Their oc

THE FIEIxD - The city encompasses over a million souls





to pale-white, but our God



cupations extend from garbage disposers to government directors but

Christ died for them ALLl And we gaze out from the mountain slopes across this vast vista of humanity, and realize that our God has en

trusted to US

the challenging

responsibility of some

of these


souls to claim in His Name.

THE ^-JORKERS -Who are we, that--30 like yourselves, and with so similar convictions as youwould take on such a task in such a place? The Zimmerman family: A1 and Jean, teen-age boys Stephen and John Mark,
and 7 year old Sarah Jo - veterans of 5 years previous service in this city, and now another year. The I'lelsons: Gordon and Estelle, and children Greg, Marsha and James {aged II4.-II)active here for the past

three years; The Eulfords: John, Louise and baby Jennl-Maree,native of

Cape Town, now In full service here for the past two years; The Harts:

Don, Patti and little Chrlssy--laboring here for just over a year; The Solomons: Jimmy, Hazel and their three small girls Lynn, Lorna and
Karen--also natives to Cape Town returned recently to serve their peo ple here; and Jim and Arline Parrls^ our most recent recruits--come to
take up their tasks for Christ here also.

These may well appear to be a strong and significant force lndeed--but before the cold, conservative carelessness of this sln-bllnded city,
we are yet powerlesswere i t not for God^s grace.

THE T70RK - Conscious of the tremendous scope before us, and well aware

of our ovjn inadequacies, we are obliged to select those areas of evan gelism in v/hich we can most effectively fulfill what God would expect of us. Thus, Zimmermans reach out into the broad scope of African village and township evangelism throughout the vast Western Cape-In spiring and training our Bantu brethren in these many scattered church es - besides assisting our local efforts in the city. Nelsons conduct

courses for the Africans and are engaged in establish

ing a new congregation in tho better class Northern Suburbs.

to the initial central Observatory

out to

church reaching

both White and mixed peoples.

Harts minister
Solomons are

similarly to the stead

striving to establish new congregations directly

among the large new township of mixed peoples.

ily growing VJynberg congregation.


/ /

Parrises are set on reaching primarily the influential white people of

the city.

All of us are intent on building strong, independent New Testament churches that can continue indigenously to reach out themselves throughout this cityand to the great country beyond. Please pray for us, that we may faithfully accomplish our Lord's expectationsfor His
gloi'y* .
PULPORDS B 6o6 Forest Hill

FQR^-^ARDIHG AGENTS: Mr. and Mrs. M.-R. Bice

P.O. Box 5o5

La Harpe, 111., 6li(.50

Mowbray, Cape
South Africa

OzARK Bible Cbu.G UbrarV:

T^lic Cautf afc T

VOL. 3. N0> 1

/^In, MiSS|-^ (!48l f




"HOV/'S YOUR HEART?" - This was my title to a recent sermonwith sig nificant reference to the astounding heart operations that have so re

deed performed at the hospital where Louise has been

cently been

performed here in Cape Tovm.

Yes, the operations

working, (half

were in

mile from the church, and within sight of our apartment) and the sur geons involved were among the professors and lecturers who trained her. Hoviever, our work here in Cape Town is far more important in renewing
the SPIRITUAL HE/.RTS of those facing ETERNAL DEATH.

How we thank God for YOUR loving hearts, espebially evident in cards and gifts so kindly sent to us and baby Jenni. Your loving prayers are ever our strength as well and our hearts go out to you in fond appreciation

Praise God

for Christ here I first led to Christ here last year, has at last yielded his heart to the

for a truly thrilling victory in Mr. Stoffberg, head of the household we


It was my privilege to baptise him

into Christ.

Now this family

is united in zeal for their Lord.

May they be mightily used of Him.


Carroll (Evangelist establishing nev

Cape Town for a Pre-Christmas Re*

churches in Port Elizabeth) came to

vival at the Uynberg church (which he Initially established and whert the Harts are now laboring). The meetings were a real inspiration tc all who attended including fine delegations from Observatory and the
Northern Suburbs as we focused on the theme: "The Coming Saviour' Two teen-age girls responded to the gospel, and were baptised by brothe;;

CHRISTMAS JOY - Christmas day was a blessed day for us indeed,

it begai

with a combined Christmas service for our three churches at the Observa

tory church ^n which Carroll and I led) and included a happy famil^ dinner at our home, with rr^ Mom, and Carroll*s whole family enjoying 1 with us. Yet all the gifts are but a dim reminder of God*s glorious Gift to us: Jesus Christ. Next day Hom left with them to spend.her twt weeks holiday sharing in their work in Port Elizabeth.
YEAR CAiTP - Four blissful days were spent by our combined youth oi the three churches (some 30 to ij.0 in all) in a weekend of camping anc classes (It's our SUI4MER here, rememberj). Our five local missionaries

taught the classes and brought challenging Vesper messages on the theme:

"Liwe fast - Love hard - Die young -and Leave a beautiful memory".
These days have proven a great impetus planning eagerly for a great year ahead.
BIBLE SCHOOL GROVJTH - Already this year


to our youth, and we

our Bible School

are now

has leaped a-

head with over 60 regulars in 6 full classes. This year I am teaching strong Senior Youth Class of l5, dealing with the Gospel of John and the Book of Acts. Louise is responsible for over 20 in the Primary Class^
There is wonderful potential for evangelism in all these young lives*
May i^e reach them for Christ indeed.

PRESENT PLANS - The past year has been one of extensive outreach intc the local community to make many contacts and open homes and hearts fo:
Christ. We have had some blessed results from a l l these efforts. Wt


concluded the year

entire area.

by mailing out 500 Christmas

Now in 1968 we feel compelled Pray that God may

to con

and Tracts to that

er effectiveness.

solidate and train these souls in the Lord and equip them for jet great

Home meetings, training classes

and Bible Clubs will

be our special avenues

of endeavor.

use us mightil-

in this to establish His Church strongly for His Glory. Yours because His,

and Jenni-Maree

FOR YOUR SPEClAL PRAYERS - We would urge you this month to keep for particular people that most certainly need your prayers#


1 FOR Jffi. STOFFBERG - that, as the I^ord

has so wondrously drai-m him to

Himself5 so may He keep him stesidfast and growing in the faith and in devotion to God ^ to the conquering of ALL Satan's powers in his life*
2 r FOR 3?HB SCOTg?-FAMILY that, as they have- made a major decision to

unite in fellowship with us, so may they yield completely to Christ-


the fathi^r itRejoicel he came


voluntarily to our Watch Wight

Pray that all may be well, and

Service for the

have been delayed i^

3* FOR jm AliD ARiLlfe PAl^IS > Who, for sptae reason still imknown to us,

that they imy.soon be united.with us in service for Christ here#


DECEIER i, balance


F.C.C., Mariow,' Okia. ;Central C.C., Ft^ Smithy Ark; F.C.C.^, Sallisaw, Qkla,

la Harpe C.C.,:La>Harpe, 111#


Robert Byrhs, Painsville, Ohio ' F.C.C., Texhoma, Okla, Winnie Matlock, Sallisaw, Okla.
Opportunity Class, Shreveport, La.

50.00 25.00 ^$vOO


, O.R, Van Be Iiinder, Sallisaw, Okla.

Walter Ivey, Sallisaw,^ Okla. Beginner *3 Dept., La Harpe, Ili
Arcadia C#C,,;Arcadia, Kan. F.C.C., MarloW, Okla.
Crocker C.C,, Crocker, Mo Receipts ___
TOTAL ' ^ '

5.00 15.00 5.00 5.60 5.00



Salary Postage
Books Travel Fund Expenses



DECEMBER 31> balance

John and Louise Fulford




B 6o6 Forest Hill Mowbray, Cape

South Africa

Cape Town Christian Mission

Box. 5o5
La Harpe, Ulinois



' $^o(i

at Polo Road, Observatory. Cape.

