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Febl0 76

CastAjirLcaChrIsbIanA\ Ion
the rempel report
Frank & Marie Rempel
Booc 45250

Nairobi, Kenya

Mrs. Siaron Kuykeodall
Box 455 Grande Prairie

Forwarding Agents:

Central Christian Church

Box 8

Clovis, New Mexico 88101

Jan\xary 20, 1976




Marie, Dean and I all send you our fondest, most sincere greetings as the new year begins -> older for us in Africa by about ten hours than for you. Somehow I hare the feeling that it will prove to be a momentous one. However, my record for fulfilled prophecy is not all that
good, so we advise no one to place any bets on our say-so.

Of this we're certain, with God's help we intend to do all we can to make good things happen, as we hope and pray His people everywhere will be doing. There is no doubt that "the power that worketh in us" is by far the superior one, and it seems to me that a concerted effort on the part of the children of God to exert that power wo\ild go a long way toward at least curb ing, if not stopping evtirely, the power for evil in the world.

The Kenyatta Conference Centre in dowtown Nairobi, always alive with a continuous round of meetings and conventioiu, is currentxy the venue for the general meeting of the World Council

departure yet from Biblical Christianity. True enou^, one hears loud lamentations about
mankind, but on the other hand not a sin^e suggestion is heard that there ou^t to be a
return to that position by the adoption os simple Bible teaching.

of Churches.

The present Council's main achievement, in our view, is perhaps its furthest

the Churchs' abdication from its Divine role as God's instrument for spiritual salvation for

A significant decision was reached by the Westlands Church of Christ Board recently when they

accepted a proposal to make fuller use of our rented building for opening a nursery school. The premises are large enou^^ when they will have been adapted, to accomodate up to one hunired pupils. The school will be locally staffed and Initially will be under the direction of a good friend of ours, Mrs. Gladys D'Souza, who is eminently qualified to get us started, she is already in charge of 4 other such schools. Some initial outlay of fuxids tor making
the rooms useable as classrooms will be required, but it is es^ected that the school will

more than pay for its operation from the payment of tuitions. This development is requiring the moving of our meobers who are at present residing in the building: this is being under
taken now.

A second major decision, taken at the same meeting, involved the appointment of two of our
co^orkers as official "evangelists" for the Westlands and the Lower Kabete congregations. David Karengo will serve the latter and Ernest Hulokoto the Westlands group. Because both of these men are alreculy well employed and will of necessity have to forego a considerable

income, we propose to compensate them for this loss by payment of a stipend of $100 per

month each.

The great success that our use of the filmstrips related to the Visualized Bible Study Series
has had and the popularity of filmstrips generally, encourages us to ask whether among our

friends there are not some filmstrips together with study guides) which you are no longer

making full use of. How we'd love to have theml We have the equipeient for their fullest use, including both the cassette tape player and the record player if the commentary is
Please send such gifts to us directly, marking the package "for teaching purposes only NOT FOR SALE". That way we should get them into Kenya duty-free.

We pV" to have a public presentation of certificates to the first batch of fifteen students to have completed the "Visualized Hcaie Bible Study Course". The studies have proven to be
of ijnense value to our congre^ti^u in broadening their base of Biblical understanding.

We hope that you will pray for the Aliangana family, and for Alexander Karugo, who after completing and nrisualized Home Study Course" are now attending services and should soon
be ready for a decision. Many more are on the "prospect list"* Undoubtedly, had we had the necessary captlal we would have

Those of you who trouble to look at our financial reports will' perhaps have marvelled at the
excessive cost of motor travel.

been better off to haye purchased a new VW. Kombl instead of the used one we did bvsf, even
thou^ the price of a new one in on the nei^borhood of $90CX). The old one is frequently
out of service and repairs are very escpensive. At the tine of writing it is again in for

major repairs that will cost approzinately $360.00.

But a ear is a necessary evil in this

widely spread out city, tdiere the public transport is rather hop^ess.
Amid the ups and downs of our labors here we feel. constantly the need to rely more on the goodness and the miracle working power of God^ and to seek encouragenent from the unshakeable truth that it is His work we are seeking to do axKi that He will accomplish it.
Praise God with usl

Frank and N^e Resqpel


March 1 to August 31. 1975

By balance brought forward

In March

$25.00 $1A00.00
1000.00 UOO.OO

April Ifey


July August





Car espense ($861 ims for rq)alr of th.