^}4 ^Aanc/i 0^ (^4nc<it

^An44t c4^

Ist Febru^^
GREETINGS to you in Christ,


We rejoice

to share with you in this way at the OZARIC Convention. May our Lord*s blessings continue to abound through the Bible College in sending forth many more messengers for His glory. We have now just completed our first year of ministry to this my home congregation in Cape Town, South Africa. The Lord has blessed abundantly,


^ and though the church had dwindled to

just 21 established members prior to our coming, He has since added 27 and 17 of these were by baptism. The church has grown in zeal and effec
tiveness as well, with a thriving Bible School program. Home Studies, and a developing missionary outreach of its own. We are working and praying toward the attainment of full self-support both spiritually and materially.

We are working in close association with other evangelists of our brethren here, and in July of last year we united in a grajid CRUSADE FOR CHRIST with Paul Benjamin, conducted in a central Civic Centre in the city. I directed the publicity, and attendances were near 200 for each meeting
of the week. At last we are making some genuine __ impact for Christ and His Church in this city, and

we praise God for that.

There were 7 whole-heartedl

decisions for Christ (and the Wynberg Church) as a

result, besides two other enquirers. One of these latter resulted in regular meetings in a home with 14 children, and already the mother and one of the older girls have yielded to Christ, and all are in
our Bible School.

On November 5th God granted to us sweet little baby Jenni-Maree. She is growing up well, and as cute as can be. So with our baby to raise, and babes in Christ to nurture, we trust that we can

count on your prayers that we may continue to be

fruitful in Christ's service here.
Yours for C



Cnd Jenniiiaree FULFORD



i; : ;

Tkc Ca^c Town GlitUtlaH

VOL. -j. m. 3

MARCH 1968

TAKE A BREAK! - So they

tell us, when the

pressure Is on

and the pace

bsts rough,,,And we had ben going at it long and hard...And vje hadn*t had a break in over a year,And we had little prospect of future breaks for quite a while. So we worked doubly hard the xireek before...And wo
went to CARJ-SEL resort and farm for all who love the Lord,.,And we had a great time with Louise's brother and his family from Rhodesia for a week

we figured we really needed that break,..or was it worth taking it?

And X7e hurried back the 250 miles to Cape Town,,.And we plunged back into the x-/ork,,.And we worked doubly hard to make up for that week,,,And

_3TAKLEys ARRIVE - Three days after out return from Carmel our phone rang late after church thst evening, "Hello, This is Darrel Stanley. We*re at the airport," Out I went on the freeway, and in ten minutes was brak ing before the airways terminal, welcoming Darrel and Anne to Cape Town,

piling them and luggage into the car and heading home again to talk 'till
the early hours. Next morning began a hectic round of registration and

"'lasses for Darrel at the University as he enters his first year of Med ical studies. He had made it just barely in time. We've found an apart ment close to Medical School for them too, but they'll stay with us for ffiost of this month. Already we know they'll be a grand asset to our gen-

Qt-al program here,Pray for their total effectiveness in Christ's calling,

i'ARRlS^ IWd MINISTRY - As of the first of March, Jim and Arline have commoiico'i tlmir ministry with the Northern Suburbs Church of Christ here. Already they are getting well into the work and have published their first church paper here. Their apartment is near where the church is
meeting, and they now have a car and are keeping busy. church there may grow and prosper for Christ, Pray that the

ZIMMERMANS MOVE - A grand addition to the N. Suburbs church already is Che Zimmerman family who have acquired a fine house way-out in that re gion. Needless to say we are missing them already at Observatory, but are glad for the gain to this needy work. Their new home location pro
vides A1 vjith more ready access to the African areas, and more necessary room for the family. Pray that they may be used of God all the more in
this new area


Senior Youth Fellowship

is going just

great at our home on Friday nights. Various ones of us take turns in directing the program for some thirty and more eager young people.Louise and I lead a series on Youth Problems, with film-strips and other visual aid presentations, and especially discussions. Plans are noxir Xirell on the way for a short Easter Camp, Pray that the Lord will raise up real spiritual leaders from this group,
Drinking for our Youth Session,

we tackled the problem

of Smoking and

V/e have had to face this as a devastat

ing issue in our evangelism here. The menace of alcohol has especially been a bitter tragedy to our work, lir. and Mrs. Pitt were once both en

slaved to drink, but aided by A.A, and the church, they are proving vic torious. Nevertheless, it has left brother Pitt yet mentally and emo
tionally impaired. Brother Robertson is one who yet will not let the Lord fully conquer the craving in himand too often weakens. Brother Stoffberg quit it completely when he was convertedbut fell after two months of faithfulnessand his family vjere again forced to flee from him. He has since repented. Pray for the steadfastness of these, and
for faith and patience for us.

MISSIONARY REPORT - Be sure to write

to Mission Services, Box 3^8, Jol-

iet, 111., Foli31i~for

their APRIL Study Packet of C.O.M.E. material.


contains a report with pictures I have compiled on all our 6 missionary ramilies here. The material is especially suitable for Missionary Cir
cles and Bible School Classes and we urge you to get it and use it. It contains much other related materials as well, so please don't miss it.

VJe cannot help but be conscious of the subtle attacks of Satan as we strive to develop the work for Christ here. Nevertheless, we believe he

Is worried by our bright prospects. home our advantages to victories.

May God grant us the grace to press

Yours for God*s glory, John, Louise and Jenni-Maree

for three couples yet young in faith and facing tragic problems in their
personal lives:

YOUR SPECIAL PRAYERS - We plead for your earnest prayers

this month

BILLY AI'JD HOHICA STOFFBERG have had to weep and struggle through the terrible passions stirred up by alcohol. They need a better comprehen sion of their problems, and the solutions that only Christ can give. j^OBBIE AND EVA ROBERTSOK have been used of God despite Robbie's lapses ^'Oward liquor. Eva needs to be resolute for Christ, and Robbie needs to
09 rid of drink completely. yACK AND SUSAN JOUBERT have had
discover a better basis for

a pathetic disparity
their relationship

in their
that they

may yet

life that it seems they will no more resolve.

stand steadfast together.

They need, through Christ

^fey our almighty GOD meet the needs of all of these.


mnUARY, 1968, balance


20.00 100.00

F.C.C., St, Ann, Mo. Crocker C,C,, Crocker, Mo^

Central C.C,, Ft, Smith, Ark, La Harpe C,C,, La Harpe, 111.

50.00 100.00

M/m M.F. Marchbanks, Pocatello, Id.

I^.C.C,, Sallisaw, Okla. F.C.C., Texhoma, Okla.
Arcadia C.C., Arcadia, Kah,

Mrs, A.W, Kern, La Harpe, 111.

2500 56.00


Beginner's Class, La Harpe, 111.

M/MFreolin Thorp, Clinton, 111. M/M F.J. ifing, Gilbert, Ark,

5.00 10.00
5.00 15.00 5,00


Opportunity Class, Shreveport, La. Mrs. O.R, Van De Linder, Sallisaw, Okla. V/innie Matlock, " "
V/alter Ivey, " "

Crocker C.C., Crocker, Mo, F.C.C., St. Ann, Mo.

Total, this month

100.00 10.00
591.OO 591.00



Salary, (including tithe, ^2.50)

Postage Books Supplies

11.8i|, 9.05 3,00

Travel Fund

i}.96.59 ij.98.89

FEBRUARY 29, 1968, balance

Total, this month


''^XNANCES - I'/e praise God for your faithfulness in continuing to supply "ill-our needs.- Without you we would be tragically hindered in serving Ilhrist here. As it is you have helped us so well that we are able to

-'aise our salary by $25 per month to cover our extra expenses x>rlth Jenli-fTaree. Thus, the 50 in December covers hospital care for her after ler birth in Hovoinber. The 50 in January covers the monthly increase

lar iip25 increase, and it .mu'e 3s i'i<=^odod, thanlr.qAnd Jenni is doing just
fine and growing,

Tor December and Jemmfy,

And from Febrnary

we are voceiving the regu

La Harpe,



V>^ ^ If ^ f ^ I

IViay 0 '6d

VOL. 3. m. L





[IL 1968

SALUTATIONS"So build we the wall.,for the people had a mind to work," These words from Kehemiah i|.:6 well describe our progressive efforts in Christkingdom here in Cape Town. As the world's thoughts at Easter afresh that He arose to build His Church through the saving and train ing of souls for His glory. May we be effective instruments in His
hands to these ends,

turn to Christ's Resurrection, may we

who ar "risen with Him" realize

AMMJAL GEI^TER/iL j^lEETIHG - 20th March was another

climactic occasion for

our Observatory congregation as we reviewed the past year's achieve ments for the Church and paved the way for the future. V/e had begun

tised 17 into Christ in this time and had 6 additions by transfer. To God be the glory1 All the 17 plus 2 of the transfers have been receiv ing regularly the I3 New Convert's Classes - to which they have respon

and an elderly sister in Christ has passed away.

last March with 35 members.

Of these, one family of ^4. has

We have however, bap

moved away,

ded well and faithfully - and all are proving to be valuable assets to the Church. Hovr we are looking to yet greater consolidation and exten
sion of the total program

of the congregation.

Please pray

for us in

I or the Church at Observatory, These and other improvements such as black-top for the parking area should help much in making the place more presentable for Christ's service. Billy Stoffberg and Jimmy Sol omon have been among the most willing workers, and we are finding the
leilowship of working a real spiritual stimulus as well.
30 of our Senior Youth had grand T? our Hout Bay Camp ""site recently making ready for a a two-day Easter Re treat, we dug, chapped and hacked our way through the area to produce just what we vianted for the tents, dining and chapel areas, and steps out of the valley. The day ended with a "Braaivleis" (cook-out), song lest, and short talks on "Preparation" by Don Hart, Jim Parris and my^ sell - and so we wended our weary but happy way homeward. Pray that our youth will continue to be challenged to ever greater spiritual

^ch needed verandas for the front doors with long planters beside them

wall with a mind to work" these past weeks.

- Some of our men

have been literally "building the

We are busy constructing

the^nberg Church on March 31st with 65 attending from churches (in cluding some of our African brethren). The meeting went over marvelously, with songs, special music, chalk art, and a message by Barrel Stanley on Overcoming through Christ. Already we're planning to have the next Rally at Observatory and hope to make this a regular institu
tion .

- Our very first Combined Churches Rally was held at

city, and would plead for your regular prayers also in this regard. Our fi^st such meeting is on April 8th at the Parrises home in Parow. trusting God that all these means will lead to ever greater growth in our total work in Cape Town and beyond.
us urging us on to yet greater efforts and effectiveness. We thank God that your steadfast support continues to provide the vital means where by we can work on for God's glory.
Yours in His service.

to pray for each other as we serve here together. More and more we are aware of our mutual interdepencence in our tasks for Christ in this

, we to 3?aised the idea of a Monthly of ambitions, our Gape Town ilissionaries share Joys and problems, and Meeting hciDes and and

l^ulOKARY FELLOWSHIP - At a recent Missionary Get-together at

Brethren, we are much encouraged as we recognize God's mighty hand upon

FOR YOUR SPECIAL PRAYERS - This month we ask you to pray with thanks giving for three special souls in our congregation who have recently shown renewed zeal foi? God and through whom others 6an now be chal
lenged all the more for Christ.

BILLY STOFFBERG - has recovered from his recent lapse, with eager zeal to really give of himself in God*s service. Praise God, and pray that his wife and eight children will be firmly linked with him in serving
the Lord.

J)DNA S'TENSOIT - has responded anew to

ation now to her

ticipation in the service of the congregation"and is ^

zealous husband.



for her .active par

Praise God/sihd pray

added inspir

that they may

work together in increasing spiritual harnlonyi

RAYMOND ESPIN - has risen to the challenge of the building projects for the Church and really given of himself in work and direction of the..,,

jobs* His spiritual enthusiasm is showing a marked increasie also. Praise God,' and pray for him and his influence on his girl friend who comes quite re^lariy though she belongs to isi denoininational church.
Pray especially for him also as he
prayers for

leaves soon for two months of mili

tary training.
May our

these lead to



of many more for pur


MARCH 1, 1968, balance



La Harpe C.C., La Harper 111. Central C.C., Ft. Smith, Ark.


Beginner's Class, La Harpe, 111.

- -

M/M P.J. King, Gilbert^ Ark. M/m M.P. Marchbanks, Pocatello, Id. Lordts Reapers, O.B.C., Joplin, Mo._ _ _

5.00 $.00
30.00 61.00

ArcadrC7t)^~Ar^dia7'Kan. ~ ~ F.C.C., Texhoma, Okla. F.C.C., Sallisaw, Okla. F.G.C., Marlow, Okla/ Opportunity Class, Shreveport, La. Mrs. O.R. Van De Linder, Sallisavy> Okla. Winnie Matlock, " "


F.C.C., St. Ann, Mo. Crocker C.C., Crocker, Mo. Total receipts

Walter Ivey,

" .


$.00 .1$.00 $.00 $.00





Salary, (corrected for tithe not deducted in Jan. arid Feb.) Postage
Books Travel Fund : ' '



-Total- expenses MARCH 31, balance

John and Louise Fuirord. B 606 Forest Hill

. 5p00 -Wri?

Mowbray, Cape
South Africa


Box $0$

La Harpe, 111, 6llj.$0

^ 5. /f-

TUC ape P

VOL. 3, NO, ^


MAY 1968

V.^E MADE IT! - It was a hectic Saturday morning. midst of our building improvements. We HAD to

We were still in the get the main section

donewe HAD to get the place cleaned upwe HAD to get the flowers arrangedBEPORE the wedding that afternoonl AND we HAD to bid fare
well to one of our most faithful Christian couples headed for Austral^

ia by boat yet that morning I

GO...GO,.,.GO....and we did get


PRAISE GOD, With ten minutes to spare I drew up at the church with relatives of the groom. The place looked great. The wedding was glor ious, The LORD had undertaken once again, as He continually does

through all our efforts for His glory here,

GRAI^ID YOUTH CAMP Our combined Senior Youth of the three churches

really pitched in to make their two day Easter Camp a glorious success:

with inspiring program, balanced activities, camp song book, tents and
much good food. The theme: "Is Christ Alive in Your Life?" was carried

through effectively in all the classes (led by Don Hart, Jim Parris, Barrel Stanley, and myself), and the closing Camp-fire testimonies and

days. More than thirty youth were actively involved in this Camp, and We are confident these will go on to ever greater things for God, Plans are already in the making for a full week of Camp there at Hout Bay at the beginning of next year, in his own evangelistin X'l'ogvam among the Coloured peoples we have managed to prevail on him for a series of seven stimulating sermons at our Gospel Hour on "The Power of Christ". These are proving a rich inspiration to us Indeed, and we know Jimiiy is glad also of the change
to preach regularly for a while once more.

prayers gave

stirring evidence

of the impact of these

two wonderful


brother Jimrr(7

gets too Involved

integrated into our activities here also now, and been brought^ into the Board of the church and been of our Area Men's Fellowship, Anne has taken over of our Bible School and been elected Treasurer of and she types our monthly church paper. They also
combined youth program. We believe in making tive and willing Christian couple,

STANLEYS IWOLVED - We are thrilled to get

Darrel and Anne thoroughly

already Darrel has elected Treasurer the Primary Class the Bible School, help to direct our

the most of this effec

LOUISE STARTS I^TEW CLASS -Louise has taken on the challenge of reaching five homes on the fringe of our church activities, by initiating a new Bible School Class especially for their 5 and 6 year old children. These are to be the BOOSTERS, and through them we hope to "boost" these families closer to the LORD, None of these homes has as yet made
any previous commitment to Christ, Please pray for the success of this

VERONICA SCOTT BAPTIZED - Praise the LORD" for another victory for Christ in the Scott householdl Veronica,at ll^, has shown a continual concern for the LORD throughout our meetings in that home, as well as in Bible School and Camp, She had also joined in the New Converts those 13 classes I challenged her again concerning her own commitment for Christ, She now had no hesitation in yielding her heart to the LORD. Vie are confident she will continue steadfastly with Christ.
Pray for them - and especially for the father in that home whose heart
is still so hardened in sin,

classes with her mother and two of her sisters.