House rent


Office eaqpense


(for printing, postage, banking)

Mission contribution toward Church

operated program: Equipment: new and repair

Public rations

1268.00 80.55

Medical expense (includes dental work)

Deficit balance



(This deficit has subsequently been made up )oj Dean)

Frank Rmpel
Central Christian Church Box 8

Non-Profit Org.

Clovis, New Meocieo 88101

Clovis, NM 88101
Permit No. 49

asbAjrrL caChrIstLanA\ ion

the rempel report
Frank & Marie Renp^
Box 45250

Nairobi, Keny*

Mrs. Sharon Kuykendall
Box 455 Grande Prairie

Forwarding Agents:

Central Christian Church

Box 8

Clovis, New Mexico 883X)1

May, 1976
Dear fellow-workers in God's harvest,




One of the most encouraging features about the work in Nairobi has been the very discern ible growth in knowledge of the Scriptures and in leadership ability on the part of our African co-workers. Unquestionably this is traceable to the program of planned teaching that we insti tuted here two years ago. As the result of that progretm, which has a double thrust, the local Christians - elders and deacons - are taking an increasing responsibility in the churches* internal program as well as in its outreach. The two-fold emphasis consists of:
1. A series of HOME STUDT COURSES. These are not to be confused with the usual corres

pondence courses, but are coiirses specially prepared for our particular purposes, with careful supervision of the student and a personal contact with each one. To date we have prepared and used the following studies: a. "KNOW TOUR BIBLE", a series of 15 lessons of a doctrinal and practical Christian nature, which has had an enrollment of well over 50 students. b. "VISUALIZED BIBLE STUDT SERIES", the texts for which we procured from the Gospel Ser vices Inc. of Houston, Texas. This course required the students also to see and discuss a set

of complementary film-strips.

48 persons have benefitted from this course.

c. "FOLLOWING JESUS", our first real effort to further "Theological Teaching by Extension", which utilizes "programmed instruction" as a scientific means of importing Bible truth. To date 10 students are enrolled. This course also requires the students to meet in groups in a weekly discussion period.
2. A series of Bible studies and lectures requiring class attendance. taught the following subjects by the lecture method.

To date we have

" SURVET OF THE NEW TESTAMENT" which covers the New Testament book by book in an over

all view of sacred scripture. ly class in each place.


This was taught in 3 different locations in the city with a week

"THE NEW TESTAMENT CHURCH" - an examination of all the scriptures which relate to the

founding, the nature, the organisation and the ordinances of the Church of the Lord.
c. "CHRISTIAN LEADERSHIP". How to prepare sermons. How to plan and conduct a church
service in an effective way.




Currently being tau^t:

"WH7 VfE 6LIEVE", an adaptation of C. J. Sharp's lessons'

on this topic.

This seems to be proving especially helpful to our young college students.

These courses are in addition to mid-week prayer and Bible studies where teaching is less systematic, more spontaneous. It should perhaps be kept in mind that these students of ours are either men working for a living and supporting families^ or are full time-students
in the Nairobi University or Colleges in the city.

Ernest Mulokoto is now officially designated the evangelist serving the Westlainis congre
gation, while David Karengo is similarly in service with the Lower Kabete Ch\irch.

This has had the effect of a greatly increased calling in the areas contiguous to each not only by the evangelists but by other members whom the appointment seems to have "sparked" to greater effort and deeper sense of responsibility.

The evangelists, who stand to lose a considerable amount of personal income because they
cannot devote as much time to their jobs as formerly, are being reimbursed to the extent of

$75 monthly each.

We seriously need underwriting for this mission expenditure.


The Dick Hamilton family of Central Point, Oregon should with God's help, be arriving in Kenya sometijne in July to pioneer a new work in The Western Part of the country. Dick was with us for about 45 days in February and March while he did a survey and has now returned Stateside to make the necessary preparations. They will open up a work among the Karapokot tribes people to the north of the western city of Eldoret.
We are thrilled by this development and pray that God may be with these young people in power and in guidance.