At the

conclusion of

resolution in the lives of our local men. From them must oome the future hope for a strong and indigenous Church for our LORD here. Thus it was that we invited the men of the VJynberg and Parow churches to share with us in a "debate" on the subject of
Infant Baptism, Needless

AREA I'CEN'S FELLOWSHIP -We are deeply concerned for a greater spiritual


to say this proved

most stimulating,

and through

this was

born the

plan for a monthly Area Men's Fellowship for the men of our three churches. Pray that this will reach beyond fellowship to active train ing for affective Christian Leadership.
Brethren, the LORD continues to direct and mould and make the work

here to conform to His glorious purposes.

disposal to fulfill His will.

May we be constantly at His

Yours becauso His,
John, Louise and Jenni-Maree

FOR YOUR SPECIAL PRAYERS - We would urge you to pray this month par ticularly for some of our brethren very dear to us who are facing new
responsibilities especially: in which they will need the LORD'S strength most

mike AHD LYNDA SOLOMON - Two of the most faithful

(rrom the Ti/ynberg church) who


were married


of our young people


the very

iiext night

they received word

that Lynda's 17 year

old brother

killed in a car

Pray that

they will grow

in strength and

confidence in the LORD and each other.

JOHN AND CYl^TTHIA CLARKE - Two of our most faithful and regular workers in the Observatory Church since their conversion a year ago - they are
now emigrating to Australia. Pray that they will be even more active

for Christ among our brethren there.

^S. DE KLERK ATO IAN - Another two of our converts of last yearthey have now moved to Durban (on our east coast). Pray that they also will find fellowship and strength with Christians there.

May God bless you as you pray continually for us all!


APRIL 1, 1968, balance



La Plnrpe C.C^ P.C.C,, Sfillisaw, Okla.

M/M M. P, Marchbanks, Pocatello, Id.

Arcadia C.C., Arcadia, Kan. Beginner's Dept., La Harpe, 111.

Central C.C., Ft. Smith, Ark.

25.00 $0.00 5.00


M/M F. J. King, Gilbert, Ark.


F.C.C,, Texhoma, Okla. Opportunity Class, Shreveport, La. Winnie Hatlock, Sallisaw, Okla. I4rs. 0. R, Van De Linder, " Frank Roark, " "
Walter Ivey, Total receipts

57.00 5.00 5.00 15.00




Crocker C.C., Crocker, Mo.







Tithe, (dediicted ffoiti last months hub uot paid) Postage


U25.00 15.00

Total expenses

MAY 1, 1968, balance



, 5.50


Box 5o5

la Harpe, 111., 6ltj.50



3ul 8 '68
to my new


VOL. 3, HO. 6


jui^ 1968
series of


Gospel hour messages as we enter a further phase in our program here in Cape Town. Our Initial developments have come to consolidation^ and we souls to be won, a Missions Program to be begun, and a D,V,j3,S. to be run. Pray that we may be all the more effective in our outreach for
Christ here,

are conscious of the need to be launching out afresh, Nex-J Converts have been established and our building vastly improved--30 now thero are new

DEHISE LITTLE BAPTIZED - Recently we had requested special prayers for Raymond Espin who has showed renewed zeal for the Lord, and was headed

for Army Training. What joy has thus been ours to see how i-jonderfully the Lord has answered--for, while he has been away, his fiancee' Denise made her personal decision for Christ and was baptized^ the same night, (Jimmy Solomon had preached powerfully on "Life in Christ at that ser vice), How our hearts rejoice in this thrilling victory for our LordI I am now taking Denise and Veronica together through Paul Benjamin's

new book on "Christian Growth".

MISSIQjM PROGRAM BEGUH - Though the church here has for some years been helping to support our brother Jimmy Solomon and his family we have not previously had any definite program of missionary giving. From this month, however, we are initiating a program of additional missionary
support for three missions outside of South Africa, selected by the

ches of Christ

These are: The MEDICAL MISSION WORK of our British Chur




of our

New Zealand bi-othi-en in DADAYA, RHODESIA; and the CEN'IRAL AFRICA CHRIS

are taking the evening offering of the first Lord's Day of each month for each of these in turn (besides additional giving at other times), andin returnreceive reports from them. Already the brethren here
are responding wonderfully to this challenge.

to wait for ifhe completion of his house and the start of his own church
program, we are

JI?''^^y TEACHING ADULTS_ - Since our brother Solomon still has some months
making more good use of him
Adult Bible Class.

by having him
The regular

teach one
teacher (a

of lessons to our

deacon) is

glad for

the opportunity

thus to

learn from

our brother

Jimmy--and Jimmy loves to teach the Word.

FIFTH SUNDAY RALLY - The next big Rally is due at the end of this month and this time we at Observatory are to be the hosts. We expect then to celebrate the completion of our renovations to the building, and are looking forward to a grand time of inspiration and fellowship,
HOLIDAY BIBLE SCHOOL - V^^nberg and Observatory churches will each be _holding. a one-week D.V.B.S. in July as a valuable means of outreach in

ourselves will be the teachers, teaching the same material ("Walking Jesus' V/ay" by Standard) at both churches. Pray that we may reach Brethren, we continue to be thrilled
our efforts - even though
many homes for Christ through this.

to our communities. These will be during the three-week "holidays" (hence the change of name), and will be our first effort at such a ven ture for the churches here. Harts, Parrises, Solomons, Brian Kleyn and

by the blessings of our Lord upon

is still experimental in

the work of Christ here. We are confident that your prayers have large
ly been behind these blessings - and we are continually
Yours in Christ's service,

so much that we do

grateful for

you all.

John, Louise and Jenni-Maree

FOR YOUR SPBCIAL PRAYERS - This month we would urge you to pray with us especially for the three mission fields we have chosen to help to sup port through the Church here* GOWA MISSION - and especially our sister Ruth Hendry shouldering the direct responsibility for the hospital there, that the Lord might use her continually to meet the needs of souls and bodies of her patients. PAPAYA MISSION - and the great in fluence i t wields on future leaders in that nation, that God will cause it to be continually a Gospel beacon illuminating the darkness in
hearts and minds CENTAL AFRICA CHRISTIAN COLLEGE - and the many

future preachers

for our Rhodesian churches

who train there, that the

And pray also as always

Lord will equip them thoroughly through those who train them, that they
may indeed be faithful ambassadors for Christ.

for us, and for Jimmy

and Hazel Solomon - our own




MAY 1, 1968, balance


1000 10.00 5.00

F.C^C., St. Ann, Mo. F.C.C., Marlow, Okla. Mr. & Mrs. M.F Marchbanks

Central C,C., Fort Smith, Ark, Beginner*s Pept, La Harpe, 111.

La Harpe C.C., La Harpe, 111.

50.00 5.00

Mr. & Mrs. O.R. Van Pe Linder Winnie Matlock

15*00 5.00

VJalter Ivey
Arcadia C.C., Arcadia, Ean.


F.C.C., Texhoma, Okla. Opportunity Class, Sbreveport, La.

i|.6.00 ^OO
10.00 100.00

P.C.C., Saliisaw> Oklai

F.C.C., Marlow, Okla. Crocker C.C., Crocker, Mo.

Total Roccipts







Salary, (Tithe #ii.2.5o)


k33hk k33mhh

MY 31, 1968, balance

Total Expenses



BOX 5o5

La Harpe, 111., 6li|.50


VOL. 3, NO, 7




JULY 1968

CO-OPERATiOH Is without doubt the keynote to our evangelistic endeavors here in Cape Town. Our missionaries are united in heart and effort for
Christ here. Our churches are interlinked in the service of our Lord.

Our congregation is

co-ordinated toward

increased effectiveness.



home is a team, with the Lord at its head. What success we have known has certainly been largely dependent on this interrelation of forces

And we know just as certainly that it has

been so very much the

result also of YOUR continued co-operation through prayer and financial support. Hay G-od continue to bless us TOGETHER as we press forward
unitedly for souls here in South Africa.

MEN AT T-JORIC - Ten men from our own congregation, plus four men from our sister churches have been busy since February improving the entire front of the Observatory building vjlth verandas, planters and extra doors, plus paving the side lane. The task is done--to the glory of


Already the

community is

showing much



in the

church, and our men have been much blessed in this united labor of love.


Observatory were

hosts for the

Rally this

quarter, which served as a fitting celebration for the coLipletion of our building project. One hundred and one came from our combined con
gregations to well fill our auditorium. Our theme: "Onxirard with Christ" prononiiod to yet greater goals in Christ's service. Bro

so when we realize

ther Kelson's message was an

that they Rt'o thona.nolvn.Q fih<ii'tly to launch out into

Gordon DJelson family have completed

inspiration to this

and a31 the more

wider fields of service.



nis year they in3ni.q-t-.,,j.'oa to the Observatory and Wynberg Churches and couraged uhe Bantu Churches. In the next two years they established

(tbi-oo years) here in

South Africa.


ana in

e Zimmerman home. On Jul:/ 18 they return to the States for furlough,

tbeir second term here they plan to locate more

. ^^owg^eeation in tho had North Suburbs area and helped train Christians. We recently a lissionary Farewell for to them at

near tneir presentations of the v;ork in Cape Town and beyond.

- Darrel has completed his first

been blessed by their ministry

boutn Airica and meet yet greater challenges in the work here,

centrally in
l.'e have

here. Do pray for them, and plan to


wffi? month in endeavors Port Shepstone, Natal, aiding parrel's parents in their missionary there.
L teaching assisting in a Camp among with our brethren, uall be doinR much and preaching the Bantu African village and churches.

H ^ 4-f?^u- " and^nise ^it^

S. for l.ynberg and-Observatory churches. ""TT^-nTerg hkTabout"35, and Obforward to reaching some of these for the

plus Brian hard at it Missionaries, these past two weeks with Kleyn V.B.

about 70 children in attendance each Ly, and the kds just

-p S grander well soldpro-^rams on the next idea year. now, and are making already for yet V.B.S. New homes have plans been


Pleasf! pray for all these plans and activities.

BRETHREN, what a joy it is to be on Crod's unbeatable teaml What a re-

Christ in oouth Africa, God will provide: Let us persevere. He will not fail: let us not falter. VJe know we can count on God: Ija^r He know
He can count on us. ^ txiiuw

sponsibility it^is to play our proper part. God, you and we are all viwonderful work of winning and training souls for

Yours in Kis blessed service.

FOR YOTJR SPBCIAL PRAYERS - This month these homes are much upon our hearts* We trust you will be praying with us for them; THE CLARKE H0I'4E - John and Cynthia ovir young converts now in Australia have written to say they have united with a Cbiurch of Christ there and we are glad for this. However they have found a lack of Bible emphasis that bothers them there# Pray that the Lord will raise up more zealous and true preachers for that land.

THE STOFFBBRG HOIIE - Billy has now also linked up with Alcoholics Anon-

ymous and found a fresh joy in combating Alcoholism directly. Pray that this home will continue to grow in united zeal for the Lord. THE BRASLBR H0I-3E - This family has been showing a growing concern for
Christ and interest in our activities. to reach them fully for Him. Pray that the Lord will use us

And remember to pray always


for our own home as well.


We pray for you

JUNE 1, 1968, balance


100.00 1.00

La Harpe C.C., La Harpe, 111.

Jack Rhoda, Joplin, Ho. Central C.C., Fort Smith, Ark. M.F, Marchbanks, Pocatello, Id. Opportunity Class, Shreveport, La. Beginner*s Dept.^ La Harpe, 111. FiC.C., Sallisaw> Okla.
O.R, Van De Linder, Sallisaw, Okla.

Winnie Matlock, Frank Roark,

" "

50.00 5.00 $.00 5.00 25.00 15^00 5.00


F.C.C., Texhoma, Okla. F.J. King, Gilbert, Ark. Arcadia C.C., Arcadia, Kan.
F.C.C., St Ann, Mo.



Waiter Ivey, Sallisaw> Okla.

Crocker C.C^j Crocker, Mo. Total Receipts




Borrowed from travel fund Total


.75 2.75

386.9B 75.00


(Tithe $1).2.50)

Books, (College Press) Bible, (from O.B.C.)

Total Expenses


JUNE 30, i960, balance

funds are insufficient
B 606 Forest Hill

FORWARDING AGENTS: I-ir. and Mrs. Marion Bice

-::-NOTE - That x^e shall revert to our previous salary of II4.OO whenever
John and Louise Fulford

Mowbray, Cape
South Africa

P.O. Box 5o5

La Harpe, Ill..,_. 6llj.50


BOX 5o5

La Harpe, 111., 6ll(.50




VOL. 3, HO. 8


PRESS ON - with patiencel

Town, are conscious of past accomplishments as well as past hindranceSj weaknesses and problems. Nevertheless, we too with Paul must sot all aside and take up continued tasks for our Lord in our labors here. Thuf
we feature this month
for Christ,

Philippians 3:13, lij.. Even so we, in our ministry for Christ here in Capt
the continued developments in our program oi ser


is the challenge

of Hebrews 12:1, 2^anc

vice here, that you may continue to pray for our further effectivenesf
has now grown to about 3'

YOUTH GROVJTH - Our combined Senior Youth Group

V'e were thrilled recently when one regular attender from VJynberg, Den^

more. Our various missionary couples have been leading in proauctiy programs that have stimulated the youth to all the more^active responsi bilitj'-, and we look forward to their increasing leadership in this

following our successful Holiday Bible School which drew in quite s e

Solomon (brother to Mike) made his decision and was baptized into Christ

Also Ingrid Lippert*s mother has placed her membership t-jith the I'Jynber Chvirch, VJe rejoice with the Harts indeed in these blessed results.
area felloxiTship continues to

MEH' S r'lET-TINGS - This monthly

draw a fin'

response frova oiir local men. Recently four of our men from varied wali:vc of life spoke on "How Our Lives Can Count More for Christ." These the eager discussion which followed are indicative of a genuine growing zeal for service among ^ur men. One of the speakers (from
berg) Des Lottera teacherhas recently
able men to aid the work here.

ship with the VJynberg Church, and so has his brother. Praise God for more

expressed a desire for member

ROUGHTOUS ARRIVE - H'e welcome to Cape Town this month the parents of Beverley Herman from New Zealand. Stanley and Beverley are our foremost
local workers and leaders in our Observatory Congregation, and Beverley*3

parents Christ,

are as active and responsible in our New Zealand Churches of Thus it is a joy to have thera here with us for some months, and
recent arrival, though just for a few

we know they will be a valuable asset to the x-/ork in Cape Town.


one of our most faithful Bible School teachers.

days, is Sylvia Menhinickwho grew up

in the Observatory Church and wa?

She answered ^G^od's calj

to Fashoko liission in 19^1 where she served some years as Hospital Secre

tary. She then i-ient to Atlanta Christian College where she has now gradlaated x-jith honors, and is on her way back to Iiashoko. V/e are thrilled t'
i.ave her share with our churches on a Lord*s day here.

?r/.CT FROJECT - Ne have ample scope for tract evangelism here since ilumber of our members readily distribute these to contacts, friends, relatives and work-associates. We have had a large and varied stock whicl

is^now greatly


Since local tracts

are not very satisfactory,

particularly effective for evangelism and teaching.

the spread of the Gospel
greatly appreciate it.

we would ask you please to assist us in obtaining suitable supplies. We feel sure that you are acquainted with some tracts that you have found direct to Cape Towna supply of such, and thus being direct sharers in

How about sending us


and New Testament Christianity

We will

SLIDE PROGRAiI - We have just completed an up-to-date slide program on the

general scope

of our labors

for the Lord here in Cape Town.