No doubt due to the increased calling and such activity on the part of the evangelists and their active workers, there has been a marked increase in attendance at the services both at Westlands and at Lower Kabete. Latest to be led into the Kingdom through receiving Christian baptism were Mrs. Karomaindo Kennedy Wala, tpd Grace Masonye. The Lower Kabete building espec ially is simply bursting at the seams for most services, creating a not unpleasant problem of

what to do now (not yet solved!)

As this letter goes to the printer's here in Clovis we are making final preparations for our first faith promise conference. Please pray that our hearts will be receptive to God's will in His plan for the spread of His kingdom to aU lands.
May God be praised in every landl


RECEIPTS - Balance forward

March 1, 1975 to March 1, 1976


Central Christian Church, Clovis

W. Seattle Christian Church, WN


Burlington Church of Christ Missionary Soc., IN

Painesville First Church of Christ, 0


Waterford Church of Christ, 0 Victor Valley Christian Church, CA Ceres First Church of Christ, CA Co-Workers Class, Amarillo, TX Friendship Class, Ceres, CA Mv^el Dunbar
Mr. & Mrs. R. G. Mitchell

48.00 303.35 17.20 1020.00


Mr. & Mrs. B. H. Replogle

Mrs. Nada Schweyer Pat Elliott, Toppenish, WN
Mrs. Frances P. MacKenzie

100.00 20.00

Four Mile Rn. Church, 0. Agnes Cook

Mr. & Mrs. Loren Davis

85.00 75.00

Mrs. Beulah A. Boge

Mr. & Mrs. Bob Williams Jennifer A. Mitchell

20.00 15.00

Jackson First Christian Church, ILL


li^ore Church of Christ, NE



To Grande Prairie

March 1, 1975 to March 1, 1976


Printing newsletters Cleaning mimeo drum


Mailing fee for 1976

Gospel Service Kits
Auto Projector

Final payment on repatriation bond note

Projector bulbs

15.00 95.00 itO.OO 74.70 294.05 283.20


8905.56 U9.34

RECEIPTS Balance forward U. S. contributions from Clovis


3252.20 1789.78


Avondale, Grande Prairie King Edward Park, Edmonton Cambrian Hts, Calgary Parkhill, Calgary
Yellow Grass Church Nanton Church of Christ P. E, I. Church of Christ Individxials


33.45 30.00



To Rempel Dominion Life payment


236.88 36.83 1,000.00 96.15

Savings Exchange






-^clothing sent to Rempels from World Wide Mission in Calgary.

Frank & Marie Rempel
Box 45250


i.jv X 5 76

Mrs. Sharon Kuykendall
Box 455
Grande Prairie

Nairobi, Kenya

Forvfarding Agents:
Central Christian Church

Box 8

CD.ovis, New Mexico 88101




November, 1976
Dear friends and fellow-workers;

Our greetings in the Lord from sunny Kenya]


News regarding ourselves is generally good, the Lord having us under His care and protec With minor exceptions we have been and are well, and have experienced no physical hin

drances to the work.

Dean's hand has almost completely healed thou^ it is necessary for the

physio-therapy treatments to continue for the restoration of its full use.


"Harambee" is a national watchword in Kenya, meaning "self-help". It is an admirable principle for not only a young nation to work on but for "Christian churches" of the mission variety to develop. That our congregations are practicing this in Nairobi in an encouraging
way can be seen both in Westlands and at Lower Kabete.

At Westlands a great clean-up campaign has given the rented premises a look worthy of a
Christian meeting place. A large number of members turned out for several occasions of frenzied effort to change an old "dump-ground" into a park-like compound, and to make a section of the

inner rooms habitable for our newest missionaries, the Richard Hamiltons. (See paragraph on the
At Lower Kabete offerings have for some time now been taken toward a fund for interior

decorating the building where the congregation meets. Finally the goal of Shs 600 was achieved and a good gang of men fell to with scrapers and paint brushes to completely transform the meeting house. How pleased and proud the folks have been to "see the surprising resultJ The
project continues, with the next goal a new floor for the building. Both congregations have experienced growth in numbers. Thirty or so have been added by baptism since the last report. While the winning of souls for Christ cannot strictly be done by "self-help" since we believe that the Holy Spirit is at work when a person is converted To Christ, it is also the result of personal initiative in witnessing and prayer on the part of
the believers.


Dick, Jane and Ricky are up to their chins in their respective activities. Concluding their first month of Swahili studies, Dick and Jane enrolled for the longer coiarse in the national language. During the break between the two sessions the Hamilton luggage shipment arrived in Mombasa, requiring a trip down there for its clearance through customs. Marie & Frank, and eventually Dean also, accompanied them to the coast city to render what help might be possible. The Hamiltons then moved into the temporary quarters readied for them in the Westlands Church building. Here Dick, who is a crack motor mechanic and general all-roxmd handyman, has set up shop. He intends here to build a trailer to tow behind their Toyota Land Cruiser for the transport of their goods and equipment to West Pokot when the time comes. We have already benefitted from Dick's genius by having him keep our old V. W. Kombi functioning.
Thanks, Dickl

Richard Jr. (Ricky) has enrolled At Rift Valley Academy at Kijabe, evoking within Marie &
me memories of the old days in India when our boys would depart for Woodstock School. At the moment of writing however he and his parents are away on a four day safari to the scene of their future labors in western Kenya.

In response to a letter and special information I had earlier sent to Rhodesia, Dianne Messick of Mashoko Hospital is to arrive here on a scouting mission tomorrow. As most of you

will know, some of the mission projects in that unhappy country have had to be abandoned. * It
had been su^ested to us by earlier visitors, the Sherwood Smiths of the Cincinnati Bible Seminary, that some of .the workers there might consider coming to Kenya in such an eventuality.
We are encouraged at the prospect that they are at least willing to come here and see for them

For over own part we are convinced that even though there are "adversaries" in the form of obstacles to overcome, a "great and effectual door" is open here in Kenya to win many souls and to organize them into churches of the New Testament order. Some of you have received omt reports concerning sitxiations of this kind at Embu and at Kitui, among the Embu and the Wakamba peoples.

In Kit\ii district, at a village known as Nzuluni, a dispensary building with modest staff quarters has already been built by the local people. We have been invited by a Nairobi business man, whose origijial home this is, to staff and operate the dispensary with a free hand to preach the Gospel and establish Christ's Church. It is this that Dianne Messick is particularly inter ested in and which we hope to show her when she arrives.

At Snbu, more spefically at Kangethia Market, the County Council is ready to turn over to

an enterprising Christian missionary a tract of 16 acres of land for a similar development.

Here the great local need is for a secondary and more advanced schools. It is impossible to detail such opportunities in this newsletter - anyone with e.ven a remote interest should write to us directly for further information. Nearer Nairobi, at Kahawa, only lack of funds and of missionary personnel prevents a great development. For this drawings of a complete set of suitable buildings has already been made, just waiting exploitation.
It is our conviction that these and other projects should be undertaken by younger people than ourselves. We are therefore proposing, with the consent of our committee and the support ing churches, to return to the U.S.A. and Canada to engage in a period of fund-raising and recruiting. We woiild propose to arrive at home for the winter of 1977, getting in touch with the likely sources for missionary recruitment and holding consultations with likely prospects wherever possible. Bible Colleges and Church groups which would like to have us present the Kenya picture should write to us as soon as possible in care of either of the addresses below: Mrs. Mary Hecht Mrs. L. E. Kuykendall
Central Christian Church P. 0. Box No. 455

P. 0. Box 8 Clovis, New Mexico 88101

G-rande Prairie, Alta. T8V 3A7 - CANADA

If these plans materialize (and we are confident they will) we will establish residence
in Canada so that when the time comes we will be eligible for the various benefits offered by the Canadian government to its senior citizens. We would expect to spend from approximately January 15 till about the 1 April in the U.S.A. and then in Canada for a while. We ask our friends and co-workers everywhere to have us much in your prayers. We need God's leading so very much and unless assured of it feel incompetent to proceed. Needless to say, we are deeply grateful for the prayers already offered for us. How grateful we are, too, for the material support what is the basis for the work here. May God richly bless all who have a part in this great work^ If you have time and the inclina tion to write, please know that we would welcome your letters. Expectantly yours, Frank and Marie Rempel A financial statement will be forthcoming to all contributors at a later date and

available to anyone else requesting it from the Clovis church.

Frank Rempel
Central Christian Church Box 8

Non-Profit Org. Clovis, NM 88101

Permit No. 49

Clovis, New Mexico 88101


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