This will

soon be on its way to the States, so you can start writing now to the Bice*s requesting it. We trust we can count on you to keep it circulating
Your continued concern for us has helped in our steady productivity

the ministry here. We are confident that you have been as richly blessed as we in what the Lord has done through us. Kay as we continue to labor together in Love.
Yours because Eis,
and Jenni-Msree

2Qim SPECIAL PRAYERS - Please pray with us, this month especially, Tor three of our Cape Town youth of earlier years who are presently much
in need of prayers in their missionary tasks.
to that expanding x^ork

_^TLVIA i^iENHIKICK - As she returns to Mashoko Mssion, Rhodesia, that she

^;iay readjust well and be all the more effective
ior Christ there.

4_KDY SINCLAIR - and his ailing wife Charlotte who now has a serious kid ney conditionthat the Lord will yet grant healing, and give them wisdom

-is they are forced to face major decisions regarding their future and the
aission work in Zambia#

Lord will grant him full recovery, and even greater concern for the needy
isouls there despite this tragedy.

JHARLES BELL - who was quite badly beaten by Africans in Zambiathat the

Pray too that there will yet be more such committed recruits from the churches here in Cape Town.

for Christ

JULY 1, 1968, balance



P.C.C,, Karlow, Okla. M/iVI M.P. Marchbanks, Pocatello, Idaho Arcadia C.C., Arcadia, Kansas Central C.C., Ft. Smith, Ark. La Harpe C.C., La Harpe, 111. F.C.C., Sallisaw, Okla. 0pp. Class, Shreveport, La* F.C.C.j Texhoins, Okla. Dr. ^-.Hrs. 0,R. Van De Linder, Sfll.lifsaw, Okla. ^'/innie Matlock, Sallisaw, Okla. V/alter-Ivey, Sallisaw, Okla. ~ " M/M V/m. Ilaynard, Mt. Sterling, 111. F.C.C., MerloWs Okla.

Beginner*s Dept., La Harpe, 111.

10.00 500 30.00 50.00 100.00 25-00 500 55*^^ 15.00 5.00 5.00 10.00 10.00


Total receipts

Crocker C.C., Crocker, Fio.

10.00 U0.55


Borrot'^ed from travel fund




Tithe, (Paid on preceding month salary)




Books, (O.B.C.)
Contribution to 21st. Hat*!. T-5"iss. Conv.
Total expenses

Ji)ii .

ULY 31, 1968, balance

ohn and Louise Pulford

lii;1.36 2.57

" "606-Forest tlill

Fort^arding Agent
rir. and T'^rs. Marion R. Bice

iowbray. Cape
louth Africa

La "Harpe, Illinois



OX 5o5


,<?ep 23 *68

I o\^n

VOL. 3, wO. 9


SEPT"ER 1968


your MISSION getting on?

In ono respect we realize

that WE are your Mission, and we try to keep you up to date on us in this report each month. Yet your Prayers and your Giving are^ your Mission also, and praise God for so many of you who have been faithful in this too. And how about your Personal Nission in Local Evangelism? We pray for you too that, by God's grace, we may all reach every area
we can for Christy




centre of


world-wide missionary endeavor meets this month in San Antonio, Texas, VJe trust that many of you will find it possible to go and to ^share in what will certainly bo a thrilling program. Be sure to visit GORDON NELSON at his display there for first-hand reports on our work.
HEN HEAR OP B/NTU MISSIOI^S - At our most recent area men*s fellowship

held at Observatory

a fine group of men

were well enlightened on the

school at Port Shepstone

scope of Bantu Mission work here, sponsored from the States# Darrel Stanley gave a history of the work, emphasizing the preacher-training

led by his father.

Be showed slides of^the

and dealt with the Western Cape work. In all there are some 279 chur ches and preaching points with about 6,000 Christians active in this work. We rejoice to be associated in so wide an outreach for Christ.
bible SCHOOL ANNIVERSARY - This month (l5th) our Bible School

activities on his recent visit there.

A1 Zimmerman also showed slides

and children "join in'an "inspiring Anniversary Presentation: "Christ is

Come"through poems and songs covering the life and ministry of our


LORD. V,e are confident this will prove to be a touching testimony to many in the community, particularly the unreached homes of some of our children. We are combining the Bible School and VJorship hours to this end, and trusting that Christ will be revealed indeed to all.
TE/' CKIER TRAINING CLASS -The following Lord's Day I shall be initiating

a new project for Teacher Training for 5 of our most promising future teachers. We shall meet weekly at the regular Bible School hour, and use an excellent set of 8 film-strips plus mimeographed notesbesides practical teaching situations. We are eager to equip our local people
to be as effective as possible in their own work here. ?Ieanwhile bro ther Jim Solomon will take over the teaching of my Senior Youth Class.

HOUSE FOR SOLOMONS - Plans have been

on a house

passed and work will soon


for the Jim Solomon familjr in Belthorn Estatea new hous

ing area for Coloured people in the Central suburban region. Brother Solomon has been conducting a regular weekly home-study in that area

(with attendances of around 2^) and also

a weekly youth meeting, with

establishing a

good response. Since there is no church at ell in that area, they are -oo-nfident that the house there (with large lounge and adjoining large

garage) would provide excellent opportunity for fully

church there early next year.
here we have a renewed desire

Pray for them in this fine venture.

of our total program
to reach out afresh to those of other

WIDER CONT/'.CTS - With the further stabilization

groups with differing beliefs. We plan to link with one weekly youngadult meeting to this end on a Saturday night once again, in hopes of sharing with them the concepts of New Testament Christianity. We have found Capetonians somewhat slow to appreciate the value of our posi
tion, but we continue to persevere. Pray also for us in this.
VJe all are involved in a wide range of responsibilities in our liission

to which Christ calls us. i'iay we all be found faithful in accomplishing all we can for Christ, wherevor we can.
Yours for Christ for all.

and Jenni-Maree

FOR YOUR SP'5CIj:L FRAYjiiRS would urge you this month to pray parti cularly for three American couples in widely differing situationsbut all strenuous, and all important to our missions in this land. THE PARREL ST/HLEYS
of Medical School and

as they approach the end

its Final Examinations.

of Barrel's first year

Pray that Darrel will

be granted conflcence, endurance and clarity of thought to deal effec tively with these demanding tests that so affect his future studies. THE GORDON HELSOKS - as they are now on furlough among our churches

there in the States. Fray that they may have wisdom and strength from the Lord in communicating the challenge of South Africa to many breth ren and churches there, and yet regain strength for renewed tasks here,

THE ROY COOPS - as they prepare to leave the States for evangelism in the big city of Johannesburg here. Pray that they will gain all their needed support, and be much used of the Lord in this major metropoli
tan centre.

AUGUST 1, 1968, balance


10.00 100.00 20.00 100.00

P.J. King, Gilbert,Ark.

Crocker C.C., Crocker, Mo,, (spccial)

F.C.C.j St. Ann, To. La EarpG C,C., La Harpe, 111.

M/n li.P. Marchbanks, Pocetello, Id.

Beginner*s Dept., La Harpe, 111.
Winnie Matlock, Sallisaw, Okla. Frank Roark, Sallisaw} Okla. Walter Ivey, Sallisaw, Okla.

5.00 5.00 5.00


Dr./l'i O.K. Van De Linder, Sallisaw, Okla

F,C.C,, Texhoma, 0 kla * Arcadia C.C., Arcadla> Kan.

5.00 15.00 50.00


Opportunity Class, Shrevoport, La.

Marlow, Okla.


Central C.C., Port Smith, Ark. Crocker C.C., Crocker, Mo.


F.C.C.5 St, Ann, Fo. F.C.C*, Sallisaw, Okla*


100.00 20.00


F.J. King, Crilhoi't, Avk. Total recoipts


I V ^^^1) GOSPEL





Salary, (Tithe


at the

7.27 10.70 2.32

Returned to Travel F.

2Ist NATIONAL MISSIONARY CONVENTION September 24-27, 1968 San Antonio, Texas

Total expenses

AUGUST 31, 1968, balance

John and Louise Fulford

85.00 505.29 5o5.29 72.28

Forwarding Agent

B 606 Forest Hill Mowbray,Cape

Soutti Africa

M/DI W.R, Bice


La Harpe, Ill



BOX 5o5


LA HARPE, ILL., 6lif5o

, (P, J3-e j
jI/ 1

j V>-u ^ ^ f i {

VOL, 3, m. 10


MOVE ALOImGI - Legs pounding porslstcntly--arms swinging rhythralcally

perspiration dripping freelythe two runners strove on determinedly

through the final stretch at ten minutes till 11:00 p.m. "Phexirl Our bost time yotl" Olympic trainees? Can*t be, since South Africa is out of the games this year, Ho, just a couple of missionaries keeping flt

Darrel Stanley pushed on up the stairs to his apartment while John Pulford ran on home. Yes, welre striving for development in EVERY-way
we can in our x-jork for Christ hero.

YOUTH PLANS - Our youth

of the churches.
sponding well to the

activities are



as the

young people grow in their enthusiasm and responsibilities in the work

Four of these youth (besides an older lady) are re

Teachor Training Program. Some present

items for the services. Hany are involved in our coming Christmas plays. All are looking forward eagerly to the week of Summer Camp over the i\!ew Yearour focal point for inspiring Christian scrvico. Pray
that we will make the most of their talents for Christ.

building DEVELOPMEI'TTS - As an added Improvement form-door, curtainings, sound-proofing, etc.

to our facilities the a speaker-

uien and women of the . churches have been fitting out one of the class rooms as a Cry Room--with Carpet, padded seats, one-way glass in plat

system to adapt for this room. It is proving its worth already (in cluding for Jenni-rtaree), We have boen impressed with the amount of building Improvements going on in the area of the church, and are confident that our own develop
ments have added stimulus to this.

He also have

but there is now Increasing evidence of a brighter and more secure fu

ture for a stable church here in time to come.

This had been a degenerating area,

fifth SUHDAY rally; - 73 people well filled

the V/ynberg Church for the

September Rally there.Thirty two of these we brought from Observatory. The theme was "l\'lll Anchor Hold?" Thrilling singing, and specials

from all three churches helped make it a grand afternoon. The meeting was climaxed with an encouraging message by brother Jim Parrls. And,
of course there was lots to eatl

Wo vjere especially impressed with the marvelous improvements the ynberg folks had made on the grounds around the building, with neat paths and flowersand they have more ideas for the inside now.

WBIT CHALLENGED - The challenge

of the conflict



and Communism was set vividly before the men of our three churches at our most recent area meeting. Following a startling film of a Christ
ian in Communist China wo entered into a discussion on the nature and


of Communism,

and the Christian

response to this.



meeting will deal with "Jehovahs Witnesses," and vjhat can be done to win them for Christ. Please pray that our men will grow in confidencG
and boldness for Christ,
6/^NTU CHURCHES CONFERENCE Brother A1 Zimmerman and some of his fam

ily are attending the Annual Conference of our Bantu churches during this month, Bantu brethren from many of our churches will be gather
ing with some of our missionaries for inspiration and direction in the lurtherance of that wide facet of our work. They have come a long way, and grown considerably, and we trust by God's grace that they will yet all become fully autonomous. Scriptural congregations.
.Sometimes we wonder just how much i-je can really hope to achieve in fully founding the Lord's church in this country. The issues of Race

and class, tradition and division. Indifference and beligerence seem at times so insurmountable. But then we take stock, and see just how

far xve have comeand the Lord calls us onand we keep moving


God bless you for yvour help .persistently,


/ y

and Jennl-Haroe


ple who noed the Lord, but whom
to win:

you to

pray this

month for


wc find ourselves uncertain as to how

the; BRASLER family - They have been very receptive to us, attended services a number of times, and taken good interest in the Gospel Way

lessons - x^hich I have now almost completed with them. Still they have indicated no clear commitment. Please pray that they will decide definitely for the Lord and the church here.
J'S- MULLEH - He is a friend of brother Stoffberg, and his alcoholism has now landed him in hospital. He indicates that he is ready and de termined to make a change in his life, and I am visiting him. Never theless he has shown himself unstable and x>reak. Please pray that he will have the faith and courage to commit himself fully to Christ.
1-_SC0TT - He is the husband and father in the family that has become
so eager for the Lord. Recently he suffered a mild heart-attack that

has helped ax^aken in him a nexir sense of his need of God, However, he has set his heart against the Lord for so long and been so indulgent that his family almost despair of hira. Please pray that the Lord will yet find a way to use us to get through to his heart.

SEPTEMBER 1, I968, balance



La Harpe C.C^, La Harpe, 111,

M/Ei M.F. Marchbanks, Pocatello, Id,

Jr. Girls Class> Rinard, 111. Beginner*s Dept., La Harpe, 111. F.C.C., Texhoma, Okla. F.C.C., Sallisaw, Okla.
Arcadia C.C., Arcadia, Kan,


5*00 $2.00 25.00


Dr./M O.R. Van De Linder, Sallisaw, Okla

Central C.C,, Fort Smith, Ark.

Winnie Matlock, Sallisaw, Okla. Walter Ivey, Salliaavj, Okla. Crocker C.C., Crocker, Mo. Tota 1 receipts
To t a l

15.00 50.00 5.00 5.00





Salary, (including Tithe)



Slides, (duplicated)
Total expenses

SEPTEIffiER 30, 1968, balance

John and Louise Fulford



B 606 Forest Hill


forwarding AGENT: and Mrs. Marion Bice

Mowbray, Cape
South Africa

La Harpe, 111.



BOX 5o5 LA HARPE, ILL., 6li\50

.cicTAM I^
1968 /


CLui Ian
r.v-r>-y- u^.^,ia.TTcrr6E3s\-vr

VOL. 3, NO. 11



Happy birthday!

we all can say for Jennl-Maree who la a year old this

for the wonderful way God has blessed and

How thankful we are

kept herand how she has grownlthrough this first year of her life. How WQ praise God also for those of the Stoffberg, Pitt and Roux fam
ilies, and the Clarkes, still faithful to Christ in Australia nowwho

have grown wonderfully in the Lord through their first year of spirit
ual new life. Let us keep praying for many more Birthdays. we held _MISSIQNARY birthday fellowship - In honor of Jenni*s birthday

the monthly missionary fellowship at our home, where all 6 families gathered for a happy occasion. We reported on and prayed for our var ious facets of service, praising God for the successes x^e have enjoyed
and pleading for God to meet the needs in the work we are yet facing

here. Then, following some lighter activities, Jean Zimmerman gave us, from personal experience, some "Tips to the parents of a one-year oldV
And then the goodies, with even Jenni thoroughly enjoying herself with chocolate frosting and ice-cream from forehead to chinl

that the Carroll Fulfords now have a little baby boy: Timothy Carroll, born 19th September; and Jim and Arline Parris have a very little ba by boy; Hank Edward, born l5th October (at pounds, 13 ounces but
now growing and doing fine). And US? Yes2 we are looking forward

arrivals - While on the subject

of birthdays, we want you to know

to another new arrival, (boy?), for our family in early March,

Godl and pray for us.


bership at Observatory our brother Brasler. He had been converted through others some years back but had strayed from the Lord. Some
months ago he accepted our invitation to services at Observatory and

HEI4BER - V/hat a thrill i t was for us recently to receive into mem

has since come fairly frequently, bringing with him some of his family end relatives. This led me to conduct Gospel Way Classes in the home;
resulting in his sincere commitment to membership in the congregation.

Pray that he will indeed prove faithful

many more of his dear ones.

and be the means

of reaching

CHURCH OUTREACH -The congregation has now purchased a number of effec tive tracts for futher distribution, and has also had printed a spec ial pamphlet introducing the church and its activities. We are con fident of this serving as a useful and productive asset to church evangelism. Furthermore, a recent showing of the fine film: "In His

Qofo adults), and carried a powerful impact for full Christian commit
ment, besides making some worth-while contacts.

Steps" on a Monday night drew a large crowd from the local area (about

YOUTH ON THE GO - Our young people are now well on their way with rehearsels for both the Junior and Senior Christmas Plays. Camp plans are also in full swing and I am Dean, Camp dates: Dec, 30 to Jan.

if and enthusiasm

is mounting.


"I Am Resolved."
their theory now

A.lso, our
and into

Bible School Teacher-trainees are through actual practice teaching on the Primaries.

PROGRESS ON MISSION PROJECTS - The church has been much encouraged by the fine response it has received to the first monthly offerings for
Its 3 '*'nin mission projects. At Gowa Mission in Malawi we are build

ing a homo for a Christian mid-wife of the medical staff. At Dadaya Mission in Rhodesia we are building a village church at Takavanashe. And for the Central Africa Christian College we are purchasing muchneeded books for the library besides other equipment.
and of furthering Christ's cause beyond themselves.

Praise God that

these brethren are learning the joys of giving besides receiving



As with birthdays, we find ourselves looking back with thankfulness over the way our Lord has brought us and the advancements in this church* But we also look forward with much expectation to yet greater years ahead. Pray for us that our victories for Christ will in crease continually for God's glory.
Yours in His Service, John, Louise and Jenni-Maree

FOR YOUR SPECIAL PRAYERS - We would ask your prayers particularly this
month for three of our faithful members of the church here who are now

facing special physical needs:

FOR BROTHER STOFFBERG - He is progressing steadily in the Lord, but is presently spending weeks in hospital recovering from multiple frac tures in both feet and his left arm resulting from falling through poor scaffolding at his work. It may well be months before he will
even walk again.

for sister GREENl'/OOD - She suffered a stroke which left her partially paralyzed. Her recovery has been slow but steady and she hopes very

soon to bo able to come again to services at the church, although with difficulty.
eldest and most faithful member of the
room and cared for. Still

gOR SISTER CLUNIE - She is our

church, having served the Lord steadfastly for some sixty years. Now, in her declining years, she has a number of times fainted during the
services and had to be carried to the side

she cheerfully does her utmost for her Lord.

Pray that these adversities will be used by the Lord to strengthen His children to trust His healing power or, in any event, to find His will and purpose for them even through afflictions.

OCTOBER 1, 1968, balance Receipts; La Harpe C.C. 100.00

Arcadia C.C. Karchbanks


Total receipts Expenses:

Salary Postage
Balance, October 3I

i|.00.00 7.87

P. C. C., Texhoma P.C.C., St. Ann P.C.C., Marlow

Central C.C.

5k *00



10.00 10.00

P.C.C,, Sallisaw
Van De Linder

50.00 25.00 15.00


MISSIONARY FAMILY John and Louise Pulford

B 606 Forest Hill

Mowbray, Cape
South Africa


5.00 5.00

Crocker C.C,

Beginner's Dept. 10.00 Total Receipts 14.29.00


Box 5o5
lj.29.00 14.95.97

La Harpe, Illinois, 6li].5o


BOX 5o5


TLC ape
VOL. 3, NO. 12





HAPPY CHRISTIES I - What glorious glad tidings indcedi

Christ is comcl
What joy

Come to Bothlohcra - Cnmo to a lost world - Como to my heart.

is ours to make tho nows known. How glad wo arc to be partners with you in its proclamation. Lot us bv all moans capitalize on Christmas
that Christ may como into the hearts of many wherever wo are.

WHY JESUS CAME - Our brother Darrel Stanley has agreed to preach a aeries of sermons for this special season. These inspiring messages

for the Gospel Hour at Observatory are revealing tho preparation for and purpose of our Lord's coming to this world. The congregation is indeed being blessed by his teaching, and ho is glad for the chance to be preaching again.


of our Junior young-people have been work-

ing well

Jimmy Solomon and I have loading parts also. They are presenting this play on two nights at Observatory,along with a special Christmas film. ^^iblicity has been wide spread, and we are anticipating grand attend ances. In addition we are presenting the tableau section of the play at throe Homes for Aged, along with carol singing one morning. We are thrilled by such opportunities for outreach and training of our youthi
In addition our combined Senior Youth (with Wynberg) are

on their play; "The Moaning of Christmas", in which



their play at both churches the following week. We have entitled it: "Unto You - A Saviour," and we trust it too will have a fine impact
upon all who come.

BIBLE SCHOOL TREATS - December is the month also for our Annual Picnic and Christmas Treat for the Bible School children, and they are eager

ly looking forward to a wonderful outing and exciting gifts. The Bible School has really blossomed this year, and such outings serve as
an added stimulus. I have been thrilled also with the progress in the

Teacher Training Class, and all are now doing well with their practice teaching. V/e plan to have all five sharing in regular teaching next
year, especially for tho first quarter.

SPECIAL FUNCTIONS - This certainly our missionary families

seems to be

the time for


occasions for fellowship, and what blessings

there are in these.


made one big happy family

at the Harts for a





though we*re


miles from America]

V/herever we are

we s t i l l have so much

for which

to thank the Lord, For our Area Men^s Fellowship we had a "BRAINS TRUST", with sticky questions for the three ministers to manage - and
we sure all learned a lot. Our ladies then invited the women of all three churches and their husbands to a fine CHRISTf^AS FILM NIGHT with

devotions by Arline Parris - a great success.

And now we look forward

to the CHRISTMAS DAY SERVICES at Observatory in tho morning and Wyn berg in the evening, with various ones sharing in the meetings.

CHRISTMAS IN F.E. - We ourselves, however, expect to be many miles away then at Port Elizabeth with my brother Carroll and his family planning to take my Mother with us. It has been a year since last we saw them, and two years since we had first-hand experience of their work and witness for Christ in that area. We should be away only for

five days {traveling for half of that time) but we are looking forward
to seeing them, and little Timothy too.

CAMP - Our end-of-the-year Camp is now really taking shape

around the

theme: "I am Resolved" (most appropriately for the New Year). We trust
that many of our youth will indeed be challenged to resolve to live whole-heartedly for Christ. Please pray for us as we enter this our longest Camp program thus far for our churches here. May i t be the

beginning of great things from God for 1969. And so, as another year closes, we pause to reflect
with deep and sincere gratitude upon all your boun-


tiful concern and provision for our every need. We trust that what God has done through us this yoar will have been a blessing to you al so for your share in our efforts# So may we face the New Year toge

ther in Christ -and expect ever greater victories for His glory,
/ ^ Yours because His,
John, Louise and Jenni-Maree

FOR YOUR. SPECIAL PRAYERS - We ask- now your prayers in . particular for
some precious people who face significant situations in the New Year;

j?HE JIM SOLOMON FAMILY - As they have i^ow received the!, final go-ahead
on their new house to be built in a developing Coloured comraunity. May

God grant them a responsive and rewarding work home fully adequate for this purpose.


that area,


STANLEYS - As Barrel faces up to the prospect of repetition of ^ Section of his first year of medicine. May they haire the grace to niake the best of it, and especially in the added opportunity for assisting at >Jynborg while Harts are on furlough next year.

the van NIEKERK5 - As we pursue our home-studies with them. May they have the conviction and sincerity to take a positive stand for Christ
and His Church; and may we be instruments

in God's hand

to this end.

NOVEMBER 1, I968, balance

RECEIPTS: M.P, Marchbanks


100.00 10.00

La Harpe C.C.

. F,C;C,, Marlow, Okla.

. 0*R. Van De Linder

Beginner's Dept. F.C,C., Texhoma, Okla. F.C.C., Sal-Tisaw, Olrla.

Central C.C..

15.00 5.00
67.00 25.00 50.00 - 5^00 5.00

W. Matlock

Crocker C.C.

F.C.C., St. Ann, Mo. F.C.C,, St. Ann, Mo,

Arcadia C^C,

10.00 60.00

Total Receipts


ii82.00 570.10


Salary Postage Birthday Gift Supplies Total expenses

lf.00.00 .75 5.00

NOVEMBER 30, 1968, balance

MISSIONARY FAMILY; John &nd Lcjuise Fiilford

^.21 ij.08.96



B 606 Forest Hill

South Africa

Mr. and Mrs. Marion Bice

La Harpe,. Ill,



BOX 5o5 LA HARPE, ILL., 611^.^0

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